HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-12, Page 46
j .. f •• 4r ..IF • I, ♦ ,ens .,,„ r„ t.•}•,-411,1wa
the Poets Corner.
Tee tweet of a lady.
wheal I've in tbo garden war plucking the
Alae egpoytnst the now walks shady.
1 werier If ever .be tans, up her owed.
Lad sighed. "Pas tow teach or • lady I
Too s.nach of • linty, deer .renew. ' , work ;
A lelptseet watt toads kr Ice petted;
You keep things Is order. • really stunt abirk.
Though the tact. dear. 4 .deep', regretted. -
lo -day she tow delight.:. wbwr delkste
Are woolly uuaued torte bar;
It alnawt f.itguer thaw to flatter their fans
Vk,a 1be, near uldly t....101‘ a selebbor.
Their mission on earth is to gest':. arid .1r.•aa.
And Uwe upon life's aw .e hennas
Their baeen't • bother or trouble. enter.
Their same aline bask (Lis In money.
1: fat the IovelUM thing. to be wine,
To dabble in cuualwg and Maher ;
flat obeyer •a Loose wan kept tidy ad pure
My dainty. sstuutioal ..dies.
1 eta free to...areas there is worn easing in life
Uwe atter .tire that' putttol w *inch 'n .
And istay • weary. iada•trtou+ wife
Ise''. deeply la love with her kitchen.
[lid do, !..into, ant dirt a'wa• . dirt.
And only toe (a: r deny t
Ctrsheting is oic:rtbao making a »her:
O in nee• r yet was elotbr- by i:.
Temkin . parlor, la indolent .wee.
ea, grows all 'regi! ..net lady.
Or flhrauw through the stree s., a Ily gaze.* to
b berg too lunch of a Ldy.
Taw -rade ot a lady to darn up the hose.
O: govern h, r hone• w+tit acumen :
Too swab of s lady. wherever ..he gw•r.
To ever be much of a *amain !
t t mn,elre that Uod m-. :e aro wieder. to her.
Excel to he wrapped ..r in tunes :
And as n.0int elect site vont,' yreter
.A boo .r' t e ntarterin;; Atm.
Too not h of a ' 4 v 'Or" . a grand heart
To bo • trite &tug:. er n,• mother :
Two mu. n of a Indy to be . a b• Ire pan
had sweet au be Loewe by en
Ry task.ow or biro'. pet: e tw ntte for r....
Whim it cosies :a .br i•• limn•-at•s great pas-
Thon-;t. .nr Lord •sty 1. IA the Utiles n.
Will l.c--n..leon •Ten nceh _ifaladyr
icier d tad herald.
Fashion's Fancies.
Bridal slippers hate lower heels than
last year.
Fir rr_en iib one of the neat fashiona-
ble nee c.:.•.ra
A g.,ld nugget cigar cutter is set with
an emerald and rube-
A cheering line in a Paris letter' an-
ut>unoett tee bustles ..-e !ens prominent.
A monster api.lor • f ttomtet gold en-
ters all iter with genes , its eyes are dia-
Verba;; dresses ..f Tues..re silk are
trimmed with applique dowers of white
Cloaks made of dannet in bond stripes
will be were by a ntldren during the
Silver braid in rim. and rings will be
the stylish triimuin, for bl•tck cashmere
Spanish girilee of iredes_ent beads are
A special feature for black, house or din-
ner costumes
Old fashioned le e -veils are now made
into aproos, which »Ie worn over black
•silk skirts
Baargoea of Cxroobier velvet are worn
over skirts of sore veiling, embroidered
in many cokes.
Bison cloth ribbed. to represent plush,
in very narrow atopen is much used f.+r
Velvet lenvos veiled and edged with
gold will he non) her bonnet trimmings
and dress motifs.
Iron -rust brown is on' of the new
shades, and promises to rival ifray,wnich
has became so pepul.•r.
Jet and chenille will play an ifispnrtant
part in deem tnmmit. ea. decorations and
motifs '.ext swoon.
Soma of the newest handkerchiefs have
the cornea cut into w square and a little
**plaiting inserted
The heir of a doge er ie now of [Isaias
wife, spot! is set is .he top and three -
/marls are is the cross bar. •
New travelling sun- ha• a the tucks of
the skirt and the ::••rfo:st jackets pro-
jected by corlinen • f allieeetor skin.
Fancy silks are rein,/ out, they say,
bot tinny 'trines and ia' ,rwoven plaits
of mixed coloring, ar . u...d for trimm-
The skirts for the c .miryg season ere to
be very simply trimmed. Tucks, simple
braids in rows and :rivet ribbon trine
wings are the (hutch.
For s matron a black velvet Bodice,
*chly embroidered (Dv beaded, with skirt
and tunic of bisek a.tin trimmed to cor-
respond, is very kandeotne.
Quaint e''''ases lir, male of dull blue
sateen. The shirts are round, with &full
gathered frill at the edge, and are worn
with bread starts of c• liter twine -adored
canvass worked with dice ,-pots or start
,d bright 'outs TLe patterns are out-
lined with shaded q..ld thread, which
produces a hatodsmti effete. A scarf
'tunic •of thin nncor•remiliiaterial, em-
broideredwith :petals of dowers Dye shad-
ed old -fashion •4 peaks wi'h foilaq• of
.fog and geld, its nlevrr!y draped
ea a sit of rwth eritsson sateen. whish
is edg with a for et etseomh rische,
erobraeiug the etre us enol ,rs need In the
M•aeotse, whieh.ia o.mplet.d by • trilor-
iaNatl• jacket deal, re : twilleJ serge
Iiia • red steep -crowned bat, the latter
&donned with . ant... embrn.dered.ond
edged with void lane.
A LIN Mvlaa rrw..elt-
Mt. Y. Z. Alban, Hatehinsns,
laved hie lite h^ a simple Trial 8..,,le A.
Dr. II ('b New i hseorei7, for Con -
wide h emoted lint to prrrnrt•
=hat eteiplt•telyowed him,
chs -tile • d climate and
every nit dela had failed Asthma,
Deanbittlu, iliori.r -se. i`.trere Cough*.
all Throe' am' Lin: diseases, it i
to cure. Trial Mallen at 1.
drug :tom Lanai 5u $l. (1,.
Motors. teeachtn, and ..the
obi* 1"o s>atea them het
ea .,Vies, tone' i Ilse Carter'. Little
tab for te*$4 Wer and hoboes
Qac is s deme.
fleas Aisese's *deem.
%I as Almon replied to a ,tions hay.
aho wneW asking advice C0440Srrisit the
literary caner 'bleb she wished iYYadopt
•I .*u only reply to TOMS •s to other
.[ ia-
uuworahle letters of the sates art which
I naive. flue mast wait and work
long awl patiently before sugars of all
sett a•woa, and talent roust be in the
tales er they won't sell. If people won't
take the atones try *unwitting else, For
a young wotuau with gu•.d health and s
brave heart many ways of earning •
living aro .pelf if she will only put het 1
pride iii her pocket and take 'hatei
oauios, run matter how humble it may be i
Nurse, teacher, companion, housekeeper.
twametrw., or servant are all !ewes'
trades anti wt rth tryiue, while waittue
f•'r the tauee agreeable murk. 1 tried
thein, and after grubbing and grinding
for twenty yeas made a put, seemingly
by accident, but I could see how ever)
hard experience had helped, every exert
lice enriched, and to believe heartily in
that sort of training fo: us all, if your
atonies are ;pined they will find a market ;
if ny t stop writing and try something
!Ise. The gift is born with us and can-
not he learned, I think. Knowing noth-
ing of you, .•r your capabilities. I cannot
a, vise, save in a general way. 'Hope
and keep busy is w, motto, for while
one works despair cannot get the upper
hand.' Miss Aloott's various r7Deriencea
are related in 'Work,' and th-•.e who
hare sympathized with Christie in her
dolt matelot' efforts :o maintain an in-
diveleal er'tence sed take care of her-
self have seen cur brave -hearted novelist
'grubbing •tld grinuin,f.' Her literary
lobelia began when she was eight years
' poem, was
sensatiouaIstory wreirg`dandidea tsem(
practice 'in crowding much wrath, ruin,
awl revenge into twenty five manttsotipt
pages.' she found she e..uld turn out •
dozen in a nneuth. .t is to a publisher's
sug_e.tien thst she should write a bait
for girls. that we .,f -o 'Little Wawa'
its title al•''ne is said to be the happiest
that a juvenile book .ver had,and its suc-
cess. was instantaneous. Her writing is
doue in Boston, why re she shuts herself
in a .luiet room, from which she emerges
when the Mel is du.de to return to ion -
cord. Miss Alc„tt's adtice to young
waters Ii mnst, talusble as it is the re-
snl of years of actual experience in
which diaappxointmeets, rebuff's, and di*-
ceuragementi. were overcome by the
application of her principles ..f h.•ping
and keeping busy.
OONTItNLPOa.uW a'1NIVlt. { taro lee
As numerousws ttmw,nr tr L will shim
Tttr lesspis:• of atw .veer . 1n Ise ole. there a tau mere reitabte cure ter
0544..'. 4.. riseadas ._reed. SON /ban Haeyard'.'fellow ()IL It ie
A LIV"LY alfirtitog.t*tutN.
!beat, croup, rheuu'a:ere. and ter paras
Perhaps r i. .> .rend that e sad Iersestese generally. Used trtat'Iballi
thrase and •aterr,taN . ! 4
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
ales. the test remedy for ear ache, ansa Cir
� �
esurenstratine i to y
.1.Widisto.-y. ..0..ren• - _ _
4 ammeter la Iran!.
It is well to beware of the man who
carries his left ftp.' in towards his richt
in walking, giving ;Se impression that
his right foot turns out and his left fret
turns in. This mars is a natural petty
larcenist. He may, perhaps, have never
sedan in hislife, but that was because of
fear or lick of opportunity, bot all the
same he is Liable at pny time r, (sequest-
er uucoaaidered tntes for pure wanton-
ness. Ile is of a kieptotnaniec nature,
but he is not nearly .., dangerous as the
man who deliberately lifts his leg up
from the thigh as though he was going
1 up -stairs. That man is a natural and
educe:ed villain. in England, where
the treadmill is used in prisent., Many
convicts acquire this peculiar step ; but
it is the natural, cal efnl, eat -like tread
of the criminal. The girl !rho walls
with a Hat f. ot planted squarely on the
ground as though she wanted to grow
there, may not he as attractive as the
tillt rched ineaep, bat sh, ie a
good d ter testate*. She is sure
to be a shod nurse, kW -hearted, symp',a-
t_letic, anxious to bear the burdens of
others, while the girl sigh the :relied
foot is nearly sure to lie selfish and cer-
tain to be a coquette if she 'sibs ea her
The man of short nervous seeps is al-
ways a business ruin of energy, bat if the
stride if from the knee only lis is geld
and selfish, caring for no enc but him-
self. The man whose stride is lon1,end,
at the salve time, energetic, is generally
bright, always erratic, often conceited,
always careless, fond of admiration, and,
while often a good fellow. geaerally un•
reliable. The diplomat and the financier
have a .month, gliding walk,hard to des-
ewcitta bet easy to recognize (great
statesmen and great philanthropist. al-
ways haw a home, shambling gait, shish
somas tenets thinking about others more
than shoat themselves. The strut of
the vain man, the teething tip of the
•'dude," the bunging gait of the unem-
pl-ye 1 club man, are all ton familiar to
call fora description. To say that a per-
ms walks likes lady or like a gentlemtln
is high prgiss. The gait can near be
picked up in after life ; it Onst be linen
in a man or woman and cultivated in
early youth. It b lost to a man when he
falls IMO bad habit*, for so surely as he
looses his .enseie.srsa of isietitsde std
pude of honor en surely will he pick op
the ppit of the loafer. An honest man,
gentle or simple,never walks tike a thief,
and the thief stn never counterfeit the
pit of as honest man, but in attempting
to apply thew roles to men else knows ft
most ba nss.mherwd that all thieves are
wet saiteht and. all s fpe.bd persons are
not Sad. 1 Alta California.
When men enema in baste, it doesn't
always fellow that they Isay. Well *aim
rem apples,
beth birthdr/.. a u.4114. Yatest• r bating reedsssas leasee.
taken pert a a ... e s ro , hone "dee via. No. 331 Dayton
old oneatry bt t w. a :'t , Olt cage', III., a stew in her aixty•
test when h, .o . a.. etgt':th • .air, and states that she hes sal -
it will `fu.l •+. ' f. .. i fere! with Consumption 4,r about tee
ties het. t,,, J .o re. 1 w yean. was treated by nine?•hysiciaus.all
that Ionia pg,.&.••.. • rt Yetlrt, •,t them pruuou'icing her .seen hopeless.
and yet he •• esu► • •e aw'i .• She had glint sp all hupt .•f ever reea.t-
t rn.,K Keret bottleseregringo of Dr. Woo s New
jaunty arare ' . ,sweat • 1
wish lou,; We .•. ..,ud giom t U.ae.•vury fur C..nauu.pti'.n completely
they wren ••..v lit t•.. his 0.-::d •• r Doubting .dipleases, please drop
itis 1-['l'aa••vw fe •a.+ ( her a postal anal satisfy yourselves. Call
rinse I a anew I, WORKS a. at .1 Wilson s drug at.,re and get a free
The Berlin tea Alai w" Alarm" fru! burrito (1.
with ....d ..wade: ,.nae jodo,ay 1 A Memento -Of One d» lieu "Tiancte-
becau.e '!•t- psi or a I.. • •y si.•tet.d i 111 t,• any nbeatssidioy the 'Jost four lnte
out tali tho Jew, .e 'etre for EI- rhyme on • tEt•ILI:Y.' the rv�rtrkabte
wire. it u: at t, .... .0,1W* •..10111C 1i: 1•: „nus for :he Tenth and Pot:.. Ask
as th .au •4 if.stit.. .•0.••4 Priori' your »lrugeest er address.
l'eter, y w ere, •a &i.. •.1• r a u•i_-art- 1 Seeing is believing. Itestl the testi
10. .0141,1 In the pamphlet as Dr. Vali
Buret'', Kidney Cure, thou buy a bottle
end •video • lonsself of all thine dintress-
In• Nuns. Your LRuggeet can tell you
alt it. mold by J N•iiaou eloderich
eepteni. noesue •. .45.,10 pin las iJett
a line trop. Il..i*., .. 0 ►•solani, *0.1 .et
seeing h e Alio', . •t•! a b.•..a8tted by
the ..stn ., t .r wry ., rely undid the
attention e. ilea .iedt •.1 that pla•,e to
the fat uuJ' et; *cilia . to uu operate
with U tay..a 114 1 t o rear 10 secure
the '.mietru..t5 it .1 4.:. , • beet' o in •ctiou
line and it natio.: • . tierce ! 1 Klu.,ra 10
G,slen.'•. Ties 21 .•-s e .. ext.titgi tow
it dittu't a an 5 ...It J Kn.alra tit in
the cold. ea 1..b•.' . -- ‘11'0 -•.wind lite
to see . i' fro.. KI .n food, tl.runabt
Pelle..'.yr, than,. Sion. W"tern.'.., tit.
Jap,bs F Opts, s 5 t. ..is as far as ye*
like, s l.etb•-'r .t t' ;• -lets Heron,
Ctoryien HI, ..r .. \"rib Pole. -
f(lue!let Melees /
1-11s 3 Cpoisl .T to 81.1:11D.
Sir ltu•htld 17.t t. i. i. Je'•Ycred poli- 1
tial adder,* in %. , • art .vetting un-
der tin arWe..4 t . Y.•oo,r ]lass lie-
f.,rst Club. 4 • .. , ,. it teat. of .hes
best speakers int', 1. et*. Ile .-454 unmask
a bunt..._ ,no* . lentis ell, mud be is
no it. the p •Mien . , my to the Dories :
'.I told you Jo," be u t.. Pr'' ve his plant
every tine. %: h.•s tete vnit.... ion waive
was to 11.g n'1t . al. 4 .re.-, 'lar lisclwrd 1
foretold .''tat t tae ..1., woutd awn He
f•.resaw the gluts.. .e sr seta. the dearth
of em,rl.rtl .end 'me re.l»setwsta of wages
and Bat povr:•ti th.t. M ways follows ups
per...sive teaat:••,. .ii- wends@ no c mpre• '
mese wt.!' • he it. •et. , tot evil. fie told 1
MMede and slot 1 elea tint their were
wren?, ant• lite t.ve. • .•sob prof rd -that he
I was neat. We eke the oat becasse be
lee .near judguseet an.4 %tonnage to std
up tor what he Loose rn he right, and we
like atm, too, osl ac•..m.t of the enemiesthe has autde.--{Hamilt.Ns Times.
Forty ;earl p ex a it net every clime
on earth, has prove". .• yet's Cherry Pey-
ton' te b. the most rrliat•le remedy for
colds, c,w_:hs, sold al lung diseases.
S.-, cctud goods oftro termite incurable
..iiu.e.ts Uesl whit tht.0 in bice. and
prevent their becennu.g deep seated in
the system.
Street, Goderlch
A good as.erIsrl.nl of Kitchen, Bed room Owns !anon and Parlor Fttrnitwre-t_ ten
Mrs. Chairs their. cane and wood seated,. Cupboards. Bed-Mead"Matrruee, M Mtr/e
Loewe. 4Mga. Wbat-Not a, la,u►bsg Ula.aes.
N. B. -A compute woo. -sleet of Callus and ttbrouds always en Lead oleo Hearse• 1r bite
at reaatembie rate .
Y.ctare Wresting a spec laity.-- A call ealkitcd. l:el
N..t:..tial fills area mill purgative, (1 Have the Largest Stock,
..c:tnp (•a tar rtutMOh, !Wig' and bowels,
remuv►r,, all obstruction. lar
Carters Little Liter Pill. ere free from
all e r :de and irritating matter. Cout-eu-
tr t'd tissdiciue only ; very small ; very
catty to take ; m, rain ; no griping : u..
»urlia.;p, les
h':eemasi s Werra Powders are agree-
ah!I, to take, and expel all kite's of
aortas from chiAtren •,r adults ltu
The Latest Style&
The Most Leliable Goods
And the Lowest Prices
iI'IiT Tat rum -Poverty CG..L11 =xazz-a.isie_
with perfect health is rather to herbaria
*haze ric n -s dud dyspepsia, Try the NO TR(ICBLE 'cATE''ER TO 'SHOW MOODS.
taatt'e etre,:t of a .jollu Ixttie ul 'oryy. w
•01 HL.tL:-n
IF •.r rnngb a he Traditions of thy M - ID O W- i ■ 1 ■ 0- '
Stuow, ening the benne 1'itnple..'lr•.ptioo ■ a �/ �/ i t �i.r
and akin dietetics, vee Pref. Law's '-'!-
phur Grp. m \ Crahb's Bleck, Corner Last street and Situate.
-111 Nervus Debility cured Ivy the use (:ad.rri ; „ia k:h, ItSrt1.
of ib. F. t;. fl'oat's Nene sed &ids, y
Traatmrut. Seer advertt•rmeatelsewhere
Sol.l at Prison's drug stere. (2b
T»» R*woa'a DA,ruat'rt'-Cleanse the
scstp with Prof. Lone Alpe Sulphur
$os,. A deli,pbtfow medicate, 'asap for
the toilet. lin,
National Ptlla are unsurpaMsl es a
safemildyet thorough. purgative. net-
ts,;; &poen the biliary or,pana ptomptly and
etf ••'t usI I6. lee
Say* Dryden :
":She knows her mar., anti when y •u rant
and swear.
Can draw you w her with a single fusion"
Bat it mast be bw.nhfel hair to hang
such power : and beautiful hair tan bei
ensured by the nae • f Coe; ILG•4* HAYS
Reaawin. Seta a' Z.(1 eta. by J. W iL..0
• . 2m
=. 'Wedi.clataap
rte! t. attsiera ce t• the Advise tint ve opened business in the above $tor
in the. store !a!ftl occup led by Horace .re - . Hating purchased a large sod
wail ansate.:atticutSpttne sed Steiner floods at close figures, we are determine
'ft. give the Public the beret..
tui flea V 1,L ►+, , ssai 111f i Ates x A u n WM tr i
,*1'!ea#ittcal pisidesansine attgoods before pert hissing elsewhere,
lir4'.estieraber thePlace. sold door to J. Wilson's Drug Store
t>1r•Cest•,ui work will 'well e.sur special attention.
:air\one bat As best of material used and firs' -class workmen esupleyed.
jallritaiaring neatly d.ne nn the shortest notice
-- Answer ll.r/ed- Colleriel. )larch f► 11183. DOWNING & W E D D U E
Cao any tomonng us* ase ..f hidreey -
Thew Fakirs lir Mira •r Liter t'vtttp aint that Electric Bitters Tl! t .
1 A wise Quakerism' use 1 t . any, in her
l urinous, that thane wear threw follies of
uueu which always amazed her. The
first was their climbing trots Pi shake
fruit d,•ko, wheu. if 'Ley only waited a
little it weu'd fall of its oma accord :
the second was that they should go to
! w tr tet l 1 sac nt ter, w lea t t ey o parts. Wavy brittle guaranteed. Tor
wai:ud, they would sill die ua;uraiiy. and sap,; a! ;ode_ a hot!!._. bis .1. Wilson. [ lie
the third was they should run alter
will not speedily cure ! We say tlfey
Gannet, as thuutsawis of cases a:ruwdy
permanently cured and who are,Isi:y re-
comn.enaiiug Electric Bitter., will prove.
Bat ht'i Diu sac, Diabetes. Weak Back,
or .ny urinary t•.•replaint quickly curedL
They 'misty -tie blood, regulate the bee -
els. and act directly •,u the tiiteas.al
woman. which. if they would not (ie. the
! women would tee aura to run after them;
oats tbeaas.
.telt l:l.'um. Pimple% or 111otrbot can be
j thutu51,t:.1) net tovrd by . proper application.
of M. -tires -or `• Parke's Carbolic Carate u
tide pari, and a few d.a•ea of Met;rtgoFs l;pete.
, (sur.• foe impure blood. He ante and get the
genuine. Prepared by Longer .4- Parke'
1 mould at :i cent. a Gourgr Myna.; I,rug
▪ or:. ire:
1;ll 'll�Pi'
vOR X885_
1$1,00 IB PRIM. 11,700
1. R.ftattere et Mt Hensen wee aebeeethree.
Z. Averages ten pageant. b week -tre t:enily
, *startling 04,e.veei. 3. Heautief.�ly printed by new Web -feeding
Physician's are (Atm startled h a. farnrlM! A ranted l
gr, f►eyewrtews•rt.
niarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr: ! Health Hials, by a eremitical Phts,.'nn.
King.* New Discovery f.,r Constant -con d. Loyal Quer:.-, asawered by "'.It- Nanism.
and all Thtr,a anti Lung disenaesasdaily ' 7. Ent .•.r ' U.pwrtlrir& tt J. Lea, -ages.
canny I.stietst that they have given up F • i•
t, die, to startling thew to resides their 9_ fads•. tt,tletrtmeet
OW h'1 1 k•par ' t 10
sense of duty, „useLamine into f!t1 k.. a of eel is Norei:gn Cowntrtr..
merits of this wonderful disc.,rery. re- IL Quirt Momenta.andMactoff'
suiting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- pl Preachers atul ('hurchee.
Meal Geed s•beer. clans using it in their practice. Trial , it. Cancratad t'awf0t.
q t ts, l armimt levier*. bfnslr•. leer nn ..
bottles free at J. Wiliam a Drut t)Iore.,1 N; wittitsm+ of the week
A mai who&alumni n habit o1 .irini Regular sine e1.0,. f4j
17, Trout- Sewing Itis Sea. and The Wil
way to depression) non the road t' ruin. World.
ebun' it. Personal and Politiral
to en trotb0.Miet upp,u
, earned slsehten • memos aYve
of reusing his enemies to combat it, he Tt a greatew medial wonder the
weakens, hu f.cultte• gr vet dull, bus w• old. Warranted to •poedily cure
judgment becomes eb,cu:e». end Le 1 Burns, Ileuises,Cuts,Ulcers 5a1t Rheune,
sinks into the s' ?'a of d•tspair. And. tfFever Sures. Caao,rs, Piles, Chilblains)
anybody pulls him tut by Unit, force ! Corns Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
and places him safely on solid ground. Sktn Eruptions, guatauteed to ease in
he stands t!.ere do 4 -etc and discour- ' every instance, or uumse • refunded. 23c.
aged, and is pretty sure to waft,' the 1 per box. For sale bJ Wilson. ly.
meats of help which hal been given him. ,
How different it 'is with the mac who i ..--teeter she 1 e.
take. a cheery view of life emu at its If
eased . 'tits !loge r appetite.
you are suderlak with I•,w and de -
worst. and faces every ill with unyishl- I pr pt ( general
' y. +.•udere d Iiluueak cnnstl-
an orerwhehntng tide of misfortune, but taltsoo. M••a••h•t�#y i..aese•isdwik
he bravely e:ruggprr f•ir the endear, sod .i,.us astern, by alp meas ptoearn w nest_
is ever ready to make the most of the tie of Electric Hitt Y 'll be
Inc pluck . He may be swept away by I dehil•t di.
help that rely be given Lite. A cheer-
ful, hopeful, enuregeons .iispnsitien is
invaluable, and should b.• aasidtsosaly
_ _ _ to r
Postage at.eew.
Ponape to Goat Brenda- »r par p ot.noe by
arts route. Itrglstration ir» Se.
Morar orders geanted on all n.oait en4er of.
Aces iw (•&nada, lane I SLate,. Urea? Bantam,
Prince K.l ward lame!, New tw;t.dla,d and la-
i..•pnall. receir...i older the regular.nns of
the plat /Ace @avian lank between 4'». hours
of A a m. and »;3e p.m.
itrtisten.l letter. mast =sated :3 minus.•.
before the alar 0f each �afC
tuner hour • am. to ado poi.. hundaya cx-
,Oar'•.♦ 1.1eTbbw,"
Canada having been admitted late the Per
tat t-aloethere h • r.»- rr germaet d petal
rare•. a. follows :
For .fuer*. Itrl'e1nm. t)rnwurk. Ireland.
Egypt, France. Algeria. (ferment Ultwahat
(treat Itritain ant! Ireland, Metre. Italy. Lux.
robe Malta. Montenegro. Netherland. N..r.
way. Persia. Portliest. Aaor.s. Romania,
Ruler*. tet. Pierre, Servia, Spain. the Canary
lalanda, Sweden, Nweterland and T.rkey.
And aia United stats use, gra
e'aba, Denials unionist of al. fa.
f ('roti. Jamaica. Japan. wad forte
(afewf,wwdIt d is new la tier elwtal (mics,
but the postal rates roman, as bsk»rei. lettere
Scoots sari owaaa. Portal ,-.oder rests tarn.
Ne wManen t »ata for t trustees. 11e !atm -
t Ion Ise 5 agate.
Fee Adsa. Arasatlae ('oafsdotalion. 1yrMh
Drinah (lnl.ra, Ceylon. U•eralaad. Frame
Colonies in Asia. Africa. (k'.sa4,a end=
Ica, swept 411. Pierre and ftpewelan,
Oa Permian (butt. Port moms C'loale.In MIs.
Arr1.a, ()teenier. Trinidad. 4/aotsh C0Mak.
in •rias. OcesnIea gad Aseerks,etswp CMis
sagPwt•to RIta Remits 'Wtkatert• In llftsa-
/.fw. Pyttawt awl Maines litters ter. pp.r7,
• nooks. tc,. M. fur 4 et. (Nber remtatry-
nie fee Mr_
men rains (eland* ri. Halifax, same tattiest
Preeayaarn' h> .'amp in alt,tsatee
Asseratia. te.eepr New lawith Wales Tie-
awd QaeMwr4and . totem, ;e.
Australia. New grub Wales. Vidalia,
e-�wl�rnMe- ampere 4e -
PIM 'ministe• -lettere stor, i `tats
ere on wt sar-
i prised to ser the rapid imprt.Yement that
will fellow ; poo will he inspired twilit dew
life; strength and adtirity will rs�ytn •
pain and misery kill cease, and hotace-
ft-rth you will rejotae in the praise of
E:ectric Sitters. t' .ld at fifty bents a
j b. the b. J. 'Aileen. iron
A niweslag t. •It Miarhsay,
1., three times when our newspapers
are :!•.eded with patent rnedicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to knew what
to pot -cure that will rsstainly cure you
if you are bilious, blond out d ,order,
laver inactite, or :eneral debilitated,
there is nettling in the world that will
curt you so quickly as Electric Bittern
They area Mewling to all nankin.!. and
eon 1.,- had ter only fifty cents a tattle
of .lane% Wilma% 12: J
inti 4444. tttae,
"No : she lingered and suffered along,
"pining all the time fpr years. the doc-
'tom doing her no gond ; and a kat was
'cured by this Hep getter. Ib. papers
'espy to much shout. Indeed t i t
ehe.w thanlful we .hould be for that
4 plartttss Mara% i.
'ti im. J''l�ear d Huron. Miele write.
That hu one had leen trnwblb hilt
agate Bronchitis for many years, and that
ani remedies Med rave no permanent re-
pyf. until he prweared a . of Dr.
digng's New Dtsvartry for ('ntauaspIiow
Coughs and 001411.
vitmwa eh nen
Te ie amarealt..l fes w...��il n(
Tlrnst, ttr
Trial tiotlTw foe at J. Zti �
' 19. t'at•rent ')pinion alt *nets.
I :D. Iteattahlt• and potnte.1 Kditurial.: li.•:iaP'e
News and Commercial itep.ert.; and
1rrekr T» -k- rano from all icer the
For ft rtv..t Lrgr•IF circulated Fat • ly
V4..•Uy ;n 1 enacts, excepting/ 05;4
two papers is Montreal and
two la Toronto.
(;IOICF:OF3IX Pi:VMit'*:4-
Otle of »1ra following powder Premienr win
nonyyiurwarArd to each subscriber for l+v,,;, on
t wIM to Order lettr:
e''''..."1: Home ind Health. Me
C. t' hair. l:ertye•• Ise
1 . - lita4•tert Portrait. m e.
F.. - Wellington stat Htocher. Nr.
F. The trance eery. 1k.
, �g•at• wanted In every a -Tying Nix
Prise', reg In value starve
will beawassled� -h next. to •' a mots
sueneasfuf nava tree tam' .,- µaper*.
tern to events, rte.. wrest.
t.»»NIION, term,
platen' of the email additional *5.05144» re -
letter 0k.. aeoorrlirog to
The Signal's Clubbing Offer.
TINA 4e0w►L alwd Tt,. tt r'4T..s 4 no .-a-
T1a1tN win be mailed to any whirler from nos
to Januarryy Int. MIS on reeelpt of onl a1
Tam A*ve.t%.
t either logrrracN'a poq�rpro-
tatwasaY roatilred tar additional amount for
meat be reetoseI. as atone. with fall
lass sato which is wasted.
Kisart Weed and llelladona combined
with the other Ingredients used in the
best porous plasters make Caranrt'a 14 W.
& 1t. Backache Plasters, the best in the
market. Price tie cents lot
Haar Just reettved gimp •••.k
Mw --
ear kl , Pans and Boilers
l�itbf siMesiMlihntiee.
1111 .: *.d lit
Weeks Pm O. T. R iltalies. 1 T. 11111JURN 1 tw, p"' a!
Tae otdgt EstdbffsMil
Cheapest Store ih the
County of Huron.
tlranutated •►agar, 12 Its / �.fD: by tb. 1b.
toe. (other surer. in Mug to seen
on rtnlircry.
Meek Taw at no.. 'real tabby Olru. Tea 1a Oa.
sari..: neer Massa at tet. and tic. Orem
Taw Yowg• Myron• from fc, M Sao. Otiw
powder Tss, Mc.: the er 05,i.
Haag tie. test
A very OmJapan!Sitting at *e. Ib.
Pint. to close ob price' to Ivy p�tunWL Faetery
T o r weir tieiY Li w mks at
e►eYrV anew est the lest. sag •ell Ibis M
same price as cueon>,11»reat•
from rob dieity, it I *smote! *Or
w t �A . r: at
ops, ,I ppttlklJ" .
Onderirb. J, n !she 1514.
lluOUSNE* M 1/Nf11& •
ERrSIPfu& Amor Of
*417 /WOK riff OF011404
Ma'e_tg)esle. el�
i M