HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-12-5, Page 2f I t THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 5, 1884. — ttlerataa-eawy atria, I b's of making one,' sail the mother,with — pardonable pride In the pages of a nosed the girl who has a morriug tall always comes tripping We the parlor, dressed in a soft, Heal gem of white, ur a ase -colored cash- gagis sigh a girdle of bright ribbons, or a neat house dress of some shismeriug gray fabric. She puts swig her soft brown hair (nom her untroubled face, and her oyes have the rested brightness of immortal youth, and much more of the same sort, ad infinitum. This u in • book. Now take the young lady of real lite. She has breakfasted and isanustnz herself with a heel whoa a caller is an - !Danced. 1f it is a young gtutletan, sad abs does n..t expect him, she sends word that she will be "down immediate - 1y." Then she tears a hatidage from her 'Not every awe would be willing' if aide,' said Mr. Wilber ; which led was a sad truth. How many daughters might be of use to their fathers it. this and many, other ways, who never think of hghtsuusg a care "r labor If asked to perform some little service, it is dune at best with a reluctant step and uu- w lliug air, that robs it u( all sunshine, or claim .1 gratitude. Girls. hose) your (ether. hive ht.n a cheerful home to rest 1n when evening cum.., and do not worry his life away oy fretting because hs can not afford you all the luxuries you covet. Children exert as great an wffueoce on their parents as parents do 4 un their children.—[Yetlwll Reaper. queering brow, which looks M if it heal larger Bost Pips' beeu cemented together, and picks out the banduline bangs. Then hurried toilet ablutions, 4 white Mother Hub- bard with a pink satin bow and shoulder knot, takes the place of the waist and skirt which were "gad enough fur home ' The old slip -shod slippers are replaced by ;pink hose and opera ties. There is a hasty skirmish with the pow- der puff, a christening dash of cologne, and with au embroidered muucheir in her hen 1 the young lady descends to the parlor and tinds her younger brother on Intimate :eros wish the caller, who is no other than her escort of the previous evening when she was arrayed in purple and tine lace. Ile docs nut realize that she is en utast .ter.ude just now as much are cleared of earth, and any decayed as she was then :that he is the her, et t pasts are cut away. They are then scene in real life, and that if he had met shaped into blocks of various dimensions her ;in the hall as she appears in the with a circular sow set in motion by a Museum of her family ho• .would prudishly small steam engine. treat dexterity is havelwistaken her foo her oven maid, necessary at this stage in cutting the He could scarcely, with this risi••n be wood to the best advantage. and it is fire him, be brought to understand that ply, after a long apprenticeship that • her young latdyho.,d is so complete.} a workman is thoroughly efficient. The matter of personal adornment.block's are then placed in a eat, and sub - It would be almost a nate thing to as- jected to a gentle simmering; for a space sort that out of fifteen young ladies t1 of twelve hour*. During this process leisure only five could be seen at a in. oras they ac tuire the rich yellowish -brown Ina report on the trade and commerce If -.egb. rn the following note on the se- • tfwsr.ea •aseesF. YesteoLydwhw a tramp stopped a lawyer cm Griswold stew* and bengal fur • di.te to get his diener the lawyer replied 'Why on earth don't you get out ink: the country 1 'What fur r 'Get you a piece of land and go to farming.' 'My dear sir,' said the trump, 'if I had the land, which I can't get, 1'd kauw au more about farming than you do el sail- ing a ship. Yuu are • siert man—ten times as smart as 1 amu but can you tell me when to plant corn r 'Why -ahem, why, ui the sprung, of course.' 'Bigg the month T' Ile, and I have been rapidly getting bet- '\t,'ell--sheat- I suppose it's along ter ever since, and I think it the best after the snow gores off.' medicine I ever uellKi. 1 am now gaining 'And about rotation of crops strength and appetite, which was all '1 -1 never heard of any.' gone, and 1 was m despair until I tried 'And what a subsoilimt Y your Bitters. I ant now well, able to go •Subsuiliug I Why, it s something con- about and do my own work. Before looted with farming.' takingit completely prostrated how nuc wheat u u A dined tss.eeven That is daily bringing soy to alehouses of thousands by saving many of their dear noes from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Finer, lies .d Voice, Tickling in the Thrust. Pain to Bide and Chast,ur- any disease ., the Thrust and Lange, a positive oure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot ties free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large t IN 1► THK sine $1.00. (til GREAT EXCITEMENT \1 II.e 11,g Furniture Kmperta kB.COBIiBLL HAMILTON STREET, \y11ia'F:1•01 LarestBost Assoted Stock offtrii!ture May lbth, 1f3tt0. Garen -ante —Having been a sufferer DD for a lung time fren nervous prostration AND 1 NDKNTAKKIt'(' Ft'bNilaINO$ IN OOI1gRlCf . and general debility. was advised to Don's f.rgat his poi.. -s nn• 'he lor.•A for csh. He Mon koros the Celebrated KNwele n dry He , Bitters. I have taken one grog- treses Ntee teal llru.r. .\ large trrlady of tit-1twN>• w ha las .6uaee truss. Don't Forget the Cheapest /louse in Town. Picture Irreming a Specialty. Funerals Furnished Neatly, Cheaply, & with a Good Hearse. 'And h h i d you sow to 1 was onus y IMAIL KART STU•KT --A1ai0 THE OVP1t'ti YOU-- tbeacre'1' celled brier root pipes, which have be- I 'fho lawyer couldn't remember whether I oame so large an industry of late years, I at was twenty or forty bushels, but' will be read with interest : "An inter- dodged the case by observing : I eatin • industry has been started here I e Brea! trouble with this country u 6 Y that we have too man cousuwers.' within the last three years by a French- I •Then how is it that breadstuffs, grit - Man from Carcasonne, for the export of I cerin and clothing are dew u,and s•, many material f..r the manufacture of wooden I factories espshooed too tting up 1 queried the pipes. similar works are also to be ! tram P• found at Sienna and Gnsseto. Selected j 'But, as I remarked, continued the toots of the heath Erica at -looms —pre- ference being given to the male variety —are collected on the hills of the Meremma, where the plant grows lneuriantly and attains a great s1r-e. When brought to the factory the roots ing call without the required wait of half fur which the best pipes are noted. and h an hour. In many families where t s are then In a condition to receive the daughter is a social belle there is as much final turning and boring, but this is not preliminary hurrying and scurrying to done here. The rough blocks are pack - get her into presentable shape fur an un- d in sacks containing 40 to 100 dozen expected all as if it were an emergency eet►ch, and sent abroad, principally to of fire. And this is not due to any rev- France 1St- Cloud where they are fin- erty of weannk apparel. The young ished into the famous G. B. D., or lady can have anytking she desires to .pipes de Bruyere,' known to smokers in wear --has, indeed, quantities of beauti- Englsud under the name of 'brier wood pal clothing --hut what is the use of mak-, pipes' The production of this article is ing an elaborate toilet if there isn't any- considerable, four lauds turning out \Pkbody to see it 1 In this nae father and about bO sacks per month. Consign - 'other, sisters and brothers are all nr meats are also, mads to England and - .'- bodies. German', but at present the demand is A waist of one dress and a skirt of another, both shabby and soiled, a di- lapidated tichu, hair en f - pi1.'ors, last night's powder still visible in streaks, It is very eas to catch cold, but not j and a ceneral yaw-aw•yaw-ase yaw -ase so easy to cure * . unless you use Hag - of weariness. What is this a description yards Pectoral Salaam, the best remoay of—a farmers scarecrow 1 No ' A for all throst,br,nchial and lung troubles, modern belle. who begin, life at tbe coughs, colds and cousumpuce ten - wrong end of the der. dencirs. 2 A judicious mother who brought up alone and unaided a family of daughters, all of whom fill hon ,red places in soeie• thorough, prompt, and methodical, are ty, never allowed her girls to appear at guided by certain elementary principles. the breakfast table in a u,cial undress. In some cases, these principles are They must be fresh, clean and with a formulated into simple rules, which cover finish of cuiltr and ca:.rure, ur lack they even the details of conduct. A prominent New York hanker atter went to .their rooms. There was no butes his success in business t., the has said to be rather slack.-- IThe I:arden- Emily (•astab(. lawyer, as he shifted aruuud, 'thio Gaun- try can never hope to improve until we have protection. 'Then how comes it that the lumber business, already se heavily protected, is Hat as a fish!' 'Say, you shut up " hotly exclaimed the lawyer as he handed over • quarter and moved off. 'As I remarked in my opening address, we are living beyond our mans.' - 'WW -ell, I dunno,' replied the tramp as he pocketed the money. 'I propose to make this here pay for throe meals and a bed,and I dun t are haw you can figure any finer.' Price only fifty cents tor bottle. For of ■aNred.. I sale by J. Wilson. lel John Morrison, a St. Anna, N.S.,was'I -- - Tbewnds liar tie. T. W. Adkins, Girard, Kan., writes:I 'I never heaita'e to recommend your Electric Bitten to my easterners, they rive entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest and hest medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds ..f duller* in doctor's bills every year. told at bOcts. la bottle oy J. Wilson. [s] Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce 1 ease of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily curs. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing our the Medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ' less, Jaundice. Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. &atirfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded The Bblery so seriously afflicted with a disease of the kidneys that dropsy was deveioping and his life was despaired of. Two bottles' of Burdock Bled Bitters cured him after' physicians had failed. 2 feed nudaess teles. Business men, especially those who are rest wast. ' Why suffer a single mement,when you can get immediate relief from internal or external pain by the use of Poison's Ner- viline, the great pain cure I Nerviline has never been known to fail. Try a 10 cent sample leott:e. You will find it just as recommended. Neuralgia, toothache, cramps, headache, and all similar com- plaints disappear as if by magic when Nerviline is used. Large bottles 25 cts. Tett bottles 10 cents, at J. Wilson's. It is well to remember at tris hymeneal season of the year that woddinv cake annul be sent through the mail. In one week fifteen hundred b.'xes of the tooth- some substance were sent fn in Philadel- phia to the dead -letter' ice. CHAmR 11, "Malden. Masa_ Feb. 1. Jen. Gentlemen - i puttered with attacks of sick headache. - Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible ind excruciating man - No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me ;' The second made me as well and strong as when • child, 'And i have leen so to this day.' My husband was an invalid Lr twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liter and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Boston's best physi- cians -- 'Incurable :' Seven betties of your bitters cured The Celebrated Singer Sewing Machine .tW hkh beats the wutd. Ail orders I -ft b.!, will ree,-ii prompt attention from the agrri T. ANUI-.. Godrrich, Sop(. t1itb.1lk. tx=' Thew are MNld Farts. The best blood purifier mid system re- gulator ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, truly is El&tric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tunic or wild stimulant, will always tind Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They set surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refundec. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. , [4] • — — — New Life ase r..etleus Wee/greed by BI. tate, teeb Illy sad talsolpetlea. The Great German Invigorator 1s ttae only specific for impotency, nervous Ile- ' bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness. pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Reinedy will restore the ' et functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per box, six Mow for ta.00. geld by all druggists Sent en receipt of price. postatre paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo. Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rnynus, sole agent for Gude- lac 3m : A ReesarkaM. Escape. Mn Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhann.ock, Pa. ,was afflicted for six years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the best physicians could give no robot Her life was despaired of, until iu last I October she procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for • ►port time she was completely cur- ed, gaining in flesh 60 lbs. in a few months. ToroIo WeoIg News HURON SIGNAL F10R $2_00 A 'YEAR_ THE TORONTO W EEK1.1- NI:WII is an Illustrated Paper. unser- passect In all the Ramiro of enterprising Journalism. It stands coss- spacuonr atputtg the brat journal, of Canada as a complete newwppaappeatt avbieh will beInterestotogtoetery .neruber,.fthe family. The children will like the pictures. the hung lolk• the stories and the Danny sketches, the wore :nature will be teltgbted with the editorial• and news matter, which in every issue will be fc.nnd spicy. Incisive, and entertaining. In the met ter of tolegraphiv srrvicr,having the aAvan- tage'ofcoauectionwith THE Tetltl1N1O DAIH.Y NI W'.. it ha- its command all the dbpatc'hes of the Attaociated Prem.. besides t 1. pe- cial. Rom NEWS eurrespondewle in every •e-etinit of Ontario Fur which the dally paper Is so I na. Aea newspaper It haw 00 superior. Itis Independent In politics. presenting all political news lire (Vein parr bias or coloring. and in absolutely without Seer or hirer as to partleaThe parliamentary reports are written in a humorous vein, and deal with men and meaaures without gloves. and having retard only to brcrft} Justice. and truth. It is in the fullest armee a faintly newspaper. Each issue °entwine a verbatim report of Rer. Dr. Tall- man'. latest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara Belle's New York nothing. letter. The Mtn-AM,ut-Town," sketches of people sad places. a serial story of absorbing interest. a political c-artraoa, and a rich variety or condensed towels nn Fashions. ,ort, Indust rum. Liters - tare. etc.. etc., etc. 1101 market quotations are complete and to be relied upon. It is Just t he paper for the y nnng folks. and the old fblks will like it Just as well. Our special clubbing ternm. bring It within reach of a1 . Spreimrn copies may he bad at this oakum bend your eishaeriptloa to Haiti ogee. • ing away when the door bell of that tyre with which he obeyed ghees P. JORDAN, Medica Hall, Gabriel, house rang. The young ladies were al- plain rues him. and I know of the T. Mr 4441fal Prutesss•a. said all Wiest tl/ VWti p, i iiiF fit to be seen in their nicely laun• Take time for eating, sleeping and di- 'Lire's of eigf t persons' ph•v hatine, or Nene 1'oocu, sPhos ee ucotvtsmtly on hand tom set 1/ nosy rent',■. ways Klas t Flock et Drags, ItMleiaes. ('hesdeelio eagee, Drs IMAM tion. In my neighborhood that have been Perfumery. ha. Be. le'nicks is great variety. Paysfetaaa Prsa elptioas a ep•etalty• dried truffled gingham and breakfast Be' satisfied with your saved by your bitters, I phate 'gement based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, seta, and there was no appalling contrast Don t worry. Ido work, after dump; it 0.11. between their evening and morning Never ask another to do what toilet. Each was suited to themselves ought to attend to personally. and the occasion at which it was worn. Shun the slightest appearance n In the ruaegardcn of girls she who honesty, as you would shun the p' And matey more are using them with greit benefit. 'They almost Do miracles '' 1in you f du - ague. blooms the longcat h.' -ins the day as a morning glory. Llris, Help Father. e 'My hands are iso stiff 1 can hold a pen,' cod Farmer Wilber as he sat down to 'figure cot' some accounts that were behind hand. 'Can 1 help yea, father ' maid Lucy, laying down her bright crochet -work. 'I shall be glad to do so if you will explain what y 01 want.' 'Well, I shouldn't wonder if you can, Lucy,' he said, reflectively. 'Pretty! good at figures, are you '1 would be ashamed if 1 dad not kneel something of them after going twice through the arithmetic.' maid Lscv,laugb Always meet your appointmen time. Never late. if possible, much ahead of the moment Mrs. E. D. Slack. is on Rudd Lsgblal•g. M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no not Fluid Lightning not only eren Toothache Vegetable or 1(lil ial Poisons, Opiates instantly. but also Neuralgia. Headache. Far- N irc,ties, and no timulants, bat limp; he, Rise titan 1 n -imi.seto and Sciatica. t e .s his d tiCanus Gastric Elements ly p Dtn't talk too much. Let your actions Pain of any kind cannot !.main one minute found in our dailyfood. A ant butt wh.n it b sNlisd. Whoa yo.s hear o/ Fluid Druggt le } Lightning yes hear of one of the greatest yourself. honest, even if you Lae money by Never let business interfere with home duties. Remember that money alone cannot buy ce. nor true friends, nor a loving (anti y. it is refreshieg, in these days of specu- lation and dishonest Dealings, t., know that • nun can live to the above princi- ples and yet stake money it shows that honesty and business can go hand in hand. The new (•omblaatlsw. es The beat combination of blood cleans- ing, regulating, health giving kerbs, roots and harks enter into Hunieek Blood marvels ever known in the way of a medicine as it neve` tails to cure, and sot In a week or day. bit the Miami it ia applied to the affect- ed part. Hold by Gro. !Mynas. 2m: Kram'. nem Lltrbt.1.a Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drape briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but •'ne minute's application removes all pain and will ve the greet value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug store. h Prominent armee the greatest tnndlcal discoveries, by the assay corms it has alae' ted IlleGrewar's Speedy Core leads the van. nub Jetted to the minateat chemical analysis. I. les teen foe.ot to contain none of those in Int i Bitters --a purely vegetable remedy that emus 1 isms cMneie'r:alag the worth 'Well, 1 can show you in five minutes cures diseases rr( the blood, liver and b'post daily otRred to the public. what 1 have to .ln, and it'dl be a wonder- kidneys. fel help if you can do it kr nue. 1 never We. a master -hand st accounts in my bast days, and it duan not get any easier : ,roe 1 have pot on apevtaeles. Very patiently did the helpful daugh- ter plod through the long lines of figutw, lasting the gay worsted to ire ulle all the evening, though the was in such haste to Isiah her scarf. ill was reward •n••ttgh to see her tired father. who had been tsiliag all day Pte. herself and the other dear noes, sitting iso ee.aih in his easy - chair ewj.oyiag his weekly paper. The clock atrnek nine before her task was Bret, hat the hearty 'Thank Toe, dgtaghter, • tho.eand times " tont sway 1 wow of treatises" that Lag might bane telt. gib lather loosing rap whew 1 ma bags s stork,' said the tarsier. 'it's mot Awry lunw that ens aallard it.' y1 At wiser issuer% imi/I.4141.1b' 2 The following Ie from J. \\'. l'toleniy of tt'Iwatpug. formerly grain ban er too William (s111tehy, of Ilamllton aid Onm.b "1 was far man) years tem h &M4*IM with r nMlve- JlIIlowsnep.. and ultimately 1)yapepet . 1 settAeed very much and tried teeny different Iwhich gave cos only tetepeeary sad Isms 1 was a. lad as ever sada. cogs as ossended by • Mend. who had Moe remlwN to health by It. to try y/clirvgers Apody Cure. 1 db se. and it was not Use before 1 felt like a sew roen, sad I have .s- Jeyed excellent hearth ever slner. 1 eras commenced taking It Pebruary 7th. HMI. Aoki by Geo. /thyme. let: Ministers, lawyer,, teachers, and oth- e rs whose oecup atioe gives them bet little exeretm, should see Carter's little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bilioes n ems• Oats is a dew. lea Wbass.r. Tfssaw rbossa•M•. OIL 1"VUY°N*1w H(1TAiUI$ WHIM.C•IMA. nb.A ves. thus M tae • _ agars «Id Rrery Ingre Heat ptn.wa.a wpe.eullar adapta- bility to the various eomplainu for which it has berg compounded. and its ralcary I• heing established by testimnnlala hourly recelreci. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can Mair to rte public with the •taeewaee that tit win he Mad not aooljNverrelief fbat ea pti oate one for Mw Rhe r Msai /1siris/settle aNom 1(lwe. The People's Livery The wt oarear le prima Bi ima M tumid' it' *i col► ThsM wpm :O c► is sufficient to convince. A11 sts sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Limburg & Cc., sole agents for the Dominion, 56 Front Street East Toronto National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, act- ing upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. lm GODERICH BOILER TORIS H. r r j'M r e ', i . ed a large stork of BRASS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS row BOBIERS & EINES in Balt Pans and Boilers DWI ma Oho teat Met/eo. reMdti ll.44.1 ass swam Oar andoa. sad main will OHRYSTAL & BLACK, W.A. tar A.T. 11. tDerew FARMERS ! Why w peer OIL .,n ycur Reapers and Mowers, when you can get MCCO7-17.1'S LARDIItEOtL So Cheap. It has no equal. Try it and you will ass no other. McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. For sale by R_ W_ Mc=NZ=, 0411)1LItICH CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED .AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of ail the Leading Patent ]1e.licineQ always kept on ham' (Physicians Prescriptions a St ecialty. ) GEORGE REMUS BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE ART DESIGNS is WALL PAPER New is the time. it yes wish "'user tamale. reale at hesme, to ee. Patlrr'e rsewt pesee. iie hat over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Bs•etifal ewers, sad Y petcee Jess tsar[ very w,seb tafviler pees. Cal •ad Dee sbaus. Tbttpt are Me ban .els• ia tows. sad mw'st be set The 12tes Sping Bazaar ': , ad Fashiois, .Ia. Sl,t 1 Citi 11111. wrel omen had a ■ poesesslow of Poles, with Th. 'he' re be e.p1. sad, ant seen a 1 butler, ur a M The object u •usage lifted virtue of his stem as above unknown eat the little god his macbinat changes —sea the conatituti and to her i manner ol di he alterat iu hopes—iaIIOI without end good, honest may toward blued. as abs weighing ups friend $wean beside her utl '011, its al went on, 'bu yourself. Al know, to ma soon, her pre nothing else fur twelve be choked with our fingers to turn round v a sea ing-eim even pretenc Welt, just as comfortably needs set up ment- -John Now lmay l common -sem men in the s 'Lisnie kurus 'Well, per provoking. John Shaw I his way dot absorb the p right, no dot particular to which I used the dowers, and make th the want of 1 sit and twi mother, and me. 'Loves 'O( course spit, Polly will come.' 'Never ' What do yo to an engag 'Nat reel 'Very res tt.r happy n you observe ,•tion great room every John Occup, 'And who 'Echo ant may. Mot up stain, a. round table shuts him.. close 'den' 1 observe tl evenings n because the him at hon point of bet we sit un butler's pes which note ed, but the arm sod gibe pretty while to pr to borrow Skewed to sae true 'g 'As dal on present sob, 'here Fanny A11 and abs is poses w a lawn meal while she to sit I I the air -el frost step of the yes room cls thought r • Po11y, will man she closet smoothie 'Ons, if lot of tb 'n walki how esus• are abs saathra I meld Use tbe asiaiW — mit of 1 Make 4 mew be tits . .. gaped