HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-2, Page 51 wnderstued the aeltatii-g thaouwe- t new dead, and I up at the Pull* i arra. He advise .wane,, to power •aid be diseased ear. 1t will be a r 0e will have to telt The ee►'to i need to he looked e t the school funds ut of the control of n the Leads sf the moil had the moose omica'1y expended the hands ul the by readmit some aces. which. now- t of the $23.138.1:1 lerich for munippsl wore handled by ern, while $1,100 .rules. The reeve the cost oriAry with, r. it wall ,atufarAery gh only one year in ley had thought n ' acclamation. He id Mr. Johnston in tyle as Mr. Jobe - t first thing, almost, tansy council, was Dation of the puor- :uderich this year, he p oo, of about is they appealed to tputy-Reeves for a lelta was defeated ie votes. He vivo for the reduction in I;uderich, which e town. The speak - 'f interviewing the Works recently, at good prospects of dings before :tion to the council, :red to interview the is to the pr,apeot of This war about all it had dont, but 4he , e bad taken •'TA. ie rood work,After on in the dw'I °f wn board he again & Haira He was glad Iter a:he C. P. R_ stow assurance that ran to Gederich. 1e much program : t s much as could be cums•_anarit, and he the hope that he next three years the in 1;udencb. the nominations ter Ta WARD. ropotled by H tinge. • W Rumbsll and J ty H Rines and C A as St try and J Hys- 1TRIl't •s. by Jas Robinson and ty 11 Sheppard and J G Wand and Uee•p F Mitchel! and floe ennoL e. holt and D McDonald. R C Hays and Gia Is $Lueders and W G D McGillicuddy and ty James Saunders and to ,lento+ by J Wilkinson sod Jameson Reid cad A d Reid and J Bain J McKay and J Me - Young. reeve by soda ; James Gledhill and A. , Chas. McHardy and ors by stela. raeve. Jed Orn sod l.poty. Pat. Clare ind deputy, J. Who :.,unctlmen, Jas. Me - m, John Mathews bpd ▪ Tovaa3ip. i i the effect of thinnine thaw annual tea -meeting ohytbtion Church, but int was Iargter than the ed on so wet an eveuing. ovisions was lam=e, and .at. Dr. Urs oecurned 7latform meting in his t fine tinging of a choir led by G. B. Robson. tied. as were also the f Mss Ida Wilkinson Mr. A. 8 Henderson. nes were wiven in good tell sari W F. Pont, e! address by Thos. Mc- :leted the programme. little ones twee held on iniag- 'be Path DPewratw•r. M Ila Elora. C. Rowell. to Mae IR all of Oed.riek. :he 1704 December. by the • O11rrr Wacker. to Mfr all of Ooderlek. the _nth iNvwb.e. ty tie John H. kte(• .. of (7edP Mimi More lips Watt. of hes Yoh Denember. by the LuiebIla T. lllaAnaall, of roes Hyslop, 01 Ondarleh. _ti d Dec.. at the resoklm se ev. Tbomae A.sr. Ido of teary. of West wawseses. ad me_ at taw ra.beaa...f toy tb• lwY• a De:e. a•:.. ,pearl Plant. Rao. MO_ .l tpesetltd4teddt .,, a so NI of TMware. a�sd 1t roes �tiN lora, doughtier ihbeeoke vN.y, 1.. ritse a Cnt, � rte r, Militates • stitia dad Is/ us to take eubeortpteons and rive tourists for Tea Stow AL Those who anaut find it eenvenaot to poem Into town, etutuld settle w►tb Mr. Willistes, w1 o la our hest for aubecripl uus sad atrerlutr g at Dunlop. f.11*10II. t: ,. Mise J. C. Wraith, of WinFliatn, woe hose yesterday uu a few weeks visit to her parents. J. MeL Campoell, in the empi.•y of Pay £ Wiseut•tn, leaves Niterdry t,. 611 a good poaituu at Forget. Wet Manning returuad borer..:, M, n day, bringtog with him our of Cad ,.eau• ties of Toronto May they hoe avocets and prosperity in life. A Dumber f nut acht..l Ie.t.Li•rs wore wade the recipients of vary h team e presents on Christmas day by their re- spective scholars. 1dev. A. Stewart pre a reeel:ti..n and party to a number of young people of Isis cuulgregatitn list Muteday even/Pig. They all enjoyed themselves, and stent a very pleasant et entre. J. A. Cuombe returned un Christmas day from Auburn, U.S., to take charge of bis father's drug store, while hr brother Hugh goes to Toronto College cf Pharmacy. Eight wires with sevsrdl connections mark the enemy sod activity of the tele - planet) cop pany. In a few erunt.11 we win have direct communicating with Torten). Verily we live in an art. of wonders. J. Cunningham, grocer, has secured the services of G. T. Rob:moon, formerly of this place, to take charge of the express ethos. The appuiateent will no di.uhe be appreciated by the punlic, as lief irge is trustworthy and very obliging. Mrs. J. Callender placed her house at the disposal of the young ladies of the town, who gave a leap year party last Tuesday evening. The elft: of the town were present, and ail enjoyed themselves The ladies deserve praise for the excellent management, and the kiah . which intended it. Will bh, of Sesfurth, capturtri nue of the fair *nes of our tow., by leading Maggie G. Wilier w the altar on Wed residence, Rely. A. Stewart taint; the GEORGE knot which rI them one for life. The presents to 4' bride were olein Toone nnpy than at the 1.ntelpe by $ukitrt( nn agency for for lw••t .••Ili�R dad f wetly,. The h ro couple leave to- i honk out. Hptinaen srx•arl•.1 grand - ds for the east un ( t bridal tour, and ' Nom fail, Terms fee, Het -reit will reside at �Seaforth. 'THS GRSC=R, Hia,bi t:''. Portland- Idea.... 1971 - Up to last week there sessaretl no owe ! anxious for the honors 'S the touts. ! le MAKING .1 SI'F:CIAI. DRIVE FOE ;roe Soddenly on. Monday three P. hie- T H E H O L 1 D A Y T R A D E . to el.ott the mayurahy, three Pur depuq-Peeve, d 6 f r 1- /wards- Since nomination day they rave all retired from the Geld, with the cusp_ TT - }-SIN,- ----- T w� .�• tion of the deputy-reavoe,hip, which will j iV ew ul tette IN -t C•/ a+ £HL HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JAN. 2, 18b5. 14t* h t A . TO THE LADP , .1. Pk' i ODkRIC it 11 i 1 i3ri t1 r, r1�"'pis VN Q. H 'iJ I ' b - �+.ri i' I/ a 1 1 5 ,j A .i v4 A ! Wve gnus Jdea>ure 1u catii0F 7v i' an. noon to our MI•li:CIA 1.611.21104, ID oIt 'M.OUa, t' .,,ch an aaw betnt *awe. es ober are olio ] � yI 21 a p O BIa .k, all -wool French Cashr=teres, our Special Brand. l i� .1 - r iAd'AU-wool route Cloths, new snades, for a Sc. per yard. ft���>:��l'-i!' � �� � �1 : � - for Suits. � i_ r = ' Handsome .,loths, with Bri'ds to mitten, f - -- T_ _•_ a Ottoman Cords, in the N w Shade Ali Wool. Jilin 0 m - One Lot Cashmere Twill., for 14 cts. per yard: • r „ t d_I�J L,(3.24 5 i . fr., >< Mantles Dolinans, iVLlliner 6 a ,J i - � 2 si -11 J 6.=i M ▪ . In Manske we hat. an as.u,tsient of patterns equal W x07 10.-...a the 0000$•7• while we matte up a.' .'; I.* f tatty up to u.; IAWr'w4 i} o:> 11;wrWo 71 1 r -' T T t I ! la = TT.�� $'� A _ p. x ULS i ER CLOTHS ! ULSTER C �O THS i . (.1 zizs �.tw a aq �< kt r •3 It C Y >� it "" Z W fir^ WC have ..•cute•: a ora nliful lose of rWEClit11.: ,_:acro, :0117 W Per cant. 1. :ow 11:, regular ;•:.•.,. . < w < S , `� f:15,.; is gAMPLFS ON AF'r�'LICATT_C7N_ - S e. Non.: F < :I ii 6 sly' rtia dg Kd sidai K aft .Cl GA ..A c.A AGA Q AA AD ay afteraion, a, the bride's mother's MISS GRAHAM has now on hand one u( the finest stocks of FASHIONABLE Fa{{ 3141 lei ( 1\ T1%4 N. The Newest and Best Shapes and Shades and th© Most Reason- able Prices. Goderich• (ht. 1tk b, It04. ISGS H. OLDS liranllor :. Noy, 13. t$44. H. W. BREr�IOII*& C^., Brantford Grill nage 10 liaC CO TO KNIGHT'S F'OR A SH A V E, HAlRCI'T. :O AM^u), OR DYE. TWO DOO1I9 WAFT OR P.O 1010- t e w ami ve u t stmt i .\U land. of Hard Cool on heel. ,\ Iwo u ....:) y.tantity of the cckcbt•ate.l be warmly contested between W. (:.rte and T. Usnper The other wards are 1.eai,..n.s mas_si=1.0 C:re1Ca Imo7 A number of visitors hare ',raced our , town with their presence this week, 1 among them Magcie Leslie, of Norwich, I GE vetting her parents. She inten, a going back to her school on Monday. J. Moiety, ul Pickering, is visiting friends HE li_e9 AL>ui VERY TINE 1-INF:M IN In town. J. Sunbury, of Toronto, t1 M spending New Years with his parents. y 1Ver r mother and sisters. Murray Mclnto ei, ¶afnd Glass Castors Class Sets Spices, S-t.a.g.ats and NER OMR AL GROCERIES. hina, Motto & Moustache Cups Vases TOM Greiff,of Ripley. ar! tiIt g his g 7 , et Detroit, is visiting around- Dame j Rumor bath it that he is looking after A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF L\MPri. osee of Clinton's fair daughters. f Also Handsome China, Dinner and Tea Sets, which will be dis- As False ae sloe Ramie :poser. t Posed of Cheap for Cash. LO7rt.OX, Dec. 27. -The story is now told that the emeralds which adorned tht.. Fin. hr:.arias Cheer of alt knot., don't fait all and get satisfaction at crown of Empress Eugenio were false. I The crown was among the jewels at the government sale at Paris. Bogue outer - akin were purchased by an English noble- sr, B IMO n for $40,000 and money paid the ex• I • ro0reclves. empress for her claims to theeuieralds as personal property. The money. how- ever, was retuned when it was found the emeralds were only io ntatiun. F':gev- asaerta that the empress was awt.re of the deeept ion. TEA THAT ARE TEA G. H. 1 hare the larteas and tea: tll..erteb.aroesa Oonaarea. Dec. 3i. 1 Wheat. Want • busk. ,....••.• X000 08070 Rad whiter wheat...... . 0 Al " 0 74 Wheat. (Sprint) • ks$M........ 0 m to 0 70 Pour. • barrel-................ 4 00 1 4 26 Oats, er bush ....... 0 1D 01 d 3: i4aa • bwtk.... 0 57 R 0 lot Bariey.i►0sk.-................ 0x2 M 0tl Peewees •►ark «........ 1 3O 1p 0 s 100 al toe.. ....... 1 HeHotter. •b . ..... : i ltpp fps D.... . 1 + •• • • 1 0 is a w 0 SO • dos. l ..... w.pi.- .... . Rldas i.•.sstkustat4.'' I •• 0sese.tttti. WW ................. • ep Ow 1 70 100 1M LIYE AND LET LIVE QUALITY OUR LEADING FEATURE. TEAS 1! TEAS ! ! TEAS ! ! Mr blend of 111.'•k TI as rennet he brat. 50c. 130c. IND 70c. PER LB., sr Se. per 1b. les. In 5 Ib. parvels- Useeieree !spas Teas. Colored Japan T oss 1 Yeast Hyson Tema Maniac. Cone°. OQ and Arvm'feoa, lours. -i- - - - - 8 FRIIITSI! THE PEOPLE'S STORE. 'PLANING MILLI FRUITS ! 1 1MTABLittHF:D '` FRUITS l ! I For Catih i will sell all kinds of Goals at Lowest 1pre.e. _ I o,,.nrla Rani... esteem Raisins. Tal. � Bnchanan,LawsoIl Ron ' xsMK repot t Quo. lity Cureasts. Tab.@ and ►See Those 10,12 j, li, & 20c gess C�oodaaKaseisees sad OLD'S, the Grocer. Straitsville Lump Soft Coal. The .,,berribPr, who Walton( to make same impurtaut chanties . n :. :asldesdem t. sew na at a re dos: ion for l'A$I1 his k of DRY GOODS Groceries, Ready -done Clothing, aa,� Bee; alit Shoes. Call and see for recessives. Roots and Shoes t-':1 be odd at half price. Geo - cerise will be WONDERFULLYREDJCED ! A lar;e stock of good Valenti., :snips wares sod ..:e r $1.011 ten' h.,•..•1 2S lbs. Balance of stock of Itosy-thadu Clotntll rWduc.d fo THE CHI:AI'EST SHIRTS ANi) 1)RAWF.1.` 1.01. EVER S.%W. Complete stock of Canadian and Scotch Tweeds, Fnvli.h \\.�rtile•d. and Nobby t►Verc,iatin¢s_ TAILORS ion the preemie. Suits made t.. oilier at 10 and up- wards. Fit guaranteed. Boys and l.irli Clothing cot free Achim chi r;•'saheu the goods are per. haled at the store of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Send ,n cont order. while the is rather .i fair for d,-t.very. t.0- Rush to then In, and secure bargains T. N. DANCEY. Galerieb, Plat-Mk1 tU sC.,rGEORGE ACHES DANIEL GORDON, _ CABINETMAKER H UGH 131-31s7 4%1. Leadiug lludortaer, Has on hand now the L-ttsr'T %TWA of First - Class Furnitiire in t be County. and as 1 now pn w'hase for cash. not will nbe underso'd by any one. 1 offer Tapeorgv Carpet Lounge.. from wooupwards. Whatnots. good. from $2 -.SO up. How Back ('lairs. from sic. up. and every- thing else in the -time prop.•rtioa, AT THE 4)L1) STAND Between the Pont (101(' l: Hank of Ilowtreel a,«'w(rd.dl 4f ckol.r roisters, d atOce in IOwr. ,fail soil .re for caoDJ1+RICI3_ 1888_ - - 00.1110b. six.1Mt. 1 f'1)i.B/►RNI' BRuS. are gointao have the largest and most vtsy,•d .tock of General Dry (fonds for the ..etttwg ('x11 tial they have Pyre shown. They kava enured soma hergaie. in 1)It5'4$ GOODS. TWEEDS AND SHIRTINGtr, that are worth enquiring for. Itlark and 4'olored VrI,VIrtKirn are t0 be lar't''b worn this f.11. and they have sparer! ae pains to make their stock complete in their lin.-a. and at prices that cannot be keeten. If you want the hews value the market al- ' fords, terms cash. and no wecond Psi''•'• Re to COLOURNIt RROTHRH,V Oodirlch• Aug. 14. 1801. -- JUST ARRIVED. AROI 'T THRF.F. THO1'NAND DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW FALL 000119. AND AT PRICE•, THAT WIL►.SURPRISE RVF.RY UNE. . CALL AND SEE THEM. COLBORNE «1100. trRTOI'K NOW COUPLF:TF. 1N F.V F:RY }/EPART)IFNT. s•cn res LARGEST THAT THFI' HAVE EVER eII0%N. t't11.1N)RNI: B11)ri. Oct. la. SAL • ,Harper s Weekly-. ZLLTJSTRATEID- FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ BALL 'ANO WINTE# IIaRt'rsea Waaltly ban now. for twent I year.. tnalntaiDrd its position as the leading illestr.IPt weekly in .(mart. a. With a con- stant in.•rease of literary ants arti.tic re. sources. it is able to ower for the ensuing Year attractions wnrtttalled by aa} previous t ot- un.•. embracing a capital tllosrrated aerial alar) h. W. E. N.'RRn•: illustrated art.rlew with special reference to the ,('eat and South. inetudtng the World'. I' 4'0slti0n at New 1. 'leans. entertaining short w Pei. mostly il- lustrated. and important papers by hob .,ttboritlee on the t•b1.1 mph" of the day. Every use who desires a trust worthy poll i - tical snide. an earertaIi4ee awl in.trtte'lve family journal. entirely fres from nh.rtion- aMe feature• in either lelter-roes. or IMostra- Lion...1wnId ,ubecribe to Ii •.iiecti w tt'v,n-k t.v. HARPLIt•Pl P1.RI4)DU'AL'. i STOCK FUJ•.LY .RTED. Satisfaction bewared in Style slut ' gT 1;• n-tnhrr'l a 1. Wept «tree,, ::rut'doer In Rank of Mt Wren! , S • 't. t 1 X CO Millinery Opening ! M=SS SON 11 -ire to annonn. a tl.1 .h•• La• Jttd x,414 ed free. t 1.e American cities, bringing wttb keg The l'cry Latest Fall and IVinter Fashion tm1 :1 at .Ie w !' uokt hrr Fall and'( ln'er Millinery Opening on SATURDAY TM�yOCT 4th, ce the ladies to roil and 1884. display at The GhicagoH X' - tsars WEST RTIttArT. LADE RAR1'1:ll'N N4,11.411., .....a__ -_;.$j Si ,Qs4. 1 4. . _ itARPFk v 1 46.41U WARP s 11'KOiFf.1' r S HARP*: .S 1'OU A MOM. ! Ws,ir FRANALfti CARE: v„., RAR 6'au lw(1 t ,-ailr.i .1.-. ee Is►tw In «If s s/ pied. err• ,totw$a. ; 114. Volumes.tt►r W t v begin with the Orel Xomber 1. ' J of rash year. \V 100 ander ferment •• will he n,lderrtood ,hal .wits r nor «. - ••.. ntnmence with i . h• 91tp�.usber nett .her tkt • • • . 44,1 ,d .utter. T„eiei Ilse -1nma1 Ydeyy ,.+of,ls0V1'n's Not + rot 10 ;17.1444. ••et -1,1414 Midis, '•,111..• sant by i need. •� piid. or by espR-- fir- of et ,Peet•• ,t "•rrlde•d lest. Irel4kt dos- ....t rx••red on .4. 1�-'' 011e yet0a4P1, fi,r 07 M t• - rohtnte. ,'lot c, * ft sash Intern•, s,�.•,M- for binding. " ' seat ny n.tit. postpai•l. on re- celpp nr 1l u' •Ano. Itrml,tan, -. �eytd 1. n,a.4r. 4. Psst •' r r ]Poesy *M1.r laraft. to acoM .4.070.1 ' \'• r.,,,,r , - • - aef to ropy l A/n rid e.t • .- stral w -,t Aoel lb. 'aakwe order of H serge t 19srtrrnrte+. Andre.. GHARIMiR t I.IIp'y}}Elt� Xew Yost'[. D�Rl[o CKENZIE 18 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS hot 1411. area ss fe 11 and formed 'nab plea trate eopaeetiee. that be is ah ail eill}1 GIVE BITTER BARGAINS A rollark raMs.a NOTICE THOSE u1NGHAMIS- --11. 121 x1441 l:rc. V A‘l ra-ti gees ar Sash, I�dx_rs & glint GROCERIES EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: i __ AND (get CA borLAYW.RIC 5c.,8c,., 9c 10c.,12 -i -c bei, Ah tt>,n. O. Ke wanlwe en get errytd. ^., e Lumber, Lath, Shingles' --+w w,. No tremble lot thaw Gewnd. Dow, t pwrelwee if above a» not feet,- said InOktei a tn..terial e1 every dwaetlyliea. I 1 Jr --1- 0," " ^ - 'j I"� -� �j'1 �. X repr pgIMIS E 4 f71ili1M, ( ► Victoria Street, R,1� 1 _,-■ • ■ W� ..Alt (kreer. t•e•w+,a►,+)atrwt-+ ..' J1�, taei•r.@k. Pee. tub. Wt. Mt us ENERAL HARDWARE! o ' other. prot•esing to sell of ....et Ile is hm:tw! that Isla I4...e to the nature, id a tate post..ha11 b• 0.w.d as the CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Rive (5) Pier Cent. Off Cash Sales~( JOUM MacTAIMART, OttPOP 1111 0100W (tltO1 ND - Th. Perph's vt sse.GedetrieM 0lad.r.@k Lot- t. tat. p$$0- trap •