The Huron Signal, 1884-11-7, Page 5rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, 'NOV. 7, 18b4. 5 MLLES HEFORIl1 TEI! BAR, Temperance liar saammt ate._ bt wash.,/ Wien. lla 10 MI RIC!. A Now Albany. Ind., dispatch to !het New York Jouru. I says : What w.saeu Darn aeerrisawhi when airy sn dter lW Tia re timinaru wAiH abou.t rk amOutages to lila les.lnem. mow ewers ctrl and united hit a •RRhea• efrvri W.a nester more sucwasfully exemplified than nu a romantic and hitherto gibbeted of occurrence that took paw at tatdaieht Wednesday at E wlmyra,Nwrri.uu &mrrty, a few miles fruw hetc. Eu all Palmyra there war nut a single Milano awl n.. Intuor was 1.. loo h td in mr nem the village, tt illuw 11.41 „slab. lished a wine noun, aluq.Imt with the necessary side end book stases, seppiid with a etas„„ aelect1 •n o f iyu• n, wines, !ween, ctsars, 11, t t..ry:1611. Chu eastern lunch counter innovation. ilia went in- to the speculation wall much energy and the Ingest hopes. The young sten were tat long in die - covering the alluiemt'its that Mr. Yg* held out, and as the older wale meatball*. of the quiet tillage soon fullowed in their footsteps, Mr. B•.tt's enterprise pnrpered apace. The women of Ilse pliers, however,bt.th mothers mud wards, wining the company .4 :husbands and sweethearts, and lied - lug the wrxe that should be hutted fur a rainy day . r a possible happy wedding, was running its gulden stream into the Lockets of Mr. Butt, 1....k counsel among themselves and resolved that Mr. Butt's giaastr and bottles made dieedtda1' music, and that Mr. llAt himself was a nuisance that show'd be incontinent!) suppressed. The result of their delin•Lrs_ buns was the uocurron•o..t Wednes lay ulicht, whits earl make the women . atmyra known and admire 1 wherever the game 4 St. John is heard. On that midnight Mr. Slott bad E ut oat his lights, hocked up his saloon, and, proceeding upstairs), was about retiring when he was startled by an unusual $'Dome in the street. Looking out he saw e► what appeared to be a throng of masked sten, the leader (f whom in a feminine voice demanded admittance. He at first thought it a surprise party of his friends, but • few hasty words at d a fen, dainty laughs revealed to him what he had Lwin often threates.ed with, a visit of the in- dignant ladies of the Till.sve to tere.ik their vengeance on his head. There were thirty determined women at hu dour. and though he feu his powerless position, ho refused to open the doors. "Now, girls, all t ... ether, ' came the command from the leader, a tail, stately hrpnette, whose mask could ill conceal the Clashes .d her dark eyes. At the word, shoulder to shoulder, they threw themselves against the door, and with brandished revolvers they were soon in l..uessi•m of Pelusyn.'s ..litany settees. Mr. Bott. now thorouzhly frightened, entered from a back stasrwsy and was instantly :veered by three revolvers in as many fair but nervy hands. "Mr. Boit,' said the .spokeswomen of ire the party, a lady who is a leader in the 111 rural, social and religious circles, we have warned you that you have been ruining our husbands and young assn. DRY GOODS! Groceries, Ready-made CIaCmzi, and Boors and Net Call and see for yourselves. Boots an I Shotes will be sold at h.ia price. (hu- ts ries a 111 too WONDERFULLY REDUCED ! A large stock of b. of \'..lr.ocia raisins will lm Mid at rx a Ib., cr $1.00 per but .d 4!i lbs Balance of at..ck of Iwauynwde Clothing reduwd from 10 to 20 per cent. THE CREAI'EST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS YOU EVER SAW, Zlompiste stock of Canadian and ESc..tsh Tweeds., Eurliah Worsteds and Nubby Overt oapng& TAiLORS on 1ho priuur-a. Suits made t ...roer at 10 and up- wards. Fit guaranteed. B•.ys and Girls' Clothing tut tree ,f charge, when the goods rte purchased at the store of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. S-' Rush to the fr,n.t and secure bargains -,y . EORGE ACHES":. MISS GRAHAM gas now on hand o!.e of the ducat sto,is of FAS$IONABLE FII iiitl \Viola 1IIIIll?' tv TI tux. The Newest and Best Shapes and Shades and the Most Reason- able Prices. Goderich. Ott. 16th, I ti. 1116.; FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ! MRS_ SATssa takes pleasure in announcing that she has just received some stylish lines et gnosis. which she purchased us perwn at the w h,,lesale houses. The goods are Of Fine Quality, Stylish and Cheap. CALL AND SEE MY ASSORTMENT OF Ribbons& Feathers and the newest things in SHAPES. and we meant to give you a chanes to . - - move your death-traps out of town. You n 1 ning e ' here la� glnetl at our wsc.s as ;rave tremrd at• 1\[i11iii„ p O en ed nor est nwonstrsuces u ,keg, nus we haw areae to empty your liquors nl the attest and to give you twenty-four hours' notice to leave this town. We ere in thorough earnest, and if you move an inch you take your 1de in your own Hive w a■ v Ise 7.7.7"=2 =NsoN BALL AND WINTER OPENINCS H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., 33RA1\TTFORID_ It is with pleasure we auitoteice the arrival of our Imports fur the Fall anti Winter Trach, a. hat- ing leen carefully selected in the lx'st European Markets, and for Cash, the stork will L found us her.•- tofor.', equal to any in the country for variety and unsurpassed in value. We continue onr Special Otf.•r to parties at a distance, viz SAMPLES BY MAIL, with Price and Width Marked. (lout&& sent by mail or express, and if not satisfactory may loo• rt-tunirtl and stoney refunded. Par- ties +k.iiring to make a personal inspection. and purchasing to the amount of At30.00, we will pay one tare. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. New Combinations in Dress C+oods. Handsome Plaids fbr Combination_ Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, Cashmeres. A Beautiful Line of Surah Satins, Very Low in Price. Flushes, Velveteens, Brocades. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., .3rantford. Ikanttot d, Oct. And, !Yat. RE=vc= Sterrnge and Inlermediutc Steerage $21.40. CA-ODERICH Liverpool, bond nderry,Olasgow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Oardif ALLAN LINE or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL-L(1NDONDERRT-CLAS :0t1 Tut: SnoartstT Ssa Rot•Tc Ti; Axe Faom ENULAN. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, 860 From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. Sailings from Quebec. PARISIAN . tth Ott. CIRCASISIAN lith PULYNKRIAN .. ........... toot Nth " PERUVIAN Kth '• HARM tTJA ( 1st Nov. SAiIi►1NIAN ata •' PARI$IA\ Stith •• (1RCAfWIAN L'nd •• Passengers reouire to leave Goderio h on Thursdays. at I chock. snaking direet con, sonnet that she hasjuat returned from the American cities. bringing w,th her ne'slon with steamers at tjuetoee. h The man an was transfixed with The Very Latest Fall and It- inter Fashions the three revolvers, M saw every e'en, ( Aad that see sap! hold bar Fall and Winter Millinery Opining on terror, • nd looking down the barrels of goblet and decanter in his p ace smashed SATURDAY OCT 4th, 1884. and the liquor pour.rd out on the floor or 4 in the street. The ladies worked with al On which occasion she would respectfully iurite the ladies to call and so.e the display at will, and in their excitement many of • them IN. fall their masks, revealing to The Chicago House the almost petrileJ Butt the fates of be yt•kST STREET. GOUE1t1('lt. 7' some of the Iles and beauties of the place. Barrels 01 ale, beer and Neer were rolled out of the store, the heads knocked in, and their contents run is streams down the street. When the work of destruction was complete, the fair leader turned to Bott and repeated the notice to quit in twenty-four boors, or their nett visit would be a lynching be•. "Coate on, girls,'she said, and Bott was left to gee on the devastation that had been wrought in a brief hall hour. He is looking for another location to- dey, and threatens to name and prose- cute 'eery woman who formed the vigi- Iantei. 1 remember vivre talking with a lady, who said she did not believe Jesse was tis Son of (just, although she believed He was a good man. and admired very much the teaching He had left. Strange- ly es►nngh, 1 folnd her (witty all the beautiful iuc.nantcncy of a woman'„ mind and that inconsistency is (request - 1] very beautiful send much better than the logical consistency of maws mind) particular) toed of the sayings of Jests as recorded in the Gospel yJohn ; each fir instance, as "!o my Fathers hours are many mansions ; 1 go to prepare a prepare a plasm for you." "Now," I maid, "will you go home an 1 read again the Gospel by J.rhn. and. cross Got every word that intimate; He is Divine, aid say you don't believe that and that 1" She thought it would be a good idea, and 1 gave her a little Testament and told her to mark and cut it as mach as she liked She came beck in • week as she had promised, "Well, how did you gig alms 1" "1 didn't get along at all. The truth is 1 Gond I had to OTOS, out the wh..le of the Ant chapter end I began to think, 'if its like this, what'll become of the beautiful promises and sayings r so I stopped and cried, Lord, I me it Is so. I aeeept Thee u Son of OA, my Lord and vey (Sod. "—[Dr. Pentecost. aederNA I>M hers Adsawtow. Nee. & ISM Iran;. bush.......... 01 r• wM II tater wheat • inert in bash :::::::: • T! .afr'st- � f1 Oodericb. Oet. And. 1334. , COLBORNE BROS. are going to bare the largest sad resat reeled' stock of General Dry Goads /se the esus l DM that they bare ever shown. They have aseered same bargains in DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS AND SHIRTINGS. that are worth enquiring for. Black and (ksiorcd t'ra.vierttzes are to be! largely worn this fall. and they have spared' no Wim to snake their stock complete In these lines, and at prices that cannot be beaten. If you want the best value the market af- hada, tams caok aed se aaaoad price. ea t• COLBORNE BROTHERS. Goderich. Aug. 14, lath. JUST ARRIVED. ABOUT THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Or NEW FALL GOODS, AND AT, PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE EVERY - PSI" CALL AND BEE THEN. COLBORNE BROB. ErSTOCK NOW COMPLETE IN EVERT DEPARTIIINT, *mo Tea LARGEST THAT THIT HAVE EVER SHOWN. COLBORNE BROS. Oct. 13, 1334 THE PEOPLE'S STORE, Por C..h 1 will sell all tied, of Gook M Lowest Prices If you are sending for Tour friends, you can obtain i'reps.ld Passage Tickets at lowest rates at this,rft)ee. at -tillable from England. Ireland Scotland. France. Germany, Sweden att I Norway. For'! is ke's and all Information. apply to H. ARMSTRONG Ticket Agent. Goderich. See Those 10,121,1'7, & 2Oc. Dress Goods. NOTICE THOSE UINO$AMS--I1, 1!i* and lbc. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 6c., 8c., •9c., lOc., 12 ]c. No trouble to • ow deeds Don't p.eekeee if above are not feet,. Goderich. May 114h. 11181. 1884--STOVES-1885 JAMES SAUNDERS & SON RZDL -+ -'17, The Peeples itore,Clelleibet H U GH DTTNLOP, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ FALL AND WNTER STOCK FULLY ASSORTED. Satisfaction Assured in Style and pit. de'I ,•member the Place Rest ittroot. next door to It.thl f Mont real .`,3 . IJ 11.7 1111I • z 0 m (%i R z Have arriving a lanae Week et First -Class Cookie & Kcatio Stor es For Wood and Coal• which they win sell at Lowest Living Prices. Tlnwork promptly executed by expel -leered workmor. The usual stork of Fancy (roods and Wall Next door tt o the Post Oeee- The rbeapeat How under the Sun. Ooderich, Rept. tee. 1331, 1101 A.PPLE BARRELS. R. W. MCKENZ!E IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS but has been eo long in it and form_ d such good trade connectiut.s t1 at lie i. able and will GIVE BETTER BARGAINS 1N GENERAL HARDWARE! 1 am prop.nen sa d to sem gsraatlty of rust Clam•pow Barrels at Cha LOWEST FIGURE Than others professing to sell at cost. 11. is hound that his linage In the future, as In the past, shall be noted as the CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales W. McKENZIE'S pesslktr, awl will aelime to any part Premeemele sad .pmllty duarsntesd. Apply to P'A'D. 1 ARI., iosiruaklenal ass warts comer lths y. Atrg t. 133atot Get your Printing at this office. GREAT EXCITEMENT .i At the Big Furniture Emporium of largest and Best Assflrtod Stork of Furniture AND UNDERTAKERS' FURNISHINGS 1N GOCERICH. Don't forget hie prima are the lowest for Cash. Ile also keeps_ the Celebrated storm„. W.ea Wks Rog Ilioirrom. A large variety of sasrtte•le seTa on hand to choose frolle. Don't Forget the Cheapest House in Town. Pioture Framing a Speoialty. Funerals Furnished Neatly, Cheaply, & with a Good Hearse. —AHO THE OFIICE FOR -- The Celebrated Singer Sewing Machine which beats the world. All orders lee here will receive prompt attention from the tweet T. ASOUR. Oodettcb. Sept. tali, 33111. Isf!- Goderich Foundry. Tia eaderelgeed. having perehmewt cite Underfelt Foundry ane Mar him Shops, mai Milos pet the sirs le Send repeIR +All take cewtwta for Flouring Alias, Steam Engines, Boilers, And ether ifeehirery warred. All ds of Castings Malde to Order. Platt( IIIb Anil to tea gradual Rsl.dio* or Roller System. WIR heap Agricultural implements ..n henA, and de all REP (Ins on .hart sell.. J. R. RUNCIIMAN. R. W. RUNOiIIAN. OsMrleh, Apri M. 133E IMO ly