The Huron Signal, 1884-12-12, Page 5fRE HURON SIGNAL FRII►A 1, D1.C. iht, 18e4. Fun anti F>alncy,. Ito s(tholo Mints. The blonde a not in tastiest', and the The Mir is now arranged brunette has mute sgaia. Bloodas must head. dye. Don't crowd your rooms 'Then are poems unwrittee and wage Inc -a brae. unsung.' It is this that recoil -les en to life. What is the stuff that dreamt are mate f r p i.iwlatoly inquires a pet. In ( Never be guilty of givin .one brief word, sir-- pies. toric or soothing syrup fur the purpose f sew,1ft the mouse s,' ip nem, and see to It that if dors not go above 72 deg Tess Moo tltnrbiaasies- Teta had mit liteattuu of blood eleafis legs regulattas, health oiwioc herbs, tree's' , high uJ the aid ' harks eater ruts B•'rd•we B.t+o•t S '�A A ■ T AL Bitters -a purely veto laude remedy that with cheap Gilds d:& sae►,. ed the bi,e.d, !idea and JO •E1'AR't1.L T kidneys. Your Swine - e* temperature %et as Isda•esse$►. Mae t ,, tees,, res. g • child pore- When advert!seno • piece of I:r.ot-o r they struck• -•knocked down by an of putting it W sleep. they "mailer. The lutes take '4 a lifetime Au excelleat practice in cold weather ntakittg a bad choice of a wife. is to rut, Yourself all over with a cmah Duan' think dat berms. so 'omen likes towel before domainberms. c'ar colors she's weak. Natuie pet. de Tbtw is uo.thmg mors diasgreeaulu for briflhtest tech PA de Ones' dowers. s wife than to bear from bee husbaud What is the datums, be•twaen A t11Ued boil lot mother cooked so and so. child alld a shipwrooked atil•.r' One It Is is not ec,mony to go without 1.n - clings t, his ma, and the other t , his teed awl thick autism; it' winter. spar. , Never scold ur punish $ child it, upuo When you see 'reed birds on the bill teesti siuug, be te la the truth. lot fame* sinus restaurant read ',1*.renws' Tnupg ladies, ;:. it, your gmdlemeit stud you will he (tear the truth. Young lady (at the p•etoliee)--'If 1 ams clamed at half -pleat ten ur eleven don't gets letter by tbia mail, 1 want to o'clock. 11 that nffcods them, 'tis well know what he wee doing Sunday, that's all.' When Baas was censured for Ieavinz ne girl for &methal, 1., said people usually congratulated • person uttun a 'change of heart,' No waste of shut : 'What did you Ltilf• inquired a pedestrian of a sp,rutnan on /they go to h•.usekeepin;( urdepeodeut of horseback. Tour,' was the sententious relatives un both aides. response. Lobel every b,ttle of medicine that A Western tall see .s a divorce Le- anises into your hcuse,and put poisontots cause his wife makes bah coffee. Though drugs, like par•,tl;unc, laudauuns, carbolic to has 'grunted.' for his actual, au egg- acid, etc , out of the retch of children -- shell ought tu.'.ettle it.' mid be sure that they ate out of their 'How does the milk get into the ooeos- roach, nut T asks a subscriber. It does nut It is nut -.ors- thet make one object get into it at a11. The cocoanut ,crows to a person putting his knife int•. the (Motels to understated that your doors that you aro rid of their company-- get- tlemsn will think the more of you for A. Dunt tomy,e1 a ct.itel to wear an article of clothing for which he has an especial dislike. Young merrie l rfeopte wi l tint) .hat there will be moors b•ppiness for them if around the milk. Ask us a harder unr. As Englishman claims to have dia. coveted an wheal with 11,011) eyes. for sale a shrewd tool estate *&...i& Il mention :memo colic at,vrptaroo e• • teethes, ;toss) schools are without • •v reach, that chin,), of dilerrut o. 1 i nations are wheels .aty reach, and t' -.t though in a quiet a .4 retired p's•'•• • •• ut.uutei walk takes y..•t t•. a et: e. t • er lice 1sndin: into the haatt of t:.•• ••• etc. Did you ever uoticc in this o t,i... t *teen of iuducen►ents to buy. the :r •t that a first class saloon w u healed •... Ioppo»its corner, or that a t!t . A Iblock was a fres luuclt c •at.ter. It .e the best bear h the city oat *loots • t draught, ur • pool -roots which weel.l o t sit I.Iessaut and ha.oly for the buss 1 No, indeed. While the church end 11,•. f; &shoot and the easy access to hu.i•,ea. -ue essential to the 11)e11 -being and utaii.oe. lance of the home, the r then ore in ovary ee1Rd snt.g•wutic and itline toil to every- thing that is reckoned d:Arest and most valued in that sacred place. -( t.oetmoil Reforms. butter or nerving himself and others Lith fond from his own knife and fork. filch disregard .1 other peoples feelings is He intends to keep it chained up where mean mol selfish. it an watch leis daughter aced the each- A Wee way to prepare a very light ' 1•..4.1+tea Cote. .i. p. man. lunch for an invalid (and tobe taken Buy a 10 seat ample bottle at Wib R a The greeted folly,' saki Sant ht. `that with • cup of weal tea) is to toast three drug sore. Large bottles qy mots, by • man can commit in this world, is to milk crackers, then pour boffins water all druggists. ,;ive himself up to death without any over them, draining it t'8 immediately, good emuaa fur it, but only from melam spread Jana Jr marmalade ever them, and choly.' pie therm ftp, set theca into the oven W bat do you think o.' Fielding ' asked while you male the test and take both They were etag at the front gate_ a Beaton girl oda Hanvrd graduate. `I Ihj in to the sick nue, end it will poses ap- •Bute adiubright the Moon is tonis•lit, but :t d•.n t petizim;( and refteehinsl, if unexpected. it's important of cc,nrse, George, dear :' site raid. amount W aaythi:tg without g .,1 bolo A famous caterer gives the fallowing 'Yes,' replied George, 'it is a perfect ting.' recipe for almond eake : blanch and inciting.' pour! in a naortarthnrouglyeight ounces 'D.. yon put any faith in &r. Wiggins' A speculator luting married a eery homely tore, the possessor of a very large If sweet aid ,one of biter almonds ; add alleged discovery of another utoou- .t a few drops of roese water, or white of dirk moan Y she asked- ■sese Te.11Nay. litany tiund.ed reeon►n..wdati.ms aiu.i• lal' in character to the ono given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of Polson* Neat it:Issas a paid remedy. Try it. Argot., Feb. 20. --We l,ere••y eertt'y that we have used Nervitine in our fami- lies, and have found it a meet reliable remedy fur creeps in the stomach. Also for headache. and externally fur rheum- atic pains. No house should be eith.. tt this inraluaule remedy. --Lvaa Ciotti. lee tad never !fade a amity of It. fortune, declared that it wasnt the fats .1 his wife that struck hint so much as her figure. ex¢ every few minutes to prevent oilin•,t. •Well 1 hardly know who: to thick add six tablespoonfuls of sifted surer about the matter. Koch h a dtsa,v'ery nosy and eight beaten refire. sift in six table- be possible. But I d• ti't know. In tact, In the financial line 'How •iii you spoonfuls of fl•wr.nn.1 work it throroagh- he continued franl.iy, 'when I was act like that hymn r 'Which one r 'Why. ly with the mixture, adding gradually a eolleg. 1 newer paid any attention to+ the last on. that was wig, 'Ninety and quarter of a pound of creamed butter. botany.' Nina' ' '1 thlok as its name inches:es, Beet c.ustantt or it will 1•e beery. Put that it is 'below par.'then 'rhe tollowo•g is from J. W. Pto'.emyy of • Winnipeg. formerly grain buyer for tti ifik s bettered paper into a cake tm 'Yea,' said Mese Firegtit, 'everybody pour the Mature into tin, allowing room Guyesby. of Hamilton amt Or,tu•b "I was •liuf , la ik: (:oust ' of Ilona t • • very . r. prion of tit! 'IV ORK • es1 •.•• rose.. • e t ,a,.st We cele -5. rad at Rt ABC 'A ELE RATES. Tea tett , .104; u. 0 started L. t .►t the west we are ss.ab d w 'wan tout thinks my new furniture is splended. It Is of thefLouis Carthorse pattern, 7,0 know. Funny name, Mr. F. says, but I think it's vulgar.' The following practical advertisement appears in the Aylmer Tis.'', dated Nov. of wire hent into • half e.rcular or fan lath, and signed David Everette : shape. and covered with coarse muslin. Eliza. m7 wife, has grown (Mite rade. The wire should be twisted into a handle She hat left is. to a lonely mood,. and made to tit tightly into a small She haslet =y Mord, she it' lett my tr 1. msec den stand weighted with lead. The eche hos given away my meat and bast. She las telt me in spite of friends or ebur. b. eye feathers are first glued ooe around lube bis carried with her all ray fruit. the odes, standing out a geed deal be- yond 1 then a second and third row, and sr, on, afterward filling ftp as the (entre is approached with the smaller feathers- Procure, if possible, a pea- cock's head. and glue to tack it with a coarse needle and thread to the canter. if you an not get the head, f..Il up with tiny feathers Cover the hack with A Wide awake tarasgeas• fancy paper. red or gold. -[ Boston Her- J. Wilson is always alive too his busi- ald. noes, and spates no pains to secure the best o.1 every article in his lite. He has _ secured the agency for thecelenratedDr 'Yes,' lois fnend King's New Discovery for Con.nop'ion, 'sit►ee i- ' •tthe only certain cure known for C.tn- 'Wabash op one Point-. .umptior-. Coughs, Cookie., Hoarseness B h for it to rise. The oven ahould be • for many years much • ice.+• w, quick oral. sem Miliousroess, and ultimately Ityapepsi.t. 1 i suffered very nisch and tried timer different Flag t o•erEiiv,-A very hands•oms tire rnedk'lnes, which gave the only temporary screen an b: mule of crock's festhen edict aad then 1 was as hal as ever sueen pea 1 was recommended by s friend. who hvt born by the fallowing process : Hare a flame restored to health by it. to try Me1:rr's speedy cure. 1 111.1 so, and i• was not long before 1 felt like • new man. awl 1 hate et. - }eyed eicelent heaitb ever since. I flea.t commenced taking It February 7th. 1,179. Sold by Gee. Rhyne% 2m: k`aow you who read this paper. Siete has acct the hsakkss caper 1 will not pay owe smote fraction our *n7 debt of her cataract ion. Floras at'istont. The noble male of yesterday see gates e.f glory through which we cbildsen pour along into the fields of life. "Give us this day our daily Is no vain fruitless prayer, And, if we trust, we shall be fel,"- I However poor we are All god weak. be it amid material things, or intellectual things, ue religious things, is done for all. The saints die as to their Iabor and weannes, but not es to their usefulness. Itis nota bit easier to bring a right result oat of a wrong beginning than it is to raise canary birds from canary seed. 1 give my store ' f gold It is but earthly dress : But tbo a shalt maks me : ich, beyond All fear of los He who spends d1 his life in sport is like one who wean nothing but fringes aad eats nothing but sautes. If a man es honed be does not need to tell it. Sterling eines an afford t•, keep still. but sly dishonesty teas s very busy tongue. It is not always possible to keep from hawing mud thrown at vole ; bet yet an always keep from throwing it at otheea lr. the history of medicates no preps ration has received such universal rum naendatiow for the aliectatiewl i. affords, and the permanent cur. it effects in kid neg diseases. u Dr. Van Baret's Kinney Cure. Its action in these diatressm complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. '='ut A Msec Ltfc. ht- foments' w 'Telegram sir ' interrupted his clerk, 9 9 Asthma), play Fever. rime rias, or say affection of the Thrust and Lungs. told iab k 1 on a potsitive gnarantec. Trial bottles• W ire Smith to sell ten thousand. As I was out to range , since free. Regular size $1.00. l3 'Another telegram, sir : again inter- rupted the clerk. 't'nion Pacific is down three pants.' 'Oder Ftaith to buy five thousand. 1-s*, .nee 1-' •Mr. Wilson wants to know whether you will be at the bible meeting d* aftwrnoam,' interrupted the clerk for t third timet. I'm mine down at once, tell him. As I was ab..wt to say.' he continued. 'sines i retired from active business i hare never felt better in all my life.' -(New York Titov. TempeaMM*. Never count a tempt•tinn so triumph- ed ower, w Staten off that it sill never ltty worldly Joys I hire ° assault you any more. Satan has been The flowers with which I played : called Beelaebuh, or the god of lies, Th) beauty, far more heavenly fair, some tell as become* he will not take a Ahall never fade. repulse ; because he comes back grain and arsin ; seesaw it is impossible to drive him away that be will not return. Coasidcr the Lord tef glory himself. When the tempt er, thrice encountered and thence defeated in the wilderness. left him, it was only as we am expressly told, "for a season." There were other hours and powers of darkness still to come, when line prince of this world should make farther proof is the garden whether there was not something whieh he could claim for hs own, even in that Lord who had so foiled and baffled him in the desert. And shall we think that when he departs from as it se more than for a season 1 Never so longs* y..0 hear about them sinful bodies, count any tsor- raptinel to be w dead in you that you are perfectly NJ. frost it henceforth, that it can sever On or tremble you spiel Hew much that seems dead by a sad e. perience, will he shown to have been o.ly sleeping ; like enekea. whish, (roses in winter, lose fur a while their power to harm. appear as though there were so wpn life in them, but brueght to the wsrsthl let with that of other people- . . - saw hies and sting again. How many an Ttrllth. Avoid ps�al_ryt�Maie, serious old eurropti.m is. perhaps, at this mo - meds, sortlasietal Puglia 7LirMenth- mem thus torpid and iatetive in its, %wrteelth- Koss good bleu- I which yet only awakes the returning Flh.eatta. Babel, se. to 1►e, ! w.rmth of a suitable temptation to re- vely en* roma, Sydney Smith. 1 vire in all Ca ■uligtsast strength anew, Dear Lord, is that enough 1 Nay. not a illo►wasidfA part. WO, then. I have lot one thing mon; Take Thou my heart. Om mom' world is nothing els* to -day than the gathered up remainders of the lnag yesterday. The beats otos long age est down to a feast having only five losses and two small fishes, and es the hours of the feed have passed by the lose have expaoded, sad what we call the Aurch, or the learning. or the wis- dom .1 the nineteenth et+tst•ry is only the awsberless baskeefels which remota after the guests have gate Mame from the gland festivity. -4Bwi .. Sydney Reith was egeseiintiy fond of siring "s little moral advice himself. Rare, for Maumee, an anew reeeintu fur swim low spirits - Pint, limas wells. yew dare . . . Fuwrth. Take chert Mews of human life. . . . Ninth. Attend to the effects tea and eolee pro- ds,. is yon, Teeth. Compare your fIM MOO" st lws4eda A wt.ss. Ftmtteas• M w oJAMMelrions, d St. Anna, 111.11.,wss s Te1Yin"sie .d► tl�akati erilh a 11.- 0111. Ili PalOar vemattt Beer" kilter that dram nes dewolop st sod Olt le aged btllh iabltasily a1tMd eafrred- hi NO oaa dssllalrwd ei Tee beats b Mime PAW Oak SPOSitt g6g"•' of Beek* A+ • 1Mieees s geld hi• Aar t aafl erd �ielw! 1! ie.• Opelika bad 111 sd. 1 • isaMaakley 1 -(Trowell A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO MUM. . FROM THE SON :t Gieaass ea My father moan at (}lover, R arias been a great sagerer from Serof- skt, awl the inclosed letter will Ma yon eta/ osrreloas offset Ayers Sarsaparilla 1 heobM'frl deOar 1 think by blood m^est hamar foe at Mees Moa Team; Mea Mad sot show. crept hi the firm of a 5wadrloss swam tate writ% VOW abort dye ago. Flom few spots abbe op. peered attest tare, ft gradually wool seas to ewer kis gear* body. 1 assays Toe bewail inrtbIy serest sad as obyset of pity, rhea below sing year -44.5' Now, dues at+ few ttsen d W ago who sap* as geed bred* s be W. 1 *oald early trate ifty puerto who resldsaruf7 to the fates la his ewe, - Tow=truly, W. ILL Deft " FROM TIS FATHER' • pi1*eeme aged s duty tar ms to state to yea to buena I have de1sd from the see of Ayers Sarsaparilla* WOV)r LEITER HEADS. LINRN I,S"TER HEADS. Wend se Curded.* WOVE: NOTC HEADS. • LINEN ::OTE HEADS. (!lute., or Usealed•) MEMORANDUM HEADS. STATEM ENT HEADS. BILL HEADS -4 SlzEsi. BUSINESS CARDS. POST, L CARDS. 'INVITATION CARDS. WEDDING CARDS. CALLING CARDS. Main aad haey,l MEMBERSHIP CARDS. ADMISSION TICKETS. . MILK TICKETS. \ BREAD TICKETS. LL PROGRAMMES. CO> ERT PROGRA M M E`. FAN SHOW CARDS. MOURNING CARDS. FUNERAL C'IRCU'LARS. ADDR ES. BUSINESS EN LOPES. BUSINESS CI R.S. BUSINESS NOTI S. SHIPPING 'TAGS. SHIPPING LABELS. DRUGGISTS' LABELS. W%si's PRIMO DIN 3Mre. All Um mast Popuir sad Likeable • Mathes:ut..ifg 000 pliellimacjille: BUTCHER V iotori a, Street, of the day Li pt. t'. block. Ot I'o*4:TR SHOW GROUND. J0�1 lacTRCG9HP FAlvill_'l' A IOCER, Sole Agent for Seigtel's Pill; E A S Ointment and Syrup. LABELS FOR ALL PURPOSES BILLS OF FARE: i HOTEL MEAL TICKETS. BLANK CHECK BOOKS. BLANK DRAFT BOOKS. BLANK RECEIPT BOOKS. W s mentao ago i bras ee.rtdsty.sewed rut► a tsrt*ho blow sad gwefnloaa sores. The barer amulet se. IrOeourt aid Intstratle Mekt5, ssd tis Yds nuked MI 1111111111111.1 IMs bleed seem 1. =say plow 1H1sseer I seised. My sateriap trete tome. sad mg We a hander 1 so==eesed the se et rho O Aasatast(ttd it April 1.st, and bore 10118 k regularly gems tut Yea My essenter Mips to i=prevs at ewer The rens bare an healed, aid I frill perfectly well 1• every reaper -Mels: now ams to dm a goad dares root. akhead :1 yo=n et age- Hussy tae. "bat her t-rr•neh: met a sure in toy ears, and I ten Ib.uias i Move Ears tried to son you, ATM U AMA r/ Slows, Ifo.. Ort fa. :iC:. Tours gratefully, WWI MUM.* ATra's fla.siratrt.a eons Perotda stud e.:1 lerstaleas Complabses. erreIF aces. te.ema, PJ.gworm. lllese0.5 Sores. Cony Tattoos.. gad Lowlier et the Mer is dein tks Need of all bow Odes. aide Ogreloa, etatwhd= the alalia et as beak,. sat taws rsss.el ADM r o ranstams the ekes gmsl► Inasaere Dr. J. Q. Ayer SA09., Latah, MN& Oat re an Disse& I et, di beers ter 11111. BLANK NOTES, IN BOOKS PAMPHLETS. ' CONSTITUTION t BY-LAW K SOCIETY FORMS. RULES AND REGULATION CATALOGUES. PRICE LISTS. BLANK FOOLSCAP FORMS. BLANKLEGAL FORMS. LAW WORK OF ALL KINDS. DODGERS. HAND BILLS. AUCTION SALE BILLS, On anal SHOW BILLS. SHOW RILL DATES. CONCERT BILLS. TEAMEETING BILLS. LECTURE BILLS. EXHIBITION BILLS. EXCURSION BILLS. STREAMERS. POSTER WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SALT BAGS. GROCER' BAGS. MILLINERY BAGS WRAPPING PAPER. eat-, &c., he. JAS. WILSON. (iudrrick. Oct 1:.'MS, lml. Inti. held and Galen Seeils. This subscriber is now prepared foo €urnirh all kinds of Field and Garden Sten i of the BEST VARIETIES at tates that cannot be beaten in (oderich. Cail and tl examine aniple>4 be- fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRICE, East Street (:rain Depot. ot. Opposite Town Hall, Goderieh. March guh. tall. Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly redoout:entlyd for all humors and skin disease,. Im. s. S. S66 . ,,tote and -angels- wy t.•ist..re u( black T.« 1'.ele nn+ - :. h a tile.. t ta.onn to the trade Assam searhaa.. •rare& Pekoe. W en %hoe Foo. N..wergo ✓ oer. rots* ".aek.aa- )t> prire for Sugars. ('slued Geode. 7'apk..' 1.i. e, stool armors! slick GROCERIE N 111 estimate tavotably with any la the Tref. lamb. aft:tto.n. f'ari• Smoked Cat. ket.s and t.,tcks of th• fl, al O taltty. ander* tet. wia Lave t.tompt atteetie% J4I11N \t•t-TAOOAR". Gnrtcrl••b.'trpt. lata IN:. tftll tier Ionia! Bottle, t 1 this certain cu of all Threat aced Luhg Dioceses ,.t J• W ils,ws 1►rug :tort•. Large B .tttt $1.00 (4) FfftTu Bivideuds TUE I6UEI'ERDEhT of New York. Is M kttowl: i Red to br wast Pall Meal Gazette, d tow:un. say, It es of the ablest weeds lies In es lattice." It Pies two gelds n Ultima sod Mt tars 1t publisiws.eee(• o••ek from TW'li. Irlt-r: 7t' 'i IIIRTY-TIIRI' L per cent, readily[ matter then any of its content --- -- With the esrtpiton of its column or •8e1� Ilowe.`eyery hue is r.e Mut la NFw'•(►R a week at home. $&0O outfit Ines. Pay II ns." ever), e i e. try Tti 4 is \ Plti.At1L' absolutely sure. No risk. t•appital not I IID 1'f. It root mon each week for IGemst required. Reader, if you want business matter than Mie tt.rvc of iia contempt rent at which persons of eithersex, young put together. It boa the o.ARG})Tand rent Id k t 11 1 rim the 1 oro ,ran nod:. great Pay a the c � c.wutnbt.trs oeany per udka! i( t work, with atuatlar certainty. 'Write !cr fu1) wrosylor.s.1.ur It h. urdcaorainat»utul in relig'.un.as uwsnri case.: an l;u raty •b;lity. lt• rt a tewss ]souk. are unexcelled in }ountp1em. Its torial• are fearless. Its ddepaftnrnts-, ciente and I+lltlicu I:.seek h give cal ptrticulara to il. I1ALI.rrt t Co.. Portland. ]Zaino 11122 - people are at a a► son the look out to, Chane.% N, increase their earnings *nd n. time bs• information uaebtai,wbk else anete, 1 come wcahhy : those who do Market lb -ports and commercial %t•ttetss a .. no reprove their opportua eagerly sought soht kw by those wantit g tens .tie* rcutain in poverty. We offer • gee•• information u on those sulejeects. Its deem chance to make home% We want noen wo- went for "Old and 1'ouug." is filled with MI torn. My a awd girls to work for us in their ow• local it len. Anyone can do the work pro pert) from the flat start. The business will pay more than len lime* ordinary eases. Ex. ppcen.ire outfit furnished free. No one who en- tails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work. or only your spare momenta. Full information sad all that is necessary sent from. Address STttl- *os o[ Co Portland- Maine P Acrd .ix lint, for postage and receive free, a costly box f goods which will help you to more money right away ' that'. anything else in this world. -t11. of either sex, aucoecd from first lour. Thr broad road to fortgne opens before the workcrs.ahsolutr- 1TTsure. At once address.Tit• t: Sal 0.. Augusta Maine. tie: - .A week , lade al home ry the in dttrtrio*. Beat btt.iness •uw t:e fn eke public. Capps vol need mol. 'e well start you. 3150, wo men, sand girl wanted very w re to work for atm is the time. Yoe. can work in spare Lime. or rice your whole Unite to the business. ,No other business will pay you n. ark oto wCII. No one can fait to naakc enormous pay b!' • noosing at once Costly ontflt and terms free. Moms n.ule fast. easily. and honorably. Address Tat a o! Co.. A uorus ole- in proaeane: poetry-. The Independent wr i -:wo distinct Independent deb haat n , 11y twenty -too specialists, whieb w i(iblical Rest•arch, sanitary. Fine Arts, tea Science. Pebbles. IN rsrmalltlrs. Mldslar! Register. Hymn Notes, riches and Cela! Literature. Religious Intelligence. lairds Sunday -School. News of the week, Man (*women-% Insurance. Strips. Purges, Bab tout.. and -*grieultnrt. Thin) -two penes all. THE L1'DEPENDF rhors. i. s !study newspaper of the arse re. et, -aired as one of the gnat educators of l i formed upon a great variety of subJects5ae !louring the past year Tna IND desiring that its aub.enh•rs should stories by the ten hest lining art01 Ipubl4htd eontrit•ntlona froth R B. •arbor of ' M itritnony." No New ere,: J. 1;. ct lk:l.. author of •'timer I'?he C•Nme of Henry ane' eta• Scharer. author of "Titer1 Lily sad uorles":Sir tiamu:•1 W. Maker. the celebrsi Egyptian F-iplorer: Mrs. J. H. Ptiddeliastl of 'The Senior Fanner.- etc.: Thomas Har U. Maim i author of "A Pnir of Blue Eyes," "Two al Tower." ere.: tit x and Kt smut Hale, tut*5 for the working clam. Read 10 eta, i "Ten Times One in Ten." ere-: James hr motes •. and woes. ill trail you o-. w. i i n000.,h ed D. m • Lrey C r.ae. a roy al. v atuable box of lain - pie i,uev, fobinsor. Fred D. morel. goods that w 111 put you in the i 1 acv itarrritt Poston Sp e way of making more money 111 a few days than I • tun, pp 11 i pf� lvanTewes. you ere? thought eossible at any businns. No others. capital moored. �t'e will star; you. You coni Y 10*TS M t.aftltl=A. work all the time or in stare time only. The 1 ,es. ntontbs....1 7S Ogee year work 1. universally adapted to both the sexes; 1 young and old. Von own easily earn from 3Ae tour months.. . 1 tat Two years tot:, even evening Theft all •r bo want work s 1x ,uontL. 1 Sit I Viva lcars1 land. Ectryone who w- hw. to he well suh.crita for it. Merchant* ran set their Bill Head•, loiter Hernia kr.. at.. prletod a thea stare for very little muse the. they//sammcerea�n for the paper. arid It helps teadtertise their aes- (:all and met sample* *ail get price. . (7x11 at Toff Mona! fix your may test the business we make this unparal- 1 Can ant one make a better Inveetmagl leled offer : to all who are not well satisfied we *tea to 03' en lMu one which w111 pay es.lull a1 to pay . dr the troubletof nt tingfree. , 52 Dividends during the tot. Full panleMlars directions, et c..,eat fete. , For: ones will be matte by t have who give their 'eh de time to the work. (treat sneers obese i i-\-ItR5' INTELLIGENT FAMILY NK1 lute'y sure.jt•oa't delat. Start now. Address A G ► NEtt'hP.tl'EIt. It b a neo&& ottlnd.r1• airtxso!r Holiday Printing R t f 0..1 for partials and children. Thousanasolgrwvee tr A l�to,,o�t,t- aY to are annually robbed _HA IXttgt'men5ST Is to send 30 carte h of their rlctlma.!lves , "Trial Trip` of a month. prolonged. happiness SPBCIMBN COPIES FRIl{>I ,nd health restored b -,he a,eottbe Treat ti GERMAN /NW IGORA T O(� ' TM *nrr•rang•rro Clabbisf Let wit oh rh yto,tr,t stay and p••rn ,o,rn,t y cures mss � �'� 101 McOILLiCUDDY BROS , rrgeielors• 111111`01100-lioetle St., next to Rtl$istry Ogee GeaseisMe _ Glee•:; .!G , , s make tins aequalntatlet No papers are cert to a hecribers atter Ouse kt for has ej Red. &eat erre to an7 asklug er it, Y7 ',Mewey monied hy ezt•rwen of any kind 1 wl,hing 10 suhecrihc One or amore p5 semi"' vienkrwyand an dura,-, that 101. l or,nsgaxtnes. In connection wlth Tnt Il ten w a ,.ertnenc. of Self-Abuwe. as lost of en- , Put. r,txT. can save mosey by ordering 1 LI h IJ r s•td else, lose of tne1nor;, in -'rem! lassitude.our ' n , . germs Pip in the back. dlmpga( gf v loP• refit,- I are old ager. and malt other nowases that lead to insanity or eorsumption and a prima- lure otma- lure grave. Send for circulars with test:monlals free by mall. The rivsse5AT•t Is said at 11 per • box. or *Ix hetes 8r 0, by all druggist so. or will be emit free my mail. srenrely sealr d. ea ; receipt of price. by addrrsing. r. J. CHBNEY• Druggist. 1!r Sum.nit 81.. Toledo. thio I Oro. Rwv'A. 8.tc Mort for Modellers A1rreatMhe1 idfur Llves W e.1 s TheH: and brat book ever sold for km tha w.. a mer prier. The fastest *ening book la t nitric*. moment's moats to agent' All late ret•• propir want 1t. Asyoseout br- eathe a , v •* safal agent. Terme free. Address IIAt.LRT liner: Co. Parceled, Melee 1102- n ' Got ids is *weeping .y It net dare before you dM something mighty sad *ab- late leav e beh.nd adlatele•yebeh.nd to ooneuer lme. pelta week is your own user- jt nntdt ere.. No risk. Iryerythin Mw. Capital not required. We will furnish Tou everythiwr. Matey are making fortune. Indies make a much as seen. an boys and girls ake great pay. Reader. it you wow! ftae sboemes.at *Seamate sou mamakegreat payola d• co. remain matawtoulato H. HALL H ACYAR ass YELLOW DIL CURES RHEUMAT, hot FREEXAWS WORM POWDERS. As plethora to take. (solo 1010*, owe isg.YTa. Is a safe. sera. aid MOO& tiroaretp r et worm fa 01110111111 as dee Lw Loo Pt:atallT IT coriser. - As 'seeable, wife sail elliMtlsl rafl..*y to remove all kinds d worms. • INDEPENDENT, tot. leer t( THIS F.attPM111 sR CLI ■ WITH DEY': LADY'S BOOK will be sent for one year to arty address e cots of Kes. w hlch should be MS M publisher of Tttr. Ht-tnox Stout" GOOEY'S LADY'S BO! Is the ohIest family urpsime le and is co.erded by the pure amt the leading Fashion Magazine. Rs o•Irenlatktw probably errors the of any trnerican publkstlon.i's found in every civilized am sunl0* will mark the ph . Masatls% and it prepsho e4 tbat only exceed In excelnce', every •eythlar in its movie*:htrtoy. M attreetivtnesa q+usllty of other magazine o.Wwawa for 1 he Magazine: during leek w sett pagea 01 reading. eon- Navets. 1:01154n: rw. Miele,. A. Mlogrnnhees, by the beet shoo. Art *ad (.'erucic rete.. l.emore ne Morrow t tea Meea�+tt.. of *5 re" i re. io* sofas Ise rs•tr+e lta.tretletg lama and white. N pages Illustrating leaser -Wm! In et and block and white. NI passe of Seiert Must. se. Rtaetifal P:nrraTIRg• et luaMrasens of Aref cru5�11,sit1 MIN besides tpserarleas et N• , satehl lana aid Iwoits. win*. nwM to hof• "I llumourMoe d e 1; thea a�tslre - p �.yla era t t- *too r looms r bei teff with Vs abets MOO it M fe Ilsd 1t (ee�w s poems • de a year II ATT!