The Huron Signal, 1885-1-23, Page 21 01111101 87 Dl10i0�1.
aresetal IM1Men Naresetle.
eNe eases AM&t* ls,.s.
(`01.041A API) Col'.lite that ere w fre-
I.lueutly neglect, sad which w often peeve'
'that c n.tiueutal juernal, which, the Anuabella u not Anna bell*, sir fair the weds ...wig Lir .aliar 4eat .combatan-
t/thawthday, warned the emote. w critics of I Asea. but is the ftu►i-.uis of Naomial tiuii,sbuuld Aare iwwudiaze and thur.eee;s,
)iretaia agitate: underestimating that aa- 1 meaning Rift for grace of Bel. Arabella I tnaui,<Mlt. .A te.atar,oful of Rorie .oN'w
An Interesting Judgment Head- I tins'■ militarystreutrlb, end said that I is not Ara -bells, •'r beautiful attar, bit
�d�fleas nekixan Esii inion taken whenever!
Bred by the Supreme Oourt. the threatened laimlu.g ti altitude heaths I Orabilia, a prayui4 w.rna11. to It t1,. 1•,mth is lr.ublas•aar, ail) relieve
soldier epee /err .hones would tarn Eng -1 Angle -Mee ferns ,.1 t►rabef, it was inch the patient, and Iw,revrrrd in, will effete)
land tutu teener of ■riled torn, spoke by' urure contemn in tun 13th mntury than r cuic iii the spot idolises,. eaves. .1,
pi, «.... t.r.ased lea lar t stere slats, the hook. There is nu greet country ►u at preemie Mencius etas n•.tbit►1( t.o dc•
la triage i. heroine in which the people are lees rid with Mauritius, er a Meor, but emits I
u.g to be soldiers times e( {.sacs and (roto Almanac hcmn5rlreich :he inure,-
1 d I h Ellen is the (ewuuwj
Soled ea t aSaN Mata We uses* t'Mererees -
At t)r Ii.; F urun ere eines., teat et
Wile = Y',U
WI 1.1. FIND Tr.
s selr.eted Ir sh. we .as• That is ,:ally bringing to the helves
more w Aline in mire ul war, 1.117111 the oro a eaten. C t"y "•
tet the 1 L ci i t of thei
--- 1 Motherland. Thou a E. laud has no of Alain, Alan or Allan, toot has vitt two- usai a y as t g w4.+ y
q twuecuytl n laws, yet thax outbreak sit `sib143 conn43tuou with Hs.leu which dear ,•rtes frees an early greets
J A rr Dr t►a s new U+aw.terl ler L
United I materiel for ...idlersThe superior w older by a thousand y y H M' LIMA I \ Tickling n
the tea remelt why in ones { y 1143 Thr.►:, Nein in tide *,Mi iw•t,ur
of law, was derided by the Someone' enh.unriit rs not .. sa�erly ...0 ht for, as rnun cerin to think. It stones fr in. any disease a the Threat and Lung., a
15.,Comet here today, The erase was that of bill th t I danger t th • country I T deal. and m us happs rill ,tu Elias ( positive cure. Guaranteed Trial Kot
woven. r Fuk, an appeal trout a dvo.. ( 11 1 e arms sir rsetn has wi , nnectlou with 1.
Trrly is
tutrtw A. aa. 1_. n .,f ant refs, sate' 1n.wut
e war Asa iterer ntueaweJ • dearth of � emirs teen a different lanXusy{u, and is j''
isvutvtmg the yursnou ..i whether a sou, (Neighs, (',.Id...Asthm*, fir..nebitts,
n •r t ou nu sten rt least. .tin
C* ti's obtained 11 the Mtrtts &v Fever,,• '0..',i
eta W rela,glnzed iu lbs ('Median courts', of the mechanic to that of the widow is is teat (tutu -. ee,Do but (rem anus Avice, l (,
! 1 t ..f pewee sir Arts d,.es nut . awatl moan advice
u a era sow •anter o ilea 1,.e itJ. Wilseu s Druz; "tore. Liu'.
inti of the Q tepee Court ..f tlueee's •
Itself would ser a rue % . a u • I' g 'h .l..•th. It is • alae >sl.(b. (til
bench. \'irgu,fs I;ertrude �tnt:w and
I even that of flu Northern states s,, the `the sister .,f L.uiw, anel both are the
Henry !situs Fail. were warm in ..eve .
seely days .•f the A,nencati te11.1hun. A 1 daughters ..f ilrluts., wbieh t. Holy -ria,
York In 1wil. Mese t•t.•reus was: lv.wtda for -u ,.nn• landed in gnglamd i !elides ..►.cion.. There e:, indeed, }'os iNC C'o�rtrelu►..---Fur pimu!ea.
must subdue Dot country or die, it would j another f • ns of ntbe'r 1, Quite, j Llotchrs, tan. end all itching tu.n••rr ..f It'11IIt'2^e.�8 i''ll:'II:�hC't1 Neatly. Cheaply. 1 with a Good Hearse.
possessed of a f• rtnne NM. Liming to 1 1 i the skin mw t . t Lopes Sie.yhur
Ort20,' ij, ielbwrtel (rites her father. be permitted 1 to leave it as a force ahich is flue f.u%intne of L.rou hal flus •• + '
t , Apart from the snug and the militia and was se -smell heard f f n for Pith \•4.,p lea
gest a�j BoS1 sortoiki
C\1:=1!I\u.; !\ mil,(
tett, 1'vufrsA::Lttt+ rt'
Don't tort hla rr.rr. err . lertesl ter e•a•l •Ctrt;*OM wt.TN r••, bum s •eie...0 MAY
w*srr Ire ora tislt._. A hlfJrf rttt'trt)� "
I)orr't lade t•/ /he C/tea/'st Ilo11se i8 .1OW11.
Pictur(.a''�'raming a. Specialty.
never W 1 .. r.
o befere tit - t1.-,, 'elle: O(fRlri Ttli
There w.0 MI untstan!tt, ; eh tact, and
veou,anry (etc's. there are enn•'Ied in century. The older Hel.tse farm ••1 the 1 p 1 1 e Q
under such circumstances the law of he •f:ns land Burn the present year u•. leas 1 ,)551w Al,Owe Aluliur, ..r A1..ysu, was lr. the Bator • f nthi.auta no rc .71 /� r • nl�lra a
Beate of New Mor► provide that u.. coot ration has received such universal teen she Ce131aWaf10 :e)" 8+ �� •' �`7 �
creme! thou JI 1.1mo veleeteers, all for defensive ; adoptel este r:t.lieeal English as A:•• rreudati..0 f•or th« allrsia!ion is atlorlr,
rage and th• •
of {'e'wl'�`t fisll !rtbrrbYr,• •,r I purl.'a•s. %%'hen the military f..res of � sic a n.t ne which our .•i.1 ttenealozi,ts and the Irrrmaurst cure it effects its kid
ty fee from :marital control. us. I coos[ Eur•p43ui c 'untie. are uwuhun.ol confute xt:11 Ahce. Emily and .tnlrltaureHey diseases, as Ur Van Buren's Kinney
the ma,ubers,;ive* n,clule these required , nut Jetfervid (onus of oncusn,e. Emily u ' Cure. Its melee in these di*:resrcnt!
Sterer.5' fortune euctsuted of ca Ii. ,•ids' for leen° er defensive, as well as them from .1:'nylia, the 1111110 ..1 an Etrus.•.u:'
and other is. ',reale elects. After war complaints is simply vendetta t>o'd
nage .. Ful rete._ . her property asmiable for cermet' nttiMt% 1Chen the I erns. Antaia coui.r from the (:ethic 'i its J. t1'ilwn. 'tm
from her truetses, and placed it in the o1 the Itrtush *pity is given, it ' 4.0)515, heavenly. Rectnald td riot dr- t
u es• often o.erl,.,k..1 that every than , rn..1 from 1:r*'ua. and has netlrinq to Ttr fnllowine fn in J. W. I4.demv, ,,
hands of her husband, who administered I available for f,. tf,nnµ.rr. (seises resin ea,.r for A braver.. '
erten set -sieve ' Jo n i'h a . stern It is Item -:alt exalted iel4•.h , of Ilanolton snit ( : •'l rad
it until Deb The tsspendent Fun. re tante is a *r t .e )
Thu volunteers, iodine and yennanry. purity Adeleet, Adelaide, Ai ee ha- man* years 11/1101 afflicted with t'osuts,•-
mentthdi after his marriage, whein New York fur shoed n left mustenn•- over half a million armed men. Alis, Adeline, ate all forms of Quo risme,', j uirrr �rrl m:,.i+andttrmrd ui)anv ii R i�-ne •---r -'
fur Montreal and a.mnmstwl business 1 can be placed in the held fur the defence the r.. t .f which is adel, u,.Ale. tint m.di. in,+. wMch :carr air only temporary ,
the \l tl 1 d n a eery ire days ensue was ,..,ee used As idrntieal with , miler sad etre 'Wits a. lewd ns "vt.: ap,in.
a merchant lie still resides there His 1 A A f 1 I ' ! IJ
•N`t i.• , bears the w Aril. .alt ord. rt !at !non vette r•r..ta ' .55 A:'. sit ,.•n fr. ., 4. ,• t
Uudcrk h, !rept. rob. INN
�' Co .1. � t> L 0 EL .
• e . . ter el t . - 1 way r"a.'muc....k-,L by a frit id, wh•.had turn
wife fo owtid him and laked in Mont---- and tete crack y•'luntecs o(t w chip, in- Innis or - �n.s o w sic i .est the ,,.lond w hernh by h. to ,ry lld;rettor.
II reinvent, well drilled mien, force sue -half Scottish Aonas is a carets , nor, as is `t••+•ty Purr. 1 d:d roe and i, earls n.d butt
for about a year, when before 1 telt Ate a area man. esti 1 have rw-
tlwt hist. In Mistier the foreign herein sturdc'y uwiwtaiee t, wars Eliza! nth errr'J.yed eceriten, hermit ever since. 1 get
Art A!t ,tL$OCL ,:milt. • AS -r is small, cud the ge.erument experiences synon} Brous with I..ttsrt. eo,nmro.•d taking 't February 7th. IKV.
! difficulty in twruitin the small fortes sold to the. ith: sae. :w:
she left him, and has &met resided alter- 1 R
mately in Patois and New Voile In 18;11 operating m Madagascar and Tuhquin, A settled rapt. ''4.0. tlltuiov, r. C..
she demanded from Fisk a return ..f her the cs wseriptien applyiu•• my to ti'.tse
May 13th, 148(►.
tl " it is a significant fact that II•r_carl's i
security, ail received a porthen .A these. furors. Thu moue u true .d (.er.tiamy - t:rxrt.r:aft:x- HSyin, lerrn a •.I erre
Lake t til is the !seat household a rnied -
Kh h t t d 1 ( li (Ottawa Free 1 tear, t 1 t 1 ( for a 1.0134: Uui• fr w tier% s n
She then ins stn a I.receec ings er 4. . '• ' internal ,.r ea vena use ul .4..r .,veto r !.rc.►t , te••o
Tierce, and in 1889 obteiurd a decree eh.
--�- -' and ee*trrul debility. I was ad* lard too t
pain, soreness, lamen ei.f aad tut:aro into
,elute dissolving tier Marriage with toe' Aysi's Pilo cur.nmNip&tiun. imfier,rw try Hop hitters. I have taken , ne hot-
lacy comp:i4.ut. %
respondent en the ground of aluhtery, lite appetite, promote digeetten, restores ter, and i have leen rapidly Cett:ug !ret -
Slid u, Iti4I ceninien. tri en action ui the healthy action, and reftalate every fume . The cleat• et tar err... I ter ever elev., and 1 thick it the hest
Kuprom, Cuutt at Monttc,i to .-c,nsr tion. They are pleasant to take, y 111le ---- ( medicine I ever us. -.l. I am now caiutm
t in their operation. . -et tbn h search- Ina rectnt libel suit in Rb.e:e Island, streneth mo a••
her property. Fisk tiled • demurrer to I 7 fa►11�i vette, which was al'
this action, claimiti� that then serer had it1g, acid powerful in subduing dia*ase. the Thief Justice lard .down the law ►u +gobs. and 1 waw in dr,i.atr until I tried
been any diwolutt,n of the marriage sic. ' -. __--.'.........---' Ins cleiree to the jury as follows : your /titters. 1 aur now well, Ah!., 1. ee
curling to the laws of Canada, Thu Neap To r5Tlats. '' 1 think that a public has a i &licit vend do my own work.
demurrer was disenssed by Justice I:an►- { There is no satisfying sane psnple, fright to coniwe4t uf..n and critu:tar in • taking it 1 w*a c.n.pletely pr.strntwl
rills, who held that even if the !martins j Cleveland. in bier letter resigning the 1 the Jischar_e .4 public duties. I think ! \lied. M,:-4. `Tt•AL.T. .
were still huslend end nitre the partite
Albs* W0111111 As* of Ilovernor,' limply said, 'I here• that if the publishers disc over what tlirl ;
would still rte c-,tirlsd to aur for ad ac I by resign the office of Governor of Ibe I consider to be deft►ct,e, they have s ry;ht Thera 44. n.r w..
count of her hu.nand's ad.nanistr•tten of ' Skate of New York.' Captious entity wont unt them ion. 11 there are facts : T. W. Aitein.. Girard. elan., writes:
bey private le: tont. Ne &e.. held that say this in altogether t.•.. diffuse. He which suggest (Ault. 1 think that the •1 never hesitate to ret•.,wmenJ your
the divorce iris valid. and maintained should simply have said 'f rosian.' John public press lies a ri_ht to criticise and Electric hitters to mT c+et,nnrn, they
the eetium, but the :'our. el Queen's i Ph.eeiz. the mewl pia whose practical 1 cee.ure If in the exercise of this fre - vitt! entire satisfaction and are
Bench reversed this lodgment on 'hal joke* ucessaowlly get hint pito serious 1 Join of eemment►hey net fairly and sellers.' Electric !titters are the purest
ground that a Jerre.. et dir.•rce. granted corners, objected to lb. verbosity of the hone, y and mc: to do what is ri_ht, ; and least mwl,e'ne l.nowe and will boat
by the courts of N. -e fru:k, had no force phrase. •\'esi, rpli, vitt.' tie argued . ace ea:::, .: 1.0 hell accountable. It is tively cure Kidner anti Liver complaints
in glebe.: i'rosince, mid Haat therefore, that, as a teen could net conquer without eft great importance t.. the pithhc that • t'urify the bl•es.l and reereete the bowels
the wife enol.' not institute t.n..e a timiu going and seeing. it wee only necessary the nswala1 era sheuid have this li'.erty. N.. family can attend e. be without theca
without authorization Ti,., car• wast t.. say 'rici.' !Landon Advertiser. 11 there sheuid be none to censure o: to i They will scare sundreda of doleers in
then earned to the 1Supremel' n►rt whirls ow.- 1criticise, frauds neel•1 grow more and `des:t.•r's bilis every year. l41d at 50 tee
A wMeitere.dE.H. more iteelerable, to the cuanifest I.eril.,1 a bottle u- •1. W11..n1. 13i
nrvea.EI' TAA Jt-tw:ra'T ' The ;Peat source .4 totauwtw►.m and the puhlic welfare. an.'i, yon
e/ the .'.inti of Qusen'a witch. and up- of ugly sores is scrofula to a bleed. oto ter that the public have a creat in- j
head the deeisv.n ..f Judge K,n
aville. In ( flerdt.CL tuned flirter. purity the entire tercet in main^e1,ut_ ttt,.ha,•llel the '
vin, Judgment, Chief Justice Rucbie! system and cure scrofula, to well as the right .4 the pubim press to freely and I
r J more atmmon blood homers. �• fairly criticise.
*fid, the questi'•r. to tie deri•lm) w 54 sic r
of a most ulteresNu)f ss well astu.•st dlt - - Wire It trial.
Cult pints of intsroa,ional haw, and hetelrReers w4.,. efs"tedba Drive away all t.vaon,.us humor from
, was fully noteeaar•I with the reeve re- , - die bled before t• drrrlotwu to scrofula'
np,nsibility inrelred in the decision he , An interesting little t •inner entitled, ..t �.,rne c•hr.'tsic fora •.f di.easr. Kmr-
was suit t., hive. After careful study: Shall We head Beek ward ' has recently duck 1 !o.d !'titters will do it.
toe lied errire•1 at the cu .elusion that tint I berm published tit Leiden. Thr intro- �� -
1 r«e. kinder...
appeal sh..u'd he allowed and the pelg•
duction by fir 11. It. (levier gives much
tient .4 theehipereir ('one macntaursd. i
The .tate of t1,. We on the subject ata useful mforuati•-n en the subject of
extremely heart tied and there *sae few training the eyes (rein 111(43-) in order The sotld is lel/ ••i !.n:dness that never
prw.denti ...arin, a m_the t r, ._ The t.t Ala= the 11111 benefit es/ -
appellant appeared to have obtained w developed sight. This it onlypossible
valid dire, c• which should be recegntretf..
in the Pa•nnce of Quebec.. Mr. Justice i by a Judicious use of the eyes, which,
&roup dissented. ii.. wad of the spin• h •wcver, does not in abstatniuf get thaw : three J.. :rot trials anybody
ion that the ulstrtm• Dial .1 •horde e( the (rein work in whsch the eyes are used, warm. You .inght freeze to death for
parties was in the Province of (-Nrber ♦t idleness of the eye, aec,rdin;;,te "nee( want .4 weed. ill r:ain sight of these
the tiros the divorce was 01-t tined, and Mr. Carter's woro means ' fernier in every fallen trees, if You bad nms "f get -
that therefore the decree of the New ting thy x43,•1 trouts and i ein a fire of
York tem, w
oas inesee. • Te, ....detect. way hurtful to them. It is, therefore,
it. Just s•. In is femily ; los-e is what
showed that Mr. Fedi i intetelel to Iso necessary to develop.) the vision by that mare tF.e t,ar,•nM rood chiles•,, the,
come a I.enuvient resident .4 the Pr•.- :homer and varied employment which is towhees and sisters hs:,py. But If they
Hr thought the pt l.1 •.. 1 •..f the eminently c•'nducive to their preservation take care never to say a word *but it :
Queen's. lltm.h Ceurt .•wast er Lr eon if the l••eo v a I,rafou id secret as if if
firmed. Mr. Jnatirn Fournier said by in 1;rlwty and elHency. How then cru )
were a coir, they will not be much hap-
woman in all cages where there wee no pier titter if timers was not any love among
les el. ?tet with t in • rh
was •!,..len, anti fist is not inch better
than toe kindriessi.t ..1;. The fuel to the
steer utake% the ru..m wenn, but there
are greet piles of fallen trees fyimfi on
rocks snit tops of hilts where reobdy can
wed' New...d.
A liberal reward will is paid to any
y who •trill predate t case of Liver.
oroqto WeetI News
FOP X2_00 A
Till: TORONT.) W EEKLt XI-WM 1. an Illustrated !•aper...sear•
paaerJ to all the tlratrresor enterprising Journalists 11,•1.a-
dpoih..u. aurnng the beet Journal- of t. arsatia a. a o• itpteic nen.pxper,
obit:1i will bolutere•stInftinevery niemLrr..rII1..-fatal) live-. Is ldreu
Trill like tate pit -tot -ea ibe )..inset felt* the sturlrs ar,t the funny
'skeet -hen, the wore mature will be delighted telth 1tie
news !natter. v hitch is every tsaut• velli be honed .p
entertaining. In the utntter of telegraph 1. et-erk r. Ions log the 4.15 a,•-
ta.)t. truc►uueetioa watts THE TION INTI' 11All.ti' % .'. n ha i5.
command all the dispatches of the AsauctatSJ ('re... is .ids- , le -
.. •pen
stela teem \FRA curets pendants Ie suety -..-teen or 'soars.. for
which the tatty paper 11 es'ram.... Aa auras -Limper it has 1,o .utoerlur.
It id Independent in politics- prraeneingR all vole net news free from
Harty biose ..r selective. and is abaolately Veil beret fear or t:as ..r as to
paroltreat its••parliaminttryFi+os I. are written in is ten -ori• arin.
and deal t. ..h wen and measures witbowt glove,.., and hnt log r. -Hard
•n,1)- u. I::-• stir, Jul.! it -E. and truth. It 10 In 1hrrullr.( .ens•• a family
ri••w .paper. '1 a. -h i)- sit• torn, via,. a verbatim r. 1G. i t o1 IreJ r. Tab
ns9re'• late.. w•rmeu ,r itruoa.l)n Tabernacle. tiara !tette'.
s dans.
Guano& artier. ••'1he MAn•At.ut-lowrn." sketchy. ..r f f•
:,later, 0 w•riitl %tory oral..orhl„ft Iturrs•e. a pont.. at .nrs,,n. and a
•i. h revue; oa rondrn.,d no5,5un f'aahi..n...%r(. foda•urie.. bares•
lure, ,1..,.rte., etc. Its market quotaliune are compere.- and i.. h•
rr. l .e.1 u leen. It lain.: the paper for the young rim... rand t be old f i.l k*
%vile like t fast ns well. tour ,gerrfal t•lubhing term'. bring 11 testate
reach . f al . f'twr•.,n.•n .-opts. luny' he had at the whew.
scud eutarriplton t.. this olive.
-idmry or Steinach complaint that Klee- „_
frit Kitten will net speedily cure. Bring ,
thein along, it will vee yen nettling (•'r THE PEOPLES -S T O R E
the medicine if it fella to cure, and you
will he well rewarded tor year treuhle
Insides. MI_ Blond diereses, Bilious-
ness. Jaundice. Csostipstios. and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. • ltatisfse-
ti.,n guaranteed or Mosey rettamsted
Price .only fifty cents per bottle lett
ale by .1. \\•i►s..u. (ti
the laws of Q.iel o !'r•,rinrt• . mart -set we arriee at the highest p,.ssihle stage of
rfeia With. ,'Jur > e eyes : them. ,he house •rill seem cool .ren to i 'Sew L1fr fee FwsetMw. - d •
ease DcM11r and itdaip sisa.
was nit essarr fume r ee w hat the the maximum of reading with the nen ( pa the lack r sides. no matter how
f 1 t •ll nen •1
J Henry 1' permeate which hare been tried by I 1 sultriest walla: a• kr of sick headache' I wares of any kind, the Great German
ta,wcstrrea, air the apri,ea was sneered •many enitlen authorities t • settle
With chats. ' question ars veru rartous. Light and
Tee Cash. I will sell all lieds of II:. ,. - at I- A...1 Prt •
See Those 10,12!,17, & 20c. Dress Goods.
These are terve poria.
The best bleed purifier and system re
enlister ever placed within the reach' M
suffering humanity. truly is Electric Bit-
ters. Ineetirity ..1'the Lir •-, biliosienea
Jaundice. Consti;eation. Weak Kidgeyt,
er any disease of etc striate) 'Ir.
wh••eyer rt•.l tures an appetizer. t•mic sir
mild stimulant, will always find Elntrie
Bitters the karst and only ...viten' eery
known. They tet surely: and gniekly,
every t..tlle ,t,ranteed to give emtile
satis(acti••n er teeniyref•Jtk)e.. %eel et
fifty rents a bottle by s7- M#••-„: - 5.11
ante nuptial a mita. t was endowed with y �'
Needing a uhd/wb.sdty one of the con, .noon.„ and if con hat, riser. you wul
1, wet .. nsLr t.. nuna,e her owl, prujter env the .10 5ern a11 ,iw calls hint The great I:erutan invigorator is the
ty without rrf..•rrn•te t •her he.haud,aud , mined iwsatzs. Ind the melt rea.lab'c T e T '
that no with... (7 to hien_ du. action I print is that by which we may obtain l'c"'r fr!loer !only specific for imp.tency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude. forgetfulness,
sitar •
same rY rt as any unmarric. wumaa ^ imstm nl injary to the sight. The cx- c 1 shattered the syste:a, may 1.e frees es-
te an :action for tevllnheatem 4 f bee i mahh-e. Ito,. vet, 1. part Gentian"n- t'
property. Justices earl an. .nrned ' Ren,eely will restore the ' et fenctiene ,
J I 1 l) ( t 1 theNeuralgia. (meals tr+able for yesn in
are of evens tee chief c usi en
mer. j . Sed b
sewtretet puree a 11 d. and which a g•>ya l Jeal of attention relief .r curve until i used Hop Bitten, pa*1'ea
the (root tern and excruciating :nate and $ee'are health and hei nmess. X1.00
per hole six hexes
for W 1 y
A 'a Sims rills, brine highly eon"
cater d I \o medicine or (teeter rnuld gine me Ian druggists. Sent '•a receipt of price.
y+► i'4. a raid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo
smaller demeand
for dor then an is itl nt the little h•.ok souther iiYhe ( 'Tia heat Iw'trle - 'Ohio, s, a rtt•N�,• 431. United titatea. Cir•
d_ose• P& �� *U4 tsstltt, s...e gen r
metisela�: i1 i'J lilxil 1 w4. in K6 ch type is set. i1 '�cwlr^"f me ;' .+"
) 41 1 � e � (leo ltnyttas, sots atront for
sMlTh. hast helms .(tam:= The arc.HNI 'mile M... erell ata
I t frightF All
but whether this it the n1•est readable '.lint 1 have hien ro to the day.
TM Paar%tl/an ceneissrwt. style is by mo useins curter.. In ancient ! ),Iv hummed was an invalid for twenty
Ottawa, lint., Jan, 12. --When (he, wriune., there is much variety in the Tears with a serious
('esw.i,au er.atin¢ent of the Nile repedi• ; way •4 wrinn.. Among thew the Men 'Kidney, herr and urinary complaint,
' i'remiere:6d by Holston.'e beet physi-
cians -
months. Al its expiraties. they were 1
to M• returned to. Canada at the expense;
European leeeueges, because of the •fmcnrabde! .
of the 1 mj,erirl cosPTllment. Te*rly, carrme Irnttth of words, as natty b e seen ! !•lime en betties' of your bitten cured
flee months have posed and it is brli.y• , in the annexed illuftrstien him, and 1 know ..f the
ed It will 1.e fire suer, menthe before' ( 'Liars u( end t person
res.! hook
t k here and in my neighlverheed that have Leen
they wi I have completed their work,
read baebwanla saved by y 1,r lateen.
After its aw,ntha n up. they will he in S, in and The And many more are osisg them with
pwiiinn t.. diet ate their ewe terms with • plpettdicutar M .ng:M Chinese j great benefit.
theltritisA tn•rer^.meat in renewing tisbr lines will• Japanese! They stn,•dit
ceetract. They rennet be left en lbs . It would, h,•wever, be lead difficult to I its, ,r.irac e.''
desert, and will have to follow the espy,- • ateust•'m the eyes to this sestets% than to tin
detest. They expect 10 teal, A e„0•1 ilial •d the amcirut E,rojaw.n. and Setn-
harrest out of John Hull it*.
inert our s.lrew eht rennam hcihw of Negate Tett/_esy.
Wonsar*bes Of. 15,5.5 55 4' he tip nitro ria ':fel sit lh•,ir
14. N. Wheeler, ni P' s, -i- n, speaks rehtona yb opersiE ni ,l,deec. s4.
highly of Hayy*r 1". l'ert.esl It leam. This was the deuhle• relied boom* re
the great value of Poison . \ret ihoe as*
flit sfioeld be cons,dere•.I mittens
,int• as a rule from heft torich
Iaswirnic ,c
tion enlisted it wag h r a term of sit : gohian cola utnar style is net suitable for
'Ors. E. 11. tefil.k.
\l any t.1n.1....i r.,•.It„:• o.lations a
lar an ch.0 Icier to the one given heJaw
have heen nvetre.l. and etre pr -e4 of
deer• him of inftammatien of the limes .h. len ,aa the o4. low* , which has the
and an oMtinat. cont•►' It I.a.setil the benrtit of e. nalizeig the muscular action (rain remedy Try it.
phlegm and beats ehr :wigs. L' I S Arno: Feh :Ni %kr Aurin fame 1 leg tt of the rrr„1 that we Ater used Nerr,hne in one fa m
Tense among us wh•,ere seffenng with ! "In it the alt.rnets line follows en Ars, and hover ("noel n i moat reh*hle
Bronchitis, or weakn.•as of the theist and -ereht rvah .'u n. Jna, m.itcsrd "I",'114remy tor cramp* in the .t•nnseh, *10.
lanes, should n,•t del:.:, hot tyke hostel for. mires a return t.. the .•arty ted
r..a i,wail*
Nn, wait eeteetieny for rheum.
pow w P.croatrto Eert•soi r,•gta arty, ,eleeecus yllsnf sew hes,hw ,rrnn*ne we, I.cinw. N., h......h•.n d Iwo oith.t),
eea+vdlnl to the stirs,.• of their physician lir the present system of writing from tits in...Neel. re, - - Lniit roue
to tbs dirort:•ma on the f..ttl.. Always,
...their .ht tit els t(el the ELI." t ('sit.. Jr P.
o ak for Items..: d I'm '-rnuatrii. Ewi•t• float a IA wait sample bottle at Wilson a'
trier, and toe sure t'••• get it. ! trees TIM. Neter to Tee f drat store. forge bottles Zit rents, by ,
The alma ..f w .rm, er. eel; ',neve. Are you troubled with 1,hon.nesl, all druwwi.r.,
bet the remo•le is a .4 ilways so well dyes; sta. liner or kidney e,•n.plarnts, or
:ink :
KOTIC$ THOSE G1NG1tAMS-- 11, ill.' hn•i I:,c.
be., 8c., 9c., lOc.,124c.
%. ;t .oil . • .1, .s •:.. !. i . t•1,. an• n,•t ia'ta.
"VT_ H. It ID
The 1'.- 1,1e 5 ' tere,t 7oderich'
A tlemaettable Let ape.
Mrs Miry .A. L►uley,'t Tunkhann•.k,
P3.,wa. afiieted for sic yern with Asth• .,
rut and Brew -hie., during which time
the heat physicians could give ne r•!i-f.
Her life els desp..ira•d of. until in last
(Seedier she pr'cnre.l a bottle of De.
Kings New itiscorery. when '•liate
relief was felt. and by c'mnnning its use
for a short time she WAR comnkte:y ear-
ed. training to i.-sh :•U Ilse. to a few
Fre Trial H.•ttlet of this certain en
of all Throve esd Long Inseam at •Isis
A"iia .n'f Ileoe there. L•trge Kele*
$1.00 4)
Wi,v uw i'• ,•r OIL on your tteapere and Mowers, alien you eau get
• t'!l'. , It has to r 1401. 'fry it and :.•u will use no other.
"777. MoKE1NTZi=,
-3 -
n 1Idl line of all the leading Patent Medicines aleseps kept on beat
(Physician* fPresce'IptioOi i 1 ialtT)
lh. the Neale*, ler,tw•taa. sod all *bora
It may".
Ph•esj,hatin.•. ••r Nerve I'• -sit, a 1'!t•'s-
at. Etemrmt ii*se.l 4.)••n Scientific
rhos -
'act Formulated by Pnd.ww'r Austin,
M. U. of Beaten. Maa.. rum Pulmon-
err I'.nfumpt...n, Sick Headache. Nee.
C4;115Atfaek i. \'.rt►tn. and Neuralgia
and all n .atiu( diseases . f t!tr human
5ys10m. Ph..spnatin. is 1.• t a ?saltine.
bum a Nutriment. because It certain an
Vegetable or \lineral Poisons. Opiates.
N acetic*, awl no 4iimnlants, but wimp s
ly the i'h•,arhaand (:envie Elements'
1..ntnl20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
found in our daily1....). A .incl. teat f Rolls
is .uMeiont to c 'mill's. All I►rut;i•lsts
sell it. EI 00 per bottle. le•wbre & ' iesutlfwl ceion. ani at m s eeleat~s e r 'ova. i f ru'owes. .at ea* see them- They
Co.. sole ..tots for thy Dominon, .
lib Front Street Feed
Now is the Lwe. It yaw visit este or len Mee roma* at het•e. t• vee Peeler'e roost tames.
Ne Cas over
salt tett_.
;, d.lrnnine.l Freeman's Worm Powders bed blood 1 11 s' you will ffn,I a certain wk tth.nm. t'trook. or ln.wl.e. see tr (I wifl destroy them 11,1 vire in Berdack Kind Bitters. 4 rltee.wgtity r.w.vett le a eri r .ppl..)ka i �/��r �1�'�� �� C IODTh.r It ,It•n, • em .•f (:er. It• lion, To It.ror. ILenarn. - 1lwsnee the of M. ers► ,r :'arae. tanMslic terste to t Nati.'nal pes ere •tn.nrps*sed ml s U .IsJ1hetiart.andafewAesea.t %1 ttnrve's1,twity 'mf Peserb'w., was drowned while skating scalp with Prof lows Magic feeephsir clue Itw lmper" M.w.., 11. •nn 4...e Ret r)r •.srm1 d. yet th••r •nh. pur;shcer t1� on the river at Peterhere ThursdNolA del" htful medicated se for g1rs'ied... 14.parvA r utare�.sT•..doe „pee thybilaryorgans etoewMlyedAi'T p K P ie•%etually IstM bnlN. 1_ srve. Tl X51t1 . 1)110°1
Tor .nt 0
4 of
4:1.. f
...its .-