HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-2, Page 44
THE HURON SIGNAL1 school trust,..I.ett,n in kis eye
wished t.. base the impreeston go &bread
..fiend tree, Frites, Merataa by 'C
eissmcouv trgf .. doort0mso, �wu 111:b i that the I. was an extravagant one.
It so bappeus that the two ebesow
(H1Rt)<RICH, ONTARIO I mmrs seeking re election, and who are likely
Asa rteeen�serve K th surroundI to be opposed by friends of M r. John-
ste e.a. t'f til e.rbon malls said trains.
7coldestadaiertoa h bee s targyr circuit/. .IOM, ate „song the stat careful sad
eee gaga say ot her newspaper I •s dare e
lie oe400777. d la one of tae real•+/, oewN. •t noonoesteaf t4 our tresteea.
cor sae 1 reliable menu& in Ontario
se It dose, ilia faro-awtage.wntt&L ear. Crabb has •pent a generation aq
ag ( addition tot►• abuse. • Inn-•las.tho board. He ha• besh ter many yonase ereelde paper -it te therefore as*ai.,eMs drevrl.,{ayw•dtaw. tbairaun, end has given much satisbae-
s. •L to .grease. pestage pr•' -1S
Mlenera: $i.ts, U peed between months floss by hu sound decisions. He has the
11wet eapaid. Tau awl Willes trolly •song• of his conviction, acts and
Tee ov A tatwe. 1Llght seen ts• thinks for himself, and will not join any
lee ter 1,51 insertion : three erns epe r 11 oe for
aeehssbeaeaentinvert tun. Yearby.halt-)corny t digs to combine for mere party &deaf.
sad gearterly asatreeta at reduced rate.. He u r roan who aught W be
JOU rata r rias.--- J r here also• first -close lage-
e is pdeertart, pntitrconnection.4, ,.sac peseseiwo 16...11 ly soppurtd by s'1, especially
les ptrsl out work io (:alrn.-h.err yret•nred ea his opponent is r mental feather
lag tkeale M business in *bat line at pimento' cannel
Mes�w. Teresa 01 0 su liy that cause be weight compiled with the veteran true
tee. Mr. Crabb will be needed at the
i board ler a while yet, more especially se
FRIDAY, JAN. foie lebb.
be s a heavy ratepayer, sad cunse.lueht
ly is anxious to keep down expenses.
THE (r)CNt'/L f1UYTE TQ. Mr.Swanson is nu apendthnft of the
Notwithstanding the peace and her- public money. He u (autiuw and cxn
away that prevailed at the nominations fol, ai much so that he objected to an
for mayor and news, there is likely to a'ivaaee of $100 to W. R. Miller o.n his
be a lively time in the contests for the last year's salary, and also opposed the
councillorships. muse 1.. raise Mr. Embury a salary hy
In St. Andrews wand a new candidate ell extra $100 for this year, taking the
• offering in the person of James A. stand that during these hard times the
Rei 1, one of our enterprising business public purse should be carefully handled.
men. Mr. Reid would, w. believe, make He is the chairman of the contingent
a good councillor, and ehou'.d be well committee, and doss a tot of work usual -
supported in the ward. ly shirked by trustees generally. W.
David Cautelon, an old c,uncrllor, u carnet see what he hu done to be turned
again offering, and as lie is a level•head• out, or what specie! qualities his oppo
ed and ocroonical member of the board, nent has to commend him to the pOe1-
he will recenye a large cote from the tion.
ratepayers who believe in hating the if Mr Johnston and the chairman of
ward well represented. the politic works committee would like
William Lee is also an old councillor a lesson in wise economy, they should
11e is a public-spirited member, and study the accounts of the school hoard
being • large employer of lab,., i• likely for 1$I41, and having rade a careful
to get • good working•man's rote. perusal, inwardly digest it.
E. Hingham, was a member .4 last —_ -
year senured, and was chatnnart of the llgt CT IIt'TEL !« gyMEATq
public works committee. The •,b on It was sated 4,y the reeve, un aotnins
the S.luare, and the large increase of ex-
penditure last year ter public works, fn. tion day, that considerable extra taxes
wl.ich W. little can be seen,' should prove' would hr:e to be raised in town, uwine
tube a millstone around his neck . n Mor - 1 to the passing ..f the Scott Act, and
day next. St. Andrew's ward can do 1 among the items which were enumerated
itself and the remainder of the town a I 17 the speaker were, the hiss from
rest service by leavin,; E. Ism„ ham at i liesn•es : the shrinkage in taxes from
.•me •.11 erection day. deprecst:on of hotel property, owing to
In Si Georges ,rge s two new men are offer- I the fact that hotel owners would apply
g, Messrs. W.�MsLean and H. Dunlap. 1 to have their assessments reduced : also
that property owners who had liquor
the pcuscn ytl bid duwn by the reeve is I credit bemuse the dagrasm"n
carried out, it will be a eight to stake teat eaietd to O. leaf yeee taus -
'age's weep to see the at.tcal nediffer• I d J udge Toms to redoes the asaarent ,
linos that councilor B.ogb.rn will inhibit I than are We reeves of •b• usunieipalities
to. hotel-uwuer H.agum, when the latter which were raised deserving ot aee
conies before the *vert of revision fee a (After ell is said and June, it is w,thiug
reduction of amassment on his property, for the roster of a town to bast .4 that,
awing t1 the operation cf the Scott Act he furnished figures to the judge that
1f Reeve Johnston were wise Ir "wild the town hal retrograded $104,000 in
have let this Abase to the probable equalised value. It would have been
working of the Canada Temperance Act much be:ter if Mr. Johnston had been
in ()Wench out of the question. able to show slut (iudench, owing to
With reference to the claims of ow neve I the energy he had shown as a public
of unoccupied Itqunr starts against the 1 nun during the past ten yawn. had been
town euunctl,and a possible rd ucti an of as-
sessment in ooneejuence, at is not neoes-
e.ry to say anything. The mese a old
true cuteness appears to have deserted
1.m when he quoted that palpable ab-
surdly. There is not another sane man
in town would have meds such a state -
Above we hare omen w few remark,
upon that phase .d Reeve .lobmton's
h where no endeavored a show
aide to bold its awn with other u.ualel-
M1,NI( It'AL MATTEi6�.
An effort has :Teen made by our local
contemporary to cry down the introduc-
tion of temperance se.'timerd ;ntu noun -
opal elects ms, but we tail to see opus 1
what it based its oblectious. T'he Meenr and Reeves Returned
-Bristly told, the case •:f the Scott Act by Acclamation.
tiers was no necessity for temperance 1 stands as follows : On the 30th o Otece
people keeping their principles an view
on vutInv day. By the ntanuer in which
he let the cat out of the beg with regard
to the probable action of the ante to
.,cure reduced as.rs.n.ents,Fe did much
can abilities.* pthlio We Meer I
heard or sawl►wythieg to del the paw
gyne pod th reeve by tie Deputy. es -
sept i.. a • Aaetery, and there the re'
opine, "'w lauded 4,t led ,1.vatiebly
tors.. .dug ear t., the v. toe .d the
gaffe,„ o closed rye Nabs taMbu.rls
un tbu s.uletetrd stone. Not au with
nor s„ ithy rave. Ha topped i& the
dupYe, , Battery as if he tsally democrat
It all, ....I *ritually felt tory when Lr
Cams, a •i through. It was a juyotu
happy time all the way around. The
emaljdates by seela,iaattoy felt glad, sad
smoot!.ed ere another town in great
seep, and the limited aidience preemie
enjoyed that sihkbitiva gel brotherly lee,
and sullied aoandiagly,
r Mclean ns a latae ratepayer in the
d, and is one of the heaviest shippers stores would be justified in appealing to tumid. The statement se followed by also laid stxctal stress upon the fact aha
tl,is midi ,n. in the• scent of a have their assessments reduced. Mr. Allison's enquiring, as follows — the men in authority, and peace otacen
it;ifiltion be w•'uld be a useful' Now,we are welling to admit that there 1 ask you now as honest men, without should at once square themselves with
p pr, will be an apparent loss to the town au reLrence to party, have uses unproved the temperance sentiment of the d,un-
mae in the cs gent .J�ttak n the t y particular t d thus std in carrying out the pro-
throelgh the rattory. a .••- , pawn for as the liquor license fees are concern- since that date in sr. one rticu ar
-w ♦ but the Los to the town will bio nal Aro there any more of our (rctorisa
synod receive a ]arje v,.tt ro •-• �'s running full tints new than this t.:.se last
Georgia. ai o 4,t. The money that now goer gets 1
H. Dunlop is an all and well -it now* i the li'ldilr interest will not gooutoftuws, year there less distress in our cities •
thasis;eat of the wars. He u a slurp, I bat will be Jliverted int•, other chaunols Is our lumber trade more tt•.uriahine 1
jatefligent besinees than mud would male ; of trade. he money that the liquor Are our merchants inakin4 more money
than they were this time twelvetnntthl
a gond a.oneillor men send G• the wholesale liquor dealers Are our farmers better off •
The ol.Nmhers of the routed, John ' is the ett:e's now, will, after the Act Is barley any higher I
Bauer, F. Jurian and M. Nichplsun, 2 cartes tats, operation, tied eta way into Is money any more plentiful ur easietr
are aire in the field t. this wart'. the pockets of our local tradesmen, and Are Gentlemen, we knowour taus any toour bitter tent
In St. David'''. l'. A. Humber is the! thereby enable them to art much better that there never was s ywr for the Inst
Lew candidate. Be has held :n times , aide to meet their taxes and otter levies twenty ince yesn when tl.sngs 1«.ked
past a beat at the boar'I.and proved him- , than is the case at present. The fact more gloomy for Canada than they do
well to be one of its best tsetnb•n. When '; that :Milton. Acton, and other places in this day, when our merchants had mere
to was chairnun ad public arras. the'i "alto) county aro not higher sase.aed t,•twd• °n their sh faanu which they cannot
sell ;when our manufacturer had (ower
ratepayers had something to see for the than bef,.n the operation of the Act nrde'r . when ourfarm.rs hasp had "oras to drunken brawler. but who will also
( He ie a ;lully bon out this view of the case. aged prices' when there was greater or more' see that the pr"ri"'•us' f the temperance
Tb•t t
tactical man and d ejected would . the further fact that these tutees have
ber the vote upon the adoption of the act I
was carried by nearly 1,700of a majority
in the coun:y of Huron, The an will
cone into operation on the 1st of May,
1885, if the will of the people be earner:
oat- But already strenuous exertion,
ilodu u .1 le:C elt*. H e understood the
tic•tt Act 1re. per .en •g;twttt g tb*
coma -
the wetter 1• new dead. and s
the question ns Witted up at the tolls i
•iii only 1•a dotatt harm. He advise
the return ..t the add ,asuacil to power
Tee wafer supply seated be dessea.ed
wiring the commit year. It will be •
question 1,as, whether e• will have to
l,et down artesian w•IL The sable'
hoird and the trustees treed is be looked
after. H• thought that tb• school luted•
eatht well ho taken out °f the control of
teat tr.ard, and kept in the brads of the
..antic. and if the c "nod had the mune►
it might be more ee.meantr '1y gapers/ad
!thou if it was left in the hands of the
leased. He closed by reading some
Ib:ures from the eetirtutes, which, bow -
vow, only snowed that of the $23,138.13
rased annually in Ci•d rich f .w municipal
su i b l
purposes only 04._'00 y
the public school board, while $1,900
sere allowed for charities. The reeve
,ndoded by ,nuking the cost -,miry wish
i r a happy New Year.
The 114 •t cssdtdesre Nr eke tweewil
lewd fres tea Ward..
sly„ number of persona present at the
ilr. Cameron said it was satisfactory
t • kn..s, that, although only one year in
the comity council, they bad thought it
well to return him by acclamation. Re
t`.en proceeded to laud Mr. Johnston in
r methane the same style as Mr. John -
lad tattled him. Tree first thing, alining,
t.• had done ;u the county council, was
t bring lip the question of the poor -
!outer. We bare in l:uderich this year,
.n espeuditure ou the p '.r, of about
41,200. knowing this they appealed to
loaf+ !411 uu MoudaT t+. "ahem the the Reeves and Deputy -Reeves for a
toward opening the eyes of temperance I bs for the unci muuici pr,r.tlu„ee, but the claim was defeated
1 W thebea'u's need fur polling ars being put (math t• Writ the Oct, and °a sae not laage. Tb tollueias hr a majority of nine votes. He pvo
persue. were elected by &c lli mation for car. Johnston credit for the reduction in
their solely for men upon whom it is of great importance that at least a
etrvutessoey u
they could depend to safely guard their maiority in every municipal council in ,,,mug year ::e county rate of Iswderich, which
interests when it became a question of favorable to that law. The 1f H
keeping as.esaments fair and square. and
keeping taxes fairly ailauced so far as
temperance people were concerned.
Other thine being a Taal, temperance
voters should *ire preference to temper-
ance symp athisen.
speak -
should be eros —Horace Horton— Moved meant a riving to the town. The tenperance people, if true to themselves,
sen elect whomsoever they will, and they
will be very foolish if they do not exer-
cise the power they possess to the fulled
In lloderich there are several good
rooms why the temperance men and
women should be represented in the
council hy temperance member*, and a
number of the points will apply to out-
side municipali.ies : in
1' Some of the liquor men hove d
threatened that they will break the law •
wheneverrepp.rtunity offers, and a
number of the antis have given assur- a
anew that they will leave nothing undone
ing election, two cabinet mujisters came to render
h Act unworkable. at ihe seasioa of
to Napanee to tell the electeors that the (-
then depression was only a mere tempo- the emonty court, impressed upon the
rary accident, due to a bad harvest in grand jury the importance oaf laving the
W ettern Ontario, and .f they only hal a Temperance Act carried out in its entire -
little time .Lilly would put everything ty, now that the -people had decided so
right again before the next harvest came overwhelmingly in its favor. His honor
.�•t•r, rti EACK.
Mr. Allison, the ex• member for Len-
nox, and the preeent candidate f. r that
constituency in the Roform interest, is
before his constituents, and tun circular•
ed has address to thein. In the address
!e rives a number of political nuts fur
his get pwneuts to crack. He teals the
voters that when a year ago he was seek -
by tt Johnston, sec,udd by J. H. a had the honor of interviewing the
C 4,r. Minister of Public Works recently, at
s !,revs. --F. W. Johnston—bored tttawa, and os had euod prospects of
i. 11.17, seconded by Geo. tiheppsrJ. gaffing public buildings before
,. 1 .rery•Rsact. --M. t;. Camrroa bnrtly after his election to the cowbell,
.t by WUL McLean, selnded by , kr bad gone t.. Monttesl to interview the
Addison. !C. P. R. magnates, as to the prospect of
Ter Horten returned thanks for the .Deco railway line. This was .bait sl!
,r aatn conferred on hire. As a aha town dwoeil had dos, but Elie
1. :bey had but little to report 01 ; tesemittee of citizens had taken w' ere
rear 1885. Aa bon as the siege *atter, and had d.rregouod woe After
dapreason plrevsil,d a wouel ' u . kocaticg a reduction in the 44
tooouinse the Doane pnnueot .eneillors at the town board he spin
must, and try to ,keep the uses ,*ferrel to railway affairs. de was g�
d low as posdbie. We had, i w• • to say that the manager d'he C. P. R- t
:. some extent exceeded the stns • bel given almost positive assunttoe that
f aha yes. by sums $4(11. Anetier rhe r .ad w•.ui.l yet r 11 to GndSraeb
w had taken place which may I,a'r /'bey had nut mad' much program .-t
easy to. rncre0ae the taxes. M..: •his direction, but is much as could be
present bad reed the able eksr4e vers under the circumstances, sad he
ale Tome at the last court get sewn -t- l.,ae.1 by expressing the hope that he
threpe*k.r ala, hoped flat *sell
felt that within the next three years the
o:.sen would try w snake the $,:ott '.,rad w.uld to seem in liudencb.
lie. He claimed that uothinag1� hath The L,lio"ingare the nominations ler
Jos in the way of espebrj'u:r 1120 connect
:he past year that could p.teiely :NT pacts w WARD.
a.d. Ws had extra charges ••n se-
t I disease ill our midst- The • t' A Humber, proposed hy H
had cost the town c,nee&� Halo and W f4krmminga
;,'x case
< mil sickness and the lard tosses Lewis Elliott, by W Rumball and J
. de heavy ails upon chanty, And • i'ydop.
o acid had to void we're tion us:iai \\ H Murney by H R;nes and C A
tyr,llw,r. The .•until fur the; +.r Humber.
1d taken n° artium mss the rai.s.c ECampiun, by Jas Story and J Hys-
y, an n, althuuth a ,inners commrtre : op,
lana tie matu•r in hand. Tfiv o' I KT. PATR)tl.s.
rasions .d rhe Act. gnat a t work, but t'..7 Chsa 1 Nairn, by Jas Robinson amt
} a Efforts wind be made by the opt,•,. . R •ler♦ de gree L seeds
are preened for f Inds, and are hardh get s
seats of the Act to reduce the .eases- s I *' on t , a,y whether "r no they •,li J H Colborne, by 0 Sheppard and J
stents on hotel property. to the detri- hr: tbetr line to Oo eerieh. Th• ..a.t .tikeihead.
went of tat payers nut intereated[in the r tin •f tw,m,,es will have a p'o't deal t., (, Acheson, by J G Ward and George
aur business. nth their action. Unle•• they tees rd.
lag sow that there are greater iodate- P •Ewan, by W atitchd! and :fir
(4) A council, the majority of • hiae s fur them to cutis here than err of- IjeLrrn,
members were opposed to the Art could by Sau¢een or Kiwardine, wecan• oT. owsuR'+.
at any time bring in a sent" of renegue a out fur it. He, however, theezhe � j Butler, by P Holt and D McDonald.
tions which could be quoted s_•a.•eet tear- t • Gederich was the bent point, and b Nicholson, by R C Hays and Gal
t • if bey ever came this direction. at lirant.
penance interest*. w td es to Gcderich. The C. P. it F Jordan, by Jas Saunders and W G
(5) In G•derich at the present time .basely bound to build two in re ..rite.
we aro in need of the era i<+s of a night -
,t• they can touch any new W Md.eau, by D McGillicuddy and
watchman who will net e' �r be s terror c!:s.. It bad hoe's given nut that tV al $,s,th.
n :ndividtul, he was opposed to the Hugh Dunlop, by James Saunders and
war. There was no reason wb• v !•e is v Kmrt.
u:•: oppose the line, when it timed du *T, ANDCRW •
t u much good as any other rotepay vers :5(..5a"ntAsk:aibd; b J Wilkinson sed
ogbt ;t wasquite right lett the J axter. y
n: tee to do what had been d 1 r*a,t t Jamea,n Read lei A
ht tRe railway was nut yetrtaely
espenditure . t. eir moil
P ' materially improved under the working
asks an efficient and ocussumie:al chair•
nisi of pulilie works. ( of the Act, notwithstanding the gen-
The old councillors. L. Ellett, W. H.' 'entity depres.ed state (f things eisr
Murney awl E Campion are also condi- where, is a fair warrant for other towns
dates. looking forward to cutresponding in -
It St. Patrick's, t-•orge A hesen is • 1 prevenient under a temperance ryuar.
tee aspirant althnul;h an old resident. I As to the alleged depreciation in pro -
He is a sfaces*fol bemires man, and Pert). that is a fallacy, and can be easily
w.••,1.1 utak. a first . iaes councillor. preyed to be an. if hotel property were
,1. H. Coo me and C. A. Nairn, lwu asses*ed at the fictitious value that is
of last years canted!, have been attain I. usually claimed for it by is owners,tbere
brought forward. They are good coup- ' would to some reason fur holding up
tillers, and should be well supp'rted. i this bugaboo of reducing their emeea-
Peter McEwan it also a candidate in , menta, but what are the facts 1 Is hotel
this ward. !property assessed higher in proportion
The ratepayers have now the fall ticket ' than other real estate similarly lasted t
1M(yte them, end should be earefal t° It certainly a nit in C;ndericit, and we
make the last choice pnesibte. If a wood will give figures that even Reeve Jens
e riletti.n he Made the teen will benefit • at"n will nut tamaar The Albion block
if useless teen be chosen, the town will . u a handwme three storey building, ex-
acter co'rrvsp•rodiney. 1, tending aeon: the Square, from Routh
street to Kingstun street. It is one of
1'ELh:HTFC-LL 1' '''Nig-. the finest blocks it town,and it is aasese-
e l at /IOW") N(M). Dir51tly .cress the (vgwre
The thaw nn Johnstonongs) did not prevent 1 s another boat') blook,exteeding frees e,er•rote pr*•ent to hear reeve •lohnatcn I eipal centsts, but show that your duty
Mr. Fred. W. Jfrom making h sUreeL, with claim cre.f:: fat laving had we town to your hearths sod your home• u far
widespread distress in our towns and , act are not s,"laced. a appun men h
villages—nix when there was mure et- eb such a ":':, will rest with the town
travagance and wicked wastefulness on coined.
the part of our government.
1 mak yea was this a tiers for govern- Thee an : similarly good reasons
mens to lend $300,000 of the pee • should c odro ild themselvesto the
money to prop up a rotten bank like the , th,nkan.: ,,,r , and women who will haw
Exchange Bank, because there were two P the,r hands the election of sur town
dr ec or Senators and M. 1'. *among its couurllors on Monday next, Our
directors f
Wu this a time to run up the expend,- • fnenJ* the enemy' are working vigor- e
•rare fur the year to •.ser 1102.000 "11°, „too, bot gvietly in this matter. They \
adding the increases made by 'tato.: r" *re saying that every candidate is bound
the other earnests@ 1 1
Was this a time t° lend $pt.rnsl,teo to to carry out the wishes of the ratepayers, f
the Canada Pacific railway,'''r!„rh v4,' and that temperance people should not
bably we will meter vee s cast bac. Gerry their principles into municipal
again !
Was it not enough thtr the r•r. *•
of Canada was $900,01 .4ftt „n ;it fitly,
1883, by the pyo an .uote,lwt r'ovetn•
merit must aeede tole on such farther
hugs liabdittes '•'gat on the Int July next county will be nullified
hi the men
11 will pprobab!r be mere, t''tu.tily. n , you lace in office for 1883
being shoat R:'Ml for every faintly, and whom y p
$8,0 • bowl f •r every rnsn, woman and You men who during the Scott Act
child in • 1),n.mi.•n' esmpeitn forget that you were Onto or
' Tones, nut stood shoulder to shoulder in
ii;': •'i: 1- ; I'TLE 0 t (h1* 1 the good fight. don't sink your tentper-
Ir mJet have eirprised many .4 the' slice principles now in these potty munl-
contests. Don't be misled by inch clap-
trap, ff you aro misled then you will
hare yourself to blame if the good work
done on the 3Oth of October all over the
e + ne of the coolest statements of the era-"''Iborne street to Matt Thu
the asrme fronts, a to the t�•1'rsre' •rptsliiat :, tedaoed last year by some 1 beyond all things your Met and chief
nor in ...ler t•. draw attention away bluck is only two -storeys high tatM'ell- Isigo,00(' When that statement goes ; consideration. And you women who
from the fact that the funds of the town I yrs.with a thr'ee-stote7 wing en
esth lost amongst the township reeves they have rotes, who were singe d villi-
ort less► ; will host to hold their heads on their 1 bel because you worked foo
councilcorneThis 0,t” ..
r Atbaen
erred at 1i2�.7�' as tui« to keep from imploding with I throw of a traffic that was destroying the
block's $19.000• Ntwi•near Mr 'a., -nt•r. Just think of it ' U'dench ' sanctity of your homes. don't fail to ex-
J„hneton talk. eeN > � •maguie that was reduced by SUati,000 all through the invite your ballot freely and fully atsirst
.., three hy;utet
hostess 1 n ex•rtinns of reeve Johnston. every man she would, if elected, upho.
the year, he declared that if the school
fonds were in the hands of the council
that august body might be more seonom-
' ;al with the expenditure than the under the err
under ea
beard had been. This, cowing its a year Aire• .er,..utd that t'.r Row this s the real state of the case . i the insanes system.
wonl'1 have been
when the school expenses Imre been We
fna'ex Dr(Pe� •u:d 'tact teen Isy ,,t Raere key. ,re behalf of the township o/
he 1'sbnrne, sp1oealed aatsinst the equnlixaf• I "0! HAPPY ARS WS.”
tion .•f the estits cunt,, and caused the (Nall the "(l, be joyful." goody -got'*,
matter t.. come before the Judge last pure -at -any -prim, you -scratch -my -back
July. Alter exam.nine the schdules and -111 scratch• yours,” taffy -giving ex -
prepared by the e'erkt of the municipal hihitons we ever witnessed, the tonsi-
item end others, his h•oncr, Judge Toms, I Talion meeting for the mayoralty
male the stated reluet;on Reeve and rew.eehips t..ok first place. The
J.•hnaton deserves no more credit for stayer was nominated by reeve John -
bringing on the appeal by which the sten, and he accordingly give a gond
eseresment was reduced than does...100M
Camphell, who was not a member ..} the
eounty heard. it is quote true that Mr.
Jnhnatom obtained the necessary data
than for Teen, and when the town .:-
pens*, generally have been no re than
usual, was the height of impertinence.
When the school heard degree to teams
•eonnmy it will not fro the tows eowalll
or iia supentillinos reeve for a lemma
Ther. are two members at the
onuncil who are trustees, het they
nothing to the beard that dead
Tet the s ate sea.nat a. L. tibia
ease :t�i !figures we a.'uid !,.0 to see
wry, edeas' n court take c 'y nn: arae. of an
aoligyrn from • Istel propery *weer
e 1110 aaersnnent..,d auk• hie
n tray a port, :, elf his ease's,
'r because he ha• :•e Been.. to sell
ardent'p.rlu: anal w' soda like to see
learned at the feet of the 1"' 'sale the member of the r,(eet orf revei,n vibe
�a hnt
dial of municipal law roars sa t h11 w„aid dere to L,Apps with the sasses
piety spirit. it sea one � , ,.,ted meet r..'1 in }sestet the hotel owner,
▪ ,• eerssssai” disc;nl•a and to the delidsaeent get the property
• ties
talpltter *100 sot ow )Yes alder who did cwt non tavern 1011 441 -
• few
. levo. the town clerk to plat,e lettere the stand did net g4, in quite w, rash for
fear this year, is the
tat.. 1 "'gel" taw* .Ac.rts it thea line meanly pledge : cwt the ether neves oleo 12..ltlint np the m•ye► s cud .d the dick,
roach fret
venae of •100 1�
with eth.,rd mai � t•wsgbt to bear- Al the pvesent *•'.t sehedwlsa fn.m their Berks and y4,• Mt he orerAowed and slopped soca, with
Itime we lave a hotel owner is let.
treed for the reeve. The reeve text
"bawd- the mayor, and then belled
the deputy reeve with a wordy draw.
The deputy reeve when h• took the
emted theta to the maim whew the felons* 'sedation of mere .lehsetnw•.
Aad;ews ward *.eking a test ei th. ,,.rev.-' -., ... • , u 1 •'•'ca 0 arm • •spelleet. sightees-caret, home
i a• a great bead,
tog ' -r w e•.•nin.. r Rr
•,., e. . ••tiers•' P.. • 4l11.r.
tt neton-
ma on, and thereto* he had not Jeh Leeby David Reid and J Bain
et. so active a par. as he othersue
have done. He thought the !est
8 H11t[lum, by J McKay and J Mc-
-•t of the teen would be substrved swain.
t: ging in a railway, if possible. awl Cotsotter.-- W. Young, reeve by soda- ;
meantime practice economy an for deputy -reeve. James Gledhill and A.
.ray. He wished all, a happy New Olen : .los. Beek, Chea. McHardy and
A Millny, councillors by aceta.
Johnston returned 'haulm for the
A+•17r[OLn— For reeve, lea Griffin sed
He had served the minds. ahty itiehard Jewill ; deputy, Pat. Clare
acclamation :second deputy. J. Win
may bare been unsuccessful, in rh.•r
:.-t years, and while in some Coo!, 1). McMurchy : councilmen, Jaa. Ma-
., he thought helmet succeeded He pally, flu¢h Glynn, John Vatherwie sad
a high tribute to Mayor Hurdm a f. Chamber,
npai official, sad $ UChlt.g the
ty council, peered unstinted praise
e Y. G. Cameron, deputy -reeve. a. a --
ty eounciil..r- We 11t.1h, sail t!tr Bad weather had the effect of thinnine
ori have tried to do all that .:ou1'1 the attendance at the annual tea -meeting
"IF m
to dw 14" thees
sw, a' the ,4 the Union Presbyterian Church, but
ty council. Among ...they things the number present was larger than the
had got a grant ort $;✓ to re, VP
w'.m•,tare expected on s4, set an eveuina.
unsithtIy (once from the east aid.- :.: The supply of provisions was large, and
mart house. He took credit to hnrheeewhtyr.aellent.Ili.l'r.ooetrtidLerw rdoetionodthe eetml,cres chairattheplatformmeetingin hi•
tgetthe towndliuderitl' happywayThe fine singint of a cheer
brlontheonnntyj" 4Ke'.:Vfrom (:uderieh. Id by G. R. Rohson.
aid he. that we had been unj s'tly was well appreeiated. as were also aha
• with, acid re "'el' to it. and th- nleasine egos of Miss Ida Wilkinson
o had reduced it M *186,000, and Airs Kay and Mr. A. 8 Henderson.
ltd avd W00 there in taxation nocacr is reagins wee• given in good
•F•.a referred t.. the life -brat station style by J. Miteh.11 slid W F. Fou.t, o,
er uct The government had Orel. a
a an ar t..4,
new finishing them. A nmmh»r cat t social ay the little otos liras bald on
tluderich, and an addrwa by Thos -
et bur stn bowl . d Mir".M I 'hllietwldy cnmgleted tho progrsmtts.
r, hi ,i,m among m, Fi..h the fellnwawv evening.
mon the minister ref I'oblic 11 "rile
4 the question of palsies beildiors in II AERIES.
Ot ie-kh, and presented him with ;x111
11M •largely signed. It we did .'t get At f swlerbeb. ss tM thin Ihe.ustvr. M lbs
the . ,vernment belldinrs nest , wr Itev i r. t4,. Nr. Feta. (' R'rdl, to Hlas
Tei" ' ittheriae it or ria all of (iedert 2*.
world get them este year if w.i try AP At (iodarkb. ow the ttb.1 tiedtwawler, ivy file
cab ,etn..thing without trying. TbP Its.. hr. t'r. Mr. Oltrrr Walmer, w Ylse
yary Au Celt ' all *f (iwdertet.
etrlt..ns, past. end inland revers* tfio•e At (+ed. Ieh,'n, th. !tt ll.v,ember. baz the
are • f rime inipvcrtanoe, end refer • nevi:"
Rte, Yr. Jnha H. }tie a. et (cede -
Molding, said with dos prtsure rybtool/ship. to Info may a te.aei et
t1.patio (,edarirh
H0 lovernment scull sweet our views aha fah i)eee,sl.r. tie
lyit, had telt dlghted at tho *'.tics o, the Z.
t h, i t.swehtls T. NaDesn et
.epee's committee. for while °fleet ham Zip,. a Yam Aav Hysbp. d h.
..keel hP had n+•t hee•n ntet..i on
Tit•.day. the 2Rd iter.. at the reelde*sa
emitted had done all they MM tae "f M letdw. fatlrr. Tbonna Aasr. Ot,. •e
tw o raiiway, b*s it d Mt h. m 1. rs Yfs 11Ps►y, of wed swages►.
beet is a day, and the f:illwleesah:
c.eli 0.'t po fi.,s.rl h o. s71a .LL. at ter .t
s411%a Lege brass tos • Min¢ rby hi;+P� gest M Rev. T (aa
baa, tins hese tryint for yrre to htel t gt i �inwos��t tt r
bei. • in a little lure 'w.ly 4 min in
nseems. pewvrh,with.taeeH•t►o,sghb.,wQa Tuesday e•,wwtas ebeMa Reeessber. at
eve. the commis' wrmmHtee dellrwel ' Ws, 11awt1•n .. West re�sist.ftwe ted,
ere,,1 for tbetr sort. W. are nnw It, \1er•&M. fereserke et Ta env. .sing M leave
Mm'wM bum to nee with a deity' of •u • t lto,,i.
7 (el M:, ere a l•Tteewas da) Iafeat assailer
Ill VA Mho. away by the loss of nee. ,, s .T..„,,,,,,...,. a .d n weeds
and le *sported .owners ed
hod.d property to eke 'Isis toe
denten "f taxation. 14 these
wr •. Mieer'taitted, we wneeld more
and Ow toe st.r to•tt. NT tae Re, H. 1) Pile*
re- %% el* 0••••••••••••• oe'IS* bride% tuber Mr J.
row—t( .0 O.nr•rrtrllte r)at to ltin�,ta At,
'.( James esteem. bis .e s1 OM -
R we,.M•-
S. le, Williams M sotto
take embeeripu..os aged ri
Iles Snag AL Those w h(
ppneen;ent W e.oss. 11114,
settle with Mr- WWI"'
agent fur subectipltuus
at Dunlop -
Miss J. C. Stfaith, of
hose yesterday ou a tat
her parents.
J. bel. Carona/ell, us
Pay & Wiseman. leaves
a goal poaitioi to Forest
Wat Manning returuetl
day, bringing with him o.
ties of TAr:Ito May tb
and property or life.
e number of out cele
made the recipients of
presents en Christmas
e pecuve scholars.
Rev. A. Stewart give
party to a number of y
his congregation last lel
They all enjoyed themed
a very pleasant etenirg.
J. A. Coombe returns
day (non Auburn, U.S ,
of his father's drug a1
brother Hugh goes to To
Eight wires with ser:
mark the energy and Acta
phone den pony. In a
will have direct omen
Torootl. Verily we lie
J. Cunningham, groc
the aervsoee of G. T. Rol
of this place, to take char
office. The appuintme
be appreciated by the pu
a trustworthy and very
Mrs. J. Callander plat
the disposal of the yut
town, who gave a leap
Tuesday evening. The
were preso.t, and all en
The ladies des
the excellent manage
high . - which .:tem
Will bb, of Seatort
of the fair.nes of our t
!gie (i. lysver to the
v attention, a. the
residence, Rey, A. Si
knot which mNl.s the
The presents t.. 11,. I
sad costly. The hiltgyy
dayfor the east ou tree,
wil reside at Seafunh.
Up to last week th•r
&axiom for the bone
Soddenly on, Monday
ward to contest the
tor deputy -.•ewe, and
wards. Since nominee
all retired from the bel
rem of the deputy -revs
be warmly contested
sod T. Casper The
A rusher of rialto",
town with their pr
among thea. Magcie L
visiting her parent&
back to her .ch-xol
flormly, of Pickering,
r0 town. J. t3tanbu
spending New Years
Tom Grew, of Riple
mother and sisters. 1
of Detroit, is ►initis
Rumor hath it that 1
me of Clinton's fair d
es lake at sloe 1
Lout.ow, Dec. 27.
told that the emerald,
crown of Empress E
The crown was amu,
government sale at P
Oda were. purchased 1
man bar $40,000 and
empress for her claim
personal property.
ever, was retorted
the emeralds were on
asserts that the empr
w►eat.tFantl bunk.
Red wieder wheat ...
Wiest, tepees'p bush
?lour. te barrel.. ...
Oats, i bw*h . .
Paw w bosh...........
P� .*beam ....,.
Wes: des. o mpesiei
Mores, p cwt..........
*ran. 1111W1
(atop • cwt........::
TEAS ! !
My Mend of Incl
50c. 60c. 41
ar Sc. per 11.1.
Useeia+d Japes To
Velma Hymn T
sad Aro
Valrnwela� Rotates.
Ramos.am* Q01
A in
AND ('R(
A. wattles tenet
V iotoi
eallieleb. 11.. 11
ter.' .'