HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-11-7, Page 66
the Ps,'Cl s 11,011111 Mrmetheig heti a b!eah, that yeti rete et
pilaf wutae., more thee we. la our put -
Tie Tete tibames.
TMer sat two ¢taste., d'.ed to tL, brim.
Oa • rock man • tab'., r m to riot
111114 was ruddy mid r' .1 no Wood.
Aad oat was as tl:e .-rytsl Hoot'
Maid tbs gime of wan: to the paler brother.
.I.at as tell the tale of the past to each Suter.
1 eau tell or Magnet and re%el and meth,
Aad the proudest coat grandest soul. on earth
Fell under say touab. ar 'home, .ruck by
Where 1 w to a kion. fur 1 toted in &night.
►'rout the heads of klnis 1 have tutu the
try we compares tremor to $ doe*, not
b.ceuae a dove u adeotwoate, but be-
cause it is stupid. Au] as t••r clove.
omen our poets sleet them 11.e mercy ;
tele ut them declares that • --
,A wise man builds op • wall.
But $ saw worse$ overthrows it.
Dtwrd•r does trot trate down from h
But u g the oprise of wisr wenn.' "
"My dear fellow,' 1 said, "the in.psr-
taet que.tion is wheth -r y •u feel peek
isb. ••
j......ed !f u•• - .t the word. the
cows, meaning of which h► mature' di' reed
Prue tee height of Came t ha. e h•anted tut n rot led, "a
down: "1 u see before you,' he
I here blasted many an honored mime ;
I bare taken s tete* aad given *be w ;
I have tempted the youth rite a sip. • lasts
That Ma made his tut•ire s berms waste.
Yor greeter than a king am 1.
Or than en) army tinr:ath the sky ;
1 herr made the at •.. of the driver tail.
Aud amt the train :row the Iso$ reel,
1 have made good Alps ro down at sea.
And ibe shriek. of Outlast were ae et re tne.
For they said. 'behold. how er.el you be.
1,1mr, strength, wca'th, genius, before you
For your might and power are cover ally
Ho! h,! puke brother.- lammed the Wier.
t • (!,y y;w boast of duals as area: hi wise r
ti*l4 Ih- water glass. "I cam.ot L....+t
Of a king dethroned Jr a taurd:rid host,
Hat 1 can U -:I of a heart. once sad.
ft/ say crystal *trope made I.dbt and glad -
Of thirsts I've yurnrhrd. o: bruas I've laved.
Cif hand. 1 have oae..'d. of souls 1 have saved.
I have kaped throu,:h the . elle, . dae9rd down
the mountain.
flowed in the rive: and played in the foun-
, Hen,. In the sunrh:ne and dropped from the
And every where •11 in:e ued tisr !andueupe and
I have cas,.•.1 tie hat' t,rehelI of fever mad
I pyre main the pt :load meads w s grow ter.
Lib wit's i rain :
1 eaa tell of the pot.'rent wheel t f the mill
That groan& out floor as 1 a nn.e.l at my wilt :
1 can tell of imanby..debased :o) yo s
- That 1 hf.eal up ane.: row.,ed gnaw.
1cheer. l help. I ,'t •agtlat i. and .tis ;
1 gladden I be• hon: t at m:in Ago t .ud :
1 set the chic-w:nt tapt ive her.
And all are better t••r lino'. lag tier."
crow slut is eager too heist."
"Heaven preserve the corn -.old:, for
we are $ pa ir, I said, cash brew 'd hi u
to load me to s Celestial baaque• hall
Hop King took me, post haste, to •r
well Knott 11 house of Tom Lee c. Mete
street, said ushered ,ne upstairs. Tit
roues was full of chattering y••Iluwfnc.s,
who on our entrance became as $ilei;t s
a chorus of silent crickets
()is toy hegg;nig Hep Sing to order
gunner. he rapped upon the table with
his chopsticks.
'1 will order for you,' he said, ':he
acus' dtuner which 11ee11•Fue ;gar*. L rd
Han Came thousand years aeo, wenn the
barbarous (Leeks knew u•, greater deli
oacies than thighs of L•,eves rutste 1 os.
On this he e!l tilted something 10 t.
penuusnril waiter. and soon the tail,
was spread with dishes 'of roost turtle,
.surge in, bemire° shoots and other
dainties, preside] over by a bottle of
rice wine.
The meal .pet merrily till I f.tncty 1-
i• was only a fancy -that I s.te a crts;t
cockroach in tete neutral zinc of our tie". -
men plate of rice.
The fancy gave my appetite a set letek
teat threa.rt. el to Leconte sereitia, and
though Hop Sine assured me that there
MIA a doctor present, who would cut.• inc
for a small fee, when 1 learnetthsi.liis
peeaciiptio0 cons:steel (:f ginseng and
bla:k spiders in equal p ins, I preferred
A *low ••f fresh air.
lt'e..,•et leg t 1l Nora,
To correct children fur trilling otl<eaose
ot;ntineally, at home ..r in school, has a
bad onset, It is confusing to the child,
cad does not fond to develop ur
celestite tbs mica/ sstsso. It gouda to
make disttuctwus between right and
wtowg which do not exist, and for the
very niacin weakens res! ones. It is
..trpraimp to see how early children be-
gin to look into the hidden things of
..etaphysio$. 'Is it re "e wrung,
•--amuse,' a little toy acid the other day.
'or only against the law s• The astonish
ei mother questioned the child, found
that w.. .ate had t..ld his stories of
the egtire *levee, and of the laws of.
the.. time, and he had, with the passion
f generalising which many children
have, applied his knowledge to the cif
cuu1atauces and eyrota occurring stewed
him. To be perfectly honest with child-
ren, and at the sailse pinto to cultivate a
!ower to pass by their small transgress•
,o113, which are often committed without
premeditation, is sometimes well for both
mother and teacher. It is only necessary
to think ourselves tack to childhood to
uuderstant how dtdereut the child's
point of view is from that of the older
person, sud to do this occasionally would
be helpful to most parents.
These are the tales bey toll sot . other--, .
The glass of wine a.1,1 ilt puler br other -
As they sat togette -.tilled to the trim.
Oa the rich mass tab:e, 'lento rim.
- hew Y.ealai d P: •cman.
ra.o we tltewnesse.
As ntsmeruua teatiusonf$M will .bow
there is no metre re'ieble cure fee deaf -
new than Hagyard's Yellow OIL It is
also the best remedy hu ss, nobs, sure
threat, croup, rbwtwtism( sad fur passe
and lateness generally. teed Internally
and externally. 9
T:se lietltatneres or Ills/k,
Iu t.n -old metiicel work of s Ly -gone
genes, tio-s, 1 tie a num ,er •• us
elver& of really' wen lerful cures Ly mail-
er by hearty laughter. Tw•' et three of
theta I will select and repeat.
It is re'entded of the greet Erasmus
that once, when he sats suffariug front a
virulent internal ahscess. which none 1 artlessly 111.
A Feretgs rises is %r' ter .. recur'
1 The heathen C:.ince has this point in
coinm•,n with tier C!sristia a reL;iou -
1 that he never chafers. From t'.ie
Chinese daretic !••.ems .as She King of
three thousand years lee yeti can, with
slight changes, re-r-oducc the sante
lee them winged, v lee' •foote Mongol in,
whose frequent *harrow peace les Mott
street from Chitchat's square to the
Church of the Tratatigursti. n.
The pigtail 15 a m Alert. ncnlati on
node be the manclius. but itt their beet,
t as in const things case, the (*Museum of
today is the Cuivaman of the Chow
Today, as then, the Clauese drink no
rnifly Tu -day, 1.1 then, leriuettted rice
Mae Pity ssaaas MMdeme.
Mn. Helen ['haloes, No. 331 Dayton
St., Chimes., 111., is now in bee sllty-
eighth year, and states teat she hes suf-
fered with Cunsuinption fur about ten
years, was treated by physitians,all
of them pronouncing her eine hopeless.
She had green up all hope of ever reour-
eriug. Seven bottles a Dr. King's New
Discovery fur Cousuwptien completely
cured her. Doubting ones, pleads dn.p
her a portal and satisfy yourselves. Call
at J. Wilson's s drug ,t•.re and get • free
trial buttal. (1)
A Wise ('esehietea.
If you have vainly tried many reme-
dies for rheumatistu, it will be a wise
conclusion to try H.tgyarl's hollow til. }tre THE rook DYarkteras'.-Poverty
it cures all. pilule.' etis)ases when other with perfect Lralth is rather to bechoxu
lie -themes fate2 than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
"sky newillael Am
magic HxA Tnt of dollar beide of FufxTattt
.\ few weeks ago, on the authority of a'
trau.atlantic correeponde:.t. I narrated a For rwinh conditions ut the Skin,
st•.ty as to how General Benjamin F. Shatupoeing the head. Pimples. Eruption
Butler-wh+ is now the Presideuti. 1 and skin diseases, use Prof. lame Sul-
elielidate of the Labor-6reenluck party
111 the Unite 1 States -when a Congress-
men, procured the removal of an aged
keeper of a Washington crypt that had
never existed. This narrative seems to
hare aroused the War ()dice *Alia!" ie
8t. James' Park, who within the last
fortatebt have removed a sentry N li , had
born for nearly twenty year. pacing day
oy day in front of • small building there,
wlierein a military Board of Investigation
had once held several meetings. In
R-.sta the late Empervr Alexaudrr tit•
served a sentinel always marching up
and down on a grass plot. l pen inquiry
he discovered that the Empress Catharine
had observed an early daisy on the pleat,
and hid. remarked t•, ona of her suite
that she hoped diet It weul1 not be
I picked. Ever after a sentinel had kept
watch and guard_ by uf.eht and by day
(over the plot. -[London Life.
A ♦tartliwa lbro%ery.
Sevine is belisrtng. Road the testi
mounds111 the pamphlet on Dr. \. au
Ituren's Kidney Cure, then buy a beide
and relieve yourself of all those distrew-
tig pains. Ye•ur Druggeet can tell you
All about it. Sold by J Wilson (JoJvrici ll
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
GE 0. Y
National Pill are a mild purgative,
acting on the stomach, liver and bowel,
reinoting all obstruction. lm
Carter's Little Liver Pills are free front
.til crude and irritating matter. Concen-
trated medicine only ; very small ; vey
nes, to take ; Ito pain ; Do griping ; no
peering. 1 m
Fresuuri•. Worm Powders are agree-
able to take, and expel all kinds • f
worms freer children ur adults. les
Hamilton Street, OCderich
A good araonmeat of Ritelsea. Iced -room. Mang Ite.wt and Parlor Fatal.arr. suck as
1, hates K (sod
I dias wood
utedh t upbuardr, kled-steeds, Mattrsaan. Wee► -.teed
Las, Why
N. H. .t complete mem -anent orCornusand t'hroudaa15synon tend a1.. alai II tar
at reawuaWe rale .
Picture Ensuing a specialty.- A call solicited 14.1
phurSotap. . m
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at N ilson's drult st.•rr. •'_'b
As •Ieewrr -lasted.
Can any one tiring u$ a 0510 of Kidney
or Liver Cutuplaint that Electric Bitten
will not speedily cure ! We say they
canhl t, as thousands of cases alread)
permanently cured and who are daily re
conunonding Electric Bitten, will prove.
Brielit's Disease. Diabetes. W"ak- Back,
or easy urinary c'iupleint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the hey -
els, and act directly on the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sa'lc at ioO:. a bottle by J. Wilhelm. 11 f -
dared to operate upon, and which, wte
endangering his life, he got hold of a
satire by Reuchlier and Van Hutt'on,and,
up•en reading it. burst into such a tit of
I wghter, that the inip.sthwee was
broken, -and his health gn.ckoy restored.
In a singular treatise en laughter;
Joubert rives an instance that is '•f itself
1 t:i. hablu enough. A patient hone Low
with fever. and the physician in attend-
ance being at a loss as t., how lee should
produce a reaction-, had ordered a •Cotte
ofeltelmth, but after the medicine had'
A person suffering with pain and heat t
over the small of the back, with a weak
weary feeling and frequent headaches, is I
'seriously ill, and should lo„k out for'
kidney disease. Burdock Blood Bitters
regulate the kidneys, bleed and liver. as
well as the stuntach and bevels. 2
It has leen decided at a meeting of
the Brown Memorial Committee to pro-
ceed with the erection :1 the statue at Regular size $1.0
Physician's are often startled b! re-
markable distooerirs. The fact that 1►r.
Kin s New Discovey for Consumption
and all Three' and Lung diseases is dad)
curing patients that they have given up•
to die, is startling them to realize their
sense of duty, antt examine into the
moots of this wonderful discerery, re-
! suiting in hundreds of our best Php si-
1 clans using it in their practice. Trial
Mottles free at J. Wilson's Druij Store.
NSW Cs- 00DS_
Have the Largest Stock,
The Latest Stylest
The Most Leliable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
Please -Ca11dt,Axa mine
once, and have it unveile•1 this year.
Hon. Alex. Mackenzie will he asked to 1 National Pills set promptly upon the
mired it, and Prof. Daniel \\'ilson toi giver, regulate the bowel and as a pur
IeIi er an address. gative are mild and thorough, ei
Are yeti tronhte4 with salt meum. it ,ugh ,
4) •
wine 14 .fear to the Ceiestat heats. To- bet prepared. fearing its eshilitetine Hands,. or Old Sons of any kind L.*.taunut • ---
1 tsralra + Armies Smite
day, as then, •. id fed doge is as hig
prized by the black -haired lateen as
1, the Dtnkotahs ur Comsnehe..
s Nothing that coneen.a ('hinatuan
141).elect, the order was
Not lung thereafter, a
•:un4iag to the patient,
can the room mill the elide. setting the gullet
D he healed! Even &mulch it he of years $'and
c••ar;termallded. • inil McGregor L- Parkes 1 at -hal:: a orale will
ore It. li'ey.,ttd the rltadow oC $doubt a ns The greatest medical wunder o. the
err itr.,.wn. 1f• ,ls.
Pei no.iikry toe -,the beat hed(ngtrompwun•1 r
wrld. Warranted to speedily curt
Ir eviler/MIS that had teen its
Theme%*r Frost Hues y it.,+ nr any akin
TrouMc arc alike sassed by it. :`o:S ar z cu. ' Iturus, Bruiaea,Cuts, Ulcera, Salt Rheum.
by (rev,. trio tw.druggist- to ' Fever Sores. Cancers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns T.tter, Chapped Hanel, and all
t • be without Interest A• nn En Loh esthete fa which the nurse had prepared the re- A Life *swine Present.
Skin 'Eruptions, gummiteed to cure us
4 .,r an American patriot. The former jected medicine mill .tandinl un the i Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kap., ; every instance. ••r money refunded 21c. I
h the t hum a eneModi 1 1 k 1 I saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle .d� pet. hex. ler sale by 1 1\tps..rt ly.
novel and he him,
_ 0 W.- 1•1, 1\7- G -
Crabb'$ Muck, Center East street and 7111uare.
G.•derich, May 14th, 1884.
T..�Cw1zin.g 3� WE dd.wt�.p
Beg t, aun••unce to the Public that they hai a opened d•usinass in the above titer •
in the gore le•ely occupied by Horace Newtere "home purchased a large and
well ase etre. stuck of Sprite; avid Summer Goods at clime figures, se are determine
1.. tier Public the. Pelee.-.
Age -Please tall and esamire oar
tle"R•ewiember the place. nest d,•*
t-''-Cust'.us work will receive our
et -Nene hitt the hest of material
. itopapring neatly done on the
••ods Ief•.repurchaairg elsewhere.
r to J. Wils.n s Drug Store.
special attention.
used and tirst-clam workmen employed.
ab.rteet notice
Uoderich. Mardi 9 tilde'. DOWNING
epos to ewe c 1::•era• tatblr, slipped e y y up, too It get nes
went of his (dol, the sunt$ ewer. The herds, and touched it to his tips. The I -
eunt otter which caused 'rim t•, pro.
latter r'ooYaize, in to's curd of the h at taste was probably , a large bottle, that completely cured • Viewer core 1p.
teeming East an enemy more petemt.thau m ide a comicai grimace, but he disliked ' when D.ecters, change of climate and 11 you are suffering with lees and de- I
eorge 111. or Napoleon. Ho knows ' t , give it up. Another sip. and be 3• t
that this timid- %Ler,olien has put in ( the sweet of the syrup. Aha ! His
hazard eke princi✓Ins ' i unitersal equal- ! grotesque visaze Lrightenel, He cast a
ity and hospitality, wl.ich we, once heel -
furtive glance around. and then sat
ly dreamed made our country the one . • py down with the g.h:et grasps.] _ _ -_-
Dr, Kinds New Discovery. for Con -
everything else had failed. • Asthma, pressed spirits, !ties • f appetite, general
Brr,r-chaise Hoarsens. Severe Coughs, ' debility, disordered bleed. weak c•ensti•
and all Thrust and Lunt; diaeasea. it is taunt. headache, or any disease of a lul-
gnaranteol to cure. Trial Betties At J. low nature, by all mean. procure a oot•
WiL'.n's deur stare. Large raze $1: (1•. ' tle of Electric Bitters. Yet will be sur.
•stet o
asylum of 'mitres - -4 humanity. 1 hnnl) : and pretty seen Iic h=od placed
Yesterday i carted on my frond,\Yong 1it to his lips and drank it to the dere,
Hop 'Sing, to ass hint to lunch. lint Perhaps there had been half a s ms glans
Hop Sing is a ch..racter, who himself de- full of syrub of manna -no more -while
serves more than a pasting wore. 11•.rn
in the same pe rine( as lbnfecius, he
learned English prem a missionary, was
edecatsd In America, and retttrniag i4
the rhubarb had all settled. But he had
found it, and Leers he had fully realized
change of haste he had swalloweti
marry` the whel sf the iiauseons d tie.
China, devoted himself to the .talo orf 1 Mercy : What a fade Le made over it !
polities, One morning the Pekin goer
Tee sek man was spoil bowel, &.er in
eminent learned something••E the mole his p;fe had lie seen anything s• ¢rotes -
in which he cmpl0Jed his time slid lire ,lne and ridiculously human ' The visage
minutes later a c pang o1 adalitra ran ' „ p the disgusted monkey was a study.
t through Hup Sin'hoose from gsrrel to It was .1 whole volume of utter abumiea-
cellar, like w stream of quicksilver He ter. and chagrin. He ground his teeth.
hal, however,been fercwarned, and with , sill actually stamped his foot, as he had
his bead still undetachtd, watt tanking a I often seen his master do when in wrath.
bee Lor for Stn Francesc which wall Then he tried to spit • ut the horrible
then the sanctuary, n,e: !lie hen's den, of i Nate, het it seemed worse and wove.
the Menyelan. ! Anon the climax came. He smog up,
0. entering H•) sting's room, 1 found Lu eyes lashed, he grasped the goblet by
him, with a hook in hit hand, cracking its slender stock with all his might, shut
watermelon -sods, gni p;ianctng from 1 his teeth, and then, with a spiteful
tills' 1" titneet theohotupaph..1 $heal• I vengeful nnp, he hurled it with mad
mice wnnian, the table, near which a fury up••n the 11 our, and seemed e-tirely
stood a *,re.,ze ti'tuiee. an animal almost eatiasee as he caw the thousand "litter•
infallible sit 4'bet.••s ,. �C,di�vmahon. ( leg pieces flying about
"•How d • 3o0 d" said Hup Sing, Ne'•er before had the sick man seen
reaching o it his hand, "1 thought that anything equal to it. The whole smile.you had f ,•I• il neer',t.•,i,ls and forgotten+and all the circumstances -everything
out it. appeared to him iso supremely
•4111o, no, my meted fsllosee 1 replied, : abeMd centieally Indkrmee. tied he buret
'1 Aare tee touch resiet•ct 1 •t what one into a fit of laughter that lasted until the
of your Pats has said nurse came to see what was the matter
.1*1 Pester 0
wteeb$rd:„. n'otohafogithel ol..d*i
' Ard when he tried to tell ler M lauprhed
Hop Sit.,y's fare brightened. `Yon spin. more heartily, if losable, than
,iiiinot think, 1 e.11, 'leer pleasant it before. lesehed till he sank back es-
te to find a man in the material country ( hausted -sank heck in a profile. per
who has a Celestial's love of rutty I'piratiew- The nurse anxiously sponged
Without it one 14, indeed, like a naw lewd woad Lia wsepitte aim ; hs Wsghed
,again, undid he slept and when he seek•
1 rented with • anile to the rrl's plc- the reaction had ,..ins, the fuer had
tare on the table been beaten. end he wee fee the sate
'I most a•lmit,' sad Hop going, with rush tat eonral•w•.nee
Isersg w hish w•!1."
M• •at of the ointments on the proposed
annexation of Jamaica lutes been from
a Canadian standpoint. Bu• it appears
that in this case "Barki.' is n.•t. •'xactly
"willin " The Kingston •JAmaies)
Meteor speaks of onr "poor" wages,high
taxation, railroad grabs and swindles, is
averse to feeding "Canadian suckers,"
and winds up with the declaration that
"our people will decline with thanks any
closer alliance, at least until •fur CaOa-
dian hr,thers.tiilloo tblt irlittionap
and show some enterprise.` 1eville
A BAxgaR'n Ta:n'leoNY. - - For a
Cough, Cold or any Brnnehtcal affecien.
"Pectorim," in my opinion, 1s just the
thing. I have used it in my family for
C•.urh. and Colds for the past f•1ur years
with the meet unrariolf ccess, and to-
day my opinion of it i. that 1 c intense
to think gen more of that which i began
thtr,kine well ..f.
Oso KIWIS, Manager Ontario Barge
prised to see the rapid improrement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return :
pars and misery will cease, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise "f
Electric Bitters. 8tild at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wilion. [I;I
A RL'w Ann -Of rine dozen 'TwAacR-
sT" to any sue sending the best four line
rhyme on , r&Asgxsr," the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Rae.. Ask
.your druggist e.r address.
Price 2:. cents at all tired/Mts. ,n
Wife 4.V hat'. the matter now. Jolliest
Heehand Oh. that neuralgia and touthache
n ear k I lls me.
Wlfr Why don't 7011 go to (ien. Rhynes
dreg ,were and get a hnttle of Pi•.id (.iightninwt
YMe know it curry all such thine as Toot) -
falsr. Neuralgia. Ile.daehe, Lumbago. Iter.
cels. Yore Throat, ete. It giro, In ant re -
Freeman's Warm Powders areegrcesble
to take. and expel all kinds of teems
from children or adults. lm
An 5Ntee'+ Trieere
Therm P. Keator,editor of Ft. W .yne
Ind-, (iwrrtfe, writes : 'For the past fire
years i have always aced Dr. King's New
Dotrnv"ry for coughs 4 Moet Weare
character. as well as for thorn 4a milder
type It never fans to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whom' i have re.
commended it speak of it in sante high
terns Flaring been cured by it of every
(Hugh f have had for Ave years, i con-
sider it the onlyreliable and sere cum
for t�ha, ads, ete. Call at W ilseS'e
Dreg *Int. mad get a Tree Trial Bottle.
Largs site $ l Off iT
A Illi dog N all Mawklwd.
Lu these times when our newspapers
new deeded with patent medicine adver-
�tisensents, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you,
1f you are bill •w, bI•rod nut sof corder,
liver itta'ttive, or :eneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so' sickly as Electric Bitten.
They are s Messing to all mankind, and
teen I)' had for only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilber. [z:l
40,000 ACRES
1 of WILD ant IMPROVED LANNI. for sale
I along the line of the f'.11.1N.W.R R. in Mani
lac and Ilnr•.n oan*ies. MI('RIUAN. Prices
from in per sere sere upwards. flood water.
markets, sell elimat,. d'c. Prre O.1d.s and
Errnrwion Hate* to show the lands. Write
for listand full ppa$nicnlare to W.W. JON FJt.
]1llItary M.. PCRT HI' HON. Mieh., Oen.
Teatimes., for Teames., Lands. l'2t17m
1 We to advise my ewstomen and the nee-
sienen of Coal irenerany. that 1 am now R
eetr)sg my Fall and Wester supply of ■AIO
Alta MR MAL. and em prepared to take
seders to he delivered in town at the follow -lag
Mstrut and St-__ $7.00
- $6.75
�TTLE :411 1VER
`iek Aiadsrh, and relieve all the troables inet.
dent' 0 • bi...w. state or the system, oath as Dm.
ammo, 14....", ttrowa.n.•ss, sistrwafter .Mt&aags,
Pivot in the Site. Ar. WI.:•- M• r meet rtmrr(c-
able sicceea les bora shown in t ur:n
Arodarb .yt (•anei .r.lttl• Liver Tlllear-.•leant'
valtahie m il. usup toyow. tunas and prev,s ung
OA annoy lag complaint, VIM*. Hwy also toren-t
all disorder* of the stomsrh. stimulate the 1•.•.r
ands'. Issethetrowels. Y••a dihie uetycured
A.br t;wy woeld Manson priceless to those who
sdhe from this dissasrkeg comps -t ; bet Cortu-
sately their goodneseders sot rod bore, and taor
eke ewe try there wilt end Lars. Illus. lei* AM -
able Is en many wayethat they w Ill sot le wilting
tees without thew. Mt after all sick baud
i.v .iol:t hale 41 :( iiia. ..d
i :I::
nt )T law to tut j•eepa.+tiehhl.m. Topeka. it. al -
1 aitiae.ur"..xatn.►U.i;s►(:a1-
1 l4-slro, Artauas,ve.t,&6
Iso w t T^see
c IL. c c
Iy e. i .:,d to
le the test elldr�sed
ealire.ed to tug•
CI chart of trate:
leas 54l5• ,701;t1..41.
:tato Mo...L...d rue
1R -1b Greet
It Car
t.lhe ►ane of se many lives that hen is sheer oar
Make our great bona. Oar pal. care it wads
Wart do not.
Carter's Little tern. rlis are very swift sad i
very easy to take. Osr or two ills make •• dree
They are strictly vegetable and do ant c' or 1
purge. bet by their gentle action plrss.- OA wM
Me them. to vlab at r3 crates; Ise I'm l.. $ol4 1 'ikreu
by drngstate everywhere, or mot by ?Slut L
CARTER MEDICINE CO., te!•'h:+trd t
Now YMrk Olty. I moo a •rr''
-- •- _ -- _..-_.. _.- -__J �' 1• a. met
The Ontario Mutual
Tyr 1►
.ad yea stn
Qct 1-+.d. toe
i•, . rv. Ir..rea
.f a 4!s.
HEAD OFFIQE, - •ANRlf00 ONT.. F �,.
lr i.. ,,... r
�*. . _ eta
Nukee II4RhMT. •eithee tee.
Ti... only purely Mutual Life Co. In I'anad..
Total number of Pelle*. In toner Iso••-. 11.1, 1
11113, S,tll, corerinet aseurmnee to the amount
of m571.719.00.
TOTAL Aw5OTtt, - swia.ses-ds
TOTAL taittI5. 101.0. 4.es
tlttrt.b*, • • Iyss.7M.ae
The f ashlar s Resrves are based es tle
•eetusries Table of WnrtaIlty.- and four per
coat. Interest -tet Ofirkest I!•hwdpd adopted
by any 11fe cooppny r4* ('sead.. Rad OSP half
WC r rent. hither than 11te standard mord by the
inweeslew seresle Department
The Ineres*ag pseelarity and rapid grow,h
of the Company may Its son twin the (del
that la 1170, the gem& ear of Its bestrew. the
ter! tspeto rm.t W o 1l TM whits lees
t10oLf t�Ae1rY
seat 1
d HODOIN*. Renoir*Agent, "mew'
rel olit.
Mr An settee sad rel District Agent
w�i'd ger Oederlch cad tier Mir•o,. Apply
to W. A. Ifonotxs. Oewssml Agent. nnWeli
sire to Lean u row Yates of Inters.
Mer sacs. IMt. 11U
Thanking rent for peel raver*. t hleewtth I To Rewire bsi*,Ap-(dregs the
snag ferny sobirit s ...rot Mumma of year pat-
ee- app with Prof. Low's Magni $slphur
T%=5T' Reap. A delightful dkatad ewe for
Onderlek. Ase. 11.1 1. L�lrr Im
4111.1o1.t. Itch
Canadian Paas. Ag t.
Torun', Out
Oro B. JoIwaTnx,
Tick.' Ageet, (lodereh
A cad' evol ve tree, a eSatly hes
send sit cense res platy!.
goods wbleb will Mlp yes
more vrwessey t'aw111
thea Saye l slssla t taw TMA I of either
wz, r. tread rood
to femme opens bebn tbe w.ekevs. seks►
I "err. At emssNtee.Tsas & Co.. ABIs'
Rays Dryden
"She knows her man, and 511.0 you rant
sad swear.
Can draw you to her with a single hair-
net it suet be beautiful Isar to Mr
seek power ; sed beautiful hair eau be
elle red by the we of C,esat0au Hint
ltsltnrWL Soli at IO eta. by J. W ►isb°.