HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-16, Page 8THE HURON 'SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 1885.
Ent colli, (AL -The trustees of this I,
section herr..cur.:d the services of M
Mrs. Ailsa reds.'trten.isat Ttvertut.A. Du row• as %pcher for the present
behu cerdine It reek. I year. :the Burners has taught the y...m
M, a McQuarrie left for 1V.ngham this 1 tiles ut''rolh+ ea lo tl.e put two years,
week. to to present at ' t ceuses'a sad w Here well rso'unueudal. She
Wedding. / egiteved .m her dune.. eo Mouday Int.
E:,uty •,i tear.s folLeved eke noahi T F. Young, our late teacher. has
,.f 11.e late Frederick Ii..rt..n to tis eetwrsd a possum.. 111 Hui mg.. He lett
....merely kart track. 1.11 the scene t '.,.labors tau week.
14.r architect, with a slaltf.,rd hunts- Silt 'i. Mrs-ia... The annual dee-
man..- u,, to Asilheld with a di,n nod I. tin , "..• ..tutees took Macs on the
'•seer .4 h.•ui ds. W.: seep,. e that the Ibrt) at e , December. After • cun-
t are ...el relents will ler eel in that test 1st wren J....n Ster.ns.u, the rn•
yv.rti•••t of the ;nil doe before they return tiring trustee, and .Ian... Quaid, Mr.
with the spud of the chase. Qu .1.1 was declared emoted by a alight
troy ,tit v.
ifalgiVL Hrrtt•ital_ Tho pleuure .•f ring
"ahs add year out cud the new )err un
11' .'. Ew.84,s i.i 1 isttag fricuu. in 'las with eosin, , dative and song, was tlwr-
ucur'y. t i.thiy ea toyed by a large number of
Miss ..kaki,,,, irwn SSnmmer Hill, i., ir.vn..l nue-. ', at the residence of .same.
.mom.; Ler aster. Mrs. G. M. Ktlty, !.,.occas:
M.. G'aaar Zed "'nib' Rat.' rrmwe+'
in .mage of his daughter, Neu Ante
Y Mat, try, to Geo. E. Dougherty, of Shep-
'pa,.:' :a. The °rite I,w.ked bewittWug
Mr l'ihkney of Kiulese is visiting at in garnet silk, wedding veil and flowers.
Sir. Pra.lf.udl. She wattended by her rwsin,M;s. L.
T1 Ien:a (.1'Lgghijn...a V. et Wawa- M tau •hlin ..' N tnc!taiu, also attired
rash, ie 1.:...`y r... •. ..... .:um lou in germ" auk. Thos. Dougherty. brother
reees.t severe it:•••tar• of the groom, acted as best loan. The
(Au r 134.11 M+. 'astierve. M internal mar e- ceremony was performed by
-'rti ,,f 1 Ate. a.(411141:14M1.4 Dungannon. Rev.
two r.w,e.s .s :..IS.•e....e. ,....•a :, now .0.4,1.0.4,1 Mr. Carrie, e, of D,.. ;ninon, w -s also
501atn•,;:oJ lea oi,, ta•r.:hr r 1.':us ritatlge present. At;.r the congntufati..ns were
of th r whole st:hooi. over• ail r. :..cud t., the dining nen..
which a •„ tutetully decorated with
A ' t.rchment tai the tiered trete, led ever:reeos, flowers and approp-i ite mot -
by Lieut'- Wilson said Ilartle;; , .4 Leel:- toes. and sat d..wei to an eleggan, spread.
O now. ► e!d a series .4 nicetlug last week After ample justice had Leen done to the '
is Haekett's ch'tr:.., about a utle wet: •'rood things y eeches .:ere made I.y the
..: this place. Items. 'Jew. 1',amero.i an., l'.1 rte, the
-- - loaf mei T. F. Young. The e'dupauy
fin - then ay. -e t.um the festive board and en-
Tlr Karel .tt.y1►awtin •r •till Carew
Ijohyse!1, ,themnel ti ilin t,leiri)nIua nw•rs1r s. I
asotciioanl- -
er w''d knees. 'elm healer• GUM, d"ofthe „u.,e .r iliincm.e °hent any earlv
.i.t ire,. Vico e very heart'. is :Lame. hour in the moron) t. when cacti nick
R-.''ert f1•alkrt 61,43 ,til a 1 ainfol ins bis dept' r.L1,-0 wi.hit., ]lir iixepy beide
Jury 1" 11.0 Yatld nn Mon...y' !eat. His aid yowl .ouch L..i.ptn.•e.t. The htitiu
hind came in contact with tlo MC cirri- was made the recip..•nt ..f a t.uulber of
111r .i t 1.1 (•u'lis'a eei", !a.. ratint the hatelsonse Mid ese•ful preset t-
thwml.,. II.. will -.e. lai.t tat fora bus
John W. Smith. .4 Wall•1re's oho*..
shop... confined t•. his bed. Ile. Towle. Matthew teaukleton was a ectea trus-
•.1 L'.ia n.bh. t. , is to atte'.•:.'lex. We teas . for S.. No. Ili in place .4 Robert
b 'pe .... en hitt about alga.. ii: a few
days. Trrt eaten. whored r
t. Luclnow.
The tacTa:urott , e aocr
. ( ll.a 1.• .,er A ;creat mite). ratepsyert are net ode -
The with tl.0 law as es -tetras wire relic -
An entertainment will be held in tits
Methodist church on the tett tuncessiun
wee teepenard us 11114,1 .hJ:rot on Sob-
bath ta'+t, Rev. iii'. lamer -1. i4 bmt-
;ann. .n, fume Lugg. The snot:'1 meeting
.1 the con:memo dm w:ait Leto ..., M. •ndsy
The f untie es were nut ia a very proms-
iogo:ndi:li y, the ti mkt'bow :ga article
f ab. u• eco, p.■rt 4.1 which a .. make op
by .'nirl 2th.ha o1 mute present. Ales.
McKenzie tt is hen a,.pu:ntea to cel:tor
%.-s ir.,liaCe tf.'Qrt.•Kor has a.ceptel tis
i••rrtior ..f teacher ass the tem 'h depart-
I.lrat .,1 tic lattcknor echesl.
Nicit.iss Austin : ccotiap, Lied his
1 rather ..tchaol, who hes beau ttottbbd
with a 1 e.cp tin lila at,:., to 1: ',den last
week ten saw Dr. ('flap nut N are ];lad
to bet r :hat th, dc.e:or has L • is of re-
motir.ig 'b•, lump ...talent pur:, mug an
o/orate-u. Mr. Atwell *peak.. -f the
k'orest ('sty as n canoe, place.
1 hw.l'ey Iasi week s rue of ngr young
`parte, 3.1 discussing the mt...s ••f ti:e
hoer o t.ed respectively by .Kr. W linty
-- and Mr. Young,
eub)'ect, an.! et last ,•a 4eel ther. fav(•rits
with • V. This news tic t tte-4,u was w
be a b naaricu cranes sp-.w1 the. ugh the I
village, ,.n1 out villager", glad of any i
tbiag 1.. i•reak the .., itieleuy of these
times, &dewed thesusslvea 4, bet-nit..ei-
cited .,a -r the sts3r Whets .t was de- ,
eland t ,an Whisky's :mese 1.. yest the
,ace, t',•. , haeein of lee backers biigsred
description. 1
Senuo' Tt) CI(IIJt tee. '1!'; . special
termer •'reeeh.d to jereeite in the
Prenbrtericeehurelt here by ft M. T. 11.
':aslplietl. of Uu.lersta, was :. egad to
ley a large indigoes '41 young 'sad old
last SuiseL y. Tito theme was ' Hassle,"
based ,n 'be cootost between I%aend aid
'),bath. The prca:t..•r in 1t •p1e yet
ferroefml bey wqr, des. ibe,1 sur'] giants
as Ansi Pride, delft -!,u.., I;•'.ora01e0. I
Jlsosit. b':aud, Idlenew., etc , a. d made
w etirret; . t, his young i, -a to
nveneeme :fires in (Tel's rtrinet:I The
children Assisted the ch 'tr at ' his very
pleasir: s evtee, aro.! the •si.ging was
�•-' .`e��., T�tr 'e. eia. - t,,. weightuf Apo
ale tithe' end drooped le Jetties Link -
leder L -.t week was 4'J.i lbs. Its are wee
only I', i tat:.s, and it .nuke fat rapidly.
(Ian mets oil fitend t',e _., mod" re at
Ostler (; lff, look up I..e register end
treat it, o, .:a:, the s.sp.tut 1/r• 'rspread
find w, j't.nrc to surreal. ie in the reeved.
.4 the hnnlep market c'erk 1 1, was the
largest ionic weighed t.:, the 1ib4': itch
,.ark.•• t h a ee Iron,
Ann; .:.1'.t, a..1 Mai .a.• TM' an -
Waal IL,t t,.i of the !'rrluyte:r,an church
WW1 hrl: •... 311;H. ds evening. All tl:«
rum.aaat, wore present. The financial
nscre4.r 1:. •1 Ins report :t, fere thin meet -
rag, sl,..'. tad a ...ban estes and r balance
.N ha..tJ t-• .st '.1 Janua.y . f r. The
manage. . re re -.leets'► Inr the ensue/It
fear i n...tu n to r ,"wide r the hest
nein. • t pa)ine off ih, richt on the
b,shI.i.c was .eft toter intd a special
'weetit.. on M •••day 'wenn. nest, U.
lZrmn..L. • ,•d ,ism.' f.inwlater were ap-
pointed : i t.twuJ the pew.ytsry meeting
:d lllytl. .m. the 211.t, 4 amtu,er to
arraniel for . supply for t'.i church. D.
Starting tn.•bopied t!,e shale.
f ATLmonnt.
I. W. Richard s an I Miss .;;tout l.tar-
doch, both of this place are . n the sick
list at present,
.tared Dryden: formerly of this place,
hut new of lltunfnr., who has Leen
n visiting friends here for the ;eat weak,
t.tornal to his home a few days ago.
Very et100e.d me
sfuI protracteeting,
arc being carried en in tl- o l(etl.•.di•t
church of this lace I,y the pastor, Ver.
jlir. I:am;lutot►.
W. G. Murdoch anti M• is ,Martha
• Murdoch, of this place, aro• rieitittm;
I friends in halt and vicinsv at present.
I We wish thein a happy tun,
Hiss Christina McPhail, a:o has been
isitiuz friends here for s•metiene left
were placed lis a desk upstairs where tl e
tine started. Wb,.. Mr. \ngua g..4 te 1
11112 n.uln the desk was ..psa and the
looney either burned ..r gone. 'There
was tare in this desk at the time. There
was an insurance of it -til) ou the bail,'
lag, which is a e• u.plete wrack. Mr.
Angus, and Wm Notion, (he owner of
t'w buddinv, wish to return tLeir thanks
to the Fare t'..., and retains for their
Fr uupt alien and their valuable and.
"Kielty moment a.uotthu,e nes ' ap-
pears to be the order o, things now, and
the Brussels school award is no rump-
tien, a.:. I-dy trustee will new take a
cat at the b.•ierd. We think our *clued
straits oro and hare been fairly well
oianasted, but if the expectations of the
friends of Mn. Smith are realized, we
will gwrhaps be biller satutird 21,1 1. lis
nue p•i.ut we ilii, 'c the board has done
weeig iu emeluyiog female teachers
whose certificates frequently expired at
'`^,r close .1a year. The beard will now
consist ..fIts. Smith, Jas. %Vilem, W.
It. tt l lash. E . J' . \fade, F. S, Scutt and
De. Hutchison ;The Post.
Kra et Le l'.eurioe's. - 1.•1'o.ing
ante...tative ....curved some tune aye,
Tel it is nevertheless worth misting. A
Stanley farmer, taring occasion to use a
large :tomtit .4 money, drew from a
hawk in Clinton the •um of $10,11110.
(;stun; a small ,.alt bag, he placed the
amount therein. and carelessly threw it
in the ir,ttom of his cutter. After trans-
acting some business :around town, the
horse in the meantime being tied t.. a
pest, he drove to (paderich, and put up
at a hotel, ...Hedy benzine the salt lag
and conteutaon s nail in the oar mow,
until he _,d his dinner, where it remain-
ed at perfect security, as none of the
numerous occupants of rho room had the
slightest idea ao large an amount of
money w•.ee enclosed ,n se common an
*I1te: a as a salt hag.
The Lucknow .4.e! o,.? says - -The
charges preferred against Mr. 1). E.
('tu.eron, banker, of this tillage, by
TIW•nus !in.itle jr., .4 Kiules, ]'.ale up
en aturday lint at Wal«mon, pursuant
t. : djnurument lw•ferc Sluices Mc -
Se • era an.' Cooper. and sere finally
dui. meed, and his character a nnpletety
Fin. mated. Throughout the long and
st . ere trial to whieb Mr. ('emeriti urs
lain 'objected., his twiny fri.n.le have
never tont faith iis hint, and the dismissal
°fella case after a neat searchinit iovesti-
gatien must efectu..11y re:unrr fr..m the
p'bhc mind any doubt that lu.ry herr,
exist.," :Is to his entire 1111, .,,•....• o' the
- charges brought against hie.. Not s.tia-
I i1c-b with defending hint. -If Mr Comer -
!on 'carried the war i„t.. Amen' and
Isrone (t counter t•b_,r,e, a.4nrist the
i Smiths, one of wlote. ;1.30 Insets c010111 tett
Ito trial for forsety a•'.I the other for
p01;ivy. Tb.. whole. «tfsir fr.... Isnot•
..lir, 1,1 moot .cc.,r, stt-....gly .1 peeper.'
tile, .•n the port .4 .:retain pers..ns whn
were :1,lorrstwl iso lwjuru,a Mr ('ctn.-v.-
"n ill thi• "Fes '.1 the pubic. '1'h res tit
that te, l:•.lily vre•ifyi.v to Mr. % %alier-
.... and hu frirsrle. We *attend our
bdarty c..tgeNu'atiestra-" •
o•wetllueate is pima Maters It will
only be when a raetuter of the Rufen ,'
mem, tar two members of the house at.
thus removed tl.at ere buildisa..111 le
erected. Civil servants are the .,sled
had thug in the uurtet, and it ...aid
require the death of a const tunny of
thee, 1•. slake an intp...-400 on ,he
Moles ; but 01301 U comes e.o.m.' Lumts
Ise there is every likelihood. I ::.n w
thing sill be, dole ITer.•1,tu W
The Great ('e.eelt.tt:.must Lawyer taste
The Ling way.
Boston, Jan. 10. -Many ..f John L.
Sullivau's friewde profess to be heartily
disgusted with hie soedurt donna the
past two weeks, and my that if the eon-
t.rl with Gree.tluld, b.w,ked Co. Monday
night, is to bra serious stair (:reruhuld
will he the w.oner. Sultlyan was per
sued by the .counted polite 01n the
Brighton road recent!) for rect.!~ (triv
nog. but it. escaped. Ile reached Char
lest ow., saloon at 4 u clock Tuesday ut..: u-
tng after his Bight and there made merry
until the sun ruse. Ileafterwardssttack-
tel a coneiucwr and driver .f a )1<tJ•,.
politico horse car, and ..caped proaeuli .0
by paying liberal damages to the plena.*
abused. It 1. stated by anon of his ac-
quaintances that he u beeuu.inig rapidly
utcule-.4 in debt. Sullivan s now out
.f town, some say training and others
say to escape arr..l. The officers of the
society for the prevention of cruelty to
animals say they will serve their errant
I assoon as he returns, and aably just
pri.'er to the time for hos eutenng the
ring with Greenfield. In the meantime
every'iturt is teeing made to induce the
ow Grocery Store
The wibr rther bear to aaa..0 •.. e 1 list be bas
missed oat a new nicer) Y1,0..
oaf ispreptnd to do beator,s. Witt, 11.4 ' 'oil.•
of he tuella and swrruuudung -r. .... '. ,
Goods are all New and Fresh,
sled ham. 13.•.'n t.urutiased fur l'a.IL s0.' a+ .• •
price, ere low is tie city .market.,
Ho Intends to Make Hie Prices
Touch Rock Bot :om.
aldermen to gratin a license for tit W.-
hlbition. ,It has nut been granted.
• In Pembina county. Dakota. en the ^J inst..
the wife Robert Ja►uiesou, M a sun-
In Ninglam. on the tub Inst.. the 'vire of
Henry oiled. of a sou.
la East Wawaaoubb. on the 8th inst.. the
wife of II. (Jorier, of aeon.
In Colborne. ea the 20th Ewe.. the wife idler
John riy.i.sine a. of a daughter.
is t:oderieb. taw January 11111, lion, the wife
of L. S. Willson. of it dau.gbter.
in :oderirl'.,.n Sunda), January 11th. I+e.'•.
Flisatwb. before.' win, of air. /. $u.eeth.
seed at years.
In'ioderich, on Friday. January) 131h, Unfit.
I Kate Macara, fourth dasghter of the gate John
Macara, ag'•d 14 yearn aid :. months.
I• Ite (tuderieh. ea Tuesday. J.,caary 1St*,
tlfi. Wiliam A. Martin, youngest Hon of Mir.
r:W*h Mar... aged N mamma 7 meatbr.
0;ed.rira Il.ehuSs
4:nnmae•. Jae. lt,
Whist. lMall 'bush .. so 77 .. y) 77
11..t.iaWiordo gl8ep1' wheel 0 00 ,a 0
. -... . u,
0 7 sr 77
Fleur. (fall)? elaS bag -b-
• • • • - • 1 se M 255
Acer. noised/ is big •...: 1 t0 „s 1 2i;
Flour. int rots( bskeny • bag • • 2 2S w 000
Oats, 0 ba.b.. ...... u :O *4 u le
Pear i bush 0 Si w o it
Borley. Si bust' .. ............. m ;o a 0 ki
Potatoes i bush ...... 030 er 0 33
IlleY• to es 13 re
14 se :.181i17111�:•
F'arunera produce taken to exahanir 1.•t eJo.wls' NEW AND FPS H
rad blab. -.t pi ices is ill be el % r,..
Klh.u't tw-e't tee rynn, the \ra 1'a•1. -rt -
1, _.- _ t
to se dour to !Myna, Ilrug stsr•. l.wkr.• l•
ioden,:Y, Dee. 31.
TIILtn)VI.R\11I:'TF:VIK►i:al:- ifs• shooks a.'deadida,.ortmentaf
The American Agriculturist.
result Till: Tit.. rn a .N.., a. a u,_ `. J: •r i•. • China and Glassware.
"rhe A.s,ri.we Ay rirwlrvr:.• i• es pre.,"
worthy of iweativa, because tat :hr r.•arsrkai Ir --
.uecr,,e that has .ttendwt the unique enol wit
tiring effort* tat its proprietors n. ahtrran.• .cud t r. and look. i.' yon do
extra.] its circulation. Its contents aro- dun'i
rated every mouth for a (iern,an edition.
Wale/ widely."
Thi,. tribute is a pleas/a.; auc.de'n' II. ;',r
marvelkour hearty
No Trouble to Show Goads.
('anrr of this r•r is ed lradint A. o •tlt..ra' C. A. NAIRN,
Jourr ni .ti the world.
WHAT IT IS TO -DAY. (Howse Square, gederiis
!rix ...tai's ago tae Aneeri.rin 4:,r..•I.- •.-•
entered upon a new career elf pew.pert1)•
mad today it is tar suprrt-.r 10 ant similar prr-
iudiral ,•r•r neer. ..1 au Ilii. .,- w.•- tear?
ruanny. Itrcl,rr tw ,.lnurial .trew,11i , richer
in messing., print4 d on fine: taper. and
present...it In every i•.w• hes columna. of origi-
nal testa.; wetter 1...1,, the. ablest wr.l -r..
and 'warty tai illodena too -e. lir. c...orxt• Thar -
bur. for timely a quarter of a ....Mort the n:,
toeen-,h.'I of the -lis' rico. Ayr*call„r.s!.
J.r-ph Harris, Its Ps Ir Ilal.ted t'ut. lit. 1'.
Weld, a1,-1 Andrew 1.. Fuller. the .other hone.
tune' EA. •-r••, t gether with the otbet wrnere
who tare made the Am. -envie Aurae -wit sri.4
whir' i, i- to -day. are N01 at thele p../..
F:ee'r r.th-' riper. whose istriceipthro r. I.s-
medtatrty no -warded w with the prier. 51.'i'
I/01' rJreq and IS creta extra for postage .
l • velupardie making toes In all will re.e.vr
the Atu,•rican Agriculture.: fl'ueliwh
German, for 1.14 of lett. sad be pn.srnt.-.t w1'1,
t%a $ wiertraw awelr.lr.red Ya.tU,
CyrI.pe..diia. ]jest oat!. :se risco and .ser
ISIS it.arsvlep. Strongly bo :Hat .n apo:•a.
Wact ane. Auld.
This en'rely new volume is a ntnrrki'.:a t
tstorehouse and bock of ref reg -c for . very
department of human know•edt-, int tutting
an Agricultural ?inept .wont by U1. Thurber.
,teed tarter twent.tamp.. ler weeittag yea
specimen espy *sorrier. aaeerwlrwr4M. as
rlepsl fees, -pose Irminsium LIN, with !N
/155.551/Moa. ■N .pertmr■ poem If et•r
F.mtly a )rle!prrla. eats &sere. .ranted
every wire,.
Alt 1• I l o N'. J UDI), President.
734 l iesederer. Sew ieek.
(see. Oh. 11th.
4 •
Note Papers
Ai bums
C ardE
E t .
�iewspapers and Periodicals
f .tT a1..y a .)OKEH.
and t't:,INTMA+ SPKCIALTTith.
8., viol. to n„ :":spied.
O.dertob. Du0.4th. 144 met
Reny s: v rent.. ter Iestaer.
and tee -lie (sero a roetly boa
t.good• wbi'h will title yew
to mo. r money rime away
than ain't Ling rte.: in this world. All. of either
a,e, .w-.-.'.4 ,r„m tint Your. The bead road
r.• coterie r'.as before the workers,aaseilste-
1! 'sire. At uotsr addrese.TatV I& Cu.. A u►R.rta,
Seine. WTI
Rutter. • t► 0 I; w o 1,1 - - - - - - -
gime• (uapaekerit .... . HIS M fi
(:Fico; .... 0 t•! .. I
8boete. • ewe ..... a co w n n0
Bran. • cwt
Mop. op. •cwt
(tildes •a its ' n so
trareeeeties... ................. d s0 1 Ai
,e• ...0 13
o iai •• 030
0 tin '• 0 gr.
Nx.,,-d. - -- - ----- -
lbw her home in Dundee en Totleday.
Dsatabee 30th.
Peter Stewart, of Lseburn, .las 'leen 7„
fettering in 11, Horton's place tier., ....-
the 1414 few days. Mr. Horton daps..
b. E home to. acorn... of his brother hes
ink .i;u►g.r.ssaly 111 w.th inflatu'n.4 •n,
which •er ettattd in his death "ti M 'n
dry the 6th lost The ``eeo/e of tine
(lace sympatth,a'r with Barry and his
friends. Oar ...itemises) teacher. M,-. 11
Ices again resealed ha duties
Part Alton.
Fsa.-• esu'. Joe. 11, Iscrhlift. d
.11111..r. .., roister r, sa.. it of dos gel -
k s teen rota tied .nna a trip
es... Be neo sad Wiles, arrived
lire at 'bar's ere in*dee toat-
be , edamme u1 1 v femur., Mem
A. J l'.i.te0, ed Wing' sen, paid nest
*Ow ..1:0», 'Nil una(;' neta►as. i)itat.
P•i�.v . "t' .. •t, 1.0 14 lust.r true 01 ■ ert
A:;..•tyw Pa+ ,ls•1alltarS4
A. a (y 'as a;- is "'tumid to
Ste alfelyds
I#'1 - The ' 1..T►;a. hare
.le ,•t.' m 10 •M1..t a w M• Ma
"i'i.t, • a• • • •wtinw of
4' 1 ! a 55J v: temple: ' , swept
0/111,. ..'._
Koos another ae tinct tint reed. condi u-
y glutei.
tri lfl W. BALL, AUCTLIINEEK Fiti:
1. 1,4 .4 low ar ' .1s .t self lush
ateb•.rity ;ahoy.. d,tcin-'h. and j 1440.o:it2
hasty part of lbs County. Addisas .alien to
. the County of Huron. Galea attended
on 0i.Hat,t•Iti'.n.i1 .Iue..tiou. bad ultras gedereh 1•. U. tti5.
bora iirru tinct ,..:ver rave'"e-1, he.iu- TOHN KNOX, GENERAL. MT-!
clan. i I4"'bitCr.eks Act was "u•4 *u.th , H/ Tit/NEER and Land Valuator. t:urlrr,rh.
rpt. p► or un'wlhuth it was written." 11, nett, "lacing had ..•.siderable experience in
neerinr trade. Lt is iw a pr sltion to
aeon, the Licensed Vwtuatta•rs that 41 -11•3 -•"•Mechanic with thor ,u;l, hese a1i .was-
they !esu 3;•I t l he of titer before Ilse court* - 'nominal' ewe -...Led to h1m. Order's lett at
• Martin's Iles!. ..r.rnt by mall 1.1 my address.
li•rdsrteh 1' tl.. t arrf.illy a'teoded to JOHN
3. I Gin'. Au.nt.wie,r. ISC-tf
'file follow isq office's went 'sleet tc! iu
Dew i)r.p Gwnrd, Nn. 34, It. T. • t 'n,,
1.w ::,o ensuing term : S. C Bee
(.inky : V. C. Wein H. Matte • N. C .
Bro. W. G. Bur loch • Chap.. knee 14
Kirk ; nos., Sr.:. MkL.• 1 ; Tess .
Bro. N. Murdoch ; R 8., Kinser
Millen; F. f4.. Bra S Mulder n: H.,
Biro. B. Rama, D. H., Sister B. Mic-
Diermtd ; (1., Bro. A Mel hat mid ; V
Bro. A. &with ; l.ndve Deg Jty, 'Ira. E.
W. Rekord.. The men.hera ,f the,
coonci) perp.sa hating a debate short y.
Sebj ct--WhicL ns tIto :nure otoireh r
fir a Id. cl•ntp nem, a neat w.,e,an w111i
a emelt temper, er t mlovs.alr woman 1
w ith an amiable temper. Tho sisters are
answ.aa 1e know w!a.eh of the two are
11e11111' Ib... CI ra-...r Mores rat .a 5Ye
new. Ise*sar.
T:.e Wingham Tinsel says: •'tin the
;.at Clay of the old year, our p,.p..l.r
yoal:g; townamaH, W. K. (]massa, pane -
pal of the public eche ol, retbaing that
"le ,e La good for man 4s be alone." r'.-
•.rent the army of bewedirts by takiny
MMus Harper, of Norval, to tV ih. altar, i
of I.is joys and antnowa The Time
threw& an editorial slippoeafter the hippy
a,ople, and wishes them m+. hepuy
and prosperous years of waked life.
AT-rt•errne 1117001.MT. (h, New
Vest's morning the household of T. Vsir,
postmaster, ('lint m, was alarmed to met
nkat an attempt at burylary hat' h •ml
made during She t..Rht. The window in
tt.e. servant girl's brdto•.m had hent roe
ed up, and • chair used app,rently to
enable the intruder to get in, lout a leek
ed d..or prevenui., (nrther prnereas; en
entry was ales made throne. a kitchen
window. If the would Ire thief visa after
ptucder he evidently failed in getting it,
for nothing whatever hue beer mimed.
About 3 o'clock „n Now Year's day the
f re hell rung nut an alarm and the '11
laggers hurried to the residrne. of Austin
Angus, corner ref Alexander and Themes
streets, Brussels, where rt was sarertain
ed ]!tat the bre had rained considerable
headway in the upstairs of the h.'n1r
The Are easiest wee anon in wmhiaR
order and a stream of water playing a
the bre. Owing to a defective lenteh of
hese s shame hed to i+e made whist
caused a little delay and gave the A.•.,
element a fresh alert. Tia bon of the
fermiers and hnnssb"Ie1 eilr'ta were
rived. The low will he a serines ewe • •
Mr. Angels me he had ruemsly gid s 1.4
d anter cashed sad this ta.eley, .me..nt
is to sloe, lath «wlts.., ppew,
it le'w:d .s.1 41.014.11 Ilia (hd art was a
., merge -b. aid .d no torte whatever.
We n •ed test refer to the bad feeling
end irront:..n which lore been pretuked
be int. eeeratiutef the McCarthy. Act,
Is. r 10 the warte of time and money .n
g.e ti ti.anavun,ery mto working order.
1'he ttre..t Canut.tution.e1 lawyer sod Its
lei...ads chose their course deliberately,
and tleeu p :t: ural it wish d,-L.rmirt.Uou,
OF THF. BALtNCI. VY' M t' ,STm)('r:
A a cry line acct %el:Smarted stack of Easy uodee:s i ..t. .:.- .. ,-1 W.:'• he su:d off
.A. SARC+AIN FOR 0..9681-1-
I! other branrt.-, nr my beets -a, h••-'• well smelted with new aid ea0aonable !Roods.
1n t'.au►t,.g ou- entnrrosts rustomen for their Lean)vereasep the putt ear• we la
roe yu,. to c.,;l and i n.pvrt oar Neck. did Woes. sad wtco • as carr and s• e the
a. I T1-
witbee: doubt the two: useful peels ag hotteeboM fender, ever &areated.
C. ' i3. CFIRV'IN,
AT THE CASH bTORE Jan. It. l05. Nertrtlide Covet Ileum Square, Goderich.
- --- -
You calf BUT •
EA!' CHINA. GLASSWARE, Goderich Fouad.ry and Machine Works,
t' n••t. with en nice• 11.1' hate had atone EVE i THING IN THE ('ROCKERY -
f ti1TM1LTS "fl (EX IDA STEAM ENGiNES. FLNIRIVQ SLS, BIB troll 1.1:4111/It it:llTED.
m.otths of the .art. It has tern refeired
,n their afro sty to tl.eii ors jwlgex
it has en nr4ued toy 111.1. lawyers. We A.s. a W.11-$elocted !".0- k ..'
harothe decimate ofthea.urt Andnnce ! f:l:.ili (:lt(x:I.Rir4 c.raw ('atter'•. Agricultural Furnaces,
Wore the great cowaututie.ul burps is 11'ase P .wars, (:re:- l'rushrn, . gric
b..teo, overthrown, utterly cast merit,GANSEI) (i(-)U()S, Stowe,. soc , ere., at L .w PoetaPoetaenol fr•yu t:,e g•dluwe, filly cunnus 1.igh,
Flouring Mi
lls Changed to the Glacial Reduction System.
wb:ch he lard prepared for Mr. Mostar, -
1s new H411•,.,i10:. ! .t Is lett ..f Sir John
llaedousld a si.attered and battered ra-
p potion ! C
There is one ether ge t'.•cl.tn to whist
we aro been., t , refer tai dealing wish Js
gtill 24111.1141-`. 111 111' J11 Uait,n,'.IcU.erthy
g...etteman is fondly honked 41 Ly
I.Iany as the "ri.ingg huge .4 his "stern,
unbending party. He is sometimes
*pekes. -as the LIAMin' .4 the parry, atld
se the only man worthy to tike up at,d
west the mann!. of the thieftatn and the
prophet.. it was Da:ton McCarthy who
led the wernment press in the contest
wleeh took place over tnu license 'lues -
tion. It was hi who took charge of the
subject in a„mmitt.-e, who drafted the
hal, and .ho de(.nod.,'I .Inco h cheese
in Tarin intent. it was Mr McCarthy
agar.. who taste therm. of '!1e amended
Intl, and ilio ..weird It through it. nks
manner Wes he a111e44e, and did les
fallow 11.. ode Heel 1 1). was he • pet. -
sin, and did he follow lite hostler 1 He
e ar 'moor the other, and whether M
+a. 4011. r ale other, neither could brim(
hen any hen..r ..r creche -j' klub..
New t•eiIMa/ler ta.INl.p seeded.
Mr H o:'lt wan yin[ Pick st T:r tnt-
f..rl last week and is 111 there yet, the
result of Eli .fineu,ent 10 the unh.athy
block on Feed street ; Mr Pardee is
also mart no, from the same cause, end
has hinted r ore than once at his early
retirement, th.wzh his cheer.. for Mr.
Howst's mantle are good ; Christopher
Fnsr, 15 a nn at an invalid and at ,id2
TEAS A SPECIALTY. J. B. RC`.ci ss.s, R. W. R' iclltaly
Et). ff. OLD, 1151 Spuare, Goderich. fiodcricn. Nor. 10. 1485 19111•17a.11k li tit; - - _ _ --
wanted t* Ilbleir rare nta end Mends that
-. 1}gd.}4s a In town to boy
."IOL'c.t and Tinware
Howse Furnit>shings,
Saunders' Variety Store.
11 .•.le •d fat, ,i5. where
the dingy home at the renter when p. -
. able. Only Trrsurer Item it left in the ars gettaz msrr M. will rood • thonr.I sad
..Id barracks. The other Rem feneristww oar "Still 6:1'e n 1e htrwhh a heu.e .nth. at
,r the Mower gerd.n of tit.Janse4' square,
emit from .moils and noise and typhoi.L
Mr. Mount himself long ago turnery the
i,hrery of his nen house on Mie+a'r et.,
int.] the .Tries cd the attorney general
and an 15 enabled to keep out of the so.
milted parliament bntldinge As long as
he is seen, in his Ian esa'le, and O. W $2finUODU
s•rvwtery Id the
normal schen', Hardy and Pardee, and
Res s happy in the sminnus
, 4,e nld madding+ over which the weir,
ypit.ndel i• ewer hovering. Thew are
titres ras ,of hew fever is the Mdin
nr-., sod Ibis gram .tater, coupled with
e unhealthy structure, m.endtyrete
et thea d s the sleatio hem to Nair
- T1:.'I'helper:. H•,ea.e under the 14un."
Seat door Ie the fest Offer.
(l.de.-k 1, Jae. 0th. lea. IRT-
i. pn .-.is Fiera
Im r. Herd
Kees and Fraser can wort aid sleep iw/• asrI ' of
g'w1Aa of 1 ♦alar, thatr" will soFtperl yte
work that wilI at after 551.80e is ma.e�
hitter 1 a trig e'er 1. Arwrrtna. All
ahem the hi pewseets salt* eseb bus.
rtes, w sea, of
sinal y.w 1155 mit
*11 r'. Inrsa tM tgmw where,
w.rt /er w. at tkrlr .wa homes
aw .t411y Wsel Inti fir.
A Lew .ad "seed ,''unr•m-a of
IIBEfir V=. A7 'D P. CY . . TZCLEB,
t111ie YEARS
�A & NEW GIFT$ .�
J revived
Ladir: Velvet, Lea•he: aid Plash eatser4. Whisk and rerf..mr IJaidenk ('1',.b and teethe
Jews', Per'u.,. nod Ire-,*3nw ( i- •. Plate alae Minors In I'tesh, glad sad
+havlue M irrors.Slu' u= ' . es. Toilet Articles la endless variety.
tlyaelet,'• Bulls in blggl Is glasses. t:rere..:one Flower., Ace
P. JORDAN, XGdioil $a)11, Goderich.
CROCMTillmt.ir WA RE,
A1«, a Large Line of
Moustache Cups. Ladles Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Wath,
Vases, 'to, which will be so:d at COS.
&C. , dtQ-
teammate fah. 11st. 111v4
Ila.Utes .ire-' G.de•rlet.
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.