HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-26, Page 3a I. u▪ t Re M1 set ler hie kis 1 a ape note the int: tall iRa Mich A ✓ ing; 'd a d in half anar 411 - the . 8.. ✓ ant. „did C011 - Wed and iond ▪ up girls sed meet beer 1111m. have tb. woe r N e mir Y be umbers dopes Ttes- ir iean, out. • o ther, Gra- isrired 1 com - yoane ih(igted t 1,l - in re - Holt. I, W. earing set. Exeter ho re- nt('10 • few ltieehi- e t the in to set as a 1 him. rdered at the id his r three (ether a off b a Itoal /resent IornifC of To Chap at the I, emir Little. itrant- ith the ray and Ansley front ie. A noir_ t the in y both had a search Phe de rove t(, with n ibed as Dad 7 eye nk sod manner Tour not be offer s I Ped. e 9a re of $ naspow• n ethinc led the It day to take did so g from demon- , • mM fallow *ranee rimmed ind h1 irly esa►et[ shear n smile r�his Iset time dm aloe was at asssed ,N1111in iserinore want wen fl! tall. tend e( July A. taaev.sl .ansa.. A bre broke out in the parcel offs* .4 t►. Wiedaor railway atatiou but was mon extinguished. Amosg the debris were loans a number of brass wheels aid a bottle supposed to o,utaiu an ex- plosive eubet•uce, supposed to be the monad of the nefealal machine. There ye no clue to the person who left the machine. A foreigner was noticed leiter- me about the station ou Friday. It is believed that bodied be ■ as un.ble to ester the Royal Palace, and that tl.e ladatn bad guru W Osherow, and thiuk leg his Jeaytns were truetrated he too t►. machin• to the railway station in order W rat himself of it. The affair has cseeed great excitement. The wheels farad wore exactly sundae to these of the machines used in the r.atrae'ue at Vic- toria, I'Iddinet011, and other stations, and are of cheap Amenci s cluck pattern. A tut cvhtaioi(y a dark ¢e:wlmous sob - stance was oleo found, and its contents are now being analyze,. The tuse,inade of cotton end saturated with alcohol, protruded (ruin the neck of the bottle. A broken quart bottle which had recent- ly contained rectified spirits was also found is cl AS proximity to the 'scone Si the tire. li Is believed shit the fuse in- stead 41 exploding the nitroglycerine ignited the ad;'aceut articles. Search iu the d.%sia was o•onlinued to- tisy, and carersl iron caps similar to those used in making cirtridges were discovered. A batt was also found tilled with sawdust, saturated with atrectly smelling liquid, and in the sswddst were the fragments of a bottle mute of white • glass like the one found on Saturday. The managers 41 the Greet Western rail- road assert that the Bre was purely acci- dental and het Jou t. Fenian agency. They declare that no infernal machine has been found, that the ill sinelling 1.quid was hurse medicine. The home secretary has ordered an increase of the ;uarde at Windsor castle to dc.uble the ,resent number, and that they he armed with rine'. A thorough search of the rounds surrounding the castle has hecn ordered. Extraordinary precauttun. have been taken at (Ish.rne, .where the Queen is suicurning. All the 'public buildings and railway stations are cawe- iv resided. Every suspicious oecutrence in the fin glj1�QN SIGNAL FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 18b1. 1 irt z 0 si et si AGO tiA i77 J ITd T$� LADIES OF GODERICH. IH W BRETHOUR CO • . � W , �h , ; . ° BRANTFORD, A t Wre great eft*. sherd!•, year atttrtioa to cur PPM:t'iA1. LINErs 1 1rltk•'••( 4.01,1 - a l n• Is lug ebtwa. as the) are wolfs . for earatul laepee•t wn ut everyone. Pi Black. all -wool French Cashmeres, our Special Brand. d u All -wool Foule Cloths, new shades, for 25c. per yard. Handsome Cloths, with Braids to match, for Suits. id a t Ottt�m'an Cords, in the New Shades, All Wool. o On Lot Cashmere Twills, for 14 cts. per yard. Aq Mantles, Dolmans, Millinery. a a present nervous condition of the lsL3 1 u converted into a possible di simile. l -- outrage. About midnight last night two men threw aeel este a 66(1s iat s ((fiascoesas(fiascoesadJ merle their escape. Itt u bettered their inteutto:t was to Wow up the bridge. T T�1 A careful myst rim a•wdiheels the i I G-ROc= Foot that the mysteritau wheels tuurnl , in the debris, suppised to belong to some deadly infernal somebody s I hunt wtaackl simply tante of.om, a ho had tette. THE HOLIDAY T R A D E 0 0 General Grant, who had never before known what it was to be ill, has, accord- ing to the Philadelphia Pr.Ir.A. suffered tertbly since his fall, now nearly a year oThe direct result of the accident wag the lueakiost of a muscle in his thigh, but a variety of ills followed. He was most painfully afflicted with neural- gia and rheumatism, and as his system MiSS GRAHAM hal :.ow on baud one of the finest oto( ks or FASHIONABLE Fall <<��I \Vini�fi l�illiileIi`r iY TOWN. The Newest and Beet Shapes and Shades and the Most Reason- able Prices. Godericb, Oct. 10th• 1914. 11011-• it 1s Meartse1M1 !fate an es►t•rtrnent of pattern.' o.tu..i Lew Mase in the i mord ry. wi bile we make rip all styles ft ll, up to al.) inn..' .c.. ULSTER CLOTHS ! ULSTER CLOTHS ! 'Ar'e have IC( 1:,•••.! a :.'auGfa fits 01TWEEDS for tnl.tcre, hili . p r c( ot. be. • i,.• a ut.r I.ri'c. SAMPLES ON APPI.ICATT_ON_ H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. llrantturd. Nov. 13. isle. GO TO KNIGHT FOR A S j t o Mairic• j The •ub.toriber. who le about to stake some hapset t :t chaster in ti:: business. now stern at a r-du.tim: for CASH W- stork. at SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO D0073 EAST OF P.0 klettly DRY GOODS ! Groceries, Ready-ia4e Clothing, and Baois aid Stacs. ICa:I and see fur yourselt ea. Iia.ts and Slaws will be hold at hal( pries. Ore- 1 re- w - - -- ernes will! monmercyORGEH.0LDw s. K agree 1 than at an ter i nc else tic • fain ann for the urs sell!:..; nook out. Heginnets eueured greed - A large stock.r r , t e �.Iy.Noe • fail. Tensa free. Hateert Bon f good .goal otos A :.!socia rit.uta will be sand at i1i. rr �f 00 per lax of Co.Cn_ Portland. !lairs stns 21' 114. }valance of stock ..f Iteauy-utade Clothing reduced frran 10 to 20 per cent. WONDERFULLY REDUCED ! 4 i• Rafrina, Pnhana Render. Table nimbi (Jwa!d7 t'ereaata. TeMr sad nips, Irasesees sad $ptosis A res Meek et GROCERIES AND CR(QRBRYWARIL No walthig torsi issi' . New Sp IS MAKING A SPECIAL DRiVE Fthl AU kids • Han! coal •iebarsi. Akio a malt ----iN---- o.tan'ity •f civ celebrat.•d Flrulte Nuts, C-4.�.z- Straitwille Lump Soft Coati =eels,Staidt+ d is year or]• • while the weather is fair Ices, S-Ligars aril for det:rrr} ....id by bis physicians to be eaturated with nicotine, heera. ad"e bt° . GENERAL GROCERIES . wmokinc, and, tht` sigh, u t knows,' he has been an inveterate smoker HE 11.t4 AI.wr VERY FINE LiNES IN all kis life, he now takes but three or tutu cigars a week. He has determined that if hereafter he smokes et all it will China' , Motto 8,�eMoustache Glass-Sets Cups! Vedr V5, be very moderately. The. General has $ 1 ver and Glass Castors M 1 asQ Se s great pleasure in writing his war rennin• Silver , �aRrs+a+ , Meences and is a very careful writer, taking the utmost pains to substantiate I A SPLENDID .tti4ttKTM .\T sat LAMP-. every statement he makes. He employs Also Handsome China, Dinner and Tea Sets, 'which will be dis- no eteoogerapher, bat puts down every posed of Cheap for Cash. word with hisuwn hand. Beanies the sepa- rate articles, the General has betun a TEAS T H A'r History of the War. which will be pub - Imbed in hook form. Of this he has ' For Christmas Cheer of all kinds. don't fait to call and get natiataction at already written about two thousand 1 1egea- Sourr Acr Ann. . --- Petitions t>:NB are being tent in to the Government • asking that some changes be made in the proviainna (,t the Scott Act : (1 Three fifth of the whole vote of the constitu- ency be required tapas; the Act ; (2) that seise compensation he made to dealers in the ligenr traffic whose business will be alscted, and other minor changes. .4.r•eb nares$_ Oonrxlril, Dec. IL IIM. Wheat, c Fall. h hash. .. .. 110 is A i0 70 Red winder wheat .... O M " 0 71 taboos BIPrtsg) • heel,. ...... 0 fit A; 700 Floor. Peas. • basY0 S3..... ............... 0 Barley. • ...... ee • sr A 0711 ee w �Ratter. 1•r. • 17 w .. • 17 M teh.rts, • ewe- :«. : ReiHI m. p cwt. . 70 !room, i cwt ................ r.,. MA 7 fi�•o oa.tte.......,:..........:.: i M .. e uxr est 033 0 IO 1110 0 IS 030 • 13 •13 1 70 4 415 00 the ABLETUYE QUAUTT OUR LEADING FEATURE. TEAS I ! TEAS I I TEAS I M7 blend of /Cut Teas •snot he heat. 50c. 60c. AND 70c. PER LB. or ie. per Ih. less in s I1. parcels. Useeloesd upas Tees. Colored j10.. T e Y0111121 Symms HraTeas, Ywtag. (7esg+. w and Assam Tears. P. FRUITS ! I FRUITS I ! FRUITS I I Jami IacTAGllkRT Viotorie, Street,• O Tlt snow(lRot'7eP. 1 G. H. OLD'S, ,the Grocer. re 1 have the largest and brat sascrteseat t,/ choice potatoes :o teen. e'en and see for t - E0-LBgR. NE BROS. a�1are Ge er Dry Gt the lamest oods for tlhetroowinrarig that they have ever shows. They have .accred serfs bargains In blase.'loopss, TWEEDS Alm ♦ - .4HIII iNOS, tIsl'lare worth enquiring foe. Bait and (Mored V stem-etlmq tiro to largely woes this tap, and they have spar so pates to make their 'deck cempie,e in theca tines. and at price_ that extant ire' beaten. if you want the beet value the market of-' fords. terms cash, and no second price. go to ('OLBORNE BROTHERS. Godertch. Arg. 1/. tlwl. JUST ARRIVED. AWN T THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR&t, GUTH OF NEW FALLoonna. Am) ATi It'KS THAT WILLSURPRiSE EVERY 0141. CALL AND SLS THRM.S-- Ip' COLBORNE BROS. : rp'Wl'OCX NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ARneta LARGEST THAT THEY HAVE F.VER SHOWN. 1701.BORhi: EROS. Oet. l0. IAN. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. For Cash i will sell all kinds of floods st I.nwest Priors. T. N. DANCEY. Goieriek. (let. ilUs. PSI 1111;-tt DANIEL GORDON. CABiNETMAKER ▪ .n Leadlli Undertaker, Iles on hand Row the i ARGINT riT401151, of See Those 10, 12 ,1'?, & 20o. Dress Goods. NOTICE TNt)RI'; (iNCHANS--11, 121 and 1itc. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: First - Class Furniture in the ('pant,. and mil now pnrc .ase for cast will not he undersold by any nee. i otter Tapestry Carpet Lounges!, from $iiiO npwnrds. Whntsots. good. from 4.30 up. Row Reek Chaim. from 37W. up. sad every- thing else is the same proportion. AT THE OLD STAND Between the Nowt Dace k Hari of Montreal CA•ODERICS_ Oet. tllth. 14A0. 11113- bc.. 8c., 9c., lOc., 124c. No trouble to show Goods. Doe't purchase if some are not farts. W.. H_ RIDIL'EY e,c;a e•• rieh Harper's Bazar. THE t'HEAPEST•SHIL T$ A\1) 1)IIA\I'E1fS YOU EVER SAW C..mpl.••n *task• id eansdiat. and Scotch Twee..4, Envli.h Worsteds and \ebb Overt-. atineti. TAILORS ori the pretniaes. !suits made to order at 10 and sal we'd•. Fit gb•rentsu(i !soya stud tiirle Clethiug cot free .,f charge, when th got d>twte Purchased at the siert. (f 11 \,:Plat . : tYMt 1. the only paper in the world that eoubines the choirs..` literature and the. Ants net Maturations with the !steer fashions nod methods of household atdorp- ment. Iia weekly illustrations anti deecrtp- tions of the newest Paris sad Ntw York styles. with its woeful tattern-ahret supple- tnenteend ton patterns. to enabling ladies to be their own dt'.i makers. sate many times the coat of subscription. Its pincers ow cook Ina. the manat(em.nr of warrants. awl house- keeping is its carbine details are Mlsienaty gwertlesi. 211 anent ion is given to tie in- ters-dine o-ters-dine topic of social etiquette. and It■ illu- seat ion, of art needle work sae acknowle;t•rd to he nnses&Uswl. Ib Ytwaa►r merit is 4f the ►Ightat eaeelleern. and the soigne character of it. hnmoro+r• *nitrites bait won for It the name of the Anterfcan Pwwwh. HARPER'S PERiODICALS. rel. Year s • IiARI' IR /r.1LAR ......IN /M II-tRPP1ti MAn.i7./h K.i.tlt........, t fa/ ARI'F.R'ti FYI BK. ..ire IIAR/•RK,'. 1(1'.V(1 /'FX114.. t....... a so IIA/WEBB FRANK .W,►i7.IRF. LIB- RA RV. Oar Yen rl'• .Va,nllwrrol..M . N /losing. Free (t. 0I1 ,.ha.-rib,rs fa/4t Ve(red Moira or IWanda. Thr VolnmM d the Basso begin with the lint Number for January of each rear. When no t hoe Is mentioned. it trill hn nn ierutool that the subscriber etches to erusen ruse with the Number nest after the rrrript of order. Th.- last Five Anneal Vdmnes of iisru•an's Rtr..n in neat ckth heading. will be seat by marl. postage palt.or by express. tree of ea is•nsc .prodded the freight does RM earache one dollar per vnlsm.i tier 17 M per volume. (loth catty for meth volume. suitable for bindingwill tw .sot m nail. postpaid, nn re- eelipnt of EI 00 rech Itemittancew sh.uid he mate by i'ost•(Mlce Honer Ihslee or hash. to avoid chance of lona Newspaper. ere red 10 ',ops 144s tedeerlletr w r.f reit Aswf Hoe r rprfss order or ii ARYRR Q Iter iu ei,e. address, & RROTHRRS New Vers. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. e- 1tus . to the front and secure bargains "SI GEORGE ACHESON .t; UG -I1 Drnsri1OID FASI3ION.ABI.E TAILOR - FALL AND WINTE STOCK FULLY ASSORTED. Satisfaction Assured in Style and Pi 14''lieme(nher tte Place West street. next door to flank of Montreal. 4S 1E10 E) Us Millinery Opening MISS SON Bap to announce that she has just returned from the .tmertean cities. twinging with her The Very Latest Fall and Winter Fa,Fki Ani that alle betiher Pall and Winter Millinery Ontologists .URDAY, OCT. 4th, 1884. s which oces,boa ahs• would reepettthlly Invite the ladies to roan and see the display at tl}025118111tIQS PI A NI_NG MILL ETAR1.IRHED 1$33. Buchanan, Lawaon a Robinson .(.. Y o T. nets• or Sash, Doors & Blinds nratrite IN aI1. It 141111111 e► Lu,ii her. Lath, Shuttles stat toitlMer's r wage eels! el every etwer4M tea. KNOW 1UUITtl0E * IP ttlLTT e*.tll Ord ors (rotiipU)!a'iended to. (lo ler'. h t •ee.. he Chicago Hous wan OWLET. (JU11E1tICH. oedericb. 0.1. 1k./.• trot. . .IVIcKENZI Ii NOT GONG OUT Ofi BUSINESS hot has town so long in U and formed such goad trade . onnce•tbos that he M able aid wt GIVE BETTER BARGAINS GENERAL HARDWARE Thea elherw professing to sen at east. Ile is hound that hie Meet la the fatuam, an d Or past. shall he noted as the CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cents; Off': ,rush Sale