HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-28, Page 2• t,- • THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1884. sinners •f festal Culture. "Nd' Peeper. irl ' I Oise ane beilb • losses- A argot . u.'.,, -- — That is daily brutg►ng toy to the homes Tie graces that are the most perms Why, or in what particular a person i. , (hrls suffer the disulvanta;M, front of thousands by eat tug many of their Meat anal a'tractive ate those of the mind. odd, few people who call them leech can ignutanoe to parents enol teachers, that'' dear now (runt an „arty gnvo- Truly is Delicacy, sweetness, gird sense and Den - you tell. It you will ubssne the "odd" ntan boys d.•, in addatiun to numberless prima I Dr. King's new Discovery fur Ct>tiump- 7o you will bud that he u tudepsudent, and I trans tutl►ct.d on them alone. I tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, eihility, beaming (rum the eyes, giving a not b,uud down by invisible ties of sc- 1 There are rules of conduct that bold Hay Fever, Las of Voice, Tickling in kind and genial extressiuu to the couu- slut W certain prwcnbed .}Pries but (ham in a canditiue of neo un a way o Of l t intended t o defend • I making them afraid alike of • dresses comfortable to himself j stroyiug in time, all self - 1 J traLty, de- tow Throw. 'iglu is Ride sad Cbest,a,r• relunex and any disease . • the Throat and Lungs, a a thunder- I ptisitics euro. Iittarrut„eci. Trial But courage is ipso ire„ wt J. \Wilsuo's Drug Stun. Large IC weal, we l sue $1 00 1111 orou 88 g OWS tenant*, mon than compensate for any irregularity or plainness of features, and sooner escite admiration and love in a really sensitive heart, than the best formed fame and the finest complexional hes, wanting inteiiectual expression and giving no indications ••f kind and ben• evident „mot Nature ;oust, indeed, give the germ of those ennubli•u' .fealties, but by no other means are t hey so effectually called forth and 'mprovtd as by the cultivation donne 1 le n0 When man whose oddity ctimsists in dressing in storm and a ,uveae. a style se completely at variance with the woman proves to be the pubo LIMOS ss to make Ium.elf ebw•'xiuus. You hail 't with approval ; but to mould our will also find that this "odd" man bas a daughters into the popular idea of what blunt and honest way of expresaing him• I is "laalylike- we educate all bravery cut sell on any subject. if he likes spews' of them(. Sitting ow a piazze one day, or thing he says so, and Is bluntly as 1 wsthing a bey and girl at play, their plain in expressing his dislike of the lather remarked : gams If he asks you to twit lieu •.r ac- I 'I *in trying the experiment ..1 ,ducat - company hum to a place of amusement he ing toy son and deuyhter alike. to see d moons just what he says, and his oddity ' it is possible to make them e.lually self - in this consists in the fact that his invite ; reliant.' Ilium are not a stere matter of form, but 1 Turning, he saw theta clitui••nt a tree, WeantSOTtx, D.C., May lbth, 1$$C,. (axTLaIn —Hating been a sufferer for a lou, time tenni nervous pr.rtration and general debility, I was adt►sed to try Hole Bitten. 1 have taken one biot- ite, ands I have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever since, and] think it the best medicine i ever used. 1 am now g•iuing strength and appetite, which was all ionone, and I was ID despair until I tried of the nand and the acquisition ,: of aloe given in •„d faith, hoping that you and creed out : „ Wilber your Bitters. x I eel rewell, able to >m `M ela Mer de• cwt gguy shout and do my own work. Before taking it 1 was completely preen -steal. Mite. Meer Srt'aar.. 1 purely j literary taste by the ju.licioes I will accept. it is not for you to ea) 1 y uz rsiding of properly selected books. E,...11 whether or not he is able to afford the `\\' y not t' said she, 'Beta „ewe to the pleasuru,',f your company. That is for top ; 1 have two legs as well as he,' and as the sculptor gives expression and him to judge. and nothing short .f a on she went. beauty to the rude, unshapen block of , previous engagement, ent, if you are on 1 promptly called his attention to the aarble, so mental culture, readily se- I friendly terra Willi hint, would he an ex- effect of such reutarks and added named by reading and studying nfetho.i- ease for declining hu de hospitable kind- 'F�rtunately your ,iaug)urr $ eoi h near uce its hrrtaelf is atr•uignr than her ostly Deeks wisely selected, gives a plea- The ".old' man is generally endowed reverence for your authority, and she sing expression and attractiveness to the with considerab'e self-esteem and re- - takes her rights,' face, and grace and loveliness to the *Pett, which crakes him to • oortain ex- The school -girls ni our cities seldom demeanor. tent sensitive. You cannot slight bum have ply -grounds or gymnasiums ; their without his feeling it keenly, and a1- existence consists in hling, two by two, tively cure kidney and Liver complaints Ica oar's intercourse wuth the •°r1"19". though lie may say nethine er act in any down wine fashionable street, duly un- Purify the blow.' and regulate the bowels cannot fail to feel that the absence of an way t.. let yuia you ou know it, yet y do- structel neither to laugh nor talk loud. No family can ad.rd to he without them intellectual expression often marsthe pond upon it, the sting is there. The and to move as if to the muinc of the They will save oundreds ..f dollars in I beauty, and render. unattractive the"odd ' man will generally acknowledge a dead march. A girl's impulses 50001 to doctor's bills every year. told at :Acta. ( w who may have naturally well -formed fault, and do all he can t.. make amends be ever in conttict with cust,nn, and if a boohoo ty J. %edamn. 13] Y Y when he offends. This is one of the she chances to have some perception of faces and symmetrical figures. The things that makes hitt "odd- because he tint principles, and debates any of these w'ett rewarded. , natural passions of such are usually un- is true to himself and to los friends, primal rights she is silenced with the A liberal reward will be paid to any der nu control, goal cuewpueutly often which is a little out ..f the usual .order of reply that such are the costume of society party who will pr duce s nae of Liver, 1 give to the eyes an emelt'. or disdain- thing.. He is not actuated by p•licy. and she trust submit or be wttacize 1. 'kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- I ----es — Tb. .cads Say Ss. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: 'I never hesitate ttl recommend your Electric Bitters to my cost.msers, they give entire satisfaction and are rep's sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest anal brat medicine kut,wn and will poau- ful, if not an artful look, repugnant to friendly feelsngs and repellant to social intercourse. Whenever the face gives no indication of intelligence, whatever external beauty it may possess and how- ever symmetrical may be its forms and failures, though it may snake a good model for an artist, perfect to the eye, yet it will not excite the higher emotions of the mind, nor make a deep or favot- able impression on the beholder. 'However deceptive and false the world may be, books still are, for the 'teat part,' says an emunent writer, •vixttttuUa, and human nature appears in them to its most pleasing colors.' This may pare been so in the days •.1 the writer, but at the present time there are books vile and immoral as well as virtuous anti good. and the exceptional class seems to be the more numerous and more exten- A lased t:iiu►raatee. Inc Bitters will not speedily cure. firing only for the opportunity t.. stab you to them along. it will coat you nothing for the back. As is the ",alio" man, w is H. B. Cuckran, druggist, I,ancasler, the tnedicine if it fails to cure, and you the "odd" woman, only more so. This Pa., writes (has he has guaranteed over will be well rewarded for our trouble is not intended as a defence of odd poo- 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for l,asidea All Bland diaeaies, Bilious• ple, neither is it intended to breed oddi- dyspepsia, •bilious attack's and kidney oras, Jaundice, Conati ration, and gena ties. but it is to be hoped that those who and kidney troubles. In no case has a tie debility -ere ore . uidtl 1 curd'. 9tatwfar- aro to us ".aid," in all that word implies, disappointed those who used it. In Ca- S 1 y may be better understood, and treated u nada it rives the saute general satudee- tion i;uatxnteeal or money rotuucted they should be.—I New York Sun, tem. He does not smile to your face, waiting A gentleman once asked the celebrated -.• t F.arf.Id wart- Ili. Aberrethy if be thought the re nler- Burdec'e Bhn.d Bitten act at the same ato use of snuff w.,uld injure the brain. time 'Wpm the Inver. the kidneys and the 'N', sir,' was Abersethy's reply, 'for nu skin, relieving er curing its every case. mac with a single.once of brain would Warranted satisfactory or motley re- ev,r think of taking snuff.' funded. De *.a Waal 1. Lite t Mr. Neilsen, an English insurance man, from the results and for the pur- dia. posesef his business, has prepared some Deposits received under the n•at.leicnsof the pow( onlcc nat•inero tin::: bet ween t tic hoots figures which show in a very striking of yam and e i r no. restage sate.• Postage to Great Britain -Sc per 1 ounce by a•h route. Itelristration fee" 3c. Money orders granted on all money outer of- fices in Canada. Unite! States. Great Itntaia. Pri'aee Edwar.t Island, Newfoundland and In-' manner t hr difference between the life- iteireder ••1 '.a, . - mast be posted 1:. minutes value* of total abstainers ani moderate Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. {L, Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly recomnfended for all humors and skin disease!. Ln. Kram'. FINIS Lltbtaiaa Is the only instantaneous relief ter Neu- ralgia. Headache, T,athache, etc. "tub- bing a few dnp.s briskly is all that is needed. Nietakmg nauseous medicines for weeks, but • ne minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 2b cents per bottle at ('surge Rhyne' drug MOM. it AND THID HURON SIGIvTAL 1-'01Z 2_00 . . TIME TORONTO W EI. I.Y 7 EWA Is an Illustrated Payer, sawn peeved In all the features of enterprising J Use.. 1t clan con- sptcnws anlowg alto beat Juuruals of Canada as a complete maws , which will be Internet In( to every member or the finality. Thin tit gem will like the pictures, the young look• the stories and the Meal! sketches, the more taatnre will be delighted with the editorials slid news twat ter, which In every issue will be tbuad spicy, incisive. and entertaining. la the matter of trlegrapbte servk•e, hauling the advan- tage ofconnection with THE. TORONTO I)AILY'EWsi, It bas • It. consumed ail the dispatches of the Assimilated Pres. braider ilio epee dials Blum NEWS correspondents in ewer, section' of Ontario flue which the daily paper ie so famnu.. Asa newspaper it has no superior. It is Independent in politics. presenting all political news free fruits Part/ biae.or totoring, and la absolutely ly are written wit bout tfhar orn a flavor Das vela parties. The parliar mentary p and deal with men and ms eaaurewithout gloves, sad having regard only to brevity. Justice. and limits. It Ica lu the fullest sense a *amll new.paper. Each issue oontatns a verbim report of Rev. Dr. Tal- at runt;.•'s latest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle. (Tara Bell.•'s New York fashion letter, "The Mitts -About -Town," sketches of people and places, a serial story of absorbing interest. a political cartoon. sad a rich variety of condensed mutes on i-ashisons, Art. Industries, Litera- ture. etc., etc.. etc. Its market quotations are complete and to be relied upon. It 1. Jost the paper for the young folks.. and the old folk• will like it Just an well. Our special elwbbing terms briny& It within reach ..r al , Specimen copies may be had at this olbt'o. bend your subscription to this 061c0. s: •e . AO 8 Y I'1 AMA IA ' V 1 F. JOR,DT, Xedical Hall, Goclerich, on hand a select Meek of louts, Medicines, Chemicals, spoors. pie tka1f tsafore the urs of . to mail. 1 110{a•t hours h a.ni, to 6:30 p.m.. 8uadaya ex- , Hi i ions are u fol- ed. lows : - rUREies: roPT.Mt. selves are not obtrusive. Ti. be had and Between the ages of 13 and 20. whets ('anada hat'mg loet-n admitted into the Pre► nal Union thereis u n•-a:rsnga:aen[ or postal enjoyed, they roust be eouvht and read, 10 total abstainers die. 18 moderate rats, as followo, drinkers die. For Austria. lieb;iam. Denmark. Iceland. and if the seekiu� and selection be judi- Keypt, France. U aria- G tee* , Gibraltar Between the :•_es of 20 end 30, where Great to'ra n and Ifrelaa t. Greece. Italy, l.n,- ci.•us and the rea.linq systematic, the 10 total abstainers die :ll nt.xlerate enberg. \lilt,., Montenest•o. N ether4an'1. Not - result will be beneficial, will inspire generous and tendersentiments,strengtb- en and liaison, the mind, give to the countenance a pleasing and charring expression and • beauty as attractive as it is unfading. 'The lady who is judi- ciously conversant with books will find,' says the writer before mentioned, her countenance improving as her mind am - preyed and her looks ennobled as her until 331 years old. .tfriea. ateranica, Trinilad. ;paniah Colonies d America except Coir is elevated, ane who and Porto Rico, Sirius Settlements in and read pure and elevating books can ' chance of living 31ii years longer, or un- ' two A muskrat. drinker 30 years old has tion fees IOPo sleety read. Book's, it is true, of theta - — hem drinkers a ane us n ecpt drinkers die. ora)'• Persia, Port As area. Roumania. Between the ages of 31 and 40, where 10 total abstainers die, 40 moderate drinkers die. Or,expreasang the fact inanother Parra, be says: A total abstainer 20 years old has the chance of living 44 years longer, or until tion tow British. Guinea. ('sISon. Greenland. French . t 'cr. lA•ranica and .�otrr- lea, extwpt Mt. Pierre and aiqquelon, Persia via Persian Gulf. Port:gun-seen in Aa: Keerfumertawt S • specialty. - _ I'trfamer), Ste.. kc. Toilet articles in great variety. Physician* i'rMertt/tlaas spec These are Wald Farts. iThe best bleed further and system re - gulstor ever placed within the reach' of ' suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ' ten, Inactivity of the Liver, Biliouanes Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys, . or any disease of the urinary organs, or wh'ever requires an appetizer, tonic or mulel stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure' known. They act surely said quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire i sated:id '.n •'r money ref melee. Selii at tiftv cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] Russia. -t. Pierre. s. -n -is. Slain. the Canary Island.. Sweden. Switzer:a id and Tarkry. I And via United States: Pe:muda. Rahanuas. Cuba. banish Colonics of rt. Thomas, tit. John. =t. Croix. Janinica. Japan. and Porto Rico. (Newfoundland is now in thelPoatal Colon. but the postal rates remain as before,. Letter Scents pert ounce. Postal cards 2 cent* each. Newspaper : cet:ts for 4 ounces. Refristra- f}4 yeah old. For Aden, Argentine ContMerat.on. ltrasil, A neelente drinkers 20 year* old has l obntes to Asia. A n the chance of laving lei year lunger, heartl theyselect A total ahstainer 30 years •dal has the in _Vries. s. Oceawica an Cuba pore. is and Nalacea: -Letters Mr. per 'r Peg's til liiii years old. Beaks. ac.. ic. for i oz. titbit tra- Weal lulls Islands via Hiiifax, same rate na become more interesting and theirattrac- the chane of living 131 years longer, or formerly. ''repayment by atagip in all cases. tiveness greatly increased.' Physical until 4311 years old. toAar,t a tta. Queensland w s i enWales. alesavie- beauty, so desirable and iso often and A total abstainer 40 years old has the i cents - ers chance of living 28i years longer, er un- Australia, New South Wales. V ksarla generally sought to he improved be til 6,81 years old. 1pseensland : Letters I:,c.. wipers M•. New Zealand, via )'an Francisco: -Letter paints, cosmetics and other nostrums, is1 A moderate drinker 40 years �l.i has rat assured that their friendship will and ever must be inferior to mental,hu., the chance of living 11 j years longer, er when the two are combined in a lady o1 until :rlj pears cid. cotpTi:x n, "Malden. Masa.. Fe4 1. (stn. Genn!cmen pieces, they ander her conversation ex 1 suffered with attacks of sick heads. he.' eoedingly interesting and agreeable and- Danger to the fir. , In the chilling winds, the damp al- Neuralgia, female trouble, for vrars to her personal chanty captivating, if out, tnesphere,.nd suddenly checked penpi- the most terrible and excruciatine man - indeed. irreaistiole. rat , col are lurking. Heenan's ser. it must, however, be kept in mind Pectoral Balsam cures colds, coughs, N. medicine or doctor could give me effectually. that this depends upon the kind of books asthma and bronchitis, and all cum - The tint Malde relief or cure until selected and the runner of reading them. I used Hep Bitters. s m plaints tending towards consuption. Books are silent companions, assimilat- A sate Per faces. ing the nand of t]ie reader to the thoughts, views and morals which they inculcate. Thus they become a criterion of the taste, of the moral and mental condition of the -reader ; hence the Span- - ash proverb : 'Tell me the books you read sad I will tell you what you ars'— (Philadelphia ('all. tc. 5c.. papers Nees Life for FasetIns. Weakened by Di- ea.e. Debility : a.1 D/sslptl•a• The Great German invigorator is the only specific fur impotency, nervous de - bility, universal lassitude, f orgetfulneas, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind. the Great German Remedy will restore the lest function% and secure health and happiness. S1.001 per box, six hexes for s5.00. Sold by • all druggists. Sent en nacelle .f price, postage paid, by F .1, Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, .ole rgent tor }?sited Rtatea. Cir - FARMERS ! use e poor OIL onyour Reapers and Mowers, when you can get v COOzz's LARDINE OIL S., Cheep. 1t has no e.lual. Try it and you will use no other. 'or McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. sal. t.c R- W_ MOKEN'Z=E 7 UODKRICH GODERICR BOILER VORIS ' PI A NI NG MILL 'lave jest received a sante stork of colors and testimonials sent free. Sold' BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS by Geo. Baynes, sole agent for Gode-', rich 3m : -tor. National Pills are unsurpassed as a 1 BOilJLRS & ENGINES safe, molal, yet thorough, purgative, act - � ing upon the biliary e.rgaris promptly and Ln To the fedleal Pretests.. anal all whom Nearly cured me ; 0 may Posers. Ile Didn't Meal It. he race for honor` b_•tween Sir John Macdonald and the Mudie of Ihongnh appears to he a pretty dose thing. The Canadian Premier had a long way the start, hut his adored con►petitor is room- ing up bravely. Sir John had a bong string of initial affixed t•. his name l;efore the Mudir loomed into prominence at all. Seven hollow of your bitten cured He wan an M. P., Q.C., K.C. B., him, and knew .,f the TI►en the Afud' 'Lit•es of sig1 t nuns' The second made the as well and strong Pheepphatine, or Nerve 1' e.00, a 1'hros- as when a child. ),hate Element based up.n Scientific! `Anel 1 have been ss. to this day.'Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, )ly husband was an invalid for twenty M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pullen- i Petition - years with a senou* ary Consumption, Sick Headache, liler- 'Ktdney, lover and unnary e.•mpinr.tl. vein Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia `Pnnetince4l by Boston'idlest-s best idlest- end all waving diae•a a of the hamar i an.— \ system. Phospi attne u not a Medecine. ' 'incurable '' but a Nutriment, because it contains no 1 CIGA 1F. S i New Salt Pans and Boilers Built on Shortest Notice. Mail orders for new work andp repairs we' receive prompt attention. CHRYSTAL 6c BLACK, Werke Lear u. T. It. Maines liedsrteb. Fele* BML 1: 7 E$TABLl$IIED.1S55. Buchanan,Lawson m Robinson .AVACTeaas a0V Lsh,Doors & Blinds paaliu. aa Ix agrxDs or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material „f every deseriptlea.l SOW rum iTlfst / IP LTi. KAll Orders premetlyOeleniell M dtW 0erlLh. Am. 9. t1ly D.D.C.L.and K.C.M.G. pe caught on to the K.C.M.G. This put In my neighborhood that hare been the Premier un n his 'nettle. and he made saved by your bitten, us sufficient to convince. All Druggists 'W har 4'i 1 yea get dat tine piece fob, • big spurt and achieved the (1.C.B, And many more are using them with sell it. $1.00 per bottle Lowure & poultry, Itrover .Lousing /' in.luired ' amid enthusiastic plaudits But the great benefit. Cc. sole agents fax the Dominion, Amon Longface the col"' ea preacher, I gentleman from the Seoudan won't to be . 'They alm..at 58 Frimt Street East Turont., Vegetable or Opiates,' Mineral Poisons, ( iates, Ntrcetics, and no Stimulants, but limp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartrio Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle to Deacon •fohne.n. with whom he was. left to this taahien.and bassimultaneuus- lakine dinner ly "Internet the additional honors of be- •(.►ber at Farmer }'I•oughohar's, sir'' mg 'made a general and a pacha. It is replied the dusky deacon, smacking 1u past neck and much between them as to lips. which sill be the tint to brooms an 'I true der Lori yea didn't steal it. I auxiliary king, with the betting two to Brower fohnsing '= continued the parent one on the colored competitor. There is beginning t.• feel sick at the stemiach at I nom for any number e4 will king - the very thought .d rotieg stolen dome in the S'.udan whsle the chances chicken. i of the Premier achieving his aim of 'No, no, pyran ; dat ain't no stolen ; monarchical glory in Canada are decided - bard.' I ly slum. if Gen. Gordon should mush 'Well, Ise glad to har it, deacat, but iish the !llndir in the king business at bow did yea get it r Khartoum Sir John will feel that life is 'Well, ise gwine ter tell yea, parson. ' but a hollt.w Iii eery. it N hard indeed Yee nip las' °renin' I wasparin' Fanner to make the accumulation o1 titles a Plea ighshar s, when 1 seed his ducker spa telly an.l lee distanced in the end by e.aap downy open. 1 je•' g, es to dao coop, an obscure codon,, l gentleman. -;Tor onto a' shuts der door ; ant h nae le my ' News. (iRATEFt I—COMFORTING. se Do miracles lm Mrs. E. D. Slack. Prominent among the greatest medical dtwovrt•ies, by the many rums it has affected M tirewor'a Speedy rare lead* the van. sub }reye.l to the mtnat.N chrmkal analysts, 1. has been found to contain non- of those in- nriow in¢rrdierds o-haraeterizing the worih- spre es daily (5fferad to the public. kvery ingredient iort•www. a pry. - lsar alapts Wilily to the various .•,mplainta for whish e1 has been compounded. and tin rmleary is being entabliahed by testimonials hourly merited. We are therefore confident that we has. n permeation which wr ,an ober to the With the zienaranee that i' will be found not enly a n -lief Ant an ewe ate a are for 11ysp•p ilia. liver eomptaint. ineirdwtfna, ro.Mipctinn sad Iwpare blocs. Free trial bottles at lien. Haynes irrug stere tm self, 'Jobnsing, dat's an nowt ad, an' per ovvor be paid for it t' a, 1 takes a ('vine which feeds enpsn hl and 111.•1•11 wort• Rind plump hen an' data it what yea Ti *ate not your substance in rioNws Vila devoured, parson.' 1 rI the ..tem with timeline. ''ten the • After this septette* ion the preacher's channels' health, rip thebbae and sometimes seemed to feel Gasser, and he y with Belt and looked areuad isspwitingly as he thought ' ravulate all the orgasm Mond Bitters 2 Wife Where Je�1 Btrbsnd Ok t�W w lhaebs wee kill. ewe. Wife Why Ma't wet• al del dgs/= d�a�j.�k�1.r �a .see �y�MA Taster =. ging it r'''Rreaa• Kar tyre might b setae more f'.wl in the wiansity,-Yonkers Statesman. aniethenine - A name well known in � ewith the Hsir Renewer,which eellieln IN* le its natural color yby sS ggp, $soil at 50 cents per bottle by JOINS W. . lira Tcoaal Ilona it reavosabla Mob «1 Pre: Law's Magic f><es pansy le highlOhl reeneweeerded ter awl stew y Ica DANIEL GORDON, GBINEf4lER eadiiii iortator, Has on hand now the LASSER *Tfif's of First - Con las Furniture in the ( 'mint y. and a.1 new pnrrlasrfor cash. will not he linden...Id by say mast. 1 offer Tapestry Carpes lemurs*, from $5.50 upwards. Whatnot.... rood. from =4.50 rap. Bow Rack Chair.. from Tiecp, and rrery- thing else In the same prop•rtian. AT THE 4)1.1) STAND EFP S S 0000 g Between the Post (Mice a: Rank of lfnntrea 1 BREAK FART "ler • therewith wih knowledge of the natu- ral laws whirh govern the operations of lIu.saion and WWI d by • carred applb-athon of tie 01810properties M wed- telMed 4'(5.01*. Mr. Kpps Ira pro. elm ser tweekfs.0 tables (Mb a delkrtely the itessull Internee wkiel wsy save u• New heave 4set.ee' Mils. 1 M the ver of Le articles t tap tfttN III•l evsey �s redeem arothe+ r�eaCyilot to at vrbsrev„r 5. le $ • weal • beefiest eery well fortified♦ t.knit re with pure Mead sad a ertgrrtf woorlabed (swats' -COD a w•sw'w .h..� a'1rt inti*.^•. S.Cs S n, with tenor ! tin., r '•e'„ 0•ODID RICT - Oct. tatb. iag1. I913- • CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN :full. line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on bast' (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RH IT.A.S BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE ri Desigus in Wall P aper. Kew QM time. it you wish oats sr two vice meow at hovie,jle treat Miens rot to paps* tile hos over foe the workingPlum. Mend 10 eta. for pestare anwe will mall yon a a rola. t Ili 7 ey Asa °f .� W 2011000 It of the Latest Desig�n. ds that will pet was In IOW Ir. money IS a few den than bks at busttes. • any no , e way of esu ever ita week i week le �C o will start you You ens sea 11. s R le spare time may. Ti. adapted to leek tee sena flw scaly roes from pec. at as eb s was. week may tet tM we wake fhb ral- Died sew ; to are ane well aseleW stn 0,1.4h fs ppaay ter tom tensible et cars$ f R w. Iron partieir s Atreet}eme. ere.. seat tree. P ursemes wan be mage b these wheeler their &tale that le the week. Ower *trees, skew 'Web nets Peal Mae Wort new •Attee rwatifal colors. sad at prices tees thee very Ise„h inferior rood.. Call sad are the boot *ohm la tetra. sad meet hess14 tiny, •• r • ^ . 1 . • TIttatest Spng Ra1aar Pates and Fashioos, AT�BfJTL�iR't9