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• muJrstly
4 {
gives her a small trot, w • 1 they tray tae uo sig.. w exutemes Sums ser Mt awes.
Not les- ago a Uttb peaphkit waa
published under the title of "llua't,"' in
which tttrls are told what not to du.
Some writes now furnishes the following
mime 58t a p'wtees term • "Do be
immune ; a pour diamond is better than a
dial i.uttattos. Du try to be accurst*,
net only ter your own Ole taut ter the
sake et your sea ; the lucapacity of the
famaie tuna fur accuracy is • standard
&nutmeat against the equality of the
e ases. Du be exact m money scatters;
every debt you incur means load to
sswse,uue, probably to wine less able lean
you to bear it. Lk. answer your letters
soon afterthey are received,aud do try to
reply to teem with some relauun to their
amateurs; • ratebling,tll-a.nsidered letter
is a sailer up..0 yuur education. Do.
when you tail, keep your hands still.
D..observe ; the faculty of ninervation,
soil cultivated, makes prect4cel wet and
women. 1)o attach as mica importance
to your wind as to your body. Dau try
tu teueewi.er where you put your :;love*
and card -case ; lop the former mended
mid the 1 -.tier filled. Du recollect that
yuur health is more important than your
awusumeu: ; you eau lino without ane,
you'll die early without the other. De
try to lou sensible ; it is nut a particular
sign ail superiority to talk like a fowl.
Do -put yuur hair pins m so that they
will stay ; it Itols sloceuly, to say the
leest, to we thein halt dropping out. Do
be ready in time for church ; if you do
not respect yourself sufficiently te be
punct eel. respect the feelings of other
people: De gat up in time for breaLLut.
leo acted causes of irritation in y,ur
family circle : do reflect that home is the
place in which tu be agreeable. Do be
reticent ; the world at largo has no in-
terest in your ratite *(trim. Do cu1ti-.
WAN! the habit of listening to others ; it
will make you an iuvalualle member et
...rusty, to say nothing of the advantage
it will he to you when y•'u marry : every
urn licca to talk ae,out himself : a gum'
listener snakes a delightful wife. I4, be
contented : "martyrs" are detestable ; a
chancel, tp:.y sl.i:it is infectious : you
cart cerrysit tame: with you like a'unity
atmosphere. Do acuid nhisperin ; it 1s
as tad as ;tiv,linz ; beth are to be con-
deeine4 : there is no excuse for either
tae •.f then.: if you have anything to
say. say it, if you have not, de hod your
tongue alt_.;;•:ther ; silence is golden. De
be truthful ; du avoid exxggeratt .n ; if
re meat. a niile, say a smile, and net a
mile an.1 a half ; u you mean ..me, say
ot'e, ani not a d,.zru. De, semeteues at
least, all ,w yuur inuti er t.. knu•.. better
than you du ; she seai educated before
you wOTe born. 1)., sign your full tante
to one letters."
n, house, tad kiwis" her; their beanies dep.uda sekly ur„'n fuels. I __
teed In her days te pleat) ; it is &tub less a brisk tea..
.ti. was. .$tui tat her a1usllent'mail 1 A fes unlit earn a &tinted wh.i"t-
Bome of the Cttrdoti+a Ways of teat 4o [tiling, sad th . was the duly sere by it.ekuwg .nates dimity artless
Soli Sd ' ppry in New Yorkei
adtwgmes+ she p,uees,e 1 whseb impend.. I of eulure'I Freitels tissue paper, lamp-
--- a- eat to after etches tertilt•• theta-, shades adorned site reams, fans, and
reestt.r tadw.trIes Outside ibr r.tssrrs.fsnipes eau ' tater 1, pular mural dee.•raticils. At
Oedlewry tisd.e.. .rl ert•r..r tar In- Aus..i, 1 adrerlIn•no-nes fur •soupy- ( this indwtry the meat expert said per -
einem r.aeal.w. 2Or.tsg Yeae.a N* ti•.n 1 sese,'oui viuwrn,
t.osal heaps.... M elms[ meet and
o i,,, 10 ma a. invalids at a reinuusly
pew tate pp hour. Time there are
New leek, Dec. :.. --A dilating e u ° ones will own farreema wet takeCa.
0.11 aace said, iiiceuversati,u with tenet* Useable mutt a ileum below th.. I seDozens ..f coemrtac fiends swell the
te" : "Tbere is aonnethiag in New peel regulation Ah drt r s. They' ere rich ;throng of iugensuua schemers. Thee line
women d,
anturu to tit• nen of Heins 1 of activity if energetically pursued, is
ler everybody to do if they can only we• I parch to satiety a mama; to ecru +► little usua1y preducttve of d.cata If there is
patiently till they bed it." fiat., est: a iy su*ru that au trap the human faw-
more thea patience is required ah hr 111 .air/ theul�l.ra, pray u • diners:os.,
1 and :a tiv be•tause they I,ersuaJe then lily- pa tisulatly tee feminine part .,f it
hunt gees "u. ' MAI y fell, nut 11,r lack' miry dayles tee wove,it es se uieth,ng
energy sue patentee, but because trey "'Ives that they are d.une s .wrtk,ag in I y
the ototeritirrivic iflW. a Licit they are to beautify the persue.. I heard s woman
shetlut stns the pn,blenl of !.,"d ap
.who had tried it ss. that aha could sell
ohelterwhile the strive mud wait for I " 11" 1 c spoilt 1 , i .tie peculiar y
y Cruteu water at a dollar au ounce If it
chances. Life tin this city is aa wo'iule i tam elaaa,'4 ewln!procee ud uh1lni theassume?• were ineeuiuusly labelled arid properly
abarpwner of the faculties. The leeitimat tem that an i►valid will~ stau,i almost
a Iterti•el. •'Yrufeasional Leautiti,irs
't d ; tweets.are as numctt.us a.:;el'tuses. They un•
that the atrut;n :• t.. enter them and kev;• dentate to ret a t, all i
• oleos therein is nothing spurt of dewily
This stimulates ingenuity in the direction
•.f tindine .omethinc to de •.,,trite dr"
well -beaten track with results that select t:'"l' L They, too have des e",s "11 awanue of hair ductus, of i,c:h asses,
credit un the strueelers. De•pereeen inmates, and are ready :sed wahine to
who treat hair "scientifically. • Maui-
often inspires teen tend women t., rot il. n..clittuyts seine of their superfluous mag- cures, unanurn un this aide of the eater I
ami res; onset leek .mere than • dollar
a day,grantiug t"ey have • ready luarket
for their roti:, 'Lich is u .1 always the
avenues of occupation are a., crowdtal
iiia un„ au pa} for a
1 often see tie advertisements o.` per-
the face, tieure, hands and fee:, and are
sena "ev;,ereljar,.ed with leaa'n'tlajn, never idle. Groats bay trees can't bel:u
t2sriez themselves in ill, capacity of to liuuriale al they de. Theft there are
is wine industry that rte ; sue tete
ever tried. Like seine writers, t'.,rl
for instance, they are , i,, ed to cr
the taste they minister to
solani for the epee of the rt -nine.
"L ...titre writers' tbounl anal leddly
:r p •crust to the world their willtomess to
befure the centet.npal year, and p!euty
and I•r.esperuus. tear ti i er Dail* are
more inup-r:sn::!tan of yore.
lectures esu eu. subject for ss. •bud
• ) > J n A tow wusicuee,mauani woinru.maD• ,
Curium, indeed, are maw of tee Vs
of entitle a hrusi in ilia big busy tv
--ways that are unknown, waiter .1
and surpriaine 1•. these who' live w re
the attrition of life is less dreadful aid
where the inventive f.o.i' ties are not vt
under such terrific pressure.
wee to deliver at prices within the 1 age to Let thruagh the pere?:exities of
ryeoh of threat steeling. ' Their e'wtin- boatel bilis by aceelati58q calls t., play at I
tetei e l*, g1e.AL tree n r,atruws are not l
' ings, parlor dances and int nue! social
the anthers .,f ,their public utieraeces. occasions.
There. an" places of the stnceset prissy:tome cf the ••reducedgeutlew•emen
weere it, !nice! streakers are "drd'el." work 'mut their material salvation by
.hero err prnfessp, ria! h ser wail fa A wan else titins himself in a ;remanent rnakiutp the g, 4e.,us pincushions now
Ino women, who tut It he enema. Ly to seen, l'cf.•re he has learnt the art of sed by all the first-class airy ;,;"eats houses
a ju1A,•us dtstributiun r:f card'. ry �tij a:
epebta can hie him mono of 'they take orders for a hundred or two
through lass newspapers, that they will t1efe tetete a"'1 Le drelu.l ou the sly. Rendre 1 at nue tittle. Their profits are
series lettele"in strct c.'ntaence," for
'.. '1 etiateece ei"ea rise h. the suspicion iwprt;aptu, little patties, family gather -
we 1t,t3 *Leo other hrillia.t and nut Out extravagaut. henerer. r rine nthers
thee* who ' '.t tek the tr* 11e to ,,vieeu. ieet cieatures tale, s'1vertise devote themselves to crazy emits, which
I ,,r tbi; therreives IIS ••eogrn4 4 c„arersaitn- they utairee to were 01 en their more
slot{bire the art M tenn.anshi o.
memos the cust.s ry charts is .ewer►ty este,and witit•,ut saying anythtite •pry opulent (nesse ur et the stare*. Melte
.Ictaite spial themadcen, cite the dres*walets are fairly Ire ner.ms, and
Lire cents per Icier. Mongh in less upw-
realer to understand that then can tie makers of e, .;s lea:.ket� a:e t.• Le Jewel.lent bei het rh"lxls it Rt •ac rifles Sheers
mewed to do . me tine talent fee a I kuuw of a smart c. lurel w auan who
twenty Gee cents. /'ILtaiers ;webs, t
. ver -numerous, but tee, •tra.g:e tri! revenable c•'naiderseee. They melt be pies' ep a d.eent eiistat:ce by Del rte
eccasienally and dictate rc.ntweay!e epi, ' Ole\ "professional tnikerse we have all feather furniture fur 4•.11s. A very u!d
es t'. their imtue. is c •inn „r pre.ilwarli f, -d t' be; sprinkled anise lives entirely ,y ! e ahem: con•
1 ] i 1 d -el o w esu bre au .p . R 1 1 L rt
ttrective life partners. Teey are w,t .1- "61.'426 to*hl.nilol,le assem age' by plaster of her awn manufacture : but
ways .'._ ..n.:,.l....., ..r , ..
-.err pitht , t "'si t'Iri u.saaa1ts to in,a a tulle I teen her 1 vni.t' as.its limeati:ns. It is
-�- .. t
„now a young 140, a teacher, tele. unite- t vi:artyfed fete•,, the guests f m Lorin: ; an existence r:t::mer than a living. There
tuck the letter writing business is() each "thcrtu dwell. are .nen wile :,ulcer. and wou.0D who.
evenings out of each 'seek. "f. -r ladle* • remit -bet ere trainers,arti s melds 11 mendevery:et::e from brie-a•bete to an
only." She lived iu Ilerlean. Her tiro: ; act' teachers . f testy pose t se and uadersin:rt.
rust neer was arraye•i ill sealskin, .1..s' nemeses under the sae ere hire. Viet !deny w, men ti•, masts.,* wear'
,i at tl;e
and diamonds, an.l said freaiey, e1 b'e'arwsiee "f "lad:c-' and "gentlearo"•-- de -Terme *meter:.nits and in private
in Breeklyn, and I came 5.. you to lave:rarely ever men ami wenee teeateeee.i famiii.a. _
this wtrf d mne because I thoutht a etttnnns'anca•.t, are ::p the “Ister!ec•o.i
Tee:, err ":anise 3isgensrian," wheree.
1•. ever m'..r^ , .:'`ttlen' l,uunewe ;'
would not be likelytat 14, s en
aeein. None of my fnends dream the I dMlske t.. improve the mint:, : trlos
cannot write. \',.0 won:.iii t thirty t: •• •'owtnnate indictduals a li, ,se a les
1 erten ems reelected, awl - • Mo tee. n,
ynuraelf, wuald you t'
- des are aeardee and cured, bird dusters 1
° pat:4;•t teacher•, al:le.ttur fenders ands
hit, ':vatodi.ins of situ: urns. '!'base'
W "I ruff::cions ' are alic:•at exc;u.irelylined 1
the by men, They are supposed to Ie ripe.
la. Iy-wltiun their -sphere."
hewer are aro glees in every •=tee*. j;tnaiuus to remedy their eche' .
under she ate.:cr1°' Oust be numerous. jus to (rt
plishment and iy.}usiry
Iiunareus, pert tt•s thousands, of wetg• n ;the number c f persons why, off it the
t.: t.•'a every pcu,b:e kind of attach t'n' a,;•erelee$ as inatructer,.
t:eedle can lend itself Io.' There cru bee i .k few individuals, with a au, f
teachers, ..1.•c menden, embroiderers.' nesetirevue,y revue, • eke out au ncetat
knitters and stitch int -enters, and ti,.y • etlitetst' 17 building ubttuar rte
are alrsys ncerrnn with pupils, tat'.4etiers do a thriving trade tenets
needle heine the weepan to which ,rw.re ar aths ane a fill anti fearful re in
women turn when they be:in t.. fight t:'.e black frame which they call a amine
wolf thou o•. any (titer. There are teachers ail The derel builder ane: th
cf deportment---wemen. and their pupil, "tnerneeial" lean or w•rnan eaural]
are women. 1f they here a genius fur milk together, recommend . 1. •the
'elegant' advertising antj Aaiun- e s gnat aDd atteaize each other rate
'teal, whish they are tolerably sure
titey can command almost any p
Three dollars a lesson is the 1 tweet ti
at which you can 4lyse a first-class
portment ladder. Scholars roll u
4heir carriages and senoradeportwet
erery pure. Washing .a
Washing and mending laan
,!n,trytexby itsestlf. thisForeFig•1 firenchngers
oapert , esu
1 rale.*1iigrs.
A greet naturalid•ssid, show t•.e •
sc*kt, I gl al/JWthe fid., 1Ld lle been
�a Shoemaker 113 might have eel. --show
me a slew', 1 II tell the wearer.' The
n utlet of the Arab, the tiny Plea of the
high -bred woman ,ef China, the woolen
dattciig-shoe of the Dutch, the high -
heeled ceu:t slipper nr the sensible
s-aikiae shies of the English and Ameri-
cause pruelaim their nutiouali'y to the
ter.. An amateur might not readily
reevanize the characteristics of different
matelots within a sin4te t,ation, but the
practiatd designer must knew that in
the l'nitell States, for instance, your
' \ortherner wants his shoe comfortable,
11 ilnuussnes ••f 1-eo;tle seil th'!usands of
thin:;., from the'a gran liathci s clock tot
est i green,i-hand vistas:a. ani there are buy-
n ;ere f' r e eryteiug,
tie Beside, the 1...ata , f the active are
'tare hosts of tl.e auxueue, wt.•, se thought I
a , of aew ettin*4s teat cent& be ,Iu•u •and',
r- should be ,i.;ne. and are, teems around
el, weighed dere with their ides . Dot are
Y I t,i. • list t j Iit.ancnil!, to get{ eh.,,, en
r , operation.
h ; lea ret•ae9aatltll .
sometimes the Viennese tak
i know a French woman who in
! mends the finest tams, while
t &'zgh!er reenelM'eees damaged
)eating only in the most expensive g
aid working as they de exclusively
* rioh, they maize s fare livelihood
A nerneer •4 wnn:'n maintain t
naives by' operating purchasing age
their own account. It is a sl
and .hankie*, way of earning breed,
i• has been the rewouree of more
ens woman who found herself on
..nen hands, without any nther talent
that of buying dry geode with jet1
Their remuneratien is trifling an
• work really difficult and tiresome
...ally charge their c,ntemers 1"
cent. commence' en the amount of
purchases. which make. very small
far every haat w'erk. Making pure'
done net rnean, to them, simply goi
$ first -elms house and buy:ne what
they are in search of withnot hegits
It means hontin4 around for lye
4utohiD1 shades, getting the meet
ttbe least money. in short, it tak
'Illewefieoc., 1.tignient, patience, time
strength home perrhtring agents
comwtesom from the More as w
from their patrons ;esti the more
mentions one eah t do that. le
they have no fixed place for baying
thine They ao weer'' they can
hest. asst, of Quare", do net get or
• sneerer. free lh. stares. 1
Ane .05554*, nee wealthy. who 1,
ported hermit for several years
means. The serene is liewited.
tee parer s. and lose no time aft a :each
'oeurs in pteuncing upon te
tense with an utter of then
e isstth lets many strings for t
iu I on, et n•.ne for those who die.
at P Tgehine the art of walkin
!numbered anjuo, the novel it
is. keeppuq the pat builirtp,.
pr.6t by this species of Mat
[me the prufesstoul peiestrt
are the people of fashion and
hunt on learning the "Engl
I Tia teachers arts English, inc
start out on the capital admen
`laserieans have never been t
wit, walk, and Aniericans awl e
awl immediately go ante tratnt
I tsmaselve as clumsy and I.e
tette English.
1 .lnother industry of Cl'
ail rarest development is the he
r' cues., • which undertakes t•. '
41%11'11111y creat and sketch it, 1
er et e.. reidic cuter*, for one el..'1.
sr team to say that those o
r' t na branch of Luuneas are 1.,•1
^ ly tike.
1 yanuseript revisers are
,Lind. They lire upon the
rs SI buddy, g anthers wh.
1y still unlaunched upen
Eager to set for, h in
fit tele&miring souls pay
r flier maonacript read and tr
e' Ilene gestates by the liter*
nt, it late the no nearer the fin
inn petted unnert•tity than tlefe
cry incises are a derelopme
teem Ofd firm. at (east, h
* sterestd reports itself as •
b.tween writers an
eine sees, and • few woes
pn,Mable to invent designs fo
Ina , and see downs
iwwitb fair leaaseiel raise
elating hsonruene and sarik
omenta for the mighty adv
writ: smarbsonial parlors,
s are
let ett`'Iesther.-OIL M. Newhall, to
serpors litiseak•e fpr January.
sensible. *b- ead twrtlag.
Catlin* is now neatly peeped as may
M bn.Iiy described hard, rteew,eh icer
is the lipid. To this tLe curlers rei,a►r,
four re a side, e...ch pi -eyelet with Crum.
peke t.' steady the Innen in the act of
playing, a Ltuuut to sweep the ice, and
two curling stones. The stones are gran-
ite, sphere:al in term, timely poltshcd on
the under aide, and furnlshel with a
t.andle fur thruwidg on the upper. The
weight ,.t each atone is (turn thuty three
to forty [mends or more. A suitable
spare toll the ice is cleared off. A por-
tion lurty-two yards to loogth by tee
yards brad is u,ar'keel off ; at each mud,
thirty-eight yards apart, are cut tuark■
caped tees or waters. This peewee ..f
the ice is the rink, and with circles de-
scribed round each tee as a centre to
guide the eye an intimating the positions
of the et, ties when played, with nue lire
drawn across the middle, and nue berm
Yantis before each tor, it is complete and
ready fur !,laying. The line 11/ ties mud-
dle of the rank marks the place where
sweeping may begin -that Is, clearing
tee way eefute a aiding atone : the lines
Lefore each tee are the hug scores, which
must be pared by the runnin,p stone ; if
5801, it is removed from the rink as a
ho_, and Lehi as useless for the round.
Four players forni a side, leaded IT a
* Lite or director .4 his side, The prin-
ciple .-f tee game is simple Ti.e steers
of ee:hor played from tstne tee t•. the
ether, dud found at ti:e eniclusion of the
round to Le nearest the tee, count as
Tee side that :int ac.res twenty' AYER'S PILLS,'.
nes eesew
"1"1141811"1"4 -
ii u*$ '-
1'he spial torcv. at. at/eugt iened and
the pulite s7Netu nu, .died sad basic ep
by Itur.l.n. Biteel It items. It acts o4
tot tit„ tweets, Is. r, kjitltys mile
bt.* oL
Worms often eseles serl.ous It`ep. '!w
cure ss Ur. 1.,.'. it •'rm \a 1 ul • jt de-
atn,ys sso.t exp..:• wont, .If e. utlo.lir
.1 left *eying Psewr.
Mr M. E. Allieete Hutc'.u►aun, he
agree his life by a steeple Trial lege,.
Dr. Kings New Di•etvery, for t'...,.
sternen, which caused hien to preemie
a large 18.'t t h . t hat caaupletely cured him!
wham Doctors. change .4 climate eta
everything else had failed. .lsthum,
Bru:ch,t:,, H..rsentss, Severe Coughs,
and all Threat am.l Lung diseases, It is
guaranteed t' • cure. Trial la at dee at J.
Weenie tirue store. Large rise Ill, (1).
Ministers• lawyers, teechels, and oth-
ers where .rcupatu'n gevee them but
little evert -Ise. should oda Carter's Little
Liver Palle for toned liner mail bnlious-
new. t tie is a dew. Lm
The People's Livery
pY STAnly
J0; KNOXI Proprietor.
Tee subscriber is prepnrt,l C, furn.,a the pub.
I.. •,,k
The Finest Rigs
AT fti•..t.U\.t1ULt: {'Rl, bet.
ANI0 !IKE 1'it ntope.ole the $•olbun:e
Hetet, t:ederies.
lluderit'ie. Feb. Ilib. 1.161. pastas
ct us. A player of
one side is f.'llowed alterna'e!). by n
player on tate other, until in the eight
players have cant their stores. The 'b-
jtsct is to peau• a stone new and in trent
of the tee, and them to guard it by oth-
ers from loin; 1neeked tut of its place.
And here is /here the skill 1.1 the teen.e
ani the exaltation of & triumph can
be a!-Irre'et.tte.: only by those familiar
w ith it.
1e the cr urse •;f time a erect many
anzedetee have gathered ab.,ut the game,
and stories are repeated illustrating its
fascination, its development of the vir-
tues, and its superior attraction ever
anything else in life, excepi beef, greens,
and whiskey.. It is said that the pre-
sence of th ministerd gentlemeni
A large proportion of the diseases which
Faun biomass stansong result Iron derange.
Meat .4 the stomach, towels, awl (rear.
rimers Caruearic PI -Ls act directly upon
tk.-se organs, sail are pally designed w
sure the diseases c.eu.avt by their derange-
ment, I,::lud.ug Coma lied Ion. Iedlers-
den. Dyspepsia. Ue.darl e. Dysentery.
app • lows of t/4er ail:mutt, tor all of
whi-t tLey are • suf.:, sure, prompt, act
plensaae rem"ls. 11e rrten.lre nasal forme:
YILL.. by .1 *.,cues les regular
Ler, .4,•.r. ttwntistn1...t.la the estttuatlon :n
*Loch they aro bah* ty the meanie prot,s-
Tuere meta are eer.pounet-t of ,ag.ts
sueetances cx,l}-, nt,d are aba:ntety tree Iro:.a
.alowelve aa) ,14er fu;l:rwue u'ge*diru:.
♦ be•erer float Ideeed*abe writes:
•',1. ea'* d'ILL4 are t,..lurbl. tome, sad
arm' my enutaut e'w,pan'."e. t kart bee
a revere augers: from Ileadseb., sat pe
1h LL. are the only tl:ii.g 1 could MA
for felief. llae dans w.t1 galekly mays
n e an h towers and free ray 10a.1 Iron/ (•ata. 7
aro t1.. ,u.s: eileetiv.• cwt lee rs.le,e php
the game restrains prefenity. A player 1 have ever Leal die It b a 1. J
"i,eak In tdtetr etit••,
who could not entirely control i:u India • wes.oxra• on.n.
yr• W. y.TsFrtltrn.". t
nation at -a stupid e"tnrade, and d..l rr-- . Ca., dtee etre
not like t e inform him before ""fka t ne._d Alt:ab meet in ;limbe'r-
1 t.•,. iu✓.awe.•. a.. rw'.nsuende. i. ) •u, •,..t
elute:c w!4t're he wee going, es."e'imed, L,r" nrret kwr..' them to loll e i mrapuab
the d••.ired result rtr roust*
"It's s rc:.1 thing yr're pilaus where nn L,wd a sur 10"1,., and'y
there 11 be i.:;e ice. ' !Mi
Kilmarnock airier abhor
enthu&ieat I: plena`",, sate. w'al n table
! 1: Llar4l'slA toe:, are to
.1. '1
.teals Terse Jane 1:
11.4:.2.in the ;Ante Latta." f
freal4127 to day u:rias fa�,tti;o weath• '
Tit. arc. Faucets 11. 111nu+wr, writing
er, expressed his amen hoer' flat has I Irian AN.e.r.r, 4n., j�uityew•/ kyr .•.0 a Tear.
est 1 4*es Men iuiij♦I fe Ze"Se p. l..'e.
wife.. ell. iia. 'in, "wadna fila till cher: I,mn .4ie4, ss. .pia of the nue er rx
o. -s of rui.'u. kind, 1 wgered ItrerTN,
cant' a tiaw, for utl.rrwis': he wrdns be 1 Lro.ev.•nieiper, suet a,wss melt[^ w.tn i
,*hie to attenit Ler Lurial." A couple of takiwz Arttt`s epees.. '1'ber h,r.
eetl►ely e.'rrntri ter' '113;4 .iitt t, tt„l
farm sbrr'lnts saw the ntpnieter qe ing tofive. a.i ,3n4prvrad my seal 4.a1W."
the marlin:: pend. 4)tm e•f them criti- TIE '. •`ath�rnc t correct lrrega-
�1itCn of .e b'rel*, wMnu.au tb..{.pe•
cised hie., anti.&ie1 th,t instead of curl- �s as,t d.ep•.tre',«..d ty tL.yr prow,1* •ail
ing every day he .'ught to Le maline tbefoddh ac: -n gee touts aa1 vert W Ih.
sera en:a and visiting the folk. But tie! wksl. 41>Mt . eiO'"'r'te'
other defer:e l hint and *matt ise t t•at:r 9 2t av
should tate every chance he mule get at 1 Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, MOW
Burling the stone. elf f were a visna ria by a l l,rugzi.ts.
ter. ami there was my u1111 in the parish
widua tee' at least ,pro day's guid curl -
int every winter, 1 can tell you what it
i4, lad*, / , . f e '.J' / , sn b t Af L'..! sacra -
eyed ; H .alto :a impossible w. en t'hebloo,l is neat. and stylish ; the Southerner ,mks 'n''r "
ices. I impure. thick and sluggish, • - when it ti ler sou'ethine fancy amt haudsomu ; the
th l► ' I d
ter -1
I be
s of'j
t Idly,it is
al in
> be
wink -
hal of
o to e
in ate 11ipe)rer.s.eu. r. .r such agr.cu::ural Want demands solidity,
c..nd,tiens, hods, pimples. headaches, fullness, amt an article stout to break a
neuralgia, rheninatis,n, and ' . disease
after another is de' -eloped• Tale .\vet's the Ian i i •r comet; p. l ul•tiun.
$*rseratiila. sad it wits fused talc .: eel 'A pair ,.f ahem' is one of the moat
pure. rich. w*r:u, .teal %let:pane. typical peewee:* of m ..torn industry,
T., make these u . animal kingdom con-
6laradeaal Erten. *Abate' fru
e m t!n^ herds roamin t ..o t
The ikdi%-Tosena7 . 71Jec,,ti,.., t astern plaits tee :..ut1t Amenc-in pane
The 11.-y. Adnan S'add.ratone, mints- $
er in ,at tga:e, was an tree ant man
nd curler, whir died in 1780. Late rine;
Saturday hi;ht one of his elders receiv- I T
Jtiti .tai rsyerieues the wonderful
I beueracial .Sect. ail
010. AND
LE. i A or's Sarsaparilla.
Ast")i141rrn with sore Eyes, s.r*
A -ort � edemas
t- taint, Cu) 4e i
t Batt ll geld .07
a challenge from the people of Shunts to ,
he curlers of Bathgate to meet thein
early Monday morning ; and after en- I
ng &bun:• half the ni,zht at a loss hew to
cinvey the pleasing news to the minister,
ho determined to tell him hefure he en-
tered the pulpify
Vheu Nr. %1'2 tdorat.'ne cane into the
btliatn,i tear, the elder sai4 to him Ia a
low tine. ' Sir. i't•e something to tell
ye : there s to he a parish ploy web the
hhutts (4114 the nears. at -
"Whist, man, wheat ' was the rejoin-
der. `•I ah, tie shame, John ! for shame
'ac speaeiag today about war.11y raceme -
I: it the ruling inseam pr,r,•.1 ton 188E5.stewe1 f.: the worthy derygvoaan'a scru-
les at! •.unscienee, for just se he wee n
ah •ut 1.. enter the inner deer of the
church he sud•lenly wheeleti mend and
retinue.' to the elder, Cie was now
alantin a '
g t tor pato in the L bhp, anti
whispered in nes ear, 'hut when s the
hur, !ohn ! i'II be sure ar-1 be there:*
Let us all sing,
Test muse dear toad ' -,,y-
prints tae following samples of examine- 7'14• or tram thebsarn ysr.,s moat at home;
tion bickers :--1. What are the tether. '1i' t "K°table, from J;tued Krises n(
sl vedette .4 Australia ? - Tinneu tneats 1 hero:.. and mak or from rho area:
. s vf4 ► (yield o'iif'left b. us t; i
�l,�t.• Bifwfrtw,isiw�nt ln.' �l'oot- I ice, tactile
ing forth quotations from the old manufactories supply cl,th and thread ;
Testament. mines, lama ea. and furies comb,.. to
Wirt a the feminine of cock robin ' furnish nails or wire. A hutedre4 ma
give similar .nstancen of gender in Eng- chattel have been iterated, one et l !e.ch I
lisp. - Jenny wren : snare. mares*; has ohasged the w'.'4o course of • Rteat
church. chapel. 4. A t••y eleven, on industry aria pr'•+.used large calve
entering a middle crass echo ,1, was told Th!e,uzb scares of pr•r�.ts, the f..rty
to write out the L ;rots Prayer. He tour pieces of a pt,r •d .toes regain 1.
b.gagi_tte- father witch art in oven,
I �1°g them to;e:leer :!te oper•hon of
harps t',ty name, anti turning to the I fifty men, women, an 1 r!,ildten ; tM�
plaster. whu was twang orer hisshould-dprisinn of labor 14 pursu••�i to'11. utm.s'
er, remarked with a self-satiatied air, demanding In turn for rs staeesatul
That's my .tame, tte'. L. Francis Barin tep1sintenance die dirpersi-,n •.f t redact
was a black fr:.tr wiio invented „union - the world occr ; soh:, 55 a rt•.0:', you,
dei and the r.ew a rgan. Ile w well shiwl reader. can Luy b r three
prir.ned in James reign fur the eu�r-- I dollars what would have o at your tete- I
powder ple.t, where he wrote his Celt- ; father
inetei essays. He was a very learned
sun, end tweet' a Weak %bout Greek
The Seat ter.
The hest L1ood cleanser khown to
m.d,eal science's Burdock Bleed Bitters
It purities the bleed ..f all fuel Vumon
lead gives strength tc the week. 2
Ayer. t'hefty Pectoral n recommend•
ad by phisietttea of the greatest murmur
on bweth nudes of the Atlantic. as the most
reliable remedy for colds and cnughey,add
all pslmoaary disorder. it a>ewds
prompt rein.( in every ease. No family
aheuld seer be without it.
Th. S etediah war niece has d.eided to
arm the ...harmers with the Martini in -
mead .4 the Setae,- efts.
•it Lraetpy 5 i $l, ani Millis fee ith •
rack $ote1
Th. uM', MVP hereby infnrnlr.i that the sub
scriber intends te start a Tcmperu,ce hotel.
fM :Lth,rdoj, loern.ber rah, 1,$44,
and will carry oft the businew thereafter.
t have etten.lve shr.54 an'! stalling In conned
Men...d wW 1111imaaiw don •1••• •sa.ndba.
at r'•;u1ar rate..
' •nli••it Iho palmettos. Of Ilse Temperance
e•hre'nt es/ 4 loon m tint t y, ar,d will guarantee these
• resptretable .rapping plate.
A limll"d number of bo.niera will be eo
;eau nrr lam -,l.
V',torie atl•te!, cements the Fair (groutse
t ederitb. elev. 1', leu. Ma"
The serial and •M,n aorlew in Ii.Rrstiw
r•ut •'. 1"- .e'.a her. ell the .4•amari. le t
.•. a er
(t t e .,1 n h,n .nen while nii�
arta w h..ly free tram .4*, Si p►rnl'-lous or
I%ria rly Nene*, lentil. Th. hnn„e,nt. ,tori,..
an. $rules* are foil of innocent fon, 4:.,1 the
llr�er'sYoal1 People
As the realer buys a pair . f shoes
next pair may at the same m•.ment he!.
dodging the lane, .4 the 'cow -hey on,
seatn far away plain, or perhspa bo in
;means of •I*eghter at Ch.came. Tho
periebahie heel preseptly reaches the
market, and one day ansa you Jane frau,
* fat, juicy rout, little th,aking es you
smack your lips alter dinner that the
fine, pliable skin whish once protected
the delilate menet may at some time
contribute to your ale ward crowfeet
Wrangel' things have happened. The
eking nr nits meantime are salted. end
the buyer of melted hides sends part of
them, lay, t., Pestedy, Maasseh.setts
t.. be tanned tar tapper leather, and. the
ere to central New York, to he tanned
And enjoyed by him woe.- 1's. •n nn ns!un.l hi,ton- and eri.n.r. rrw•e.l
'illi• mKry . .;k of thertart,,,e r�n{i t and thou ta.4w of sue. :res ay Osten whose
e Hear, ate severe
- l naris, Dudley Warner H rain.•. Illnerrar 1 papers OR athlete apart^.
k(aai ; 'is for .Tanuery
ta the he Moom u t f fi loaaere dire 44. hest svwnrss.w• of seeuraoy atilt
t"PK la gaw ir.. and peat Ones dice tall intbrwtatkwt an
leer• , Oiler,* There ioi nothing cheap sheet
It but it : pets..
T.a lle.p as sed Mew, to enotasso of everrthtng� that b statuette
1 t s.,.1 dr,�rfMr Ise event 114•r.t in a., •
, of its purity and sable- 1i+e4.a
1 aon:•r
tfatni *'r'•m•'11 and great pewee Net A weekly feud et thing. M th. bay.
i.eaae It"rd� � e •-•d • /w in ear Tamil welch it • •
d RI w,d pewee a alba fkiyn t:nh� y lapin
I • ,nd.'-fnl in Its wealth of eisteree. la
Oar, tti.m. and;aurert. ICbrlsllan Adrerate*
?UM , t• '.'lige, 1`repsld, *1 e• for yea(
/1844, 1 g mei roe., Ner•reaher COM.
chsuprat and 1, •at bleed elegising lona
known for all d,.,pdored c'nditu'ps of
blood liver and ke.l•oaye. 2
111e4411 I.fwlftastt.
/'laid t,i [lain; not nal, T'r!haehee 1
1awtMlly, Mut a;a. `Cr unl4u• iar.iachr. Kar
*eh.. Rbewmatt.ei, t.mah.up, awl deistic,.
i'I4u nt asp kin's calling r4 ens;' eye mien,.
weer. It 1. ape[. -al µ-hen tri„ loser of ►1":d
Lfgbtn,ag yo'i beer .K one nf t••* arRate..
I sasr•rl. ever known% in the was. r' . ttiestc1...
emit never hills le erre, sad
Sey. but the * ,1 ! It air apoltael .• to, •
d yet. geld by fit. Rey sae.
1A.. erns, urian envies each.
tternylttrr'e.ho,e.i he 'snide M 1'...e
1 a�rrM thlfts
I hos,
ver r4.44417.1"
•' anew.
orf *s.our
,'•1 M
r eMM.
In nova t npollarall