The Huron Signal, 1884-12-26, Page 211 •11 L. 1.4 ' . s 4 *.7"...". •0 ea?"' • o o -O " .44 • `Z. 4 • • • 1-7 4,41' otoi - $4. • iu 11 usoi igtoyAL pkwAy. Dicc. t6. 1884. . `ITV E HURON SIGNAL Valltsheil every Fridley Morales, by itliCtIVOT Bseati., at their Oece. North 4 of the St inerel Om la Daher they dual do &kenos/sly halves In ons of the realise throbs* been a dispute between the rival towns of Traeger and Wilmot as to which m GODERICH. ONTARIO should be the oriusty rat. 1.When despatched 7.0 adi ll parts of e earronnd antry by Ills earliest mallards:aro the ofilcial count was made, it was tow", geared admission tt haa • larger timid& , ,hat thre. the Wilmot Maw eel oihsr newirpsper in this part of country, d *M.01 t" **case'. "1 hal:ot boxes had been stuffed, sad Tra- verse was awarded the county gest by the courts. This fact riled the residents 01 Wilmot. and a band of armed Wilmetitas immediately set out for Traverse, seized the officialsair, safe, and carried it in triumph to their own town. The full particulars of the affair will be found i2 soother oolumn. We only draw attention tc it editorially, teee°w•ot weeh in °adarien•araaraaairad to put the petiole of tloderich on their le business in that line at pnossUlal cannot I beaten, and 01• quality that manta be guard, too that the editor of the New E I • - Twins Cult mos retiree manure ta Omar° as it de, e kee-goiniessiestris addition moo above. • liret-clas. /1.7 sad arra* paper It et therefore a firdrellts rierrtunna isedtem. is admire, i.einage Pre la r; $1.7$. if paid hsture eta months it ate es paid. ThIs w..t1 triocy me erred. Rates or AineirliTteinci.- LiM ght Mehl pe for Ann isseriten. them cents per tier fis. h subsequent tassel ion. Yearly.kaityterly. uterterly contracts at redatied rates. Ne hare aboanesociess • 4.11.paruuest in COODIN. androgens- tlie most ...metre .It -at and 8C11W FRIDAY, DEC. flys, 1884. R6NEN'ALS. T. is the season for renewals of sub - ions to the newspapers. During the next week or en we hope t see as army hundreds of our Intends as can rake it convenient, call in and get re- osipis for 1885. Eat your New Year s dinner with a be dear conscience and a receipt for a sub- ' seription Tet Sic est for 1885 amongst your valuable assets. • Remember the ease oil conscience and the knowledge of right that flows frum the fact ef havmst the label on your paper marked a year ahead. Pay up at once, and then see that the 111110 clerk dates your label properly. Every subscriber should look at his label, and see that it is dated 1. 1886.- None gentnne without "Jan. I, 85," blown on the label. PUBLIC OLS Johnston, H MiliT011, Mary Andrews 1 A ElliOWIR OF SILVER. 001LINTY CURRINCY SCHO. B Sturdy, Jai Marletew Sems"slwirillassi• Msw esblwalt. a etigla ef reasrawstiaboas &mese es seem Oise ill rare elsera em Illit boon lhoasomte. • t'horles A. Illishop has been RegulmeOhriatmais MuaM111111101411111i teacher. Welt Art Petah. A SUM may not come in by way .J the Hunin nod stealthily some night and make a with the courthouse. Tim manner In which the ilelegates to the Tory cenventien have been spoken of by the Reform city paters Is in mark. ed contrast to the vulgar abuse whtch was showered upon the deltestes to the Reform conventien of 1883 and the Mowat demonstration .,f 1884 by the Ma.:. There is this difference, how- ever . The Mail is the self-styled organ uf the "gentlemen's party, and the other journals are not. The other jour- nals are ratted by gentlemen iu the true sense of the term ; the _Vat4 was edtted, when it attacked the Refur.n delegates, by Martin Oritfin, of whom it could be said that he was "Born is• garret, An, la • kitchen Dred and whose .pings after gentilety &re a vain striving after the unattatnable. A silk parse cannot be made out of a sow's for Promotion. No. Ca n41, 67 -Present at ellatoina- Ilion, 59. PrtPUIU4ed, Nia:•itlisten notint.tr atiraCt.une Honor Led-Reading,1 Sarah McKay, oed the iery ill weather, there Wee -- The rapers tee IIIIardl lir Me Addle Wier. 3 M Sheppard. Snell er fair any:idiom to witness the pree- eutation of silverware tu certain .4 our s, to leech iu lieh.-.1 action Nu. 1:11,1traey, o fur the year 1S86. 11188*81 401118111witima *Aka has Preea"-1 Writing, 1 Chas Humber, 2 M Wilson, '3 1 pkrbre;1384.111:111, itaisilionther9"mee'ull MI 'r..1 1M1."1.14nlielZillet tod in Ooderich for the past tut ,olo twelve{ A, campheti. Tb. chair was ably occapitd hy Mr. C. Mullett Toeruship: at the advanced age Mtn had resided in Monet The very satisfactory system of posy. 1 Mos Roberts, 0 Healey,Addte Wier°. se.tt Att, chulp.„4... eft adopted. Th. maptiolor and_ Pritmalial , class au order of merit 11 Wells, 0 A Hui:ober, who nude a brief tutredue. 'I " 7"ya were retracted to or Jointly prepare Nloirow. N Parker, D McNeil, E Mc- i Wit„,,,,ii. T amt.° claulksw;helikr. 1"suntg."11 t.)1"ffrilviedisathr°4".Ista vr. Hall. bulletin. Jeabore. hog, 1 C Scobie, J Robertson, M Shop- - rd. E Miller M Antlinistic, tausteik, for their work during the I C en t v for ever 30 years. She had Yams, was lb'. /war °am awde "d mwth. 1 Prom 'dad from junior townies round tury speech. smi „iiik,,a up,,,, air: Joseph • 1 .. Alia 1 a wheel ere siira thIll 111111411DO‘Liou papers mei the moss- Lean, It Black, J McAuley, &Yin Wail- kr wiaisms, Is s WI wont,' sot• ..f Exeter, took place near Xmases City, left Rester inimitable result. -Fr tearer, oe uall ' Geergina Wystt, II Rine& dell. A Nicholson..? Bell, Geo Glover, &ems' . yoid a high tribute to Mode Clair U. S.. on Turtles. Demme' que"or us • most u"....tatlafacto.ry and..,_la- 1.0•11, aa • rata, "we be" dil'ided be ' Promoted to sixth divisien 4:entral I able same. performed by Mr. 0... durtng Isit week for C.tlifeernis to benefit hia tween laughter and indignetios at I01$5 school - -A Wilsou, 8 McKay,C Humber. bell's predernesiers, ana elled to i • health, end had ;ast gni that far on his 1 the *Amman. Ile then presented hiiii way. of the questions prepared by the mine F Penn, 11 Roberts, M Sheppard, M witpiste, h four peons of pla, ounsiating of a J. A. IfIfitdes, of Ender, has a pal for the small,' children, the men"' Wilson, A Wells, A Campbell., 31 Mc- i none tray, a neat evert, a pretty eurialinti In bis grnary sterl in the shape severe to absurdity. The eld system, I, spounhalder, mid • beautiful card re- id a lame onion, which has grown grouts stem, a fault 1. 41144 it! t W14 weeks, the arithmetic test in sowers:se having beim Knight, 0 Haley, K McNeil. of the inspector, gave geueral &Midge . , . „,.. ,,,____., ce.iM"ro.Cissapheil made a very suitable re- grath being caused by the onion beim: _ which waa under the complete control nr. ralltICR's WaRP. Junior apartment, miss vateiry, ply, ant eapreas a me a a 1 ed • h. ibat h 'Rata pieced on the UT of a glass 1111571774'. half ti00 but the late examinatton shows that while Mr. Ernbury may have 1 No. en tell. 47- l'reseut at *tansies - pupils in an advanced room, he cannel. „, , vi jhutt,owuensft.i.orIL. then presented Thos. schiilastic qualthcations for leeching tion, :12. Promoted to part 11, 9-- 2nd expected from such scholars, and those Man Horne, Kate Nebereall, Mary Rupp, mode a suitable reply. . MprectIttylliciastaatarYin,wittoh 1:bl:elle:lice l.rec.lerip.iient at fairly discriminate between whet is 'trailer, 4 --Total, 11 Prottioted t.. part 11- Win Eneeshaw, of a mom infantile class. The teachers • Eatee iMt,e,b1:11nwerlem*.oftelitei rtmcFEarelwattw... Am). Card. A pickle stand of neat design was pre• seated t. James Mitchell and on* t.. D. of the ward schools at brat felt sure over CONTEMPORARY OPINION. i'.41:7 1' FEELING. The Conservatives are contemany 1 Tbe boasting of their loyalty to Sir John A. Mac lonald an his day of adversity, and itcontrast their alleged fealty with that of the Reformers, who deposes Mr. Mac- kenzie from the leedership after the fall of hes governeient. The Toronto World *hews that this claim .4 faithful - as.. to the Tato- leader is not to be ae- oteeptedd as altogether tree. It det'ares it to be a fact that "some twenty-two con- liareative members of parliament pat "heir signatures to an agreement to throw /Sir John overboard in his darkest heur, crash of 73-4, and it. was only the pluck and loyalty of a conservative jeurr.alist )..* hat prevented that movement from as- suming dimensions fatal to Sir John's k. supremacy. (if the movement the greet bulk of the party knew nothIng. We believe it had its origin and derived its trength Era a disappointed clique of prominent politimans who could not brook the loss of power and retro:lace, and inc of whom are today the conser- vative leader's most obsequiees adinir- ers.' • We congratulate our contemporary, * the Ste r, in hat broken the back of has been the steady advocate of taxatien, I the piling on of furl, food and clothing R Stran Com tine 1 R Stmng 2 envier. of Use Brethren Wire and Miter'. tee Placed es Record. he teacher. es -it' dowry� the eateem and etatideies filled nub este,. the an-succees of sous u t m by Mr. Strang, pnneipal of the High Robe H"rtv1", Car Cealaillv, John 31(4e - "chum, at the closing exercises of Se Senior .lepertinent, Miss Robertson, Patrick's want school, W4013 timely and teacher. jest, and show hew the t„cherr, „f Nu. on n.11, 57 -Present *t examina tion, 48. Promoted, 1. h. town tee) on the questiou of the mental arithmetic maim. Thr promettons are as follows :- premising pupil& The remarks niade Promoted to 2nd Class Minus PARTY Slt Apropros of the new Conservative or- ganization, the 31,til bas the nerve to hope "that the central officers and com- mittneis will have firmness enough to insist upon obedience, and that the loyal rank and file will have sense enough to obey.' This hizh and mighty attitude is better dammed to repel than to attract many intelligeat conservatives. Such imperious language hes the genuine Afa;:Se ring. Those who remember the mess Chat the dudes and muewumpt ef the II. E club made of matters will not be very much inclined to obey a uew CENTRAL SCHOOL. 211D IMVULION -MUM TitAINra, Tf.ArttER. N Reherta arid Eine Roberts. 2 G Muss son and Louisa Card. Writing, 1 Eva Ache - No. on roll. 44; present at examine- and K Met.e"(1- non, 41; No. promoted, 6. Promoted I senior class Kate HONOR LIKT : Morrison. Reading -1, F Vetherald: 2, $ Mal - cation: 3, M Acheson. Spelline- 1, A Buchanan, A Mclvnr, F Wetherald, $ Malomeson, M McIvor. Compo.ttion 1, A Bedford and E Ralph: 1, A Buch- anan; 3, L Acheson. Arithmetic --1, J Baxter; 2, M Acheson; 3, A Buchanan. Writing- 1, A McNeil; '2, M Malcolm- son,F Wetherald, History ---1.R Ralph; 2,A Buchanan, and E Ralph; 3, L Acheson. Ge,ntraphy-- -1. A clvor: 2, F Wetherald; 3, J Baxter. Grammar- wetem, Jas 1, L Achesen and A Bedford: 2, A Senile 1)el art wont, - Mtas Sparks. Buchanan; 3. M Acheson. teacher. Promoted in order of merit -Alice No. on rell, 45. Present at examine- fiuchanan, Eva Ralph. Ann McIver, tion, 39. Promoted, 12. Jas Baxter, Everest McKenzie and Ross Honor List_Remlieg, Jus Brophy, Honor List -Reedits, 1 N Roberts, 2 Louisa Card, 3 Kttie Roberta Spell- itig, 1 John Sinclair, 2 Ida Honninca, N Roberts, Ettie Roberts Arithmetic, 1 1•T. ANPILED emit.. Junior department - Miss Campbell, teacher. No. on roll 1(10. Present at exanima- tion, 63. Promoted to part 11, 4.-24 Reeder, 4, Totals. Promoted to part II - Maggie Camp- bell, Mary McIver, Durnion, Ed- ward& Pronnited to 2.1 Clots, Bt via, C ?. Tresley Reid, 3 May Campbell Spat - Retell. ling, 1 Jos Price, 2 Wm Matheson, May of church eerie. made him plat the man. 3an IbION. Campbell, R Campbell, K McIvor. Dr. aoeloons e Retire of %Vase. and Mim BMir, teacher. No. on ro!... 44 Present at eta:nine- , Arithmetic, 1 Wm Matheson, S Hende.r- must be sienothilie over sixty Being son, 2 Win Little, ora WIlkinsan. Writ- !eft in childhomi wtthout parental care, tion, 42. No. promoted, 7 - Honor List -Reading, 1 No.! (arrow, mg. 1 Sadie Hendersos 2 Jno Healey, he early developed that sturdy iudepend- Fln Ball, 3 N. Strachan. Spellin.t. 1 A Erans, 2 A Addisan, K !taker, .1 Craigie, M Hillier, W Babb. E Horton, jingo wf self-appointed dictators. At L Spence. Composition and leratunisr. least we should think:not.- (World. 1 F Horton, N Garrow, 2 B Dunn, 3 M sor TUNNY FOR THS MAIL I Fraser. Arithmetic, 1 L Spence. 2 It is one .4 the funny thir.gs .,f the Lee, 3 F Ball. Wnting, 1 S Buchanan. Period that the Toronto ifitd has eeen ... 2 N Garrow, 3S Strachan. Histero, 1 1 The inhabitants of Sunshine, Morrs !towable, are a wonderful people. A Ifew days ago there was a vacant k( which now is ne more meant. Mr& Baines. desiring to swore to the Tillage and hawing unly a few weeks in ehich to build a house the neighbors turned oet sad in lege than a week have more than half completed * tine frame bedding, collar t and all. Sunshine as the place for wash- ! bore. Feast $otte-Wea McMumy, of the Atti concemson, Tuckeremith. 11. R.. la_ has wild his farm to Juhn Prendergast, for the sum el $7,000. It is a splendid farm, and has on at a geed brick kers, het the barns and outbuildings are con- siderably worn. Mr. McMurray settled Iun this plaee when it was all hush, and felled the tint tree on it 4. ver forty years The New klethedise therweral iiispecustries- ado. He Intends coming in liCaSkond MI& i stile or Se-aforth t" live. He invest up . possessien on the 1M March. Me• Gillicudily, each of whom spoke pointedly and appropriately. Dur.ng the eremite Miss Slimir.ings sang a erilo. the nini.c of which had been composed by her. The speeches were all a conoliatory *pet, but expressed a dente that the Act should be earned out In its fullest Inter- city DOW that It NO beef) 2401:144/41. The gifts reflected credit on the taste of those of the committee who 'elected them. -one REV. J. A. WILLIAMS, D.D From ft.' Toronto Globe Dec. M. At a meeting of the special committee Here ta an itain "f inteeset to Ririe --Some thirty young farmers and of the General Coiderence of the Meth- ! "al! • ()dist Church yesterday the Rev. Jelm 1 trainees men el Arizona have sent alma !their nuniber east te And wives for thisni. A. D. D., ut Cathennes, was appointed by a unanimous vote toil he agent says have the photu. fill the place a Senior (toners( nupern- I zraPh• .1 the members. and 1 alao Neve : letters iif recommendation from the tendent, rendered vacant by the lament- ed death of the late Dr. Rice. It will be tewnship officers. All I want now r to the abort universal opinion that "immure the yuung ladies. Their exposes' more tilting appointment could be made 11" ArInJaa "111 be Paul by the Aroas- to this high other. Dr. Williams' &bile t""'', er, if they 'afro they will be ley as a preacher and adizontstratur of . given the addresses of the nievehem discipline. his high personal character, wboas they prefer, and correspondence and the esteem in which he was held by tin be (Tema/ his brethren, and his lung and 'utast' Cowin -rue roe "'senior -On Tees - practical knowledae .1 all departments (7.; 1.51 Thomas Smith, jr., of Kitimat, who was cersiiiitted for trial about • fortnignt age for (orrery, and his father, wore brought bider. magistmtes Gra- ham, Campbell, and Lawrenee. charged with perjury. The old man was com- ence of character for which he has always mitted for trial, the c'ecision in the younr been distineushml. He clime toCansida at enan's ease Meier reserved. The alleged the age of sixteen. The tire years of his perjury was cemmitted in givinr evi- life an Canada were spent in the town of dance agasist D. E. Cameron in hie re - Prescott. In 1838, under the ministry cent caw at Walkerten. Philip Holt. et the late Rd,. W. H. Williams, fathtr barrister. noderich. pretreated, W. of Rev. J. G. Williams, of Brockville. Barrett, Barrister. Walkerom. appearing he entered upon a Christian lote, and ter the defence. -[Lucknow Sentinel_ united with the Wesleyan Methodist A I ARD1nr. -The Easter boycotted by the workingmen of Canada F Moes, 2 N Strachan. 3 F Ball. Geo - h 1 R Wilson 2 Fr N'anatter 3 N They are beginning to titi.I out how much freeP Y. , , sincerity there was in the 31.14/ s preten- Uarmao *ions of being friendly towerile thent. In Promoted in order .4 merit --N 1877.8 it howled for them with long and Strada:in, F B411, Fr Mom. D %lay. 1. loud wailing& It professed ta have • Spence, M CanipboU, Fr Vatter. policy that would make them happy, prosperous and contented. The bottom 4T11 mamma. has dropped out of that policy. The hid- Mies Watson. teacher. lowness and hypocrisy .fits oretetisions No, nn roll, 56. Present at examine - an being understood. It has no love for tioa, 49. No. promoted, lo. the working clasaes, anti it never had. It Honor List -Reading, 1 R Strang, 2 X Miller, CI Cameron. 3 Ella Melon - Spelling 1 E Mclvar, N Straiton and to P'3•1 • . to bear. f HaLfax Chronicle. , his ehildree who have VOW!) nut of his taxes, 'akin: the burdens of life harder B McKnight and J Watt, Arithmetic, and the Lord's prayer. er the prayer the .loondon conference in P474, he mu eP:wooted I" tie" Preeklent. which "thee reteoanieer, , were greatly theueh happily Mc FAT. }WILE o.; rnr soneeti. 1 R Strang, 2 J Noble. 3 D lallcLeed. sanctianed by the department .1 edges - he lied for a second term. In 1876 he seeprolod to fee their ruppneed murdered That there are so many Scotehmen en- Writing, 1 0 Cameron, 2 S Wilson. 3 N thin. Steelton. Geography, 1 R Strang, 0 2. The portions of Scripture used shell waa appointed representative to the i .,r 1.ot tether. He is contented to al the boycotters. Our readers willretro feet that some eight te:i ef the anti ebayis undertook t boycott the titer at the same tiine that they hoisted the black tag SZSInnt Thr Stowsx. Well, we knew the thing would not last, and that eventually these ,nen would come to see that though the newspapers could very well do without them, there would come • time when they would hare to ask the aid and assistance of the newspapers. That time came fer two of these chaps _ last week, so far as the 'to- was con - Mimed. One ei thein wanted to thug/ how great a 1.1ackguard be could prove himself to be over his signature, and the other in an aiivertisement seeking the - suffrages of the electors fot: ship. The first of these chaps succeeded in his undertak ing, t the satisfaction and amusement of everyone whn knew him. the eecono fell..w may not be quite no successful. bat one thing they hare both demonstrated.and that is that when they next threaten boycott a newels- ,. per they will have to examine theic spinal coher. and find out if their back- bone can stand the romuired strain. The backdown fron. their josition has been a bad deal n beth .4 these antis. Slat. r Cenatahle ale ceased to act as flight watchman. there het.. been aevend ears ober, young men et the town and vicinity e disturbed the peace en the 17 itiltre and alone the pr.ncipal streets of Golerich, without let er hindranee on he part of Mr. N. nt.'s substitute. ateet case was on Tuesday niaht when a knot of bsbuloos youngcountrymen came rem over the river, an.1 made night hi 4.His by howls. yells mai blasphemeas• ad obscene langur,. yOUAir rois- terers are kneel, and if the preamit night-watchman knows his business lie shall hats than' up before magistrate's "pert They alma] i have been hacked sp on Tuesday night, ...I had their arac• eotde.1 ..fl. one thing has tine sotWeel m the minds of law-abithog pee- wee, and tar. is that a capab:r watab 11.1 is a neraweity an tam. But a asopeki. one is wanted, and were other At old two ettowed tm draw salary. ther trellika sh.onId tate up the eiseesiess and •ant 1 With o at mem 3 Dan McDonald. Promoted from Juni- to Senior Se- cend Clams in order of merit, Arthur Cooper. Jos Heale, Dan Meteor, Vera %Virgins, Kate Bain. Dan Wirgins, Fr Bluett, Laura Berry. Promoted to tit% Division Central School -Kate Melt or. Win Matheson, Wm Little, Sadie Henderson. RELIOION IN SCHOOLS te.i Depa-tmental Melee 1411evistrer cad slate Iteading. The reeulati els regardine the readin of the Bible and prayer in the public high schools, approved by the Provincial government 00 713 16th day of Decem- ber, 1884, are as follows 1. Every public and high school snail be opened with the Lonl's prayer, and closed well the raiding of the Seriptures Church. From that time forward be rei.• says -Andrew 'Winer, wbo re- bel:lune ado" "sae" of Methodist swd moved from here some 25 years ago to ceneral literature,but did not enter epten mtehigar., returned to Crediton • few the work of the ministry till 1847, vinint days se, Dunne hi. sejeuen in Iglioai. be was stationed an the Hallowell comer, igen, he left home one morning at the as associate of the late Rev. A. Hurlbert. time .4 the war, outlet he was going to He wag ordained at Brockville in 1869. hunt cattle bin instead he enlisted as a iu 1859 he was elected churn -an ef the soldier. His farney saw no more of him. Owen Sound Distriat, the tirst time the end th• tight he must have been murdered conference appointed to that office by or lest. A short time after that the ballot vete. From that time. to the faintly returned to Crediton, and has present he has always been chairman .4 aeain married within two or throe the districts in which his asti ins have veers. To the surprise of all, the other been situated. Ou the oraisetaattun evenina pot in an appearance, and joying the sweets of office is not due to their transcendent abilities, but to their free O. sektiowledee that cone N Straitton, McKnight. Jno Glover, tion, an. shall be read without comment their transcendent cheek : thisand we are modity as net the exalusiee property of A Miller C Oarrow, G Cameron, Ella or explanetion. Scotch Reformers, but that 11 is also the Meteor, 'E Mclvnr, D McLeod, J Watt. 3. Where a teacher claims to have con - property of scotch Conservatives. You - o Andrews, J Noble, It Williams, H scientiets scruples against upening aad Reid, A Green, C Pareena, Clucas, choino the solved as herein erovided, he shall notify the trustees t.. that effect in writina. 4. No pupil shall be required to take part in the exereises above referred to attaint the wish .4 his pant er guard- ian, expreemd in writine to the master of the ach..01. 5. When required by the trustees the Ten Commandments shall be repeated at least once • week. 6. The trustees plate eery el the authorized raiding an each depart- ment of the public and high nehmen under their jurisdiction, within une year hem the date hereof. 7. The clergy of any dennmiaatien or their authorized represertatives, shall have the right to give religious metric - tine to the pupils of their own chinch, in each school house at least once a week after the hour of closing .4 the school in the afternoon : and if the clergy 44 inure than mie denomination apply to give re- ligious instruction in the 'IMO school- house, the school board or trustees shall decide nn what day of the week the school hems shall be at the dispelled of the clergyman of each denomination at the time above stated, lint it shall is lawful for the ache .1 hoard or trustees and DONOR LMT. z clergyman of any denomination to agree Reading -1, MI Melrherem: 2, upon any hour .4 the (7e) at which a A lisearroek ; 3, mit Pe nuf 1, or hie authorized represen• ?if Wilson; 2, R McKeon, M McPhee - Wive. mey were rolirions instruction te eon. X Smith, C She Mean. Ir. mil. ,rnsittoti . ht pupils of his own church, provided • 1,R MeEwen and Percy Miller Arith- • it be not oaring the regular noun of the s chTo io el . relations neescribing the "hours of daily teaching- provide that they .hail not ascent six hoer. in daratien teat •'a hem number of ham et daily teaching may be determined open in any peiblw Buchanan. M Campbell, R (Meth, C .eh1" ' metiers. be taken from selections authorized for that par se by the department .4 educe- Oenerel Cenference of the M Cnurch low his wife te remain with her present Robertson, 2 B McKnight, 3 „H Reid. of the Uuited States. et Beltennre, in • Promoted in order of merit -It Strang, nusband. ansticiatiou with Mr. John Macdonald. of Toronto. In 1882 lie was elected l Arrrz Lirn.z. Last Friday naornito,' Vice -President of the General C infer. daylight found Detective Marray, Tc'e- ence of the Methodist Church Canada nine,. bailiff Scott and constables Chap- lin latt3 at the first met of the Gen. : man and Ansley, of Brussels, M the may make of him a Tory or a Grit, • Catholic er a Calvinist: but one thins( you cermet do you cannot change the Scotchnian's natIre. He is a Scotch - man first mel last a eaotehinan all the time. And by this sign *hall you know him He is the central figure at the conventien, pulling the wires and manip- ulating the nomination ; occupies the seat In parliament he munches at the public Crib I Irish Canadian. FROM EGYPT. What Me siondlea Illeatwees are Denser eas the Nile. The following as an extract from a let- ter written by A. 0. 31eDenahl, former- ly of Brussels to his mother. Macdon- ald 11 Huron s representative tai the Nile contingent, and his •;Id saluaintances in the eounty will be leaven to hear how he likes the land .4 the Pharrhs 'Monday, Oct. 27th, we ran over the second cataract, but there are yet ot little cataracts. All the boys seem in gond health, and the weather is nice and Cool. I letiers13W ideate, expects that we will get to Khartoun try Christmaa. After we get over the little cataracts we will each take cheese of his own boat, and the soldiers will do the rowing. There are steamers out on the smooth waters. and they w.11 tee us to Domes. On Settle - day. the 25th, we visited the great temple Ahokimho. On the fire front there were font' lard* linage& .of kings and otheta. to the height 90 feet each. They were placed on each side of the temple entrance, which was cut out' f the solid rock. ()n entering, there were ineraiv• pillara, decorstaw1 with iMatzete of longs and other celebrities. There were a numher of meitnemiladl apartments anti galleries with beauti- ful sculptor, decoration 1 have SWIM a oraiber .4 wonderful platen sinee leaving Cenada, and amongst them the three great pillars .4 Thebes near Cairo I also saw the rest temple of Kmiec or aneuent Thebes. with ranging from 40 in 10111004 high. and 12 feet diameter They ham traced the age .4 thb temple to he 3,0001= it is the iregest in the wield. is within les be seer bre mooned mirror between 0.1e. soul Deer bet iressive 6TH DIVISION- MISR HARRIEM, TEMMER. No. on roll, 49; present at examina- tion, 46; No. promoted, '21. DONOR LINT : Res/limo-1, A Struthers; 2, K Rus- sell; 3, 0 Creasman. Spelling -1, E El- wood; 2, T Bates,H Hayes.E Bachanin, K Russell. A Struthers Compontion 1, M Andrews; 2. W Atkins; 3,0 John- ston Arithmetic -1, Breckenbrelce A Rafts!, Buchanan, and E Murray. Writint--1, I Ktraehan, 2, R Healey; 3. W Atkins. Gengraphy--- 1, W Camp- bell. S Buchanan; 2, 0 Crewman, C McDonald and W Pr...rated in order of merit -I Strach- an, W Atkins, 0 Creatiman.E Buchanan, R Kedzlie, M Andrew,, E Elwood, E McDougall, T Bates. S In:charnel, R Armstrong. K Russell, L Cattle, E Mur- ray, McLean, A Struthers, H Hayes, Art hlaftel, 11 Edward, Ada Nairel. A Graham. ern otmition- urn !MADMAN, TRacHRR No. on roll, 74); present at examine tion, 62; promoted, 16. metric LE Angeleno , 2, anti a gni. 3, R Rain, N Cralita acre. ing 1, M Carroll; 2. 111 Smith; 3, R 4hvik. Ilengraphy- - 1. It Ansiabrimik; 2, E McGregor; 3, 0 Buchanan. Promoted in order of merit E Ansi - brook, F. t.Mmpaigne. F Robinen.i. trhannan. 1.4 iseitenn. p Arrangenneete may therefore be made „ wilmem. 14 cumaN by the trustees for closing the ordinary ^ . school Werk earlier than the esnal hour ( net+, .1 ikon, ' enningion. 441 certain dap, .n that time nosy he mi. iison'a user,. given for religions instreetion 3unew doper went. Miss Burnt*, teacher. her. Davies, prineipal of the Normal No, nn roll, 79 Pnement at examine echoed, Toronto, retinas at the end nf the tine. 66 Promotes& to p.rt 11, 13'° -2nd resent session me. will he seeseeded hy reade, 6 Teed, Ill 171,17 1.11(7. 04.111411011 14111110411T., it Promoted t° Part 11 C hieLabisi Wil ie sit sto intordiro• sot pretest to appoint meg 'Kamm. g Weigh/weld. Mead I a Skied Waster Samuel Clave.ter sone- Esolo. Me; H Ftrir,w044. lifidte I leen Mr writing master, elan retiree, it Hawk Wisi Hillier, Jan (Inhere, Lees ! beefs. cleetled that the .areas. nee, (I Gmhion. .1 Orthem. Oen ,, are ...elpeeseary g etal ecnference of the United Methodist body, and porformed the duties 14 that bodies. he was chosen President .4 that difficult psition with great ahility. tact, and fairnees, se that it will be seen Dr. Willmnis is not without experience in the duties of the "thee t» which he has been chnsen. In 1884, he was chosen first President of the newly formed Ni.- I gars Conference. Dr. Williams has hat I just returned hem the emit Centennial 1 meeting of Avant:al Metholitem at Bal- timore, where be read an able and hell- I liant paper on the rise and progress .4 I Canadian Methodism. He has been • intimately connected with the publigh- ing, missionary, and eilucateinal week i of his church. It 101 h. wen by this outline of the career of Dr. Williams that he hat had the mist ceinplete train- ing for the duties of chef otlicet of buil church. Dr, Williams has an owning preit- ence. H. looks like a manly antinde- pendent man, and his comInct is in en- tire harmony with this impression. As, • preacher he is eminently theaghtful and etiroogiticri, with a good dash of the old Methodist fire. Ile wields a ready and vigor/en pen, though the serene claims of tne itinerant work have not given 1.im much chance fa show all the literary power that 1. in him. He has "leen Int ever forty yeen 8u earnest and vignrons Lihourer in the temperer,* cars. Take him for all in all, there is • good deal of the man &bee Dr. John .%. Williams We anticipate for him • emacessful career in his important office. !small log hens« of James Bird, neer Thomas Jameson, of the 6th em West Luther. says the A rah er Era, resew, while feeding his stock on Wedsemilay interning last, me a wild -cat in hie barn Teed emleee"rivie to ret on the monde of his heat render. Having no donee to see his 4 'heirless dinner devoared by an uninvited and unmannerly visitor, and alt hough hens aware of the pewars which the animal displayed in this village 7n iterersi occasions. Mr deuteron was un- daunted, and seiskinf • neek-yok• which was Ore at hand he, unobertved, desk t,a,. animal a blew on the heed. Instead of killieg the brut*, se wee ropeeted. the , I4 owl- appeared is *roar its tory MA it stueeked Mr. dasatenen, who after ' • degree*. hand •, Mood mictruater, wish hit Cranbreek, with a warrant for Little whn is a nephew 4 f Bird'ioand ta strait- ly suepected ol having to with the late rubberise perpetrated. Murray and Scutt went iu to 'march while Malay and Chapman griarded the frost and hack entrance, of the Wiese. A lively scene enaued when the objirt rif the nsit was made known to the M- ises& kay.dwere were drawn by lanth parties. and the old gentleman had a Lam. The Itotre was thoroughly sera - ed out Little was not found. The de terms and companions then drove to Fox s and snitched there hot with n-' better success. baths is derribed follows Height about 6 fest. Dare hair and ryes with rather heavy eye brows. r2 years of age. la lank and semewhat boyish. Gipsy -like in twines - and appearance and talks horse. You• cerrespadent thinks it would not lo out of place for the °mined to offer * reward tor his captors ---(Broiseb Pest. N 0I1hInt2ta.. --The Livermore He- ald, California, speaks as follows of Serest), boy - W. F. Scott, a compost- , tor einployed in this office, is somethinc !of an athlete, and sadly astonished the lapis in Oakland nn Thanksgiving day Ho went dcwn that morning, to take part in the Olympia Oanses. He did we with a vengeance, as the follnwing frost the san Francien. Alter, clearly dare strides - "The handicap relining high jump was highly interesting, made especially ito by the peculiar jets,* ine of an immensely tall 1.110'. W. F. Knott, fr.'. ILivermerre. , He was marked as a erred I ed granter hy the weed and ha his oppesients train the peselierty lasy manner he had .4 mettle, and lawsehillaf himself int.. the air ; list it was alers noticeable that he never haled to emit nose hieneelf over the par when his rot nppnrtnnity came. Nearly every Ii the her was reseed he would weir tie for tern trials, only to go neer with ear st 717. 1117.4. The particectssma were tliersen, ferrite ; H. in, ream) throe ; C. J. 8m17r.ter,8 0. Brilloon; W. Parent, W. F. Scott, hosts Livermore P. W. Itandtilph. The eamegot wan by fie'me, 11 feed 1 reek 4. was sesteravi. • Tide chap Senn is • tall, slug oinig fellow who. did • reed et tioetliwielt ea the 1 et Jody 0. As Same theA Ilwre,todenrbrolte no ladFlugissainsigrat eu:aLibc""1381114;f6bligthluallishisuitu'imi:diufli: is no clue to the abohineu., tAiwfostreatil believed thsi Suds oder the Royal Quito bad rune to( I5( his designs we ta. Nowlin* to tl order to std hiwse creed great rico footed were exact the machines used toria, Paddington, sod are f cheap A A tin cutitainitig a stance was also f are now being aim; of V.ttoll and so protruded from t• A brogan quart b., ly contained rete found in close pr3. the fint 11 is heti stead of explodii ignited the 'dioxin Search iu the de day. awl several taste used in discovered. A bo with ea wditat, gal smelling liquid, ar the fnignienta of 1 class like the Or managers 41 t road assert that th dental and uaot di They declare that has been found, Lquid was burst secretary has ord. euards at Wind, , resent number, a with rifles. A t rounds aurmundi ..rdered. Extra have been taken queen is sojcurr headings and cul Iv guarded. Every suepiciet present nervous co is converted into outrage. Abet men threw a pa Glasgow and ram believeddottheir tio thehet A careful exai fast that the mm in the debris, sum deadly infernal ;Arts of somebody General t;rent, known what it wa ing to the Philadt terribly suwe has ago. The direct was the bream thigh, blit a vane was most painful!: Rea and rheumatic was said by his ph with nicotine, hi smoking, and, tI knows,' he has het all kis life, he four cigars a tweet that if hereafter be very 'underact* great pleasure an incomes. and is taking the utmost every statement 1 50wordillteant4rmh hisoPhtwra rate articles, the History of the Imbed in book already written piagea Sourr Aci Ai are being sent *eking that some provisions of the fifths of the wb racy be required s o me cTiqmeor tesPenuiti inthe sillected, and I 17 Bud* Wheat. 1 r1ii' 44 he Reid winter wheat Wheat, Otpriain • Meer. barrel-. Oats. bash Pees.. bush . Harley, • hash ria4Mray. natter. • so,. . daa. Maps eberts, f cwt.. Brew V .wt. Plides IIYEAI MUTT Gum TEAS T] lty hired et it 50c. 60c. nit Sc. Peri thilittilly Brom Jetliar awl A FRUI' ft FIR Relies. Valettatkaltothe Onsidag A G R 0 AND C NA 11111D111111411 JOE I viotc OIPP04191 Dee:,