HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-1-2, Page 2-w- -.- eptimemeipa rew-_..ita"r--see--
lana of
a style r.Mws r t • raise .f kik
list et.sioas.
it - -
reties The Week.;
Not 1esa strange than the rayst•nnes
mean, and sot less worthy of toterest
and study, are the great lakes that roll
unheeded at the doors cat the mullions
who dwell by their shores. These un-
salted was that stretch twin the Thous-
and Islands to the far north. where
Superior • mighty surges roll about that
silver tale in whose bosom the maters
work far below the deep, deep lake,
present such a wealth and variety 4
Nature's grandeur as exist nowhere eau
in the world. The study of Nature's
forests, and the nobler study of the men
whose lives are spent on the lakes, make
a great but urtlectett field. In what this
Os Lake 11[i•aiaatt a1o.e /My have savedThare ao leaver an artiste of kt►awe carer Itseeewer
and ewe year three hundred d nine liveThey hold furniture. They are ants less, L.► I That is daily bringing'wy to the tames
out of three hundred and eleven on ! decorate and hang up uu the parlor wall- rd tbuusamf• by sanest many ..f their
perilled. Our testae :• slut less import' I Consequently the cats have their ow■ I dpres.rK"7eetnx a new Di.cuv. rT orrr c(•nsumlp--
sot to us, our Bailer's lives are nut isle! sweet way, and when a man would *lay I, tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
valuable, hie uor policy has not shown one there is mo death d.aling bootjack i Hav Fever. Ors of Yoke, Tioainit in
that we think au. whims
of dollasa v, fire at it. We all was •hues in thew ' the Threat. Pain in Side and Chast,nr-
wo.r'd not cover the value of the proper- days, :n the cities. And it as to the env diarees " the nea t easele, a
pusittc• cure, (irtarThilntwd. TrLungial Bert
ty that the *artisan of the I'fitted States' caeca that the great cry fur the suppress- lies frees at J. Ntidwn • prim store. Large
life-savintr Mr rice says to the easel own- ioa of the cats is heard. In the smaller Buse $1.110. td)
en in a single year . but it is not on that towns a the West and South, where 'leg
plea that a similar service is demanded leets' are still largely worn, tb. boo•jaci ' hints'. ro RC Mane. - it is said that
fur the Canadian shores 4 the Lakes. flourishes and the subdued cat behaves dull times are not known by th, agents
The primut the Iifc-boat brinmi kitnself But where there are no boast- ' for the treat publishing houses of Genre* sl
Isn't silver or told teat's esti ite debt of Stinson .l. en.. of Portland, Ilfa,mat�•�'he
the meaty we : jacks the cats Aleut?Aleut?the ballet boxes and '
reae•m .d this exceptional success is gond
but the flesh and blood of a e...pwrecked eutstrul ib. returns. ; to the fact that they always give the pub -
A richer reward. you'll LII aro r (lace wore to show you how f.,idly ; sic that which is keenly appreciated and
There s et present * pintos apology the 'leading American humorist'cllt.♦;B at prices that all cosi Milord. At passant
for • life-saving service in the shape . f • t, the traditions of the ,eat, ol.serve, in we under*sand, their a_nnts are donut
1 ; wonderfully well on several new lines,
boat or ewe at or near 1t'rller a Ileach, ha funny articles on cats, how ,often he They need many more at•onte in all farts
one at Tomato, and acether at Longaidudm to their assembling urs the roof . 1 1 of the ...entry. There who need profit -
Point, like Erie. They are bold and the 'woudahed.' Now tell mc. in the j dl.al,le wwell should applBxi,erten. `t.'imi t
brave hearted men who volunteer to great cities where many humorous palters
snake up the crews ..1 these boats- bold- are published, how mal •woodshed. I und.r ak Ga llw all
o are aft la Ct
p y undertake •., show all who are ,rillitut to
er, indeed, than life savers elsewhere. fi r areahere 1 11'hy, a New Turk or Phila- I work. not hart but earnestly, the path
they have no litte jacket*, nor any of the delphia cat woetd fall dead ..f exhaustion to here snccren. it should be remember -
apparatus so necasasry fir the achieve- hunting fora 'woodshed.' People burn I that an ae_ent can do a handsome bust-
, ones wan. it being away from home over
meet of that which they attempt. They
coal in these days. And they don t keep , night, .Another advantage -it 'costs
study reveals, molting a mere striking have but boats, whicu in two caws are it in a 'sheaf' in the cities. They know nothing to :ire the bele
neee s trial, and
than this sante neglect. It is a curious not fit for the purposes to which they linter. They lad it up in the teller. I an agent cart devote all bis time, or only
anomaly, this utter indifference 4 the are applied, and no oue who knows what But, although there may not be one this spare Cr mets to it. icons ini& Cn.
Government and the great pubis: to the an •ashore gale u needs t. bo told that 1 guarantde grand iinple to all who en-
'w,rridaheol' in the attire corporation, yet gage and fallow simple and plain direc-
eustnd of the manse interests 0 the the chanow are against the safe bunch t i save his undying salary. the humorist, i tions that they give. We have not space!
lakes in so far as they aficet the condi- a the tarot. A great wrong exists se wheu he writes of cats, cannot refrain ! to explain elf here, but full particulars
tion and the nerds a t!ae sailer. Ther long as the Canadian shores are not ss from allusions to the wouushed roof. 7i11 he "eat f'e to th. se who adnrees the
care not, began.- they know mut. In nu ( well manned with surfinen as the Anion -He cant help it. tic., you ser, if gun' firm : their full address is Riven above.
other way can we understand the'negli-
yence which leaves the sailor to the gelled
e f the vessel -owner -which sentls hie%
out of port in a leaky, over -filled, under- y cert ro
manned tub, unseaworthy in the beat of the (lttsrs.,n life -car, the inventor of Well, 1 should hope I did, every time. I try flop Bitters. I have taken one hot -
weather, and yet daring the storms of which refuted to have it patented, hut
Bles hour simple a+,cal, do you suppose 1 !tie, and I have been rigidly getting bet -
early spring and late fell,nnder a captain made a free gift hf it to all the mar:time wooed go back on the hoary traditions of tl ter erer since, and I think it the best
who knows a.thing a his business, bet nations a Ihs world wh '•e Govern -the ; ! Why hook ham, maybe ' ut
ntecine I ever used, I am now gaining
strength and appetite, which was all
you don't know who 1 am ' Loan over gone, and I was in despair until 1 tried
and i')1 just whisper in your ear : 1 don't jyour kitten. 1 ain now well, able to co
want it to brc,me grnerally lnown : abort .1 1 do my own work. tlefore
I am the 'leadtntr American humorist,' ;taking it I was completely prostrated.
i I others are imposters. ' Mr,. MARY STUART..
Hear .1. Br LneTTE. i Tb.ataaw.tits>♦so.
- . T. W. Aitkias, (heard. Kan., writes:
• Goblets (•P hoo6 i '1 never hesitate to roc utumend your
Mrs Win. Allan, of Acton, declares I Electric Bitters to my. customers, they
that Haryard's Yellow (►d is the best !rive entire satisfaction and are rapid
yard a Pectoral Balsam ; as a remeely fur household relnedy in the world for colds, sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest
*br••at, bnmchal and Inn' - plaietts It •croup, sure throat, burns, scald, and ' and hest meilicitie know,. and will foal -
is siwaya reliable and positively safe. _ ..tiler painful complaints. Her opioton • tively cure Kidney anti Liver complaints'
--�- is ,sell founded. _ Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No family can afford t.. be without theta i
. 411110
Lar�ast an
ern shore. We want life -sating stationsare at a!1 ..1 a trusting nature, he deceives 11-a,pl-.ToN, 1.C„
at the dangerous ponits,supphtd with all you
II Map lath, 18Afi.
the apparatus and appliances for saving 'But tla net i sometimes make tke 1 r * long
ere-Haring been a sufferer
e, with mortars, rockets, llfr•tines,and same allusions in raycat articles P I for a g ng time from nen.'us Arra
and s;en.ral debilit I was advi
wh•, is a relation or friend a the owner, meats ehose to use it Ile was a sailor
yr perhaps 4.1 some influential shipper himself, and he knew the valor's needs.
whose patronage the owner thinks worth We want regularly vrtaniied, paid and
retaining --who says to him, "You're en- drilled crews whose business it shall he
compaaesd by dancers tar beyond the to aave life, and who shall be provided
ordinary perils of navigation, but that's with all that will assist them in their
no concern of out's. Vol re afloat in a daneer,•ua duty FRANi; Naru,s.
cotfIn•sbip un waters dangers even fur
the staunchest vessel. The best we can s. tares Its it.
Ne, harm can come from using Hoo-
d•.. is to advise you. if your vessel is
wrecked, to have het teat away on the
mericaa shore. if yo.0 are wrecked ea
nad.an 'hetes you must save yourself ;
have no lite -beets un this side. The
'wises have never asked for them,
the vessel -owner is more concerned
putting as many bushels into his
as she will hold without sinking at
k than he is ab ,cat your life:
Itis n ast.-7telskiig thine that ('anaua,
THE CAT AND BOOTJACK. F,rrural isterr.tRates. !They will save hundreds 4 dollars in j
MNette res tat. aearirerie. of err teal /doctors hills carry year. sold at :Acts,
1st •a' Del ti ■sir. • t. The answer in each case 1.eiug to cents, :It bottle h-• .1. Wilson. f3j 1
separate the two r ght hated li ur••s car 1 -
r newer t.. express in dollars and cent.. weti Rewarded.
All All over the broad land there goo. up Four per cent,--Mulutiply the prince i A lateral reward will be paid t.. any
a cry for the wppreesion to cats. t lily pal by the number of days to run. Sep- party who will produce t ease .4 Liver,
INN} dissenting voice is heard, that of I arate right hand neuro from the pr•.du:t, Kidney er Stomach complaint that Elec•
ch owes
Arun tat.
Demi ?ergot hitt pr..,•
Hetes Haire Celt Use
its ITi gl►, gee lyiset the
Henry 'Bergh, 'drachm; for the preset- amd divide Uy 't, true affects will not speedily curs. Bring Five par rear. �iulti)ily hy number ;them along, it will rn.t you nothing for
time aatamr . i the world to erea�'t i.t •tf cats and the ev,rnuinatior of �,.f tla s, u.d divide h ''
the tat , marine, should have no man. bat the rest of us Fate that mobil) y Y ' the mewicine if i. edits b, cure, and you
fiix pier cent. Multiply by uumiler of j,�ty he well rewarded for your tmtfilo'
viol service er the lakes, :hut animal, the ca:. She rarely catchea mice 1 days, separate right hand figure, and 1 besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious -
I divide by 6. ' • deet, Jaundice, Constipation, and
at the sailor be subjected to the, She runs away in terror from a gray 1 getie-
Eight per cent -Multiply by nuntober I ral debility amr)juickly curial. Satisfy,
.augers which coins from • partial I cellar rat. And a barn rat that can't of days, and dtviJe by 4:i. pion guarantees or money mfuw'+i
en a his vessel, or an entire lack ' whip his weigh• in este is no longer ad- Nine per cent. -Multiply by nuii uer nce.only tifty cents lo•r bottle- F r
of days, separate right hand tigure, and by .J Wilson. [sl;
divide by 4.
Ten par cunt. •-Multiply by number
of Clays and divide by :15.
at be knows that whin the poor witted into go .l a octet e, and his dugrac
ashore, which muni happen eel name is scratched oif the assembly
r nu,hope that a friendly looks. But, neverthe:e•s, the tribe of
stfe t'.Ied forth to save. cats son the I•tcrcaa•. it multiplies on
Their are Mild Petit
The brat 1,1•.id purifier said art'"' re-
Twelvepercnt.-- Multiply by number gulatorcvtirlaced within the reach' tit
le, his vessel is hurried to the face ..f the wood acted and replenishes i of days. separate right band figure, and suffering humanity, truly NE/eerie Bit -
shore and etn►es with the back fence and the kitchen roof in
few sal ice the face of the hatred of men.
II TiTd-tt Why is this 1
en mariner
,, ,., can for e list time. icy see From the dale el the confusion of ! money will double u1 In years ; at 8 Per , known. Thrr- xti senor and euickly,
t cent. it doublet. in nine years. The rule ' every tittle ivarantied t., give entire
tear at the treruuling null and reach their tongues at lithe', the bndyack has kern ' is correct to within a fraction on a year satisf►cti.,n •r monerr uiadeo.. 8.44 at
arms aleft to the rig:n.r. The spoon- the sok effect.ve weapon a,ainst cats. for all rates loon 3 per cent. upward. � fifty cent, . bask by J melee.. ['1)
No other weapon that has been forme] I We are indebted for This to Mr. Fackler,
the well known actuary.
against them bas prospered. Shot guns!
- sew sirs for ran. thee. Weakened -'ip$. by lat.
•�-�--� I rasa, arms area kdl.wlwatNts.
have scattered and failed. %tater pitch- , 4..d for alt. i 'r. s;reef Berman Invigorator is the
eonly smash themselves against the i Fos all ds
n .easee of the i'lood. kidneys• on.v'specificfur impotency. nervous de -
woodshed their or the erosion fence, and ' liver and bowels take Burdock Blood 1 l,tlity, uu r'sal lassitude, forgetfulness,
3. -
Inde by :k ±ten. Itrutit rite t:rer. HJio
To find the time in which a sum of .iaundioe, Censeityr„f tion. stet.= Kidnanrsneys,
money will double itself at a certain rate .r any disease of nnan s►rgans, car
of interest, divide ;' hy the rase of inter- ! whtwver require, as '(rr•aer, tunic or
Briefly stated, the cause is found in ' est and the result will be the number i nowsttninlant, t,aalrah tinct Elrgtric
the decadence .f the bootjack. i of years. For example, at 4 per meat., i Bitters the best and •'n!y certsiit cure
drift scuds towards the ices` which he
will never reach . lisees the 'Via of
the neighboring' town and the evil eye .f
the mocking beacon almost within reach
. t the cast of a line. The en ,a and sleet Blttcrs. It is ural vegetable, can do
tea like arrows, sues the white horses brickbats bang against the alley (encs I p y eR e fain in the back or sides, no matter how
with crab .f foam march its h• and n.- no harrn, and is always beneficial. - shattered the system may be from ex-
p 1and rebound into the geranium het 1::::47
kind, the Oreat German
Temkin to the beach AO near. There are I But the bootjack, with unerring instinct, • FnR TUR ('owPLLxnax. --For pier :es. Heeue1/ will rrst.rethe to t funetinns
bare men there,strr ng armed and stout- ' flies on wings of hate straight at its blotches, *Si. and all itching t `at r• '•f and toners health and happiness. 81.00
the akin, use Prut. Logs fdagic 3•1)-er . fv r i►ox, six h' .. for 83,00. 5..1d b
hearted fellows wh . weal.' gladly rrak natural ono catehe. him amidahlp d+cap. "'Mil's: id druggists. Sent .,n receipt'.( pricey,
their lives for the sates •'f the despairing every time, kr CB a "yowl" out of him I rt 1tTstarle i•1, by F .1- Chene Tussle,
r f Ir. the history of sachet ire pease Y.
saaers in the rin:Lln� u, that vessel which las lung as a c mammal poem, de- ration has receIvel /sick ■r.,"'awl est t)llnio, Bei s runt for United States, (sir.
snorts and plergee as etch ware sends molishes hint. Never yet was bootjack I rtsendation fur the allevirt' n ;: aff,nie eulars and testimonials sent fate• Siad
her nearer to the ecu shore that impinging . tired out of a window by the hand of I and tks permanent onywir erfrrts is 1 J by Goo. Rsynas, sole spat toe tfsae-
for her brines: ----Mot life knee or spears- +man that did not knock some prowttng Rey diseases, se De. ver Idwantyks.asp•_6134---- ,.,.,y..-,;_ .aR:-----
tus hare they n,we,and before their eyes , cat into the land of the Forthwith. Cert.!..." aetioa i•' three dtc*r.• I A aware.
oo bs ileots. w''nd tato,. 8o{d w►•
the tailor a numbed Engen release t Sir Hence, with the decay of the bootjack netts a rf
hold ou lee itca rigging and he solid for- the cat has amts on tep,
east into ther1veni*s sea. Neat morn- 'But,' says the skeptic, 'bontjacks are
as numerous and accurst• today as ever
ing the tiro
fir miles a!
that teasel is scattered
the bore, and the stark
the storm a victim
into Oto beach, • h or and over
again all this hat hapyene.i at the doors
of a Christian people. %l bat have you
done that rt shall not itapt•e,t strain t
Yeti have time,a,id elo'iuence and money
for the Drake of Borneo and the
with Islanders. You have sympa
word and deed for the ureter
they only far •nstp;l, •w.
''crash •d the loud res onn.lisg
out from your ern the cry of
ung sarlorraan, and the wail of
y in
ter- la
pot the
and little
°tsee H 'w long will this
shameful neglect ref public duty vele
,roue t Is it tits' we have no need of jt
life-saving navies on the Ickes I No one
will answer tits•, in the face .1 the fact
that ,.n Lak. °nano. the smallest, the
least danrprnu,and the hest protea ed of
the whole chain, there have been within
• strete!r of • d..••• ed.. about Salmon
Point. nn the south shore .4 Prises
Edward county, .ser twenty wrecks avid
over forty lives lost in less the. twenty
yi•n. Wa cannot tell the horrible total
they were. Your argument falls because
of its faulty premise.'
Oh, simple minded men a ()h, feeble
one, slow to believe anything save that
which is palpably incredible, you helve
been fed upon fenny papersThe 'lsad-
TTvr Iollotrkaa - f.,si• J, ty. T. of
W lnnlpv - llj► ltllam
(+Ilrrby, oi �:u•tron.n1 err r "1 eras
for red a bottle o
sad ulr r• telt' Dyspepsia. 1 f Dr.
t s , r�e mod, sad' l wean different nine • New Di.core when '
Mrs Mary A. Daile7,of Tunkhannotk,
Pa -,was afbiltted for six years with Aster r
ma and Bronchitis, during which time
the best physicians could give no relief.
Her life was despaired of, until in last
Don't J ;ribs
Funerals Ftlrnisii
The Celebr
.'N hie!' brat• the went!.
Hodrrtrb. ttept. titb.1101.
At the d': Fun:t ere Lwl+w:em d
tet: sou to lt.. FIND THE
ssorlad Slott o(Foruitur
Ii\4111.sde IX Gonalti('tt.
ret' •rAiltEtwae! *ITS un s the turl.d'rlowchoose trees
Cheaftest /louse zit Town.
' aming a Specialty_
tat 1y, Cheaply, & with a Good Hearse.
It oil' lee Fete --
Singer Bewiag Machine
:.nb•'re voltreteirc prompt attention T. A. U aseni
palmed lu all the flat
spicuoua arnoug the
*bitch will be Interest
will like the pia-tu
sketcher. the Inure 1u
news Matter, whtch
entertaining. la the
tags. or connection w
command all the die
dais front NEWS c
which the daily paper
It Is indepeudeut i•
party bs. Tei. or sorts
and deal with slice
only to beevityr ut
newspaper. Fath b
:nage . latest -rasoa
fashf..a WW1 •
plater. arta) stos7
rich varI l "wade
tare, rte. rec., sty.
relied wee"---, It 16.1101a
will Ivy of
Just as well
vesica pec•
bead your rubttcri
eIg News
v SIGN4ij
1.1' %i.W5 Is an illustrated paper. ■sl/w•.
r enterprising Journalism. It .beide
h en sl. of ta.ad,t as a wires lute urea
n e'er) Tat saber .•rthe tamely• The ch rhes
young tolka the morn.. and the hussy
1111te drlightcd with the editorials and
y iwur Will he round Apley. incisive, sad
of telcgrap ht nerve et having t he advan-
TeORe,NT'O D-AfIA' NEWt, it has he.
Ike .aesocaat.'d Pre... lierldes rho• r
tat in every Ier•tkii. of Ontario or
i Asaltew•paiirr it has no superior.
peservelwsR d1 ellUeal new• Rause freta
d s ssewe•Ny without fear or favor as to
reporeatee written its a humorous vel
ureawihout gloves, and having re=ar
a truth r is in the fullest mime a Tamil
o•rtraiats a ,erbattnt report of Her. lir. T
Besot. lyn Taeerwncle, Clara Beller New York
ate.%h host -Town." sketchy* of people Bud
bserbing'tersest, a polities) cartoon. and •
notes..h Fashions, .Art, Industries. Litore-
sarke•t •la''attoor are coutplete and to be
paper fur eke young folks, rand t be old folks
• t .pedal dubbing terms bring it wtthlo
cof .. may he bad at thir.0 te.
to this .stye.
You will, save
Bedroom Sets,
tame, Parer . •
Tables, FaJling-
liederich. Nov. 11,
`�:► tJ ::a per cent. by purebas-
$I:Ie l rfurs moving. '
t t i rilottr•i�, Dressing Bur -
`data, Mattrasek, Extension
1'alde•. Bitcht•n l'uplriartis.
i r!
Why use poor OIL oa y rReapeh Arid Mowers, when you esa get
or tale by
So Cheap. It has no tt sad you will use no other.
R_ W_ 14c rT� ,
yen •noe••h aslicre•I can (',rflvr- October she procured -- - --1
ehich y -w • itis yeocur- ►CIARS. }'
r obese o •. save , e only tempoeary relief win felt, and by continuing its use I
a i th s I we' a• ,ed as carr wot►in.
1 viae ' • emended in . to esd, who hs., to en for t► short time she was completes enr-
woo o ra health by .t. to try Noilr.•tor's ed, raining in flesh :e0 Isis. its a few
r ..lir, !did -u. and it was not lona months.
m• I fell I:kr a n••w ansa. and I have ew-
rel.etreitrnr h. ,Asn ever .In.•.•. 1 arq
„mrtrrncel tag • ..ft February 71h. MI. re the Healed t retratese. Sed all abs TB
Sitone American humorist,' wbine name a -,.id by Uro, Pi.., se. Yea: It way rse
ts eat
Legion, lives in the dim trsditio( 1h, sphatine, or Nerve }ono a Phos -
°oDen/e t'
past, so far w this tat bosittass 7:irt'h.'1.
Cot aa+•�nCoLMthatlosu,fee-;ate Element base.l ulr,n �cientitiecern ewd. He nada about the ieeeljk ns gtaently n.,'eet. and which sn ,often proveacts, Formulated by Pr.f.rAustin. A theserylsteats foraharvest of etowsump-M. D. of Booston, Masa.. Tures Pulrnon-
the days of its gbtines pretrfsM*�uoMhese immediate and thorough M (,onammptron. Sick Henclaehe, Nur-
far awe titt►os of Doeafish'fi tool a• h• T.•us Attscka, YlKtilr•• and Neuralgia
y trettm.•,sR A teaspoonful of Rontiarty
weaves his own atonies d • its ..f tee P�en+o ylrwtasn 6wotwto'e liken whenever and all waatint dealt
of the human
dayhe brio its tete ttlNRri; b'otleek !the tJ .ith s tr.uhlesome, will rwtiere system. Phrrphatine is not a �fedtrine,
bis but a Nutriment, because cause it ivontaina rias
He oeceives you, The 'Mx it An.rtican 1 the patient, and persevered in, will effect A• cubic or Mineral P.is ms, (►pisses,
horiat' does sot deaf' at, -east e f the a `sr* in the most Mat Mate cases. 2w v tm•hcs, and no lrtimnlants, but limp
fibres, as dost the d me novel wester To Revrou a DA eD%* ry. - (9ranee the I ly the Phos ha and ()metric Elements
seal with P f [ w' M !; Ili I found
ti m; i per bottle. i.nwusw R
or scoot with* ,ester. He .'.awl Ct' . Mole sgemts for the 1)••aaimun, l
N the seine•: rifle of Leathers akidt. •w rfeiror. Trttvae.. ba I amt Ktr*et Rant Toronto
.,. Ther,n P Keator,editor .f Ft. ti :guts IC
with MOW, den stock, 1:ntJ lite., Ind N.ruttr, "entre 'For the trot tura
1w1)•t n' !iw, hickory n :� sad rya 1 Aate, "en always meati 1k. a 'a \ Natie.nal Pills are nnsurnassed as •'
Paw*,lilts¢ .4 the w e caths ( me rt severe one mem the /Chary .. 20 000 Rolls of the Latest
bees" -t however, tries r� rstss that character, as well as far there ..f •milder ("' y rgan• potently and
.t antes a ry non, e P wi r . n' a
u p eat in our daily found. A sin�1lfk bottle
Asn th. ditN>� sump. A delightful medicated snap for' is sit(flci..nt to ainriod.. .All singe,
of the plaicer its erne h;s c. a ,4 th. to►let. lm aril it
full line of a:1 the Learling , ret llleliicinea always kept on ham'
ret Nies
rn s a t Ti..1.. ,v.r f.
safe, mild, yet thr.r.•tagh, purgative, act
(Physicians 1Prerlcriptiona a Specialty.)
V E o E SIITN ii5, ,
ow b eke tlaw, t: you wish ewe er lentil: mewl as yew.. to Ore Fatly?. reefs M}et.
t v. ef/eettlally
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dart past into the hcht sing life of friday tweet teal col,.rs.sed at ;wart •:wthem veil woo .,ee,ifesoeds, Cal •ad ee. thea. Tkry
cure, M♦ fnends to whom hat, n- -
rhos he writes of cats, a tirehe ee.trsa of in came high A Csvrv. EVIL. C are tk. boat •alttetsaewn •,� t be wadi
� e.,mmendeod at secede o Children are ..fieri Ns
ea as the taken its these year. On thlt ► 'e. terms. Hasa 1,.•n cured h it .4 orrery /retfnl and ell whore woritts •n the a
shttres t. the soathof w aro thirty -cued Now, lobo wears iug bents' 1n tie 1 r' s h 1 have ed for Art ye•n,1 crew- Dr. L'ow's Worm Pywp saMly etpiah all' The Ikt
i liens
asne stations in tiainae stsaenestersfeel.' tt the nal• r.liebl. ani ser. tenWrma�� aid Fiui
These •tatieaas ter. all for r' colds, tete; Call at Wihewl'e Nala•nal Pills taw the temente e �1
she s encs I lK what mos. then, are b.otp eta t f►t.+p�� ;. aw-1 flet ♦ F * ..• •1••. ! ter. and anti -bilious wedieies ; they sre
d agantesforesrinelifesal' . "eoere I
pd/pttrt7 t vi..aa17. of no caw They an .'•«•,• 'v ^ � tG• loo ' a .e t .t, ..h
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