HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-28, Page 66
th : Puet s tl,ornelr.
Trip eniatity.
Tr p lightly user trouble,
lap heal/ et . r aeons.
W. oily tome grief double
by owe:'ink oat ,1 lured.
Why clasp ase's baud so tightly
Why sigh user buwruilr deaf I
Wily rhos to fuses l.u.lghIly I
% ay amt .re. Say Iatieed
ir'n habil) over eo. row,
T ,•.0 • 11 the day be d..
7b o ye onet..m..r:nes
• .,aa the la, a :
1 e ., us. .til dr parted,
..uW:•. etre• may hs. e Iced
'tet. never . c d,a'u l.earte.:
du look fur .o) instead.
'.rip lightly ot.•r ratites*.
'stand nut to .L' at doom:
t. a've pearls to t.rin-a of gladness
Ul. tl.0 side of the: n.h.
Wisest stars. are °feed) shining.
Awl heatcn la overhead.
Lieu u ragr nut rept tri isg.
Met look far ••,y tn.lami.
}i ouseho lb 'tints. I He bas a thuury that, k wee cart derived
frugal vesplsocis paw at all. but mese
Rhine pebbles Mash sad glitter from item a (.drat word "rack' wbtoh seas
o enll1rate, ur to so to another cruutry.
disinters tit salver, "sassed teed pure. Tb• tThe idesis a feueaful tete ; pot there
lino are iu re
the .hate .1 escenta,erusses ( have beet stra&ger fes tlatltww u( macaw II
red the sharp farrow tit wi11arela than this would be.
A pretty and odd card receiver is of However the cam.• may have been
'metal, 1" the shape 1'1,,a, beK••ui$ I i1 e. l's derived, u u cermet to stand. The whole
steak is posted humus a little brass world, °leapt France. tails the cuuutry
uotek in its (ore legs America, mrd spells the 'muse one way.
A new gnomic case, 'severed with satin This uniformity u true .'t n.. other grant
shore n1. u lit• sti with silk and loss lyre
,•whiu►dered ulnen it with guld curl.
\ • for a Ise
team °' ties 'hour.
Take a piece of gnuu eathphor as later
as :l ehe°Ilut and place In use pilot of *l-
c•. -bol. This cstuphunaes the alcohol.
Tee mister, sue, bo perfumed to suit
the 'este. Wet the scalp with this dai-
ly.It will stimulate the scalp, promote
tu growth tit the hair, and in matey in-
stallers prevent it (tont falling utl. (ier-
a.ato mantel .Ku 'toted for their luxuri-
aut hair. Once to every two weeks they
wash the head thoroughly with a quart
of soft water In which a handful of bran
sled a attic white temp Leat ecru diesels. -
ed, then the yolk of au egg, slightly
beaten, is rubbed into the roots of the
hair. This is allowed to remain t. few
minutes, and them the flair is washed and
rinsed carefully iu soft water. it i, then
w aped and dried thoroughly, combed
Item the ford estt and parted with the
huger& After dyeing, apply a iittle
p entatutn mule 4.1 ha't4 marrow boiled ifs
• rrnall quantity of 01110 ,il and alhh►Iy
! pen wiper is a finite
Ivy lee. cut In cloth and utobr..tdered all
tiler in silk, with leaves of cloth be-
-A pretty band screen is made by owe
ering a palm -leaf fan with • shirring of
silk and placing a tiny test, with a bird
in it, un tun elle.
A handsome library screen has s frame-
work of mahogany. It 1s equate In f•,rw
isle' rhe cuotre u tilled with u!ack Velvet;
a Jr-.rseete with embroidered lane.
•A rased jar, centred with crimson
g�t1b, with too small pipes gilded and
un with crimson ribbons, makes a
bright ornament and way he utilize' as
a match ask.
A unique paper weight is of brass,
polished oral unpolished, and represents
l t.; •w of two 10.11, on whwh are seated
Deutschland is Germany to the English
and Allewagn• to the Freucb. KoRtaod
is Augleierre t.. the French and inghil-
terra to the hal'o's. Fromm u Frsnk-
reieh to the Gentians and Francis to the
Spaniards. Egaus is Islsqu* to the
Italiano and Spllu to the Enough, end
se tee
Itut America is Atweri,a, with the same
prununciat►on t.. all the world except
France. where it he:. mes Au,erique, sad
America It well always be.
tam Aar Ils.M.s.
As numer..tae tuets..til.s$Ia sill sow
there is no toot° rwiable cure fur deaf
mess than liagyard's Vellum Oil. 1t it
ala, the best remedy he ear ache, sues
threat, creep, rbeusuotlsts and for panel
and Isu►nuws generally, 1 acct Internally/
and externally. Y
eine ityssesses •.ttt.s..
]Ir& Helens Phi, s ie, No. MI Dayton
St., Cbitage, Ill., u glow in her suty-
eighth year, and steles that hu lugs eui-
1 fared with Cotuunept►on for eb..ut tet'
years, was trotted by ,else ebeetesens,ail
I \ u( them Pru
uoutwULK ego bope
tlhe had gitoll up 4411 b •pi- of err r.ew.I-
ering. Seven bottles u. Dr. Kiisg's Now
Discovery fur Constituent's (.ewi letel3
cured her. Duubtieg .•uete, plea.: deep
p.stal d sat,sf) yourselves. ('all
ather J.a. Wib,uans drug •tern and $:t a riot
trial bottle. (l)
Seetnj u >t
muco! pts
the.... litue maidens with Mother Hub-
bard helmets and Kate hreeuaway
A'Woman Bauer or Leen. -Take a
breast of lamb, trite it neatly, taking out
the tendons and tying the jouaa together.
Then put a hall a carrot, half of a turnip
and a geed -sized union ;all thinly sliced
into a steepen, adding a couple of bay
leaves, a tittle parsley and thyme, half
au ou^er , f sal'. and three pmts .f water
in whim hire been disadvel three tea-
ap.arfuls of Johnatom's Fluid beef. Now
put i..
Ow breast of lamb and set the
aauceps*i 5 here it may simmer until the
meat a tender enough for the borers to be
drawn ..at easily. Theo remove it from
the steepen. withdraw the bones, seinen
the meat with • little salt and pepper
prrinusel. 1h. the Hear the fire u1 and press it between two dishes, placing
. wiutct ur 113* v0ry *aria:ream Almost ;a wt 1¢bt upon the top, and allow it to
al. Lotting fluids are Inure impositions
but *nth a lead: seletwu of isinglass a
litre and hating farm may be riven to
the hair. This solution is in,tfemiive
The hair should be well brushed etuly
day +u under to keep it .0 erfect nee
(Wises. Always use the best brushes.
They are the cbeapellt in the end. 1 •ee
the hruah very rapidly and for about five
minutes. .A cel...heated haauty - said the
hair should receive 100 atr..kes a day
and they should be applied in three
minutes time. A good and the safest
wash fur the teeth is pure sett water and
tie hnett gual:ty of Castile strap. , Apply
with a moderately stiff brush morning
and °room. 1 lid above recipes are
worthy of ;t tri.,l, especially for these
who desire beSutitul hair
Arne w Meese a'a Ms0wa.
Mn. l►ac.tr Wilde. Who asks its to 'per-
mit hint 'that must charming of all
pleasures,the pleasure of answering one's
critics,' writs us the following :
'The '::ire Graduate' must o1 course
have precvdevie, not merely for her sex,
but for her sanity ; her letter is extreme-
ly sensible. She makes two points ; that
high heels are a necessity -for any lady
who wishes to keep her dress clean from
the Stygian mud of our streets, and that
witbeeut a tight c.rset the 'ordinary
number of petticoats and etceteras can-
not be pruperly or ado eniently held up.
'Now, it is quite tete that us long as
t`,.lower 'garments Inc suspended leen
the hips a corset is am ahsulutc nese ivy ;
tie mistake hes in not suspending all ap-
parel fnem the ,shoulders. In the holier
o tae a corset becomes useless, the body
a, left free and unconfined fur respiration
and moth in, there is more health, and tette
sequeetly more beauty. Indeed, all the
most ungainly and unoemfurtahle articles
.4 dress that fashion has ever in her folly
prescribed, n•,t the tight corset merely,
but the fsrthingele, the vtrtueadin, the
hoop, the crinoline, anti that m..dern
monstrosity, the a.. -caned 'dress gin•
prover,' also, all ..f them have owed their
origin to the same error, the error of not
seeing that it is (n.n1 the shoulders. and
from the shoulders.nly,that all garments
►io&W be hurl.
'And as regards high heels, I quite
admit that s.tne addhti,.nal height to the
shoe cr boot is necessary if loot gowns
are to be worn iu the street ; but what I
object to is the! the height -should be
given to the heel only, and not to the
sole of the foot also. The modern high
heeled limit is, in fact, Werely the dug of
the lime of Henry VI., with the front
prop left out. anti Ito inevitable effect u
to threw the hotly forward to shorten
stand until old. When wanted fur the
tool°, cut the neat no.. cou.enietet suers,
brush thein over with egg and bread
cruniba, and broil thew over a bright tire
to a ntee yellowish brown on both sides.
Neer rash them daintily, std serve with
a good browu gravy and tomato sauce.
A small currant cake to be eaten fresh
kr tea is made of half a cup of butter,
one cup of solar beaten teeethcr, tw .
eggs, half a cup of sweet milk, one and
...e half cups .4 flour, one teaspoonful
and a half of tektite' reeler ; stir in one
cup of well washed. drained, and dried
Englishcurrints ; if they are nut quite
dry, sprinkle a little flour over them.
what star ..cad My• least Learn.
To cultivate a cheerful temper.
To choose their friends among Cora
To learn to sew uu their urn buttons.
Not to teasey� s and girls smaller
than theruselves`a"
To take pude iu being a little geutle-
man at home.
To be polite and helpful to their own
sisters as they are to other boys sisters. easy to take : 11„ Peau ; Cu mewing : ane
Not to take the eabiest chair in the I,ureiug. lin
roam, and place it directly 10 front of Freemen's Worts Pendent are :tett --
the tire, and forget to offer it to their able to. take, and expel ail i-IOdi of
mother when she comes in to sit down. worms from children t -r adult.. les
believing. Ntwt the fleet
s in the uruldet cu !►r. Vag.
IBuren's Kidney Cute, thee hay a 1 •dtlr
ern raelieve yetwasitf .,4 sit iLa ^+ dirt'errs
1 ine
tet ten ye.;
1al1 about it. 1Sold syr j!;�L ila.rg (utssent'
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street,. Qoderich
of Kitchen, led -room, lining llama. and Ye 1 : Wash Mamie
arse ea* *00.t ...left, Cupboards. lindmes
.r-Nuic LuukingUV•e0s.
mew.• meat uIt'ofrnsand tibruudsrlwgeNha*d' Watt. lir
A mood
►1..s ('hag•
N. N. r.
Preen •
National Pills are • mile pure:etste,
acting on the stomach, ,he •'r .:td bu:-else
relator Ing all obstrucro.Il tin
Carter's Little Liver Ptisate free tn.
all crude and irritating tastier. la_t-rcu-
tested utedicIue only ; very seal' ; very
Not to grumble, or refuse, when :tsk- I'ITr THIS ria14 Dv..rir rte" •:'over')
e 1 to do some errant which must be with lode t F.ealth 1. re.lhet {•t chi sru
done, land which otherwise will take the than rine,•+ and lather. Isty t'
time of came gnu who has more to do music effect id a dullat ..tole of F.:t at.ux
than themselves. til HI OLTII
To make up thrirnsinda nut to leas
to smoke, to chew, 10 drunk, remember-
F,•r ru ngh a.ndiu..n, ..t tea' akin,
ing that these things cannot be u, learn• 1�hampRtning tiro h. •ad, lltuple.., Fdop,4.•.•
ave, and that they are terrible drawnacks and akin .{i.aaac•, 'esus Pat- tart, •.. -Su.
to good 111011 and necessities to bad ul.ea. phut los u.
To tr.tat their mother as politely as if l ���
she were a strallta hely, who did not All Nervous 1k•bilit; cure•' be 1 it use
spend her life in their service. of Die R. C. West's N ere ,u:•1 1.4* I• ; 7
To feel a noble pride in making their
armament. 'goes aoitrrtt wurut r! . +'. n
mother and sisters their best friends. Sold at it ikons drug .telt. .L)
When thrix play is over fur the day, -
to wash their faces and hands; brush As a+carr Wastes.
their heir, and !pend the eveuiu;p in the
eons. Call any tom rout: ' s :d ca... • of Lathery
If they du anything cans°, t.. tisk. "rib, Cowplaiut that );,•vtr.• •luttt•rs
their %mothers into their confidence, and will not speedily core ! \We ray'\they
above all never to Le abut auythtug cann.•t • as • th•,uaenhia of o^,044 wltroWy
they have done. peru.,auently 4.-nn.j SOFA ah„ r.ro .l..iiy tx•-
c.mmetending 3tlectttic Bitten. will ;wore.
Bright's Dlssaae, Diabetes, W's.•: beck.
The Nun of Kenmare Is a member .1 er my urinary 4- .. .daunt quickly curet'.
the old Protestant family of the Cusack'. They purify the bleed. reguletu the how -
Her cousin. Sir Francis Cusack. the eta, and act directly en 'he titeelae4
h.ad of the house,'s well known in Dub part& Ever) b.•ak ;cuarl.,teed. Fier
lin. She embraced the Rumen Catholic sale at :ale:,. a butt'° las- J. 'l%ilaou. [11:
religion at an ear'y ale, and has never
seen any reason to change. The Nun of A a tartusa.attnr.tere.
Ke 'mare, is now In _lined a, is sant to
be the only woman who has titer been Physician's are often stank.' b; n-
Tiesthone private audience h boa cofw:. Konz e diisc veres: The 4413 that len I UICg siLBs, situ, PROFITS WILL BE ow{ ICTT0
This honer was granted to her un aca,uta K1ms s New Discovery nor Cttumuietton
of her steadfast semi in religion and her and ell Then and i.us.g demeans 5'tatly
The (restive is, "!clay unions be cook-
er' in such a way that the censeeluences
may tee he disagreeable (' Different
flatbeds are rocen,nr,nded. Roiling in
two waters well salted, or lettintt there
lie in cold water is naught to he effective.
Boiling in milk used to be thought the
best way to remove the rank flavor, but
the unions we are able to purchase now.
eves in the country, are not so strong its
odor or taste as was ten onion of our
fathers. The Bermuda, the ideal union
of the Spanish, creeds nothing Ieyoad
boiling in two waters.
Besides the articles menti..neal already
as being pretty Christmas gifts may he
mentioned the fancy bags now sec pope-
' lar and designed t.. carry the opera-alsoe
i n. Bags cut in the form of the opera
glass case are pretty made .4 blue satin.
.rr f,hrsh, with the Mann or nlunugrsm
of the owner embroidered upon it. t)r
they n.ay be made In the a'y'e of the old
fashioned work -batt, only they
should be small, et :nurse, and upon
each piece should be embr'ideted a
pretty design. I lee made of white aatiu
is Omelet, with pink seen strings and
different styles of embroidery on each
IMO .(Truer.
a see!ally.-- A call solicited.
✓e the Largest Stock,
The Latest Stvlest
The Most Leliable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
Tit @>@
ss.• .er
Trade is quiet t5-ioieghout the country,
and 'the admitted cause is the holding;
hack of grain by the farmers. As we have
already said it is dtflicolt t. give advice
to farmers ab,.ut their cwt business, bet
u •i n mar-
,w t a
who know bra
men h K
ge0111 pretty generally of the o ;
that the farmers will wait Ion and
fare worse. Meantime the farmer d.n,a
rot pay the country merchant what he
already owes, and the country me rchamt
cannot remit the wholesale merchant of
the city, red thus money continues tight.
This state ..f things ought surely to bring
(tome to the retail merchant the neceasit)
of a cash business or the shortest possible
!be were, and en.slesywnlly 1'r pruduee credits for tf a cash business were now
that want of freedom. is, rule, the retailer would het be Iltt'h,
'Why should cio s be deipisud ? Much the between thew two uncomfortable
art has been extended om clogs. They tire. 11 we were t write volumes "u
hare bean nude of Ieevely wuods, and the snbject we could do no better than
delicately inlaid pith ivory and with simply to paint the moral of the present
mother of pearl. A .ole' might be a i•"nditi.n of things. Now, as the new
dream of beauty, and, if net too high or year is tippet -aching, is the hest time for
to•, Ireaiy, must Comfortable also.
'Rut if there Is any who do not like
clogs let then' try some adaptaiiun of the
teener of the Turkish lady, which is
tenet around the limb and tight at the as well as Ills own.
ankle. The 'Girl l iraduate,' with a
pathos to which 1 am nee insensible, en-
treats mo not tt. apn.th•-'one, 'that awful,
befring«f, betlouneed. and bekiltl.d
divided skirt.' %Weil, i will acknowl-
eige that the fringes, the fl•,unces, and
the kllting do, certainly defeat the wh. 1.•
object of the (item, which is that of eaae
and liberty ; hut 1 retard these thanes
as mere wicked superfluities, tragic
proofs that the divided shirt is ashamed
of its owe division. The principle of the
dress is good, and, th..ngh it a not by
any means perfection, it is • step toward
merchants to take it practiall step in ad
ranee on the credit eu tion. if he can
not do away with credit alt,o'gether, he
can at lemst reuuce it, knowing that It
w111 ire to the fanner s ea:,nate I.:eIit,
The tame of America.
The geographies tell us that the nice
of this continent was derived (nem that
of one of the narivatora who followed
('olumbus Americus \-espocins. Hos
real name, however, was Vent/mei, and
\'eapucius is the Ishtinized form of 11.
Jest as AmerICus is supposed to leo lnhn
for .Imerigon.
Ilut why should thin omhnent he call
ell America l if it hof been ca'Ied after
k.s Columbus, it would have been named
net ebrntnpheria. but Colombia. Why
A t, wn( wet not, thea, if Columbus was t.. he rubbed
of his honor, call the land Vespucia 1
The Kansas 'City Tim.. is .lotted all And was Ve•pucct's name Ameryp.l
',,er with 40054.1* ()gh. 1"•'9$.'r w81 Mr. Charles Mackay maintains that it
supposed to 1.o saying this, ant another was not. He has seen a very rare
that, as felines : e'luuir, published in Milan only nine
1 eve* ver) gtadih • lacy Ilneanna years after the death of Vespacct, de-
rail. Thomas .1. Hendrick* and old Indiana.
.•rnw hue and tin not 41. aer,MnK s hivoyages and disel•everies, in
1 \ace .I•y. recant
I'm agamecock from way hack,andnoel you which his name is given se AIhertatio,
/orgy, It. Of course it is possihle that this was •
We cackle egad crow few the ,real Brooklyn
elle, miam
prtnt, though such an error would be
Ant tb*w .tee the rooster and lace reward unlikely es occur on a title page it thew'
Call Examisie
13 O VCT- N I G,
Cribb's Block, Cerner East street and ;'.quare.
teeler*clt, May !nth, 1884.
= �Yitz, 3t 3. ;' tit+ "'C7CTaedcl-a p
Ike t- amwun/tee to the Public that they b*ie nu..: 1 nattier.' in the abate Sloe
in the mere Wyly uecupied by Horace cwt.•:,. Haiti_ purchased a large and
well aaseited stook of finite; and Swaim' tioe.lo at e..•se tigures, we are determit• s
to give the Public the renes..
philanthropic /*bears among the Irish curing patients that they hare gram up
peaasntry during seasons of famine. The to die, is startling them to reals::.: their
Propaguida paid her another oomph- sense of duty, anti etamsue into the
meat by publi,ay recosuizu.g the meet menet of this wonderful dssoove re-
enter centributlous t.. Cathoac 'item suiting In h:uldreds of our best d'hpsi-
ture. clans untie it in their practice. Trial
bottles flee at J. W:1a,u 1 Druz Store.
A Trtarel) ! ertaor. I pular size 11f1.0 t. i4)
A man may peewees the fortune of a
prince but can never poetess happiness 1 National Pills act promptly mem the
without gonad health : tie secure which e,, liver, regulate the bowels and as a pul-
bl.u.d must be kelt pure and every ..r-- "stave are mild awl theruugh, o
tan in ',rupee action. Burdock Blood i ._
Bitters purify the blood and regulate ail • ahttekirs's Arnica Mahe
the organs `' i The restest teethed wonder e, ter:
lc the history of medicines tio pupa world• arranted to epced ly cur •
ration has received such universal con !Burns, Bru .Cute.Ulcers, Salt Rheum.
rnendatiou for the alletriatien it effonis, - Fever Serra, 1. leets, files, Chitblain*ll
and the pertinent cure it effect' in kid I eons, '!setter, a -1 1 lians, and ail
'ley di,eeses, as 1)r. Van Buren's Kiuney j Skin Erupiiens, gu anteed to cure 111"
Cure. its action in these diatt'nssing : every instal,ote •'r mon . • refs
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold per bats. For sat, by J.
by .1. Wilson.
„el-f'lcase call arid examine our ie..*ls beforepurchasing ria where.
'eteli,n,enllr•r the piece. uext deur to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
.eat•-/'ustom work will feet ice our spacial attention.
yig-None but the best ..f *anterial used arid hrst•clase workmen e*nployeie
.rerltep.airing neatly done .-n the shortest notice
4Codtleich. March ,► lett a DOWNING
refunded `lac CARE
m. ly.
- Impute Spee 11. Never titre to.
You can depend upon Nagyerd s Vel- : If yne r._-_t►ufftrint with low a
lee Oil as a pain reliever in rheumatism. pressed spirits, toad el appetite. gen rig
neuralgia and all painful and inflamm.a- i debility. die 'dere: bleed, weak cense
tory complaint& It not only relieves . notion, beadachv, o: any dtaeane of a bol
but cures. 2 iota nature. by all me-iu, pn'cure a hee-
1 ore Mir Ute :' tle of Electric flitter,. You will be sur.
toi t or a that
'lied rax the raid m r em nt t o
•`\o ;she linaerevl ane' at:Toned .lona, i Pr! P •
''pining all the time fur years. the dew. I will (oll.ew: yet: will he inspired with new
'tors doing her no•jgeed ; and at Wt was1 life: strength and :4ctlr11y watt return ;
cared by this [lop Bitten the papers' pun and misery '-411 wase, and het:cc-
'say an much about. (*ideal ' indeed ' I forth yon will rejoice in the praise . f
"how- thankful we should be for that' Electric Raters. Sold at fifty tents a
d de -
nutria by J. N Ilan. i61
•'mevlieine ' .
National fills are unsurpesse.l as a1
Bert R.ad+rhn and relieve all the troubles ilei.
d -,. t Loa b ....u. state of the .tarn. • :rh s. D1s•
1115058. uses.+., Dr.wa•taa. Diene a af:.t ,-a
rs:n to n•, •.-d.. de. Who.. tuner mot naartk-
skbe ec.eees has beer shown one .nr,cg
R b.,y' a'ar!er'.f.htle WrrePt; ;. are ..;aai.y
a -.lush is ('uw.ti5atjoI cur ng aad pre..',tang
this use sag somplsenl, who. they •,e) .croon
all disorder of the M0•saeh, stit.a,lai• the 1...r
.•P el .•- if 1J•
t.d r...;"1..tel ewes ► $ d
H r
Arlo L. y would loc::roost pe.c.-:ow to Cu*,rah,
s1A•tfrt• etine skstrwweag plaint: het Iceta-
safe, mild, yet thorough, pt;rlatlre. act -I AR WARP Of one dezeu "Teener.- s*n,ece try Mega will Sod l(Iule polletala-
Int spam the bs:iary organs 1.rempt!yand' RV.' to any tint- sending the beat four Gee •*e1•-1■ se many "rays that they witrantbewili-a&
lm , I rhyme en ' I r e rsieel , ' the regnarkable Ledo without teen. Irut arts,. all feet, head
- - -- ° c .posse for the Teeth and Path. Ask -
pion Marstlag olerev.r7- your dreamt ler #titin°,..
Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dalt., , writes 1 .--.......................-
•- --�- �-
scute Itlnnchitis for many peau, and that I lit terse tunes when our newspapers atter e . an.
til. Leer TRI" are eery man sad
all retnedtea tried rare no permanent re- I ,Ire t1•w°led see, patent medicine anter. eery ray lotakr. ens er teep 11 en ale ■ du..-.
lief. until he prncn'•etl a h"ttk of 1h• ti*ements, it is gratifying to know what TM -y mn sinrtly ve.ntle aaoi dos Lair e
King * New Discovery f.,r Consumption, g g peri.. hath 'hear gentle orlon t all wt14
to person° that *ill certainly cure Foul see them. in vials st IS feats: d•.' t -st, Bold
'soughs and Culd+, which had a maorieal ' If you are bilk. iva, bkw.d out of order, by .bogus. erery*bcr., or ss.t by eG&i.
effect, and produced a permanent cure. liver inactive, or •enteral debilitated, CARTER MEDICINE CO..
It i, guaranteed to cure all diseases of then is nnthine in the world that will New York City.
Threat. Lungs or Bronchial Tubes.
Trial b,-ttles free at .1. Wilson's dreg
store. Imre sire $1.00. it))
g•' vebelreemtaesedoessot?Ydhrr•,andthor.
that his wife had been troubled with A Ole •.laglostl1aaksae.
Is Y. r bane of w sloe' / ,.e that bre. i. a •.rr' we
task, our gems keg a liar pills out 1: wail:
A Ballass'a Ttrastr/nxv, For a
cutlet', roes or any Bntnchtcal affecien.
"•Pectora►," in mr opinion, a jest the
have used it m Tamil for
csrw you ...luickly ns. Electric Bitter,. � l
They area blenine t.. *11 mankind. anal The Ontalrio M'u 4', a,11 c arse.
can be. had for .mly E.rty onto a bottle
of James Wilson. 12:1
•l -r,_ t ..... . , ,...• ,act
Ari Y1
pre:► 1e lisp
Nctr•.kaY moue, K as
Me. Sew Mexico, Ar,rur,a, L.
, Mat awl Tun
• •
., NYa,
1.•.. M. •.,:..1?A. Natl.
..' r•,s.n•d••i to _
I' th,tw.0 y 45 •48' r1 :17 1
•r 1.yet.d es
tb• Great
Tera -.0.
Cehns 7..
r. 1•.t
0 000 AI .0RES
thing. I my y nt tl•11.1'and 1�11•lt(ly' h i, LAYint, fur s.ir
Coughs and Colds for the past four years sin„, f hr line of . h 1'Iti YN k it. en
T.y sty
sod nos nt*
frit ors, .- ,es a
soar%, .u.rad
of • 441.•
NERD OFFICE, - 00 T.' .1.
tltSwtarwv OkpSM?.
TLe owlsyur.ly Min al Ura to irena.la.
Tatar at tither of Policies la flew, 1%, 11x,,
tette : l
.:. tote
with the moat unvaria mimesis, and he lar and Huron 'mint -se-n AN. lee's. Pass. AR t,
Ult� 0.111, eocenn
day my opinion of it is that 1 e1nn1 inue from 446 per sere 4 rc ,Ipward& Uond water. ,e R a'adaraaer (e t1 r a„wtiae Turono, Ont
nark.•'.. sod °limit*, .r r. Tree ankles end revAl AMLTs, Q1inktet.M
Oro ' B. Jon tirr(►a, .
to think still more of that which I Wean eseereen Elates ne Rhos the lands- Write
TOTAL atth.tl*r*, osilasltM
for I4.t. and fell reticular' to W.W. JON►;". tx&t.rsl.a. •Tick. Age nto (loderch
thi..ki*iq well t.f. 1s ]IIIfIwr! fat., iY I:T ItI'ftUX, Mich.. rtes. Mi!►Lrat �-
(inn, Kut ., Manazer 1)nte,o Bank, y1e1t for Trnn. .•r band& 1iitlr., Th.1 erapanls Le,s.rvea car. ha.e.l on the• _
Picketing- "A . -towers lalttt{l of M Aalft not f neer
Price 1'i, cents at all drvRriata, m �1ia
As IL/1M!'a Tribute.
Thenen P. Koator,editor of Ft. Weyne
Noseltr, writes : 'For the pest fire
ySic*rs i have always used 1)r. King's New
Deicer -1y y for coughs of most severe
character, am well as ter thew of a milder
type. 1t never fails to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whom 1 have re-
r.,mmettded it speak of it in same high
terms. Haten1 been cured by et.4every
e.tn1h 1 hate had for five years, I erae-
Beecher• days of careful printing. But Mr. Mao- eller et the ..nli reliable and sore ewes
, et • ha e"1 8, ac.' Call at
fereemaa s 'term Powders ire male in key has met been eble to discover when 1"r o Ig
all cease. They dewte.y and remove the name America was firet spptied to barge AD
Drug fl nee i sol Re'(• Free Trial 1llottlw
M orals in children or adults. 1m this centinent. A
1 h. a to ad. ,•r .. -n•tnmer, and the .-nn-
owners of Foal wcnerelly. that 1 am now re.
calvingm7 Fall and Whiter *apply nt ■AU
AND MR PAIL. end am prepared to take
orders to he d.$4rer.d in town at the Polarise
3llestnut and Stove, $?.00
Thanking on for 4.sal farrow. I herewith
rispertfwlly tool a , onlinie are °f Mar pat
fioesriM, A. 11, 4* 1 1
e d o y,- a our
nt. a uta .'d
b, any life company In Canada. sad ane If
per e.nt. higher °ban the standard used by the
l)os,latea far*nrv, Ite•parfta.wl.
The Increasing popularity and rsptd arowlh
.1 the (:omp*ay may he teen rn.an IA, fart
that in IVs, the arm year of t:,. Mean°.*. Int
total aorta amounted to nal) $1:,11$, while lam
ear Leo. reached the handsosne Intal of
1t*• WM. fiENIHtY. Manager.
. R. IIUU(IiSR, (lettere' Aarwl.
Rlrstto •d, (hot
sir As ar$lr, aid reliable I,i+tri. t A•went
wasted for Ociderirh and W.st Hnrnn. Apply
le W, t. Hnrw,m4S, (1 Agent, R•eat ?ord.
Moloy to at Lew Rates tr(1111 is 1
re lalrn•at the 11 lost Mane! el
To Rtttmv. Dawt,rrw -Cleanse the
scalp with Prof. Low's Magee feelphur
IMSA. A delightful sediested seep fee
tb. Wine Im.
AP Rend els rents for pestye
...receive free, a eestty kism
f moods wain will
rs yea
more mew *oar
than bajada. alae is LIM merit& amblelI�
✓ es. *nomad from Bret hour.There 5*5 (
to tortes., opium before Me
Il err. At woow eddrss.. l tit's t CO- AttRuhln
Raise. 1
Says Dryden
"she knows her nun, wad wheat roe ra*t
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a single bor."
Bat it now be beautiful hair te vt•e
w eb power . and besutrfnl hair and be
ensured by the In. et Ciimataall Ratio
Newman. hold at BOWL by Z. Wilma