HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-23, Page 3( M1138 REE. ar otoatla 'resew* none 14 i TETE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. JAN. 23,1885. The door was answered b; a chubby, rtwud faced gill, with beady eyes an t► mouth, who sh•..k her Lead 'Master' e gone down the n.•61.,' .Le said. 'Miaow is iu. Like ware her t' The risitur said he would. Aid, ...t- rivially under the luiprwatou that 1.. w.s a patient, the gid led hint tutu'tbe little surgery, and left him without a *mei. itros1 Heu!elty nosed btsey4L:uwe,an hash in the •cone at • 614tucu. The In tle wean looked like a acro.0 Cut fr couutry chemist's shop, ;;rafted os. to oh. stack of an ...d study ; mid by the * 11 dew, with a phial w one fraud, a 'ar, stoppered gold lalwlled butte o: other, stood, wall her hew tt.r..wn lows the doctor." daughter herself, c.rrtull) counting the drupe that fall how t.,. lancer vessel, their speed 'mine vet. trolled by the glass stopper had cut, at d deftly kept In its place by vary 1 •ng eke. ringer. She;mite answered to the dna. rapt:. n ;•iron by her father ; owl as Fra.l h Co. opportunity of iusputti:cg htr c:• se. y .a her ;skein green cl. th , .1 e, w t I. - its cuffs. and plain collar *bolt her larce .'apely threat. be ackn-wledge.• to halo self that she was a very hue .oui.. u. The other ucculaot of the r.A.. was s very brown, very esiek•t..1 man '1sia.y- hvu ur se. As he sat on a *e:1 puti.htMi Wiudsor chair, r.•stin; his .•lt kat ed Lando upon his stick, his buck teem. c erred and his brow furrowed, a. .. bore in tniuiatere the rod vti•.0 of e of the ridges lou had y-oa,t• e i u n.ii y fiend. He was w•atchi,e, t' f.. 'r }a a. intently as til.• 1.4.11 t h•.. u.....• 'Lem .trip, and neither Bahl dem i idhteet a.. too the new e.'ntrr. 'Fifty :' ran„ out, :n a e!.ur, 1. area t voice ; and the stopper woos a..v,:a It.... • with a cls:k, th.•h:k bdtl, I..t h•.k • small drawer 'patted, ....1 a hat:.: a- k f .use, w1.i; h was nipped ...tit tlitten a.• t totwean some lot:!n whirr tee31, hof'.. s,ueaking with reeeareut r.*. atn;tnt •• it was thnis: into the Hattie. The nett pree e.line as t'., •noisteam.;'r a d'r1 with the a:ut1t1i that c.,nt*iled the OW' , the label was affixed to the bottle, tib! raid '1'otso, t. Far outward applteati.a t n'y.' 'There, i):cJ.,' paid the !a iy, ha*oLu.: it to the rustic. '\..w, u:tu,.l, that is t.. rubbing in ; you ion .:: : take a Waste strop.* 'Aw rai,ht, 11ia Gee, I kale ;, stn. Will It ease the•:+ '.'tar .in; _paint a keep u.e waciteu a:1 night r 'Yes, 1 believe it wit . Sotryti y tette ter eau out. •.Nb lir ye no ielu't .c, Mita ra ju t as slurp tap by a hat qua ray is tLe dee- ter, SHOT day. Morn , --NOM; ntheahutfted • at ef-tbe-rune `11y father is out,' rtai,l the b►'?.y «iia :- ly. '('an Id., anything f-ir you e •What, preseti`rc nal the tithe'. The young lady melded. •1Yell, yes, Veiled :rime brsnllfatt. I'm stnrvinu. 1 to Frei lles.lsby. 'Of course rim aro' et.. -1 ' lady. frankly, as she held •out ht r hand. to see you. 1'.t.a aid •'c bi..h to ..- t er. ' Half an h. ur of:. r Frei lieu* eby was t'toroughly entoying • hearty Lutaui- s'tire breakfast -no dc•spiceb.e tre:tl after a long walk -and all the time. caattltt_ freely, ho was taking Limse.f acquaint - rd with the character of his hostess. fully aware fiat in afree,straitgiif..rw.rd fashion she was inapeetiu;t and clamm- ing him. After brnakfart Roe pro; ...ed what she called a look round, speaku.g in a quick, sharp, peremptory tune. s • - '4 s-16081ius gesalansen duct t .sae OSS of *Si 1eu;lh rustic way!,' sae raid. 'Come and see the home.' 'Won't dr for me,' said Fred to him self. 'lout I'll be as civil as f can. How foolish of my father t., get this crotchet into hie head.' 'Better put en your hat,' said P,en. 'Thank you, i will,' hs said. 'And you r 105 ao. Fresh air metier hurts me. Come along.' Fred followed. and Bre icd the way to the neat stables, where • couple of 111111!_ ees turned their heads to tare at them with their great soft eyes, seeming to • 'joy the caresses of their young mis- tress, as she went into each stall and slapped their necks and related their murales before turning to her visitor. 'Joe -boy is rising three, and se to any weight,' she said. 'Carries my lather easily. nilly Hail; is aged. but fell of go. i rials her. Joe -bey Could carry yore well. !tat you rids r ."Well -• little,' sad Fred, quietly. 'Won't you pit them. They won't bpd yet- - •Thisk not,' said Friel in a hesitating 1 that i am haltered , rent that f MAID /o loies ; sad be want delicately amenget ( be. Again, no teat the lady to whom I the straw, and jut touched each hone lave been led u a Flemish mare, but a making the yang lady • lip earl with : very handsome, healthy. rout yoga( ew)rn =nglisbwoessm. who might make arms 'Pena mast hart+ bee mad to prepare) Oast happy. Mut who. with me, woad took • thing,' she seed, metttaHy i siker be a divoreed wife on ie••tisas n/ Tho dresdfsl matey hnyrlen,' tamper, or • widow at the and af s year. thought Fred'Talk abr. ut a strong Now, my dear father, i •' , hoetntly wish SG rill t •..I wow. Pah ! the to tenter mast bay,' Ikea oil is head.' Crow ani ase theatre ' sail the lady, imt'eretit.ly ; soul r'rod bowed, and f .1 to,. , otrekly w were Mise b.*uttful Mot as solos ea Jets.y saws we;r ruu►u.at- •n;t 111 • field These as. too; theta tads heathy anti bl• t.«1 .s 1 1441 .ora Meru pullet tilt tr . 1,, te'l;eat ter• . 14111.4 etab.h•1r at • r.spsetlui ....t. +.. • ,tckiii kis w e. thew row.a hut. to here s free! y sof es. pen..ed by .testi ready te .how tit-pi•reciSteel. ..1 'hr c.:re.etng hand by "1.,s ..t •1 with a .try :on g earl. _ tu,•y 1a• 'N:..•. erosions '• ,uthi Ira to hir•- eslf, be saw Bee wip' hor white antis on her pot • t 1'411.a -chief. die... It , •s.,' alto ,.tad, lull ewe • . ,.t.w...,:y. 'B +' ' appreciate thr.:r wtl'ku,' Ira ,a...d. e •t 'tl. ..v.art • -a•1 the lady, •toppinv b .. „s rd *.,oaf •:n bite.. •Pur y...r hes . : •ear it .1 co ,r t...) nest, 1a • ..0 rye .tr tog--; she dial, as a' e w + '.tints t i s 1.. I.i,n 1've I;.111 Mice, ail**, lotw/ wit a boon! t • lit the busy 1 .o is soda that went -n en 1 cut settle o . h. r • ur sink. r, to .. a a 1 about Inc a a, .•• •t It 1.416 •.••..t.• ui',;; tilt it journey. t slut salute i• '.;••.u•'tlettlr•, +.i l 11re, uini!y. '1 Ian • mind.' 'Who s•aasg• them whets tl.ey ewer ter 'I ,1...' e.id Bee. '1 too like t.t.nryt' hili• Por t oto ,.r 11.1.14•'•tin,s was contl.l-:. d ; l.• fp.. were n•o..tche-i with the stump a bite*. hnwnt, the j.'.t.er, ns.: :bona wa'r4 lad ; t'. • 1;1 tit .e was w.•.1 S• d• miter, suds the srstt:•r i ,v low .. 1 to t u • ynituee and as •.res, 110 was told that he newt 1 i., .tread •.1 the '1.0 >. I! r+ eeper Boutin.! a mord deal as ..he *.a• her ,,tor candutly r1ut'ie tau ur throe r1. ur+.rks fr•tw ::►s ttuu.rt t ; atei at lest 1. for Beak. Mitt W: t., etre she: •asisebr .11 gr••••rn,tn and r:lcorner Id Irrruol'a +nn. i)n.,M•r •ol'e.r-e•.1 i., due t. be ; t+l,ar1• .e ,,,,de Inc 1 i.• heat stay ; and at last ,.I Iftetel he tet.ro.1 t.•. tett, after play. t!trete havide. .l.ist, and taking re. _ '- to fall w with your notions . but, as 1 aaanaur. 'I'm quite used le this suet of I ke Iame not, and Ree tithed, and the '1'etl bean hide 110 81001 : I silts. am sure that you dua't want to ace my thing. leek •keeper's ahtld played upon the bank, stew anythint rraader to my lite.' same in the 1:traces ('curt, and,s.fectly 'The diekeas you are'.• thvught Fred. apo the sun shone wares, and the your" '1 ' Matte ' .she said, softly. 'Oh, certaiu ti at y•,u would *enter the y .t r- '1 ue.er giie it a thought whoa she man thought he should tile to smoke ; no. It was )',u who •r., w btate. Ilh, self thou. ;te into rete arming o11 my Letalf, a ,acre and Wile . but till t 11.10-1 it snakes and then he brass to feel drowsy, and Friel, and 1 tb..light yon te '1.t1er•nt to 1 ati obilged to tell you that a union tt awkwanl about you.' i then lie started back t.. waLefuthe•a as: that.' between l!ehu.i, or ll... Hanks mud your 'fray d. n t let rue clues .t::y unease 1 to heard a cry firm towards the hock, 1 *1 41. o•,nwuse lie .toed. '.\uy fel- Gess, say dear tor, said the young horn seine rk.rty yards swat. At the Sara. L.. c.,uW bare J.•ne the►. 1;ul. Tier • ester. 'I II illegal you warmly for your I Wvmeut there was a splash, 311.1 an to, twine new GUI4<es yeti trate beeu doing kindness, and it y..0 think :t bet•sr, 111 , Ciliation trout Doe. all )o•u could ;o ware rue think you quit., bring my tied te a claws.I It was all wunteutary . ,ani then Fred ' A alifill3We ,tel.' '1 should be very r:rry, ray trey.' sail' Hresleby eat spell•bouud, as he saw nee '11•,n't you think it is pia who ought Ole ductur, warmly, 'for 11 !Etas been a I roe up 111 the boat and plunge right item t., c.:u:es• ' she said with the teen in treat to lits to hard you here. 1 ugly I the betting stress.. to rise and swim ease het eyes, and her :Ills they really wend Wish you and !tee could have hit it i fly tows! • alive the leek keeper • child beautifully curved lips quivering with better : but if you feel at an torture had fallen trona the haul, and was Loom. , tupi•re.s.rl ruo•tson. '1 )h, jou .wade uta about tending her afien,..rda. perhaps swept away r• ,eigry the very toast day. 1 thew why 't,00d Heavens' ejaculate) Fred. awl, ' you had c.. se, and at irritated we, and stripping oaf his white flannel jark.t be, when you I,'..ked at nie es aup•eretltoualy, tee, took a header into the •peau:, ami so.l 1 wow 11,3 -It saseru.g •utiles at too began swimming after Bee. , i when I was disuettatug the :termite lotnro, Thu Linct.lu Tient runs awiftlej'h HUV it R46ilhu feel u If brawn hate you; Cord Bridge anti the low weir, and Fred j sank did.' Hesslsby soon fouled that lie hal all hie There was a }raasenatc .oh herr. were to do t.. keep from being swept i'Aod--aid :revbra.e,:tu., unaelti•h, round by the water bac: toeanis the htale woman, y .11 K•• . it hating oils weir ; and that,.( he wished to reach the like this to the tet y end '' child that the doctor's daughter was try- Their eyes were looking deeply search- in-; to save, he must swim streugly and tog each tutu each just then , and theta well. In fact, it was a hard tight . and 1 Ike • lids fell, her I:oe.1 .`moped, and in to a few intnutrts they were all three far very uematdenly f.ah it••t, she let her be:ow the boat Mud lock•house, Ilex lips fail upon the a:r.ntg white Itana that much nearer to the child but being her t ciaa: ed fists SO tt,thtly. It w.ta a simple fs:oily tit„.'* di wit, and two ch 1 Jaen ; tint quiet methodical stru:e for unu that i actin, that of • •tare soote might inter - and when 1 1..:11 !lee o1 it, she said she'd was hasty suit labored situs that sent i pret, ar.n-.wiedgiu,; (salty to a master. go and nurse thrill. Silo. w •nt directly the blond dashing to Fred's face, for, as At alt even's, It w s I:re's - uncultnrwd after dinner last night.' ' a practised swimmer, he knew that oke ( lee's way ..i shoeing her res venation 't;t,1 1.l -ss her fi r a true woman ' ex- was tehiusing It: hese her nerve. 'to Ler (ate , and as Frei Ilesalrby felt claimed Fred : and the d. vier stared, Throwing 1 ' self on his sidtt, he made I the warn,, sh ft t.otca his heart leave a whale rt,,, speaker fes startled- the a itetueudo.ua ett.,rt tit „venal". hor, and , h.,ond, at..iL- there is ..o ,loubt about the words cone out in so iuvolut. ars a man- i was soon clow by. !matter- ho wou:,l have ctasptrd his cone. uer. ! 'l;e cool, he shouted. firmly •.iuw- 1 p•ana,u is. Lis erica (nail u•d tlw rapol. m`I'erhapa yon had better t risk the •r. Alt, Jou't do that i hat o1 1t•..•te Leea heard. a:rl then •iso infection,' said tete ducter. For she had turned a blanehrl f.... to.' ••f al:tell. 'l 111, 1'.s. net afraid, said Fred. gent- I wards hint, with a wild despairing 1•«,k 1: *Ai lir: doctors gi_, at he overtook Iv ; and lie stayed, and dur:ng ,he neat I in her eyes, anti, erasing see unman;. she Lein. after g dug round ley the bridge. few day's ha fund himself taking dowers `cautht at his arm. •1\ hv, hallo he cried ; 'been in '' and fruits, and medicines and spirits,and I His stern, conunandiiii toiie hal its ( 'Ye•, .l,..t..r,' one Fred, merrily; 'and nourishing things too the cettayte, and 11 et!eet, end with a teasp she ,neo uture we mta is. deeply foie -..c.,r heal and 414311111~ tee, and talking to her, and cal•• struck out tt•wards the snare, but swim , ears, ',odor to come oft again. affect.atlate sou is utterly out of the quos Wu. 'YOU will SA; . Why ' '1 simply answer, that wee entertain • Thoroughly mutual titalake. 1 rather sus• vett dui'. aha has been making herself oat worse than she really a to 'menet .it. ; at:1 1 cannot .omp;lain; for certain- ly if I have • heat 1 have not put at os.. You know I au, rather odd, vet line 1 a n sure i have !wen Bat fancy lamely nag a lady sm.% as this. 1 are in the •um my, study, and den ..f the doctor, *bout 1 really love. There you see 1 hate a one sympathy with you ' lie is • , erfect specimen o f a true -hearted, pure - minded country gentleman. and my stay here ha. tie roughly castle me cmupre heed shy your ttietelsltip has endure'. Well, 1 ate. chatting veal, him t ver a cog.:', and them aro the pleasant mo- menta that I hate here. Bat fancy the talk veer:u,1 t,. • ertridge shooting, and say being informed tittt the 1i11:t double gum in the ease 1s Iters ' 'But sure:y'she decant shoot '• I a.y 'Shoot, Sit' Why she iI bring down hor birds tight tool left tetter than any ..a.ut 1 tn..., Wetaderfully clever ;tial, rev dear b' -y,' the old gent lumen trues on. 'Tae hr:p she i.. to nue to city profession is ttunteose. The I. . •r f e .pie prefer 1.e, to me. Leek at that.' My dear father, 1 look at tL�,(. Tu 't v h .rn...it is an exceedingly large, e•,atse tI sent in s bottle, pickled in pots, and I aid inf,ernled that •n '•t,e ved to nt ear inters smas'.edtattid his tthulnbtin- Junod in a thtashin.-machine ; that the .t.,.ter was away to couple'of days, dna t!:a: �Iisa F,ea. ,went ti the kut:e- i sue, d:1 a hit r{ rm;ud at t ,u. dressed 1+4•441, a g ...1 ,I.a.., :lines, tee tired con to tltiak. CHAPTER. IV. OIL 4yre w 17alt DJ fm__t ; ., y dl bundle 1 the. A seek passed and Be vas In the 1 Ire e.i 1 rho - hitrt.h my ho'ii • here. 1 see very iittie iag to j -,u thew hater is. 'toy day. shore reached it ; sad then there were Natiotml Pi.:, ..re the favorite purge anitt+ •• a letter t•. L'b•oaus.urg. f M r T t f 1 a few atrom• street'. Fred faund I.,ct tire a'.d ,.I1t1 1 „ioaw r,.etticn.e ; they are 1 nee• sf► tout at heft the situs nand digestive 'But, ebbe; you a;:• rattier lard up,.n deter bed such pike fishing before. 1\'e punt "' Moored int +e sw.tt water either ode of the • halt-tiruwnrl Chill. Apparatus. lm ?red. you hail hotter vo beck ' 'Nertuus ! stud Fret. • N'ell, turret about taking it ; emu people are. ( .00urae _wi a to lM. to It th•t we sear give it a thought' '1'w afraid, doctor, we are playing M cress questions and erooke.l answers,' said Fre.l, is. hie Iarresteria wanner. Pray what do you wean'' •11 hy, what 1 ray, my dear b'y, about your meeting Bee when she cow(' !reek from the Thur;:ools'.' 'The •Thur, nods , Sir ' 'Tea : they've got typhus there. sadly. Widow Thun•wwl, 1•<,.r woman, I i the little cottage down Mower lease Large • tato stt:mps. and so well that the puns toy messages back : and when an old ming still a 1utet, excited) was. 11 it, Lee :waled. rr► rnti.i.ctrry, of course, friend of the widow earn: seed relieved 1 He dial not Lwow what anthuze.1 him to. really true I' f •r the wife of a aurgei.n in a new col.way: :earJ, and lice re:urrie l hor.;,•, the 'ray 1110 neat wools. but they came a. al lh r hp. (,.rn.c.l th.t Worth 'Yes ; at but, u•y dear f..thitr, can you a sect Inc doctor f..?t quite ehwr'ul to see how by au itsl•iratioe ; and he exclaimed, lest they patty 1 f.: it to eines. but no 1. marry a woman 'oke that ' She gives much better the vouny folk got on. ralsiug up the odea of aei, her• peril to acs:.•t N.tt t„•aid. A titne Caine, though, me the creeps. f at.all be back the day 'Why don't yon g.. down to the weir, chime away thu absorbing sense of self- whims she ...aid it s • that ail noght hear. after tom ,rr,.w.' and have a day with the barbel ' ho 'We must be steady ur we stroll betoo Bin Fred llessiel.y diol not go back sad ; 'they would Le on wonderfully late.' t'ae day after t,-:u-rtow, f..r he st eyed such weather as the You like lathe!- Itoe uttered a quick•, gast,ing cry ; her another reek. _►nit these, a:mchee, he listing, Fred '' strokes calmed down to one time for stayed seethe? week. 'I sl.oukl enjoy it immensely if Mite time with those of her companiou, and 'The risco is di.itig inc good, and the Bee w,ul.l come.' 1,e replied: end the together they swam, partly with shw taut, and 'eac•dap • it, se id cotatuuenta stream, and t:earor and nearer to A way! ask f..- R •itic.e)v n Pxus1•uusu- tt,T• Vit. •••Y.:••r is the oluit.tesaenCe.:f tu.a•etairt}-. plans we -e mtdr, illi parting vary warm- u SNL'taK)tS,_ and he ere y, a get •,e• tin sumo excellent shot .tie a and 1 that Meld to meet next morning for the rapidly sinking un. a of clothes a , +• fiaitirb ' lie wmtr 'so I may as well the tiahin•• e>,curai,.::, ties Sector pr.,tnu. t res wile in; cirri alone near hosiery one her pawed, while Iru1 WY Rost Y•NI' . PH •-, ti^I'.ti ttD iillctsebe by it stimulating .:ct,.•ti upon the organs of d.geduu a 1d ..Y.:. lett ••a. and by 41. powerful 3 eaerat.vd •.., c thud nutritive perm r' :.he bio 'd Intuit all tor. lid AI'TEI. .I.• 1►ew mese t b and then - hr never ►,tee r• .• . t sill held slants, while the (lector and I are „ :,a o rens. rete is a s. i n , '!tits:, ray .leer : how ar w.a tern milA mid rho•., nt ti nee between us k1e. let each other is..e, caught at Bee s Mend as she ryas ,► I'4Y : it•WIa�.. t••'tte twee t.:.h knew how -they had atag;;erea[ tbronsh :inns war trod the .let'! always ci y ; Dyrtpep T pia.' s:.d (i tr, „Genet* watt • Nen* Pills, !•Wether. Ta.. about tishiee (1::,ultt t, b:taAaR 'pili' how r;ta1 1 an. tort we t L 1 h -Ntut tog could Lave been added tu, the thio k sed>tu over the tusing•pth, stoked 1p! f'+'tori little Liver Nil,. a minute) •• load et.: as bh 1a1:6_ihrzr is here. i ano sunk. upon their I had a a ay after the jack with her They mot relicts t istbeee a [ tk make that nenutnit more teas. t(ul to the 1 l b L y t Pin I j ' •J 1 tx p !ut to weir, towards whish Be. f,rcaai took sixteen, and the smallest was three Bur a minute neither could d•. non 'M.adt Raw .an y..0 talk so, .'ear 1 • hies =a.. ?�lol ever •e•- saythieg aa riJ,iculluu es the wee he admit' 'Wel, be Las .. 'Lad seat, tetta.:oly ; boat Its stacks on, and when we hal that canter u:t ,f r:o.l:ty 1.e kept up.' 'F .r vtry shame, father deer. 4Ih, now can aeyur.e b.J a-, unicaely As 1.. tee .frail pr. bora.-sack r 'M .oy p tot .l.• are, my dtvr . but I must ct•cfeas that he :t n••t ltlitc *hit I expected ' •He's . ntacrabl' ...ward, said the girl, dusting, 'sold I r. solos:o1 ut tm.' 'My deet Bee 'Welt I am, peas , s t i I di w.ah he ass not your d: -ax old friends a son. Was Mr. Iieaalsby Lke t:.t: whca he was young! 'By George' no my dlrar N•, was s daring rider and aple.idi1 oar Ile flatted, s::n•, dot anything. Why. tee was A 1 a', athletics. Yoe aro, Fred hu led a Laudon life. Bolt h • .i ore., t: ,err. •iy DUAL i.-.+�w.+r-.,<p*s...�w:;..a::..rv=a•.;:r-:, At asratg rephiesest:•asresstie-tinagL' 'But he hu s great depth of knowledge of the word l.u!ai+, tad re.•, h,, and tae like.' 'Ile 'mows nothing &bete peopie such as we are; and Bee, with hat eyes. flesh- ing, hind 1 hs' a him ' I weeldn't n arry him for all the world, Only let ham dare to ask mo to that's a:t' Doctor Banks aatfoukin: at tiro doer through which hie da'lyhtor had passed, thoughtfully larking up hos grey hair *ick hie in 'tire while. 'i was afraid it weljd rent. )Poor old Tum will be horribly ocsipp.•iated , het it i• .:1 a blender Mho .whale, Fred fleselrt..t co with his letter to the solicitor 1 1 S.trjeaats' inn l a:• almost beginning to ayrpatbaw with Harry the Bluff,' ka said, amen; other things, '1 never dad appreciate bachelor's , be' there was an occasion when history the truttfwl statue that be e,.lsimed, *They have haltered me to a Phemish mare 1' quite conoetve hu ..esattnns upon that occasion. Nut pouade red a half. Mer ladyship leaded Dile of twtuty-flys poendu, and I gut one of fourteen. She fishes just Tike • while and thinking hew hancaomc and d forth_ it Bas y and well,handling tae punt -pule than draw painful breath in gupa as alio *Loud up, is. the ft.,ut wu:t- pcac• j lite burst int:, a hysterical fit of tised hands, Fred watchilg bet the ,au ht Fred'• hand in hen, ate! i -bbert man, only better. Fraley arcate a toy Land a b. •pilo las• sticking a tinter and graceful she looked, but only to check I 'Jh : what a brave tiling tod r ; s::1 1 n su:nb into its ortits ami fift:m' is ' thumb himself directly, fur Le bad had a night's the ht -- thought.- thou ht.- oat Ugh rest. She could say nu more ; bat, self wit/tattling thoughtful Another week and anntlter, an,l then 'Iaposible he muttered . it would forgetful now, she applied herself in the toots l.rtat;: away. It was very brief. Her Was the lith 'it has all leen a mistake en bath side.. Bee and I oro engaged. My dear father, c .n;retulate inq. for I am the h*j:lot•at of men. II .ulo tomorrow, and will tell you aft' Mr Thomas Heeelel,y, of bcrjeanta Loa, was at imine in his gleamy dining- r.om at Cr,* Guildford street whets this letter carne. He had just dtned,and nu about le enjoy his glass of wine. At above Mid, the surprise t.wok the quiet solic t r s breath away. but it $ .,n came 'rut ; and, rising front his seat, he took w key frim a drawer in the sideboard, wrest into &that, - r.vhe bswerndle and went down to the ee'4r for a pint teeth. a very old and peculiar port, neer which he meditated upon the i.ecu• haritiea of the hun:ar rite* sn cohuectton with marriage. CIIAPTYR V. A .*I amuse Hoe was it r Oh, as follows in spite of what nearly •ppasisi mutual .august, rortainly dislike. Pal Heseleby was enjoying ha visit to the awntry,and a f.rtnieht rent very quick- in very weariness of the glut. Food laid 1y , sn did the third week nearly to the down his n"I,and wished that tits doctor would aome,a, that he might hare enne- oa. 1.' whorls he amid ape•k. 'She disgusts me,' he said to himself. 'i declare f bate her. How can a wo- man treat a worm like that it dee not occur to the young seen that he had impaled • g•..d .many sari;,• not do. 81**** brave truo hearted we• tiiobt busineu-like wayis trying to re- man, but she • always dome something store the child ; what-, in his helpless - I could not Nand Itah ' Abaord ' nils, Fred bent over her, now wrinxwc A'nmiler tit had attacked Hoe Banks. the water from her streaming hair, now For days last she had been warming to- 4rnit some portion .4 her clotho., while wards Fred, his conduct during +its fever the color began to c .me back to Itee-• having eoftencat her towards hit. ; but cheeks, then to her forehead, and lastly this particular morning, u if bum sesleer !:c could sec tho walla Hush all down her feminine wilfulness, she did everything ft white neck she could think of to make herself dis- tasteful 143 her father's guest, and the warmth of the previous evening was re- placed by a frigid bearing that grow more chilly as the day vote on. And what a golden day was that : the ever falling water murmured deticiunsly at the weir, and bubbled and foamed V . Just then the child began to set and cry loudly, and the tragedy turned to comedy, as the mother from the lock - house, who had just .Hissed her, (Aute running up, furious and angry. 'She's alias a tumblin' is., a hussy,' she cried, in strident tones, as she rush s- ed the truth. 'There, get home with about the Iwaat ; rho Iock•house lookei Jrai,u u it• drowned suwa day.' lovely Ig"""" tlt'e tt�talt of trees. Anger against her offspring filled all The lock keeper's child played on the the mother's breast, to the exclusion of beak, d gathered the•marsh mangelds eterythought of gratitude of these who end rosany penicarias, or tuft■ a.f waving had asved its lite, and •ho f.11uwed the sedgy grass. $:uw-moving our;rs casks "ebbing girl, abusing her angrily, till down the titter ur up the ricer. pawed her voice was hushed My the closing of through the Lick, atm were cane. Horns the leek -house door, and, with a laugh and there. the sleepy cattle crop,,ed tele 1r, Ito eyes. Fret exclaimed Itt tragi - rich grass n, the ruoaJows, sr came down comic tunes - to stare le surely at the punt ; and, as a:tue is ors own rewash.' the water l.'amed and flashed in thiamin. Kee laughed, but very faintly, as sloe or lay calm and mirror -lake beneath the LBW out her hands to her companionoverhanging fres in that golden after- while virtue, in the person rt Fred won, the fish bit and were caught, till, Hesateby, found, If ho Cr.uld read hoc Zotel To the '�Rk it I OF HUN Tham' ... ar 1 hereby ieformc that the sob scribe" - antes.:... to ..arta Tent aersace bate!, tin .'tot ti•! ry, N0110116e7 15a, /384, sad will r•rrry on the bos:nres $I errItter. 11,avr erten -i..• sh• d. and + eh:inn in c,.nsee soh, an.t will tLt[.n:ew, Gr.:-.JIa+aY at:enibs. et -er,i�:'r tate. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 1 wdi..t the 1:. r.r••age of the Temperance 1•,. ,ili1:o:n .tu•.it7 • and wi;I s-uarsAtee them a A ,w.•ia.bd e tV.milixtwriot lalaca rt ni will be an • couthushtte,l. L. .1. TRFIILE, V,.•toria,':M•. o.potae the 1'air Jruasd e;o.l.•rtt•h, Noy. Et. 180111 ItaL fihe PWople's Livery 1 11 tend, when one morning at breakfast the doctor seta, in s eurfom. hesitating way 'Yoe won't mind pouring out for your- self, will you, my boy 'Ilk, nn, 01 course not, said Fred, seising the toffee -pet. Then, u if reesl- leoting himself, 'Mom Bee not eating gtina worms that day upon hie hook ; he driven"' Dowd Only think of Bet doing :he sitne 'Frict a she's mot 461 home Not been with her white Kneen. Then, too, bsokcall night . and 1 m a little une•ay. • twin over, she had snipped up remit lob Fred stet down the coffer, -pot, and worms with a p•tr of seise,re, in pieties seared. This was beyond all that had as sash long, to set ea ground batt ; sed gene before. A young lady who stopped at this Fred had ahudderel, and she had out all eight' Well, certainly it was Selo it, and maki•.v a enteking wrinsue eweargh to mak* any father a little tin- as she costumed her occupation, so that easy. he might not mise the slightest potties '1 don't gotta ksnw what to do ahoot Toe obis elm cremes back, Freak,' ems - tamed the dosIor ,n • curious furtive • of her repulsive task. 'if tits d..etnr wool.' het eoetS,' thought Fred, for the tenth tints , bat JOHN KhOI, Proliriitor The ,utw.:ril,er ,. pr.•R.red W (tun." , *1.e Plitt - lie with The Finest Rigs AT FtI.tSONARI.E PRICEP. CAI i. AND REE I1S - Oppo•il.• rte Co'bsrns 11ou.•1, tiodertoh. Ooderich, Yoh. Iftb_ IMI. 14i36 -:m coup& -s ryes aright, that he wee welcome to ether and greater reward, of it was ba will. 'Yoe saved my life,' she IAA, in tone very di9.ret.t to her usual way of speak. lug. 'Olt, nontons° " he cried, quickly. 'Here, I ay, doctor ; oughtn't we to make haste bowie and changer Lets walk sharply rep to the lock and crnsa. Hullo' there's your father in the dog cart.' Lei's walk heck,' mai 1 Bee, ri te'y. 'It will he hotter for beth. it was not a long walk, only lasting about • quarter of an hour, hot erase - bow it is wonderful what was got into it by two people whc were dripping art. It began almost anlely in looks, and then ail at opus, as if warmed up to • tee- ' random pitch of eothostastn, there were words : - • 1885. llrpesYollllooto AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Th, .oriel and aluwt steno. M Rettrna'a Y.r.•Y1, Pwor•Lr. b.t's 4611 ih. • Aramatte taUwat than juvenile S'-tlea ran p.r+semw while they are wholly free fr.,m what la pernicious sr sensational •ensati*l Th. hwmv s nrotories ewe 1411 1114's aro full of inneornst fun, wad ass papas on natural bio.tory end ween% erases and the facia of life. SIT by wester. whiles names give the. newt aasuraso.e of an•ura.y sa t seine. Illustrated papers on MhI.'w scorn, gtoarete., end p►.tltee, re Mn Inhwenwtuan on throe.nhject.. Tt,er,. u aotaina (Aewta &boat it but is. price An epitome of everything that is s►t•a.4►•a and desirable in )u•s:lf.' ntsraterei Iltss`n t:o.rirr. A weekly fevlo.t good t•,;lyes fn thio theta an 1 rich in eter) reach) wit=h .: •Inks. Iltr..nklyn I:wIo1.. It h wnewliiful in it, w* Itt of Meares. In format ion. and Invoice ,t.'krlettee Aderee.e, N. Y. TIRM%- Ibst*Q• pre -pawl. •-:011 Pre Tear tot. 1'1. reete..•weav Ms,. •seer UN& M,arnt. :311•111161.01,to ono, *wile keawltiooses sbetM sn suds Wby Foes O'1.. Moony Hooter or 1►estt, to awed shoo.,. ref A,rl.rann•. *of feowe,/ •a;, MwrrKr- mewt .sit -.•ear the upraea sci.' 4 Ilaat•ma ac Address 11AItraft tt f ROTBQTif NOW Tltt s