HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-2-20, Page 1L 0EV0TE° o - T_ (ODKRICH. ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1885. Nnt1'Y.t;ultlrn r: let- vrtwt.� �t slutat :zea f _ __ _ __ _ THE * SIGNAL .4N OLD- WI TRR. 1 TAR "ILLXU.AL'. JIP.ET!NU. ' firm out of us, and by the time we threw Christianity s the only r. I .n that )lI'NI r'' MISTING. TH HURON lees the pro Tb 4 L . mm.tet d. that the ' •illegal I its our uniform at the end of our military ktwwsanythine..r speaks anytblab( sheat lectured one, The Relay rng pc i is Segos ref Hes Salvation. Thai threw s the fact of { ga cENER4 INTELLIGENCE xcOf1.1. ( DDY s MAO _t Milt IN AD Is published every Friday Versus. by Mc 11 is i g aILLlt•CDov Brew.. u ubfir hale•. "tuith3 pl.of this section exieriaoeee w winter elf the 3ewre• GODEIUCli. a\TACiO auythius like appreeekum in severity to ladMievpet.cbed to all parts of for nut -mad that of which we are now to the eryoy ILI °emery by tete earliest wails awl trigs*. 1 meet --if we may bo allowed to use the y t edalswio n tt bar a lather circuli ilea 1 miter newspaper U, ibis pert or term •` enjoyment" in the seem indicat- Me oe.alry. 4 is cue of tt�r ea, irwl„ aewar.••t �• Vie are tela u in vara are 8114 moa reliable journals in outran, ge K P y Rpmssaitem as It does. t tore -going e'a«-ntlals grewu•g " grizzled and grey,' but we Ceti toll* G drat -eta* meet 4slrsNs.«lerre it(M wLl.f.ae.. in ascsnee, Iw'•taR^ lir'' Paid hT • fl.;:,. it pate before six months If seiseilaid• Taw rug wilt be 'study eoforced. harts ow Awvetlrhwr.e -F. Rht ,•meta � ins for stat Ina slow : three cents per line of many ur•ple who .paid ilke to t,aes ea^b rubewgneet inwwritun. Yearly. hs31-yearl7 their naighl.an believe they expected and quarterly oowtrael4 at reduced r.t. . Jet r*teel%ew— •Ye have :ilea dr.t-etas" just the kind of weather we have been •shbiurdeport mewttooeawwainn,sadpowwf41e ittrt,;u•alwg au for 'Ise past munl6 or jag the moat complete oel•at *ad he -4, tar aides tier seeming out work in tr.deri• h. a•■• pre pored ``de hawk...« in teat Ile• at pro r•.thst eanwot mm weeks, but if you emu their coal Itsasrn, and of a anality tact cauaul be cellars yon will discover that the inroads eneemead. - Terata (case - - - there simile have been far ahead of their FRIDAY, F11t. BOtn• 186:x. anticipations. Tee 'quarrels, the musk- - rata and the almanac makers have failed Mg les.t,,sa Butler must go. b, Nnaeet ;tau C.tneleeias bear has Tat "meads o 'Mona' of our dull- been anuwed iu; and Mose. teem u up the soar. Lar, a the pn.phatie tree, ane csu't 001.0 down conn, we fully realised that s":ri meetinll" ..f the public aehx.l eeedeeed i hmag ditrth. Christianity duos out taint lw �'p,mw: The weather ras osessdtrBly some weeks ago was not an illegal meet- ( ore's sett um the alter of ua• 1 country deaut, teat d has to de with It. Men 1 cub{, t ut a L,rze •ueieccu tutaed out to int.and tires a letter teem the educt- might be ¢oed enough for these whe liked die where then is no l'bnstaaity . but 1 lutea t•• t se Suporriutenerut. The slicer ntiva deju•rtasuat which it contends, ( that kind of thing, but it didn't surf w Chrutisns die with a !tope. Now. if you ant in vuellrut style. the we•. of Kr. reiaa Christianity and take up tiny other 1 A. 1;. NonJerw,u and ]flat Ida Wilktw !,K In addition .o... a / ei s and Otestde pa r It Is therefore a tette, t go back it our reeulteet100 t•• as °uteri.. winter which led any preen: - Mises to lush an aoseage depth of mer - in the IMswsistr• '!hese are witted contempt,,, right tet their title.bry am generally until a tli^w rete tn. outside of the truth. Of course the euotinuotu serenity t f the weather has had a tendency W put •'Ms' wants but little hen be:..w, . things at sites and sevens to some es - tact, but un the whole, the people are endeavoring to smile and look pleasant ever the "old-faeLi•.ned winter." One tbiu: is certain, and that is, the keen, Wearer/Airy weather is far better than if we had been to receipt of the customary January thaws and Fcbrusry freshets. Then are • few coughs, colds and wry seeks amongst us, but the nun.ber of to the cause way so many Ent'lith dale' funerals is heww the average, wad the hold position in the sit it service. to the dcetore are nut called 1e omen ea to exclusion of Canadians. There are in ties seetiou a number of tee rough paced, biusebluolcd Tories who would like to have the mine little problem satisfactori- ly solved. was the swag of the pietas rural (anon is the not very (one age but the Pee/m- e rurn K•ri.vr, the new rcligwus weekly, informs us that "1 foe horse. a fur •.oat, and a goof lull stave are things revolts for the country minister." JIa. ffotrdtr, M. P., has, in his plies in the hope, .eked ter information se Tits flatten Noes moody paved "settee the scatter. The letter from Mr. I \Y• dale t exactly swear off from all Marling to the chairman of the whose future military sijrvice, but we made up board dote ant settle the vexed question ` our mind that the romp of the foeman by any meats& The answers of the ode- 1, would be heard mighty plainly beton meet. department aro g,emelly as vagus) we would again subsist nn rations of hard as those of a Delphic oracle. For in- tack slid No 3 Chicago, and sleep with stenos A amok or ten day ago we' Mother Earth for • pines inn the bead wrote the education def.artn+eet on thej canopy of heaven for a essayist. Aad question of the "uu quorum" rnerting. I aa we move toward the graveyard the Wo pointed ant that au important bun-; window of our decision then determined WIGS was done with the exception of upon beelines man apparent. They `•j>ackint( the "came management gout- 1 ^h" Moi for fame and glory, and .uddea muter, it the abwn ce ..1 two ruemhe,, parting at the cannon's mouth, --well, let slushy seaa•raa It mets snore for fuel and les" for medicies. Ity-the way, talking of health in ewe nectiun with winter weather, a Peter - ben.' undertaker was badly sold at Christmastide. You all remember that eh.. bad resigned. Wu snug• sal a copy thorn pant, and if the parting doesn't of the minutes of the un'etiuit, so that cool their ardor, then give them every ,urtunity (•.r a 2.try uuti; ting : but as it has power. My present conduct must mitten. The c!aurch a n„+ Lr.Utrutlj the uaelessuess of holding the meeting i lishted with gas, Ur. \\"opiates would be rvadr•.t. lis dun mune we 1. r ns, er,d these, f. lar way of thicking, /affect iffy toter, welfare. That to a "Theresea+ no -, whet, f was here-”) a quiet, utnsteetati•ons, departure from 1 principle in my being• New dues u ceeriyaal the folluwu•g r•'• ly : come then i It is there. and that is the Laughter Mr. rimp'oeIi continued : Termite, 10th Fcoy„ lee-. this vale of tear will set us best to our right retest es that knows where to meet 1 think •e•. is sometimes needed to light , present n.00d. It needs someone to ,t and hew. Sit do au an Clunk of you up sad help along the mute *else matter_ D. )1•u ill:add-- l.. r (weenie. • May with the hotawaard and do the are not to lire its a hereafter. Shot the (Lau,1htsr : The improvements in the Deas Sra,--In n•p•'v••tour enquiry Bible, and you know nothing of the hero- basement had boon much appreciated by of era 11th ut.t, the Mt titer Jea•trea me "Lunette act, and we gums wo"t stay• after. But thew are Inttgengs you can- all, sad other improvements were medi- n•.t quench, and you may die like John rated. He thou introduced the lecturer. ltandotph,uf Roanoke, crying; "Remorse, Dr. Wiltianis was etithusisst.cafy re. renters' Another truth is, "There is mired. H. prefaced his lecture by say- • (sed." \\•lieu the mind is .0110, it ing that the chairman vete se happy that cannot tune to the conclusion that there there was scarcely rein for •cnytw4y else is no God. There is &nether priticipte, to be an. After a little pleasantry atheist Then is a need, and wbxt is to lift me the .rather. its• etpressedtil" Iiaprint ,* wt of my condition p What does meet at hem {•rtscut He was pleased tt eke reel and desire* of our bettor feature see Dr. feta welt them. In the years religion, what will you to with thew I sou t,sing ole• «rely renewed. facts/ Ilan is a mural Keene and he Rev. T. M. (eternal!, the ;easter. w- eeders front his own ace. ns. 1'•.0 can- ; eupi.d the chair. He called the aqua- tint put yourself is a pummel its Willett! t.uu if the aunh•ence U, the p•lnaaawt you cut say that man u net a fres agent. custom •.1 hohtiug aunivureanee. The We suffer frust our acts . author phyla- , pet year had Iran a year of blessing sally, and suffer mental/, Thera is • and mnefurt to tie oony,•rw{ati.ro. They difference between ehysicel acid mental had not bad had a apple t•• disturb the suffering. There is a wide diterenee heneetay of this church tie welcomed between the pain of a Meru wad the loata i)r -Willss+ris as & f..rwez peatt•r and M o1 remorse. hutch -.w •.r other my 1a Christian gentletaau•. He was now doing tom..rruw largely depends int my their t.u.ral 1u;o.rintendent, mil be action today The life oaf t I.:meatless is would just as sten rail hits "Brahc•p" as followed by m eery : • life of virtue will any man he enewe lye w'as net mach be folluwed by haepetasa. Thew pend- in far..* .1 episcopacy, but he thought plus are timed, eternally. taxed. The will the Doctor deserved the title as much as of God is not a fancy, it is nut a notion ; any man who now had it. The macre- it Is an into'ligeut power, it has motioa, Batton hail t,. report progress w various to state that it app• -ars un(urtunate 1 any important burins a .t of a ! resoles nature "Imola hate hero transacted while the bean! was so lar trona bei g complete. With reeer.l the quorum, secttun t13 of the Pelee seh•.ol Ate any ono from entering the parliament states that a majority of the members of Wilding' antes& ho first obtains a pass the bard when present at ally meeting front a member. shall constitute a •1w,rutn, and the toteof and help the humwguard. It is said that an er•ler will be isw1d at Quebec in a short time prohibiting v • sett baud of such neten. rimer if 188IVERSARI SEIT!CES valid to bind the c..rp,ra'i••n. it is of soutse epee to any msrohor when the beard is c,ernle-ts to muvo after due nuttoe for a re censiderati.nt of the been o North Street Methodist new transacted on the forroer o.ccasiuu. Church Cele',ratton. Your obedient servant, Aux Mssuw.i, Secretary-. Section Oft, to which we are referreil, deals ..nly with s full board and u as follows •bee cad r moseat .anon• a► ae.. •r. WUIIam• t Stead Lefler. Ow": ": re••• fel agar Ftsuaclans. The ariniversary services of '_inch In the case of public sehad hnatrds in street chnreh were held on Min ay /sat. Williams, dotterel Supertnten• urns or willow*. and o township a tar of the comers - boards, a temerity of the mem o t n rasched p•0werful semen" sock beard. when present at any m I , and evening to largo eunerega- but Christianity ! \\ 'list tither relives can take these facts and make use of them and meet the need ' Cbnatianity mases use of them it tits into this cea- oition as nothing else dies. It it did not. we would hare a uuce.oty for which there was no nm.dy. Cbristissity past utuch good had been alone by sea exchauze of work by ministers of differ- ent tkueuiinativus. He theaght, tits, that the choir hail unproved upon its former good cone:tion. He then deliver- ed lila lecture on "T .e Religious lieges of the Tames." I fur space will not admit ceme% as a revelation, bit as a revelation of • report this week, out it will appear bringing help just at the meat where I at le-,Rth in our next. It wu • misatstly am weakest It u (cod's way out of sin. address, and stan,t,.d the lecturer as ono It is God's voice, showing us the way thonwtghl, posted on the subject ce where your need and mine may be re- Christan apologetics. We will not here tiered. All that is left to me u to exec- attempt even %' outline, but advise oar lac. Dr, cite my perste Lodgment on what Jesus' readers to read and preserve the report tete the hands of W. J. Watson, an es- Chriatnias`ttrNk • thew tet in, and we cease, t aft f rtmh .I dent, end a furm.r pas Christ speaks t.. me- When he speaks; which will appear next week. Everyone pertemed jountalmt, who u making it • ha! re tt�ds to the woman of 3atnana and the Doer will be the Letter of a perusal of it. The \\ ell w un• ba between Christmas and Aero New Years W.11,tneru•• sn y g n, Gs to ► Publican, he speaks to me, aa.d meets 1 mtuse attention of tete &edict co was held live abort, He has changed its tiame U, it teeing etci t•, the end of tl that, "A green Christmas means • full tort, ahs/ censutite • quorum, and the time The fuuoamg is s synopsis o! sty need. 1 step in and cLiui all, i have a lecture. the Sart, and we trust its btyht, newsy, +vete „( the trujiwity of such etuornm a right to take what be mud to them as I Rev. Dr. dere, whit wet cotdiafly re - racy rays mar never be beeimmed by • graveyard." and the impression seu,tht I shall to valid Ice bind the c••rperation : the pthe ew sea d.ecoattw, Prem notes tales __ _Len to myself. Then are some pro.- I 'sieved, wed he was to perform a very financial clou.l. The Sur. is a clean to be created is that a net, 'leaky winter j and in any omrr of an equality of votos Tee text was Jetta t . C. F.tery sys- mpreo ebo think that God treats men as we I agreeable task, to move a vote of thanks paper, but it is an out said out champion( a debilitating to invalids. The Peter- I the chairman shall have the casting vote tsu, f religion which }:u a wide and would drive settle foto • corral. But .lis the lecturer. [t his Bond friend the bora undertaker was es tamely ported' in addition to his own vote. petmsaaent infiuenc in the world, must there is no ether religion that opens to ••llishop' ever came to Knox church be e( Toryism, the \ 1'., and greenbacks. i that bo M It reel or plausible ire th heart of tae God who made us could depend on a hearty welcome, too. _ II on tau mectien of Christmas lore, for he P' what We feel for the c,wr)ition of tae other 1 hied him to kis lees! newspaper, and the anniversary cities .4 the Western MmtapLere. Rev. secured the entire 1ront , wkiob he Kr. Rumford, of Now York, in &sermon esebs'lished with a mOs iiAh Fettled a delivered in Tenantu on Sunday, said hearse, behind • span of handsome black that the last named city contatnsd mon horses. drives by • Jeno whose face was Christian pegple in proportion to its tittered to the regulation leugte, and pepulatiun tkan any other city on the from slow pyre bat waved the usual costineot. On the same day, we read, emblem o•t woo. Th-esurr-•undings were WI notorious bowee of prostauti.,u were gotten up to match, and comprised a railed in Torent••, and 'Zee frequenters eemetery landscape, beautifully studded garrotted. Comments unnecessary. I with eunonents, urns, grave -chains aid other cheerful appurtenances. Tag remade I-itue publishes statie- I That undertaker meant business, but ties 'bowleg the aggregate result of the we are itaclined to think that the Christ• Seett Act amp ten. The meesere was I oras thaw was rather a fee alarm,so far submitted in 27 cities and oounties,tkere u he was concerned. At. any rete, if he laving been two contests in might of I calculated on a damp, soggy, oznno-lack- treee. The municipalities whose latest ing, consumption -breeding winter,he has vote was in favor of the tuuperxace been disappointed, and the melee in his party number 4; ; against the act 10. district will not feel sorry- Irt [8 of the 47 tarried counties, the act is already in operation. In 11 of them at will go into •tpentisn May 1, 166;,, and in the remaking eight it will bo Eroueht into (ogee May 1. 1886. phi -e Mr. Mar ingDints out at ifany i on waneGod's salvation was is His heart before busiaeseweredoneat themeetingin quos- leto(:hy. I: must be whatitis, or it was put late the book, Bat it is put it would be quite in order to have it it w les itself to be. No system of Haws wdijwu will keit retain its h•dJ aaen there to make it plain to es. Du you ssewkied unless it realizes somethio,g en know any other religion that brings a es4O■�MOdgLnmeettsgofthetwmplete o balm to the wounied one, but Cltnstutn- board, and tbis appears to have been whet it aims. There was a dee? phi- b t Christianityta turns the t Christian- the t 4.f the opinian of the men who forced the loserhy in all the religinas ei theanctent l world, and there is a deep philosophy the present life into the scheme of the holding of the ill meeting ; for M is mute of the religious waioti salvation of God. It does not alcor one (Cheers,. He c.atgratulated the emigte- gstinn on the success • mooting. He thought the lecture must have met the expectations of ootrye00, frutu an intrllactual and spillitecil point cif view. There ws mut a seeteaoe is the lecture with which he could net agree. He concurred with the doctor in alt the points he had made, especially with the statemcut that at nu time was Christianity the power that it was today. Wo are en the ere of great thine* with regard to the civtlizatien and evangeliza- tion ..f the world. 11. had so fear of sciatic.. God was going tusehiers peat things by the scientific researches of tae age. He told a notching story of the lapse into infidelity and sul.soywnt eenntaton of au .,Id actwelmate of hiem, now itt the Unite States. All has acNOtlbc objections had been swept away. lie again thaukel Dr. Williams for kis admirable lecture If he ever was to serve under a Bishop, he wanted jest such an one se the lecturer of the evea- ii,g (Applause,) Mr. It. W. McKenzie seconded the *notion in a few suitable words. Ile said Dr. Williams' influence f•.r fiend would long be felt by the Methodist Church III (fuderich. Mr. A. J. Meer*, ..f the If itch Schoed, ale • "peke h•ehly of the echienrship nerd breadth ,.f view of the lecturer. Ile hal beim' hum to be a Chnattsn kende- men enrol • wh•dsv, and wee delighted Ten gtet.r Refrrter last week derot- e•1 two eulutunt to a report e[ the melt parliament proceed:age is St. Marys. The rel parliament at Ottawa received, in them/sae mote, ,nlyfoe rteenlines treat meat, and even that dealt merely with the fact that Mr. Kranz, of Waterloo, proposed a resolution in the Hesse of ('omna0we, affirming that wherever a taw probibttiig the importation, manefac- etre and tale of intozaatna,t liquors fur the isat meeting of the board, trustee nnw exist *aside of Cluisttanity. This Ball resigned hu position cn the school wi.l bold flood ct Mah tmedism std IAtd- management committee in favor of Mc. I dhows l,aless jou bnn2 into the a.ind Matctmson. thus rem0vtng the objet- �' t man s n etbiin* tacit t of at tits it^uih his texd- ti•,n which ltad been raised to the Auld something that is better than what he int of the meeting whereat the commit- � may now have, it is not posmih'e to ode - tee was struck; and the withdrawal •+f , cats hint into a higher and better 1do. was s virtual admiauen that 1 Chr.sti•nity is au educating system from No new �erealtiaes� Mr. �!' I begtnninpc to cud, intellectually, :rurally �ammerasourcbltlhood's stream, the striking of the foil committee at I and mpiritully. In the present day it is lar pts•aut ts"m.ry et • dream. was a w Cal act. I P '11e teved to c►tnst ed e t upon tee new the farmer unsung hong a eery common thing to attempt to dash life mewing. mule Chruti•sity, and Clime were some io when Times aril shall fall •.sander, of the principles which we fine in the basses heart everywhere. It dues not change tho character of the swag. It sets me is a position where T rosy reap tomorrow what i Few today. And the transition from the present anwisg to the reaping in the future will nut be au strange. "Madan we shrink from new may stem kit:VOUS !''CR GORE¶ who thought the world would b tate better without it. They taught that it We °bisrve that in different secti..nsi was an intpeitment rather than s l:eln. of the province. the tattle fever rages- But by the re-rctten of revealed truth you oast famish roan with nothing that eau crock the growth of the evil within him. Then are marroundings that attach et the wird indeper.dost of Chtietianity. But Christianity has been insdo responsie bio fur the every vagary of •:herreli{tons and systems, end fee the mental i urac•- ter:atia of some of its own champions Luther and Calvin had left the empress .:.*bele eon minds un the dee:reel /hilt tau ht. No man, er no clutch, tofu Chop i. another ttrt;alur thing al:out j Col Williams, of Durham. may•tr Ma- this winter. None of our local weather berlem, ut Collingwond, Colonel Mac - donate, of Guelph. and $ host of others are burning wits impatience to take part in the Egyptian war. Col. Williams wants t.. rstse a Canaasan regiment of 500 men to become tercets for the dusky spsseu en of 81 Malde , Carl -�eeff llleld liars are attempting to beat the record . They a:I remember short a.pel:s of colder weather, but 168:0 gets the start of them tor continuity. We used to listen in the sweet long age to the saves of the old yeomen con - mewing the old fashioned winters, and is willing 1 , sacrifice hided( sat, we were hod to believe that the acme of Guelph field battery upon 4. anther happiness was when old Bursas howled country's latest battle groae4ald may - euteide, when the mercury was away or Muberley has siqurfied s desire to down in the double figures, when the winter's fuel was in. and the bag, blazed merrily sad crackled cheerily. Well, we're 1 .t the old-f.shi toed winter : the n .1 timers aro punting en their consider - herrings purposes, should be enacted ; ing caps ; the wind whut:ee outside ; *suitable pruvisten should be merle for the mercury hp goer down wilt. a dell the cmnpeaestion if brewery, distillers thud ; the blaze of the cheerful fire and and rne'tatevs,s' far s" respects the dimi• the genial warmth of the trusty stove nation in value of real pnrperty. prbmr• are, are -are well, yes teat is to say, rave a negro comiwny ,n C'.tliugwood et carry the Union look ant.• li'urtewnr i truth, but not all truth. tenet was grtw,eg. The Coriat of today way a eVe don't know whish of the threw ince{•- grMar Christ than the i;hest of ••0(' tars is the greatest crani. Ani when years aro. The ('heist ••1 :tee yesrw we say crank. we mein crate- r. a a /4 -/.. ' hence would bz *greater Christ than the Jets thank of it - A lot of Cancans sup 1 it ti g I with hu lecture embody all the truth of Christ in their life. Ord made w with all these in- TM chairman mupyleme++ecce hu pro - creed. A great Injustice had been dune I etisocs, with this depravity, end with Christianity by making it r.sporaahle for va lar remwrkr b�a grwcrfnl •Iluaa.ea M the dnetnors t!ut harts ben lisle by his seat of need, and with this hope of , the prewtws ..t re. Wptyli •a many a t tltuto who mty have had sono l ralief sad selntion. Thera is nothini Dr. Wal law•, m repay, . id then was without this grand interr,n.ti.r, It has nothing that se unmanned him se theta been inerought into themes' if the L id expresawus..t aittdu.ea. in s.. far as he .yeses Christ. Christ is equal t.. the h.,d helped theta. Met se tar the visit nerds ••f today, and t,morrew, and of would he beneficial Theme was nothing' all time. The great need of tee Church 1 'est ,cave bins an w,uch pleasure as M 1 to Cron mere ant' the Character o help a men o•-er . d.ntb., There was a Christ 1 h soul *tall know No hufst ohaose sof sudden wonder. Nor slat the mien of myeterr'Bader. list with the upward rise. and with die restates grow.' Ito also quoted the old Methodist hymn to show the closeness of the fel- lowship with Christ :— " ttsd whew rm tattle 'itrreive tea' 111 cry, For Jeers hat\ loved m:. 1 cannot t. l: why. Ito: tits 1 do sed• We two ate so Jollied, ter t ant Ilve In Glory and leave me healed." Christ lifts ate up to the dignity of s companionship with (jot. Only the mestere of a day, but Clod lifts me op to tete reunion of ecce wise eon ' ahem with Him glory, and blessing, andever suing of tonight. (kmt,anuy mat a .teslas Christ We must ineorporsto the I1,..e in his Gfe whoa, he wersh.pped else It sow [lar erery mors .r to IO w.Li.. 1 hl[eth• 1.s c pose to be endowed with eomreen sense, It comes in the wee of relief and tarso- , rinciples of ('hristianaty into the ctv.li , hu eh • it sews Aef .re the in- anxiors to ttweome targNa (or hull»ts. latirtt. it has tee d0 wit:t depravity just ....stem of the age. if the mind of a man terns,' o1 his own faint y But be had as determined against the relixiun of ,0,t Moretti that,aod now it was his heels - sod food for vultures to a t ,rrui 1 tnJ :a ! a melicino has to do wee ,laeasr (htiat to what religion will he go when 1 est aim to help cue- at 4 women, awe to which trey can ears no camel: el:ercat. But ttitristianitm should iso more be hied then +aro fewer p-rp•Irtiti s 1 tt hen cede hu Witter. Hu a,nluunn was reset • f it t teach- „ ewe and plant owned and wed by them the a:a ala«.lute nears"iti.s before hap- rospnnsrble f�r'a a stars a its alae are thecae principles that an to v u `in Jew Christ. Has prevent pe ail.t•rn M their hew new 1 And the f••,aiiah f,'. actually imagine P V nem oar ,e tx,es an it were ars, anal the cin ands .erne that {. rs be, Islas met r Christianity wu u.teudod I to Jesus with it many rewent fi ilitiea W Ii1"*e'that they then Live er:denre . f t>yarery. 1 than we st..ul1 d, card decto.ra M- " Dick, ma bntvA•l, fill up the stove, Bravery, B,wh ' Theon Ieathcr•bod I ewe ph7co aI anffirin2 Nill smiata in fur man. It is a gwapsl su.te.l .1.1 /he Ha 39 yen •.f miuiury had lime , df n, and tryandget the bole on the little child, and ounce for the ole man {tghuul to hon Hs 1«r.vl to preaeA , ago g volunteer •• dicers ha. a do c.mu.ptton of 1 ,he world. Man sea front to he s sinner. stretching mut his hands between the b,,, wow he ■„old h+vee n.. conrrottetio n thermometer.” d 1 t ,F Turn your thought iatwer.1 Led make l:aleow of foci and the infinity of au y Y I o.f ha own. The an+gregrtion M.fore ,nwrntw. ..n es tee TILT are catching it all along the lino the manly town crate, we mean. The time mss what the dismiss ma confined to Clinton, but it is now spreading with a mighty spread. Otte of the Exeter papers bis ioventr.d s homemade map .of the arduous nue. leering taut are your own fury. lou cssaet ( If y d p ('bri.trwitY. 1 him was dear t.. kis heart Ilia had • Timing Tartar', crier of York county m tent altogether the liability to depart hide from yourself tits great fact of ma, t where nie•minor: iw oa u! Them i t net hie m R LaK 'without st m hu eek with the names of tmm is - • 1 you in any other reliYion err m th.•sew wan r,enwm jl(ae„g , sIJ h self. The fact ..f I.:htut c•n�mq int. the �• .f•h efic rnMdw+tly o" � amt iso r.mooaMt (newts. He .npNt11d his b•ttery,and Mnr.erle- with his dusky l'knstiani dose nrkcrsatw the fusee thea `"day hes nothing to stinum the hslrger to meet them in the m.•eniee where all meek (with host j rhe It tied rho .t ed 1M mpirit. Caw you bead eerie nj+•its rt the o,wlrrtn.n ..f (ked. world mon wish they were bete is Pana' ,ylero true that man u t ebfferer. I w find • !,eller recipe ter Gvu and I m J g lis kis ►R and hal arae rait"eN for ro olein da . sad Col. Witham' would likely hate is everywhere, not mem where Christian,• /1711. r .lying than th reviler for by .many stay kir,: thew town. He taatd t in evert. has confessed that be tampered 11. !mundane .phera of o Wien (will only honestly examen, your - in 1 t rhaat h hefswrwl where it was with the jery in the Besnehleigh case, I mit on active sen ace • n with is a t s seen , • pruprwed enenty. with than enterprss- having asked ten or more .,f them to ing burg a the capital ; Winghsai hu agree to a verdict in the priennetes favor Meowied out into a lacy aapireat for if they thought that kis atm, would be twenty lows boners ; a«d Brwwels is be sost•ieed Hia cenfeuiwn was re- gent' to take a derided Worse in the ported to Inspeeter Why -hooter, who *natter when its Leech eehetre 1. more Itid tho matter before the attorney - 1.11y developed• In the maaatisa, 111 Raiment, ami the resit WSJ that iiright ere oNsiae mussgaMtim load their was dismissed frees the sheriffs service pets rn M the Pad u/l'r t."' a swill, ea Keeley. The tampering with jurors while the nisi neve. in the erepprity el y eitetdaht1u awl shoats ie. we see il!- ca m @ satins. tut vels efais e1 alio sed•b• hI.d, more cem!aoe than moat people IW3ment of a e eety peer hew. (i(�Klou• gore res iwt mem to their s Fetan is a seiner. but it is ti. is DSM, 1 enyt'in 1 better thin P*et fans d 1 Caa H. never had but friend* u, (Induilrkk.. a worse new w h"ry►Mn he gni at Intkwsr- ty is known, but where taw 5.11111 of trek*, men end women 1 knew and mots knew ; wauld ever fe •e jo to their eMWhs,rK Wade with the MaLJt that he had when G.spel kis not been ,fr Are t aI Item , Sums • f th•'m 1 could name. I thee yore¢ arta( old might bad joy ha jBeton • ( ('hest few fn ph rule . iTlie! art now an the gloryof the Sao he awe (len. heard differed abort elle Ilan iaet,ot only wbjed to roloys'cal pun, mal Immune home to the Master. (Ap- "towels." We well r+reelleet when the but he is ala.o the subject "1 mentis (i•' ptassasr' What joy 0515 •'t I platy' ) I that oft ; 1 1 remises "ievaderl" mor helove:i Canada manse. This Joe" not atria fr'in ale wino is lift we rushed to arm, but fatigue t'br'�atiy, (or er•nkinrl .eel'y*hsn I Plvwawwli viperionnae it. ijat ('hriati•ttty Bee's Ast l e duties, r..ght watches, and dimciplise it. .1ost as the men is tnapii ••1 wee ?exeese'e'•I took the siseersbsndenes of 'mit r•i.otie beeps.... tee mini .s retie, :.: u: .urn,' , talcs m.^isle ( iislso in AFM — tYees The market mss ennsral1m quiet last �wa�wool; weob, owing to the bleckadrd crate of eadlegeNtbem". 1 the r.•nd. Wheat is agate poatkig isle Tlears ; womb dam alt- ! town at n lively rate.