HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-16, Page 1yy.sEVIEN TEAR •
EV0TEO1. c 0 u ti NEWS
As GE t4 ER
McOILLICUDDY 1111014. PunAlligh
Seth* kielneon.
Cloarleg Ciry
I th• II
Strava Animals. NEWS ABOUT HOME) w• Mgr° t° 1"tn °1st W. it Min.r
has been hod np for some week. past by the geld titan concerned in the !Slams',
f d feel confident manslaughter case, and whose sentence es
A Hweesma FAIL James Beamish
x -Ort Albert Kystierious Strang -
Art Clara . Ms A. . eo ra •
Gwitarith Keller Sink J ( Sermon.
Aworise Sale Mot airthy thater. Hoskin tt
iiiikalleL MIE"N
of October, • wareild red sad wince
the preiaisizrniMikar.flgattt lat
S10. 'Ms owner Nig= Bli PrIrTe_lor"
trei..pilyeeMbred awayi=1.-
*Aar. For Sale or to tat.
lty I 711 a•lis . 122004n 1 3:1n PAN VILITKILLE-PAKilirOVIiA-CP. IN
hiratt.ovi ,
A. 8:60 JAN I 3:411 PAO 4 TOO PAN the Township of Anafirld. in the Vomit,
Inger. of H being composed et thas south half or
111"4- KIFV.a• let nem sae. la Ob• cossoroadon, mat-
sirstford I be. Gleam I 12:te pm I sm. talla one division. Aihneld lift acres. Title per -
(Joann,* AL I 1.011.61i 3:1/ P.'. I tas feet. tannediate poossatiom Price SIAM.
-- half cash. Ilan re to Suit paitottmer. Apply
IMP Barristers. Codert.a
. Destro:. 0&es sad reeideece. West
street three doors below Bask of Montreal.
tiotertab 1114
Che People's Column.
ikSP ti Mk WANTED, (neer
I (camp Address Rot C. Weasels OM.
- - -
The council of the t orporm ion of the Coasts
of Soros. vi ill meet to the Court II ouae. ia :be
Tows of tiedrrich. Tureday. the Lith tam
All accounts against the Comity . most be pm -
...toned before the Mot session of maned day
o' meeting. lit:TER ADAM:10i.
1271,111 Co. Clerk.
Mies A. L Wetherell& havlbZ.Itir reamed
from ete east with new Num. and a great
variety of work. in faibt. II -toter l'olore.tisirsei
Pets/tap. Kesswiewteut gig,. • W
Opt•I1 her mocha/for instruction on Jan. Mat.
CI -tat Holaa. --0a Tbaseday. Friday mai
Saturator. front 1111 to LI Oelock.e. m and from
2 to 1 o'clock. p. am.
riot D10. tamer of Oars. ised Stanley
streets. three doers frees A been Moe!. IMS -B
_pD''.11lill SHARMAN, aehatiatist
and plasterer. thatik.. the public for the r
oestineed patronage. Fie is mill malt to d •
all work in hie line in a AU periOr CO•1110.3r.
Mow to loot the time*. Eatus*.ttes g .51 fai
bedding* when required. 1.177-1y.
11(OTICE:- T H Le-- MEE
ot die West Itielirg of Annan Agri
riewilletrLiLertil be held in tbe ti•ome, a
os Wednesday. Jisok t. -v a. ISM.
at one aeleek p. ,.va aonaat i••••
pert. Meet Alters and .1.. • 0... fo.. ensu-
ing year, sad tamer J ou : V tan rt..
11M7-21. menet/re.
STITUTE daring_ their attoodame st
the meet teem at the N WIWI' • IMMO. Imola
dad ft to their interest, lo cominesioare with
tem fence.
mewed atter be Chris:Mass yam/Sm.
to receive • few pupae for invoruction 1.
aeoric, tor Pianoforte or Organ iCalitn. LI
Terme. MAO per quarter. in &drams.. IS*
Colborne *tree% opposite Jordan'.
Vim Pe the seism •f WM.
la Lair: ION A.
Morning ..... from IOW to LEN o'clock.
Evening,.ag . . • . " 7116 Or "
UMW@ Pres Ye Of 122. .
tailsrar. kbassui.tes.
..... -14414 .
...... .111e.
Twelve Skate Olialloon• • • • • - ••ftwr 'ea
Use of Skates.-
We are the ordebeeted
1000Wleb. Jan.
W. r.
lIre. Life and Marine histararve Ace*,
or OM te. opposite Colboree Rotel
Tbs " London ‘swirsci.,,, ps,oepo.n.yed 1719.
The ''Natiosee resentment! matt
This -11and-la-tuiad." the only Comtienr
=sad to instant plate irises. la We
above are all first class and old meta&
et loses rater.
911tb. MM. IMP
Tke eadveigeed has weed oat • re-
Mtish ea Itarentee street nest deer to
a Mftbeire tanor shoo. weave be will do
ail k104101 remotest in books midi slesse. AU
:Lark jeareteed. sad ressosialliks prime
01 VS Ole • COL IIAMO wigwam,.
1101 015 as' hull. ecu1 west it." ' that his rimmed constitution and st sod of 20 years was recently commuted, died I
err ID di New Role
• e ,
••A oilers amass ye. Dais' notes
---- habits of life will came the disease t.. about ten days ago at his Iroise in lied 0
TGVi TOPICS. raise the siege. lett. His remains were taken to Bramp- I
h se . some as man i. A atranne Reward
torn for interment. Now that a "life for 1 mai tame Ile '? Why ton Mr 1'
We are hall te learn that Res/Mali
,a.11ows, the photographer. is Mil is town. ,.a lifa- has been paid, the persecutors of I
aod Iwepa up with the pro.essios by defog snantion is 1a.o up with an attack of
thn Iteramish family should feel avenged. 1 Frout ot.r owe Correi.----pundeni
ft .hool hooka slate.% pencil t and stattioaerr. 'Il... - has ,„„, e„4,,.. ,,,ho w,ii be The tragedy hao thus turned re he • 0 Tho revcnt highway rot.' et v nem:
#11"Gd wurk in his line- Cali "d iu n°•eilisn. rheuistat ie foyer, with heart complication&
lee •its own ruins! I Arthur, Co , va'atot: Ala:
doub o one, andcare
gaud stock. and' cheap. at Mrs. Cooke's. „
NI pain u a comp • Miss Kate Macara, fourth daughter of
. ,
i °reselling at a song. la order to make mese Van to near ot his speedy re -:ovary from
for ammoattle goods
We omitted to at de last week tliat the the late John Macara, died on Friday
annual entertainment WefasKansuoloccehsuirchnite. •fratersrp....;11, setwaathogifeaterdly with
obeaf euittt}li,trieann
S., held on Tueeiay,
amiable disposition, and attracted many
entertainments of that school are genet --
friends. She will be remenibered as the
all of • f I haracter. Mr. Mit-
January may go out like • lion or a iamb,
bat the wise maa will clothe Monett noinfort-
ably for Me winter, room -WSJ shell & A.
the teams. make up stylish Mita
---------5- ,•n•by informer! thm I hare
bought ots the Itermit of O. N. Itotwom in the y • *UV. till il C
1,411: the lath cutt.rwairm. western division. at the old motile. Mr. R. Bailey. president of
IIIL (load Dull. with no,1.C1*•• bedding* the Huron photographer*. hi at present now
Re.. T. M. Campbell delivered an Ce-
ased ereaard. Apia, le 4.-A tt ZHOU. HOLT tit- o tatc4 with Inc. OM. STE* AUT. cellent lecture on •' Matrintitny, on
A listener at the lain school board meeting. Friday evening list in the North-st
CAMItittiN. Berrien's'. Ilioderieb. Wu -
L. hum, and two has aht„ued mini, ,...„, isaseuty unman establishment like Ssantirrs' Methodist church, to a good audience.
[AVE HALE OR TO LET --- THE r uarked that talk was does Rut it takes
winner of the prize offered by the H. It.
"( the north halt *t hot number dime bileineast and will herewtter "4"1.4" it chell is a painstaking aunenntendent.
.4 mum", reed sad Gibbous ,„...t.Zode. *misty attire. and tbem who hats ressiY.4 A number of reui.ngs, recitations an
isw to 11u:saws anon as ..oureuirin. aud oblige solos were given by the young people.
Ana. ohe heamei. te in,w,wee theirsiermuits. will cooler a taTor hy attend.
white tbe genies is web atoekt• 1.1.5 Hobert Dickson, of the 12th
talescon. of
eight rooms. doses& pantry aad Jai noised.** SL dom.
choloest trot'. tactaditut apple*. pears. peach-
y,- Pituns. Krell** earrauts .Lud sometterne..
at/ on 0.1. prealltle• or sib:Lem& W.
LR. GorterIch. P. 0.
J. years, Lot tel fire. ia the Maitland on
combo. of the Township .4 Ooderich. nogg).
by letter to J. S. LAZAR:1. Stretford. lataitf
,11 E. OA, Mb. C. K..
• thece-iThet
. Oat. Phorielancen:ortanamdiettr.
itatetatessem DemBilelea. -Mar-
tan's betel. 1191-
P 1 . Bargees. Amiu'inelieree. eas. M.
Oitiatia. -The Square. 1 deers
Lomat Wilma, Drag Mare. op stales Mat
I/ tr WS, Coroner kc. (Moe asd randatioe
Itruce St. set, set.und door w cm. of Vidalia
• Uhl.
g..j G. MACKIE), M. 1.) , P111181-
1. ciao. Surgeon and ammeter. ramilleste
• ELMMakAl 1710 verso F. taw opposite tamer
os & vOiseereles Bank. Leeksow. Hasa la
owe- miner, at ib• Hawk. HOY.
..nte• at Or. Misnames , near Me
Oodencle. O. C. SitaisEgst. J. C. Basuto
roe 1151-
Physicians. 11wtoline4=cbers• te
▪ eaderish.
C. disasiim J a. J. A. Worms
E. N. Laois. ISM-
0- gal.ICITOR h.e.,
11. )11113 .i.ireer se tare meare and IA est
aro% .1.14e' jo. over nutters beeketore.
mow*? ,•1•41 st. lowest totem a isterem.
k_.,1" rim, Atiordirys. Solicitors. .t
404v -tell. J. t. Oarrow. W. Prowdfous. tto
11.411E1401i, HOLT & CAMERON,
kJ Barristers. *diatom in rhanorey,*e.
:Veterich ant Minstar'. M. C. Csersts"
%titon. il. O. easentrea. Medierattli W.
a. W 'anthem. 1791.
IN GEORGE BRANFord cox, of tbe
Town Goderich.. In the County of Huron,
sad Prervi- 01 Ontario. Glotetlemaa. will .0-
p17 10 Me ParNollesat ol die Domini*. Of C411%-
64(4.61 %mart gesso= tamest. ter • BSI et
his wife. EMILY COX leraser-
Tama el 01
la Use Caltell=
at the wild Town of =1:t Ms
et adult*, sad
clay el AS A. D„ URI,
11=8,r said PerAlwaer. dooms
Ona. IlMillei
;."-....r .. .,
tool Notices.
Aticnoie SAL' or-vAtiliati
Mies Tilley returned to Galt this Grey, brother of Iterguitrar Diekson. has
week. disposed of his excellent farm, motion- a night shelter at the house of M. Stew-
art, near Lieharn. He avoided all at-
J.iiiii D.syle has returned for the luX 175 alre'• for the sum "I 1P).5°°- tempts ta get at his name, history. etc.,
Thu purchaser conies from Oxford Co.
and .as licial!y lodged in gaol as a vag-
rant. The fellow pr. -fad to be a wreak-
ini,tded man named Alex. Linton. from
Fullarton and on New Year's day, after
he had been incarcerated in gaol three
days, his relatives arrived, paid his tine,
and took him home. His foot had been
L o.. for elocution a year or two Leo -
The funeral took place on Muuday after-
noon, Moser& F. W. Johnston. A. Hut-
chison, E. Duncan, IF. N. Lewis. T. Mc-
Dermott and C. RUSS beano the pall
IDEntified. A few weeks ago a young
man with lit. left foot badly frozen
John Welithersld, of Stratford, was in
oleo this week.
The county council will meet on Tuea
day, the lath inst.
Miss Weathentld has returned to con-
-Loans anb Insurance.
0 IstM per emit. Private fends
Oodeitch. April 17th. DIM
$500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
Mr. Dicketni will &move Bauseels,
for a while at least.
The number .d 'he Chieseo C.,rretif
for January 10th, s weekly magazine de-
voti•d to literature and current .vents,
tinue her art entries. has been received. We °beat ve the
1121•01 of several Canadians Amer.& the
Miss Nelly Vanderlip left on Friday entioributors. The 4 • • %', is admirably
ouo hurt to London managed iram a literary standpoint.
J. C. Detlor spent a few days an S:rat- Charles Edward, "tie it'd.' mart of the
ford u ring the week. wields," who was arrested near Bly•li, is
Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson bate gone to now it. g.i0I, and gives an interesting
thetehome uear Torooto. sec wait of his wanderiogs. At one tame
Miss Stickel and her sister le:t se, he w" "L'tree igniter' but u1
Friday last for their home. late years has teen a rodessii.nal tramp.
The henriaaats if have had many
• raid front the ••ssioi snati and his
Mrs. Stitt returned on Friday last
fmni her visit at Stratford.
Mn. John McIntosh, music teacher,
is at present residing in Kintail.
Mrs. Berry and family, West street,
are at present visiting at Luchitow.
Mini Carrie Watson, who had been
very ill early in the week, is much bet-
John Macara returned from Ottawa
(bur - W. .k. Mart.n, who 1.
past year or two had been graduall
me away with consomotiou, died
fathers residence on Tuesday nigh
During the peat six weeks he so
considerably, but bore his inlictioa
great fortitude and resignatios.
funeral on Thursday nt.tart.oun was
last week. and left for Manitoba yester• largely nttended.
or the
, fad -
at his
t last.
day. Hugh Davidson B. ."... well -kilo
• Harry McLean, druggist, is again (3,4ttleit ana AL.:jury, too joined
home, and looks sell after his sojeurn bonds .4 wedlock to 11as Annie M
Jahn Hillier, grocer, Kingston street, tery, Tornto. on the 24th of Dec.
daughter sf T. Menzies, of the u
had a slight attack of erysrpelas tor some didn't send to a pisee of los we
days. cake, *net that,wo preeun.e, waa at
Miss Hattie mid Dolly Reid,of Clinton, sight. We wish Imo a happy mate
were the guests of the Misses Dark hist ral A oyace all tho some.
Mrs. Hero" Cowan, of Exeter, is the sras resened last seek.and has sine
Gomm- at 1:14.1.11.R. r la N. - -Th;
guest .1 Mrs. Gans Struthers Mimi in running order. Teon.eht Hier
week. t be a wire awarded for the you
Neatly 130 in attendance at the high who will bring tht most gentleine
school, 20 of them being upper school vie, verso. A hat carnival is on di
PoPils- gramme next week, and lots of
Mrs. Bailey, we t re happy to learn. is heled 1. r. M'. Harrison cla
pnegressing favorably after her serious skating surface of 40 z 50. See •
wn in
in the
s rink
e been
e will
2 lady
n, and
e pro -
fun Ks
ims •
s. illness. The annual nitesionary eneetln
CAMERON HOLT &CAMERON Oode The busily of 0.01. Roes left for Tor. Georre's cherch will he held
onto doe week, to spend a tew neontim'-- school house on Monday nett J
in the Queen city. 10111. The chair will be taken
James McVicar, who has been snowed o'clock sharp. The speakers will
at Buffalo and Brantford Goring the past ao,vi'tt'M
le Re' A.
lira R.*, and danoter, mias maudie, .4 Kincardine. Roth Rondonia:*
Demon, is st home.
speakercarol matters on int
of Stretford, have been the guests of
Kris R.. Henderson.
Rebert Starke, of the North American
Chemical Co., returned last week from a
holiday trip to Montreal.
The Mimes Broley, of Seaforth, event
the past week in town, the guests .4 the
Mimes Graham. Elgin street
Miss Demi. Barry is now visitino In
Galt, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Itothwell, formerly of Goderich.
Mrs. Archibald and child of Tucker -
g of St.
.n the
at 8
be the
, rector
are able
acrid to
einionat of Private Feeds ter tevestrame
st lowest rates ors drehelass Marlowe. Apply
to 0 Altft0OW PEOU Lwow.
on toons aad Tows Property at lowest. is -
Wrest. Mortgagee merehased. so Onennimen
charged. Osaveyarodosidasslibee resientiable.
11 title Is =Optometry -DAV= °Pia
N. it-Dervewera In
MYON Bardsters. tc.. 0.4051*. 1711
Wiese toe Pewee et Bale • ear
tai* Illortgago. conseauid W Pr* The:
So tbe Teadore. white Marlowe will be pro-
cessed at the doe ot said. Mere will be oMired
gar ads by Pudic AectImatitl_
gig die Wises et Doogoesmia. ia the County of
Thwradity, nth deisteow.iebreary. 1485,
by Cheeks
re=sefelehtelt la do
Aossissiser. sirs Yellowing rallishis
Prilrat: =II lest of lead amil
West Illra
la she
rwa.el the Ease
RADCLIFF'S, Iffitt, MAItItfii,
I b. Life sad Accident Ineuraraw Agent.
Representiag antateriCesepa edeseeeet
for tbe Cairene Live SIVICOL 1111111101•11011 CO.
Mosey to lead os Mortgage. either ta 'Tema ot
Farm Propertr. in any war sal 1222=w
er. 01111*- mo -(nn Urfa Meek h
elteste. laZirriaot
=otissowtre.1 ewe. beadredrorsollitlatl.
ezeire ea=
maw* will hoofer -
to a reserwel Iliad by tel
sh2=ashaelle. doe of tbral ode
48 bilsardiereet iw
ledowit ; se. at ea Niko et=
wham eim essalai t
• el tboparebass way
make pre=ltarer:
Sea yam%
at Ede.
To lend en farm &a.1 town property. at low
"14 innorent• Mortgages purchased- No cam
tessetee charged agents ter theTraist and loan
Comma, of Canada. the Camels banded
Credit Company. the London Loan Company
M Oassels. Isuomet. a. de sad 7 war
H. a.- pereerer, am obtain Monti la ISO
day. 0 true satiodortery.
IMP Parreetera. nedesieb.
$500011 TO LOAN AT 6 PER
ar*P;;Tred ta tem mosey *1* per mat.. pay
y. ea
minx -chum farm securey.
Apply te
Barrie." tiodersch.
Agents for the Termite Oemeal Trams (lop.
WOOR•111. CAWItatn*. Dot? & Carmen have
she a sament et private fends le tea
ea fans sweerity
. ISM tf
Sintouski• a Jew peddler. was r
bound dm -light of ,S21.110 to cash, isad •
large quantity of :eat -lieu. dry goods,
etc , Las excited c ,usidetable intired
here, sta from the ceseription given of
the three highwavolei.. there is little
reason to doubt ths• ,r.o of them is
pretty well ke ovii Lore. hartii spout
the greater !moo of the WI a winter
in tnis Admire. and has also been here
since the odibery As a sight sketch of
1 bit.individual may ion bo without in-
terest we ten what we knuv con-
About the middle of twit 1 actotter, Joe
Armstrong. as he termed hituself, ar•
✓ ived in this port a ith a coal! row boat
from Detroit. He stated that he was
lesund for the fishing islantle, mid had
put into this barb. r for shelter. This
statement was not received with wools
cretin, as Armstrong was pen -ideas, and
the 1.4.0it otterly unfit for such service -a
feet which he himself clear:y demonstrat-
ed a few der, later, by attempting to
Ass out bete osn the piers WO a heavy
severely cut before it was frozen.
iiton 1.100t. Erraatris Ex AMINS- boat, and the almost miraculouts escape
sea. the result Leine the capsizing of tha
"°?4- -Word hal' Won reottived irt"lit the of Armstrong. who most certainly
Education Department that the &stmts. have been drowned. had not souse ot
cion of the pupils whose names were Cesar alio witnessed the accident rushed
published ea having passed at Godench t , his ,,,,,„istanee. Aroletr„mt. wt„
and Exeter has been confirmed. 1n stopped with Mr. HughM.a, a &her -mu,
addition, the department has sanctioned who resides near the harbor, stated thtt
the admission of the following candidates his father owned three halliard rooms i„
recommended by the local examiners
John Bain, John Berry, Blake Moore,
Chas Simmons, Edith Campbell, Minnie
Halls, and Frances Nichrilson, at Gude-
rich, and Florence Felten. at Exeter.
Three others on the Gadench list were
also receinsueoded but nut allowed by
the departniont.
BRITTIRIFI Arse. CO -y, Tomo, ro Establ imbed
Eihsideo ed 1719.
RARTFORI, INS. OUT. of II Alterman Cows
Itst..14shed INA
Risks sakes la the abovelinwelasa Olace at
he lemma mbar by HORACE HORTON
The embeireigned ta also Appraiser et the
Illwasy to Loam ea first-obse wearily. from
11.1 per Cont -Charges asedsreba.
Osider. di Nowt. It EPP
sigegggi ardilte=raded. dieroews
Kersdniya. ter .... • • • * 11
4=e- ..... to a
to PI
Hondas. tor Wiles Achalaro.
Haw" florbses.
Artorcesis add It irowlast.
. .
0505 19
Ise. "RAWL.
se am Law
Capt. Robertson, winie taking a surrey
of the United Empire oee day laid week,
slipped and fell to the dock, stneint on
his head. Ile was picked up insensible
and taken to his residence. where he has
been cootined to his room ever since. We
are pleased to learn that the acciiient did
not prove as senoua as wee at tirst feared.
and we may expect to see the Captain
out *gam most any day. --1 Sarnia Ob-
F \ICIWKLL Surren. -- The members
and frieuds of the railroad hall debat-
ing etch met at Knox's hotel on Friday
last, to the number of forty, and gave a
farewell banquet to their retiring pre&
dent Jas Putican, who is about to leave
this section for liriehtsin. The chair
was occupied by Nixon Sturdn, and the
opread was en excellent one. After the
tables had been cleared, the usual
and patriotic toasts were presented, and
song aod sentiment reigned qui., tee.
The gcest of the evening was prone tad
with • handsome toestrchaton pipe and
the billowing address.
Mr. Janus Ilehatn.
Da An 8z&, -We, the members of the
Railroad Hall Debating Society, know
in g that you will shortly remove from
our midst, cannot allow you to depart
without in some way expressing the high
retard and esteem which we have always
entertained for you. As presideut
ism- society you were unremitting in your
efforts to further its isterests, and to
your tact iu quelliog at the outset. by
some well tuned remarks, anything that
was 111 any wey likely to lead to a dis-
pow, we largely ascnbe the gn.d feeling
that always prevailed araoi.g the mem-
bers, and consequently t he Which
attended the society for so many years.
We desire to exprees our thanks to yeti
fer the services which yoo rendered the
society and the deep interest which you
tOOIL in like welfare of its members ; and
for the seeming interest whiTh you WWI
dented, and the help which you al ways
gave the younger members in all of their
entertainment* Not only as president
smith, have been visitine her parents, Toe GA! to• Niussean.---Kev. 1). A.
Mr. and Mrs. McGarr, Wolfe street. Macdonald and U. D. Wilson, elder. .4
Seaforth held a meeting with the mem
bers and adherents of the Gaelic church
un Tuesday evening last. ot vihich * un -
ominous wish was expreesed that Rey.
D. McGillivray re-aasierne charge of the
Goderich mission. The question will be
submitted to the jiidirment of the pros
hytery, to be matt at Alyth on Tuesday,
Dec. L'Oth.
Tor TILIAPHOFP. Cons000ki,e,too,
with Goderich, Clinton and Soeforth
over the telephone is now eetahlished.
awl in a few days Stratford and Mitshell
will be connected. Any person can new
eonveree with the adjoining Lewis*, et a
smell charge. The control office la at
J. 'ferias. The Sweat. Teemday hail a
coevereation with the Pir •r• gra, no dii.
culty b -sine experiesced in piaostly
nig the remark)).
EGYIer. Word has been re
eeived hem of the death 04 Alex Mac-
donald, one of the Canadian contingent.
The young man was orie of those who
yeleetwed at Winnipeg to join the et
peditton, but he was born and reared in
this county. He wrote a letter home
not long ego. which Wail published in
Tug Soot at,,bot he was cut eT by an at.
teak of dysentery, that fell enemy of the
The Hewkin'a joblee singers appeared
Victotia Hall IAA IlIght, and will shin
again to -night. They are well spoken of.
Phi'o Nestle, tailor, Hamilton Motet,
took a holiday trip to Ambcrley tilts
week. to vent his am George, of that
We are pleased I./ that moo.
John Allen, St.. David's street, has quite
reeovered from the effects of her recent
The Mimes Trainer left yesterday for
their new home in Chicago_ These ex -
milord young ladies leave hosts of friends
behind thaw
The first wiesitine of the town council
will be held in the council chambers on
Monday nett at 11 , when the new
coeseii win tem, its mat,
A salt well him been struck at Both-
well. At last aireeento drill bas
passed throne a vein of onlid salt, 40
feet deep, and more was etpeeted.
The fine 14.11 01 Jareary will Le noted
for the lack of snow. Rare ground has
been the rule This "opeei- January
win Inseg be noted for the " wheeling"
Smooth, tided ftmeeth, haikl- I travaior. wan a nephew of Henry
Sponse, of Uodwrieb.
Tire Pamirs Runt. -Tim Prises's
Teller rink was formally °posed roe Wed-
esioday evening. fleas ferty skaters
iok part in the 'noosing, slid them Were
about 1NO spectators pretest. The
Ooderich tweas hand althea's& them
'aiding. with eludes selsetiosa
risk is sew in full swim the ememim
meet bowleg pet 1. es eneellent bard -
seed Alm Davie( the seems they
dila Ili NW
Detroit. and was very wealthy. or to use
his own term, "wall heeled." He was
sadly in need of funds himself, he said,
to procure. which be disposed of some
lanterns, sailors' halt, tithing tackle.
etc., for a mere fraction of their value.
He ale. offered to sell his boat at a great
sacrifice, but could find n.. buyies ; a
further attempt to dispose of it by lottery
ikewsse preying fruitless. waa a
regular ciller at the post office, where he
was accostomr4 to inquire for letters, for
J P. Armstoing. and J. P. Fisher. He
',ogle no secret of using the latter rains,
as he said he was "wanted.' an Detroit,
account of alight indiscretion itt
l.ich a young lady ef prepossessing ap-
pearance and ample fortune had equally
participated. Armstrong remained here
neval about the 5th of Dec., when he left
for Goderich, leaving the boat with Mr.
Hualtson. supp-ore in r a Timm t of his
returned about a week later
with a horse and covered beery, which
hs said belonitwl to his mother. He
relearned here for two doys and again _
took his departure, returning on Sunday
some two weeks later, or four days after
the robbary. On this occasion he ap
peered tn be literally rolling in r:chea.
He spent his money lavishly, jewels of
trent value sparkled on his fingers, gold
And silver watches reputed in every
pocket, a rointatuie gold scissors adorned
hes breast, and altogether he appeared to
be a in* 1 upon whom this world's riches
had been gerienemly and liberally be-
stowed. On this occasion he drove a
livery rig which he had hired from John
Knox. iu Goderich, to whom he tele-
graphed nn Monday that he would re
turn with the rig that evening. a promise
which was not carried out, as the day
following he left it at LeeFam's hotel,
&shined, walked up to the station and
skipped by the Grand Trenk. Arm-
stoner's return here after the robbery,
it is said, was for tho purpose .4 swings
young lady of whom he had bemire
e•mmoured and to whom it is also tibia-
of our cluh shall we miss you, but the red h ut din prevent .4 a rait
pe • in •
absence of s. sympathising friend; an watch. The following desenntion *hint+
obliging neighbor -can! who never 1')Iltu4 we clip from a Toronto paper corresponds
to greet his friends with • moat an1110 exactly with that .4 Armstrong : "About
and hearty grasp of the hand, and who
was ever willing to lend them a helping
heed in any onserwance shall also be
remembered with regret We ask you
to accept this small gift as • mionente.51
the yeirs which you *petit ism our midst
and es • token ..f our respect for you.
We also wish to assure you that if at any
time Stly 'Paler feeling than that .4
friendship was ever entertained by any
of us towards you, that it is at this time
entirely forgotten, and we all heartily
join in wishing you prosperity
end happiness en your new home. and
trust that amidst new einotriatione and
new friends that you will not altogether
forget us, hut retain in your review
"wanes a kindly feeling for those Moeda
with whont you have long mingled,
and who 11011deeply regret your de-
Signed on Mean' of the samebere of
the club. Saxe et. A. rilltalUt.
Plume Sy Inv.
Mr. 1.uncan. in reply, thanked the
friends present for their kiod address,
and weldable premot He would re
member the gond old friends of thiderieh
wernahip. He lied differed with some
of them at times on politica and other
matters, bet that did not hinder them
from being good friends and eeighbora. He
would always hare a warm corner in hie
heart for Oviderich township folk, and
if any of them ever strayed down his
way he would share with Omen the best
he had.
The meeting, which was s highly an-
jnyable "IMO. es** to an sad with the
suming 'of '' Lang Syne."
Twiliosabiwit, 1...W-rainiater of
Teams affairs, denies** story
or, &WI es floolloy, ate hoorenost di-
mes Her husband and daeghter have
sessii armed', is the lees of a good
wife ami mother.
The Galt Reforww hair come alit Is a
Sew tem with sew type, and looks
pretty. The Wormer ei a tip -lap lood
pold, wad le nie by mos who seem to
IrMew their booloom
leo SW* of S. Stopiwo's wow
768stelogisk. Whiodo opostoo a private
wet flat Our illairoloi" Foul 1141911 egret to de mid Winne eed seas
owl Mims oitor lortgo, eg eillittews be solo to
WiPlillu‘ UMW maw we to goo. Olto pre-' ,-wwillooloos goo wig&
5 feet ten inches in heieht, stoutly betlt,
lark complexioned, dark moustache, a
sere on the under lap, as rather dirty suit
of lightish colored clothes, colored scarf,
soft felt hat, dark overcoat, about 99
yeers .11 aa. and is great at playing on
mouth organ." To the above description
we might add, an almost inpereeptiblo
',moues., and a nasal tisane when speak-
frommere Straeltate.
A Farmers' loetitute will be held in
the town hall, Clinton. on Tuesday sad
Wednesday, 90th and 210 January,whees
Prof. Mills, M. A., prooiden• cd the Oa-
lario Agricultural College. will deliver
addresees on various subjects tionneeted
with the theory and practice of improv-
ed hasbandry. J. Hayes Pardon, II. A.,
Professor .4 tleology and Natural Hit -
tory, will be prepared to give papers oo
any of the following subject*. /is
I. The snit, its origin, formation asid
2. Science in nettle feeding.
Ifeworee and their veleation.
A. E. dbuttleworth, Esq., assistaat
superintendent of the impairments' te-
pertinent OW
I. Aericultural cheraistry applied es
the far
2. Desefita to be gaieed by a farmer's
eon from ateandases at an Agrieelteral
3. ttelectious in breeding.
There will he a neater shotkpitliy,
preetiosi papers from keel MO es erg -
seta subjects whisk will be et mesh b.
Wrest sad mile be the he sedemesto
TIMIgh SSS, a ors ef 0•111114.1 hLIII0,,
11 Pefiertmore, woes dimmed
es the river at Potalogigrtie
od 4. Aeoltese lops+ dot I.Letdoegralt
ea WOW. the Wien to rabelike