HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-5, Page 8THE HURON 'SIGNALL FRIDAY, DEC. , 1884. tree •ad e•K hurt tie tie *Welder. • on dull, sue aterage atteadaoe 1, if 5. 1 is naa,reruag slowly. A carpe oulleetku was gneu,bet w , have At the regular w.ertia tef Mutmug 8h, Loden, Nu. 309, A. F.+sad A. M., bead lest Wednesday, the following offi- cers were elected for the coining year '- Win. Deified W.M. ; Alez. McKenzie, l,W.; Hush (erten, J W.; Alex. Mee, chaplain : John Tifiln, tress., re-elected ; John Wilson, cosy., re-elected ; Jesse Grummet, tyler. Oarlow. The trainees ..1 S. S. No. 3, C.'iburaaa, Mire engaged H. Budge as teacher fur the ensuing year at a salary of $37b. The Carlow foot ►;all dub intend giving a public entertainment on Fnday, 19th inst., in the township hall. The club etas soared neither time nor jams to nuke it a success. Come early atod wcuru a seat. aanbDege J. S. Ifebkirk, general storekeeper, has made an auigutuent. Titer I)em. Hover. -The parties who deo sited the carcase of a defunct a itiine where they had uo right to do en,rew.v- ed the nuisance las. Wedneday after - num, and put 'r atuo to further trouble. SOLD - H. Ilnadle has scold his import- ed ClyeesJale stallion "Fruei.au" to Messrs. Dew & Celeuhoen, de Hibbert. f hal d ' '"► fol attu.,uuu. luIu and luuies•eres t.' be The price is $ auuwhere in the neuthb"r• D Hurley. culvert, cue b and d. $8; t4 laid t•rfure the house : innexsti •u of hood of $1,500. Harry has been very Glozier, r�lrinug culvert, eon Z; ai.J !►, Jamaica ; referet in jury c)m:uw ; rinrli_ draught horses. He has generally srcur- Keeton., $1;,43; It Twa•uley, gray.•uu'2 ratlway to be under centre' of the Gutt- ed good animals arta has always sole at ee N •ravel , std half amount, etre J uritmrnt ; the Aunt -exemption of ohutch Agar, inspect ■ g prot.rtti ; abolition of county csuncids ; Then til met ■t Scltcld Ixtt1M Ne. 4A beard the ttuount yet. 9, on Weduwiey, the link November. ' The usoudite• gave their last mites - All the members prusurtt. The minutes teiamant last week, "prior to their lease of last meeting were read ni:d ngio.i. int ear midst,' to a large audioeett. Petition of T. Di• her, Wm. Gourley and After the eluctien et J. MeL Ca•npbell other praying for the opening of 8 R to the chair, the following program was 9 and 111, awe. 3 and 4, K D., was bid g�eenie : dune, Mir Eloedyr ; teenage Mae McKeon recitation, Mica Cruick- ahauk ; meanie, J. Co'per ; mouth ores* metal, Messrs. H. Staut.ury and C. Bowen ; snug, Miss Fleetly ; reeling. Wm. 1':,tler ; duet', Aliases late. ,.!lust and McGill. Deane "R.,.00lviee that the pas is meanie that the sword' Wig until Dell rneetio% 'rbe clerk wee loy, P Iteed, W� J Treleaven, 'r Mimi* and 1' McNamara to take down posttest of their fences. Ito as to preve,it the se - cumulation of meow. The fulkrwiag accounts were ordered to be pad : -D Auderwpn. •23 roes wire fence, 36.90, J ewe instructei to nottty W orae, W Ki-tk- -- - - seas. as Nerd enedease I did workers and right glad (•dried 1 Thee ewer the fatigue well, add the ob- oars ID v emend are ceuatautly a 'shine that .he number of tee % 'yagueure was three team& as large as at Is. as t'auta: APPasL CAtw, Dec. 1.-Wolarley has ramie(' a general order uterine, and almost eppenl- iag to the truops to exert tl•odw101ru to the utmost te'reach Khare u He say. it will be itupossible for Ge•nir r to hold out teach Imager. and he meet be sa♦td (nate the fate what' betel Gestural Stew- art's ,arty in a dau;er••ns anti foiled' eitenli,t to escape down the Nair unaided by tnepe 1n Animism. na the'1'b alt, It.e was et W. _-- t). tt"Utus,e/ru■ua1•lr'. Arkansan, 1Vis., Deo. L -Jilin Jut• •such it. dro died uu tisterday aged 121. He !:..\ub•nd, on th.• 'lash ell. l the n•,ktesloe o/ the bride's mother, by the *Hew. 1p�rytttto,�►s was the oldest person in the state, and arta, Mr. Ta...ladere& of Mot of iii. oslt.! was beau treat Multra i. to t:t.:holla IL. tuaagest daughter of the Ian lure. \ ones. t'ulburue. N LY. Al her late r ekt*.re. Sarnia. ow Maday. Iteveutber let. Ica& Jsu.- Rebeetees. etas "t pates tit Cape. F:. Robertson At the Nile, Nov. 2tIh. tier beloved wife of J. W. Ja.:kmaa. aged 11 %ears. Affirmative, Ileum. J. I;utchart rt1 I' t'oa..ia"TlttoPLZ, Dec. 1 - •ft a •.funder Is COMING_ Nixon. 132 do, 339.60; T Pentland, 9i► Green , negative, atestes. 11 A At a do, 92$.40; H M. Pb.., 35 do, $10 :10; and W. A. Meese. A sharp tire was T Ford, 60 do, 313; A McKay, 60 la es kept up for an hour. lu .nuauing up at stone and 73 x.40; W Mallw', h. wine fence, $'.*4. 6; D Murch.reon, m- ein culvert on D. L, con, 13. 50d. ; J W rod ravel and coven•'• W •ester, 24 . ed here that the Slahtfi ♦ et s{ ..sod to enter into negotiations wit:. W'ulaeley, t»Jc to Papers e g culvert, ouu 12, $'38; K McKenzie, tutn- pikintl on S. R. 3 and 4, cue 12, KD., 20 rule, $20: 1' McKeuzie, damage to huttttl' 9''2.43; J Kilpatri'k, buildeng was decidedly in [ayur of the etirmative by 4 p.,tnia Thus tutted the usual suc- cessful debate of the season. Hoc.). or CosmosA. --A full attend- ance id tuentbur, were t to see the inauguration "i tett .,ter •or temernl, aidd the Cabutet Ministers take their state. The te.11owing is a symbiosis of heeler, gr■vellit.g, putting a culvert. the speech front the throne : Uectlrmert grating tool spr.autidg gnieei, $56; . as of the Clinton Hotta it l'uuuno. s --My Uulvert.cnvoring bridge on S. R. 3 and 4, lea 75; W' Morse. huddling culvert, tilling and gradin,!, 32.2; A Johnston. haitelio% culve'r't and clearing tire slosh, $9; b' Mc- Carthy, planking culvert, $2; V Moran, repairing s:&Je at Phillip's s bra ge, Goverment extends its hearty congratu- lations t.. fou that you are met taste her to trauaact the affairs of state. It is to be he;,ed that the business which elan e'en... In fore yeti wi!I reeeee your cart sreed figures. St. as:21lL. Mrs. Leask is visiting friends in Cselph. Cameron & D.tri'lsu, threshers, have dissolved partnership. Joe will here- after carry on the business by himself. The youngest child of l'eter Clark, blwksmnth, butot herself in the face rather severely tfh Monday last. The and 4, 86; W 11cCarthv, little girl. who is but ate tha old, repartee culvert 8.11 3 a was placed in a hie:* clan near the tire, when in some way the chair toppled over, with the shore results. ravelwork, $told. J on 9 con,Me- lt at 40c(lisle cert on E.L. inspeetimg w 'rk Ilan. regain:._ et B.L, $14; W Nomg leave of Colborne, curveviu, and deed or decietiuu n'rd on ILL Aabtiehl and 'ulb.mte, 39. ;0; J Griffin, repsirine J Fe .'a hill and planking culvert and gra, leg on 8 it 3 ult•urts see gal•i; cu.. erre, repair."e, e sal• rt- •1•'re mei tine' him. if Feasible near K1 srtoum. .A J bums ui is deal. Books A 'septet has reached London that EI .e. Locales walrw Cards I O).if3 All Dailies jotting their sale, fulls printed at Toys this ease will get • free some '•werte.l in EtO th.n list up to the time of aide. t:r.T lot 1: ..> t Ab'.t w , pert .f rlu settee sal y A I in the town t 1 W inttlem. in the county Newspapers and Periodicals' f Ifona', keine lot N. 14. on he East AT MRS. (Y10KK'-. nor t J.sephine street, oh whwh is Call and seet'111i1STMA$ SP:..'!AI.TIIir`I. I situated a Large two -atom stone block. MRS. H. COOKE, divided into stores. at the 13reusirie►t hotel. 1Yingham. at 12 11. :lock, n'.m. prat Successor tot;. o. Sheppard. S.turday, the 6th day of December, .@dad&. Dec. Stk. lat. list He is allowing • spiwdid sseerteeat d 13ti4 =ES! DZBI Aers, sl gale of first-class awl bl en. C��a aid Glassware. cutter, sleighs, Larntar, rebus app! ben- kets, at the auction ,tort, 'text doter to Martine betel, Hamilton .fret', I'e•'ep' r ewe. S rich, ray John Knot, aectieneer, :.t 1 o' cis k p. m. , on Saturday, De:emi t. •. r 6: b, C.A.NAIRN HAs EVKttYTHINU YOU WANT GROCERIES NEW AND FRESH FUR ---- AS few advereimeasate Jona M■,-Tasger•. strayed Willis Sae ed Meer -Wet. ads �ood Waited Wm. Mac stale hazel w 1 Wasted W a. M 44 cards- ttaasder w O More t'. L sale or Rent Arch. M vent Notlats- Ass. T. lkeea Goods Sale- J. Sale l7soero&. Dalen. repairs >t S3 0 1l d my away hien al' title,.: a Lill 10 ORAT'El''l L..Ct)lltPttI :IgG. Fee. 571 rots dl 31 * 30; a Pend the present law of •testes ; este. H beetles'''. est $e' I) metes to be laid "u the taele at an writ Poucher, gradiue flute, and framed a ith a dna ,.aid to on reed, $8; J Mc The Bishop held • confirmation service in the English church here I:wt Thurs- day afternoon. Twenty ca:miidatea were eonfirmtri. On Friday evening the annual meeting of the Bible aeciety branch here was heli in the same place. Rev. 11r. Manley, the .ociety agent, was present, and gave an iutereatit a address, I•seb'rL. A horse belonging to Ben. Allen dropped dead in the road last week. Mn. D. Cummings was called sway last week to artend the funeral of her father John Dean, "1 Kim;ebridtte. l'+x Nessa. - We are glad to learn that • Christy McLeod who has been very ill recently, is now convalescent. CoN, rkr. - The jubilee singers, will rive a grand concert at the Nile on next Monday evening. 8-nol..t'+i it . Quite a n.nnber of changes arc eh..ilt to take p: tae in our teaching staff in the townsaip of Col- borne. T Gunn, buildir.t anti remain $6; J Sullivan. plenkiig ant approach e. tea" culreet.,810; t ors of jurors, 34 each; J Burka ting ',e rails on Flynn's bride". Finn, protection fence, $11; T Co replacing culvert con 4, $2,75; T art, grading and building culverts 2, K.R. 3 and 4, 354.90; K Hun date* 14.R. 3 and 4. e9 rents at 1$c, $1&80; J Mord•'ck, building apprietebes to bridge on 18 mile river lot 38, $20; J McDonald, building cedar culvert de r KR. 9 and 10, W.D., 321.75; A Mc- Leod, ditch cou 12, W.D. 50 mils at 18e. $23.10; H Austin, repairing culvert L.R., $3.25; D Kuetcbel, ditch LR.. 32; A lepiadler, 88 rods ditch at 9c, 72 do et 23e, culvert of L.R., 012 underdrem c0neuml &R. 9and 10, 31.50; underdrain LR, 93.96; budding culvert opposite Boyd's twill LR., total 856.76; J Brown, put- ting on lumber on drain, 32 40; J Dean, THE Lan repairing culvert L R., 1+8.50; N McRae, able surmise butldiug 333 rude crossway on con 12, at citizens op Freda 32,367; M Bowler, butltling culvert on death of Mr. Dar 3 and 4 S. R, 37.90; A McLed,d, buildBorne th - ing culvert can 12, 32.45; W Kempton, Duncan was a see 145 nods wire fence,$43.50;.1 McGregor, attack of ielamtuattot do 17, $5.10; D Thorburn, 43 de, hie life was thou d tallied sol tearPret! se around ma attend to his and it was hoped by his fat would anon be all right w - tat ecout.u.y, coni;tent w;'h • proper ad. tuiiiistretiuet of pul+:ie- attars A limey d:a: usst. n took piece on tree %peech freta the tl..'e.te. lar. Holmes, 1r.+tlr4 of the t►pposteou, taw.: scrota greends aesiest the seeec!%, and will• air. Manning fonts. leg a thi"d faott ,d, dra'otit.e the ranks of. the the:tisterite aide. but )fusers Camp- bell, Parr awl thtere.sa d.fee,nded it'no- bly, ami raised the stitttr ..f the Goo- irumetit, routing th • :),pp.oeitioa bediy. Sias'•$. Mrs, Tobin visited friends in' tedcrieh this week. Henry Rr bertson, of teelerich. ratted our burg last week. Many of his friends were iair.ed to 1 rn ••t the death u; John Met tl:um, eriy of Guderieh, who last au:i nter he guest of Anthony Allen. His was the result of a c.Id contracted ring match in Gtderich 'excise years ago, wed which ended in fu was deet et a r riuk tit n. or lAttileeRl) INK. ('u'1'. of HaRTronn Coon Patabllshnl Idle. ltidi:s taken in the above first-class Office at thelowest ratty b% 1101:At'E i1WtTL .. The nmeesten,-4 is aero Appear, v"f tt-e CAN lip.: VEIL LOAN Act SAVINGS CO. or Toaotvm. llLtt%l1�. Stoney -to Lose on first -clam security. trop. - • 7:4° *• e our l�.at . Ct,Mrg'a :tw;ternte. H alt/ DrNc*L.- Consider- Ht.[t.\t'E ORT(*N I roost was felt 1'y tear PPS'SCO(}' BEOKS' TANNERY, saltford. C. A NAIRN, BREA KFAS'e I "By • thorough knowledge n: 'tau- I The highest essb prme paid for I'Ide.. calf Court House Square. (. leriob rel taws .. etch K ocern pee neeratums% e t and sheep skins at the SALTPOltt' Tannery. tiweatten and nutrition. and by c poet d i A. z: J. f4F('1C Dee. 4th, Itls1. appUcati,wh of the bar properties u( .dei. nialttoru. Dee. 4. tail. Ills - - selected !Woe. air. F:ppe has pru.ilcrt ear , breaktast : it ..•, *irk a de:ieate•ly Nae,,. .d 1 beteg.;;.• tvt,t.n irri weer Tei. ©ranee Hotel I ' Wilson s Prescription Drab tore. da;ot tNl:.+. It 1s 1ry the Judictucs n -c a.t I T,j Stich arecleean( dict that • . onstatL. on r -.a% i 6 ( •.'me at and look. 1: you dou'l buy. No Trouble to Show Goods. be gr...tuat'y built up until rtreue •'nods" la- recti: ei err tendency nu d:»ea.c. H11.t,t ,- 1, of subtle ,u.tisdp.es arc t:Jul,tt,t •sroucd to ready to wherever :here is • wow:. point, We may escape man) n t...el aattt by an•;otng ours--Iyea well turtife•d with purr biou,t and n prtiperly nourished frame. - --ecru $retia• the :etre. -e' _Jai .imp', wish I+Nti.et water or intik. Maid ut.ly w t'aokets by Oru- sacs. libel •4 'Yea: ",tatsent F:t•Iv A c0.. H wsseapatntc l'b.eri 1s, t.uoden Kim ole ag.•nt ter tonside. l'. F. Cut dm. Stoat" a• 1NSU1; ttieli CARD, blterlelf ABA OWL Toaoero-Established tea PIIt NiX IgE feel. L,Ntwx England' - 1tr►lieLed 1:12 To the FIR1IERS OF HURON All howthe howPopular and Reliable .,std will carry on the business t;'erealter. 1111 MeiliCilleS 1 1 hate extensive sheds and stabling in tuts•• Hon. and will euaraatee first -•lass attention, 1 .,;plinit the patronage of the Temperance Farming C.w'munit v. and will guarantee them , n reiu1rw table stopppymn; place. � A limited [lumber of boarders w31 he ec- cotumI otate . L J. TREBLE. ' \'ietoria street. opposite the Fair Ground. The ,ullic are hereby lutunoed that the, sob- s, rfb t intends to star.a Teu.p ran -e hotel. ifs t.11'l."Itis' \'Tern%M,• 1g$4, at regular rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. t;ode r,. h, Nov. 11. 11,s1. t701 - last un beeline of the - Duncan, of Egawrd- 18._.. months aro Mr. E sufferer from a.: of the be...Ilea:el ' 'red of, but he IL.LSTRATED. Is MAKING A r-l'kCIAL DRi' E FOR �unt1' THE HOLIDAY T R A D E p • miry duties. , tl Altr tis tt-ettaty has sow. !w twenty yerrh ataitted iia position sea floe razz,: Joseph fleetly was in Hullctt last week 314.40; D Farriah, 35 rods wire fence, at the wedding of two of his neices, $1A. Lit; T Ford, protection fent••, e_':'..'0; which occurred ou the seam day. Fr. fr' Mclunis, ditch on ILL , a'!7. •es: A Watters joined the happy couples in McKenzie, reporting hridi;e, 'etre; T Len - wedlock. non, culvert con cot and 10, E. D., D 1 L•.wevrr, was not to be. . Rau love Missionary services were McKinnon, coverine and tepairin;t t u 1 weeks ago he tool a relapse f held at Sheppard'tt on Sunday morning B.L, $8.70; T Hams, 103 roods wee. he never fu:ly rea'rered althuug by Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich, $30-90;:e Knigbta, ;3•J rods tupdetdra.n ; able to go about until the day bee • and at the Nile in the evening by Rer. anal lumber, 811rods open ditch on S. It., death,and nn the previous Sunday J. Braley, Seafonh. ti and 10 cosi 2, 349.64; W Shields. re -1 tended church at Eionundville. moving hogs account of burnitiz cross- ` Duncan was one of the pioneer sett Exris S* XT. It is the intention way, $2; W Chandler,repairing approach, of this (menet. He was a carpenter b of the Nile Sabbath school to have Xmasa to bridle on 3 and 4 S. R. con 4. 31; J ` (rade, and metre yeas ago was the 1'esd• about tree and entertainment no n oubt some bta ' Tytert, 84 rods stone ditch on hill t3.L ielt contractor and buiidor •.f tees da• decal Xmas. This the doubt willof a 3 and 4 at $1.1)5 per rod, also filling Arid. Of late years, kowe.er, fortune decoded success as the parties are cuing w out on hill, $11.60; (1 Twamley, bad not fevored`him. and fear scene time into it with all p,ssible real. 12:►1 rods wire fence- $38.70: W J Tre- tit the day kept In stock. Sole Agent for Seigel's Pills, it Ointment and Syrup. iJAS. WILSON. Otetetlete tad WM. feu. ip3- I; ORGE H. OLD s,rper's Weekly.: THE GR0C�R, tat that he air.. The., bout two which he was his t►t- Cbierlch Townshi;. Protracted meetings have been held die has beea workit at kis trade as a leaven, 139 rods do, and two under- journeyman. In teeny reel•ecta he wase. drama. $43 60; J McWhinney, pert pay• retuarlt.able and gifted; mea. He was • mete plank bridge on B. L, 81.75; Sas close and arient student, an ettensive iirowu, gravel, 32.80; msurar.ce on this week at Sharon church. gannon court house, 82.15: B Jewell. writer. Few men, either lay ' r ct.rteal The jubilee stress were interrupted plank and road work, 317.30:.1 Mattie- are better versed in Biblical knowledge, by half drunken roatths a' Taylor's corn- son, i.uilding and filling abutments to and h was equally apt roe imparting his ere on Thursday of last week. The con- `north end Pritchard's bridge, IS wale knowledge to tellers, and teak a special cert, however, gave pleasure to those who river, 32.89; R Hamilton, building truss delight in every branch of church work. had not imbibed. lover 18 mile river, $2.33; 11 McKenzie, Fe r several years he has beets a teacher A. H. Plummer lies resigned his pest- i mistake in dog tax, 31; D McKenzie. de, in the Presbyterian Sabbath Scheel in tion as teacher .1 S. S. No. 2. and will 1 31 .1 Culvert, d.,, $1; J Sullivan. mis- this town. and for .nese---toast'•-has had be succeeded by Mr. Diehl, of Stanley.: take in assessment, $1.78; widow Martin, Mr. Plummer will attend the Normal I charity, 35; M Maguire, do, 85; M Wal - school at Toronto. lace, work on con 10, $2; J Warren, The Rev. Mr. Steel, who has been 1 snrtey on 8.R. 9 and 10, can 3 and 4. appointed by Bishop Baldwin as succesaer E. D., 310; J nehmen, culvert S. R. 9 to Rev. C. It. Mathew, in Godericb and 10, 39. By-law No. 8, 1884, the township, was introduced to the congre- gation on reenday Iasi, and preached in edit• ed blase No. 11, at sopa au the last St. Stopnen's church and ala in the I Mendav in December. The potline churches at Middleton and Holmesville. (Places and D. R. officers to be th amine as last year, except that J Tieert was this last tribute of respect to the memory The Rev. Mr. t<tse:.•,lote of Blenheim, appointed for No. 1, to place of J pia of their departed friend- He hall faults. unci again at same place on Thurs l ty, the anent of tire•' eh' knew him best, that e) were ape. -ecus arm nc p3 man'' virtues. ilia aged partner still survives him, het his faintly are al grown up and able te, provide for them- selves. Mr. Duncan is the third pio- neer eh- has departed from our tweet to the long home during the exist Werk. was presented by the member of un- reader, a is aj seer--^t:•I a twiny eheree '.f tee Bible class. A greater tribute t-, hit efficiency as a te♦clie: ane the eateeur in whiter he was hell by threw who Lave profited by hie inscrectn'n could net hire been given that was shown by the member of his Bible class and his Co-workers in the Sabbath schee nearly.all o1 whom. both .utaic and ft - reale, attended' the funeral despite the c tad and inclement weather. and paid a teat sliootrated week!) in America.. With a cure- 1 staat In••rear. of literary and artistic tee sours es. it is able to offer for the ensuing year I --1 V- -- attra.:tions unequalled by true prrtluue ru41 used rmbr,u-`.rt„ . capital : illustrated d�.e.. sus t t , r}\T�t�r' Cwt wt �Itt time. by bF E. Na rel • ; ill stral articles! W T .L `,(.j t.,, =Special r, ,,•renes to the 1\'est and aouttb • lselud ng the World's Exposition at New o rz Cdeaea; entertaining short *were steief il-j r ted , RaZ.r.7l.+..bs.�, =eels, Iu.'ratee. and important papers byaipY fj ye �s.� �� /� authorities on i he chief topic" tit the day. r" c S, li.-1► I tV.iV� Use ry use a hu destrea,r trust worthy only- Spices., t!,%•( tfuitle. an entertaining rod instructive' fata,ty}Darner. either ••'ee team 11Z:tos• GENERAL -C r R O C E R I E S. abteftwn:rr. is etcher Moore-pr�sa .lr fllrt.trs- s .honed snbsrs►be to HARPttes IN atfty. IIAItPERS PERIODICALS. •per Tear 1 H.4 ' PBfr+9 R.17,.I1l n MO 11.11 I1:R f .Mde.4Z1.CR i iia; 1141! ICS tl-FllK/.F 1 ae R[//d RP : R'.`i FOC ��(1 PRW _s��r NA RP, r FRANKLIN M�tls Nolle , 1411 neer ream:I: 1 Me OP Paganize $tons or t ra Tice Volu ' first Number tor no rime 1, tunny, that the sub.. ill, lithe, to enmmeaee with the Number nett 1. tee'rretpt of order. Thr IoW Fle'r Aon Volumes of IfARera. tt'asethe in Drat !loth tnding. will be sent by rnat:. lope ,r ;Nieto!' h express fro•r of ex- _ orad'- tprl 1. d Nue fit dor, tort exe.•M I one dollar pe- rolumc e. fo in ern per volume. 1'10h ,-area for each volume, »uttsbte for I.indinz.'will be .eat ray matt. postpaid. on re- I e rip: or jt so tech. 1t••mirtan, .• should he mete lot I'ost-Odle• • Money Or,ler or )haft. N. ar * chanter of rr en alt arrbser•ibao ea IAe United! /a. Ythe Waastt%bmenwith the &weary of each % ear. %% ben • ped, It will be understood' los. Nr,...paper. ore 1a•f 10 ropy iii trdret•t'iit- 1 sedate IAN/lona ser l 'vas order 01' agree & ( I3JO THICRa. t♦rtArNARPEll 911101 t�#is Tnmtr Rett The c I adjourned t . meet and who has not, but it will be the jniie- 'h•reb, an the eve of his departure, with a flattering addreas accompanied by • purse to Mrs. Steele, and other ti,kens of good will to menders of the family. Mrs. Steele was see. presented, • few days ago icy the ehnrch friends residing in Harwich, on the line of the Canada Beat hero Railway with a handsome China tea service ea a mark of their esteem. The Rev. Hr. Steel has labored ancceas- I8th day of December. th !a '} t ' Lt eC F hi Clinton. The modelites are being clammed this week by inspectors Miller and Malluck. A number of our mem-bents r• . down at Toronto purchasing noteaie , etc., for fully in the mission of Bienheim and I the Xmas holidays. 1 NEWS ISOM EGYPT. 4)avey during the pest two fears and (lar new jeweller. Mr. Coats who I up garde I bdought out Fowler & Son, has ',rade ex i T1. tatsmdltlSs gnus Trelr tame. urn Arhn la'. tensive improvements, and has fitted up I net tersPeri ea. the peace with gond taste, the Targe du- 1 ''fuss teen, now te:.chmg in ('liver w ' play rendering it eery attractive. How T11r a ixaDt tX» 1.' TNriIt wont. sebor1, ha. horn c•ugatrae to teach j,, Thr Methodist It. 8. anniversary nr. a L"stox, Nor. 34. --It is now believed M'oncl•y night nss the most sucee fol that Gen. Ihor'on can hole his position ever held, the church being crewied. ' for ewer months to °deur, but whether The peegramme rendered we.. • great lewd 11 , lseley ran reach Khartenm in improvement on last year, and the cellar- time. even grantor. hon atx months. is a log early Jelin Dein, one of our oldest nettle which is seriously doubted by the settler, wait found 'lead in his bed. The cider amounted to .n-er Po. The hot ennsivnmen! •.t ortsns to I well unformed in the Army and Navy dereaosrt.l read reached -ea great a, a of 11'2 I('duh The ditlicultide hare increased He had hewn over 40 reale a resident of England by W. D. ie,herty X (:o. was with the advance. Theoretically easy England' They are nestly pec ken tk8. N ,. 0, for the ensuing year at a salary of $290. f4t't.oem Deere. - On Monday mien - Astaire', and left behind him s tante number '.1 children and grand children. We understand that the five aeras form mg the .rte ..1 the R. 1'. Church at Kin•tard.'dto was denatr 1 by hint sumo years ago. Ad.•toawv. Js. Hackett, of the lith sow., mei with a very psisful secideet, wb,ub would have resulted more syrietes- ly than it •rer did hal there been NO .naw .on the meand. While brnding a 1"•.1 of hey „n Nowise he .,at near the end .d the p•.1s t e press it down, rhea alt. p -.le brake, ses4ine hist ,.a he head tee the ttwln'l Ile was rsw'sidm•ahly 1,prttfieett one fele this 1411 very moth, as tee long .taste he 1.11 off am apple y y' 1 routes bare peered practically impossi'ele, in eases lined with wsterp root ureas, anti the Nile. with the water eenstantly the cases bateit rnafched, tonuued and ifalling. 1s terriblyhard t f naviga/jpinn F led grooved. a rtnderint of the Setif/tern QlAnte 1 in advre tancing the b,attours the other ai three miles y were ufr"m tile song. and other mel.dtes by jubilee ,estw,ull to.rards !Newel* Many reenters singers eau grind, the aaliebee 'wine' are wrecked erery day. and thus great setrfie.i. The company deserve td• i,e l yuanhties of stores are loot. T»lepras patrnntasde as the are the host. with the, fr,tn ee ady Haifa stat• that the great star eon of the lois, that leen favored . e pt eats of the recent; cataract has been Clinton with their presentee. doled by the fall of the river, and the The Preelneertans h 4a' their F S nests must be portaged at Wady Haifa. nivensry feet night The Ite"grnmmr, Atilt, beret -or, all are in repeal .nirits, though Ieew ayy, we.. etoellent, rifting hoth men acrd (•aloer., and ate dein, as lir Taimat'e a]* they re "nae sae I their beat to nvereime difficulties with slew after a The auperintendwnt'a ; tr». British sleek. Iterrnehaeagoods rep ,rt sh' -u-. l an increase «4 thirty-three l word t the CamshaftsT' are splae• for cel • 1865.. Harper's Magazin ILLVBTRATEr 11)1 11.4`4 VEDY FIX: LINT 4 iN China, Motto & Moustache Cups, Vases, Silver and Glass Castors, Glass Sets, .1 :'i'LF.NDID ASSORTMENT OF 1..1M1'14. Also Handsome China, Dinner and Tea Sets, which will be dicta posed of Cheap for Cash. TEAK THAT ARE TEAS. For Christmas Cheer of all kinds. don't fait to call and got satisfaction at G. H. OLD'S, the Grocer. 811 11;11.• ?,B.' 1 have the largest awl heat etneneemet et tholce potatoes in town. ('a11 and ace teP yon.••eelvea SALT. Oa. par 11111. GREAT BARGAINS F'c7RNIT C.TRE With the new volume, beginning in lie. crmbrr. 14.1,11.1*Itle41 MAOArti,: will •or -Iude its tiny -MTh year. The oldest perlodleal of its type, it t»yet, In .•soh new '"lama. a nett moyrn:,r.' not .Imply because It pre.ents frreh .utrteris and new picture.. hot also, and ehirtlr, b•.rouse n 1Mradlly advances In the method ibelf of nommine-reeking. In a word. the 14 AOARi%a beetinnt* Marr end rnore the faithful mirror of enrrent fife and move- ment. heading features in the attractive pro- gramme for Ism are : new aerial mese hj i'.laSTAi.'a Fa‘tWOR& WOol/N,i and W 0 Howai.IA: • new novel entitled "At the lied Ohre; deserieurn Iilnstrated papers by h. D. Mn.t.'.r. 11. Awaty Ut,rmnn, F.. A. Am- mar. if. 1liwsnv, and others - (loldemitb'. -Atte stoops to Conquer illustrate(' by Assar: Important paper* oe Art. science, err. H.IRPER v PIERiODICALS. IIA1(i'R1f•4 1f.4t! AXI K-. ...a; rvo 11 41t1'RKs 14•R11LY t or. 11.4 WRACK RAlf4 Rt n, 11.411"1,71,4 PItANAI.IY k(Jf'ARR 1.174 RA R Y. Uta. Yrer I '-' N..rIrrs) d o d o nr r, Postage Per to a.'l.ahw.•rlbrra in the flattest Mates e,- t.awndw. Thq rnlumea of the Maneat.a hegis with the Number, for Jose and i eremb r M each year. V. hen no time 4. Papeeltlwd. it wilt he nn,ierstind that the.e.herrlber wishes to be win w o h the correct A umber. The 1,.0 Meyer. semiannual \clan. of H t » M ieseevrn. in swat Meth Mn IIdw PI he seat by mall, postpaid. N trimly( of an per tntnrwe. t't.reh eagle. Mr MsdIag, •5 e'•nt. each M mail. postpaid. Irides to rue'. ManstsP , Alph•hetl- ear. and 4 las774 cl (0' • •derma 1 to M. Imlay- Iv.. from Jn».•, lata 'o J,rnr, IIAIA wen. lei.. he. 4 loth. M M Rnwtttaneo. shnnhl he reed• Ay Pei Oltloe 1500,, larder tax (Draft to avoid et loos' ft .rspepwe. rete ant to Mpg r4(it wIs►re(q mewl ueetaewl the *turas order of N Aiwa* t Ile rrwsuit. A.IA lopsWARPKR a MROTHiR'. Mew \ or You will save frust 25 to R3 per cent. by parchoy- ing from lave before moving. ABSOLUTL CASH. Bedroom Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Dressing Hur- tling, Parlor Sets, Chair♦. Mattreseea, Extension Tables, Falling -Leaf Tables, Kitchen Cupboardw. (loderteh, Nos. 13. 1001 BARGAINS FOR CASH CLOTHING 1,� ANI) (tg'7T r rrneteutsf.S al 1 At a greatly Reduced Frio. TH19 fa A (:F't 1NY ''"nt'K(RI/KVT. ABRAHAM SKIM beilera8. See. i21h. tell. Crauetting uitA i Tat ager. Uprise. Galeria' I Lv. 170 a at alta tferd Ar. 11:19 wet wturr. Mixed. t3trstfesdI Lv. I IMO a.m Y3oderieh Ar. Idle a.m' Dentist .. ANf�IIOLriON, 1... . Dentist. +Moe ea titre.( term doors below I ttuderic-b She People's NEW REPAIRING - Ted. undersigned has pair shop on Hamilton e1 Juba Idt4rt.ella tailor shop all kind. repairini in ht. work emirsutt.ed. and chargee. Uive are • tall. riXACHER$ WAN' 1 (lodeekh Hoard of 1' tee,. Two at 010; one at p Applications will I December Ian, 11101. Add' N' Ir. l Goderich. Dec. S. Imo._ TOOD W ANTED- ` be received up to Jt the delivers at the Goderk 100 cords of mews wood. be from limbs and backlogs. entertained for lease duos 1 be delivered by the le of ere rhouhd be addressed to Wu. i Goderieh. thee. b. offs. 'OTICE-AFrER kl December. 1 will pay lir.. Mary Burd. nor will sponaible for as bills tis have paid 147 and her acre of Februarynatal the :rd 1 J(1 Ooderich. Nor. Mk, 1961 hilt FARMERS -NE alt..10 each. ser each. new power.* msebenee can he perebase Foradry. RUN( 'IMAN I NOTICE Ti) DEBTf A11 accounts on my book 10th Drcewtwr. will be p1. a .olicitor fur collection. as b iso■s'barfly after that Iftt h )lit. WOOD WA_+iTitD- be received at tbu 13.b. i*,) for littera cord.. sad Are (nen. to be do mon ties of I/+oea'ber sad J trot Bane NoT1CB-ALL PEI to tie Mate of the by note or nook avowal. t to cad and pay rho same al who have chinas aladn$t nested to forward them or payment. 1*W1 H1 1OST-A13OET TH] J oe September. a note hamar' florae, in favor of or order. The peddle an against ncauttatiagsaid in bee. Mod. Talons' Yu deb. 0s1. NOTICS I8 HERE] (tF1DR(Ji BRANY' Town of Goderteb. in the Mad Prot Ince of Oniseio, ( ply 10 the Parliament of tt ids. at the next aeselon th; Inveroe from tib wife, Ell by of the said Town of Go California. In the Coiled ea theground' of adultery l7ed Ds* 4 aotf At Tow ciaCAM/MON HOE' aolieltors for the said �aal>r eo Cee.. L CAk, M.D., JL . Oat. ase. su arc. (nue t format Hatehlneeai tta's 8.101. T B. WHITELY, M. es • t11CIAY, E A C.P.S. Ostarlo. (woe -1 Mast of W feaon's Drag Ste DR. MeLEAN, PH OWN. Coveter tic. anew street. sscssd dl S treet. H0. MACKID, H . can. sargeoS asd of Tomato Usivereky, (1 •'h0o0�t t Csroeroe'a Bank. Moa esquire a a the H•' 1) I. KRANNON R ogler at Dr. Shannon's OedeNa'. Q fik Asa ihoa Lew 0.-kOonaGerox-WILLit-LtWI F..\.La R, a. netts, e( otlles calmer of II Mast. Ooderleb over reemse es lead at leli est.9 1iAttars BfiWlWt�* PRO J. T. Oarr'sm, CA1111Iloi1, kzn i v eb, Q•ain Itf3GIUlialt OAS • 'gRmao UM arr.? Pu/mft l( f�lgflo�C(1'T, et aARilWatil ( int, eutaldle ed i • Rake tallest hi the sew the tory... vattas by 0014 CANA▪ DA art Tesnwvn ilfeney a Lees se en fieSeer Okra