HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-28, Page 4"weer e tie THE HURON SIGNAL FRY DAY. NOV. 2&, t884. _ 4 _— . ---- t -- IOW YORK D>QOIDtiD. t that, had warrants issued ter HLS(TPION ODDII'IRe. ir HE HURON SIGNAL )r/►Tiff+dlJ( /alfa ' fl k l'BLflBk1- Da lazy, all Canadians .eiehu t,my. Chair wisel lkrtyto, however fled alae, habit man Canadians and AmerwW Mw testy tltrteeswatp.. wree t#t1M •.d t'N•elaaw'. rtara/Ity er tar llsrvsaa.s cis Ylebed every YrldaJ Motives or Mc I ThrA the y a ttr i ltaa nuc •once boon tuurd, wanes. taetsert rlar..t at 1.1ae. an CL'DDI $cue, u their Uelcc. North tl 1 have o1I elevating alien tort while seated, ltitcbell has ancon c„rwittad to of die Squat -0 tea It u, we uuderuta wd, the iutoutiow o,t bet t,i u due to the tact that owing to the bad dead his trial at the next Assizes, and ! •• our Ttor • drools to baa i.et Sir John A Middlesex County, Conn.. steer ' !lu•env, \ r. 21. 'Clea State sr- UODEHICH, ONTARIO the a 1 1 l `ventilation the ould air keep: near the bail to the su oust of $1,200 has been 'mortgaged Ahe fu on to teat ou Blsiu. I taswu earn at mon. All to C.n ssatry byltee to all para of the s°sina. r i Macdonald on the 17th u( L►eoemlwr, byI `assets rt- Weald mon. ivied the looting eetisstry the earliest mad/sand traits Ikon, and the fact el chtUed it alluwd taken aur hu appearuuoe. This fallowA hd ort, Corea. , two to I Sf the tables its follows: sett ib -Highest Doting Mer•ladmitaios IL has • r ameba- ,ray of crlrbratiog the I••rtisth ansa g j Martyr, it will au.t romewberg t appear- Kele SS* aa7 +d i. our otirpt r in i►1. pert utto remain on the floor. The learned p q cattle elector - •1'rieet. 61►3,1iNi ; rho/hest d b oto( u(tbe sac colo seweitet rtrsaq of his advent to public life ed n several lotto( luras the o the eat two crows it Mate was not r ' t• doctor• however, latah W atuuant for the Sc.,tl Act campaign to , tsiuua to the A mud Republican in Dover, N. d• e 1 w •tellable 1)uur•at■ in deutan We think the idea is a mime, one, sad pant 'PP'K BrV Ret•ubliean eleater Gerson, 41LOOtl- as It deo. alif above. ressesstfels I 1 (s that the herb aro tilted higher dor- Act, and his addresses were speei•lly d to walk w a I)ew.wr.ttic eared* to • 1 lure!ity, 1,149. Lowest Demuorstio (a addnbm to tene shoe+, A stet -clan ' evidently emanated tem • great head - Lode 1.* la advance. pa)....; an p sea rpr( a ( perhaps from that of the venerable chid -tiny the du. days, as the American ur a,tieeable fur his vulgar pommel attacks pay his bet. i elector IMendurter, 503,068 ; lowest Zile - let upon clergymen and uthen whu oppased Outs ,r the ether of two Bridgeport lgepurt 1 whl►can eh.,ttor Yarns, bGl,$71. ltitttiss il.se t• eetv•nor, w,rta,te pre trsld) 1 Canadun takes his 'loaf' en the un p•wen w►11 share ..d his halt, wht.kert and `1•luralay. l,o;i. Hii{heat prohibi4wa Wisher*: t1.7S, it td before .ox alis tato, hisnarlf. There will, be •mud , nes- haw. No awn monied to know trona pa hotel verandah. whence he cause, c r to whom he • ebn•wa to settle an idiotic bet elector --Miller, Y,S,0011 ; lowest-Elb U not tea paid. This rel will be trkdIJ tion, be au ens husiastie gathering, and y wet Cy Aoverrr three Eight rents . o that we eau be looked upon $. ego- belonged, and had he not appeared A New Yuri: supopa,rter of Bain inroad , worth. 24,'919. Highest Butler elector as Aran assentor: three cerate per f c r & t T int the auspices and p•tnn►•Ktl to wear • Plumed Knh(ht enif.•rw a u- -U Donnell, 17,W4 ; lowest -Campbell. tributingtothesucawof the entertain- MAItTl ti AlITCHELL of the the ttautt Act A.o,cation, re subsequentInsertion.vealso•firs-clawtiuuuusly for thirty dojo 1t Jamie* was ,14;,751. After this at.uuutxroweut the quarterly °ontruu at reduced rates. ment we would suggest that the uwtluea the defeateal. ; ....others of the 1: ,,std si{mei fhe tables 'Wag e:.—A'o have o.oaerstclass h K ebelaed.tartment tnwenneation and possess- Ger the •occasion be selected drum the A rash !setter iu Now Y•tek agreed, it j Aad cernitloater. ag the mast complete out •at and hest facilities the r ttwdntr out aura to l: at 1.6 ea n prepared heed ( his ,sant and he 1.»t, to read the entire lutsnrtIt page ut isMasf Tertiatllne•twtcwsthategnnot ulgeMtlemartly l the New York T:shu.sc weublic every FLT. ASSAULT. Mrten, and of i e _atltJ that comet ►e 1111.11011114.-T•rnalmM• Unfortunately, several of there who hu! day for es months. breis br ught roto c.ntaet ani i n One fleshy women in West Romney', faiAflaae9 Usti' ►rtslsM• • slat T N. ll.. wheeled suutlwr Iweiny-live rods I peed r• r anereSM/ treat nor because Cleveland was elected. A pro• rearsNes. cession of 100 torch -bearer Accompanied I . them. His Grace .trcbhishop Lynch Inas sant W. C. Brace, a Cleveland, 0., oyster 1 the fallowing letter to Mr. McCaigue, dealer, wagered his place of business, his I the old gentleruan so seriously injured house and every dollar he p•,etemed, taut at Thornhill on Sunday last by his pas- ha wife served au attachment cm the `t,or, !'.cher Egan : stakeholder. I "ST. Mt••Nari. s PAL.t a, Donald Dingwall wheeled Allred A. "Cornea, Nov. 19, 1$84. Murphy around a square in New Haven "My dear Mr. lleCsigue, I be to ex- Murphy Cleveland was elected. Tu avoid Pr to you my most sincere grief at the colliding with a car he duetted his head treatment that you received drum your past••+ ase Sunday last, and offer to you In tho mud. i all the apology in my power, begging of Two workmen in the Winchester Arms 'God to gins you the gtaoe to suppurt factory, New Haran, would out het I with patteuce obis heat y trial, Siad to money, but decided that the loser 'Mould I forgive hint who, 1 presume, did not in - go own his hands and knees to and trans told to nurt you bodily. However, as work for two weeks. . he cannot hear your peiw, he will snake Henry 6rau.e, a guvernraent employee ' all the reparation in his power by Be- at Cehicsgo, &awed a cord of w.,od 10 I fraying expenses that you may be at on (twit of the Custom House s. the result account of this unfortunate accident. To of anelection toot. He was encourei;rd I vindicate as far as possible the humor of by • brass band and an enthustaatic our church, I have forbidden the priest crowd. ' t•• celebrate mass until he has triad., ono - If Blain bad won, a Wheeling, W \'a., din penance for the violence and anger taleewensn waste give • Cleveland drum- he hes exhibited to the sacred edifice mer forty-eight kisscs in four monthly', bete. tittle ; and until he has made all instalments. As it u, the young lady the satisfaction in his power 1o, you and will wear areal akin *some, which the ;o the Church that he has scandalized, I drummer will settle for. stn sure that all the {,nests of our die - P. T. Barnum agteed,if Cleveland was cease, and I might add all the priests elected. to ell ala et, rateable property, who will hoar of this untortuttate affair, including 200 !rouses in Bridgeport, will share in my s•.rrow and iudignation. Conn., fur (one-fourth less than actual "N•• priest has any right without au - value. N. B. --He won t do it, all the i orizatton from his eacestastial wperi- same tors to nail up pews in his church to pre - William Elba, of Wheeling, W. \-a., vent people from entering them, mueb will count every tae en the Saltier. fi 1esa can hec forcibly eject 107 proper Ohio track between Wheeling and !Slash• Morn who conducts ►um.lf well in the ington because Cleveland is elected. church. Chris. Miller agreed, ii Blain was elect• ' I remain, dear sir, ed, 1. push a hand cart .over the Naai••n- "Yours very faithfully, •4Jone Jnerrh LYN('H. al pike from Wheeling to Washington. ••Archbishop of Toronto." Alf. Burnet, a Cherheston, S. C., de- Mr. \1cCaigue said to Father Roi.uey, tecttre, bet that Blain would have a whom the Archbishop sent lout to inves- larqer electoral majority than Garfield notate the affair, that he did not wish hu had. If he had won D. B. Geshorn case with the priest to Do before the respectable audience would have *riven tau a hewing ,r would hate suffered Isis The Precious Pair el L,.b-11ers iuselence, and, even as it was, he was Up." several tunes for n 'land Qp. emulate ton the raattor '- „ with him, as WIN" the res.. tills" eftlb. °M.P. °Paw well as a number of the papers of the e t rara.-ter Taletes. county, criticised his ungentlemanly einduct and utterances, and in this w• gsve hint notoriet and impurtsnce which During the past week or two our ex- he never could have obtained in any changes have commented on the vile' other way. Puffed up by this attention letter issued by Martyn and Mitchell in , he was ca inducedlibrg duto et' upon last sally, the Winglum i'o•1• tae. \l ithout except- ion, the press has coidemued the action etn'ng arm o1 the law. Had he been of the libeller in ria uncertain fashion.iii left severely alone, or treated with the The Wingham witting hasn't a friend to contempt e hi h11wsuch wort haveg euss sunk jo defend him in all the •urnalislis frater- bats deserve, pity Among the annoy articles we hate from public tie*, and would not likely obarrved, we select the following, as • have been able to give even as much ro8ex of public opinion uu the question : 'annoyance as he has done to respectable tClitcatdine bloc 'opinion people. As for Mitchell, it is hard to. Dr. Martyn,Anti-Scot orator in Hurn I say whether he u most drsen m2 of pity or condemnation. He is a precocious county, after the campaign was finished and senseless youth, who has had placed w ade •list of the opposing speakers who at his dispels) by an indulgent parent • had annoyed ham most and then proceed tartan ore. anal types, f theproper ed to "show them up" in a letter to the . use or printing of which he uttir Wingham i"ulrtk, tonaiuing slander in I 1 i,gnurant, and has un more than one quantity sulEnent to bankrupt a million- , been Irl into similar troubles by •ire- of the victims, Rec. Mr. ; becoming the dupe of more designing Campbell and Gee. Aehesen, ..f Gude• j ,nen, andmay although he have to suffer rich, entered suite for criminal libel ! siren the writer and publisher. the punishment in this instance, he will •g I do se as the victim .4 °then behind the Seaforth Sun (Anti-Scott) !scenes, who are more deserving of the It is not our intention to became Dr. 1 lash than he. This is but another ex- Martyn's apologist or attempt to justify ' ample of the danger of placing power in his conduct in this matter, yet we think Ithe hands of incompetent or designing Dr. Martyn is nut naturally a bad man, sten. This sapient youta, Mitchell, is but was cruelly imposed upon by a more I utterly incompetent to be entt tasted with designing man. We have season to be. 1 the management of a public journal, no bete this t•s ba corre_t, es we noticed management j matter how insignificant. Iu o•rrober- upon our hot acquaintance with the anion •.1 this •taten.eit, we publish the Dr., that he was susceptible to beim► int- I following items front the l-uiet'.e- of last posed upon by his accepting every state- + week. The tint, it will be seen, is an maul heard as truth and repeated is as abject apology for publishing alartyn's such. I letter, and the excuse is given that it (listen New Era. secured insertion during the absence of Dan Martin, for whose arrest a war -'the E liter, while immediately following rant was *iso issued, s.tippel oat, tsar- i this, in the same column, we find the ing the unfortunate instrument el his -1 second quoiation, whit. glories in the villainy, to bear the burden of defeats iprotita made by publishing the letter, alone. Mitchell apologised to Rev. Mr. and the Editor plumes himself upon his Campbell last week, but this. evidently, 1 great generosity in according to Martyn was not considered satisfactory. It is I that ••liberty .,f speech which all Canadi- pretty near time that the 1'of.Ne editor , ens love w well," although, if we are to learnt wisdom, f or he has already floured believe his tint statement, that 'liberty' in more snits of this nature than any was obtained without this knowledge or editor in the e•sunty, and by pandering consent. The following are the para to Martin's vitiated tastes, has Inst what- 'graphs alluded to : ever influence he possessed as a muurel. •l -poi enquiry we learn that the charge power in \\'imglam. made by Dr. Martin against Rev. Gorrie Enterprise. T. a. Campbell, of Gtderich, in his We had hoped that our young friend Wier of etmssspotulence, which appear - of the YGiente had hal experience enough ed in the it issue of the 1"itette, are in libel suits during his *hart an,er as a taterly wroundless and entirely with•sut more than we ahoald pay homage to l , j ournalut, G, teach him to be more wary, foundation. Rec.ntnizin,t the fact that ! f asci thoroughly h FE .11 .1 LE MG vI(IPAL VOTERS. but it seemed he has again succumbed Mr. Campbell has been unjustly dealt That is settled beyond real!. ,Cheers work, and aystemauc and untiring in in aim and to his last :mos with by us, we hasten to set this matter In the spring there was only one Liberal their labors. It would have been an against the Franchise, and the: was Mr. economy of both life and money if the. Goschen. But now he hes gone. 1t had been 1200 Canadian boatmen en - was like the story of the ten little nig-- gen-nine were disposed • f, and finally one little nigger was left atauding shone ; but he or ,t named, and then there was none. (Langhter.; So with Mr tic -one little ...iberal was left standing alone ; he goo: rnnvetted, and then there was none. Much lau_hter Yea, the Liberals were converted and s. a were the 1 agreement with Cleveland is false. Every Tories, except the Right Hon. James man in the country, he says, will be folly Lowther, who was the only Conservative represented in the next cabinet. Ore who spoke out and said the pe.,ple ought .of the principal meanings in the Demo - not to he enfranchised. He believed Mr. critic victory, if he understands it aright Cavendish Bentinck said so te••,, but he is that while they cannot do away with did not count. Laughter ) Well, that arch ge..graphical expressions as north was a very encouraging state of things. and a..uth, they can du away with them The whose Tory party were king •b.out as political factors. the country hollosing tout for reform, but the melancholy thing was that nobody Draw strauKat ma of raw wersaNN, would believe them. (Hear, hear ; He London, Nov. 25. -The Middlesex hoped and trusted this agttatieen would law association has passed the following not evaporate amply by making the Lords ulouthe Franchise Bill. He had no motion bt they would do that, but they mut That the system of the administration do something more. if they did not of justice, centralized at Toronto, and seize now the opportunity which was he- established in the infancy of the province fore them •ef clearing away the great nob- when it was sparsely settled, has long stack to all prescreen, that House of here- ditary humbug -(charms and laughter; - the Liberal party would f' re themselves to be the meekest, wMfMt, mildest, and most miserable of politicians that ever professed to belong to a free country. (Cheers and laughter.) Could the human, inlet ect imagine any greater absurdity than • hereditary House tof Lettislature 1 A set .of men who, simply because they were born, we. allowed to overthrow all the people of this country. through their elected repreaentat:ves, teethed atone. If they wanted a pair of shoes would they go to the man wh•• made them hest, or t•, a hereditary shoemaker 1 laughter. The man who believed in such systems was on a level with one who behaved in the divine right o.f kings, in the worship of Membn Jumbo, or the ern ows of the Claimant. :(hen and laughter.) He knew that English- men dearly loved a lord. it was part of their religion. (Ltnghfer. ; The time had at last arrived when the few had their day, and it was time for the many to have their day. :Cheers.) The plan of dealing with the House of Lards was Ger the Hou. of Commons to move an address to the Qoeen. pnyine her not to issue the write sumenosing the Peen, and if their lordships then as- sembled there would be policemen at the The lecturer deserrd a better audaooa door to keep them out of the Hou. of !The short notice, we @appose, was the Lnrds. it they penis/ed-if Lord Rale- ewe. leery, yielded to. great pressure (nein J. C. Doherty hm bought two frame wttMwt, presented hiayelf, let him he cottages on Charas -et,, and ie Sttirng taken before a masihlrate, who would them op, one to reside in and the other say -Lord Salispory, sit month, ow the to newt. treadmill Inc you. (Mach laughter. The en ee firm rut Pay t Wise- ttlret Lord Randolph Churchill admitted man have added another teeter* of M- thegtssatMn of oho hour was Shalt the trseliuea by the receival on Wetttte. Reese ell Lords to abolished 1 Yea : the el s new sat d blinds e1 Miele OMNI 4/ of &silk a ass at bead whets the miler whish adds meek to the best if el life *mei , rising like/lowest of the stets, mahl.g it the heedelt.r best- kreowit say nu is of the guest of evening. For lunatics "Send ape another ten thousand. 'Tis the last tine of calling. Don t fail me. Answer today.' "These hands are ..lean." "I wish to God 1 cuuldi catch him" (tial). "1 have uo confidence in the breed." "The Crooks Act is not worth the FQIDAY, 1!ftMV. 2STu, 1884. :re THE RIAMISH A correspondent, aiguine himself "Fairplay," writes t,. the Seaforth taki.ig exception to the statement al the Beamuh trial which appeared in paper it is written upon,' Tie Sit.NAL a couple of months ago. He "That little tyrant, Mowat.' thinks we di.l not give a fair statement "The Minims, the Hardys the Lardys t the caw, Inasmuch as we failed to lay and the Dardys," any attention to the evidence of Mrs. '•1 can lick you quicker than h -11 can Jenkins. Well, for the benefit of "Fur- , scorch a feather." lay," we sol say right here that we "i'11 slap your ; bluest's) d -d little ignored the little woman's testimony in- chops.' tentionally. She may be a very estim- "Chat fellow Smith ,,Donald A. ` is the able person, but she trade n t effort t, biggest liar I ever knew." conceal heranimusagaiust the pns..nen - • Nut one acre of land, not one stick in fact, during her exatuination she went . of timber, not one pound of ore, not one ounce of mineral shall Ontario obtain.' •'The Tory hounds will follow the old fox to the last." far out of -her way to exhibit it. As to oar comments upon the judge's charge, they were fully borne out by all who beard the remarkable speech which Jus- The above and a thousand•and-one tiee Wilson made againat the prisoners, gems of a similar order of brilliancy are and which was practically a most Outs- oriental with the great and only Sir aided steaming up for tate crown. It is John Macdonald the "Man ..f Canada," not the first time the learned justice has ai•tlte London Fro. Pr.xl delights to call allowed his peroral feelings to get the him -and would look well hung around •better of his judgment. We do 'not the banquet chamber, in letters ..f geld I think it the " height of presumption" for with silver kning, on • ground of red to a newspaper to differ trots the opinion of match the old veteran's new G. C. B. (a judge ;-if it were so, it would not be breeches and gold neck chalet. fin the interest of justice. A judge u If the cutnmittee ,f management see •oppcsed to be an authority on natters fit to act upon our suggestion in this of law -although sometimes he is not matter, the honored, guest of the even - even that, and often has to be coached ing would only have to cast his eagle eye by the counsel before hitt- but on mat- around the banquet chamber to be re- tort; of fact any intelligent person who minded of some !articular episode in his watches a case closely, has as good a remarkable life, and to tind texts to talk from to his admiring hearers. We know of nothing that would con- tribute to the success of the entertain - anent more than to have the sayings of right to express an opinion as the learn- ed judge before whom the ase is tried. There never was,agd there never will be, until the end; of time, an infallible jjadge. Hence our objection to low the l'lueftsuu thus indelibly .tamped u and worship the dicta of Mr. Jus- upon the remembrance of tho faithful, who in years to come, referring to the banquet would say. 'Twas merry in the hall When the beards wagged all: We'll neversee 11. like *gala. Adam W dear We agree that fans are jnatly proud of our insti- and laws, ' but we fail to see why should reverence the opinion of a who charges in a partial manner, agreed to ride a blind mule through Charleston's streets. Barnet henna, of course, will have to swim the Kanawha River from bank to bank for four hours. secular courts ; that he appealed to the Archbishops court and left it in his leads, as Catholics should de in the dis- pones between their priests end thew - selves. **The fierce of ■er dttarJ ■embwa." ''rater eSeetaradtaa teatmea. Sir Wilfred Lawson, M. 1•.. who was - - received with loud cheer. at a recent London, . ZS. - Correspondents in demonstration, and : it is not a bastion Egypt unite in praising the Canadian whether the peopkrhai ►era nosh . batmen as ugh y *goalto their hangman who acts inhumanly with At the next niumeipal election the to his t,asett g wretch that the law bas condemned he at the same time glories in his act, right in the sight of the public. During die. They are both parts of the ma- women of the Province of Ontario who apologizes for it,and speaks as though he our absence the letter found a plat in binefor carr possess property and pay tale* in their really enjoyed the visit teen the Chief our columns, and we have since learned ty carrying out the law, but own right will have the opportunity af• Consable who arrested him. %'e hace that nut ono.ingle charge is true, and ither of them anatitute the law its forded them of outing for the men who heard later in the week that Mr. Mitchell at the earliest possible opportunity we • ty' build n their taxes in their dilierertt has been placed under bunds ti appear deem it our duty, in view of the fact, With reference to what "Fairplay" hat P at the Spring Assizes. and that at the to make the atnende honorable." P 7 localities. The intrcductia.n 1.1 women lot moment Mr. Martyn supped for Now for No. 2: say about the petition in favor of alio as a votin element. will materull changeparts unknown. K Y "We were unable to supply the de- mand for the I'iefefte last week, notwith- standing the fact that we printed 50 ex- tra copies. No less than 40 '•.,pies were ordered by Gosdericn people. For daring to publish Dr. Manses letter we lost two subscribers and gained nine, and sold 55 extra papers at live cents each. Our loess was $2, while the gain was $11. We hare repeatedly been inform- ed ly certain parties that we would lose if the women only claim their rights at the same town, 'with having spent some for daring to give Dr. Martyn the liberty the ballot -box. Of crone, we expect to time in a California jail for fraud. Mr. of speech which all Canadians love so hear the hoodlums denounce in uniaeas- D'niel McGillicuddy, of Tea Sweet, well, but we a. willing to lose in this he says, was egged out of Brussels ; that manner every week." tired terms all women who avail them- he was intoxicated at a certain silver _ selves of the municipal franchise, but wedding, and that he fell into the cellar; COUNTY CIIIt]3ENCY denounce as they may, their denouncing and hada $40 whiskey bill unpaid, will not hinder the good and true women These are scandalous charges, and we hew' M. ant +zeds ed err•• sat os ske them to appear in print. They inay be wonder at any newspaper roan allowing akar Meaas,ae. true, or they may not, but they ars o1 a brutally personal nature, and it is • dis- grace to Canadian journalism that they should have received publicity. Feeling, we aro afraid. has waxed pretty warm in Huron over the Scott Act, but now that the tight is aver the defeated should submit to the majority, and rive up throwing dirt at one another. mutation of the sentences sof the con - the complexion of our municipal councils ed men, we have .only to state that it all over the pruyinoe, it the female voters signed by the bat -informed men of •ee fit to avail themselves lof their privi- cuuity, many of them being of those lege.. Heretofore, the bummer element Intim who took a prominent part in at - be watched the ase most closely --the -that .*tying mass which always tempting tr defeat the boots Act in jury being tot the number. The , Hmon He charged the Rer. T. •i. leaned toward the whiskey -keg -was the Csmphell, of l:olerich, with being di - was not sent down to the neigh- deciding factor in all municipal contests, voiced irotn his fins wife ou the ground ood of the tragedy fur signature,nur but, hereafter, they will count tor naught of adultery; and Mr. Geo. Acheson, of it sent cut anywhere for promisee - signature. It was signed only by who had listened no the ase in its y,and by the most responsible men various localities. It was not necessary, in the interest of jus- , to send the petition for signature to persons who had had differences with from rating in favor of good office -hold - prisoners abut the line fence, or era. In Goderieh we haw fully one tate laM,r, or breacby mule, ur du• hundred female roues, and we hope to eeonoerning the quarrels net ehilrt- see them cosh oa Wthe New Year's ut.r was it presented to any of that election and show the men that locked ors patens whuse reprewnatire, them tout of • public meeting that they seder oath to tell the truth, the take an interest not only in the general trunk and netbiuR but the truth, affairs ed the c.unty, but also that the)/ kedged that the evidence given are going to assert their rights in muni• the judge was "stronger" than cipa) affairs The women of Oooderich gives before the coroner's jury, and an determine upnn the town council o f said hotly, "it will he stronger next Goderich for 1888 it they make up their " That is the ramie, p,.thly,wby minds to do so, and front their plucky petition was n•,t promoted tee "Fair- " for ,i,fsature. (Inly the names of who were leaked upon as being the intelligent in the enemy, who had ully digested the case, end who had _ ▪ personal buil toward er prejudice Tits suggestion regarding Farmers inat the prisorere were 'elicited. And Clubs made by "A Colborne Farmer" in fact that the petit sou has been favor- last week's Santer. is* good one. We front drunkenness to adultery. War- y received by the Minister ed leaden, hope the fanners of the district will take rant' ter the arrest of the writer and that at an 'aril' day the sentence• of the hint, and form clubs on • pneticahle Publisher have been issued at the iusti- or all cf the prisoners will be mater- h.ai.. The lecturer • anted h the gallon of the reverend gentlemen, the Mr/ - commuted, is the bort evidence that pp'' 7 charge being criminal libel. Mr. Mo- tloocernment are •bee men, and can rend (nllicaddy is ane td the editors and pro - gentlemen who andertu.ok the gen or good ssautance, but •he more pro- cetera of the Goodench Swau_ lie •upof the petition Wok the wisest and peruse fermata of the section c n .Js, promptly nailed the lies circulated Mt emirs* in the matter. against himself. It is not likely he will give many valnahle hints ton •griceltore !Umlaute roust preoeeedines, as clean •11 "Fairplay" is really actsaced by din of a most pmeical nature. Let the notepaper men a. quite •hie to excon- ed motires,we will be most happy farmers 611 up • portion of the winter ate, singlehanded, such carrion as Mar - him the use of the relevant ed ezrhanging idesa with one an,sthe•r oe tin hat proved himself to be. 1814,41., tot fitter* a,aumunieauoro& the theory sad pima..d ottnenitere. Huron Expositor. maim, w Toro( Rtuv. A couple of (aodertrh Is la weed of a publk hsii.thie tor weeks ago nx a worthless character. who not owe and o•eetews boor, ser we pretense 1",,..1^4himselt Dr. Martyn, peh fished it gee, will gee It alter iw,vrdine is weeded a wungham per a letter, in which he OIL IMtn.-antiew maridard. made several heap and Iihelioow charges Tut, tat. G,:derieh always leads Kin- •pint she characters of eerain genttle- esrdia. She leak the burg in pupils men in dein onunty• and swims others den, and in the harbor line, and the fine- the Rev. T. M. Campbell, ra4 G diriob. hrdt of the bte Roti. ("powof arnment odes. will he here befogs Kin- I Mt" imow' se tMgwstbrhirees ionto+bSs.i i to the unties .. ea.4,tbey prshfrc age than dawn of ems,merlin is thought of at Ottawa. Clinton log eilarppmMartyr fM tavifN ef Mitchell Advocaat'Anti Seott.i Dt:asaat'Lrl•LJou asiL1+at.-Last week • Wingham paper published a most scan- dalous letter from Dr. Martyn, gentle - efforts airing the Scutt Act campaign we are inclined to believe that they will give a good record at the municipal elect ices. A. Sutherland, o Seeforth, ham,pur- chased the farm of Siidney Morton, near Alma, Mullett, for $1,500. The farm contains 50 acres. Mr. Morton intends removing to Kana At a special meeting of the Preemie school beard Miss Richardsam,of Clifford, was engaged for the third teem at a Kincardine Reporter. salary of $275, and Mus Widetield, of The publisher of the Wingham Fel'lt Uxbridge, for the fourth room at a saiary has neither common sense nor judgment. /1f $250 per annum, duties to commenw He is no sooner out of one trouble for on the 1st of January. Samuel Smillie, deputy reeve of Tuck - libelling respectable people than he get. into another, After the Scott Act cam- paign. he allowed one D. Martin, Ph. D., dent recently. He was lifting • plow to use the columns of the t"irfoeffr to into the wagon, when the boards of the circulate eeriow charges against Retia nasi box tipped up, frightening the Taylor. of Hayfield, Campbell, o.f (lode horses, cueing them fn sari suddenly, rich, Anderson, of Whitechurch, Charl- ton, thrown g' IN r. Smilbe nut and dislocating ton, of Wroxteter, and Messrs. Mc(iilli- his elbow. caddy and Acheson, of (ioderich, Mar- Wee Utn it 1 -Some person or persona tin s charges were specific, and ranged mast have aspite against D. E.Caweren, of Lrcknow, and they are showing their revengeful spirit by poisoning his raht- ahie dogs. • •Old Bruce," a dog valued at $75, the property of the above-named gentlemnan, lately dial from poison. ad- ministered by some inhuman wretch u nknown. the above was in type we learn B.smish, the father, has beets and sent home. and we have to believe that exe utire elemency shortly he extended to the sons. - ALJ Miasmas. s. Wardrit - -The village of Underwood and vicinity was thrown into a stare od great excitement recently by the news that a child, three montbs old, had been sound in a pig pen belonging to John McLean, on the 411t con. of Bruce. it appears that a heartless woman by the wee of Bornet, of the 2nd con. of Brwse, had quarrelled with her husband, sad not for the first time, and that she brwtally revenged hint by casting the *bid where, if it had been left a few memeuts hoist, the chances are that H week! have barn devoorsd by a bog that ins fast abost eeisirg the pour child Atm Kra Melissa luckily remote tie wawa. The ease was pat in the beads of a ttle$istrate, and aNieaRh the tether s alio ono ,!,payee, or may now put la its threats skim ler et- 1 the latter, awl MiteMoll. tAe ta•ehNs4.•- . v +ee., daeed sand *!zinced t Wilde the Iter •- , , '.1 .1 a n' , e. t1.... ergleid •I M•.e l,.•r :! . . a ,, 41161411 gaged instead of 400. What Hendricks says. - New York, Nov. 25. --Hendricks de- elarn that he has not discussed the subject of thecahinet with Cleveland as yet. The story that he has had a dis since become easeNed to the require- ments of the lei air the hest interests of i require a loosl sdmiuistration,af as far as prac- ticable in the count) where the litigation *riser. C11=tan. List week was ;Me of atmospheric delight. The sun shone beautifully the most of it. though the nipping nights told how swiftly winter was coming. For the sunbeams and the leaves have said good bye. -Ter the winter months are costing. And the bees be rewrapped their henselae. And the sett bird. south are flying, o)cer towers dead or dying." The jubilee singers are billed to give one of their sacred concerts in the Meth- odist church next Tuesday evening. There is rumor of another grand as- sembly to he held shtortly with a greater scale of magnificence than the last use. The air of this week has been made musical by the merry ring of the marri- age bell. no lean than three couple being united for weal or fcr woe Ws aid in wishing then all • merry and happy voyage through life. A Mr. Ronayne, from Chicago, Rave a lecture on the Bible in Perrin's block. in bit ssr.agti, should ewe aside for ever the bonds of privileged obstraetiea, and deteaatsd that haewUeth end fns ewer. nacre the eherter et Mecheck be she pave nteeel of thus ti she :re.; 'e -n'1 " II1rM yreiarti *m0 } aM!' t1 Mat tlllrrthb. trout in taee. The p+rinr sestet bail lettaM et the reeldwse 4 T. Fair, mer. asbee to be of an ermw J character. It i. M aid el the - d 1