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Elf OT Ole coUNTY
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Trillg1141711Yagg GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1884.
*ego adlestreesestamma Tist. Week. ___;,_ :__TR___ebie_al._ _ II HMO RIAL 813RVIC X.
weer oat - 1110439bn iitt.L• uaan,
Lowrance I W. P. r...... ri- -. .,--C---;-- ,. .S.-,
- NEWS ABOUT HOME. father ef W. Parke Grierson, were taken school mute* are elven to kissing the
The remains et the late Mr. Grierson, Paarew Tseeuza& -Stretfore public
:we've Girl anted - Mn. I' P. Laawreaoe. 1.. cint. fita,,,, smiripa. Acce,,,,,,,x.
Noralastioa Mestiag Wm. Carepbel. Are. Oahe- formoly_ occupied by Dr. "A elders amassig Fe- ta1011e 1147•41111
Au' faitkhell peat it. --
f le late h neer Dun untm to female teachers. No wonder tLat there e irlees:::,:mbeIureilletedseed viss."7.., Illa•e
Sylvan. Middlesex county,for intermeat, is a rush of the letter. for any vacancies
Baia hotel. 1181- - Mr. Grierson suede many friends in which moue -I Argus. (Because Strut-
N,)rth street Methodist church oss-
eltuetitaseal gases& Night *Eke- -liar
TOWN TOPICS. Guderich during his residence here. toed has the prettiest teachers in the
eruption was e.en larger than usual last
IE ravelling Suibe. _ _ _
d evening. The eterr.orial berries
el• Meese, serapes. earsissehrear, etc.. AL D.Morrow is now about *cilia& off his eatire Tile Sweet. has been issued this week country the Arles needn't roll up hi,* ,eun .ay
taw. e.P.a. Oman.. tteaos The Square. 1 doors Mock of boots sad shoes. He is going old or a day earlier than. ual, and next week jealous eye.. '•Kissing the teachers, '"
wss c timinorative of the Rev. Dr.
sgpoodo, gums mho& East of Aril ones Drag Sloes. up stairs. lillet beelike*. sod will give great bargains. Now it will also come out a day bider. the indeed l The trustees being human, and .
., lime especedly, but also included the
eenstbare i Ar. I 9:41110ams I Itill pas TPA p.m DE. lIeLlIAN, PHYSICIAN, NUR- i° theta." la la' aliP88" 1°8 178818unaa' I" ususi printing day. Let our ourrespond•
'Tim plessaat when winter has tbrovra the
teas make a note of the fact. and send in "gallant•' at that, is it any wonder .
Weci could resist- Were you living in Rey. Dr. Carrell mid is Rte. John
limeer, all three tit whew passed Away
a I.4mi.* 1 I.v. 1 /Naas I ISM kat I Mb pm -_ _ __..- _
mixed, mood, guireoi. &me &root. sonead Jour wee of whom drearily and the frost biteth keenly, to dt la • their coutnbutions in tune tu catch our Stratford, Mr. Aryws, you would spend a
during nue week. The address of the
Warr. "'WI' C•willier k••• og", awl ee°14meee fiesta mantle over ail. when the wise! whistles
..,:eatteed I Ly.' iMitas i 12:141p.am , OM p.iii Strout. *731. Away parlor. aad *Arlie through • ste neat issue. fortune to get 'dotted for school trustee.!
Rev. Mr. Campbell WAS teuehing. 'space
ii.eierieb I Ar. 1 &ni I els pew ' 11:tzli 1 i
- G. KACIEID, N. D. PHYtil- at the beastillul summer views of G. 37.1IX
eon. tee puma arum. Fear, R. MILN'a Usets Tox Taourz. --(Stratford Beacon.
. ally in view of the fact that all three
• sten. eieeween and Aetsuelber. Graduate
Ey At:cuss...me. while °leer candidates - This tr nape of theatrical performers ATI:01Th% -Th• ".ports" had a mg "'rt. hla ressonal and intimate friends
..-Dintistry. of Toronto University. Ottlee opposite Causer
_ ,,,m, a cagpm,...8 auk. LociLibew. if not in ere siniest breaking their necks arcking grill appeared in Victoria !lel! un Thursday time on Platurday eveuitii. 8Parrinlift We suejoin tLe intreduttery paragraph
'kg- fiirdell sly Ruietne onkr. enquire at the Hank.
- - uts-y.
on have been given nest Once in their Ilse
piece. P. & A. Pridliant. the Cobionabie tail-
suit enday evenings last week, to tier fencing and club swinging 8") ii'lar. id the discourse as 4: elivtrtll by Mr.
. tree ewers bet !IV MAll'i. Ut iltIlliaflial„
111'• 1.116"10` .°11"; ale r°7144unc• '• 'If' I )ItS. SHANNON It HAMILTON, by general coneeet. 0.0 mid are them and houses. The collegially has been here opened with the jovial song and danee, Campbell.
Payee:leas. SurgItoms. Amesobers. ke. the, will gi" 7" "1 several times, and always succeeds in and the inspiring instrumental music. el- i. kA k_,,} k k a_
he osetooiiist coerce. is eereavedepid
.- -- - - - - • - mut Code:auk C. C. Soso amt. J. C. Hewn: Ln tbe Wessels railway meettagt. nut bemuse _ As A. M. Polley says: "Good time, wall
4 ;.,41144riell 1/S2 ugh e at In. Shannon.. re4tIdelbee. neer um M&Ilows, the photographer. did not go over working up a good homie.sits in mourbing today. The Rev. Dr.
.the People's Vs lumn. Tot: 17,14. he did not favor the promised line. but because **member
North street Methodist, church, Sunday Scott is a good 't111 ; Luttrell aud Thomas
the S. S. anniversary, I should remark. NtIola is a daisy ; 11:ce, the Rev. 1)r. Carroll. and the Rev.
. _ -- • - - • - • - •
Legal. 2C tObe be"g3•1C177. 014.W.tlillfirlagengt. flardrientleatiyngproPphic"4"lic wboPhide-1
and Monday night. Rev. Mr. t;ray, of are lively, you bet ; eite Cue dewns John Beater bat'. pained swo in (mweek. Dr. Rice in his TOth yoar. Dr.e
iwillftVANT 0111L WANTED -- A sired to adverdre bloderich.
t...3 emit lila 111 wasted iy. Saw 14.,,,,,„1,;„„kr. Thw.,,, „as, time who. it Clinton, will preach on hunday morning everything with the war -club exercise ; Carmel in his itirli year. and Mr. Baxter
gavots. Apsply te Mak M. M. La t w tire. 1;111c VIRE .t LEWITA,-VaikliiiTERS, took a lomat of n.ouey tu gel Santa Clau• errs- en S. S. work, and in the evening there the telephone oleo were gtuid and solid ;
lieu ee ti..onwich.in Inc 78th year. Dr Rice was in the 47tli
ho a good washer and tater.
li C. Setorm.. Jo. enim tor tio* Youngotero. at Xmas and New will be a sene service. a Christmas calk the little Englishman trine the 'British'
-- --- •-- J. A. Mourott. Veen.. Thank& to the management of Mn. year of his eiesistry. Dr. C,irroil in the
R. N. Lewes. is right smart ; and the 'Alleiiie musician
MOMINATIOM :11ESITING.4. 1107- Cooker book and toy emporiunt. you ..an uow tate tendered by the choir.
satisfy the children and base enough loose, Mn. Seeigmiller, for many years a is a rtieular Prufessor. Fan f Wall, 1 570 year of hie nsibistry,and Mr. Baxter
.11 ' vt O. if 1 Yd3, lii MAO FoR it c., left to satisfy yourself. resit:eta ef Goderich, died at the rose should remark they had fun, mid Lea tu the 53rti year of his ministry. These
Reeve. will take plane al Its., Taw:: ii,•i
dew se. ever Ruder's bookstore. MO Rine* has returnad from Petrolia. dance .4 her sister Mrs. Marks, Bruce- of it." three men were personal friends of nene,
Nosalaatios for ilhieur. a ...,,,, a. I 114•11414- LI/ )12 43 :or aer Ottoc souse° and Wee
Mew Island at lowee. rates of inter...a:. and I feel at a chief iuourner t elay.
111•4aday„ the tali tuat., at 1114.4eleek. - - Ward of aud:t wel meet on the 2nd tield, last were. For several years she The Sarnia %erre-says • -"The Rev retire:ship with them, men was a privi-
etetet"latt:eThauwercts„"" t°art ietietook sam• • dm. (1ARB)W ife PROUDIOOT, B A It ef January. had been .lowly failing in health, and Dr. Poole, of Port Huron, preached the lege, for their pure lives, their hely
'011 unities as tsar re- --- --------- -
Iteturnsag thiluer. likeisaisth. J. T. Oseraw, w Proud fool . ITS J. 1.S. Edwards has epened a butcher her deiniae was not unexpected. She
Wil.CliMP.IELL. I...11_ 11111STRItil. Attorner., Solicitor.. tee funeral sermon of Mrs. Capt. Robertson, seal, their great industry in the earl'.
- -- ------- - •
ttederich, Dec. Cad. ISM.ir-ii -- - CIAMEMON, II1LT & CAMERON, slop neer the market. was a daughter of Mr. Middleton, of
i •
evening. The Doctor hail the pleasure and zeal for &e werk of God. These
in the Methodist church here, Sunday baits etten served to quicken icy faith
- '...hieet.„14 and Wimithava. N. C. Cameron. 4,/ the Christmas holidays.
I-./ W. -rimers. solicitor* la ( itaisoery. kc. Ed. Doyle arrived hotne last week for '"1:' • tie„
elt•IAL ranee --At the recent ex- of acquaintance with Mrs. Robertson for wen of God were "lovely sue pleasant
ee P. Holt. M. O. Lasuerash Osillorish. W. Z mutilations in St. Andrew's ward, Mr. 18 years. and she had profited much by in their eve:, and in death they were not
W . F. le 0 0 T . 'discuss. Wheal/am. 1731. Misa Frances McLean is home from
. „ _ ._ . . timency and peel condect, and Mr. Hell preached a very affecting discourse from intimate fel owship with Brie 1texter,
For three earsyI enjoyed
Swansen gave six special pretes for prn- attendine his bible class at, Ocrlerich. H. &sided. -
rim Lift awl Mori* a fa rertsot AFit!„ . colleee fur Christmastide.
MIMS x, opposite CMooras Hotel Godfrey Manikin, "h° has bee" pri
ill gave three zes for proficiency. Mr.
The - L. iadoo t +mesas .. • insepaated *702. I .. .1
eremialt 15 z J. touch a discouries is and knew elm as e man 01&mulish"
rhe " National." ostaMisoed MR BRITISH ABS. cot. Toni.ero-Assumaaluct 1 with diphtheria, is recovering. Butler. took teem himself the lee. of seldom heard in oar churches, and the temper, tran.parent inteerity, and leysl-
The " Hand-in-hand: um met Company ItTIn which the Dr. describel ty t., the cause ef teid, why eerie's! oiled
The school teachers have nearly all Santa Cietts,and gave $10 in sweetmeats, beautiful say i
Iteennerd to Weare 'dew gime. la the PHOENIX INS. MT. of Leno(a( Engter.d)
DUallAkiDel. Iteablettel 17ft. :eft for home Ili spend the betide.. etc. to his ward rchoel. The youngsters
the hereafter ; the jeye after ilette, the Ve ihighest caneem freer both the church
The above are an eres-eisei aad old mit& EARTEORD INS. Col", of HASTVORD CosaCattle is home from Alata
appreciated the libereety of the lonor& juy the deceased had in desth, from lie mid the world. I saw him last, 14
ethed taampanies. -Rstablialled link Miss Li •e
Ng a& ta la lowest rolesft aik* taken in the above firstelass Ogee at College, St. Thomas, for the INILIM.D. A WRATHilt lit,: *.: - Last Sunday iug converted at 14 years of ago: wall very months ago at the home of his daughter,
- nin enaceriened is Mao Appreiwr of the Mr. Abraham Smith has returned front -.when he sail to the, "It cant be long,
iteeerieb. Dee 3101., GM. 177S- the loweat rute4 by BORA& 6. HORTON. morning, 21st, there was a fine; lively. encuurazing to Christian& '
• I Tbe undersigned aa• opened out • re- rono-ar.i. Walter litek, on the Huron ryed, flitting „A- few summetions at this eeason, by am! Heaven is my home:. Ile is there
'VIEW REPAIRING siiii$ 311..)P- CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO. et Inc baseless tour in the 1...ited state,. plump peen in fruit if the residence of
pair shop on ilmaaboa street. stoat daor to Money to Goan nn first -clam Peewit,. treat John Ceutles, of Kincardine, spent a
aliout from 'brute to trees and feeding y 4.1 reminders, may be useful ei beim now.
Jobs Mitcheire totter shop. where be will do 7 to 6 per Ceot.- Charges moderate. raw days in town, the guest vt A. M. of our readers who kte apple. fur falai! With Dr. Carel! my acquaintance
caartrou. Core me a rail. Louis Wisratoro.
the deliver, at tios Underfelt puhlie och.o.4a. at T
-- -- -----
be roosived up to January lc . lank to,
WM-- -Wris-areirCl- IliONEY AT .i.oans ana 3nsurance. spend Christnias week at Stratford, the .
guests ie te Ling.
bliss Seeginiller and Mrs. Rubertson
Alias lIcCutchson. a Wingham, who opp-wite Alex. Taylor's. Surely a robin
at this season of the year must denote a
was Mao heard whI,:teldireei the:ey before,
mild wiuter ahead.
Calt1•774 a. Meitzge. -- The marke even temperature in the fruit -room near 'When first 1 towed at the la.rd a table.
use during the winter. Mai:stein sji goes hack over a penoti of thirty years.
the freezing pointeor which purpose twit Loy of 13 ye.rs, ho eas there a visitor
thermometers will be useful. Apples ar.d auisisted at the sereice, and 2.1 h
will not freeze if tho temperature gees to paseed the cup to my lips. he laid li
ail Itirulacd repairing in 0004 sit ...ma All HOO-lit X HORTON reney. on the berries of the moun'tein ash. It
wire goarinteed. and emaionishin proem florter'th Meet. le. less
was lest week the guest of Mrs. Morris, iirwly „w 28' or four deg below fr in but hand upon my head. and with imptessiee
mu cents of green fro..d. beech aoti trespie.trer 6 " per
M"ritrti.tvIntlittWIS. ti load. andPhouuylterray euine sorts, ..r those of dry texture and solemnity aid: "The Lord Woes this
ratoroitned tur less than 15 oords. tn. o -,.......,., ,,,,,,,s To WAIL ArpLy TO
Taos. 'teeing. implement agent, has humped themselves in their eedeavor to rich flavor, wilt he least affected by the late and make tern a useful man. ' ilia;
,,,,, jeee, es' beereeee No binder sv.il be Go ler.oh. April MAL M. GM left on Monday for her home. peered in by the aleig
te, C A ItS8011 BMA tflAJESItON. Go& removed to Lucknew. where he intends get the plump turkeys and geese. The mild. If kept comet:Indy at 3T, varying player has been an inspiratien to my
Le delivered ey the 1st ot **rola Aar. Teed- !Couvivisr
Wm MretWatcl.. Ich. to continue his business' in that line.not more than ont, or two degrees rasher tate. N.. 'tame will he nears missed
..rs ashosiad ho addressed to 11111.
decri4swi' P',11, T. tiONIFICAK) LEND. - PRI NI -ATE way from this point, they wed remain fruiti the church than that of John Ca: -
scene from 10.to 12 recleck was lively.
liederich. Dec. s. LW.
J.S.1. ft:ado -an freehold *beano. Apply to Charles ledwanis, an old 814:NAL boy, and the inhabitants of setae teens like sound a year. There are various cuionv- roll. especially from the (lois:tan Geer rd-
VOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN le7d4m. now iif the Mote tare Time., Toronto, is Clinton would have stared. to see the suers fur holding the fruit, as .pen ian, in which it appeari•d almost every
yiss.y Geo. h sgS1O11011. Coderich.
.LN 1:11E011111C DRAY ?ORD COX. a tee ON EY TO LEND. - -A LA 17 (1 E mending Christmas with the old folks at rush. The people of God.erich consume shelves, tight harreis, etc., but the best, week, as the auther of mine pleasant
Tows ot iledench. ia the Lou l A. amount of Private Fleads for toe/cement home a vast number of fowl during the winter. most compact, and neat easily mane:led, epistle. He wiping The kindlyeenieee
ply re the Carl isnieut of the liteuttnion of Can- n t•wett.. T.,...aisesi-4mllotigessa.
Statistical Bureau, was in town lest taught in Goderich has aarliaithtelt::: fist beies piled one shove hiving, John Carroll is gone ; the ir.cii4
amt Provos... of tendert% 00.111•41111111. Will &P. ,... , Apply Archibald Blue, chief of the Ontario elias Trainer, who fur many years Les
Ada. et tar arm emotes, thereof. for • ten ot to "HAW IC FUDMoT. public schools, fatigable worker, the earnest preacher
ty et the raid row. of (Sodom b. but nevi of
on Fenn sad Town Property at Iowan. in- "Otte egaltrilit Ss TURI.ItY,' - Tea
L: the racy historian of Methodism, is gun
/livens frost hi., wife. EMILY COX. tanner' .20,0110 PRIVATE FUND h TO LEND week, examining the salt industries of tetiree from the inolession. She was
oa the grounds of adultery and desertios.
charged Cosmorarming Fees craft:amble. Eighty-six are writing. celLsr is lined with enough potatoes to to rest and glory. But this memoria
Us' Jitornis. is Ube United it.stor of Ausarten. terest. Mortgagee porohosied. no Commission Godench. ene of the twist efficient teachers em -
c -.
we are revelling in fat things. Our
N. a -46.,....-....buin ...cy in oaeda_y the Gedench High School. But for the high esteem for her quelities as a woman service is mainly commemorative of t
fleet et tbc sa.4 Town ot (indent*, this for entrance to ployed in our schools, and was held in
CAM 1911.01i. HOLT ft C A M ERON.
WON earrateee. /le_ Cloderial„ Ohl steamy weather the number would have and an educationist. Rhe was the re- last us until the 12th of July: we hive Rev. Dr Rice, whu, as senior goner
just invested in a fine quarter of beef, superiiiiendent, was the highest °Meer
iel day or AS1RW, . A. 11- IIIS• d RC* is eatiabakom.--DAVISON et JOHN
Saaatroau Om 1811114ne ft 11A-DCLIFTE. F1RX, MARINi, been over a hundred.
J. C. Harrison returned home on , pupils, the teachers and other friends on
cipient of valuable presents from her te heip us over the snowy period ; we
have sufficient apples on hand to keep us our church. "Know ye not that th
tioileitors tor the said t• :te.ionur. ilsoivoll
R. bit. mid Aecidert Ineurance A,gent. is a great man and a prince fallen thi
Stravol Animals. Itt•pressating drelodassOrimpaak 4. Atonement
teethe Carlotta LAVE 14TOM1 lantettAtsch Co.
_ Saturday. He intends opening e relierj her retirement. Site intends removing munching until next fall; and laid, but dee in Israel' H Samuel 3: 38.
to ked oa Mutts:age. either in Town es The speaker then read a sketch ef t
rick here in a short time, with the cele- , by nu reeatui least, uur friend, Rev. T. M,
i =Property. in any way to salt the borrow a bratedeleineyard skate. to ,C.bicag,,o ...
-'e ou Co, noes AND NATIVL LAN14.-' Campbell, on Friday last sent us in a
$111".1"11".".1.1111."ther'sasui the -ill cc- thillic. •449'salrld "Ill bk" 11"iericil I Tau St.iial. carrier boys are out with The Women's Christian Temperance gay and festive Christmas turkey of life and Isbers of Dr. Ftice amid cie
otos,. rao owner is resesestret 10 peeve pra- 0200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS their addresses, hod their pointed verse Ubion s dates the cit izens of Goderich, maninioth proportions. The rev gentle with route practical lessons fur the co
Piro. pity. ebargas. arid take it away. MAL. ip,
will bring them the alieckels, and make --wishes them a Merry Christmas and a men has our best thanks. Of cocrse we mew-
gregation mid especia ly kr the your,
et Uknober. II small yearold red and white
COLM ItoLENNAN. Lot 33. I. M. Aobtold. To lend on farm sad town property. at tow- . Happy New Year-- and entreats the might say "It is more blessed to glee
111794 sat interest. Mortgagee purchased. No coe- their young hearts glad.
secomea .banged agents for this Trust and Loam mothers and sisters of our land not to than to receive," but we w.AtId have to
Oompeav a Outsets. tho Canada loisiod offer liquor to their visitors, because the acknowledge in the same breath that
on:amidsInterest. k dawl 7 Per c
t i ent. there is s heap et pleaeure in receiving.
Credit Cennpany. the tendon Loaa Company
N. *1 -Borrowers can obtain gooney ia 010 At any rate, the holiday turkey didn't
dar.it Wile ritritactorr. hang too high fur methia year, 'lamas to
leareeete & JOHNSTON.
1911- Domeier& Ate- Godeeich. Mr. Campbell
V tie premises ot subscriber. tot & (1011. 4.
Godarteh township. au MO tiwe between' 011111
Ilia. and 16. Mot of Nov.. • sperm ball calf.
1:6:11.11 white star on forehead. wad • little
ou its belly. iatormatom kediagto 1(0
recovery be suitably rewarded by Wn.us
guy. ea the tweellellsk 111134t
sahocriber. let & oak& Colbornambost
the end of isepousber. a rot steer. 9 years old
past. with a Rule white soder belly. [afar.
maims leadiag_to its recovery will be suitably
rewarded by Ws. Ttloset.t. owner. 1912-41,
promises of Drysdale sod Imrie's farm.
Hems roe& ow or &boat the lat of September.
a red yoartlag heifer with harms turned M.
I nformatios heeding to 0.4 r.,044‘er7 W40 be
minable reworded. by Woken Hultmao.
a ioderacb. 111111-ka
For Sale or to Let.
frame bower Paisnerataset.. saves
minas. wear. stable on lot. quiet Oneida,. suit.
fora falsity. Terms low ter awed
wawa. A 04 015.4*. (Ales. or te Aare.
MODIOUS brick roveleace next to
alirlstrfr nem on North et. Herd aad sert
asmatres promises. Apply toff. N. Davis. MSS
Towaship of Aabilet.:„ 1*16. Coity
se Roma. beim oossposet of the smith half of
Let swelper ow. to i6.coacessies, east-
Astierist lee arm'. Title per
feel lausedlme pesarosioa. Pries Wee.
hag ease. liteilanec to suit parclaser. Apply
3173- Barristers. Oaderich
sores et ibe mortis half of Lot musher
Ms, la elm likli coaribeirm, western Airlines,
Aralleld. flood with aniteass tratidanits
awe orehord. Amity te c A11111.11011. HOLT&
CA SI 1111tON Seeristers Goderach. len
1430E. ALE OR Tit bar THZ
IC home asid two Soto attested ea the corner
of Retaliate read and umbels, street. On4e
11*6. rho hoops la in firet-rture repair. non
talus eight rows& elegem. poetry eat cense,
while theis well readied with tbe
eleniceet hill. India, apples. pears. peach -
.o.. Man.& grapes. eurrasto aad gnewsberriee
tp,ijire the premises .w addrem. W. R.
MILLEFt. Dederick. P. 0.
Rev R. Hick has resigned his position
in Winnipeg, and will shortly proceed to social customs of the past are no longer
England. ele preached in fit. George's good torn+ in the best society, and because
ceurch, here, on Sunday evening. the practice undermines the meld revei.
An adjourned sessions meeting will be lotions and noble purpesos of our young
held on January 5th, at 12 o'clock, for men.
the purpose of selecting jurors for the How to keep out the culJ blasts of
several courts for the ensuing year. winter is a timely question. Cracks in
Nominations for Mayor and Reeves floors, around the mould board, or in
will be made at the town hall .n Monday other parte of the room inky be neatly
morning next at 10 a.m., and for cu- eml permanently filled by doe -mighty
ciente in the various muds at noon. soaking newspapers in paste made of one
We F. Foot has opened out an inner- pound of flour. three quarts of water and
mice office on Hamilton argot, opposite a table spoonful of alum, thoroughly
the Colborne hotel, where he ie prepared boiled and mixed. The. mixture will be
to do all kinds of basest*. in that line. about as tough as putty, anti may be
forced into cracks with a caae knife. It
J. C. Williams, sem el Joseph Wil- will harden like papier msehe.
limns, of (doctorial, has passed his Mich- The fol owing suggestion from an et-
iolates exam.. third year, in the depart change is good enough to be widely pub
went of engineering, in connection with
fished and te bacted upon by many
the school of Practical Science, Toronto. e
thoughtless people i - "At present the
The men who have been adjusting the times are hard. and there is net much
telephone wires in Goderich for the past money in circulation. The only way to
hare had a cool job. Up on the make them better is for each individual
top of a telephone pole in a snow *term to pay of his little hills, and to keep the
with 4 llee wade* in full swoop is a money in circulation --keep it moving -
bracing affair. Five dollars passing through the right
We regret to hear that Mr& H. Spence hands and kept on the move can pay
is still very lee Among the relatives hundrees of dollars of indebtedness in a
who are in attendance upon her are, WrI single month.'
and Mee J. It Grant and Mrs. Robert 1 'L*wiis ONTAIITO fill'AII7T11 I111/5I.- ---
Dickson, Brussels. and Mrs. Janet Mc- This 10 the title of a legal work of refer -
Donald, Winnipeg. *nee whish will peeve of great service to
Miss Caldwell, who him been teaching lawyi•rs, roteriatrates and others. It is an
in ens of our ward schools for the peat alpitahetical indez et the statutes of On -
year or two, has aocepted a position ari tarns /limn to and inclusive of 188e, in -
teacher in Dealtown. ceenty of Kent. ending the revised statuteseind is edited
fibs is a (twd weaker, and we ./pea her mei compiled hy Otle 1.01“11111140. K. N.
to re. satisfaction. Lewis, barrister -at law. The author in
Iirmtraire &magma -- A snideight lim prefacer say. : "1 have takes infinite
am,whm. hwitinnina at hall yam maaim (al pains to include every possible subject,
Wednesday night. wiIl be bad ,. 84. my sole object being to make this a pree-
Geneve, church hy How. P. °wan_ Jima. titiallyreful hook," and he ha.s succeed -
The Methodists will also have a "Wateh
. With en ow falling steadity, and winter
Night" service at the same hoer
At a special wetine 01 14010. still triumphant, there i• a eertain mock •
camPlaant No. IP' I 0. 0. r, nn mon- ear•v-mihntrfftheaveslaciatansalTilr6tio. ne.Vittnind
day wcasialg• the fallawiag we" Illeet.d ow, leads the van, and, as weal, ,s.ud.1 3,,,,,,2 and p„rwjai. iwitit„. R., J. oat,
officers for nest terve : Bras. W 14 no a innuendo iosi, 1t• *4)1144 1111PrIt hewing 1 seri, which was ammairon,ad hy a neatly
Mousey, C. P., 17. Givens, H. P. 0.'
Ratimii & w. i w. vanato..ai J. vi.. 1, low( 000 Lt••• it • 111'11 Phi" in P°V11
°r worded address, end to which he wade a
Prelims, R. IA, H. W. Ball, F. S., If affection The number contains the happy reply. A gold rine was also pre-
Ossinelsell, Treas. ....I 111011) pi ". olottli^ti in e
h" "Me' melted to the eieganist, Miss Stickle. for
aryllii:deReretheisr. ar ilieraCeadard.,the vr, ehall-akaoothena rm..: •Inattanispiree.p.rs'ia&Maritowitwillactitahyldinolttat htLear fmaitadhafnbl y WTI. VielabilKtewriedidiradadnd J
pe.4meent place •mt the aittivit ewe& tidbit) hi,,,,,,haii, after which a hey, kore.
prettiest thing in the way a • calendar, while the Illestrated Magazine him long , eke with fun.. „„a',imam with itifts.waa
we have yet essayed. It is a headanaut hoots o 1.1: Mel guidle in an matters re ithaakid cm the eteite. and the wreawat,
eliaarsassoa a ariferad“Theia tartuaiebernsanaraisa:saDallead thotethr. a lasing to tithe virartlevial. JUIN. ._1(1441; humoi swot tn th, meholara ea 'moo&
hoses that is te to aulantaara 43.--.--,,t. . K. i. • ., It. sour) Ow cr,rr of the school for wheal they wire intend
arethmir a gm, .., it pay, la ed 1---lapea- st'arosollassft.:Irr•essar4f.orpluurebillitIlaiwilsow:mm; eflue.ei 07 teh:nifirttartayminmhow.lat . ir.ans47,440%,e016.5* hi:
fifth* hb.tsfl.• lise deducted from the mita.
faction to rem and old.
trL Trt
are Prepared to loan mosey at t per cent - pay
abis MN yearly. on
os armelesie tarei security.
Amity to
eAblIZILON. 1101.T ft, CAMERON.
larrateni. emierieb,
Agents (o- the 'reroute Gamest Treats Car.
Messrs. Carsetanarr. Hoax 19 Carmen have
also alums amount of private Diode In Ina
on araachas farm weeder. •
O•derlee. Oct. 4 ISM MAW
Poriviirow ow Owraato. Court of the Coast/
CANADA. Bounty
mown or Rumor of Huron.
14 1*, Maher 14/
on hisoleest.
On Thursday. the fifteenth day of January.
A.U. INC at the beer of turyllye o'clock, nook
the undersigned edit apply es Me Jedge *4 16.
said Coen tor • discharge ander the said
Dated at T0.0010, Premises llet.
1.11/11w His 11011414tont
elequilest. at the m of Orderer
.1' years, Lol.414111 la the 'fantasia ests-
by latter to J. 8. ARS. Stratford.
er1111L inowitntinriett
VIrtg4"."1.= Wm'
ow on, _0141111AL kw.
wisi:• tra".1-ss; lealiasespers 5.
• AllstiagMee.
t ;oder Power &Sale crotais Mortgage.
whirls eon be produced at time of sale, those
tre eleind foe sale by Perko Auction, at
In the To wash ,p 1 &Afield. at 11 o•clook
narwhal!, the 611. .iny of Jew , 4.1).fARS.
Dv Dlek maim, A uotioseer. all and ale -
Kolar that eartsts panel or traet of Mats twit
preinewe situate. lying and beam la the
*14 5* Ashilled, in tbe Comity ne Hums. sad
Province a Ontario, and being composed of
the Mat Half nt Let number live. ta the
Meath Ossomeisis of the tamers Intrigues of
the saM Toinieleso or Ashaeld Thia Perm Is
sleet ailvsnlegremely situated as to Soloada
Clonrebna sant Markets, making it me egitta
meet &skiable is the Meaty et Rena.
in • flag "Isen orehral as Ow preadela fa -
Waddle" • Archaean, are et liberty to hapset
*0 3' .sm at say UMW. Tk• iw
be a."41 win
to a alsortgate to
we Wester flanadiss Load. Mori
gage. and leveitmeet Company. full particu-
lars of Masi wilt ie Moroi se day of eaki.
to ebe •e
paid so tieneiterAte tea este
Teepee estetSfasseeepisekswe mosey is to be
mita. aad tbe midst. thirty days.
rne pereposer. or per'. e the i0).5*
sale, shall elgu sa ter the oompla.
Gnu a Ina new
Mother of et ib. per.
sepsesa property wet tre wee 51feritber partiesitsre apply telesimbfeel-
le • easerm prim.
Dessmanee ewe. boor away... taw
eseisdima 01 1*
Oaten. Reerialter nit. MIL Wets
rehire Seise" Soon*.
A special meeting s.f the bard et -
held on Tuesday erening.
All the members were present.
Applications for vacancies on tbe teach
ing staff were received from fourtee
Week after week we aims across men female teachers.
who don't take a local paper -because it Moved by Ball, seconded by McGilli
is stimuli ; because they knew all the cuddy, that Miss Jane Wilson mete
news in town ; because they have no the appointment to the junior depart
time to read at ; because they take some meet of a ward wheel at a salary 4
city weekly, or for some other equally $200. Carried.
setisfactory reason. Some e these leen Moved by Swanson, seconded by FLA
ton, are the ones who ask favors. Now, that Moe Moore be engaged as tear
why should people support their tome of the mistier division of St. Anerewe
paper Bemuse it is their local paper Ward, at s /sleazy of $2e0. Carried.
that writes the load history, that pro- Moved by Ball, secto.ded by Nichol
motes mail Indust/ills Wail *locates the sun, that Miss Camay be errentited 1
people of the country. What interests the senior division of a ward school at
have the city rapers in the interior tepees salary of $250. Last.
that a matt should tate it in preference Mated by Balieseeeded by biotite
to his home paper 7 There are no two PIM, that is Laura Peters be engage
ways about it. Zesty c;tisen in this at a salary of $250, as senior teacher
country should feel it his duty to support St. Davids Ward. Carried.
the local paper, and every husmeas man Moved by Ball, seconded by McGill
feel that he *eight to ads -.tae The cuddy, that Kiss Auguste Sutton. 1
moral of this lays in the application of it. engaged as tescher of the Gth divisioi
--(Es change. at a mime oI15. earned
"Tn. 311•7141LI CRADLIID Knee. '---The Moved by Bell, seconded by Swansni
Christman entertainment in -Violets& that II" challaaa• ,napeet..r and
street churoh on Monday „reeling was .chairman of the echoed manage
creditable affair. The building wee committee make a choice tn the even
tastefully decorated with evergreens and any teacher appointed ley the
mottoes, and the illuminated tech, with declining' to accept, and that they
its legend "Bethleheme Manirer Credles a thy' Pusviir 01 rtillicinC aal ellaulr"
King," surmounted by a star. was a well air, i"'" junior 8°°.08 01 the
nevieed and neatly executed bit of tense achnnla (3"rried•
mentation. The first part of the pro- The board then adjourned
gramme was a Chnstmea piece in keepint
with the arch, and the chemises. an
recitative portions were well render,
ed. Mr. R. Parker and Mies Stickle
deserved cralit for their manage•
went of this part of the programme.
C. Crabb was then called to the chair,
and. number of recitations and solos
were given ev the impala. which were all
warmly reeeive4. Dunne the 'monism s
presentation of hook% was made to the
,,,, „-.
,re -s ., ,
• t
„ -
The Goderich flash flehoot Uteri
and Scientific Soriety held its meet
net Friday evening last.. The first tea
new was the election .4 elliciers for
ensuing term. Molars. Got and Al'
were scrutineers. The following w
sleeted -• Persistent, Mies William
1.1 vioe-president, In fileltrien ; I
vies•president, Mies L. Gibson
Mr Wygle secretary of casmsniti
Miss Burro' ; treasure?, Mr. A101001
digress, Wen Id Allan. lOwerian, 1
Carroll eolinei lora, Misers Mal
Mimed, Martin. The literary part
the pengnamiest was an foliose* : se
Nis Steams ; reediest, Mr Altos's
song. Miss Barre reeding. Kiss Aids
wing. Miss Mattes The secretary,
We/Irian rseikthe trimester's report
Iteetreat of the ebonies ef Mr. Owe
the telemeter The repert ebeetrbaimill
society t• be ie
1161.:re'rraor.nelit afroloPattlosiii TPlii:4•400irstail0.1edisfipsliaL,70r.