The Huron Signal, 1884-11-7, Page 2M THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOY. 7, 1884. Haarerew Lillie. Ms are Ale h.L • elsems teeem.very d That i. daily bcingiag I oy w the lee Ates W Matueu Willis.. itrasesed of oho ands by tart many o' ilei FR DM FORMOSA. Istorestlag Lesser 1 reit rev. Sella When some of the Republicsa men- ' here of Beecher s church tumid That he was m farotr of the Democratic candidate they protested, but the reverend gNtle- man said that if the church disapproved The following is • copy of a letter sent art bis coons it could have his resigna- Rev. J. Jest/soon, f •rtaerd of Gude- mos u sono es it liked. I3• w • sple•- h, to the cuoreoer At the Foreija laid stump speaker, and has been of great wion Committee, of the Presbyterian • t'es to Cleveland. ID a letter t J. F. ursh . 'Joy, • railway matt, who said at a dinner Mr Draft SI,:. • I have no doubt bat liable sox years ago that Blaine, whi's u will be •t this time anxious to I Speaker, told him he could have a con- 1ow how attain are with us in Fur- mitres appointed by the Hoose of Repro - „it. Fur s•,lue time past the yuiet entatirss to suit him if he would take •midge of mission work and mission life Certaiin bonds off his hands at para is been d•aturbed by the rude alarms of I statement which Juy now denies-Iteech- uol war. You will cf coarse have er makes no bones about the mater, and •en by the public prints what has al. Im'ts Joy down as being one of two eon- ady boon done by the French war tinsntal liars, Blaine being the other. He sips in the contort with China While , says to Joy. "ohs advantage which is ax. ....ranee I[!s confined to the Tonquin 1 P�etl from your denial eau last but • wtitory, we weld speak of it and read I day or two, but the lie will endure ter- m report without mach discomposure, I over ; it will abide with you, fallow you ut when the roar of the cannon cones home, dwell in your memory, be present be heard almost .t our own doors it is in your old age, stand by your win, mite a different thing. Nu sooner did and meet you in God's judemeat day •e think the r•atterwas amicably settled. 1 May He who found a way to fvrgire lying once w W u a dsplt of drunkouuess among three dear ,mea friar an early grave. Truly is hundred pigs which had Men given • Dr. King's new Disouvert r.,,v Cotwsay- barrel of spoiled el.lerb.rry wine all at �, Cuttghs, colds, �W "1'►e behavior,' Iia F LOSS told is BTOMOhtta, once with their swill. it vtor, ever, o'. Voice. Tickling an hostilities broke out afresh, and 'ithout mach wanting the port of :lung, some ten miles distant from 'am.ui, was bombarded, and since then 'uu Chow also has been taken by the Trench. So far at Tamsui we have seen one of the French *Lips, but no one can ell the time when they may curve to *t- empt an attack. The Chinese have een waling prepirations to oppose their ntrance to this port, torpedoes have seen laid at the mouth of the rater, also event junks filled nith stones have men sunk,and there is a report that they ntend moon to block up the passage entire - y. While those events have been taking place around us,we have been endeavour - ng as well as puasible to care for the int er- sits of our mission, but of course not a ittle anxious as to what the future may ming. A time of trouble such as this is raught with danger to converts, preach - us, and chapels ; for the Chinese are a ,e.•ple easily excited, and if once roused Peter forgive you, and have mercy on your soul in that awful day r It looks from this as if Mr. Joy was going to have a bad time of it. he says, 'was intensely kassen, ear►lar-- ism all the usual wundestations of jolt good fellowship, including that adva stage where • group were toning over each other and grunting a6notioat►tely in tunes that were very ds4setivei7 De- pressive of vowing good fellowship all ruuud. Their reeling and Maggertng and the expression of their features all Indicated that alcohol had the saute effect on pigs as uu men . that under its in- fluence both stood precisely un the same zoological level.' The Crew. Henry Ward Beecher speaks of the crow thee . Aside from this special question of profit and lou, we have a warm side to- , ward the crow, he is so much like one of ourselves. He a lazy, and that is human; he is cunning, and that is human. He takes advantage of those weaker than himself, and that is manlike. He is sly, and hides for tnmorrow what he can eat today, showing a real human provi- dence. He learns tricks much faster Ithan be does useful things, showing a true buy nature. He thinks his own the Thn,•t, Pat:.fa Side and Okest,or- wy dim” " the Throat and Lens, a posittre eery Guaranteed. Trial Bot ties hes at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large 111:41 61.00. (ti) • ideas ]lwaoke. It is a great mistake to suppose that dyspensia can't be cured, but must be endured. and life trade glonniy and mis- erab:e thereby, Alexander Burns, of Cubourg, was cured after suffering fifteen years. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. 2 The Fatty Ile seaweed To. An Austin reporter, whose duty it was to etteud all the political weeting', no- ticed at all of thew a rather seedy, but eery enthusiastic, individual. The curi- osity of the reporter was aroused, and he at last asked the excited patriot : 'Are you • Democrat r 'No. sir.' 'A Republican i' 'Never.' 'Prohibitionist t' 'Nut if I know myself.' (.reenbacker r .Well, hardly.' 'What are you then '' '1 am after an utbee. That's what I Waaaraoros, D.C., May 15th, 1885. Gs. as -- Having been • sufferer fur a long hilae trout nervous prostration and general debility, I was ad.ised to try Hop Bitters. 1 lure takes ora bot de, and I have been rapidly getting bet ter ever since, and 1 think it the best medicine I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my awn work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. MRA. MaiV STUART.. Smart Weed and llelladona combined with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters make Carson's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters, the beet in the market. Price 25 cents. lm Ir. the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal oxom- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney color the best and loves to hear his own Cure. Its action in these distressing voice, which ,are eminent traits of hu- complaints is sin.ply wonderful. Soldby J. Wilson You rnanity. Ile will never work when he can Ret another to work for Len-agenu- Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is u violence, no •cue can tell to what ire human trait. He eats whatever he highly recommerded fur all huniors an :engths they may go. Mso the greater can set his claws upon and is leas min- skin diseases' lin 'art of the people make no distinction A Quebec despatch says : -It is sated between French, English, tIermsn, oar that the Quebec Government has been my other European nation, but claasnotified by wite from Ottawa not only to .hem all as birferei ns. far we are „lad to report all as quiet over our mission field. There have been threats of violence against converts, and one man reported that he had even seen Dr. 'McKay • head cut off, but fortunately thele have w far ended in words. Dr. McKay caused proclamations to be post- nese a little, and many of them would be e 1 up in all the towns and vintages almost good enough to be crows. where we have chapels. stating that the missionaries have nothing to do with the The Feathery/ a11agef. war against the French, and that the hard Igen of the villages would be held r3sponaible for the safety of the minion property. These proclamations have already done much good in pacifying the people. We are glad to say that the Chinese officials have shown themselves willing to assist us in taking these pre- eautiens. In regard to the mission work proper, it of course suffers considerable interrup- tion, owing to the unsettled state of affair. The preachers at the carious, stations have been advised to be as cir- cumspect as possible in their intercourse with the people, and to avoid whatever would be Likely t.. make disturbance. SoK tar Dr. Koay has been exerting him- self to do all that lies in his ler fur the proteetiun of our people, and we can but trust ourselves and the future an God's hands. We hear and read many alarming reports, but this we know, our Ood rules :,ver all. it would not bem pleasant for as to find that Tasui was to be bombarded, nor to learn that For- mosa was to be a French poseessio.n, yet such results may lie before us in the future. We son te.ly pray that God will watch over and protect Hisown church sad people, overruling these events now faking place in this Empire,for the great- e r extension of the Ile!eemer's King- dom. Wa all believe that although the Lesson is s hard one, it will in the end be for the good of China, for her rulers and canals have yet to lay aside much pride, *omen(ignorance, ooeii and duplicity before they can property fill Ilia positions which :bey now occupy. ehiey•us with a belly full than when hungry, and that is tike man. He is at war with all hook things except his own kind, and with them when he has moth - Jeep up their present guard over the Parliament buildings here ; but to ing else to do. double it. No wonder men despise crow•. 'They - aro too, mush like men. Take off his Prominent among the greatest medical discoveries. by the many cures it has affected wings and put him itt breeches, and McGregor'* Speedy Pure leads the van. analystS..ub crows would make fair average men.ected tonthumdintuotcoestntanemnioe I. of tiw.e In - Give men wings an�ess d reduce their smart- uriou.pec sh ieetsc eco dai1T Ttk..sam4 Sal Ito. T. W. Aitkina, Girard, Kan., writes: 1 never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and brat medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds ,.t dollars in doctor's bills every year. told at 50cta. a bottle uy J. Wilson. 13] Well rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid t.. any party who will produce t ease of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them al..ng, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails W cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases. Bilious- ness, Jaundice. Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. f;at afac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents por bottle. For ils sale by J. Won. [51 Yat .tap no...ave heard that a new lapel w Ming elected at one of the in- land stations in memory of Dr. McKay's father, and is t.. be called the "Mackay Church." Tho station is bonlering on the manure territory, and is counted the most dangerous. Rene some time ago .he preacher and a number of cmverts were murdered by the savages. The ?resent chapel is to be a strong substan- tial building, and will soon he completed 1 ass glad to say we all enjoy good leoftb, Mrs. J. and L are still buoy with the laslwge, en far as thew occa- sional distractions will permit tai, 11421 remember all at the throne of Beate. end seek that G..1 may bestow 1Mg•impe wpns thispnrtion st Hie hien in the not either, for Isere they We tie ant fowgst you, and I est the heated sir, whist. w we grind fox otoal my dear friends is Canada. Wiese. Give a had such institute! as • aro A lo tre . every onward sieve- �, d �•s work sraosR.t yea. D• tint be afraid ter ser safety avid re rig isive is die Z el trial. Ps' 11'11 Jose jammers* aY. "Why. you have no Ides,- said an old and well-known bird faocer to a Demo- crat owl l k,'oned. reporter the other day, "now htt'e care a song bird requires. It has been my experience --that the most of the deaths among the canaries ale caused by ovetcare and overfeeding, How often you will hear people --and especially ladies -say, 'I dont have any luck with birds at all. I have had two or three, and they ail Crew sick and died, and now 1 have one that won't sing at all. And if sumebdy should inform them that they had killed their own birds they would call you crazy, or think you were joking them.' "What do you mean by osereart and overfeeding 1" queried the reporter. "I mean just wrist I say. Let a lady get a new bird. The chances are it w the tint she has ever had care of. It is a novelty and a curiosity in the house, and she feels as though she must be at- tending to it all the time, and that if she does nut it will die, or stop singing, ..r something. The result is that she will give the bird eyerything she can think of or everything she has ever heard of a bird eating. You will find crackers. and cake, and bread, and candy, aid sugar, and apple, and heaven only knows what, stuck through the _tam of She eager for flet birds to oat. In trim Mea-bones you will find all kinds of seeds, mixed, etc. Now, it dues not seem to me that it requires an extraord.ntry int higence to grasp the idea that this is all wrong. I can hush tore notes of the hardest Ger- man canary ever imported to this country by such food in a few week& Such sweet dainties fatten the (tethered musi- cians They loose their voice, they be- come subject to rheumatism,they get tte gout in their feet. The become infest - harscteriztredto tt,e publatt the wortic,h- oflo Every Ingredient posresees a peculiar adepte- bility to the various complaints for which it as hn compounded. and Its efficacy is being es abliabed by testimonials hourly revived. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not ooty a relief but an absolute cure for Dyspep- sia. liver complaint• Indigestion. constipation blood. Free trial tgttlo!e at (:ow. /Mynas Drug store 2m and impure ca&PTtk 11. "Malden. Masa., Feb. 1, Itbtl. Gentlemen- 1 suffered with attacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the moat terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me 1be second made me as well and strong as when a child. 'And I hare been an to this day.' My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Boston's best physi- cians- 'Incurable '' Seven bottles of your bitters cured him. and 1 kn..w of the 'Lives of eigl t persons' In my neighborhood that saved by your bitten, And many more are great benefit. 'They almost Ileo utiegele• Ira __- hare been using them with iso -L D. Slack. a amarUlsg asseosery. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dak. , writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Br,nchitw fur many years, and that ali remedies tried gave no permanent re- lief, until he procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, which had a magical effect, and produced a permanent cure. � It is guaranteed to care all diseases of ed with lice, said they lrise any .sire Throat. Lungs or Bronchial Tutee.. for their bath. You bear an unsually Trial blttles free at .f. Wd.:m'a drug brilliant songster, one who is singing etor. Lr'ge viae 61.00. (5) loudly, swuniy, end almost inoewntly, t6 and look at the cage be u at. teals Mesas tswed. You wan t find any sweetbreads and Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, sweetmeats there." Rough akin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; "The but bird food is just Wain, °rib- "What is the best bird food j" f so, go at once to Geo. Rhynes Drug Store and get $ package of McOregox 1t Parkas Carbolic Cente. Price lab tants. it was never known to fail b nary, common bird -seed --only this and nothing more. It is all I give my bills, and you have beard how they sing. Two or three times a year 1 buy • cattle fish bona for them, and I keep w net fine Wheeler's Mose riesphate.. Id. gravel or sand to the b,tttin of the cage THERE IS A COMMON BELiZF for them to pick at. 1 pat a bath dish of water, with the chill reduced, Into the sage every morning. (kites a week I clean the cage thoroughly, scrubbing the perches, the bottom, and the wire hare 1 vire them (rash water to drink and re- stock the seed jar one. a day This ss all the erre L Five my hinds. I keep them where it is light. where the sun shines cee.•iuwally, and where there is fresh air. Birds sliowld not he hung ton this _plain, clean bird seed, fresh water, sad fresh sir, and if he dies or thea kis snag it will be frost natural estates. l Rashes*, Dmmnerea and Ckreoine. Dr. Lowe Worm Hyrup win retmeve ail hinds of worms Irina Adana oe _a -woe _.----...._ s— that If you Ones bees the sae of • certain class of mw/bloom yea maw keep It ea or re. actin will follow lwevltahty. Thha le true of all aiadaate sed saeltanta Nke sb a .I .tryoh.Ia A. veseta*M bitters. which art chew &sally and ,nerhanteally to grind the organic tosctlone to greater sell.It wllhoat .uttrl- kmtima•eytktnet b gy wbre of repair. anim Tl0 1 e�,et 15 Tremble. the animist* r► b�lw.e��p�m WHIttI.RR1 P114M1•HAT1flt AND CAU$AYA .rii►wr atl,wnWe nor depress er tMj sepply Ube fort. d parrs! la our daily /ems • Wisp amen* ar . S • J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, seed .parer no petits to weir* the best 14 every article iso his lino. Re hes smeared the a scy for tleesiebrstedDr King's New Dieenvsry trw Oorsemptios. the only whale sere known toe Oms- .sstptieteL Meets, hs, (bide. Ro.teene. A.tlsma, HayBrosekitiia, er say ateetieu o f the Throat .ad Lear. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles tree Belt.Mr aides 61 00. 3 .lechlvova. Maw rl.nwnte r Cowl - r O to M e t� e, • g • O U .211 P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Go&erich, keep*Pert constantly Perfumery itt.on t.•.Toik�artkklect s n great taritll . Medicines. sicker* I1c'reariptp wus� specialtBye y. Prof. Low's Matic Sulphur Soap is highly recommended fur all humors and skin diseases. lin. einem'. Fluid Lightning Is the only instantaneous relief fpr Neu- ralgia, Headache, T.00tlache, etc. Rub- bing a few drop* briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value a Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynaa drug store. h FARMERS 1 Why use poor OIL on your Reapers and Mowers, when you tan get D2cCO2+Z+'S LARDINE OIL For sale be These are SEAM Farb. The hest blood purifier and system -re- gulator ever placed within the reach' ,.f suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain core known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction air money refunded. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] few Uer /Itr F.netse.. Weakened .y'M- ease. Debility . a 1 MsslpsU... The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will'restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. 61.00 per box, six boxes for 65.00. Sold by all druggida Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Soid by Geo. Rnytias, sole agent for Code - rich 3m : National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thon,agh, purgative, act- inc upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. lm To the leedteal Mtewsw, and all whose 5 nosy comers. Ph"sphatine, or Nene Itooa, a Phos- phate Klement based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Maes., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phnsphatine 1. not • M.decine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but limp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartric /Dements found in our daily fond. A singgle bottle is suAkiont to convince. AllnDrnggiats sell it. 61.00 per bottle. !sown= & Co. sole agents for the Do.inlon, 56 Front Street East Toronto DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER iambi , Lead llliOrtater, Has es bead now Lamm from at First - Class Furniture le the C.eet y. and es i sow purchase ter seek, will sot be ssde aobfyi say sae. 1 pTapes Car}et)6M upward.. V1 mod. bun ease ma Bow Beek choirs, frees line. up, aad every- thing else 1s the tame progenies. AT THE OLD STAND Setwees the Poet Mee & ifask of Yestres 131DDIraitI TB_ Oet. Ink, Bids. 1811 for t1m week lag rhos. Iced MI sea tie p.shre, awl we will rasa drew em s. a Mal. valuable beset sass IIIe gee& th111 will pet yew Is the way of seakl.g erase saesey Is • few tharsthut you seer theu8ks aeesdye et say bunkum Ne rettlred. s will etre yea Yew owall l time er 1a span due Salt' Tie �.�tla eslveeeany asee ehl. Toe gd.,s.d le lash the c O every evestag That ell wb. trent c sore w =the : bwplwps. we wake ale $1 .spa/a.y tar who boat *est sus Ft'�ertletel•ea dNws l.... see.. ems hie. `''Iia. Ie the wart. t t shem ew..... Ow. matt ty wrw•tfte.Y twat' wart sew. Aaaeela ly,emaa fees.. 1`rt4..• v. a. . So Cheap. It has no e.ival. Try it and you will use no other. McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. R_ W_ Mcg NZS.M•p GODERICfi GODBRICH BOILER 11QR Ie11 ANI_NGcMILL r, Have jest received • large stock of BUSS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS -roe— BOILERS &ENGINES Row Salt Pans and Boilers Built on Shortest Not:, e. Mall orders for new work andf repairs wr receive prompt attention. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near G. T. N. $tatioa. Uoderich. Feb. 26. IMI. KSTABLISHEl* s.3. Buchanan,Lawson Robinson M•Nt'VACTt-aatO Or Sash, Doors & Blinds DKAMIS In ALL KINDS nl Lumber, Lath, Shingles sad benders material of every description., SC1OOL FUMITURE A SPECIALTY. All Orders promptly -attended to. peierlek. Aug. 1. 1128 Maly l 0 CIGARS. CIGARS. ., IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN 4ull line of all the Leading Patent Mledicines always kept or band (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RETNAS , e BLAKE BLOCK. THE SQUARE, Zt a 1 c 6 Ari Dc!gn in Wad P ager. New a;tbe t frac. a Tool wish one en 1 we aloe resets at hesejte tree. Patter's ret a paper He bas ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs neeetlfel t.Iove. sad at pekes tees rhea very stere Idhrter geode. Cs11 sad see Ido se ore oke hist velar la tows. sad seat assent 1 The Laltst *mg Baur Pins aid Faslioos, AZ'1 B rri ii es