HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-5, Page 5110. 40. SHOT DRADt • Baan Ileseatee Ole a Beer ad iiLUMN by Ins CorswasIts. P.raot.LJ, Dee. L - . A sad accident w ith terribly fatal results .occurred neat here today. It seems that threw gentle- men were 'mutual( in the township of Enuisitilleu this ■tterse..ot and betaine .eprated. Wbi;u sc.unng through tine woods 1.410 of the party, m.ticuig u► ub- heot .caving about IOU yards ahead of ies, drew his rade and fired. It proved to be one of his calumnious, whom he had oistakea for a doer. lle.lrcal aid was at ounce suutututted fives 1'etrulea. bet arrived too late L. be of any avail, as the wounded mart &united but a very short tine. The mane . 1 the unfortu- nate aur sag J.eeph Woodhouse, and the slimed, equally uufurtut.at.• Individ- ual who fitted the fatal shot is J.,hu a!iliet. The party were all Irvin Scuta. N'$,LE, THE POLYGAMIST, IPA -1I PN TeLenu, Dee. 1. -Neville, lbs bittatw ist, being in a despondent state of mind Yesterday morning, asked for a Bible. He tben retired to his Dell and spent an hour in prayer. N heti the sheriff en- tered at half -pest ten Neville greeted him kiudly,but wheu his back was turned he ran with great speed the entire length of the corridor and dashed Lu head against an Intl door. He dropped to the tl..ur as if dead, and was taken luck to his oell. He reruained unconscious over an hour, when he revived and stat- ed that he had taken some foxglove and was suffering intense pain. Neville then went into a,ovulatons. When he retrained consciousness at tunes he would weep bitterly. saying that he would rath- er die than go to the penitentiary. The doctor states that Neville is a confirmed epileptic, wed is not responsible for what he does or says. His condition is criti- cal. A sial Opinion. The I'.tn•nlo i'r.ebgterwu has the fol- lowing on the Scott Act question : -- A mode of warefare un less raven or contemptible bas been the effort in some .luarter. to wreak personal revenge ..n those who took a prominent part it the endeavor In carry the Temperance Act. They hare in many instances been made the victims of petty and malignant spite. A futile effort in ono or two cases was made to boycott newspapers that had the courage to adv. ate the adoption sof the Scott Act. These journals hare their reward. They only did their duty in seeking to promote the public welfare. The impotent effort to injure their advertising patronage and loosen their circulatiou will only the more enlist popular sympathy in their favour. Bach j..urnals deserve well of their country. While the worker in the temperance cause seek to triumph by all fair and honourable means, they must have their wits about them. They must not permit themselves to be circumvented. They most keen a close watch on tho move menta eat their adversaries, and not suffer them to snatch an advantage by tricks t which n.. honorable inn would descend, nor by button -hobo' Dominion or Pro- vincial parliamentarians. The temper- ance cause has no occasion to shun the light, neither must it permit its sinister opponents to barn.w in the dark. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, 1)1 C. 5, 1884. TO THE LADIES OF GODERICH. H. BRETHOUR CO") BRA1� TFOR_U, ...Peel pleasure is clang your at to. un to our rii I.11. i.iN P + 1 . » t i GOOD-", whi. b ate cow tt,:r.;; tbrYu, as :Ley aro worth the e:aref.tl lu�peo:t:w► of rtcr�'wc. Black, all -wool French Cashmeres, our Speci :.! Brand. All -wool Foule Cloths, new shades, for 25c. per yard. Handsome Cloths, with Braids to match, for Suits. Ottoman Cords, in the New Shades, All Wool. One Lot Cashmere Twills, for 14 cts. per yard. Maut1es, Ddim3P$, Millinery. 4 � we hat. an assortment of piuenet ectrslSM Ori Fetes fe tea an11t+I• WW1's:! 1fl4114q rat IAA& ha* 111100 11110 sopor' ed. - ULSTER CLOTHS ! ULSTER CLOTHS ! We have secured a heron ltel liar ..: TWEEDS for L:sten, fully O per cent. below the ro--7u1ar prix •. t -J` Kuala to the trout and secure bargains -*al; SAIdPLEf3 Ai'FLICATION. A Grid Chou to Male Money. The subeerfoer. who is about to msior make wine Important challisit bt . in hut sow offers on 4 redu.tlor. few (' &*ill his stock of DRY GOODS ! Grori¢a, Ready-made Cloth, and Boos and Shoes. Call and see for yourselves. Boots and Shoesnil' be sold at half price. 0 ct ries will to WONDERFULLY REDUCED 1 A large stock of good Valencia raisins will bo sold at he a lb., or 31.00 per box of 28 Ib._ Balance of stack of Ready -wade Clothing reduced from 10 to 2.0 per cent. THE CHEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS YOU E VI:I: SAW. Complete stuck of Canadian and Ijsr.tch Tweeds, Eurii.b 1%cratee1s and :%obby Overc►ating& TAIU)R$ on the premium"$tuts Rada to ornrr at 10 and up.. et ward,. Fit irrantee4. Boys mud Girls' Clothing cut free ,.f thing.•, when the goods ate purchased at the store of V THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Ntle.'1red. Nov. 17. lone. UN GEORGEH. W. BRETHOUR & Co., BBrantford, AQHESON. MISS GRAHAM bas now on hand one of the :tweet stocks of FASHIONABLE }i1I ani \\Till111 1\ Tow S. The Newest and Best Shapes and Shades and the Most Reason- able Prices. Ooderich. teat. 16th. IAL 1763- T_ Ci_ R=T7.-101=Z drtr. CSO- , HAVE JUST OPINED ANOTHER CASEDRESS GOODS GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR l .t. SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHA '.11Pt +fl. OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST O!' 1•.0 } - G±I DTTNLOP FASHIONABLE TAILQR_ 1 FALL AND WNTER STOCK FULLY ASSORTED. 1 Satisfaction Assured in Style and Pit. fi1884--STOVES-4885 11uL0HT AT A GREAT tl'1:IFICF. COME AND SEE THEM_ Special Value This Month in the Tailoring Department. Several Bales of Grey Cotton at Mill Prices Goderich Oct. ad. ibt J_ C.. IDFTLOR 8z CO_ Millinery Opening ! togs to announce that she has Just returned from the American cities. bringing with her The Very Latest Fall and I Tin• ter Fashions Aad that she will hold her !'all and W iuter Millinery Opening on SATURDAY, OCT. 4th, 1884. Oolbosma. . The Hawkins colored jubilee sinters will give concerts as follows : At Ben - miller on Thurtda , Dec. llth, and at Os which occasion she would respectfully locate the ladies to call acd ser the display at Bethel on Friday, Dec. 12th. There should k. a grand token o as the epee) The Chicago House, and public c well apuben of by the prow and pubiie. 01011eweek Marken oeeific=, Dec. e. 1181. flfhNt}l.e► ......... Mfit *Et 7e 0 Tt0 7t Ma►a es et 070 . i 155 P 6 SO i h.eh10 >R Ott boa Ia 1 0 57 itoe750 w • 010 i s 0 17 to 014 >os. i boa. laaltorelet�)s 114 w 0 20 (�aaae012 " 0 a t:::::::::.:::: "harts. • cwt. 000 A 1 Bran. • oat 070 0 0 4'1i00. •cwt00 170 " 106 4 46 1 02 Hideo 110 .. ne•s.satlae........ ............. 0 10 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL BTEAMHHIPF 11118I114INTERMEDiATBriTEERAKE AT REi)UCED RATES. WINTER SERVICE. LIVERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-OLAS•1Oyt Ballow of Mell Steamers From Portland. POLYNESIAN Thursday. Neer 37 SARDINIAN Doer it PARISIAN ............. Deer IN Inst Irak loaves Odarteb on Tuesdays, at ►0 o'clock. WEST STREET. GOUERICH. Goderlcb. Oct. tad. 1101. Sanest d Ilsil atanaert From Ha1if1i.x. PONovember le PERUVIAN N December SARDINIA!( '- 18 SPA SI Aar (AX 50 /ARCASR1AN .. unwary 2 Leat tree )eaves Gederleb ew Wedweadays. as H Welsch. axle are eroding for ]sr frleteds. you can .Mali Prepaid F1saa.a aj.pfs at Iswwl rase1 at this Ota.e, avatla heat Ietdawd Retrad. Fain". terms y. 01 Norway. Steerage 1180.35. C3ODRICIMT Liverpool, Londoederry.Olaigow London, Queenstown. HHeMl1 St Bristol. Oardifl' be. For 1 kkets sad all twreeesettee. appyle H. •RY$TIUn A0.111. 001.1.1. 1e v, Mb. 11x1. �a�escee�• AO- COLBO'RN E BROS. ars gosw to have the ketone* and mows varied stock of General Dry Goods for the earning 'tall that they have ever shown. They have •[•cured some hermits" to DREt4$ 00011)1. TWEEDS AND SHI1ITINGd, that are worth enquiring for. 1 Black and Colored V rl t-ETscus arc to be largely worn this fall. and they have spared no paths to make their stock complete in these Ilnes, and a1 prices that cannot be beaten 1f yes emit she beet value the market el - fords, terms cash. and no second price. go in COLBOIRN E BROTHERS. O•itertsb. Amt. 14. 1081. JUST ABRiVED. ABOUT TIMES THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH or NEW FALL GOODS. AND AT PRICER THAT WILLBURPRi$R EV KAY - NR. CALL AND 8E! THEY. COLBORNE BROS. tr,'BTOC[ NOW' (70»1PLbTF. iN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Wrenn LAitGE",T THAT THEY HAV K EVER SHOWN, COLBORNF BROB. Oct. Ie, 1694. >T . THE PEOPL'E'S STORE. Poe Cask 1 will sell all kinds of Goode at Lowest Priers. See Those 10, 12 417, & 20c. Dram Goods. NOTICE THOSE GINCHAMI3--11, 12} and Pic. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 5c., 8c., 9c., lOc., l2jc. No trouble to show Goods. Don't purchase if above airs not frets. W.. I3_ RIDLFY-, The hOcpb'. 9tete,QltlAeieb5 L DAlso ready made Dresses or mule to order. C HAVE YOU SEEN OUR KITCHEN CABINETS z ei itemernber the Place Rest street, next door to Bank of Montreal.7:1 SELLING OFF I IQIVINO• UP BLTex -:EsS.. .I. I am about 'o rem ire from (loderieh. i wll' .,-11 off not ENTIRE STOCK of Millinery, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, 8&c .'.t Largely Reduced Pates. giving 13 per rest. off far trash. My present stock is larger than that of any pprfr•vlune season. as i have just added. before deciding to remove, over *1.319.110 wick ofNew steeds. The whole to be cleaned otrat BOTTOM 1111(104. DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. The most convenient and useful article of Household Furniture ever invented. and they an 0offered at most reasonabl. rates. We invite you to call and inspect them. M •�REMItMBEit THE PLACE The oldest established Millinery- and Fancy (foods House in Ooderieh, next door to K. W. McKenzie's Hardware Store. Godereh.Oct. IGth.11tf,l. he' O. H. GIRVIN. PP cn 0 z Have arriving $ large stock aft PlinC1ws Cooking & Hea1inS1oves For Wood and Coal, which they will sell at Lowest Living Prices. Tinwork promptly executed by experlent.ed work mer. The usual stock of Fancy Goods and Wall Nest door tePig mit a , Post Mice. The Cheapest House under the Sun. Goderich. Sete. ttb. 1101. 111CJ • COAL. All kinds of Hard Coal os hand. Also a +•stall quantity of the celebrated Straitsville Lump Soft Coal. Bend in lour orders while the weather is fair for delivery. T. N. DANQ_EY. Gsdericb. Oct. If h, 1181 HEW DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER ,vn Leading Undertaker Has on hand now the LtR E5T 'Tock co First - Class Furniture in the Comity. and as 1 noveurchase for cash, will not be ondenoM�y any one. 7 offer Tapestry Carpet Lounges from 0L50 upwards. Whatnots. good. from $2.50 up. Bow dark Chairs. from 374e. up. and every- thing else In the tame proportion. AT THE OLP STAND Between the Post (Mee k Rant' of Montreal 1307j1C3t.I QH _ Oct. 1R►. lees 1n3- a0D7i01tZG7H PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED 135. Buchanan, Lawson I Robinson YAXI rserrwrint or Sash, Doors & Blinds nsaLMO le ALL .Lute 05 Lumber, Lath, Shingles es* balloter', wtatwksl of every desertions. »M norm A SPECIMT? arAY Orin prsssptl*Etttwdod to. %OOarMMk. An. I. UK t0M t y MRS_ S.A.7...1 = Begs t . announce to the Ladies of (1,derich and vicinity, that she is Clearing Off Her Fall Stock to /fake Boom for New Goods FALL STOCK AT COST FOR ONE MONTH. CALL EARLY ASD SECURE BARGAINS 1 Ccderich, Nov. 20th. 1884. R. W. McKENZIE 18 NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS but ' as been". kat is it and formed such good trade cosaectloas that be is able Oleg WM GIVE BETTER BARGAINS +.-=7ilG,,•fiw•r - - .-+.. - m . ..-_ ..- .-.o__ . _ .• GENERAL HARDWARE! Thu► others professing to sell at cost, lie la hound that his hw.ir the titins, ss b the past. shall be noted as the CHEAP HARDWARE -4 EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales R. W. McKENZIE'S Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., PROPRIETORS. COITRRLTS TIktI IN STEAM GINS, fL$Ua1M 11111.1.1. Aro •TSER MIME 01111119. Flouring fills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System Horse Powers, (drain ('rushers, Straw Cutters. Agricultural Furnaces, Rooves, etc , etc , at Low Priem. ALL BINDS OF CASTINGS MADS TO ORDER. J. R. Rrtr. txA,. tiedivlek, Nev. H. test 111012 R. A, Rt v'rs4A'q