HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-5, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY.' DEC. 5, 18E4 IM Poet's tomer. III Is SOIL Meat jest • wile front this '111... Oat there 00 the lurks of libe reed; Isms by the help of good ulna& Increased what he planted &ad sowed. dwelling wa• low and old faahlitand t TM roof was all covered with.MIHNI Dui still by 141111111 jog and paladins it kept out the rasa ..ad the feint. ille lived very peaceful and quiet ; We knew hint as Jeremy Todd . 1150 Wain was kb drew &al his diet. TM neighbors WI said Ise was udd. The fashions he Dever ',timid folkiw. Nor try te p0100 &ay sty*. Nut owing • dime or a hiller He paid it when due with • ensile. His words were but few and vvell chosen. 'Twits cknr that Ise meant what AC mid ; Hi. temper i.ot heated or 'roses. And calm viaa the life that he led. He did nut bring to the MC44 tag. And said very little of Clod ; Bal uremia. were Mad at Ida greeting, And ererytme said Int was ad4. be ever offered to sell you • • cow. or an os.. or a horse. wide it his bustards to tell you Itsch one of the •nlinals faults. • Hit lured Bill Peters. the cripple. 1 • To husk oat his corn by the day. • nd heaped up corn un tbe bushel ITo measure the wheat for his pay. Mis mune wee not on the eubecription To save the pour heathen abroad ; His neighbors he helped in affliction. The peUPIC all thought he wits udd. never made any 'profession.' Nor said that lor had a ',DCA heart.' t something be had in pospeseio& en which many more need a mart : Aganything that made bon so gentle Me anneal. so kindly and true; If net church religion we ienture That Jesus would say • It will ,to. He might in the chum h have been better And rendered more service to God ; f He'd more of the 'opirit ' than 'letter.' And tint warn what made him so odd. The preacher might say be was Godlier*. Because he subscribed to no creed. But still 'twee • part of his oddness The wretched and hungry to feed. If Je -emu failed of salvation - He.muse he stayed out of the church; We e moot sets how in creation - Vissfesvore will shun the ier lurch Who wmir the fun garb of the pious But love not their neighbors nor God ! We choose. when our Maker shall try us To 14. 1114., the old farmer -odd.. A PRIME MERIDIAN is ceder to square the record. There as• said to be instaitoes us the Peals Owes where islands Mutest adjamet melee, by liffereat days of the month and week aud it is well kitties to these vete have gOtle to the Awnless& coloases from Loupe by way of America that the day of the week aud sf the montk tarried erten San Francisco never &semi with the day and date reckoned by the inttsbautais at the destinatera. On the ether here. on sailing IterDIM the Pacific from west I. east, one day of the week has to be re- peated before tandem iu Auierica. Ties apparent anomalies COD d fill inuitiplie to any extent owing to the radtcai 1.• - perfection of our present method u. reckoning. At present them are six different prime meridians in um among civilised listens* -namely, Paris, theme web, Naples, Copenhagen, Stock le )1111 and Christiana ; 'bile the meridians ti Cadiz, Lisbon, Feast, Rio de Jaimiro and Washington are also mapleyed 1 seine extent. The charts of the t uited States, for instanoe, are all based on ti... - Washington meridian ; but all the sue. 4Weeliwie0 sties -tea ter i stretsai idsp- 11*5. It is satisfactory to learn that the Prune Meridian Cenference which has been sitting M Washington, notwith- *banding the opposition of France, has vidoptad • resolution in favor of Green- wich as the standard mrridiam. The selection of *prime meridimi common to all nations has long been discussed by scientific men, and ewe* to the progresi A of telegraphy, railways, and steam nevi- ! ;ration, the necessity for it is daily be - coining more apparent. Tlie origin of P, ;he movement, which celininated in the present conference aud in the selection of Greenwich, dates some five or six pears back. when certain scientific insti- tutions in North America took steps to bring before the notice of the official and scientific authorities of this and other countries the advisability of determining a first, or prime, meridian to be common to all nations, and thereby promoting the adoption of a universal system cf time - reckoning adapted to the requirements of modern progress. In this country the inconveniences due to longitude are very inconsiderable, as a uniform standard of time is employed in England and Scot - and, while Irish time has only a differ- ence of twenty-five minutes. But we are an ubiquitous race, and busineaa, or sport, or Imre of travel is continually taking us far afield. Leaving London for Calcutte for instance, your watch is apnea by Greenwich time, but no sooner twee you crossed the Channel than you find yourself out of your reckoning, so to speak. It is Paris time which pre- vails in France, that of Rome in Italy, eliip's time between Briedisi and Alexan- dria, Egyptian time es far as Suez, and ships time again until Bombay is reach - • In one hotel at the last named place you find two @looks, oast indicating lot& tine, which regulates your nisei hours, the other "railway" or "Madras- time, which regulates' the hour id your depart- ure. Or our traveller crosses the Atlan- tic+, and is amused rather than annoyed eit the manner in which ship's tuns fai. behind that of his faultless chremirseter. But after arriving in America, and teaselling westward, the time iif day W- eenie rather • Genets' question, since there are so mealy trains to catch. Be- tween Halefsi &nil Chicage the railways ()beerye no less than omen different times and between and San Francisco then are more changes, amounting in ago aggregate t nearly four hours. But key Our present mode of t ime-rerleining trUvieller is *.1 1. to 1,44 nftt lig Hew of day but the day iif the week alba Wen of t he mere h. When Alaska was transferred by Russia te the I tilted Mete& the American Saturday was found se le. the Sunday id the residents'. F ir ordinary busman piriemiea charm* he mune neeenear lied a disperiution was granted 1 1871 by the ilignitaries of the (kook Church in Russia authorizing thetr sniamonaries and adherents in Alaska to lettletrest• flunitay a day later, or en Mon..e..rllitbt to - t he old reckoning. y Bressey in her ieurnal during the maws a the Sent -team, parse wa,d .0,01si, January 10th. to 'a dottier, 12th, the Thumbs, going camels of that country tind it pre hirable to reckou by the meridian of Greenwich. In plAUt I if fact, tom seventy-two per cent uf the oriole terms. tonnage reckon their longitute by Greet. - etch, while only ',lien per cent rookie. by that of Paris. This diversity of prime meridiens is mit convenient to nimigaters, ner is at conducive to accuracy lunette geographers. A good many proposals have been made from time to time fur the determination of a prime metidtaii to be common tu all nations. A lexcidria has been suggested as being the place to which Ptolemy's observations and ceni- putations were reduced. Laplece sug- gested that line as a prime meridian upon which it was 12 o'clock when the sun entered the point of the vernal equinoz• in the Tear 1250, in which the apogee ef the earth's erbit coincided with thr solsticiel point in Cancer. At the flee graphical Congress of Paris in 1875 Jerusalem was preposed, and Professor Piatai Smith has suggested the Great Pyramid. But none of these suggested inendians possess any practical advan- tage over any other meridian. Uniform- ity et the chief thing, and it is satisfactory now to learn that the International Prime Meridian Conference has recotruiended the universal adoption of Greenwich that selection will certainly least tiisturh tee actual condition of thing•s.-1G1aseew MaiL Moses* same et How she., s. w urns our honors is mot se re istipiiiieut than bus Warle they shall be kept. Thu is readily told. la the spar...wit used as a seeing -room see vet the mercury f ottsaltla sbOut 11•Velf4y degrees, rather insult than shires this. 1,1 the electling sipelligsg( silty degrees . v4 ' • ieetable ttesperiature A higher I t boa this weeld .1unit adunsest. v ere timed aoy childreu e 1. one* et looms in whorl' human wee meet reinsee htiurseat a time is a • re love:me matter. Separate rootats 1, 0.,ly .se kept anywhere near sweeti- e y • ....le...1 by reining the window 4*1 . ineh from the bottom, aud 1.5 erne( deriatioe Irons the top. tir this 11114•1101 the air in the lamas is emewed and drafts are seed. the prim eel mu ef leady heat is well.: nowt) rhyme on • riteasaay, ' the remarkable te et of lamellar activity en • 4 Ibis make: it appear that an active habit tsetse best fer tile winter season, resieli is a laet for more reasons than the .ees jun ter, . For winter wear woollen -Aries a. v treat bet -Aimed their piiability anti' of elloulf tielitness as compered with 'tie +men. .4 c nee fetwica that would ewer ree asellesse. As uuswerous turndowns's win skew them is uu muse relitible cere for nem than lilagyard's Yellow OIL It is dad- aist. the eau 'embody fie see echo. Newel°. loco. niartini.v. three croup, rheumatism', and for view Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. Worms often destroy cbildres, but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy w ems, sed expel them from the system. lin Lad to be druPP" Set ~We Wanted; ISS Pettede et Leselinese. and laineuess esserally. Coed internally anti exterszilly. V The trairsioasaa eentear. Mrs. Helen Pharvia, No. 331 Dayton St., Chioami, 114, is now in her sixty- eighth yaw, anti Mates that she has *in- ferred with Ct. nisumptiou for about ten you*, was treated by num peystcians,a'l td them premium:lug her cam hopeless. She had given up all hope ef ever recut- ering. Seven bottles of 1)r. King's New Discvemy fur Conseauptien completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a petal mai sated) yourselves. Call et J. Wilson's drug see. sod get a free (1) trial buttle. A RgwaltD-Olf otie doaeu "Tuxes.- ar" to any tone sendul the best four luie little gen, ler the Teeth and La. Ask your druggest or address. Seeing is believing. Read the testi moniels ID the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cute, then buy • bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you about it. Sold lay J Wilson Goderich 2in National Pills are a mild pnrgative, acting on the stomach, liver and bowels, lin removing all obstruction. Carter's Little Liver Pills are free from Ali crude alba irritating matter. Concen- trated ineeicine only ; very small ; very easy to take ; pain ; DO griping ; no pureing. lin Freeman's Worm Powders are agree- able to take, and espel all kinds of minus from children or adults. lut Pier rag rows, Dvni'gritc. --Poverty with jerfee Lealth is rather to Inchoate than riches and destelpsia. Try the insttic effect of a dollar bottle uf Fouereet Heeten Fee rough conditions id thc Skin, A CILIUM° EVIL. - Chielren are often Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption fretful awl *1'when worme are tee cause. and skin diseases, use Pruf. Low's Sul - Dr. Lee', Were' Syr, smell o epee all phur Soap. Worms. lin All ..teerviitis Delniey cured by the use Cent teem& - A eame we!! known in of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Braiti Treatment. 6ee advertisement elsewhere ennectien with tee Hair Renewer,which at wda,,da drug atere. eateres army Lair to its natural cider by To Remove Dertonerr-Cleanse thc a few wee* v use_ Sold et 50 cents per sadpwith Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur bottle by Jamie Wilson. 2m ! (up. A delightful medicated strap for th, praitection 143111114 thd blid The suestasem o be eaten end aril k winter should bo used as hot aa womb!, ii,o1 Lliould centain a exemplum asnoeut fat Hot mitk, beef tea, a :motets Mit' soups are etpecially well a 'spent - reedit for wetter use, and now ,as fries ef oyster, mileage, etc., are • Imietiblo o enaater extent than at other times. At this season liver eils, seith as teat of 1:te cod, are very useful tit these whit Ilt0 .iiiiCh etch matters. --[Pliilatlelpeis Times. An Amociated Press despatch from New York city, dated Nevemeer 22. says : - - Superintendent Jackpot'. of Castle Garden, has received the fitletw- tag letter, which explains itself. • Wilt you please give thui letter 1.i sotne yeung lady who has juit arrived at Cattle eisrden. who woulu like to • orreapond with a Canadian farmer I I stand 5 feet 11 inches high, weighing 180, and atu called good-looking, just 22 years uf age. 1 %roue' like • lady to stand 5 feet 3 inchea high and who weighs 159 pounds; with charming black eves and clerk hair and a entitling face, and who seems to be CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A good assorintest A Kitebese„ Iled-ruem. Dialag Rosin and Paring Ireraltere, seek off te bk.*. Chairs their, ease woisd seated). Cupbserds. beddtersda Itettresere, Weak -sum& L•01•111.•. Sank What -Hata Looting, Miasma It. -A nentalere esset•meat et velem aad Shrewd, always oa head also Hearers tee at reasonable rem . Picture reaming •epeetaIty.-A selietted. Hal 9 BOOTS AND SHOES Mr'TT GOODS. _ Minneeeta new. I the tenet. I m. Ho 1 Natitinal Pills are unsurpassed • cease mei the effice mid said that sere mild yet thorough. pi:restive. act- as he liked the paper anti ;ranted to help nig upon the In tary or4ans i.romptly and it. He was .1 gtaager about effect ually. verateen miles out un the Manitoba says Dryden Read. 'It's one of my liens I want to tell you about.' he said. .1: a her in. i "She knows her man, and when you rant anti swear. tellutence. tine knows more than „a I Can draw you to her with a single hair.- leirse. Thai hen la really religious. and! But it must be beautiful hair to have I CAD prove it, and I will tell You how.' lle.4 A plain, ordinary, eteryday such pewee ; and beautiful hair can be Si d'411- ensured by the use Ctiomeista H•IR inick hen and very l. -guar in her habits. Ras ewe& Sold at 50 Cts. by J. Wilson but a few weeks ago she sepped layinga My site was a geed deal treueled •teiuti 2m t, thougnt maybe th d e ton nick wasn well, or seruething ef that sort but it I turned out it wasn't anytime/ of the kind. , We d been talking a good deal aiktut a I Baptist preacher was going to make I U$ a tine aed I suppese the hen heard I us. Well, the preacher came, and that ' afteruiein my wife heard a great cackling I in the barn, and went out. What'd you I suppose she ftrund Whit, that hen had ! just laid a dozen eggs' She'd beet' hold -1 ing hack, you see, so that the eggs weuld all be fresh. She only does this, though; for that one preacher. Slas's a Baptist herself, and it's truly when the Baptist I preacher emus' that she's so thouehtful. It. the curiousest thing I ever saw.' And then the grange:. went away. He looked like a truthfui men, but what he I I ted harJly .ee*ns possible.Both even-tempered. If you air. so meet as Huxley and Teneysen agree that the to find one you think would sint me, must an °denary tiettenick heti can lay please let her have this letter. As you in a single day is scroe. - 1St. Pau: Day. are no doubt beaeiged with letters, please take notice of this oue, and it the yeutig lady chooses ti send her photograph sha may do se, and I will send mane, with great plessine. Address, C. F. Wilson. p„rt. Burwele Ont., Elgin county, or Box 83. November 13, 1864. .National Pills are tbe favorite purga- tive and anti -bilious medicine : they are mild and thorough. lea a -t- • =sena They had the poor woman in a Lel coffin. The beautiful bunch of white roses in the one hand that was eiposed did not Evinces' the marks of toil on her fingers. the calloueed places, tLe distended pints and rough skin Her iron gray hair was neatly brushed down on the sides f her wrinkled fore- head. laid the black silk gown foldee an. gracefully about her was tun of Water, niand-new, and evidently azponara There were ten hacks for (rem& of tbe family. and the hearse was driven by a teen in livery and had eight costly plumes on top. lively funeral,' says • woman sch had 'How natural she Inoked, end what a known the family. 'How unnatural she !stoked, and what "an 1111iUMAD thine that funeral was,' said • male epee who accompanied her. •Why r 'Because. There was a seeel woman, • hard- werking wife and mother, who never had a ride in • hack, whose finger, never premed a fitivrer and who never were silk She didn't have time and didn•t have money. Now look at her. Flowers rare and sweet in her dead hands, Iota (4 cariages following bet hearse and a costly shroui Ir • body which in life was deemed name too vood for a 30 cent worsted A goose world this, which ignores fashion in life and fall. a blind votary to it in death. - III hicago Herald. - - --- Tn Beetles De ti teti• re -Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Selpfen Sap. A delightful medicated snap fee the toilet. 1m elm fishermen at Stotritej, cm the Peet. fie coast, caught • shark 35 feet long in bum seine int Monday. It is nee of • harmless sperms, hut has • mouth lug 14, is in a Ilmn. barr,l• =le libmwea. 5.14 to. Pimple., or Mertens* an hp 1 54empflri"grttl: =1.1t4=11: 0.0 part isaa a few dean or is, At rotoe. Corr toe tamer. West 111. OW* wad awe the awindee. Pmpar.4 147 4.kep, AP Park*. 7555 II*Uff Mold at Id testa at Mem 2.01 Smart Weed and items:lona combined with the other ineredients used m the best porous plasters make Carsoies 5. W. Sr. le backache Piasters, the best in the market. Price 25 cents. 1m Mk Shea= Ciaeril. Are you troubled wen Salt Rheurn. Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sore.; if so, go at once tii Ger. Mynas' Drug Siert and get a package of McGregor sit Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. Daniel Shea, of New York, killed • cat balancing to a MIs. Miller. nulled to a war of words hetweee the two, and the result was that Shea stabbed the woman, killing her. Are roe trOnbled with Salt Rheum Ito h Hands. or Old Sores of any bind Win cannot he bested i Meets ittessim it 14. 01 yeses staside Inc Millman` iPSZ14.', carholi (erste will ewer It Beyond the shadow of • itoubt 11 1* the best lenling ompound .*"r known. Mils. Yestennirs. Frost hues. Hume or any Skin Trouble. are alike cured by it. Sold at Si cta by tiee. Rhynaa drtaXIIIL tam The heads of all departments ef the Canadstemithern railway have beets noti- fied to reduce their werking farce ten per cent., on acoount f the decreses in traffic receipts. 10 A Iltellent'S TilitTIDOWY Fer Cough, Cold lor ary Bronchical affecion. "Peettina,in my opinion, ts just t lie thing. I have used it in my family fer Coughs and Colds fie the pest four years with the Moat Leavened success, and tie day my opinion of it is that I continue to think still more of thet which I beesn thie eine *eh .4 as Answer igaistee. REMEMBER 1 Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Leliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, iee Call (Lt ==ra.M.LIMAL Can any one nnne us a caw of Kidney or Liver Cemplaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? We say they cermet, as theusande cases already permanently cured ami eh,. are daily re. ennmending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease. Diabetes, Weak Back, or *.ay urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the bleed. reeulate the bow- els, and act directly en the diseased pans.. Every brittle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. 11j: • Manilla( INnovery. Physician's are tiften startled b: nisrkebli! discoveries. The fact that Dr. Meg s New Discovery iiir Consumption and ell Throe and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have oven up Ito die. is startling them to realise their sense iif duty, an examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpai- , cans using it in their practice. Trial I brittles free at .1. WiNon s Drug Store. 1 Regular size $1.01. ;4) NO TROUBLE WATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. trgr: _ D 0 -VT N 1 1•T Crabb's Block, ei rner East street and Sq Gederith, May 8th, 1814. OTS&SHOES =)o-vur-sa-ing c5t Wet:Id-tip Beg t anneunce to the Public that they have opened business in the above &or • in the More la•ely occupied by Horace 'Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close hgures, we are determine to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES, WU PROFITS ELL BE CURICTTO • Please call surd examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. ,SIVitentember tho place, next door to J. Wilion's Drug Store edr-Custoin work will receive our special attention. xer.tione but the beet of material used and hrst-claes workmen employed. , Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich. March 9 1882. DOWNING & WEDDUF garkbea's Arnie* Sabre The greatest medical wonder u. the ; world. Warranted to speedily cure I Burns, BruisecCuts,Ukers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblain* 1Corns, Tatter, Chapped Hands, and all !Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in levery instance, or money refunded. 25c. per bee. For sale by .1. ly. Never cave Ip. If you are suffering with lee and 4 - pressed spirits, loss f appetite. general !debility, disenlered bleed, weak consti- ' tution, headache, er any disease of a 101- bi. nature, by all means procure a Dot- tie of Fileetrie Riviera. 7f.t1 Will Weer. !prised te see the rapid iniprovement that will follow ; yeu ut1I l* inspired with new 11 life; strength and activity will return; I pain and misery will cease. and hence - 1 fofth you will rejeice in the praise of Electric Bitter& eiriki at fifty cents a 'settle by J. Wilsran. 16 I • Stessiog is an la these times whet, our newspapets are dooded with patent medicine adver- tisements. it is gratifying to know what b. procure that will certainly cure you I If you are hideous, blond out ot tirdee, liver inective, er tenant debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will I cure you sehluickly as Electric Bitters. , They can he had ter only fifty cents a battle CURE Birk HesdachY rod milere et the tree*, to• inhume ewe et theeesiewe sea ma IN= came, Names, lerowsieess. ansese=, hen in the S4�, Le. WWI* Hun mat liek &scene has bees amens la atria( ICK Iffeedarhr.yet eartereeittle Lim PIM are equally valuable la Co- caries amid premeatiag this snaeling eenipiaist, 'rah- !bey also cermet .11 disaufees et the atesamek. mtionstlate the ism asd regulate the bowel& Byre if th-y only cars( HEA PRINCIPAL-11.ln Ammt aft pieta 1. Iowa. Netweekkiiimmome. r, tCIt13.k$T sad I Fee to Pt. Joseph. Topeka. Dem.- ,. 4. ti400..61: imma, New Ilea leo, AllANIA, team ael Teem 1/11a, • love lou prIllelg01i, annetaini Where C asp it to 'Kvw 04.1111110,' over his but do 3 than UNA Janier water is duke', (1 this tail Pat ;10. waa lake Whets the beryl was great ing • tier tke whou fielf-sas term to te Mlles set gads kept t tonally 1 A teem your toot reeently hoses. I the parka seek's, beau win, shoppine Regal .11 ODD who'i As mar t eget her, females. seven hi sue to th4 bat. Th broader. • horn preacribse against gr my dear field ; the CODOPtiuet and bigge A Gent other daj sent ti' bii side him 1 'tainted and &nut A Farg (*aught And 1 Shan And DU A Dnlu shin and j tuella, Ill .kticl yet If she heti his throat .he -might 'Mamm my child.' to say 0: front pore stances ali for your policeman A your infant chi te het h first rate much. can crawl that this. main, etc •1'hat I es if she I stark ed %Min the ter merge speak as her' 'V her sone. Ark, they would be anion priceless to those who suffer from DWG estrimeing complatit; 14.1 1.0. sanely 1 hair goadame does amend hare, and those who oases 117 11410 will 3.4 110.. Mae pint sale- able la gainsay ways that any wiliest be wane( Ledo without than. But after .11.1.14 14.51 CH his 500. 1*. no esspetht. f %the's, hIlaiwarofle tad 54 NU !saliently reputed so 1.1 tie Great respites, Ilse 14 the Mae of.. mew Wes tbst bare la where wee We= ear greet bast& Gar pills cam it wade ethers de sot. Caster's Little Liver lens are eery null mil very easy to take. Omer two pine 0514.5 4.... They are strictly veriefibie sod 45 101 gripe or parga bat by their gentle action Moms an whir tee them la vela still onus; Om tarp. &ma aragriat averywhin, AN= by mail CARTIMPUEDICLRE liens York atty. Vaireessi• ▪ eseenind to he the limit Swapper, B ahrein la the Bend to - al chew I or 1 rave, KANSAS CITY, AN to 1 mos aepcis. C. CRABB The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: 0- ROOM RI ES.. Granulated Sugar. 12 lbs. fnr (1.50: by the Ils. lee. Other suipirs in propordee. Hamra nail& delivery. are a easing te all mankind, and " Gao. er Manieeer t mute,' Beak, 1 "1 James Wilson. 121 Piekerine. Pnoe 2e cents at a;; iiruzeista. m 'No ; she lingered anti suffered Meng. Mid sib* SIiy ea aineweerreirese Thereat P KeMoreeliter ef Ft Weynt; Ind.. Goesittre writes 'For the peat we fears I have slimy* used Dr Ring. Nett character, as well es en these ef milder type. It never fails to elect a speedy A atarestun notteltolly. heiCOV.Ify fov WOODS I.f most wen.. epining al! the time fie years. the dee - 'tem diem her goed ; and at last was 'eared try this Hop Bitters the papers 'say se much sheet Indeed ' indeed ' ehew thankful we should be for that • teed mine cure. My friends to whom I hate re commended it speak of it in same high tame. Having been cured by it f every /weigh I have leed for fire years. I con- torts* et the only reliable and sure care foe coughs., colds. etc Call at Wilson's Drag Stow, an.' get a Free Trial Itottle. large aim SI 00 il) Irmoran's *ere Powders are Rafe in all wial& Thar dr.g sag meows w ones is Mow et ha Wen. .1hritain, of Huron, Dak. , writes that his wife had been troubled with sent* Brenchitis for many yeses, and that all remetima tried rare no permanent re- lief. until he procured a bottle of Dv. king s New Discovery for Consumptive Coughs aria CoMs, which had a mafitisi egeet, sod produced a pernaanent ears. lt is guaranteed to cure all chimaera of Throat, Lamm ur lironehial Tubes. Trial bamha nee at J. Wilarwee drag atom Urn kw 1111.0k (1) TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. A11 .050 I.0O I POTIE; 6•011111.16 liff riff Pitrt 4 fo...” Gs. A -ef Canadian Pas.. An t, •ibb Torono, Ont (p(, 13 Joaxstrox, Ticks' Arent, Godereh National Pills set promptly upon the firer, regulate tag bowels and as a pur- gative an taild and thorollidt 1121 Mack Tee at tic. equal to any Fille Tea. In On tart° riser Macke rit 50, and 7*. Orem Teas Young Hyena from ti.v. to Wk. Oen - powder Tea. Mr the Meat imported. 7Se. lb. A very fine Japan Miffing at Mt lb. DRY- 0-C)Clilet9- Prints toeless'. at orient te aseneinit. Partnry Cotten. yard white, hy piece at ie., narrower mac. A Inc lot of Oros Oraln Drew Silks at 75e.. worth ID.ID A welidelectrA dock of Scythe& Smith& Hay Vert*. Spades and Shovels. all from the him! waiters. P.A.' re' TES Abolel le) 011.8 We km" mite tra the bask and will them at ODOM peke 1111.4141•111.110.101. T111.1111? • 011110461ti, see warmest, free ?Min mineral beak. A pled semen ef Maas and Belittlers' Mord ware se Ipood. 0. (JR -A..14/3 koatortaik. Jew Mk MK BONN mu_ CURS OR REUSVE IllUOUSNESS DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, "OM - MINE:TIM AIII7EINNO JAUNDICE. OP THE war. ERYSIPELAS, AMITY Of SALT WWI. DIIE Maw HEART SOW DOM* MADAME, OF Ted Skti4 T. NM& ea Warltame: 1'7 A swee house wit Nothin into anotl iswha Chankcit p mestbeani: in WD I hare prayers h Ilesprei Ttos °penalr.1 Igooritff The his the inderi 111050 1.10 go fi teurerIconothbtabeeini Di bewpn, then', impmvese (Edith let I Moray P"Airelairi° °unseal:di 110 Clay. 4dIfy1.11:esjlitesti°1.thrti ot i"P tiomaat and seta karibeeadirenthotetamihts Will bit aff"dadess:1;;L":4471Taill the dime preemie( n orm Ica not lay I ?be in bilky at • bra Sittaly r-••