HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-7, Page 7Y ER .tick as 'ask -stat d tun ftr b ES -V ods, rices, in.e G, ES a1...,e Stor• a large and re determine tnmf I Its.« 1 1. ycd. DDUF 1p :..1 kat sed ✓ le Si. Juni" alae. Topeka. u u ser. DN:r C..1 retool. 16 Car .ap cwt Ser .t h .t reps,. sad et P.a 161411611i it reputed r �T. iris IGe Atmel. CITY .3 E.. i .>•v[t'_ a.,, aa.. Ag t, foruoo, Oat wlereh rens rev postage- fr•er.aoestly box bleb .Ip bsIp you m..r rhelit'aw•y d d. AI deitb•r broad reed ✓ eek •ere bola .&(o.. A agm•t•. whoa you rent • mr1gk hair. e l heir to beg fel hair tan h. iroems" HAI* a. by J, Wil11oa. Mk. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, NOV. 7 Fun ana Fancy. lucid's and dry, as becomes its t,a- uooalityt was the releske of the Scotch ahopaera to Lord Cockburn, of Bondy. That nobleman was aider ma the hill- side with the shepherd, aisd, nb.ervine the steep reposing in the a,Ws.t sitar. tion, he said to him "John, if I were a sheep I would lie on the other side td the hill." The shepherd answered : '•Ayr, my lord, but if ye had been a sheep ye would ha '• had weir setae. ' Lewis, the colored "tread of Dr. Won. Norris, of Baltiwore,was married recent- ly, and he convulsed the company by compelling the bride, dunu1 the ote e- muny, to swear upou ti.e Bible that she "never allowed soy othe( nigger to hug ur kiss her." The bride was equal loth* emergency, and, with an unfaltering roise, she said : "Afore God, I never did !" time came in more applause,and when the excitement tab. i led, it became her turn to exact the same from Lewis. but she was uosuceee•tul, as Lewis had too much of the George Washington materiel in him. Thay were then sta. uoned in the middle 4 the floor and the marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev Ila. Way. Household Hints. YLOATfXn 1x1 AND. Beat yolks of three errs until very light ; sweeten and flavor to taste ; stir into a quart of boiling milk, cool till it thickens ; when cool, pour into a glass duh ; whip the whites of the eggs 10 • stiff froth, sweeten, and set over a dish of boiling water to cook. Take a table- spoon and drop the whites on top oA the cream, far enough apart so that the "little white island" will not teach each other. rlltsttlr aTtw. Three slices of salt pork, boil one hour and a half ; scrape six parsnips, cut in quarters, lengthwise ; add to the pork and let boil one-half hour, filen add • few potatoes and let all boil together until the potatoes are soft. wataT YVA1%n. One quart of flour, two tai,lespoonfuls of flour, five eggs, a teaspoonful of arils dlssolred in bot water. two teaapoonfula e.t cream of tartar, milk enough to make a thick hatter ellenAHOse ROLL$. Take a piece of pie crust, roll it out and cut in narrow stops ; ■prickle cinna- mon over it and roll up tight, put in • tin which has been well oiled with butter ; bake until brown. (ACOA1rrT Joists*. One pound of cocoanut grated, three - f. urths of a pound of sager, three .;tgs, a large iron spoonful of flour ; droop ou buttered pats. uOLD AND SILT[. (Aft One teacup whits sugar, one half tea- cup of butter, whites of four eggs, two- thirds teacup of sweet milk, two teacups of floor, two, tssapoons of baking powder; flavor. Gold cake : sane as above, using the yolks of the four eggs, and adding .one whole pig. OBAHA1 ('O°[Ise• Two cups .f sugar, (me cup of sour cream, one half teaspoonful of s...da, mix quickly, roll and bake. CHICKEN varuses Cut a cold boiled chicken in small pieces, pot in a dish and season with salt and pepper. Make a batter of three eggs one pint of milk and flour ; stir in the chicken and fry is bot lard. ZOO .AUC(. Roll one tablespoonful of butter in flour and stir it into nye cup of meat broth ; add two beaten ezgs ; boil one minute. Pound the yolks of four hard- boiled eggs and season ; pour over the liquid. TRIED ragwort.. Boil until under in salted water ; cut into slices, dredge with flour and fry brown. Now M the assn for preparing com- mt.stsw wino. The following receipt lass beets used in several l..caluie. and t.eund tatidactory : Make the grapes iutu jelly anewiug for pro fuerths poured of sugar to a pint of grape juice Buil until it 'jells.' Put up is pint bowie. When wanted, dissolve one bowl .4 jelly in one quart of boiling ardor. N hen cool it is toady f•.r tins. Liss glass, earthen or Jolson russets it, the preparations. I4..ruintt Star. The crazy or mosaic patchwork cin le used to good advantage in coverlet the eush• on the lad of the i,lackllig b•x, asid it make' it rally ornamental ; if A baud f plush ur velveteen is put around the edge the effect is very pretty. Anoth- er way to ornament with the patchwork is 10 mike a panel of it with a strip ut plait silk or s..tiu on each side, and a [weer hast,% of vel, et at each end ; at Mai Tower end fringe ..r swa'1 halls should be put on. Au inexpensive but neat teh!e cover fur a counted' r,o.n, is trade by taking a aquarr of cretonne for the centre. Choose cretonne with very soon figures, and of not tow. t.rigbt cot rs : for a border put a ti..nd of lints around it -.dark drab linen ; fringe this out, and awake quite a deep fringe ; where the linea joins the cretonne, on the seen putt row ,,f fine feather stitehil:g and on the corners also. Dust does n..t show en this spread, and an bo really shaken from it. O.c*r Wilde sometimes says very sensible things. 11e is now preaching the gospel of loosely fitting dresses fur women. Here he is right. True, con- stricted waists, high shoulders, gigantic teurnure., and those masse+ of artificial fo:ds extending from the throat to the waist fur which we do not kn'•w the technical tern, are very successful ways of concealing au ill -built figure ; but, af(er all, eaten) folds are the moat beautiful ferns for a garment : •itneaa the bec.wingoeas of • tastily trimmed dressing gown - a hec..mit gnaw due lole- 1 to the fact that this art. 'le of attire s always math, .f soft, pliable. loosely - hanging material, which, in addition to its own prettiness, permits of easy, graceful movement ou the part of the wearer. Kip shoes may be kept soft sad free from cracks by rubbing them once • week with a little pure glycerine or cas- tor oil. The beet wayto free a wardrobe in- fested with mots to to burn sulphur in it. Camphor will prevent the coming. The cheapest and surest method 1s to keep fon in a drawer, and as you fold them sell pepper than with common white pepper. A towel folded several tiles and dip- ped in hot water and gdit/ wrung, and then applied over the .eat of the pain In toothache or neuralgia, will gen- erally afford prompt relief. Headaches almost always yald to the simultaneous appliostioe of hot water to the feet and the beck of the nook. We know of a lady coca who was fam- ed for lam •oaiald=Mew• Every- body dame away from her en- tertainments. What some one asked her the secret she .imply replied 'Plenty of light' Try it, Mend, in your own homes. If you wish your ooeapanl 10 enjoy themselves give them light in ablrndanes. DOLMoxr(lo Pvnntlut. - 'Three pints milk, five ow. four to • corn Mardi, sweetened to taste. mil starch in the milk Ave minutes, beat the eggs, leavied out the whites of three, pour them into tae .hareb. J1.vmm to taste. Put into a dish, bake. When nearly done spread the whites beaten to a froth. sweetened and Savored, over the top of the pudding. If your windows are narrow, or oven if they of the meal width, and you fest yea cannot afford double cer- tain., single ones may he draped so graesfally that they will answer admire - They should not be looped back with ribbon., but be pinned or tacked beak in several Bogie to tank nr pie bask quite high,or you e•ainot pre- vent a drawing sad awkward appesnmies lower dams. If yes wish to iespeowe epos the meal method of .mothering hes11Wk with train.. try this :-Qat ono 'wart of miens is very smell Wk set cies* as beet long, and es this es a sharp knits will end them. Int them in in avid es. tea with . good elf mit in it for half an lanae Dwia tl�ilp. oat out fry them is a deep tryingp.Is. with • hood desl el very let herd ia it will gaol imtt.aai.A.IJ and he wisp and most P.sl.. stales. Postage to great Britain - be per ounce by oath route. Registration fee 3e. Money orders vented on all money order of- fice. in ('.nada. Unite 1 States. Gnat Britain. Prince Edward [.land. Newfoundland and In- dia Deposita received under the rettalatieets of the pat chose sarins: bunk between the hours of . a.m. and e]a p.m. itegistered letters mast be posted 15 minutes before the clear of each mail. Upas hours a a.m. to 6a1 p.m.. Bundy'• ex- cepted. rontt.J' r.a,TM.e. l'anada having been admitted late the Pos- tal Union there is • rearrangement of postal rates. as follows : Fur Austria. Hrbglam. Denmark. Iceland. Egypt. France. Algeria. Germany. Gibraltar Great Britain and Ireland. Otter•. Italy. I.uz- enherg. Malta, Montenegro. Netherland. Nor- way, Persia. Portugal. Azores. Routmania. Russia St. Pierre, Serrla. Spain. the Canary (.ands. Sweden. Switzerland and Turkey. And , u United States: -Deemed*. laharuu. 4'm4a, Mai Colonies of St. Thomas. St. John, St Croix. Jamaica. Japan. and Porto Rico. INewfoundand is sow In the 'Postal t'nion, but s 4e petal rateo remain as before'. Letters S cents per canoe. Postal cards 2 cents each. Newspapers 2 cents for 1 ounces. Regains. tion fee S cents. For Aden. Argentine Confederation. Brasil, British Guinea. Ceylon. ()mnland. French Cudoniew in A0/a. Africa. Oceanic* and Amer- ica. except SN. Pierre ad Miquelon. Persia, ea Persian Gulf. PortuKucs•(,'etonles in Ada, Africa. Oceanic*. Trioidad. Spanish l'olnnles in A'rica. Oeeanica and A except Cuba sad Porto Rico. Straits Settlements In Signs. Penang and Malacca: -letters 10c. per out Rooks, Ate.. ie. der 1 os.. Other reittatra- fees 10.. 'est India isads ria Halifax. [.ase rate as formerly. Prepayment by stamstamp laWalt eases. Atrssla. Mseept Vic- toria,. and Queensland :--Letters Ta. papers 4 cents. Australia. New South Wales. Vicexla. (enters 15c.. sayer. le. No Queensland Z.ealand. ea Pan Yranclaco : -Letter lc. Sc.. purer, ..d see Me "N., ; she lingered arid suffered along, "pining all the time for years. the doe - 'tors doing her no good ; and at last was 'cared by this Hop Buten the papers 'say so much about Indeed ' indeed ' "how thankful we should be for that "medicine ". AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Ile ether eompdnti an s la•Mlom a their mesa se tree aIre flag th• *rest sad Imp: -wase ,n trilled wtt4 by dm mot mity of sager. ant The ordinary weigh ne eatd, reaadtag peruse teem • toting or aaeosaeaea •z- pe•vla, is sloes list Ow begisalag se a tad •tekatrs• ATta'S Cutesy rst70taL by wen mere i5 •M•ey in • tory yews' eget with throat and leg Meas•, sod *NU be takes tat ail eases whhoat &sky. A Terrible o.eg% Caved. Is i157 I took • inter• sold, Web stand my Ise., 1 bad a terrible week, .ad EWA setae sight without . ep. The pave eapp.. 1 Wad Arts'• CasatT roo- 00.51. width relieved my leapladweedsloes, sad Weeded me tN nae ewes.ey ter tM rweovwy d a. etrseg(k. pay tbs .seta... •m of tM Pwas Wesard. 'se at now uses m yore sM, lvoaet .ed Mrrb, •d stn e.Ud•d year Camay otcroSAL saved me. 111oltac• FAIs•ts0Tsl1. ltesidneh•s., Vt., Jaly 13, 100. deep. - • 1111.Iasrs IfVflaate. -Wkly letb.yeses•K S eseirry bat g1armyU bey. three yeses ft mused s it be weld As Ana lads. Oao at lb. rn114y of ATas's (AatuT ratToSAt4 It Meta et oda woo always taut 1. the ►.s... '11b was bled la salt and fr•e•est donee, ted to our dallght a les Cho bad as hear the naw patttibt mos breallAug sadb- The d... tor add that dm Cillsaav rut- � . bad asesd say eat 0=e ier so oar gram + tTroww... 1111 weal Ilgtb gt. ., Ray a. IML f lase and ATts's Manny IMMORAL I my 1artdb fee amoral proseniattat,►..ae_.,.el do eat Maltase effeeteral r M eiresbe ad wags w Mee wee ten. Cryr'te1. Whoa., Itirette. is sehoeared tee stet :.m.sn.. was •• so limeselda sad II es was? h r�• * lnes Mi AV letrita. Asia NIL "I earg=mmidereadret 570 gooM lbw wes hogs. base 1tw•a. •/n 1R NM 1M ems of so ~go d M ureas latae alai s1ssM 1r psswy esaeved tip M ear. 01•wMB me show ise, tee -r Oa dna* b•1ed Ar satchel of fa a.lklIa rfa.ans Dr. J. 0. Ayer &Oo., LawN, $sit Ole nam 1 SI(3-NAL JOB DEPARTMENT Has the Ilea Fac/Iii les 1. 1 La ('oust of Huron for turrtsg out every demi-lotion of JOB WORK On the shortest possible notice, and at REASONABLE RATES. The following Is • partial list of the work we are enabled to turn nut • WOVE LETTER HEADS. LINEN LET'T'ER HEADS. moss., Uaruled.q WOVE NOTE HEADS. LINEN NOTE HEADS. (netted sr Carded, MEMORANDUM HEADS. STATEMENT HEADS. BILL HEADS -4 Sum. BUSINESS CARDS. POSTAL CARDS. INVITATION CARDS_ WEDDING CARDS. CALLING CARDS. [Plait sad P4rooy.) MEMBERSHIP CARDS. ADMISSION TICKETS. MILK TICKETS. BREAD TICKETS. BALL PROGRAMMES. CONCERT PROGRAMMES_ FANCY SHOW CARDS_ MOURNING CARDS. FUNERAL CIRCULARS.. ADDRESSES. BUSINESS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CIRCULARS. BUSINESS NOTICES. SHIPPING TAGS. SHIPPING LABELS. DRUGGISTS' LABELS. LABELS FOR ALL PURPOSES. BILLS OF FARE. HOTEL MEAL TICKETS.. BLANK CHECK BOOKS. BLANK DRAFT BOOKS. BLANK RECEIPT BOOKS. BLANK NOTES. IN BOOKS PAMPHLETS. s ONSTITIJ TION & BY-LAWS. BLANK SOCIETY FORMS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. CATALOGUES. PRICE LISTS. . BLANK FOOLSCAP FORMS. BLANK LEGAL FORMS. LAW WORK OF ALL KINDS_ DODGERS. HAND BILIS. AUCTIONBALE BILL& SOW SHOW SILLS. SHOW BILL DATES. CONCERT BILLS. TEAMEETING BILL i. LECTURE BILLS. EXHIBITION BILLS. EXCURSION BI LLS. STREA M ERS. POSTER WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SALT BAGS. GROCERS' BAGS. MILLINERY BAGS. WRAPPING PAPER &e., &e.. lae elle new li••fit ho •.. • 1. • [_lana, O. aKa.n He: N a.tup a..• Cr lighted lot night for first ..mr. C:- T.sard. of Colla.., w... , Jars .:llsryfe'• LOOK OIT'l l ( 1 • ADVERTISEME'.T OI'' La. Low's l't.as.Altt Foal, Ito WV. - A.. ■Kreaah'e, isle ay.' t'tlneteal remedy t.. r, move all kinds of worm.. an A Psss.babta Estee, Mr. I.lary A. 1►ailey,.4 Tunhhs.nnock, Ps.,wa•atlioted tor six gars wdh Aath- rua and Br/archive, during •hich time the (rest physicians could }:v. too relief. Her life es. despcarwl of. until in last 4)ctolrer sA,. pr.ctireid a bottle of Dr. King sNew Disc.,•;ery, .It, immediate relied was felt, and by continuing its um for a short time site was c.•n.p•ielely cur- ed, gaining in dealt 50 lbs. in a few mouths. Free Trial 'hod r of this certain cure of all Throat *t.41 Lune !Diseases at Jas. '1% doom's i)rug ,ton.. Lards Bustles 1111.00 t) G.H.OLD BOBBER TheseaoAJWEraves a, annually robbed ,tacos i.-.:...: K.•. happlt,es• add health restored b, the u+. (the wrest NEXT WEEK. GERMAN INVIGORATOR - which puslti%t:3 and to mom. nt ; curio ams potency 0aus..l L) e..•.'.•.rs of any kind 1 '11t Goderieb, Sept. 7111h4111111. aemlaal West res.. and .11 dim -arcs 'hat fol- low as • sequence of S.1 .,buwe. as loss of en- stp, bus of ulcworyy. ui 1.crut lewitude. �- .-.-._... -_-- - prim in the bark, dimness of cistoe, prema- ture old k!I Jar, and maur .Nher dirases tart gad G3111(111 Stds,fere to irssanlqur cotutimptivaanda m. tun ttnre.land forctreular+with t. stimoalais free by [tall. 114. I%0 Ki 1ATau t. solei alt 44 per box, oriole busts fur alb. by all drugglat., or will be sunt free no mat►, securely seal. d. on receipt of prier. b *ddrre ing. 1'. J. (' IRNY. »nigra.'p, 137 Duman Ft., Tol...10. uh: o The subscriber is now 1prcpar(d ! to furnish all kinds of Field and iGarden SeeJs of the BEST VARIETIES I at rat's Coat cannot be beaten in Gal rich. Call ana exatuiue samples i.e- 'ore purchasing elsewhere. Merek.aea era gel tNt4te 05Vt.ea r lImIsIts. eertu te_ aria" Biba s • it get pelves OM at ?we flow t far year Holiday Printing Mc(}ILLICUDDY BROS., Provolone r•O s -$eir.h 111, oat to BoO try Moo. oadesi+- i REES PRICE, East Street Crain Depot, Opposite Town Hall, Goderich. March !Rh. It81. 193 - Goa. Roti .s Sul4Aaent for Roderick IS people :ire al ways nn the look out fur chime, a to increase tLeit earn'ntr .snit it. time be, cote araft hy those who do et, utpro.a their opportnn ales remain in poverty• We offer a (tree - chance to slake miner. We wand men. wo- man. boys and girls to „ort.- fur us in their .8• localities. Anyor, - . un do the work pro perly from the first start. The bunnies* will par more than ten tinea ordinary wage.•. Ex- penaiveoutfit furnished fry e. Noon whoen. deices fails to make money rapidly. lieu can gevote your whole time's 11 a work. ur only your spare moments. Full infix matiou and all that is neceaaary treat free. Address 1gTIle- m,N d' co rortland. Meme. $ ^^^^r w,•rk at home. 115.00 outSt free. Pay nnsbsulutely sure. `u rink. Capital not UU1 I required. !trader, if you want bu.inese et whk•b persons of either sex. young or old. can make great pay all the time the) .,,irk, with Abeta ute certainty. Write for full ppaarticeisrs to 11. 1IA1.LETI 4' Co.. I'urtlarA, Make. 1222- The People's Livery trA p&1' J. P. FISIBR it JOHN KNOX Having purchased the Livery business of Jno. E. Swartz. formerly owned by Robert Kerr. soiiclt a share of public patronage. They guarantee satisfaction to all. And offer The Finest AT REASONABLE PRICES. CA .1. AND SEE US -Opposite galley's Hotel. Goderkh. Ooderlch, Feb. 11th. Intl. 1111106m 1-I MTJTI-1 14adiro ' oZZege, LONDON, ONT FRENCH SPOKEN IN THE COLLEGE Music) a Specialty. (W. W jar (b i.t Medallist. and pupU «-t t sled .\ Vie Litz.. tort, tor. PAINTING A SPECIALTY. • • IJ It Meyer. Ards,. Wieeterl Junior De pttrineent. )roll Dlplon.a t'our.es In Lite?aidre. Music sad Art. 40 S.•bular.t.ttw •. mprtlUvely awarded annually. la st September entrance exam nations. !Tetrose Paas Is `EM. For large% ill.s- taated circular. address • IREV. E. N. ENGLISH. M.A , Principal /Next term begins September link Aust 7.1S111 1166 lm 1684. Saginaw and Bay City Route. TILE STEAMER OCONTO G. W. M.•ORF.(;alt, Mamie. Will lea,e G(IUEltICH, weather permitting. on and after June Slh, 1,01, n.ski,.g WFOLLY RIM %la Taira during the season. an follows EVERY THURSDAY At 1 .it lock p.m.. for Saginaw. Day ('ity, Saud Beach -Tawas and all points on the west shore. including Alpena and Chelorta n. Returning will leave OG11..R'1('II EVERY SUNDAY At 1 p.m., for Detroit and Cleveland, calling both ways at Port Huron ■nd points on tat. Clair River. A Seven Days' Trip with the privliege of "pending 71 hours n Cleveland, 10 hon.+. in I1.-trolt, and 12 hours In Saginaw or (lay city at the unprecedentedly low price of 112 FOR T ROUND TO, INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTHS. A First -Claw QUADRILLE BAND always on board for Dancing. For rates et freight and passage, and all in- formation, apply to MM. Let. Agent at Goderlcb. or C. A. l'MAMBISL1%1. Manager, Detroit, Ooderic h. May lath. 11104 4541 GENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Haring been eppoiated agent of the above machine. begs to solicit the usual public Pal - rebate. and will supply machines on liberal Lerma. Try the (}enuine Singer. �RWdet.ce: Victoria Street. near toe M. E. Church. Goderlcb. Go derich, Dee. 13.1543. Intl 3m A ww51wg�� ss ham* t, the In dust •t btsi•ess now be fore iba public. Capita not need ed. 01011 start roe. Men, wo men. boys and girl wanted very tare to work for tut Now is toe Utes. You can work In spare time. or rive your whole) time to the business. No other busizes w111 ll. No nue can fall to make enormouyou ul smidiayse ebp emporia' att owe tart.Cost00 b 04y• Address Tana • Co.. Augusta. J Num BLOOD PiThERS Curet Dizziness, Lem of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Ki.lbt.,y11, Pimples, Blotches, Bels, 111tneor*, Salt Rheum, Serofbla, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. N aGva\RO S YELLOW DIL rameaturs WORN POWDERS. Ana paws sn Who Oaaaie then ewe P' el a 1s a seas. aare..nd e otnaV•r d ~my s MOMS a Tset 111. 1• .weeps rp h y It rood dare before you ate tlaseblaf selgitty .ed w► lm.teevebwh 1s.'Mgee7 fo.IPS s*yet Iayear siva vasa true. Pr. dolt Rv.vyl1a :..rmw•inle� Maii7aee algfuna1rWe s .aeb as mow mad boys rod gtrly sob p4. l4.vder. It yaw levet Msos.m m you orn teak. front .aI dy On wRI s ppresentare 1. VI ',ALLOT WILL CURE OR RELAYS IILAIN/SMESS O/II/MESS, DP'tPfPSns DROPSY, /MOMIEST/OII FLurnaiHO JARROW. W THE HEART; ERYSIPELAS, AESII % W SAL 1 RHEUM IME iTOL1AQI4 M(ARIVIINIM, RIM MEN ME,t0Ad114 W IME RR" 211.11844 w T. MEM II It, P"IlliawNef