HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-28, Page 3TUE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. NOV. 28, 1884.
It head been for many yeah the proud
privilege of Mr. Algernuu Grimes to
gather up the ashes sit Clawrtlle, • suburb
of one of uur great cities. Humor said
that Ise was snaking .a.ttey oat of the
business, too. At any rte he and his
family resided in a comfortable
which, with the hale term adjoining it,
they tensest, and they were reported,
also, to hare 'mosey in the honk. The
tastily aforesaid ousasted of Mr. (}rime's
wife, Dimly, and deer son Loritttus
%edemas. Mrs. Dicey was very ignorant
lied slovenly, but she was devoted t..
atony paper of the love -and -murder and
blued-and•thuuder suit, and reduced her
household labor to their lowest turns in
order that she might indulge her pa+siuu
fur this wart of literature. 1t was from a
highly-euloreti romance, referring, its
title explained, to 'The Guest of the
Goblin Guerillas, or Geraldine the Gulf -
Gleaner,' that she had selected the mei-
'Moues cognuwen 4 ber sou, and she confided
Barnwell Dail COae i' un
eke was but the fust 4 her de•putic can be May olesued off It • what • in the bitter
ry 1„ pug Algernon whish Charity each mttss viten r A oto and was
satrap. The worst 4 it was that Mrs. him. tee whole heenut of him,' couttn One of the lust steps I lad ludo something, oo even on sea,
Barnwell was not reconciled t.• her 10.1 ued Jana, waste: granJtl,.tuent .. 'Wt'. had taken, in redttistg her pr•rpeeti e , g, d to
ohs methin he had uuw ively,
In mess like hen, utter resignattaw w the that we d beet thank 1,f. An' nobody home. was to cause • oath -tub to be P done, she damage
to seep quest. T.
only tvwturtable coeurs+, but this had not knows how much laud by !' lit, end her hog* lord soon found that it i ly
u it -:ped Charity, had been provided with a Jatiatte Pur- I be sure, Algensoa s money. and his horse
dew tally trresleJ to Mrs. Baru- You emit nNs w ith a kreu wee in view. No amour did he eater end cart, were gone. Itut she hail eared
well. 'who was a siring crraturo, up• goodly sum herself, and the place
Complaints to her husband wore, how- eye for the 'iusiu +Lames 'and a Ito there- the house from his daily tour amung the u securedgody s. i h se Chanty ash, the
ever, useless. I fore fell readily i•,tu this .oily -Limes ' ash•b:ureb, thou he was of iduotsd perthou owu cotter
'bhip her, my dear was his inraria- I trap. H. is a respectable win. u you f b h th wugh Ytwwg spouse to t
bath nom when with Years ble response to her grumbling*. 'Give I ay, Mr. Janus ; and it's tree the aal►ee
her the bounce. on hug is only skis deep; ail I indeed he
'But I eau's do that, Mrs. Ilaruwell , has suffered, 1 mane iso doubt, poor
Id pr,te5t weakly. I man ''
! foss, but upuu cossetting Mr. Barnwell,demand that •ehes tem him, Charity, me guest, they pl•tfurm, wad he Mond opus it firmly to
who h.w rued his own share in bringing
.res y u u he to let matter tale
passed on. Another a.hmsn
near andelegant •
the air et a lamb led to the slaughter, he I went the rounds of the 'Flats' and the
underwent ablution. Occasionally, by ; 'City read' of Clsetville. Charity heed
bringing to hear every intlwuee known in a state of immaculate cleanl:nrss and
em Charity succeeded I undoubted comfort on her homestead,
: W by not ? ` heaved s vah. The pity whit
•Why, who can iron your shirts like 1 is grnurally cunoedeol to be the prelwle to taring Lenottus
Charity ' Who u s.. 4.c uumioeal well the I to something deeper, et 1,101,4. y was sash hitt led his water. b'mother t he as she expressed non much
as it
es ahad
ol his son before
rae awry. Alger-
the l
t•, her seh gist soul
a1Je pur I kewiae I and the world sermel to was en rosy
any u in her brat. lie, es s
boner and (eggs ± \Wcet else could keep 'ing p CE f it ' He was net cement, on a certain day, Mr. Barnwell heal an
the whole house its such a speckles' a.n-
dition ! Whu beside her can take such
apple dnmpliugs ' (Y.►, no, 1 can t tell
her to go ' And yet, it is pretty trying
to be told with such au air that the
housecleaning cermet begin until a cer-
tain o1, Lime, Charity,' ,00tid J 1.• nes fa^r•
day, ..n aecowut all whin of Char- ttuurl aid, consiCharity,'
u. that he hied b
ity's- -and t.• be coolly informed that y•
company creu't come to dinner till the ter net near the very f4r.,r.boo impress -
had ode to such of the villagers as ironing is dime, iso matter how feasible 1.11 app re•'tly pr.J'►t;ml ley hes week,
that made is in ldeir way to cvl u{wn her I it may be to put off the ir•.siuu, and Janice diacrotly snitdr. w.
that she 'should never have t b eel j Mr. Grimes s first rt'it was not by any
how ineunt•eniemt it way Ise to put
Grimes in the world if et had not heli oT the company. Why, it is madden- means his last. The light .►1,d tntooteheer
named Algernon.' Indeed, Iwth Mr. and of the Barnwell kitchen ...re ver) pleas-.
Airs. Grimes were very proud of his i1,¢ :
Mr. Barnwell's heart Mei ached to re- ant, James was upr..r• ersly entertain.
name, act allowed no one to abIrreviate rouge his wiles wrongs mem the crafty met ('liarity was al. , oast i y iuLtrwn•.
it. Charity ; tut u he taate.l this melting Mr. Barnwell tied give ...,dors to iitrn;e`.1
Just what were the complexions ..f mouthfuls of that :nest savory of cooks, teeth a 'treeing hau.luer' +hose•-tt' Mr.
ernuu and of tamed us Waldemar had rioardetl his immacuh►tt line • and e1,• Grimes appeared, a•ni. ail •1. . the hook
never been ascertained up to the date at jyet the wholesome atmosphere o1 his was nose ski:telly ....tea Letle l,y
which this story opens. Leriottus Wal- h 1 c t ,o +tottered little, the delu.ted hieeist .d the uh.11o1-
detnar had begun riding in the ash•cart
with his father as soon as he could go
alone, and he hal kept it up regularly
ever since. lie was now a boy of perhaps
fifteen or sixteen, stoop -shouldered, very
slow and chary of speech, and devoted
to sensational literature, like his mother.
Algernon and Lunettes Waldemar
seas as punctual and regular as the hea-
venly bodies. Every Monday morning
their cart collected the ashes upon the
'Upper Street' of the village. Every
Tuesday it scoured 'theFlats,' a low-lying
portion of the town. while on Wednesday
it visited the street known as the 'City
Road,' and sic on. The Clamrillians
were attached tet their aahtnan and his
inn. and they would net, if they had
power to order events, have allowed a
change 4 any dv.cnptiun to emir over
such happy and prosperous lives as there
..f the Grimes family. But, alas ' Clant-
ville was not consulted when an attack
f pneumor:is pr.stratod Mrs. Dicey, and
her devoted spouse shortly afterward
pared with a r� of rusty black cash -
And he spicks ah.,ut uty looks, did he?
t;, '• t • e .
The tattler : she ailde•I,after a ret•, h with simply 'standing out' hen- expcttence which showed that the world
retlectioeu, bridline :es ale stele, 'I J hie of his stent sire. + s portion of i1, ndabeta►nts. Hap
to thew who, gave him leave te talk about e.alttuua in this breast Ps pint to be in a distant tart of the
One lay, when Charity had been inure I ga
meets either,
seIf but was constantly stirring up wagged nn very differently with at bast
' leaks ,. e .
•(►h, the eat tuav t+ze at tato poem, cautat,ker,w than usual, sod father and city, Ito came near stumbling over an
.n pad b. to thud to the bans, ostensibly I ashrams, who was emptying briskly the
feed ant rub down tite old horse, ; loaded barrel's which Moe! in front of s
t:1s-y discussed the situation fully. * house. Se•ntething familiar in his stoop-
eilm'aa hag :' was the decisive aunt- ing figure and in that of a young nun
wary of Lunettes Waldemar.
'Not 50 had as that, -,h, a,,' protest-
ed his father, deprecutingly.
'Tea, she is,' insisted L,riottus Wal.
dense. 'Always a-pokin and a pokin'
at a feller. I'm sick o1 this everlutin'
cleaning up. 1 thought that mebbe,
when she'd been here a while, she'd quit
ti, but shoe rows worse n worse. Maim
never was that way. and she was enough �) y
sight tetter 'n this here Charity. 'Bout 1 is Charity still a acrubbin' things, as
as winch charity in her as there is in a- - usual t'
charity ball,' pursued Lerioites Waldo- 'I think she is,' returned Mr. Bani-
mar, boldly entering the region of tnt- well, 'hut 1 judge'- --with a significance
pee. 'I don't :tow how it is with you,
s fir
lop, but if i was ketchin' it Itke you
are -soapsuds every nit ht and hrushin's
and Rein's over all the time -1 d do
e:.nietin' .'
Never in the whole course of his exist-
ence frequency,to had L ,rinttus •Walleintr delivered
ble establishment of the Barnwe w No :ton_ and so impaa& tned a speech. on em every ni_ht to his old pop. We re g,1, belief. there a n4. mcdlcitw i.. iso w rel
Karnwrllwasnu axception to the rule. tier eyes were airly gloowing,Ir.•asiiny a butchiful story now about Lostto, for ft. oen:oo ciao t:i ounvl
But the race is not a strong.
. this swift, Alar writhe signs ,t ib ; and as they I His his
marked the signs of the times Mr. land his face w.►s as:tyJn :u'•rs• aspera 'The Tale Peppy of the Pyrenees, or who GRheum, eco Eruptions. atnd all th
nor the irate to the strung. / Cruel Castilian's Coronet.' Loriottea +•meas goons. 4.y bla0d e■d
His first attempt had been upon Barnwell chuckled, Mn. Barnwell !than• one.
1 1 Waldemar says he's seen rnoulh o' tfett-
l s hsv, `,le Lt:L.1S: a pornn.9,istntotavl
James, his eioachrnan, a respectable un- dtesekled, .lauees chack,•led,':herity chuck -h -sh whie terr.1 the sold man peer -all who to ys nt.e fa 1tbcr ec..caeo is res ps1
married servitor of middle see. But led, and, a'as ! Mr. Algernon Grimes j in 1,u en hen ively talk , ver�hissal�,wd tin' i tin' married. so he trot no Lail -etas Weide 1 w the et:raoLtLt . 4.0 �tse pewees
ebueklexi :desto Litt S.t: sit dtnary.t to ace h e pates
James war soap well her general with in- a:iy et:i.r at 1.:a a.L.: tori Cees i:oy
Chanty's tongue and general disputa- • At lemtth, one beiutiful sprint day. means well. Any way, she aint a -gots' mar, who had come up alongside, grin.
Louz l:.amc:,,orat Cee, t;oalarl.s::.us Itch
tion t•. desire their }M seeasion for We. when a de'ent year had claimed vines `l t•, buckle duan for ttothin I say, that's; nptd bashfully,/ 'teas • good nmighty
bpd +seri seer, 2:th and:.::a etreeta,rew Tset
. decease. the Barnwell family pre -I ecnitin.' lir. Lchasb's extensive ksowledgs of
Charity lied, however, sheen him cog- I Dicey gated •:one ty :',fs wsegaatB.d rrett:catee
J b' ragement having Innis tended to be u:t•cttifiesd by the crushing! 'Grimes' heaved a sigh for his vanish- out, with all those terubbio s and brus b:00.t I.,.,,o.aa enah:os t m ; r: a mist
thatth lied scepter, and dropping in a limp heap in's, 1-.oa mie able we could be, sit t we 111 ion. w
mere tied around his ash -powdered
'What's the trouble, Algernon r' asked
well-regulatedcause, t, s ' , seek order M
like his wife, at the thewtht of diapers- rei begat 1'. thick Ilett
ing with the services of 'such a treasure.' reigned in this Itrati .ds It ateiry. anti
But when Mr. Barnwell said, one day, such cakeaaud vies 'u Charity's would
'I wish Charity would get married '' - greatly increase the clients t•f his own
then her husband saw a clue to their di- 1 modest dwrliing. As the swift weeks
Mr. Barnwell was no match -maker.
Few glen have ever mastered that exalt-
ed calling, and not many ntore have won I imitable ea.o•n be }tai•1 his vtatteconatatit-
t th • hospice -
alivhte•t distincii.on in it. Mn. ' V The
flow by, this i.npes..tem •irepeeed, and
Mr. Grimes was seen -to put forth Her•
ctlean eiertems to make himself pre -
Mr. Barnwell, a wool -natured lawyer
who: lived on the 't'ity Road; and wlotn
the faithful aahman had served for years.
Two passages were worn through the
..verlyitt- strata upon Mn. Grimes's
'It's Dicey, sir. sly wale, sir. Died tut the pie!. which he at on:e proceeded ; Pea
t.• unfs•:•l. James immediately becamea ; ever will Mrs. Barnwell manage without enough
before she come. Ilcre,Luciottns
three days rru, sir.' I me" And, indeed. I woutdn't leave you e. pop
A fresh irruption of evidently heartfelt *eche r, alit T. tell the truth. ahors
ancu,t:a r• secure Charity's place !or a, now, ma'am, if r.�y duty didn't germ to Waldemai s feeltl.ga proves! too nue
the other way. If ?ser a n:an•I for him, anal he bunt into a tonal howl.
tear further cuticle
of in rerimcs. theI
lw►q•burird colicin sit Mr. Grimes. He certain neat and pretty young woman in lie plain -Tis bad- that, so.- said his perplex- I Taw Reit teras.
Waded somvbuJT to flick hen 1,z. ►i a j
whom l r hall become interested, Ina and 4.o ed father, his face twitching forlornly as The hest prof 4 the great power of
was undoubtedly affected deeply by his personal a motive made his peepetaticn h':n, --nitre 'n nature match there for
y , he stroked hie sun's dusty head with Pulse,n's tamed ne over every kind of
1 h� t pain is obtained by the 1,w 4..f a 10 cent
lees.too had tis.. bad,' said Mr. l:arnwell, 1 a thousand times more effective than it certain ' said Cheri:). 1tr:m:T, `art his
wuul.l otherwise have been. J til f or •
Ai or sh d 110 r, uutrattecws like. every bottle cella y
iztn¢I 'Who's keepinghouse works •
later that Mr.
I o } bad for me tis nut fall •
fur tt u s combination
by whom he was accompanied. arrested
Mr. Itarnwell's attention.
'Gotoel gracious '' he eicleimed 'Is
that you, Algernon
covered hat, while the semblance of a
smile asserted itself upon his brcleudrd
'The seine, Mr. Barnwell,' he cried
'o fully. 'Ape Low's ('►wmville ! And
We take pleasure in meow
Hall. Hair Iteiewer to our reader
mesons gray hair to its yeuthlul ogler
prevents baldness, woke+ the hag anfl
and glassyj, dem not state the skis, S*
M altt.uether the beet lns,sta routed, lel
all hair and scalp deseeses.
e low sesta. h'eses.-
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchin.on, 1Cat 4.i
saved bis life by a simple Trial Bettie aM
Dr. King's New Disc..very, for Oese
gumption, which caused hew to proew6l
a large bottle, that oemgeletely cured and
when Doctors, change ..1 climate
et'brthime Mee hall failed. Asthenia;
Bronchitis, Hoarsens, Severe Coughs
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it it
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J
\Wile-t's drug store. large vise $l. (1)
The person addressed lifted his ash- •
which escaped the honest Ashman ' aILLs, which allap.l the pain and irritation
servation -•I judge that she is not still bealal the eons. removed the .welung, sr
scrubbing you.' completely restored the limb to use.
'No. sir. I dwelt you kindly,' said Me- Latrx0 has persomally used
shorn everybody boom as the sreeeulat
t.ltLiajer of the
of America. says that +bib a passeage- from
New Work on board a ship going arousal Caps
::ern, in the ea1ry dans .,f .migratbo 10 Cal -
1: •moot, h, Learned that one of the officers of
the re.s.1 hid cured himself. donne the rot.
sr. of au obst.nate d.iease by the gee 4
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Since Uwe Kr. LELAND has regio tWt S*
Avaa's SaeeAVAa1LLs to many stellar
cues. sad he b S sever yet beard of i1. caste
art. to affect • ratli•al cure.
mune years ace one of }Ir. Let.Aun's tsrtI
laborer. brut.. 1 1.'s I. -g. listing to the
I state of his blood, a:. ngil seru(elowsweltti
or lump appeared on tfic figured limb. Hon
' ribie Itching of the aYtn, with burning aa,
darting pates throu;h tier lump, made WI
almost intolerable. The leg became elan
1 slowly enlarged, and running ulcera fosm•4
discharging great quantities of estreatelt
alienate. matter. No treatment was of sal
avail until the man, by Mr. Lat.aro'S dlr+e
tion, esu supplied with Area's Saware
Alter devoutly. 'We're very happy 1 A y8�s
--Loriottus Waldemar and me. He takes
ea Sarsaparilla'
ten story -papers, and he reads slottd out for Rheumatism.. alt entire Burnes; rel
fol oL•seervat;o,m, t:eefares that.
ii era .O +mega
wiahetl:tishe had confided to Mn.. Bart- announcesueut teen Charity e happy
non,' inn i moat In ik f .r t•r,:her helpmeet, as she n}Mtn a pilo of straw. he burie 1 his face ; could plr asses ?tutu Barn well- letter nhwor m x ya a _•: rerraarn lir
well, to hays a 'bogie of her
scene in James's p•ssthlr attachment a , se s about t a enter the holy estate of in his hands. even the veil of ashes could not obscure 0i �, C. Ay2r& Co., Lowell, µt11
mstrimun There was a psasar.
way too o1,t�tin that blessing But .lance" y• tto:,IDyall Ur■:gbu; 21. six t been t.., shrewd for her. He had 1 'How can 1 ever get atone without ! :Weft, said L tiettus \\ ahlemar, des- : s pallor that crept over Mr. Algernon -
rata • 'I Mut aolein' it for to leave / Grimes s countenance - 'please don'
mana;txl tuseed any attitude t.f c•,urt-
ship, and yet he had given the gentle
Charity no offence• It was Charity's
willing demeanor toward James which
said Mn. $•sru a ., cam Pe
you, Charity?
ire incensi-tently, c.,nsiterm.: her lane yea, pep, but i've been a•readiti a story
it a about a boy that was soused to
`I'm sore I don't know, ma'am,' t4.• � beam. and he just mule tracks and get
• awe•.
I' t to do.'
lied _ Clarity hopelessly
ft's that y and that's what n amain.
had ius}pirexl hiss. 1;arn we:1's exc;sttt t• (F'Yee
ut'e tee,ub104 me ever secs t3rimes'- ain't '' ertsI e 1 of man,
redetesaor '1 be tot :' peruke] Loriottus Weide- aye's []etegp,ardla th.xoughly cleanses
Y tt esu
tell Charity where are. e oast 1 ,
.end Mr. Barnwe:I promised. nate
Upson Clark, in (Iool
Goo to her husband. for Charity, like her lamented p
)Ir. Barnwell waited but a few clays 1 3' yo 3 the bleed, stimulates the ectal lunctluns,
bef.•reacolueintim; James with the fact m his affections, thus alluded t., the eh- mar. 'If u want to sta • and be scrub- , l
ject of her hearts devotion -'began to bed to death,yuu may, but I ahan t stand i �d one restores whose t heesed ths imndrstren th.
that he sea. r:l ected to assist in working ((day. Wegot along well! - s
ter me to have hies. Thirsts 1. 'Hew- it another eel
firth well. There is a weary, languid feeling,
sad often a sense of uiscoura,ement and
despoondency. Persons having this feel-
ine eh•'uld take Ayer's Sarsaparilla to
pur:fy and vitalize 'he blood.
bey's another. L' it, -- with a look of clumsy tenderness. 'I didn't t'ee y bottle. Kerviline n.tui.es no puffing
Goodness its urn story. It tan-
of the
determinate m that a gore Aleen
net and Li•re•tuttut Waldemar- in go- knows la's seen a
to ba fathful to t:1e:n loth :' 1ti'cll, then,' cried Loriottus Walde- m"st pnwettul pain-sciiinc n2 remedies
ing t., toy known t•, medical science. Dierviline
'The house,- she csntlnueol aft - a mu, in a sudden fraczy of iaapiestiun, is e, wally useful in external or in- I
' run away to- g� ins. Tr the greet remedy.
aympath y I It was but s few
for you h i Alsternsen Grimes left Lnriettns Walde-
•Kobrdy, sir, Me and Lprioottus Wel I Maar alone ons evening, to revel in soli-
tude over a highly -illustrated story, call-
ed] 'The Dark Diamond of De \Iontmer-
'(►f corse it is, . 1 understand. I'm
very spry,' said Mr. Barnwell. Then, a
mischievous idea suddenly pepping into
his heed, he tidied, 'Conte up some
evening and see James, my cschman.
It will do you good to alt a while in
Charity's nice kitchen, and have a social
hittl. time with James and Charily.
Come up.'
'Thank ye, sit; said Algernon, teach-
ing hts had. Lorlottos Wald.t,rmst at that
moment gave a pull at the reins, and the
ash -cart moved on, leaving in its wake a
fluttering banner of pearly aloud.
A deep plot had suddenly and entre-
so y formed itselfMr. Barnwell's
encT, or the Royal Renegade's Itect.rn-
ponse,' and betted: himself, after wrest-
ling fur a cenaiderable time with bis
toilet, to spend an hour in the Barnwell
•Janco with the urgent promised to re et ti fisc u e as
\I, nt\t,
12 Horse Pow
`.IrI'hrrsen 8.
l'o't Make, ;tratford
For On].y $15.0
1 Good Coal Stove--Superhll
2 Heating Drums. I
.t Int of A 1 ('talar tibinglr+. Mast tort, l
hers 1 and 2. at r.d,s ed prices.
Call on
At the 1
Cod, ritb. Oct. MIL ISM. 111111
If/ o me expression of ther :' 1 Ten cent ottles at Wilson's drug store.
n FOR 1885_
• h ed
been trying to .came so P g4. Lan;+ bottles only ,► cents.
resignation. 'the house isn't so bad if it Mr. Grimes hesitated. `\\ Lett would
paw', duan; which Mrs. Barnwell had 'Ynu roti away t x• Lets y tern
11'�sIcri� ad�cr
was only tient ui'. anti Grimes has three -who ]d ' h began.
thousand dollars in t'.:o bark. and he's
drew o1,• chug •h t s have ti=e Wa
w would
a lei Snort Weed and Itelledona con in
Never mind that " urged Lotiottus with the other ingredients used in the $ 700 TA P SS
idemar. 'She'd take care of herself, I hest petrous plasters make C'arsun's S.W. 11 1 +�
k h PI ern the best in the
kitchen. in actor
and repeated invitations of it th ,lames i place re2airal th way I want it. Than I and the place is hers anyhow, and we market
1hes goer; to deed it to me -before Res I get a je•b i1, the city, and have gaud
rnJ Mr. ersawell. go g y times a lain.'
A conversation something} filo tit•' fol -1 iY1 set a fust in it.' Charity's manner.- Are
},,wing hast taken Place between Jame* Ii frees being tnumphently commercial, be-) But Mr. lir in:es was .not quite ready
1'the day came more s such an incendiary Roar g
sentimental as she addel, fol
and Charity earlier in
a sunny face Thither Al,ternuail o;'v4. know 1; re long tea\ ied a home of lY1
. Price 21 cents. lm
Malt Ewe= Cared.
yes troubled wen Salt Rheum,
Skin, Pimples or Canker !bores
measure, and, a at once to Geer. Rhynas' Drug
king a ten oiellar bill into his eon's I Store and get a package ref McGregor &
tither warm' these days,' said .lama. my own. Mn. Idarawoll, andhero s � bade l
'It is, indeed,' rejoined Charity,whnss I dance seems to have seat it right to me.' 1 chafer
h had been Irish bat had given her ',lure enough.' said Mn. Barnwell '
lee pi. him his blessing, aud•I
tient keep his old father pitted.I
er b -came of him. Then they
a n 3 I returned sadly to the house.
daughter a Tanks. vernacular with her and the prepanttun+ for tits weaning filet in Yankee name. 'i"n right sorry for the, went merrily forward. L..riottus Waldemar was as card as
jocund mind, ditty old thing.' 1 L:•riottns Waldemar was. perhaps. the, his wont, and the next morning he was ,
'Its too meted,' he said to himself setae 3 I one who felt 'nest distrustful of the cunt- musing --muck to his step -mothers re- I 'It's his business Refs him dirty, gid I
went on his way. 'idea my sense '' u
a full palliation of the possible result
I .lames a. ,citt.ingy 1 'He can't help it ' tog chimes. tits guileless parent had lief, it must be c•enfessed.
'Needs I ed Charity •et ty hoodwinked by Chanty's Bat the I...remain:le that she was no
over him. 'Its
t tel me . reJaUi been c••mpoe
that chooses can keep in wars• She had even managed i tette able to wreak upon the sere she
Parke's (3arla,ite to Primly Zit pints.
It wee never known to fail. b
Are you troubled with *tit Rheum. Roug:•
)land", or (N.1 Sweep( any kind toss cannot
he healed! Even though it be of yesrs stand
Ing M.-l:rrynr R Parke'a ('arholie Cerate wilt
rare It. Hryond the shadow of • doubt it is
the best ht•aiing .•umpnnnd ever known. ito1M,
neutering,. b'rwtt Horn Hnris or any t4kin
Trouble. are alike comet hy it. tiotd at. $S ccs.
hy Geo. !Mynas. deliver et. �,e
Parr. Low s bluer St -truce Seer.-
, Healing. soothing and cleansing for all
eruptive diseases of the ibis. Delightful
fur toilet use. Im
of his enterprise canto
sharply Them wine R
the funniest thing I ever hard of ! Ha, cleaner'n that. He has layers 'n layer! d l bestowed amp. finely upon the father. _
and pK Barnwell fair s I f h hard-earned Julian and }
u. make him draw out several hon rem 1
. doubled to- p 1 •doubt i
'Ha ha'' he
ex ,end i The daily'scronbin a and goin's-over; I
ha !' r. rnwe
l ashes on his ace. mt I u his
ever been washed off.' them in improving his humble dwelling, a+ L 'metes \Waldemar hie not inaptly
rlr•selletes Timer raesptetes. Rd.
gather with merriment. I they're Cif ALISAYA, PERI'Yi.AN 4111 .IESi'-
`i.1 h A11R m•tilirisally a rents, f►hrl•
continued gleefully. 'e pleased, wife would bo ; His face hes boon washed with teen without arousing hu suspicions. Kat ter net th continued
p,lawaed Janos would be Charity lino
at cviDt d t surveillance t tl tih 1
Ce ted, --that a Ceti sin,' remit a I Lunettes Waldemar a heavy 1 nu I ,w signs
Id be and Algernon' 1K t t deny 1 i' seed above h (} runes. an
n eat c.. ;
o to barn. a made root ria• s fresgnent unatuperl«1 ea■rrsof extreme
woo ' plowed,
1 Charity began to extend her raw'. and agtae rare. 1a ootntan."1 in rratt•Ier'.
''h hater' and tenure to counteract OW
r' ed James e t 'Poor f4. tow. r the house r., r fade sad Indiappeetw u► exertion.
ext e
ilarnwell, m his excitement, art►■ t►cl pally I that sorry for him that f asked him to P g whirr 1. the
at dleh • rarer ear Mwlr.
had no silver linin¢. The fist remark Al ternu.n h: it n accenting to her own hourt in the mlia owi •ear warmth
Ih had ' d and she required it t., !te kept to ' rrratrow an ... .•a'ttr rahilirUna of mind
1. lIalaner of 11041 free t0 new work In
2. Averniers ten pages up.'
3 lleautifully printed by new Wet
Splendid Prms.
1. bell
S. Health Rinis. het a prlt ^ newt Pb
6. legal Queries answered by W.i1.1
7. Educational IMpartment by J. 1
N. Ion iirw impartment.
9. Yonth'.IMpa rtnlrnt.
Iu. better. of Travel in I'orrtgn Cots
11. I.iwht' and sthanuw+.
it. (.}girt Momenta.
13. t'tea.•teert and 4'hundie..
14. ('uriuna and festal.
I:o. Charming serials. dlueio . Metall
td. \t'inteionts of the week.
1L From AMNIA the :4vi. and T
la. Personal and Pot it feel.
le. Current Opinion all aur'..
SR IteadnMe awl point -d iilitrrl+ls
News •tag t',.mno•rcfal 1101
latest Telegrams from alt
vier Id.
to step -mot 4.r ideate `
end hnnyantT of feel aft by Idti•1t IoM Rnin
she rimed the Etna+ a the most scrupulous enter. Having at fol an pre•dlar to °1 afttle aoatl
ter 1'Au■pttat.sr.
talking out loud -'Algernon, --well,' Colne ref, her•e and sit of an ereninsp.' I that his prospective rubbing his face a little doubtfully, 'he '�
might net be S0 w011 pleased a the others,
but he would ungss tiowably be benefit-
ed. What's pleasure boside benefit 1 A
vanity, • mere vanity. Shed wash the
ashes off him ' wouldn't she, though ''
and Mr. Barnwell was so tickled
that he couldn't get his fans straight all (villi.'
day. 'Ohs go long now ' creed Charily ju-
tted'Ol.arity' to whom Mr, Barnwell
had alludeed, was • domestic of gnat I etedsb usll. but with heivhtenine color.
force of character, who had resided for I 'He never said it in the world
'He did so 1' reiterated James emphati-
cally, for Mr. Grime had indeed rem-
olded m a encesw).st perfsoetoory meaner
with an assertion pet is r hiterroestive
tars by Junes resseraiwg y's ap-
pear/ow. 'n4. iid so ! Aad a for the
'Not in this kitchen!' cried Charity,
mope A' hen t Ise
with turn• I last fund • subject whie was weakness the 1'r iso perk Inedarm
regardins her shining floor ,. tae!( she tyrannized ever hint send t
mated between one day. when nearly beside
had not Men 0E ..f akiwi to win his favor. ly, until y y i Dr. how's Worm Syrnp will rearm,
As he described tt afterward to one ret himself with rain attempts to windy his
the neiihbnrs, it ten enmethinglike this: evicting mistress. Algernon received • I all
ids If worms from chlmren or
from seni.ottus Waldemar, _
,Why dent port put down fist pttpev !Mer it said. 'I've got a flood -slag; A slide Swab* beesaMt•
IM+y, and clear u s this room 1 I 'Cm,' h,wi I 1 utdream
hal' t h
'An' is that all the hearnit ye've got,
Charity'' exclaimed James', repv'nach-
fully. 'Especially when Mr. Algernon
Ma sail tlis many • time that your the
nate■t 'n handsomest woman in (lanm-
years in the Barnwell family, and who
ruled there 'nth • rod of ir'om Little by
little, in that lisebiavelliee meow
beam es* M the 'trial aM flttiddel
owwRt11' IIA warped IL' Miner
of bar Bistros. SMM phs'--t Ws Mn,
For 1 h most 1.r;sly el
11 ...illy ryinp t'atudr� e
two two 14 er. In 11Termite.
(•1101('F. f54' PiN PI:s:Itil[i
One of the following alar Taal
he forwarded to ewrh ret riltrr r
payment of the small additional 4
,insist 11, postage. etc. (frier so
tet no w t mlI eomMnannn n
after who t►atRsln had been fairly constant- o
Wm (. andrnv letter
her and his luckless ■ire, smerciless- sawill o s and Iwort. ors nth reit hy ' A. 1'oetrtn.t Gallery. clone and Health, W
Ar isewlM+ will not do ice wort. l'. t •hare's H
Ip. Ut..,laton' moirelt_ en,
E. Wellington aid Hluehev,'
F. -Ifs taw
em .t is wanted in tevw)' a�
ip•elol irises. ae1tresa of FFII rel
w111 be awarded is Blare% ustltt
y on axy, s.t0•o•ee«f■1 ttR.•ntw ver free saw
e 1100511 your twat t And here. 1 wish Toad r.nt and bring the .1 Wilson w always ivy a le bon- sir,,,. to acme. r r.•
Why don't crus meel ash float here nese, and spares no pains to secure the , AOrERTltig f'mk
when was your Mir cut Inst T And did td Ther • ['
u Bair. i
Cum. (lay. the (ltd Met '•t every article in his line. 1 r u
bootsyogi ever black your r we esn by cheep
f '
M- aod 1 low Mr �
The nest day Mr Aigevnnn chimes
and tt►e never will " isoriett:w W•Iriestw•r withdraw all his money from the hank,
fated esRdeded evert this fleeaeion. ' Ansi
of wigs and will and oe the following night, while 1,'hari
•e (charity meat best iodised to make a
: tt
, don't know othin' sheet aahmen. Hag nun er me.
she a oto mer her elearia a tY was tdwpine, silently stele away.
t 11* sass Entine fee Wsld•tmar
secured the agency for the eelehrattsdIor
King's New 1)aeanery for Consumption.
the only certain mare known ter Con
.umptsan, (loughs, O.elIa. Hears.wess
Asthma, Hay !ever. Brenekitis, 'w a Sole
aatleetinn 41 the Throat and Lerma
on a pesstive gwarwntce. Trial bottles
free. Regular size $1.00. ('3
The 8igua1'a Clib
Tate 'ata4 Par"' suss ors •r Many ..