HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-5, Page 4i
Is pababhed every Friday \lurninw. W 11a,•
ILLWUene Bans. at 'belr Oak e. North d
setae mature►
N deq.tob.d L, x11 pars of the surround
eouatry by the earlrrst rails sed trains.
sol aswrs1 sds/ealun :t tun a larger cUvula
Me./aaa err other newspaper is this part of
Ib eo•utry, 4 le one of the raj e.t. u. molest
&ad toes 1 rellaWe )uuruals is Ontario
illmblell eg as it du. the toreytolug moeutials
sad elMing 111 add4 inn to the above, a ere!-. Ia.
tanner and dre de taper .t le tbcreture a
meet titsirnbit aim .tar i ray medium.
Tesurs.-$i.so i• advance postage) pre -paid
1 Z.J publishes': II LA it paid advance, wt: months
If nut w paid. TEL rut is ill he tried:
Rama or AovsaTtat•to.- Eight renis
1N for are! insertion: three- cents per -her or
Groh gulag tent insertion. Yearly. half•yewrty
..4uarterlrates.c.tntra.ta at reduced rate
.lehla rga%Tsr4.•».\'e luta e •tse•ernt-daII
eobblu11 deoertmeet i•con@sctfon.and puesess
Ing the must complete oat -Ili and best facilities
f w turning nut work In Ilodertt h. are prepared
to do buseae.s int teat line qt pr'in.that caenot
M beaten, clad of •wally %h&1 cannot Eo
! enemy. -(.Mai •
:WDAT, DSC. Sea, 1884.
Sem AdvssINeseslA This weeks
Beim A. t J. neck.
Notice Joseph MM.
tirucertes ('..1 Nairn.
elp.dal tsetse -t:. H. and.
Uva.. fur Hent U. N. 1)., to
To Farmers Ituna•luraa arm.
Xmas Coining Mr.. H. Poole.
For elate Cameron tlok ! (Murree.
Fur Hole t limrroa faun It Cameron.
Colborne Council J. A. Mellu•airh.
Harpers Weekly Harper Brothers.
Harpers MasYi•e -Harper Brotb•re.
High "'nett of Justice Gerrvw & Pruii4toot.
John IPidt, of Platteville, is visiths I 0* Boecerront -'!'1e Hellas Peeked
his cousins and other relatives in town. less the hollowing :-"Tai SIGNAL and
He likes the lay -out of our luww very Naar newspapers, pwblsheat to tiuderittb,
male. have been b.oyouttud by the liquor deal -
Mews. W. Moon and Frank hunk- ore, for having dared to support the Scott
bike, u uuw,noseu f Luce d t oedema' p Act- This alum has nut disturbed the
Syph l l t aero spent Sunday, the serenity .4 the u,arugon eat of these
guest of friends. .y en ,ds. papers. The boycotting insures& is a very
Clinton was alarmed last week ata "I. two added ptn. The
ligtwr tee. are trying alw to onium the
rumor that • tarn of small lea
exist to Parry booed Sot, because it supporta the
that town The rumor u denied b] tieeatt Ara l)ur cutenitwrwry wisely
•C. Merrwho iam to does nw.
ot intend return -
.'A obfel's•maag ie. tisk 'n' notes I ing for • month at teaat,and it the winter
As' faith he'll punt it." I be an open one, Y is prodteted, it will be
aaless to band s shatter rink.
TOWN TOPICS.uRev. J.Sieveright,with •(tang of inset,
u tin out
it Muskoka, k
t n a, tt'a )t
s clean
Falaur:at.\rrissrwa: -\Panted at the(:aie- ( y alt
rkh tanner). hider, furs and skins, ten which `timber for the new Presbyterian church,
' we will pts the highest rash price. W. F. d I nese Alport. {Cansda I'resbyteriao,
A. Meant.
The cern with a wane and wclletting user- The international Hotel and the brick
cost 1s bound to be uumtortable ibis cold house known as the Worden property,
; weather. And if hr grit itit o%rruuat u F.
J1‘. A. I'ndl►am'e he w111 be proud and happy,
us well ss snug.
were put up for sale by auction Inst week
but carte not sold, owing to the low bid&
Hants claw ie popular amongst the young- At a Scott Act meeting at Parkhill,
ata rn and Law., so acu( Urs. t!c ff. l'tcY sill taacstsua•aeMuxuods r to caRev. Fr, Corcoran amide • st►rrit 1 speech
bouuote, d
A neeriat. ofnepresentatire mon from ono. Sheppard.) Itargains are offered iu in favor of it. Rev. Pr. Macrae., former -
points between Gederich and Elora has
been called a: Brussels f r Dec. lt.:h,
at 11 sero., to discuss tae best means of
ptomoiiwg the proposed el:elision of the
C. P. R. t, tj•.deric!,.
THE wretched habit of :egging un-
seemly epithets ac•'t as the ta!rle at the
Public School hoard meetings is it bei
one, and perhaps the :,est nay t , cure
the members given t-, i: is to publish
tbelr abusive langua.tc, p.itti:t; -- - -
for the profanity, etc. We refrain !tont
saying anything mere about past ("mess,
bat if the thing is repeated in the future,
the hot-headed abusers .d their fellows
will have the pleasure or mortification of
amino their foolish talk in odd print
testi:emitsgoods. ly of l:tderich, was also upon the plat-
Tbc yowl vs. Wood eueetiun is .1111 unfit- form.
eidetl but it ie a settled th i,K that G. N, Il McLean tlargely int,
rands And ueh,natn. sear on. .. Papost, the wrll•kuown packer, Limn LIcksou fur the time being. Miss teen). Nor was thele disappointment. Btu -,.sant, the
Sallow'', the pbota,gra .Vera Ilan t wit h has been secured to alien up the large fur Fish made many friends here, and laurel The affair, as a aho.l,, was a trend nuc- the public works committee, to enquire
1d nib with the good will art all who have had ee.& In addition to the excellent pipe ae 4• these who would tale fights, and
&tier them, remarking that better men
will bemuse subscribers wheu the buy.
o .iters leave."
A Witt Dsasayso Taist•TZ. - On
after the osier
h f K ehurc
Wednesday evening, p
perform, the vet), graceful
o Knot
!and bow should its own funds be espeud.
ed ; ., Modes of attrtctoy soot eau•
tenting attendance ; d; its s. este. god
the trscher, ;a! his ptup.an.ti es , th kis
rerpe• u•l.ility ; rat l,ia 1,.w Nom. F a tlr
canning art. -offals the topica aro• : 'nee
Sabbath Schierl a arleguard ageless in-
, fidelity ; temperance trsenttta a per! of
Sabbath School wurk "Igo h.Lle, the
• world's light and guide' ; and "The real
objects of Sunday t+cb.•-1 'eerie" There
i will ales. be 'samples of hymns t o use,
illustrative Kelt in teaching primary rod
1 intermediate cheese. the .lJratwu drew•
er, and the usual otriJare reports. 1ht
ttuduesday afierue..it tine children s
mai ineetint wi!! be he'd and air satires/.
h on suitable wbiaota given' lee Mr. l:lark,
Elate,, and Rev. Shows
'.1uegr. Yr coot
t b oru-
ful ac v
r i n
uruleJ • e 1
Pe Y Rat a.nrsou.w
"wing Miss Fish, who has beemi,•rimiest Selma. -altogether the
for the past year, with au additional Promise* t'' he nue of the best yet hold.
$Yo to herr salary, as a bitten of their LL1VOJi. CHURCH CONCENT.
appreciation et her faithfulness as „ratan
iat, and also u a sign art their appre --
nation of the energy and ab►liiy display• A •.Jeal Treat cad • llaaarlat s.reea.
.d by her in rhe ntaw►gemeet of t:..'
recent , real' recital and c .iicert. Mite There was a large attendance at the
Fish was alio presented with a hantlsoins °Moan record and concert held in Knox
•'Lady'sCeurpanwu,- by the choir, Y s church on 'Mende; evening of last
w.wk. The pr..t;ramme was an ■ttrac•
tarn eine, and expwetatiuns were high •s
iN 9l ; A. Kirkhride, e1 .b:i ; Rtfeeitpep
Br••1. $ ; N. W. To:egrwjlila Cw, 1*.
'She aneatbly statement of the taisesr
sr was mewed.
'roe acatou's report !rowel that there
lied loon hotel tel duriI4 the pest month,
7 &l ails, and 1 &Jdt re interred.
The street inspector* rets it showed
Ibet $lL !,:111 had been expended sauce
last westing .d neuued. A bomber of
tiara caprn.on had Awn incurred iu oon-
eeeti•.tt with I'btt's ntad,the binder hill,
:he harb•r hill, end other repairs.
1111111 91.'AT1vNs.
From night watchmen pule, asking
foe tante mouths leave , •f abasnou, on
•cceent of ill health, he t a hna a ssit-
abl.i su:etitutc, sui'jt i 4. Inc •I'pruval
of the c emelt. t:rsested.
e'r•n Trimester .•i Ontario. asking for
p}wcot ,t $y 110 duo ..11 payments for
bink es:luage int Iuuu::iJra! .'.sbeuttttM.
Ordered to he ;said.
Freya the publishers of the :t.miferlr
e',. et 0.d. in refereneo to that publication.
mark of their esteem for her. She will
leave, at Iter own request, in about a
week end will lie succeed by Miss
Mov.d lay Jurdsn, seconded by Cavett•
her, that outs uupty ter procared. Car-
ried- •
From the Key * eirical 0e., Hamil-
ton, !riving the east and ilea of ligbtlna;
Robison the phutu,rrsplrer, understands his • c t as going a go arae . the toes' by the eise..hunt c light.
huariiens. and turns out etrelkitt pictures pork-packinz and sausage making this succeeded ♦l to the trent w store for lover of bar- bluirtl iy m oar, mewl ad by
g ••t t the matter be referred to
mune• near w !.0 prudent ado .0
and good work. He bar teaan inspection of the pork -packing establishment.
his wok and will ala, w kite still further the pleasure of her acquaintance. organ, a piano had been procured for se- that the clerk enure orad with other
"nude. tion in the future. Then was a moot de_tded drop in the
' Parties acting up Christmas trees, should rice of cordwood during tit. week. The A HaNKERCHiEF CASE -Alfred Gray, epmpuiiii ent to the enmities, and ,i- th- ouwpanies u to art&
rood j of Wingham was up uu u'ednesday be) was loft undone to render the singers Moved ny Johnston, seeon•l.d by
'tRM di+ 41 tiro
IOwa, as ahe l Itlg ape, ere I. Honor call. t a motors at -! On. they an+staking the uw price 01 goon* leas fu '1 large
t Y d Ill es, f fannerstointo the c rd• f H H Judgo li oyls in the every assistance M their soh.s Cameron. that this woos... :o usemoria-
I drtvcuts w .eneoois. .6urdteo•, and tam.hew• County Judge's s Criminal Court, un two T p by 1 h Lu Government, salt
nuwerr u go 0 o he concert was opened
the chorus lire the minium vtrrwmen ung
I,retting up l'Ersttssa lover, rare money by word line who herr not before done un y >,
indictments for stealistg a handkerchief, "Hart 'the Song." by this choir, whi,h the erection .•t government bwld'nes
said to he the property of a Kuria at the was creditably rendered. Mr. r.,,t then here, at.d that the auur.el petition be
Brunswick House, Wingham. It appears gave a fantasia on the organ, which was signet by the mayor sup cierk,underthe
that Grey and two companions were at well received. Shea Wynne sang with sell of the Cance, avid f •rwerlc•l to the
the Brunswick House early one day last much sweetness and expr'ssfou "Bessie minister of public works. and that aoopp
week, and found a handkerchief on the the Maid of Dundee." When Kt% t'. be alai sent to Th•s.Farruw, M. P., and
tkxtr. Gray said he would give it to Mr. Kelly, the Canadian bus••, appeared, he M. C. Cameras), 31. P , Yliug them t•
Dunnage, the landlord, but Y he was was.wanrily received, and when hr had ce operate ill the minter.
notet up, Gray thought he would bra concluded his sone, "Commuted to the tit -LAW, 3i0 9, 1844.
get his breakfast and give the handke•r- Deep," the burst of applause was local Fiziag the y!aoes of hulJil's t►umiw-
e h
way tc breakfast Grey was arrested. w th au encore, which war utuce appru
The prisoner was acquitted, as the owner -elated. }Itis Canspbrll folluwal in a
ship of the handkerchief was not estate 11111 duets, "See the Pale M•r.n." which
dished, and it did not appear that he i found many admirers. Mos Smeeth's
intended to anal the handkerchief. simple little song, "Angela' Whisper,"
buying at the cheapest bocce under the sun.
To tat: It ante.- 1)on l lows that Christ
nose i. , lune at hand. and all you that want
fairy •::p1s made up fur prewratation, don't
toryCM to take tl.em to Rtuci, tttr rhax•naker,
on Ktngstonat., where you will get them made
I up hi erstsdase !tyle. Rubber goods repaired.
Christmas falls this year ..n Thursday.
Jobs Oonagh, jr., is in Louisville,
1.. S. We are pleased to see by the writings
Oenr_e 1'arl-e is now en^aged at of the local correspondents of the various
much in the way of marketing it.
(loop WORK. -During the past ten
weeas three cu..pers at the Star Salt
works have made the !arms number of
8,481 barrels, or an averse of • trifle
over 47 barrels a day. This is a record
the Star men may well be proud of.
i Blyth. county journals, that w tnany of them
Tia county council is in Passion this
Jamieson head hu returned from read Trxrit'oua At present w many
week, and we understand a number ,•f Buffalo, of them are queuing from TLL SIGNAL
that we are the best advertised paper in
the man'bers are voluntarily bidding Joseph K:dd, of Dublin, was in town the county. And advertising pays.
adieu to public h'e, and some of three last week. Sir. McGillivray, a.teacher in Italacia-
who will not withdraw velantaril may Miss MaryWillem. Maple street, is ill 'va street school, was compelled byill- The Crown Attorney prosecuted and Mr.: was given mi a modest yet pleasin. man-
y y { 1 P caember ; Si. Game's. in D. Gordon •
s ' receive notice to quit when pollinc day of pleurisy. health to leave the city recently and go Seager defended. 1 ter. '•1 r. Kelly s re-appNrsl'cri to suis; seep St. Andrew',.. is .lobo Bmpby's
•' 1 t h Miss Emma tVestu•- is ..asinine friends to his parents's home, near t:olerich. A W.... n ....evep Tilst'Ts =The Not Ashamed of Christ, wsat.irsiq;nal sleep If a pull to demanded the elec.
, , i art 1 w. ,
James C opeland, of 11 law, wi n stags u n Dass a , es I and added to lets slant as a rncalut. de g - ,
( is the "saddest in the year,' and the town least week. passed away. Typhoid fever was Inc verb asserts, precedes destruction. The PuP Y P. 1, Jonas Addison ; :Z.•, Dees
sighing* and the otrtin s are usually \' nod has f 11 1 be immediate cause of his death. (St. ballot-boxesDiss Lizzie I)ic.' ni urate her d•bttt as
thefts of in Orangeville and t I J 1 . Year St t'attriak'a--No. 1 ntephen
chief to Dulmage afterwards. tin his and hearts He favor •d th nu liven ti ,n,and sppointing o.f,cers. The quail -
nation Lir usyer. reeve nn1 deputy -
reeve will be held art the town hall.
Ntuiinatiuns for cr:uactllors will W held
as follows : Si Gat id's ward, in Price e
seed store : St. 1'atrici's, to cuuncil
Domes around. 1. l.tat as it may, the in Brantford. It appears that the sickness had a fatal ante sera Act party crew to be) in the ' for ano'her hearty welcome, His velli- tit us will toe held o.y the f llowtnz
December meeting of the county council i termination and that early this week he f ad that the old pro i is n of this greed ht n n war • scam n, d sty ertensut .•therm : --St. David's
/Mar t
loud and long. lest era: Ae will site ` a en art pace, cue tag to Thomas Times. Gtalerich, thethefta of per in Renirew an .rg:inis ice a nicely ren, ern marc.), y atea : tin. 4, VanL:try, lit.
i 1 rel h I 1 h
o woo
genci• nae . The Si. Mary's lopes says: --Rev. Mr. county,the pettyslanders end tnalicit•us u the tin. part closed with* t uartrt.r" l;a,rge s -Nes v, t). t:.r.h.D. St,
a full report of the deans at the Ihcem- Potatoes are being read at Brantford ' Turnbull isgr wing in p, ularity with outraes in hicthey have indened, "Hoar oar Prayer," by lliaaes Kay end Andrews -Nu. G, H. Hamilton ; No. 7.
ber meeting. for '20c. per bushel. his people of the First Presbyterian are so futile and so suicidal that it is )Iwlclruul, and MessrsFoote and John G. Stiven.
Mrs. Philip Holt has returned from Chucch. He u a forcible speaker, and hard w understand the purpose or expee-
Robson. The aecoud part was opened The by-law was read a first, second
her trip to Oshawa, has the courage of his convictions. The - tatien of their perpetratcn. In another ty Mr. Kelly, i l hi+ cekbnttsd oto, and thin) time and passed.
Knox Church has hada porch added nenvrrgatan it to be congratulated on column we girt a brief account of las- 'Alone to the 1)ewr.." Kelly appearsOn ¬ion the e•mucil adjourned.
to the front entrance. having such a minister, and it is to he tardly assaults that have been made by t.. hay' mads th song his rtes He
art , Miss Matilda Batts left for Detruit on hoped that his pastorate will be both the liquor party upon the reputati of w idenutirs himself with it, that The LM. XHI A. Uef:aUivvwy.
the audience cannot rid themselves
Wednesday morning, happy and prosperous. some of our hardest working and most , f the ides that a traveller d in of thin! :)aril A. McGillivray,second son of
;tan successful friend& Rev. T. NI. l'ampbdl is before them. The appeal fur std, the Rev. Archibald McGill vrsy, who passed
A fttliltsR sal a Woman Coad r.r
♦ H f M h 1' We have receed the Cos
Wf ham is talkingover the fact that Has ' farp sal, c. etc el , Is the 1 is a gentleman of the highest standingto
a Sheriffs officer frm l:e,derich, duly Rues` of ,folia Pridham. iron Thar lien twgh,r from the editor
i ionto publish.
ithe community in which be linea ets
armed with authority, aisited that teen ('` We are w to learn of the illness of Hite journal, and specimens of all the has for many ears been s faithful and
one day last week, and secured a bag Mrs. Spence, Victoria street. a •ding systems of shrthand, clearly esteemed minister in the Methodist
containing $4 ,000 worth of promissory Mrs, Joseph N•tb'.e we been visiting li hogrsphe to are given flow ,00i.th to ( church, and lis exceptional zeal and rare
t otw, belonging to the insolvent estate friends in Ashfield this week. 1 ,ronth. Mr. Benq,,ugh turns out an platform ability brought hint into un•
fluctuating hope for succor. the hoovering peacefully away in the fresht:w of man
vulture.. the tinkle of the hells of the hoed on the afternoon .4 Nov. 2ioth, was
approaching camels, all present them bunt in the township of Vaughan. mutt -
selves to thin mind of the audience as the ty of York. His boyhood and early
powerful yet sweet tones of the dramatic school days were spent in the township
singer Tait Scat, the abettor der. There I William Black is the , uest of his excellent monthly magazine, one of the 1 usual prominence in the recent cundict watched' Ilhe tile! en their
of his ear•features Thand as e early of Bruce, Bunce tummy, where at the
• sides to the story, and we :ire • mother Mrs. Black, Nest street. !beat of the shorthand publications of the !in Huron county, where he now lives• encore that followed was me ordinary n,essionage 'fie ; be chentered
er table edea 11 bar
„.Kits follows :- 1 Nycturia street eburch is to have an dry +The rillainowttes:ment to which he has one. it was an ovation. No ruralist death with but short intervals of mem-
nate t.•YOTT'c .r •a>;. 1 In addition t.. the two beacons, ass- been subjected at the hands of the wlris-
\mas tree kr the young this year. could desire ante -tine more heartyand tu,n. When the fatal dimmer seized hint
Oyea Dora. -the Theraday last tel Si. Patrick's ward's taking the "cake' I erred •pair of day beac ti hY been erect- 1 key-trathc has only gained him new
e 1, to further facilitate the entrance of Mends and intensified the regard of etre apout•nroua He gave "Thinkiug" in he was engaged with eX Ilrtit success in
Sheriff's otBcere trent fit•drnclt vetted in matrimonial ventures this season. wen"'
int, Club Island Harbor, (ie,'- f many that he had before. Such alanders excellent -tyle in response to ;',e call. teaching in tlwmodel sch,r•1, $t. Thomas,
the residence foubtainin money 15curtrutes Mrs. ♦tem. Rhynes, has we INrn, lent wean Bay. Io approa•ching the entrsuce, i as these uttered in this case, not merely alive Fish, .:r ptnist of the church, and and it is sad to record that at New Years
purpose ' g y an attack of fever in her southern home. Ito svtil outside chola, the back beacon 'attacking their direct abject, tut vilely conductor f the concert, payed "In 6e purposed to resign hu position and
from her. That lily rent being willing The fat cattle and poultryshow will be !should be kept open southward of the I attempting to disgrace and humiliate the flainraatus in such a style as t•. briny study for his chosen life prefessivo, but
] [rRas Yitcot wae t em s aci violently tussle ensued,
ushed beck- held in I:uderit h on Thursday, the 18th front one until theoneon the wort ah err gn" decreed
! loved one in the sanctity of his home, nutnwmea• the capabilities of twrerins`Ic "11. waw had hose right
cher and it is te loftier
wards upon a box and her daughter ins;. of the harbor are exactly in line, when could only eminate from a cause totally i P pur-
p e r the bar m• be crossed. i vile and in utter desperation. -(Canada Forte sang "Abide with ♦1u to Torrin;t- poses for him, and an took him to Hint -
to the flour. There were then Mrs. Knight, of Clinton, has been I 7 tuns •sir. Miss Cam hell's singing of sett. He life. the short, was not
nearelted by the officers and the notes i visiting at her former home fur • few : Tae Seaforth E.rpen:e.r s Lys :-"There {Citizen. Adore and be Still snowed cultivation, uneventful. His words and actions will
taken from her person. When Mn. I days. : is a prospect that the combination of salt ' We regret to announ•:e the sudden but her role., did not appear to be in as agitate in never -ceasing ripples of good
aeon was knocked or pushed down she elm James Addison has had a severe I manufacturers, which has existed for i death of Mn. Itubertamn, wile of Capt greed condi:ien ::s usual. The duett. "I influence the hearts '4 two worlds st
received such injuries to her back and attack of iLues. arising from blood puffs- I nearly three years, will not be continued i Robertson, of the Gaited Empire. at '„cat• ri," was capitally rendered by least the world of lisle tender 6esrta
bliss Wynn and Mr. Kelly. considering for 9 years he so sincerely and kindly
the short time they had fur practice ountn,llad as many mementoes testify,
together. They were loudly encored. and t'.,e inner world the family circle -
Miss Hattie Price's first appearance in where hie almost faulty generous heart -
her see; on the organ,'•Otlentein in Rb," echoes, his complete sinking of self when
war very creditable. Mr. A. B. Hen- the interest of others were involved, and
demon was warmly received in "True to his cheerful spirits,c,mpelled all the rest.
the Last." Its response to an encore he long before his death, tar give bits bar
save "In a Hundred Fathoms Deep" in doe of being the noblest hearted mem-
splendid style. Mr. Hendrrsen is a warn ber of the hou•eli )ld. This fact
favorite here as a vncslist. Mr. Kelly's 1 althungh an imperishable memorial to
last solo, "U. Holy Father," was grandly his family, yet deepens the pangs of
rendered, anti called forth another song, separation from such a noble spirit. But.
"Every !toilet has its Billet," which he there is not "mire night than day" its
gave in a char'oing manner. The con- their period of sours for his life, and
cert closed with • quartette by Misees his last soul -resting words tinge the
Campbell and Fish and Menne. Brown dark petals of death with a glow of
and Henderson, 1 Ilowed by the National besvenly light, and they can truthfully
Anthem by the full voices At the clues ask and my-
"t'ould rt. we Mred him once.
Hay cold of Ales when further put away
1n earth's a pol.:hral clay 1
nervous system that 'nedial assistance „nine. I longer than this year, Y some of the
necessary,was usorry lee. Messn, U Cann ,r and !t n rr nine tir
she is atresentunble to leavher beto d I ea, nrules, arelongi under fur
actions as these to obtain pr•rpetty were wee{cguests of Rev. B. J. Wetter, i another war of ate& Should to com-
heright according to Ise, but we I Harryf hcston was in town on Satur- bastion break up there will likely be
think any officer of the law who goes to ds 1 'Mrs Johnst ,u hu toren here c'ieap salt for a while."
work and injures a lady in such • rough Y Sxasa, Banterer -The Halton feta
manner should pay the penalty just the some weeks. has the following reference to this paper:
same se one who is arrested for assault 1 Mr. Kelly. Vocalist, of Cullingwcod, .-••THE Hrtutr StovAL ably defend., the
and battery.-(Wingham Adv►nee, was the guest of H L Strang, during Scott Act, and tires many a round of bot
her home in Sarnia, of pleurisy. The
funeral took place on Wednesday frim
(i. C. Robertson's residence, East street,
Goderica, to the North street Methodist
ehurch, where the services were perform-
ed by Rev. T. M. Campbell. wilted by
Rev. Dr. Poole, of Port Huron. The
choir gallery and pulpit were suitahly
draped, and a special service of song was
rendered by the choir, under the leader-
ship of Mr. S P. Halls. On the casket
were s number of beautiful firm gifts, as
follows : Anchor, by Mrs- .1. D. Beetty,
of Sarnia ; a wreath, by the ladies' aid
society of Sarnia ; a wreath, by 3Jrs.
Captain Symms, of Sarnia ; a star, by •
sister of the deceased and near friends;
a wreath, by Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Cam-
eron ; • bouquet, by M. C. Cameron,
M.P. ; • plate of handsome newer', by
Mrs. T. Johnaton. (i. T. IL, Sarnia.
After the service the cortege proceeded
te the cemetery, where the bodywas de-
posited in the family burying pnt The
casket wee accompanied from Sarnia by
Cant. E. Robertson and family, Miss
McConnell, Jas. H. Beatty, and Mrs.
Capt J. W. Savage, Sarnia : Mrs. (yen.
THC Mrit IR `i "T ATEMiN r.
The other aids of the story is as fel-
lows :-
The sheriff had been informed by the
plaintiffs solicitors in the suit against C.
Tait Scott, who has alectnided,that Mrs.
Scott was in possession of • large t1Wn-
tity of notes belonidov to him, and the
Mr. Grierson, father of W Parke
pandas was sent up to eyes the Kerne, C,nersnn Dungannon, u, we are sorry
with instructions to demand the notes sawl
from Mrs. Scott, and, it she refused to to say, Y
give them up, to search the premise*, 1 R. S. Chilton., American Consul at
but 'in no way to use any personal stn- this port, returned last week front a short
lance tir'torch the perann of Mrs. Scott. visit acnne the line.
The l diff denies to the most emphatic The Hiyh $choe•1 Literary Society will
Inannit hsving extended his fnstr.etioas, -meet this • Fridayjeai
esnm - !non will
and only did his duty and nothing mute. be a good pr;grsmme..
Mrs. Scott denied all knowledge of the miss Campbell of Ueaforih, wen the
his stay in town. abet and shell into the enemy's ranks
Mr. Proctor, id Belle Isle, Mich., paid The latter have boycotted Txs gtnraL,
a visit recently to his friends in Guderich but it stands up manfully to the trent,
and Hulmesville. • id we glory in its spunk. The Halton
Gracie Johnston, grandchild of J. V, acs has been there, and we know hew
Dickson, Registrar, has had a very severe to feel for our brother in Goderich."
attack of diptheria. ()wee SLATING RINK. -The loners of
skating, will rejoice to learn that Mews.
Cooper A Brown, intend t, run an open
skating rink un the lot near Martin's
hotel, facing, 1lwegate-st., during the
winter. Thee will put up suitable build-
ings where ladies and gentleman can put
on, and take off skates in comfort, and
will also provide a gond clear rink for
skating daring the season. For full par-
ticulars, apply to S. Cooper, at tlloani s
notes in, question, and when informed beet of the Miaow Wilkinson during
the premises would be searched her her recent stay in town
daughter, who was present, went into Services will be conducted during ad -
en inner nom and came out with a small
vent, at St s -
Feuer'• church, oar Wedne
bundle, As the bsiliff stood between and Friday each week.
• tier and the door, she thaw the bundle dayy
to her mother. who clue'hed it in her At St. Peter's during advent Freya:*
hared, and wound a long string attached and benediction will be offered on Wed -
to same amend her hand two or three neaday and Friday evening&
theses, and then pressed the bundle
ttly t . her bream. Tee irailiff our -
that thew were the notes, and
slain requested them. but the only
aawwsr he gid wits a refusal. The only
way that he could persibly get the bun-
dle was to take it away from Mts.
fieott's hand, which he did, wing se
little violence as any one under the
eireumstantes &sold do. Mrs. Scott,
as doubt rseeived • severe nervous
*bock, as any woman naturally would
under the circumstances. The bundle
shag ggtrestion turned out to he the notes
uerd byThere
lie Artlifl) ult wits hs and moments. of W. H. Hams, , f (bi- ry
winners the presentation 1.1 the a.ldrwsr
rag°, cal show at lbelerich next sum- and hear the reply. An n door, avid
duty to secure the nets*, and he did *tomer. 1 PH
Snell, and effectually, but with Y little •II will be relc,me.
Erose as posuAlw Whit so callrei "nu Rev. P. .1. Shea, of Seaforth, amid ( ;ei have before 1s. a magnifeent .s-
eri due to Mrs Scott inset .1 Yarling. of W.r,.1't„ck, were the ring of penmanahir. just reeeired
Muse" oe.iarre,l
pwfa@imig to surrender the notes to the
dely autbnriwed .,}fleet of the law, and
=sting him se evigmnwaly. it is wet
1M that two Altera were present.
The sheriff is write willing that • full
ligation of the setter @honk' take
see store.
Fed. Robertarm, of Sarnia, far- I A. McConnell. Detroit ; Rev. Dr. P.sole,
meal of Ed. Rcb t his Sarni home I Pott Huron ; John McConnell and wife.
Y ' Guelph ; Jac Willis, Exeter. We have
from his lit trip, found a handsome been requested by Capt. Robertson to
heavy gold locket awaiting him u a return his thanks to the members of the
ntemente from the members of the Cana- North street choir for their kindness in
dian press asenctation who had gone up assisting at the funeral service ; the
on the United Empire on their holiday captain alse intends his best thanks to
excursion to Duluth during the pest hie friends in G derich and elsewhere
Two can of cattle were shipped t.,
seamen. The locket has engraved upon
Ituffalo on Saturday. one by 8, Andrews it the following : "Canadian Prey
and the other by K. McLean. Association, to ('apt Robertson, sir.
United Empire., 1884.
Se•orr Ar'r Marmite- -A meeting of
the supporters of the Soott Act will be
held in the Temperance hall, on the
evening of Friday next. Dec. 12th, whoa
an address will he presented to Rae.
iu Jersey City „n Monday last. T. M. Campbell, i a mark of the esteems
Miss Hutchia.'n has gone to Montreal) in which he is held in his own town.
to reside with her brother. Dr. Hutebi- The affair is in the hands of a live men -
wen, who has began practice in that city. milter. and the speeches on the occasion
are expected to be interesting. The
We nnderatand the circus, manawene friends of Mr. Campbell will be glad to
The propellor Sovereign, with wheat
from Port Arthur for Ogilvie th Hotebi-
eran. arrived on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mn. David Campbell and
Mrs. Lyons and child left for th.ichut .
A Mitebell bevy *quitted Lobate, ivies.
•,ea she dhow in ore of the Mitchell
"-nine on Sunday, and nn Monday the
1/4 11..'41)14, marched him to tMsew& and
Jae .arab tate I
guests of Rev. B. J. Walters, during the
J. A. Morton, lawyer. cf Winghats,
wsa in t,,wn last week He s • candi-
date for the mayoralty of the junction
There will he • meet int of the women.*
Temperance 1'aio n nest T.esday after-
n.ont at three o'lock, in the semplsaes
hall. A tell a iendanee is r.quetd, es
business of iciest importance will ease
Mime the mntdhlg. livery lady interest- 181141+ Atm. she le . s-wd ..u. • I , : n.•
ed ie 'e-tlw-s • tl M wt'. u• 1.. tete.. s,
from C. A. Fleming. Principal n( the
Neither"' Business College,t)wen Sound.
Ieelesed in a wreath of lowers i. • peal
sketch ••f Itrgha Falls, pie of the pretty
phases .tf se.nery near t )wen S„und. The
variety .t n.eerehed birds and quills. ,
swotting lettennc ete , is more than we
is uer l,moad space can folly d.senhe.
leery •.rte van posse*. a ropy of it them-
selves by eeu'ting 4 three sent stamps ts'
lir. Flseeiss. to f postage, .to. f t is
rY 'ya"tba u"t r ,- _ .kY.' '. -.•SfAffi.Pr1 .MA tGv 'x. iu :f. J.:io'1st..c ?, 'd lr'. ° i '°' 'st.,r•.1ta.
who kindly tendered their sympathy to
jhimaeli and family in their sad bereave -
tenni; of Maros *smack neae.i ar.efa.
I Mu.
The exerntive committee of the in-
e titutee. recently met in tlntare, Street
Methodist chureh, Clinton. to draft out
• programme of proceedings for the
coming c,nvenhon to be heed in the
Ile. t're spike highly of Miss Fish's
efforts to make the amcert a sneers, a
sentiment which was endorsed by tie When mute the lip.. which deprecate today?
.4 vast audience. Not so ! not then tract then :
The management cleared abut Q1 MT \t Eefe tits 1, shriven,
the concert, an excrl'ent showing.
eter data*.. Ar •the
by Ma lattsradt
PaTaot.tta, Dee. 1. --A
with terribly fatal results •
Isere today. It seems that
,arra weer buntug ►u the
Eauisrillen this attemo.•u
separated. Wbi a scoring
words •rue of the party, u,
teat inuring aloud 10tI ye
hint, drew his rifle and firm
to be ems 1.1 his twlulttulton
hal mistaken for a deer.
was at ,once su.uwoiied fr
but arrived two late to be
mg the wounde.l nu►n surly,
abort Buie. The name of
orate usan ass Jeseph Wo
the alyau•t equally uulertu
ual wh'r died the fatal s
la!ihler. The patty were all
- f► us. 1'
iSUI Dee. 1. -Neville
114 Imisl in a despondent
yesterdity morning, asked
310 then retired to his Dell
bear inrayer. When t
at bait -past ten Ne
him kindlv,but when his bac
he ran with great speed the
of the corridor and dash
against an non d.atr. H
the doers as if dead, and WNW
to his Dell. He remained
over an hour, when he reel
ed that he had taken .<
and was suffering intens p
then went into morels*
retrained consciousness at tie
weep bitterly. saying teat h.
er die than go to the manna
doctor states that Neville is
epileptic, and is nut reapuus
he dues or says Hie c„ndif
A.•..d etv5 .0
f,. 1 i',Neel.' Pr. ,d.yderiuo
lowing on the Seen Act clue
A meds of wsrefare wet 1,
contemptible ha* beets tie e.
,Iuatterw 1•. wreak personal
those whir took a pi oiu,tent
endeavor to carry the Tote
They hese in maty instance
the victims of petty and on
A futile etlurt in one or t ■
made to boycott oewspapen
courage to advtate the ad;
Soott Act. These journal
reward. They only did t
seeking to pn.m.ae the pe
The impotent effort to
advertising patronage and
circulatiou will only tie
popular sympathy in their fi
e ournals deserve well of the'
While the workers in the
cause seek to triumph by
henonrsble means, they pet
wits about them. They mu
themselves to be circamni
must keen a dose watch o
wenn art their adversaries, t
them to snatch an advantag
which ne honorable man we
nor by button -holing Donn'
viten! parliamentarians.
ace cause has no occasion
light, neither must it norms
opponents to barrow in the
The Hawkins' colored jt
will give concerts se folio'
miller on Thursday, Dec.
Bethel on Friday, Dee.
should be • gond turnout,
taiament is well spoken of
and public.
41.derleb !carte
Wheat, tralti 111 bash. ........
irheawtater wheat tete......
18prteagg) i bush. .....
hoar, i bartnl........., .. -.., .
Be lei o .. .............
i 4oa.
•eiwt.............. M
Aral deathfull Joyle gismo -
Of him who aft. and vet yon np la lss•,us.
flay ed, 'we lived Atm renes,'
May torewe bored once !
DH H And aod in llr breathe the beneath;
Revert of she
.g• •r the test nr.lt.g.
Tou quirk in mysteries of life and death
For ouch • wont. The eternities avw a e
Thr regular monthly meeting of (lode- Anectione eyrht of
rich town council was held un Friday There 'cm"' ^r.• hanlivwolweatit7 thatch•age
evening last.
Whatever corner loved ogre
The following members were present-
The mayor in the chair, reeve Johnston, setrer.tegiral Revert af.ash K aal""•''
deputy -reeve Cameron, councillors, brio tea•.
Murney, ('•,Iborne, Elliott, Lee, Bing- ---
ham, Cantelun, ('ampion, Butler, Nurn,
Nichols en. Jordan.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
It rained on 7 days; amount of rainfall
17.5 cubic inches, 'goal to 11 Mebea on
the level.
it snowed on 11 Says ; amount of
rinnosa. sweeten, 1711 inches
The following petitions were laid be- Greatest velocity rat wind daring 24
fors the council : hours ow the 5th ; wind, N. W., with
Front denies Crawford n taxes en snow flurries ; 1140 miles, or 471 miles
he see. Referred to finance committee. per hour.
From Mrs. ellen Hilliard, Mra. Mary Leat velocity of wind doting 24 hours
WWilson. Mn Mra, lar. "n the 19th ; wind wt ; weather cloudy;
ilso for reMcCarthy.McCa of tate: Ltd A8 mow, or four miles per hour.
No. of fintraetty nights, 15.
Na of eloiady nights. 18.
No. of rainy n,ghte, 3.
No. of hazy nights, 2.
No. of 'fear nights. 7.
Prsvailing windte R. n. to w,`
beg tan power to deal with the matter. G• N. MAt DowatD, OMserllsr.
(Ioderieh, Dee. 4th, 1814.
tower .,n Tues.lay and Wednes.lay, lath over.
awl 11th February runt- There were An application was received from Mrs.
present the President, i). Tiplady, and • itschanan far rehet.
From Jobe Mussell, asking for an in-
vestigation int-, the Sherwerei lettere.
Bent hack to Mr. Russell, as the ceonoil
Meson W. (,ray, 5e•forth , 8 Veto
and T. McGillicuddy, Il.derieh ; W. J.
Ciarke, Eneter ; .fame. Chemises, J. C.
Stevenson, A. 1f. Manning and 14. Fish-
er, Clinton. Itev..1. Grey and J. Ken-
ner were also in ottani/alien. it was
unanimously resolved to invite Hem. 8.
H. Blake te be preeont tons day of the
meet-ntte.n to deliver an address in the
evening. Mr. intake is perhaps the fore.
,n..t `:ablath !tdwol nun in the Pn,-
vince, and his presence and addrtrm will
be wafted for with area expectancy. The
aerometer. impeeeded t, select tortes to
bs dowered and derided spun the ha-
llowing 1st, the Honda] srhunl (a) its
. phyte arrererm wit an n.,dset ; (b).
.1, • . , , . .. e a . ! ,...'tcia.'y
A member .4 ae onnta were read and
referred to boancw committee.
S.. David's ward, for relief, $12.1$1
St. Patrick's ward, for relief, $12.00.
The finances cesmittee reel a. vended
the payment .4 the following .teo,cwts
The titer, 82 04 ; Mrs. J.thn Mitetl),
$lt.79 ; Joseph Wilson, $I ; Jap A.
Mattel. 87.51; Williams et Merry,
1134.31 ; Lek' hairdo i ; Z. Oitsists,
• .^ ; 8'3; A. l . soot.
The Clnvwrnaevt!''lrealwery at Guelph
has been nosed for the wawa. t epees -
tions were started to it on the 27th of
September, and it. the 42 days they
wero kept rine 4,000 pwinds of halter
were tanned oat, the tarot of whieb Mss
Ibsen .add at s his% prier. The rare
cos much better then ex p.etad he view
of the late snarl, clad op utl the het tiers
were patrons geffleient to give met ewes
210 cows. The °reamery will be opened
wain ern the Ara eat 14.y stege asst,
-..1: •1
AT REiii'('F.t) R.
Santee* of Mail Rte
From For
y vi1C81AN tete 11
RARBINIAN ... ,.......
Lest train vse oe isrleh
12 Veloric.
Pathless of Mall NM
om omHa
l t.WIAN
(p'f RCAi*AR11 AN
least teals leaves Yderisb
at H .'ebek.
saran* are entenws for=
at avallakb rwm
Norway. *e,. Oewtat
Steerage '>)
GI. 0D3i1R
Lim std
Bristol. Oardia A
!Ten l kkase avid all twferin
4111411.1110. Nee, feta. ISM.