HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-16, Page 3t�
MISSBEE. I •, q do Mites idyl. One maigleniva, Wawa bd., eller
jY � tt•� 1 over ear wree.. `ley eyes, ensliht m eel iw�*M �h
Ike top curled up, and a voice like WI
DV staopnw Ntt{YILLI ►r+t
TWO OLD rata‘,,
•My deer Jaok !
'My dor Tom !,
•Tana sturdy grip an 1 the •artnest
haad.ahakinlfe, the t... aftenieny
Oki fellows each renting his left uu hu
friends shoulder ; sad there they stood,
Lead mg themselves riot the left hand,
THE *ate)RD OINSItAI1..�
'Old Rents esjoyior themselves,
reeler,' sat 1 Cherie', tb. waiter. !Settle
of Cltamhertin, an -to be shown, blot,
W the tire.'
Th. 'eltl glade pure enjoying tl,ew-
aslves at the eldfasluoued betel iu
Cot ent•�rdwn, for (Motor Bawls had
docl.wsitil.11tto hit (reed's club ; but
it was in a miry quit fashion. They
had had the dinner they had amain, and
whsle s with the reel t. But they amid were sitting sipping their wine and amok-
mu -
pint.teedy their voices, whack were a bit in their cigars, taking over .old times,
hwsky and ,seep; and there was • osn-
usetwiulling look in their eye,, with a
little moisture that did out betula; thele,
se the ab ,y. w..nls were repeated agate
fibd agao.
'It's Ides old times, 'Pena, to get a goowd
rip of your tilt, Gael Dr. Banks.
'Why. Jack, y.•ii make one sniff the
Isis : and 1 beget thinking of pair -tea
and tubs. and -eh. dear me ! It's thirty
years ago !' coed Mr. Thuwas Bested),
et Serjeants dun.
•By Ge.rge ' it is, old matt,' cried the I'su ;Gd the aerld has prospered so eats
ducts r. 'rut be to think Neter'', you, • l b fellow.'
an imposter. "the don't give fair meas- 1 supl.•se it has,' sail the lawyer,
are, I'll swear. Tkirty years' Don't dreamily, 'sat every way wee one.'
seem like ten. linty 1 say, Tom, what a 'Ah, yes,' said the doctor, lending
forward to lay hu hand upon the other's
vary wily parting you've stela
'fish ' humph ! pe,' said tee old knee. 'My trouble, too, lad. Ge.l blase
• fetter, peewee. a thin white hand aver her ! She was a sweet lady. She wigl.t
Kia shiny bald head wifh a rueful leak, have leen my dear wife's sister. Strange,
which changed t.e a �inile as too retottwl : Tem. that se should booth be celled up•.n
'Rather frosty up stop of y.ur mountain, to bear the same sorr.•w the rams year.
though, Jack.' Twenty years see, lad, t went) years age.'
'Eh' frosty ' i:y Ge ego ! yes,' replied There was alleoce in that room for
the d.,ctor, tuning his 'shaggy ;;ndy hair
s rub which seemed t'. melt it start up
all over to slayer flames. 'it wasn't grey
years ag••, Tom. But here 1 am
Thought l d give y••u a lwtk-uy' I:••ut
yea out of your pouted -bus ter a bit. 1 table, while it needed no very acture
Left my pw.tarnts to Bee, and Tin going Imagination to suggest that the nasty•
to hate a reek's raking along sith you, i old sideb'.and was the entrance to a
you deg. We haven't Leal a bit of fun family %suit, and the be nae tea urn
together these thirty a -ears. upon the censer table only devoted to
'Humph, ie. said the std soltci'or, l the preservation of cinerary remains.
$hamuli his head. N. And he Look- <' The stleilce was broken by the trickl-
ed very sterni sad uucomprisiuff as his I lug sound •'f wine poured front the cvb-
oyas wandered round his dimity room, webbed
ebab'iliult11le, and se, tli.. std then,
frwas frmoved
,ver ancient v„urnts Imund in leo' calf, Y
sup(wsed to be sheltered en their shelves' in silence drank a tont-to the memory
from sooty Louder dust by curtains sat sat the dea.''.
tea -leaf greeu . o.er battered tin boxes i As nese) let doer. their empty Saws
h peoples dames in dirty white paint, 1 and resumed their seats. the lawyer blew
his ruse loudly, while Dr. Hanka,
tY i
and groan's{ young in the effort. The
boor had arrived fur ordering a cab to
take thew to the theatre, but they had
ordered a betels of Chamberlin instead,
sod no 'mace was the better f..t the prier
of two stalls that reeht. There was so
much to talk about, so much t.. recall of
the bales wtieti they wen b'ys tt.sether
at Huge) at (tatted- of what ha.l taken
place since.
Tum, the time has iwiu by like
a dream, 1 can't believe I am e, .•1st but
�a dewy.
Vette a belle. 1 wonder she is out
114101tied,' said the lawyer, atailisg.
'Might hare been half • dvz.n time,
bet she 'ameba at it all, Tom. Our last
aurone went away uu purpose to hang
'And did h. r
'No ; it. turned Anglican tustead, and
has get into trouble about vestments.
By Georg, ' !bomb, you'd like my 11.e.
She's a splendid girl, bleu her ' but I've
quite spoiled her.'
'Indeed r'
'Yee.' said the doct•'r, wtth a sigh-
' fou see, Tem, when that trouble caw
upon ate, it about drove saw wild, sed I
'Oh, I cetedn t think of it. Thestte '<e,sd I've
ed • uy
110114.1 seen en. another.' d • Fred, lewdly n• a�tk
•work '
fiat there u • iwtlway down to yusr et
'Glad of it, dal. Yee work mush tee
ports, and an inn '
'Railway, Too ' fun t I►•'n't tail hud
There's a wenn ■edea• for the Su du you, s:r :and 1 we treade as en-
stuffyuueg dog if be 11 come. and I eau sire
him emus et the butt shooting end tah•
iot:i the cvu.ey But oh, l' 11
wuwldn!u't d.,
'Why nut'
'Hang it a11, T oai ' My Bee mania.!!
Why, what would weenie of me T
'Become of yuu, you selfish old hum-
bug i Why, you !auk[ attend their
children when they had tl:e measles.
There.( shall rend Fred dorsa to see. Ler,
and if the vuuu' fu.k like tach other,
they shall marry.'
'Hans it all, Tum' gently' cried the
gsite worship' eel the peer little child her
let a s had tuft to my tetra. 1 wo u t 'Oh ,, said tltu ductur, sariestically,
l t soul touch her. 1 used to always
sumo ten.. The place lucked diet and
wtemn tea, lit as it wasunly by four was
candles tet old fashioned platted candle-
sticks, which were reflected in a weird
fashion from the polished mahogany
'My hied wants a wife.'
e a ' •dose hr?'
wash std dress her myself, and its tier ,Ile don't know it, but 1 do. f think
out with me on any ro. Why, she he wanks f” hard. and wants change ;
couldn't hi se hero four when she uatti I the change that sweet, pure English
Fenn., life would give him. I should like
to see him inserted to • geed woman.'
'Such a one as the daughter of my old
friend would too.'
'Thank you, Tom,' said the doctor,
changing his tune. 'But I say, though,
old neat:,' he added, Legh:ng and ban•
t , stop in my gig an•1 the rents perhaps
for a couple of hours, when 1 was seeing
seine patient est in the marsh, while
Dick, my old tetrierer, would sit before
the horse's head, She was my compan-
ion down in our lonely place ; ar.d if it
had not been fur her 1 should have goon
melancholy orad. She w+ed ole, Tow,
trete drink, I'm sure she did. 1 th, Tom, tette► again ; 'suppae we would not
you eau t understaud how les loved that g
like year Admirable ('richton
girl.' 'N"frac of that. esti d b. sura to
'I think I can, Jack,' Bald the lawyer, like the lad. Jac':.'
with his lin ,luirerioit a little. You 1 swear pet c' fall in Iv+e with my
forget that 1 was left wuch in the same I girl, Toni.' cried the doctor, excitedly
way.' Tlia, he shall come d"wn and Dreher,
'Yes ; but )soli were always such a long
Jack : and 1 hope it will be a match.
hraird, c'ever fellow,l'um; you wouWii t They won't be
spoil year b.
I y' 'Ne'. that they wont,' $ el the doctor.
'And 1 dun' believe you've spoiled
your girl, Jack. i don't, •poo my sail.' 'i haven't roar ted a!I latae years for
'Ale but I hav /horribly. Fancy what 1 nuthin3.'
'Well, i m very glad, Jack,' said the
a leer for a Lauder ;irk, rah no compete lawyer, rubbing his bends.
ton but' n rouelt country d'.ct .r in s I den.' know that 1 am.' resp ended
bucel,c parish ! the doctor. `I came up W tcwn f.,r shit
'hyou've had her herwrll educated 1 .', of fun, and 1 m beginning toteg:et it.'
'Oh, yrs. 'relight a lot, h„•, my-� - o sac are act `+ire Yuu want to
\\'c real toeetlier -- she reeds 'N'' I '
self. make out that you are eaten u , with
(:reek like an Atlteuian. selfishness, and hu tl a drat man to I., •
'Humph ! But she plays ! Yuu used
t , to siren¢ on the ciuliu 1 here t'eet of lick lino!'. But well
'And I'sc Leet it up. Lui'k at the tale t.f it a;aus, o:'1 fellow : tied nus
suppose we run into the Adelphi--just
corns plentyon the tips of my fitttcrs. \\e, timet see a sou:'tu •f acts. sad -Bios
have ..f duets Good music, tau• t n'y wail, shy, it's tial; fast twelve
'Ila said the lawyer, beating time to
an imasm:try strain ; `piano std violet.
Very pretty.' CH.tI'TEI: II:.
'Y 1 co well. But we like snorted + et .
,lin and 'cello best.' I• was just a week later that a+otor
easement fee you to go and spend a few tae ductur • hoarse was pointed out, east
days at the don't
nodding his satisfaction at the aspect of
But I don't tensa him, tether.'
'Net know hint t Well,but I du Pish' the place, with its trim Iawru, rnornu,ns
lass boners full .,t
Yeti didn't take me cit you went
'Kowa! N.,,' said his father, sad w
natter, as they say is the Ream e:
Commons gullet y, 'dropped ;' Fred pea;
d,•wrs aloes to It listh'erp e, and oalkiag
in three tails» from the station, to where
yew beiges, and g
He's my oldest friend - a true gentleman. fl•,w e n and (wit.
Why, Fred, he'll !soak upon you u if you re Rw t ur not' RD.
were his son.' _ .-
' Well, it's very kind of him, I'm sun..' tMes TMs integer N ill r
'You Tike the country, and will be de• Are you troubled with lilwusness,
drape! ma Inver er kelusy oosaplunte, er
lighted with
the place. Clw►rnunz pa bell mmol ! It eo you will bed a certain •
and-er --er—there , I11 he perfee•ly
frank with you, my boy, John Banks has---�----
a daughter.'
t4en Francisco .l owwo„r : !Stage gram •
'And you two• hot.* settled that I am mor•1 must be otitis' alone.' •
learned me this last week.
to n1 fell in love with her.'
Stale in Burduck Moen Bitten.
neither '•u nor he. 'I never doubted
go r I
'Yea, and many her, Fred. We are i but whet you would. •1 ran menet bum.
very old (needs, and it would be most is ed will rewaid d., eel
The•My se half ambition
.gi'.abte to us both if .00h an alliance
sl.ectmrntt of the Iante+eire to current use
were formed. She's a charming girl, w" ! at our tltran t . wry eelectrd at nt stem
Fred t and realty, my dear boy, 1 thenal• i fron, some 1;, 1. tete down Junug nes
it's the best thing you can do.' weal.
Here Mr. Heulehy leaned bac: in h:s
chair with a sigh of content, and said to
himself, 'Thank goodness, I've gut over
that' But he le',ked at his son with
ute, as a slight flush
luau s cheek, and he
father, this is must
dummy the nest mi:.
catue into the young
mei, rather warmly,
'Really, my dear
Ayers Hair VLeer uuprnres the beauty
.•1 the Stair and premiere its growth. It
iimparts an attracti'e appearance, a de
14:htfnl and lasso;; l'rrfumo. While it
simulates the nee... cleanses the scalp,
and adds eleeence 1•' luxuriance, its
effects are endurine . and thus it peeves
Itself ',, he the be.: and cheapest article
fur toilet use.
!'Abs I To Remove Dt'uat EF. —Cleanse the
`Absurd' What. t., cind you a lovely scalp with I'n'to how's Magic Sulphur
wife °. , ewe.. A delightful medicated cap for
'To make special arrangements like, the toi!ct. 1'n
this without een.ultin; me. Hang it all, i - --- - -- - --
the lawyer brief rnlerve.l s. mail )
For, a tun dust tale" a wife as if she
were • brief
'Oh yes, he does, my boy, often,' se:1 .•
'I'm not Koine to,' said Frei Lleasleby• r.stofes with the gloss aunt treehaees or
'Now don't be rash. my dear bey, you'L tasted er gray eau to a natural, nett
11 IN ansa (tight se red hair maybe dart••.•,!,
Banka off this morning, an1 sur parting Con hair thickened, ani L*.Laea otter,
1 ere that w• would say nether?; t•,sgtt we dant., caned.
brown coker, or deep black so may be+destred.
there's nothing settled. 1 only saw John
wars w
h 1 but that you should It °sec". O"I'lt of she. hair. and rt:r. tt
W the young people,
tate• a.wea+ sad aie9tr g•,wt t ager.
just go d.•wn and +tee .ne young lady. and pcev. is •wd curet s,•a:: and d::,•t:ntr. a:,.l
if a mutual likine sprang up, well and lee:. t• a::y orisy d w-,«, pte.ti.'r t, eas
'fetid- and if it did net'— . , eca'p.� de a Ladies' fta!r Area•lag. tb+
Tie ,>: 118 ica.tal
the z r poser. tail
young mat. 'But, my dear father.lthis ele,,,;n in ape» a,-v,,.e, a::1 „epee, a .etica_e,
r bte,ail:aat.ui Itriva,e.
is very absurd. I don't want a wife.' sz eN
dot. C. P. •!..• .'•:n writ,* from Ir,rel, n.
'Oh yes, you do, my buy.' t.,_ •• Li4 ta:l ear 4•,r.••nun,.eeird
*: 1 ,a a akar: lean 1 breams
•Excuse me fur on,ntcadictiuy; yea, t , 14 ,1, 1 u 4 tel s t.•u:e of
father. I do not; . . - i a t oe. est, meets et e:.i•.t the nal: -
:.:r *owl starts -4 • new oa1:t. t
it cunt.,:1U neither col
'Why, well and good. too,' said the nor stye, feeders b 4 t son,
'But I say you do, Fir, and that it u ,.-
etery men's duty to marry. New, my ; ...
with opo • ! a aur, I dear Fred, it is toy tartest wish the..
. .
as they r ' w•stt .c. n icex, r*o of the .r/ Whim
and here and theta the word "freer. ff 1 you should go down and see t.,u L'ankses. prat �� of - it , toot own
and, alt,•zether, )Ir. Thomas Hrai t y f hearty florid • trcitrten ••t a simple coon- cu
" � � ^ .r•• r:,r.<.a t ,: nue lair.
it the world j try arntieman, toady nu pretence, lot 'But _the young lady.-3Iue Bee' B,nks steel on the a atferm tot Ktng a ( You know I hare year welfare thorough- '. t
h 1 1 his errs . only 'd at heart.'
d f play the t tlunte v 1 cr•.ss .. , Not t
• --•,art of the eterets tet tate . 'Then pull g•• ! .ctiuu:'
breezy aspect of the county; a out
1 brightening the candles seemed to novo up r ore I tl i a.r4slra eswtiT
I tell u r
A fait {Witt of Bair grow v, Wtp,Y•
1 ivy • n':: ir'v,i lh:o t,at
. ,,:.1, ',17.1.C.1.1.1....1. l .1+.,11:1 bare Wow
• toy own . elr e:.•. rte
..erred the Tety .art perste" B sir. a
y, ty, raking, as his visih.r called It -hie wiped
! and said humid), .les n,. p a e tl hie hand In that of 'bpi nt ty eat'. i rdt. •fah+ t 'at* r!a•,
',titter, the hearty, florist man with al 'Goa knows rest. •Don't .he th ,u,•h ' 1ty C.eot !' L'ir• ! friend. t::e ,ether ,w the doer of the Eat- ! 'My •
dear father, yew' t •I i 1r. ret u et :Lin
h Lek Titers was *weber silence, and then 1 1 b yon: eyes tet .- salt class darn+ e r 1
• ..,nth 14 ,
i 'If you put it like that, f..ther, of
soca bring tears in ts
t • -s •�I'trsaatay. Manlrr of tbs
to you •• a 54o:tira
'•:iu' a' c.urw 1 will go : but, must e 'a, free .tut,, J/.o,.. Feb.II
atrument. God blew her ! she's been' *Then we shall s r :situ .n s
the satin¢ of me, and a letter, truer• (west;, Totu ." pLtuyy, that it ill coire t•' rinthinz. t loco a.y bat began t Oi`. e,4
. r M t!:•: e::auge wb:e:n t:nns
hearted girl never diced :but I'm afraid'Or ton dsys, old fettew, G „i bless ( All women are s to ms : very nice toacrd A+tssi r Hats
-oi geed -bye ' Couto up again seen, . talk to in suciety, Lot i ani apt a marry "' 1 • •barer K••n able t, msiatain
ctce M 1• ':: •,tainea. -w natter of
11'e spelled her.' I i ' I :a'•.c of to a•mre to muttsterr, ors-
iubbuh ! Jac:,' said the lawyer. ! Jack. It has d,ue me no end of goaj.' iog man. , - :err, said w tact over! saw whoer•f
1 I Biu reit till `Ah, we,1 ' weal sae t i • .,,:,,read tis lwblie:'
nano!) 'Td call the men few who 1 'What, r ..t stein 1_ sass, n A 1'assr•nr, wrtun� fmm is dim
as he stood y;.,.*i*g, and Il
otic of the diuuiest chambers in the uld brightly perhaps it was only the illusion
Inn of Cour:- I.1 the old friends' eyes - mid then the
' Humph, no repeated the lawyer, 1 doctor said aloud --
shaking his head. and fur the element t 'Yes : we live again in our children.
!Tom. New then, what sort of a cusp u
your Fred
'Eh t my Fred ' Splendid fellow. Sir.
Tb„retizL English gentleman. Tool•
begun at his celleyre ; devoted to his pro-
gr„einq mere yellow and gree and lees l-
I,.o.ing. Then his eyes fell upon the
11ou.r in bis told friend button hole.
They roes t, his ruddy f .ce. then to it
trieht. clear eyes. and the effect wee 1• ins• 'Let tee beer what sort of an ac-
a flub canny into his own , a watt f Z�!mea Getting quite a 'teed pracUCe, •• t 1 .
me friend.'
its he u'
of memor:ee of early nn•nhood swept over i y Thanlye. Tom, said the doctor, t+,uut my spy gives tf your Vale cf
the wren.le in his brow Strew less' 'tee out ! Briefs you're given hint.' simply "Well, there : 1 re hal the duty j Eche• 1 Ttien we'll see.'
him , f ursne Tack Why d devoted fff ••1 seals lyse • All ;cine
deep, the crew !-feet at the canters of
'Well of course -u cv laid .+n me to bring her up, an esu a.:a y sur 1
Inot ' But, hares it all, Sir, `1 wuuldu't myself b, that duty fur d cordial treatment, a f R• �v hundred* of similar terttttteslaln
hive. C'ren them to him if I hadn't been i eke while
fluty bits she braes out •f the in- North.
� r ur, s stn . t , .
Ewe Gentleman- st yes a or u
ea:., :noir
anion -the mar, I m pruud t., cat •ph, watt a bit.' slid tla.lawyer.laugh- (that t s bad dot herue all ri;l,t, that no slot =:.,wins t.strt. rm tisini.'t s g roars
. ..a tLa i..:.:ryl .:••�q.-•1 awd B new growth
, • u, a .411 ', mt bead
darn make such a charge against the l ynu se beer/ dura to Inc. \\ Sten will
I Two days later there was a letter rem c , }�r,,rar•, Xu... tyro +• TNT.
.. � � o {rets , a,•ot tr.rtblttb of mr bale
true aay--ttyhood r Doctor Basks! lits 'd friend ayinz' it L" trrrrraykt:r x!'.11 was
MO had been ill in itis absence, but all E • ee tee f, wet tt a nC•n•.
e.. hlaV4•t'':f covered with *Lori hair. It
his p':or patients had turned very bad es levo rvntluur t u+ grow• and is n est a. peed w
seen as theyheard that lie ha:l c•etas Raise, f<Sett. 1 re`ttarly sad Mu cues ti
I of the 't.: •a, Out wow ae tt per T
back. Then there were thanks about � asrwius.'
no thou^ht o
the visit and
my deer wife s oa-alt Koihq •,n.
nue cu a
t, t►e'15'Y of Avast+ HAIR t'tooa. fa
.t ututhe[ wvttu � 'But you mus'. centre Tum. Well there was a postscript after the tint teed !reds but • trial w convince the asset Asp* I
lut, . ,' s. ,. s catty.
his eyes were stretched flat• and the
creases .•n rNi,er side td hu m'•utb grew d '
deeper and were ,,sued by other that sure he could d„ the clients justice.
ed to improve his countenance : and i 'I m sure you would not, T. t
e ever came between. have a rerol u g•wd tall of • .0 ay tine nee -for Doctor Banks wrote sat et to
nd use gout!. Vet" will trod an du rtwr who had t'
ti, said aLPAat:9 RT
broken u, int., little pauses : and here come
or, he slapped ed1 tell you what i
seem Somehow that meeting soonest .0 be h 11 t u yet nee g soul hand e y pe
h d„ctor' should- the doctor, warinty
nude a blunder over ono of les prescript- pr. J. C, Ayer &Co., Lowell, Miss
suing hiehand front the esu ro
It.lown again. 1 He has such ahead, Jack. 1'o d L o uccarred wnotbe:, which was ended at 'Well, perhaps,sc•me day. And I say, ions and p evened a patient would bare; Sold by allDruggi t•.
t u, `Sir ;say deserved to bo eta. per cuV.
'Why, it was boat -race day, Jack: and ' a cucumber e y (,tat by the duct ,r saying J. I wouldu ! anythia.' 4i 'fila
we dined at the Wineedlsr.' I with his calm, argumentative reasoning I used h wonder, Tven, whether y.:u [Ito, Let Fred sumo stow h
'Tv be ears we did ; and went to the 1 ways, i get quite afraid of him acme -
I would ever marry arwia,' father's •east friend, end it a
•n to me u' Th postscript fo'low,d s bis 1'. $.
Princess a afterwards, said the dexter. times.
•Weng, you dug !' cried the lawyer. 1 'Glut of 11 '
'Eh 1'
'It was the Adelphi--Wright and Paul • ,[ mean that he las turned out so
Bedford, and Slaiame Celeste and Mw well'
Wolgar. '.t.h, of • •+arse. And Silty tiBCliad0. %' i^O• as he sat nursing one sleek black you, T m, unit' •
[ kept it t•+ the !aceto
'IS course it was. Torn : tied we went You don't u11 me anything Miss
het.' doze and sending pugs of blies s . S Don't say a were to your boy
afterwards to gvaus's tel sapper. Thea• into the air. omp •• ! e
M Bret r Yes, 1 used to sotrdrr aometiiras.' lie r
to nt here ;we'll do the woe thing agave . t
tonight.'thee 'So used i, ab et yed, Jack ; but your
' fo,' said the 1•,wyer, shaking his 'Well, yes : Belinda. Her oil aunt's 1 oecer dal.
=sms.s0.. yue't like it. Ws never use it. _ ver dtJnerer , '
head. 'rgottes'sried
'I'd forgotten.' coed the dotattwt. 'Well 'Z'ttesd � call her little busy [tee when 'Ne:aid the lawyer. 'Ely wife has
never mind. We'll go to the Adelpbi die was quite a baby, and the name has
never seemed t., M q•,ir. dead, Jack.'
ani see - )11 [See d she
•Tbe Green Bashes,' Jack t Ne, my
h bushes are learn of the
'Did yon. Jack, old man 1 said Mr. ( tach;nent spring+ up, ear,, an g
atTemperance Hotel
( that looked eery much hie a d,lctor s It
for R d follows :-
Htwleby, lapsing into his old hoyuh i I've been Clinking that we u,d buy's
way, and seeming wonderfully undine must not seen to urge it on.'
the stern family solicitor of Serjeants' 'The very thong i was shout to say 1.,
'J liras• !tiro
kicked up a rumpus, and said it was all ill to extensive and will *sad. aantlreat'I ut::testkta.
M .
The train heti already started ss stub. Then s':o smoothed d,rwn a t, '.t rewutsr rtes.
Met or Beals active as a nate of thirty, Bait said, of course she should be glad to MEALS AT ALL HOURS.
father's d• 1�
the figure on the plaif•,rm her h•utiand she should never think A llmt
-the `n it wasman. To the FARMS OF HURON
'By -the -way, old I can never
k.avp anything from my Bee, se I was —
t'h•, •,sat,:-.- are hereby Intermed that the !tab
',bilged to let the cat out of the bay! about scnlaer round• to start • Temperance belei.
your Fred coming to ask her to be his' (►u Satervity, NPic•'mber 1. Ui, 1884,
wife. Well, to be honest with you. she ' sand wilt carry on the busier -se thereafter.
stuck to her. All the country people for I l understand,' sad the doctor, suU:p. which began to stoup and grew older•
miles round call her Miss •^ And he sat Raine straight before him poekinx Y its earl funk it back to a cab
I. would be startled if anyone said Belinda
la 1 the woven Sounds like a name in an old novel -- into the past. and into the busy city.
pant, Wright and Paul Redford ere I i 'Jack.' 'Yes,' said the lawyer. 'it 00011 be
Gretna Green, and that sort of thing.' 1 `Tem.'• better for it to he naturally evolved
dead so aro (3ucl:stooe and Ben \�'•b• Yes,' said the lawyer,laughing. ' You'
• We lisle sypin m our children. \\"h7 and he u' back thouz:ttfully to his cab.
expect the gentletmau oho cam. wonting ! shouldn't my Fred says your Beet '3Iurh better fur it to hap; ori sceidteat•
'Inst not ('dost. aboutWeelytnr l pee
'1'm not sure Celeste Slew would wear a lung cloak, and M called Eh r i ally,' said Beeler Banks, as he sat back
Wcnleer is acting still.' Trevanion, eh 1 '\\shy showld they not come tczethrr' is du, Eying carrittRr. How t1.is week
'Tem. we must be growing old,' said 'To be euro. t►f course. I'•sw the ; He's s splendid felled s thorough Men-
the doctor : 'but I doe t fool it yet.' Treyanien, eh , Ha -ha-ha ! Ha -ha-ha• 1 He's a pen• has ow' had any wild [
`clack. we are growing old,' said the hat 1 yonder 11a-hn-ha-ha" and the'
oats to sow, for he has always been :nn
lawyer , 'and I do feel it : but. thank, old r• ,.n rang to the doctor's cheery , o is to and or he 1 *l proud to say
God, I Fave a sent. 1 •. W 1 been perfect eon
W.11, what do you winder at ''
'Aad, thank tied, i have a daaRhter,'
said the doctor. 'I was thinking what my girl would
'Awl we live again is our childratq' to %Trimmioa. Ha -ha-ha''
ssi.l the Iawyr
'Rut I shall die at once if 1 don't have
' -4 c food,' said the doctor. 'Come on. I've
had a long railway jostrwey today.'
'Well, I ought not to leave this brief
I'm draughting; said the lawyer.
't ►h, hang it ! int it wait.'
'Rut it is rather p.artienlar—Mimby
worms Clint& My sea haw taken the
dyed '
`ilea be 1 To b. sera. foe said h. wt.
Olin( on. Barrister, tet tonne 1'
'A rads( man, Sir,' said the o'd law
jet, 1b'e, 1 Toes seise slow%. sod
'y M,�b
k of a ted num r of boarders will be •c
no longer we
{ea.sd iw, a 4_Lh .iNii i4l unit mf fob} se. lite sea .1 her sero t solicit
the tr.t*r,naae ••t Ib. T•mpnOnce
hi -eta; Sit itlb her muting Of him Far.Mwttei••I•►'t�e:Mad will4uarauue tbru,
windua to waste 1►d use till he could Ede/w°ir t 11ae
marrying, for she was too happy with ootamodstrd. L. J. TRERLE.
her home pursuits and her dear old fath- victoria street. oroosite the Fair Ur enet
lin tench. Nov l -T, Isar. !silk
pr, who -I -there, pray excuse my modes- ____
has slipped away ' Bat I .ba'1 be cad
to be at home a;sin once more. Hew
rusty Ton, hes grown , bot hew t'ee !tear
Yid boy bleemed up again when we were
t1, Titn was the only man in the world
fee her. Se there, you see, our sal :andel
castle is e11 down ; but we shall be de-
ltl.Itted to see your Fred, and i'li r:ve
him sone splendid Puling. nay when
we are to expect you.
'P. P.S. -Came alone with your buy.'
'Huai+h ! -kicked up a rumpus. eh r
said the old lawyer. 'Tire enemy. lady
seana to !!e of the robust order. 1 think
together ,.
1 will go down with Frei '
The serial and short stories in (!*omnis
Vt.!: no i'rtort.a have all the drattatic tatcren
rhwt Juvreile.silo. ma tpaelewees while Whey
a•.• srivwholly nose Isei. 'fee huwe sbrMm
te meadow Or
rn 1 e:ri urn! rein .
coot p:"1 ur n are htn of innocent few. std ..w
pap -r. on natural history and ancone. levet
that them lea always n per sc sod the tartw ni lite, are by writers saes•
Mine between w . anddon't Etna- R r't•*ee give the beat a.weraaceolslrne0 Yid
pray That night, as Mr. Hcmleby• of ser- He told his ell. .Tine. Ina.trsteA 1tB ataii.'r. e'�rr•
gine he is a milksop. Not a bit of it. pants' inn. watt sitting sipping 1:u pert 'i think I should like a trip into tete t.,s end peatstdea er hilt taSh ' toI .n
Fred, myb•v, he said. these *object.. There la sothlnwasap about
say He'd make her a cowed husband.' after partaking of his modest chop at country toe, u bat its price.
than, eh i said t}e law- I Anepitome eteverrthtei that is stlrs.'Uve
'Net engaged, •Oh, no ' t )!i, ne ' isq►owibla " I horn•', in Great (Tuildf,rd-str.et,ltessell - 'Go, by all means, father.' replied the
)etre y ' aid the law et, colorer'minxhamster : '1'm euro it will do you and AeslrableuJuvenile Moraines. (N•.fo.
•EagsRed 1 nicest hesvtess :- no She 'Wee i g •Isar, w ran stopped at the door, and a lyeusl►+e
tl I minute latter, a tali. ytentlatttunly gaol •A weekly feast of geed thirits to the Hors
never thinks of that sort of thing.' tdtlt y 'T!,an<yr, Fred,' wry the law er, sad ��11*b �a talkers." nmtb wb.ch it .istta
t1 eowldn t think of 11. looking personage, with keen dark eyes. y Itiwea7*Vw talker*.
'Humph l lies, th Not like most mod I 'But d if he heel had eermiwton it 1. wendeefd Is la wealth nt Mettles., to
ern yeast' !adenyl then.' N�r�et
'What, my Reel My deer boy, no ;
not a bit.'
'(ll► !' said the lawyer.
'What, • girl who think* of notables'
bet fashion plata'. and hasn't two iders
in her head t Oh dear me, ao, Tom. I
my, though, she's a apleodid girl
'By deem ! yes, Sir. Uptight es s
he would be a g.w,d match for rather well -out features, p•1• fare,
an 1.f+ea+.tntt a. t'rreaarlow, aedNasensa - Ia Mvei ra,
1. He !e eafe to use in hillpn esrefull shaven upper lip andci.,n, given him fur a holiday 'When shall yy, Y.
your ger
feanon , and 1 daresay i shall have a few „gored the dining room. we
gwiaeas to Rare him, wh.n 1 see shout I 'Ab ! Fred. my buy ; glad to see you , 'Wet' sael Fred.
putting my affairs in order, Jack.' back. 1 see you won )nor Mae.'' yes, of court" ; I'm with yes.
'Ab, bet i couldn't !kink of it.' 'yea, father ; we came off with gyms) ¢'.int 'Oh' dear m , so, my .tear dad, cried
' Will not r portaged the Mwyer, 'liereeve My client less delighted.' the )lair;
yew learnt OMR ovtits opposition he was 'Of course he would btu -of rumen.' duet this matrimonial car, T'11 do it my
eeevanteriek,.I !. 'And en yeti,. had an old friend toself en my own brief. In this rw,i'm not
'Tits, why tie! r I see low
y Doctor Banks, eh1" ening to have my solicitor eRy elbow.
Ttsittltt Nista* Prem M tis Per wear
ret. 17. cos auersa x er abir l UM
Ant /Le eusesewe, r9veowlsw�
ttes.tttaacee should be veLrde sI
Mer Untie we tweet. to •
ore wee to eon fes edMertfe
R merman n 1Nw ?calm