The Huron Signal, 1884-11-7, Page 8E THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIIDAY,1NOV. 7, 1881. CLEVELAND. I BONN WITH Hl3R OREW. TM On The araeearr f___Mhd ew __a wteeed os At The Nezt Provident of the United .r Stater. •1 i _ A aims 4.•ttr.1 rime by the sest.eetls I 1 .t drat• em of ogee. Vas vespeeesse Wave. ( Rhe s*Yawing temperance poem was entice by a ganUemaa web-kau w n tr real of ort , loan &sad AU en Ileaed e'wM I readeea We elwala knew b. wan •tenant • COUNTY CURRENCY. I John 11/6Critta•ts wan kUted us FridayI near Bedford, a station on the Kingston M. ms beat all Parts er Sia (,I N saw & 1'embruke Railwav, by a Wast. At the sante time Alpheus Brow's jaw was The returns at hand at the present mo- ment indicate that Cleteleud and Hend- ricks aro elected. New York, ludwna, Connecticut, New Jersey and a solid south art claimed for the Democratic candidate*. The exact mei... sties by States are not give., but it wuvtd appear that New Yolk has Kune fur Clay land by perhaps 10,010 over Blaine, and a certain plural- ity. The vote was so heavy that rt;trrtts are slow. Neer Yeerk city gate Cleveland a biz -ijority, Tammany wheeling into line solidly. Sl-11MIAltY. BogreL), Nov. 4th. --Tote f it lew.ng Status, according to the latent returns, aro rn..e telet (.Ertel• :t iris : reatua . Arkansas C..nnecticut Dvaware Flcri Is ..... . Ctee•rocia. Indiana ' e:ntucky to uistena Maryland • . N alivi•.ippi. . Missouri. New Jersey. Ncw York.. North Carolina. South Car.4ins Teuueseee Testi . Virginia West Virginia Putt ('..aborts, Ont-, Nov. 1. The uu6•rtihate vessel which was discover( sunken about right wiles elf Gull Island the k re part of the week, and which was supposed to tuttheachouher Van Valken- burst. has now been identified as the *dimmer New Dominion, which was to toot. from Cleveland to St. Catheriuea with coal. The Domwton hailed from l Termite, rtgistenuit 152 tuns, and had al capacity of between 300 and 400 tuns. She was owned and sailed by Capt. Jas. Granath, and Capt. J. J. Daley. Griffith acted as captain acid Daley as tote. Both undoubtedly west down with the vessel. ['apt- Giteith's wife's sister act- ed as stewardess, and it is now enettoiad ices nue swat,• fields are r.l.uwhig the ripen - to be her body which came ashore at Pt. I (,,,r tinge of goad. bleit laud. Daniel Murray, a sailor he- I And rewybcrs renew tire going to;sartewt.s haul(e fore the toast, who lived tit 4t. ('athe- ! ird,1 Strong iu the strength that's:eat ye. ao teeth Ye go...l awl true t Let Miry este now be plenty. for lab•rees arc not few. In this laid shows moat nearly Its in Ilia coolie ye light. Ile holds that cause so dearly He magnifies your might When was there each a (arrest song. the land groans with the Iua.I. And they that env w-• re Nan ins throng around from evert road. .end as they coast- our sung they sing. 'tis freedoms joyous song. Their touts have so g1a•I * ring 'twill be re- membered long. ..,12. *)..eking aalelde. "No more shall hapless mothers weep above fellow. bat we never looked upu.+ the sinter ut Let amp uta * putt before. Tis. poste 1e I well worthy of .-artful ries teal : A mighty write 1* sweepeud. u swooping tete the land. 1t water' a rich reaping upon the bsrre•naud: A heavenly Nile Litt -Row ing sere els soil from shore to den•. And tuuiperaute baud* a s aowbey good weer the oatiou o'er. The goodly seed Is •enegtng ..ear maay a runny fleM. TW sowers glad are singing to ore r -.t promtr- nd yield, For heatshowers are blesslrg the seed so hopeful sewn, l)rvken and one uf hie eyes destroyed. lieut•aaT.- Wo hate t1.ii weak to - r'.re•bole the death of Mrs. Win. Therry ' Erre.. t mea. --(la..,,,, . esu t'ur►unr, .•t ti.ealeattesel age of uturty•tour years, lee. - • 117• alarmist! ► uowledge of the oato ehkh event to k place at the residence rra1' clad artriluo. laud upm .".ennui i.4 n.: on ri ..w, Wee El ler, of Tucker- spetielulon et tie lee prepense. mt well , et et :t tis Tionesta/ u• itet week. lie I wI.wtrI('oeve. lir. ICpham aa preyitied our breakfast tables wile • delicately flavoured .,.roe was t 1• ..te t I etLei ,.. n.re, n:.u.t', acid 81.dereied 1., 'In ...entry 11., 11 year ISO, when tlurc t•..s uutlsutg I ' •e w. ono .•n at elides, t.ud has reatdo:tl !in' nsiglilerlet*,d ever twee, enjoying ', _ respect and esteem of J eery is isle o•n•Ie ..f friends and ae•luelotancv5, and .e ....ay be, well Ia.t of the departed that ' h•eew who knew her longest and beat 1..d sunny skies conlcr!neG«I nobles upon I IM-.aed her most for her man f Laud and Ili»uwu. rxttalrut yualatrs. 'l'l e funeral cert was 1. 1y large, testify' g h• the respect in vh.ch deceamei was held. THAT Cuu.e.-twee - At a meeting till ton massagers ..t the'iayniorth Mechautes lu.titute, held on Tuesler evening lac, the t.dluwi•w ren.. noun war unanimoua- t p.:•tai: 'Whereas, Gr•.rre E Jackson R..rl , at a rteict,ng of the Anti -&:nett party, held au C. rdun•s Halt, on We1- w-day eeoniog, o ictuber 22nd, made a stet meta *Let :lie ('o•un.ittee .'1 the M,•.a.anlcs Ir:rt.•de or smite members •.1 1:, had refused a cellecti.n which the Anil I;t..tt party hail proposed t.. take til. t' that uiee:tng, •c..tn'.')iug to the sudhence the im••res.i•er t the Mech- entee' institute ('oe toe ween taking a partisan }tart in a contest : Resolved- = 1'..tt as Ibe w h went is out. in accord i ..ace with the Lees, we, the committee, ;es! Irate to state that, although tut ...ciliate *notion wan re.•'tjcd at our last ....eine it, ref. roue. to Ibe Anti Scutt tL, uhhrrbands. naRy'e pn.psave ei au the matter el the riue's, was also one of the victims. 1 he ears,ea of the remainder of her crew can- not be !earned at present. Capt. Grif- fith is an old canal captain, hating sailed St. Catharines vessels fur Joan Graham for a trued cony years. He lessees a wife and family: in St. Catharines- Capt. Daley is another old caual captain, hav- ing sernel fol Morris & Ncelou a num• tier of years. He also sailed the wheelie et Lura for Mean. J. & J. T. Mathews, Toronto.. He then boupbt the New Duwiuwu along with Grtftith about a veer or e.. aro. He also Moves a wife and family m II*.uult..n. 1J -- . .•. ,..r is • {(renders (but. November 2. -Daniel For' line the hearties d.-nlnns steep til! be 8 1Vebster, clout twenty one year* of age, stall &nock her aoY'.t 14.11 IIeu,ry \l'ebater. a well t.. do No ir,re the fat:sinccd :..r bread stolen by their babes at night Cu: al .-..- ... 12 13 ....... 12 ( 221 !y$AIILY It:irtRLl,CS. . slifontia . Colorado illinuia - .. . lows....... ....... .... .... . Kansas ... .. 9 Mattie 6 Masaach usetta. 14 blichigen 13 3111111e*, .4 \ 1 N ebrwak s......, b Nevada . 8 New Hampshire. '. 4 Ohio, . 23 Oregon . .... ... S Pennsyleaui.. • 30 Rhode (.land 4 Vermont 4 Wiecunsin . - • • • 11 Total - 182 Necessary t e choice, 201. LATEaT, A despsteh from New York state tel that Blaine has carried that state by 6•000. if true, he will get the Presi- dency after all. 8 3 22 FATAL PANIC. A laisrhareed Easpleyr Rases a Cry of ••lire.• ,..el teller■ r•eeple are Tram- pled 1e Mratb Try tag I. escape. t occurred Nor. 1.-A tic c •, w- \ w o ItLA ,)1'a ;lite evening at the Star theatre by a cry ! tire being rei.ed. Durin_ the rush by the audtvuce to escape from the building ten people were killed and twuhesevere- ly aspired. The perfenusnce had pru- cr vied without Interruption until sine o deck, when some perste shouted fro. The who'lesudieucu rose :end rushed to the door. The mass of people who occupied the pit•met the crowd descending the stairs freer the gellence, and a fearful block ensut.l. Loud cries of distress and shouts f••r help area,• from the panic. et ricken and et wiggling people. The t. the OtdiC*rs of tl crowd was adji.re y to t`:eatre and melte • to hold back,but their wafnings and w+.peals 'were unheeded. rh.• crowd frantically rushed towards the • ut,uts, trampling and jumping over each . flier until they reached the street When the theatre had beet, tittally•elrwr- t1 rinese0 corpses were Tonna un the eefirs leading from the gallery, and RE1.Io:tot .• 11 r. Turnbull, lie A., d twirtve lrrsnrs he.i'y iwj+swd. The nods I St. Mary s, unrelated in the Preatyfei evidence [het life was forest oinct was the• piteous moaning. The whole fire bra glide, with the police. did their utmost t.• allay the panic and rescue the crushed vietitts, but they were -too late to be of elective service. The ambulance corps c isiveyed the victims living to the infirm ary. The w. unded were 5t. mixed with the dead that it was only possible to re- cognize them after their arrival at the in- firmary. it was onbsc.lnently learned teat the author of the cry' .1 tiro was a f inner employe. who had been dismisa- e 1. The a ide ti a numl,ered sheet t wo thousand. Another account says the &term arose while a trapeze. performer was taking a dire from the cedes* to a net hanging 111 read -al r. One •'f the audience shouted "fire" meaning that the 1.rrf ermer hal g,,m too neat the (ootle. os. Ins man whose cryof "fire- caused a rime In the Star t.atre last evening his been arrested. If was drunk at the time. The scene u0 the stairease is de- scribed as terrible. The steps we+, strewn with nbbuas, hats end shawls. The victims were heat s*ft.w•rted, then trampled t,, death. The lasted tifteen minutes. The authorities had .hsapproveed of the means of exit, and it Wes contemplated to construct an add, • mil etit from the gallery. The moire o .uhssemed when the rtlativee identihe•d the dead were meet affecting. Among the v .tine were e‘•'ht females. beverage whive may save .1. mens keret' dueture bills. It is by the judicious use of such arti.•k-sof diet That • constilutiee may to. gradually hint sip natal *mote enough to reset et cry endogamy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maLidt.•s are flirting around us ready to attack wherever there (e a weak polwt. We may Neap warys fatal eller% b rlt• keeping °urroe well tortl0ed o prep blood and • properly nourished frame.' Civil 'kreter Garotte. Made .iy(T 01111 buil water or milk, 804 u MPackets tai Tins Itlb• ant Ib.. by labr'Ud- ,I liltlrMr ft W. t: brsietik f t 1 f cent. , living il M.ut flee miles [last oc.•i.r.'Uuu .t this tnwryl, ventilated suicide this to:,rn- Fur Trmpennce b to jtw::• c wed -tat.:: d arc 1 stmt was atm.. wily agreed int: toy hanging. Hc, with an elder their sewwy lends- that if the wets laud e Now sorrow *bail and .i.t:.ing tueti.,t:e our would receive it with :hanks, and Oust brother, allose a: the usual time and be- happy homes. tit urlwr that ,, w tendered we attuned k Deniers part s the actio[: .'t the Culnutit- stan their • reel mor nie'a tieing to atteipd the h .rtes After the Ant as the ten tsdrytagtle glsdd gjegouglr Noe stealltbedefer' plaeEnjoi.e-aadMosesm ing, Mutt finding Daniel still absent, he went to the *table to learn the awse of e come* - elder brother had returned front milk- • delay, and to Lis horror discovered hie Mother hanging dead by the haler he had taken from one of the horses. He has been .object to melancholy daring t a I The lllldrrnes'-- _ nears disclose. - - - ---- Yrons and soil shalt waters spring sad stream thedcsrrt through : u titrated la lee tN,amsaef sur MI- T!u• tate' aide their crntt:kes Wag sad rusk te...nay i e plat -.1 to a proper light be tete the pul4ic. be it further resolved the the above he publbshcd in the local as the rase. Papers. *kale hear a voice cad harpy THE WORLD C: Z R. lit faateetlreenries the last few mouths and had freolnenUy the sigh( to Tires. _ _ expresaed ltitnself as tired of life. An in- 'eNuyl r:.t 1!••' moratafn and (be hill. idsout I - The body of James!maps•u the King- i quest a.ts-n.lt deemed necessary. e% v:... f.i 'cry joy, . stun cabtuau who leas been mincing fur ' _ _ _ The u•.• • s forge:Utz to be still shall clap their *nee days, was !build in the barber there 1. tads and cry r' ',map. Saturday morning The cm -ester decide o - Rut, tu: some 1.1. already won and in the that nn inquest was t.rceasary. Mrs. Cummings has ret urntte Irow a earner stared : tee weeks ' trip to Kin;;abridee. The lurtesters thtir labs dont sit round the Our jovial townsman, John 11. Wil limns, is laid up with a sprained ankle.. The powerful lotion.; 14 the inch aurone• -tee are been:; etpplied, and Jack is heed fur uTa speedy recovery. £*barn. A fanner living nota dozen miles from here, was blowing that if a certain rev. gentleman preached Scutt Act in a par- ticular church, In this place, he (the fatumr would steep higl, and if neces- sary, put hint out of the pulpit ;Ta) Tom tu..k good care nut to gra to church that tiundity. Iter-- 1. Pritchard has alone to visit L. brut:,er, who is :'' Mir health. He also attends a tnectinetin cennetti..n with the Hotac Mission Committee in Turonto, before he returns. x..)00$ board, From ital:ueis halls the laughter nazi. the it'll hem roes high. The joy ••rat song -th Miriam dens the sea p:c-.ed evert t. Tito L .r•1 hath tri.c:nti:ted gtorieual7. the boasters are no morn. Ile Ie1e1 us through victoriously. but rank :hem far from shore Vain were their vaunting. aro 1 their boast. far . rant'. God still reign's. Aad wrens d from E,typt'r siaTIetl hos: Hie own nserped domains. From Sten et. tvo, the .road comes to c5ee: us with thettews Bud Caldwell, mice a pr.,iuinent busi- ness man of Carey, Ica., eho had bete in jail on a charge cell sttewpties to burn the house in which his divorced wife resided. dropped dead Sunday jug t.fte: *List ling ''Wait till the d'•uds r,$1 ley. The British Cabinet have n .t yet sane nulled the advance of tete Nile yet to KtAirtime, They will not decide the question before'the return of Lard No:thbrefai fr.'m E_ypt. (buret, Wvlsr- ley will be ready Nov'. 1, to advance front Wady Ha'fa to auras. THE PT LAw.-least `Ttuiday the by- law to re..eve the It •ntld hounder froom That wine is all bar harp; hurler Las turned it b f rt and bond to $baron's d( ►*. An"1 fr..mo il, • eft, the ba -ren else where w: it ptTt1sateN The 'rumen souads s h cot fast: air I3laa- etea4 shouts Ler pr.. And other tlaidi are turn! Ilg. the reapers to --i- titlI71 ;Weft,. Port Albert. T da :essun qu:•:Cy learning. sd giros tae right ,neves.. 0: victory certain. who *hall cea g, till every tle't4 be won - T111 vizor Act teeel a prorioc^ Iesc-t be heed tragic dues: • \, • And this eh dl ba forever where the bs'yen rands we; Where nothing gux1. or green. or fair bas eeea? yet been known. Tbt•rc have the heavenly waters fl)w .l. hare e. silr,l the foul •way. And on the bate n lan-1 t.es:owed. the rich and gs asrrou•, And fast -the seeds are: sp.:ruing be Temper- ance sowers sown. And heavenly ebo.rs are angina. for there the land is Iron. - Miss Bessie Hawkins, ..f Sheppardhes, has been visiting friends here lately. bliss Annie Herbeeon, .1 Clinton• is the guest of her cousin. bliss McMillan • ain a weleeme A i Hyslop is a bliss tss L zz e ! P ,t' resident of our village. Miss S•vrah Hyslop has returned to her horns at Ooderich. Win. and Henry Hawkir., has return- ed after a four menthe' stay at Blind River. Algoma. David Mahatly, ..f S•ratt •rel, is visit- ing the parental abode. Miss Mary Menet is h .inc f .r the winter. The ben and stables of Win. U.Con- ue11, were totally destroyed by tire, last Tuesday night. The vote hero was a close one -a tie. All went off quietly. 'rhe church bell was rung on Friday morning in honor of the passing of t1R bcutt Act. Al KieyA*w the enterl.riwing burglar robbed tel sky clerk's office which is animated M the same Inildtnq as, and ireasiedtalely,rest, the 1,.•IIrw h.aolrluwrt see, the. hs M saw 1,4. asesrtaisad none of di* pl"assssn *ere •t.•len. The l..r ,. les Wk* ran.asbrd that the p lisstaan'a lot is nest a liatlp, .m. 414 o..1 tnelud. else land( 1 reuse' tHss iIrnsi ftpste- ran Church last Sabbath morning. (deem,- Farmers are busily enraged in taking up rots. The crop will be rather light swim; no doubt to 11N is- cessant drought. Bio Flee. -. R. T. Haynes' slots, dwelling house and citable. were burnt Iwai Sunday eight about 8:45 gem. There was very little saved The loss will be very heave. We hers riot learned the ::mount of insurance. The meaty a.tfe was b.idly' damaged. Mr. Bennett's hotel, and stables on the opposite side had a very narrow enrage. an lalereetleg Des ase t'wse. A case .•f interest has appeared in the ('htengo divorce court. The plaintiff, Richard P,ettsr. claims that he married Mary Jane- -in London, Canada, a few years ago. He is a pattern iiaker, end went to Chicago to better his condition. Finding remunerative err'tny mens. he wr..te tel the wife M go to him. After a gew+d drat of delay she did go, bort he elaitas to have dissevered evidence of her aorreeponding with a .nan named Pren- tiss. in London. (lee letter he picked up an which she told her lover she waa tired of Chimes), and wished to be rid of her 1.r. -want husband. IM being c.m- hontw.e with this evidence she told the plaintiff plainly Its might 5o to the in- fernal regions, and that the sewer she get rid of him the better it wou:d be for her. as she would marry that man, and liked him a great .deal beetles. "111 poi susn y..a,•' ho snood..( her M saying, "and sun Ii ro to steep and won't knew it. And theft be spoke of a long fist (debases he had to submit t,.. is +bash hair- bro.hes, mores, knives, hnotlaeha, and ether weapons figured pretty grsatee- lye His amid the testnnMy e t ether wit assts we. ettklif i tr[Mtis telt. 11. A. J ►'sant. Stratfurd.0.-t. nth. 1161. %Mott Ael ache'. amlr. Ant "D. ulah Land.' In lid said.• worid there reigns • Prince. Who wields his sway o'er all our rs w : Ter Print -est Daiwa.; is his name. Bis *Won caaeerta'bon h'! fame. Coosa- s. IN, sr listen Mad. sweet Hu -on land. • Oai1's inTee hare •(iia the fee : n letter d seting by faith. their shield. Oar volley fired(. and eleered the 0411. 1 sever can forget the day the Prince's see was brougl;t to bay : His name b Alcohol. yes know. We lire( at lint ant hrou,t)t: him low. With glory beaming in Ilia eye. Our blessed Lord a se pasa:set by: He said t4a us, "Re of good cheer. 1 will Ibis Carse from Huron clear. - 11 meet- Ili:ow.. Not. kit 11ip1. Uoderleh. An Illinois correapentlent of tate Day- ton Wee. writes : "Islet summer i was induced t.. try packing egg* for Winter use. 1 had in seasons previous limed them, hit a limed erg is out alto(tethrr to my taste. Last aufSmer I took sweet. clean kegs, set them in a cool, dry place, with a barrel of pewdeted dry earth near at hand. In the keel)! placed a layer et this elrth, then a layer of eggs, small end detwn, then a h.yer of earth, and so on until the kegs are Wird. These kegs were quite good six months after packing down. Ily placing the small end down the yolk is prevent. d from dropping( down on the end and settling on the shell, while the drys tine earth keys then nom the air. i suppose that asho rye bran or any other fine, dry subbases N as good s. the baked earth, bot 1 wrote .15517 of what 1 have art 'tally experiment - eel with. "The see `isles wan. says the 11.' !M .enol )l•. . . •I,.•nld court the sun Ilewllh .....i (lore, shout l •road being pr.pealer..ns The sleepless man, se well ra the strati m,u, in this pert of the country. will ¢tl nght i.tl pssstisg the danghter.strevly lagardlevs et R 4.01 H.•+w.'. n,.nsenad•I ad ice. -{Ham- ilton Sprctator p encu'* .ranee!' iW° jt::le on Mr. Ronald pay iv. iti3O 0 data anti 1 I. esi-erases o1 the by-law was ruled Jog!!. Out of 201 fresh•'lders in the tnupicipality 77 voted, 28 for the by-law and 49 against. It was thus defeated by 21 votes The suit will uue be ccntinu- , ed and probably be fought t., the bitter end. - i Brussels Post. A correspondent of the New E,.gl.,.4 Finn,• -r says thst a New York farmer observed that wine ,•f his trees that had been dressed with unbleached wood ash- es byre applei which kept all winter without rottlnx, while the rest of the 1f.ruit rutted bully. His trees were in - ted with apple blieht. Ile tii,-dly are ied w• -'d ashes, et the rate 200 bli ahels t•. the acre, t•. his orchard. and washed the bodies of the trees mita lye The u hard recovered from the blitbt, and th applies would then keep well in an orate ry ceder all winter. It u an impurtalit,,questtoa, and fre- gssfatty 10 t mindful yuJt.g mothers . tluw cats I et a little more trine for myself and an lave the baby- happy 1 ytod,this ,andhay- can recommend it. Atter the morniuet\ nap, and the rest whish cones after it .that baby on the dvw, lout wand hu r I7 a basket an. wbicL jou here placed s ch playthings as are ad/pte•,1 t•, his taste ; ler instance, basket tats morning contained a. silt. wldter e.11 horseback, an impossible bedt- ime rabbit uf red canto, flannel -the .sill !If a, *steed whit evidently Musa not • otisu nnne with nature In tier visible form.,' a piece of 7, pe. a ball of yarn, a few empty apo.ds, uue spool of uutitnj thread, which atf•,rds eediess nruaaylent ; * few Meeks of Irregular shape, and brightly adored, and lastly a keen pies erre-ba.►h, a rel.. of setae other child- hood lung past. These single .objects amuse a restless billy fur an hour at a time, and to be put oat the Hour and be allowed to unpack the basket is a daily pleasure ; the tot 'ruts of the basket eau be changed. or letter stall, have two baskets ; give one one day and other the ` nest ; my experience with chaldron war- rants me an c •ndudtng this better than a complete and tin shed plaything. They value something upon which lacy can exercise the imaginal ion. (OXT OPRALOOK THIS J L 'I' f1 T TOMAO IT1 A aeroau 12 Horse Power 51. Peerscn k Cu'.. Make. Stratford. For Only $15.00. 1 Good Coal Stove - Sure: heater. LI Heating Drums. SHINGLES. I kuuw of one inn[ tried it fsithfu A Lot of A 1 l'adar'4itesei -s. Inst , tit. in sus. hers 1 tad 2. at roan, cd prices. Call on COAL. All hunts et1 Rant Goal on hand. Also a small quantity .1 the celebrated Strait8vi11e Lump Soft Coal. Send in your orders while the weather 1. tat. ` for delivery. C. A. HUMBER, -\t (ter Foundry. Oodericb. Oct. 16th. ISM. 19G, Iw wanted tor The I.ats of al the Pre.Mrat• of the L -_S. It Is the Largest. Ilandtrrtr•st and test book eter wed tor Iles elan twist our}rrice•- Thr foulest +levant h.wk to Atre•rici Immtnae profits to carnes All intelligent want tt. Any uuwmwbe- come a .u..essia ut agent. Terms tree. Address Ha1.l.crr Ikon; 1... Pertlaad, 11a.1.e Iflr~- T. N. DANCEY. taelse*sb fid. MS. Ess. IOL:.. Wilson s Prescription Drill Store. Colbesa& Au Enelieh service will be held in the Esangelical church at 7 p.m. on Sunday. It. Last Wawano•h o. the 2lth ult. the wife of W. T. l 1lg. of a.atighter, 1111111111111016. At the residence of Mr. Jeteb Wilson, toe. berate on the Mb inc. hy Ile.. F. Meyer, bar. Hoary (label to Mur Miriam Hanky. i the Ree. 1N. Paiute(. at the resl.leae, of he hrl,t?a m.'hrr, on Ile !1114, ret., alt, Pe, Lyon, of Holden, to 1.1dle, •liese daewkter of the Isle Janu-s Jones of 1 olharre. Nitw. In flr'...ele my fled nN , label, wife of 51r. Peter r..omson need 1' years. la (trey, on feel . James ( umernee. axed 21 years. 1 muni le ( day. In el•ntsy oa 15• iesh tdt., Allk, young 0 n•e 4sghr of Atte Joseph Hennas. of 'taab y cre4 Ir neer, In 11,'.5.44, 'war A hewele., a Oet.. Infant son u• )as. Rruws ele0'1 4 11a the tied Or14 - r. relit* ty 1T, Bsrko [sass gyp,•, Brighton, wit, wI itee,g Rawe!urd. f et Wm 1 Asada WM. and Hera. tut aged 711 yearn 00 TO KNIGHT'S 1rOH A. KNAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO 1)00K8 EAST OP P.0 tins t y JOIIN MacTA GART FAMILY GROCER, PEOVISION DULEN A50 BUTCHER V iotoria Street, I71.1.0,ITE 'I1U - GROUND. .\!1 the ns•.st Popular tea It,•!table e'ome and sample my mieture of Black Teta. T:.err IA not sm h a blend kuowu to the trade. • • Amami •.cease. .r•atr rrkee. Pekoe onsteboon. (res/ng•- ! em. My vie. for Ettp.-•. Canned hoods. Scheel.. weral stork or( of the day kept in ,•o. k. Sole Agent for Seigel's Pills, Ointment and Syrup. J.S. WILSON. Go lerich, Oat Ma. Belt. C. CRABB The Oldest Established and[ Cheapest Store in the ! County of Huron. --:1s, -- PRESENT PRICES: O- OCERIEB_ Gray. it ted Sugar. 12 IM. for $1 -In : by floe ib. la . tit her sugars in proportion. Srgare earls TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUMRS • Dia•. k Tey at 2L ., equal to any 40 . Tea in 1 iw- Ulpnreeo: J,- Weeks at 5. and r e-. Green Teas -Team Hyena. from 22c. to !Ito•. tioe- pew•der Tea. Mr.: the finest imp•-t..I. 7'4. Ib. A very Mae J.pwrt Sifting ■t Sue. Ih. 1.31:2"K"G GOD8_ M 4nte to close at priers to astonish. F*, tory tweeCott.... yard wide. hy pre at M:.: narrower at Se. A fine let of Oro. Grain 1►reyul efts at ::.c.. worth 11.25. IIARDW.A I - A well-wrle et -d Nock of aeythes. Mnsith. Hay 1corks. Spades end Shovels. all from the best maim. PAIDTTt3 A:`TJD OILS. 1Ce keep none but tie brat- and sell thein at mune ne price Y eowln.,. rte. Vinegar n specialty. and wsrranted free from minted acids. A good sandy of Glass sad Builders' Hard- ware en lt*ud 0_ CRABS Oaderteb, June Mb. leg/, I5A-*rat 9agee. a piecu, Ith•e, and general GROCERIES Will compare favorably with any in the trade. bunt. Lamb. 74,:•ton. Pork, smelted Ham. Chickens and teaks of the first ganity. Orders len will have prompt attention. JOHN Alail AGO A11T. (:oderieb. Sept. est h. 1*U(. (Uel 5n, FACTS ! ! FACTS!! FACTS ! ! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Sugars, Teas, Cooes Geacra! Groceries, Crockery & GI: ::ware at Rock Bottom Prices. 150 Doz. IffIT JARS JVBT ARRIVffiD_ Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN Cort Some fl *a --e, Oederic11 Just. Heb, *0.. 1111=1". EMPORIUM_ .l C_ i=it .i.i0= c5Z Co, IIAVF JI ,T OPENED ANOTHER OASEBDRESS COODS i POVGIIT .IT .1 I.ItF 1T +A(t:lF1('F:. COM $ AND SEE THEM. Spacial Value is Ionth in the Tailoring Department. Several Bahr of Grey Cotton at Mill Prue. (laderleh. Oct. Md. Iw J_ 0,. DETLOR SC 00_ SmLDi a- OFF I cirvzsora VP Bremer e0.. As 1 nm sheat N remove teem OtdslM 1 will si of int IiMlIRA STOCK of Millinery, Drell Gouda, Fancy OoQda, &c At Tersely Bsdeced twee, invitee is see Weir eta. ivy present Nosed Y tamer than that of any previews aswaatl. ea I baler Jilin f* to reareve, over f.r •M Worth of new ataads. The weals to elmnd at r(' DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. A Mo ready made Drssem se Emig ha erase HAVE YOU SEEN OUR KITCHEN CABINETS e/Urelseteh seer wsafrl IoM M 9 pB sal Ir..sosl • err Iw text 4 Il. e y w'e .r I ya!'y Hswes oeltlb5.Oet.Inth, IOSI, Iles 0. H. C3'IRVZN. \VHOLS NVMBXR :f1 M ANM!•eawests P Orr sal.---Tbls 02110e.Thr Tsdepasdeut. New York. Temperate. Hotel -, . J. Tre Oodey's i.ady Beta*. Pkt$adell Helfer Strayed --William Kul canoe on the I'r.udses- 0. to of -.three te ht Fttralt O. C:. Cie., BtsatSoret d, h 11 Dentistr RITIRO tiON, La •Tl. Matte. Office and Street three doors below lea Galerlcb She People's 4 O VOR -SALE - plasm in good order. T. Apply at thla Mike. OST --AN UMBREL II DAY 1sot. if Wane Is return an ambrrlla.let him d OBT A SMALL tit. containing two photestn win be rewarded by retunts ply at this Mika. THE "NATIONAL M. 1:Y ItuaJsn A. Sun The Messrs. OLIVER 01 Ko.tua. baro• lbw also%r coin bandasfr publication. and t osteal the town a fair flare of Hdsleh, 31.1 tk•1. 1*81- NOTICE. flealsd modems win hom- er! a until MONDAY. the rwr witles GREE c H grter*sots and backklg'i. fur IM at the gaol, is l:« ties of fol less than :te cord* tA.1st January, nest- Parr. Booted* er upwards. The lo er not ne,•rweerfly ae eepted. required for the portal !MAO • PET t:K . Nov. 404 104. 11611-31 NOTICE ---ALL PERI to the estate of the la by *etc or tvlok account. ar to soul and pay the *sure etc was have claims against sa amsed to lorwand thew to or payment. Itl:ytf UK EDWARD sHAttMA MUCK Lir ER a NI) R.4.1T STKS V still ready tedo moderate Tpito Ire. Drleks. Flresrieksy sn al.terW kept on itaa (loderieh. March *4th. 1961 NOTICE IS HEI1 ED O F.OIWW 1C IHt t N EEO Tows of (lu.terich. In the l and Proven. a tit Ontario. Oe Ply to the Parliament of the ata, at the ler V. session hero Divorce from he wife. BHI ty of the said Town of laude California. in the t'nited :q on the gruutda of adultery t fated at the said Tows 5rd day et .k twee, ee A. u_ 1 CAMERON. HOLT Solielters for the said 1' BRaNFORD, Cox_ For Sale or nuiLD[Itfiu-Luh (.ail& sostfi of atm (last greet. otherwise knoll Ns. si5 Ia r c • fa village (betide W HuUett,) oat wrath sMr f 1i7 11 reseesable. ADO/ t• marsh CU A.sM. Ven el0.tle (asm►ers." IlamUton. ARM FOR RENT ABLE FARM knowu 5. Colborna. cad oaeapri.la ed for eeat. The fares Iseit road. 21 miles frog. "Cinch. Oedema. and 5 miles trove larger portion i. clesred. .,mod hardwood. There en one lot. Rat particular* 1 l'OUNO. (,allow P. 11. ____- VOR ALE Or. Ti 1' home and two luta sib of Dntar.oia read and echo the house Manila fir(alt raise eight rooms. closets, while the garden is wed choicest fruit. tweedier a e,, ...grapes. eurreab A on the premises Ooderleb, 1'. O. ti TO kK rr --ll .1Le {f6,' Ove. le ws bl bytelrrtat. S ToI.IZAIt!A LIARM FOR SALE 1 blur 11? iSULJ.111 ter. of the iliale of eke hj aw East i • t Iess tar sale, n dm lath Township Of Holten. e abet so acres of which Y Macron hard wood Umbo b at l. about Il mQo bark oast tthi ..ay. r wya rows ow fie For 1sr her WOOD. Admre r. t*The as to Loadesbwa other telt al idle saran ItsleSHErl Iltk t+ st., 0 KALE-VIi A; 1*a .L ltissidttaaowaMMpi as kber waw' bgsest►se keelbe w keelboat and cedar. Irate stable. web Flame barn 60,1 with abed. Thai aple trees. Thl a,y,t repair. eeatataisg 50 screw w orchard. Goer pastel e. nesse CHAa BLAKE. '1L1,gUS l►"OR HAI J1.'' f. deet eon mon. n. ewe bssatt#N farms sol wsutt was Q. Oneirea. iin. B. N.1 C. H A T Ilya, 1 rser of p