HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-24, Page 7tHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT 24, 1884. sorbs of Wisdom. Herne be stat down by triers. If a trio brawn hes web twenty times, twenty *Ns will he mead it. Make or to artkip j, hod yu u wduill tll Il ay Feamay byour a daro�k 0410. th {bb. liosates M lest ddmjjmw1 pass way. It the nes is misty town look up at Medan ; if the earth el droit keep your eyesuu heaven. With O.,d.s peeseec. • w e or child may be cheerful. Never &emir Woe a Wein Shamir. A seshiay wonting will Dean without arra Kind what you run after. Never be neatest with a bubble that will Una. or Sae wood that will cad in suoae nod darkness ; hut that which you cau keep, sod which is worth keeping. Something Melita, that will star Whim 'Wand silver fly away. Fight bard against • hasty tcwpar. Anger will ease.. resist it stn,ugiy. A Fashion's Fancies. AUTUMN STYLES. dist. for the wor,aa asks to fall rash- Sow ne reseal temissev toward a is we ais•gts tisk of smoking sp ce.tsmea, "'Mee we have seeded for some time back, is twee marker{ than ever in the autumn fashiusa Many skirts aro now made without any puff or drapery what• ever ; all the fullness is still, however, thrown to the back, sad the toneier* is distu,cthy puffed out by (means of still circles run into tau hems at the Lack ; these eirelea are concealed by falling pleats, om by a gathered extra width Cole - tux down quits Moose over the back of the Gain ; the skirt (root u tre.tueuVy quite pith.—aeery wide flat d.uble pleat is oftendammed owl the tit the titheup the whole e tsnmdimes the skirt is striped all the way down with velvet ribbons or to ons. As a Mark may est a house rest fire. A fit of eoaproinise I.ctween t e p'ain bodice cwn may give you tutus to mourn all and the draped tunic, a sort tit jacket is days of your life. Never revenge an made with pleated buttes, which form a injury. He that reveasetb knows ro rest Tie meek posses a penis[ u ; tweed. It you have an anemyactkindly to him sad make hint your friends. You may mot win Mw over at once, hut try again. Let one kindness be followed by suoth- r, till you have compassed your end. kind of pannier and toarnnre ; thu trey be either of the same material as the skirt or of another—sometimes the drap- eries only are of a different material. Fur traveling costumes and also for simple walking drew the redingote is much in favor ; it is made iu different Ey little and by little great things are all figures. One model is pleated o1utt a O&M shoulder - completed. piece mei fastened round the waist with water. taigas day by day a belt ; the other is cut quite plain and Whirs . the hardest ruck away. tight fittl.lg. Thu. model it generally And so repeated kindnesses will softies trimn.ed with collar sad facings tit s heart of steno. Whatever you do. do velvet. it willingly. A boy that is whip at ll)th plain end terry velvet will b. school never learns his lessons well. A roan that u compelled to work not how largely card this autumn for trimming badly it is performed. He who pulls off costumes and mantles. Pretty brocaded his oust cheerfully, stripe up his sleeves 'rookies from very stylish costume* fur in 'earnest and sings while he works Is the demi-sawot. Deep blue, hmaided the man for me. with bruwu and dark olive green with A ebeewfnl Salah flets as old gold. (nick ; A 6. .mbier to tbe not will dick. The following is an elegant .stoma Evil thoughts ere our wont enemies. walking -drew : Skirt-fmnt quite plain of Keep your heads and hearts full of vied hr,caded wools* material, hack and sides thoughts, that bad thoughts tray not end of plain woolen matching in color the room. ground of the brocaded tissue, with only Re on for - guard. sad sir re and p - ,I a deep order of the brocade round the To d -ire all evil tboaght..wa) ' foot, and narrow dating showing beyond all round. The back and sides of the skirt are pleated in double holh.+ pleats. Plain close -fitting bodice .t the brocaded Spice Cake.—One sup butter. one cu', fabric, deeply peaked, both in front and sugar, beaten together to a creast. Two at the back, with short drapery of plain eggs wsll beaten, one tesepewnfut wmagma. ' woolen tissue. forming pleated pan,uers, as. teaspoonful of cinnamon, nue of laud a shall puff st back. doves, heir a nutmeg, one cup of water, Awptber costume has the skirt entirely of milk. Sour to lake as thick as pound !of brocaded woolen material; with • wide sake, and one teaspoonful soda }.eaten that iowuble pleat in front taking up all into one of molasses till it foams and the middle, smaller ones at t he sides,and poured into the batter the last thins•. If !full round pleats at the buck ; narrow adding the aolala.s makes the better too! fluting of the darker sltade of the mater - thin, add more fear. Put :to • well -1 ial showing beyond all roesd the foot. buttered pan immediately, or into cake' The bodice is a short jacket open in the cups, and bake till well dens bet not ' shape of an oval over the chest. and fag - lurched or dried. Less time is rrquir- 'tensed with • bow ..f velvet rihton, over ed to bake in cepa than in a cake pan. a ebemisette or plastron e f pleated sorah Beef &teak, ala Francaise.—They take .tbe best cat from the inner sides of she tlirioin, bat any prime part will do. Place two pounds of ',teak in a dash with a lit- belt of velvet round the wast ; thence tie of the boot Lucca oil, and let thea the plastron divides into a double deep - steep in it for eight or tau hour : add to ere which is pleated across the hips, los- thea pepper, Balt, and • little finely ing itself under the bastes of tbe jacket, tweed pWaeiv, and tri them until they which is deeper at the hack than at the are brown ; what remains in the pan may *idea ; in trait it remains open at right be thrown over the steaks. Butter may !angles over the plastron ; tight sleeves be substituted for oil, if preferred. and , gathered a little upon the shoulder. the steaks served up around the dish Some .hurts are still made with draper - with olive eases is the centre. I ie., but these should be of a loose aad Baked Indira Pudding.—Scald three !ample style. The five -ribbed velvet, pints of tree mink, Imo which, when ' which is not quite the terry velvet of boot, stir gradually one pint of sifted In- ! fernier days, though auieb reeembliog dian meal. Don't let it lump when at, is neither so serviceable no sassy ee stirred in ; add one teacup molasses, i durable as plain velvet, but is very mach ginger ova Balt to Bait the taste, and • more the fashion just now for trimming little chopped suet 1 desired. Rake both dresser and beasts. moderately furan six W eight hours. if Very pretty bodices are made entirely the meal iselises to setJe when it beeino ! of it, to wear not flaky with Bilk bet also to bake, stir it up from the bottom • few • with fancy woolen skirts. These are times. If mixed jest right it will not ' made, in the jersy style, quite plain and settle. When done it should be of a deep without any trimming whatever. Plain reddish oeloc. t French %sleet is also leech used for such Cream Padding. --Best together half ibodices, chiefly in dark shades of led, a pint of comm, as ounce and • half of sugar, the yolks of three eggs, add a lit- tle grated carate. Beat the white* }tousehole Hints. ..1 the actor of the emend et the brocad- ed woolen fabric, pothered on to a small hand round the neck sad .fastened with a green and brown. le morales we have to note the pelerine-mantelet, 'ditch ia, in shape, a stiff, and stir in the last thing, minute , deep round cape with long narrow lapels lightly Spriekle ease fine crumbs of � is front. It is made of faille. Ottoman stale breed near a well battered pirate.'''._ ! or brooded silk. and also of the ribbed about the thickness of common Pest"' velvet above mentioned, and trimmed Poet in the beaten egg.. cream and w i with d fringe and lase, be- led or not • mad andd ns oeobs tsp with fine °ninths I !beaded,sometime with both. The shoulders ere marked by a seam, amid Queen's Tient. —Cat thick ahem ofthe more elegant models are trimmed ru baker's bread into rounds or sates and I with paeeemeaterie patterns placed on fry to a aide brown in twitter or laid. ` each side close to the shculders. The ✓ ilttmi.g wise simply my, ' + ." er beam, "Thank yea" The sensate re- tire atter heading the desert, when the party at vitae Iwa.ww is politic and gaup, with now sed thea (nut often, alae !) • bit of gay badinage, or "chaff," 'split the lady of the hua*. Nita the e( - d , ad the ladies retire to the drawing- reue.. Teams and taking wine wits people have gore cut of tasbion, and the alarm of the drawing -room have so tar increased in the i .at decade that it is only the more o,utiruted two -bottle ren wbu "huger long accuse the walnuts and tis wile." the jettaree dunce usually pre- e rriug the cup of tea poured by stove white head ad sweetened with a hook frost droupiug eyes, which M to be ob- tained is the desiring room. The Eng- lish w.,naa appears iu semi-Rr•ni toilette, w;th open pompadour arseoe and elbow sleeves, if not In low-necked, full dress attire, while her daughters are uuivers•lly sleeveless and usually waits, with low -neck corsage, even in one depths ot winter. A pian is invari- ably In full drew for dewier, even 1 Caere 1, no tine else present bet his majesty, hiwse f. - [C'iucionati Commer- cial THEY WERE ON THE STRINt3 Where the Wither. Patent Mealtime ter dor LM acme Wi.rae*ra e'itlarna. 'I maw something up in Wisconsin the other evening,' observed, a Chicagoan. who had a satchel in his hand, and who VOA on his way home. 'A patent medi- cine nun was selling something or othir from a carriage iu which he had • rather pretty vouug woman and a i aeoline lamp Tho lady sang ono or to songs eery sweetly, and then the man talked and sold nu nostrum at • dollar a butue. 'When he had dialoged of thirty or forty bottles he said : Now gentlemen, before bidcing you wood night I will give an exhibition Lf the wonderful magnetic powers of my wife, who sits here by my side. I !odd in my hand a common piece of thread. Now, one of you take hold of the eudof it and walk off `ffwd tri then let all the others tale hold it, and at the signal which I will give she will take hold of the end, and you will feel the shock instantly. 'About 160 men and boys grasped the thread and walked off about half a block with it. 'Now keep perfectly quiet,' said the man,and you will fell the shock, delicately first and then strong enough to tinge at the ends of your eugen and toes. Are you all ready '' 'They all said Yea' 'Well, then, I will put nut the light,' said he, 'and my wife will take the thread to her hand at that natant.' The light went out and the man's voice was hesrd : 'What hare you in your hand, my dear '' 'The longest string of suckers I ever saw in all my life.' nae in a sweet, musical voice, and at the same moment the horses and carriage were driven off at • great speed, leaving the emir,' bolding on to the string Completely dumbfound- ed. 'It was the wont shock a good tuany of these fellows ever got. DIPeach twee quickly into boinag ( lapels are not edged, but covered with r • '.Mlle with powdered sugar and and often finished with tlssela in water, pre poMees, cinnamon, sad pile one upon the other. I emus lases they are eschanged for a deep Serve with sauce made of powdered sugar fall of lace, which is draped a little and die/aired in the juice of a lemon acid thinned with s glass ot wise. Um are tee tips for frets sauce, to u nit either a piste or rich podding. Humber ollw.:.—golf seep of white •q�' • fastened utott the left hip by • jet brooch, The neck is fin with • narrott"lstmei{og-op collar el silk er velvet. Pe ger asafowrtk of i cep of better, cw•b tabiespooe to of corn etareb ; mix and Chenille r ribtwre embroidery is used bat to a cream. but 1t a tin basin on the to enrich the costliest erasing dream, stove, and add boiling water till the and asst for ernametrhng bridal toilets risme is d the proper onmaateocv. Num- In Parts, dog collas, are more than her two :—(hoe and owe -fourth cup of ever worn around the wk. and tineas white sugar, pod equal quantity of but- end lockets are frequently attached to tar. the yell' nt one egg ; stir the better them. Rangers or fe5 dy Bread. T £ lisimatikaRis IIIM.. A child Nring 1n the capper Pert d North Berwick, Ws., powwows a titles that has quite $ na.v.1 way of eating. When called by name she runs quickly to the side el the child, and deururely waits while a hay iib, trade expraesiy fur her, is tied around her dainty seek. A two ounce vial tilled with milk u then laid es the four beside her, and taking it between her paws, she mess herself un bar howl feet, puts the ripple to her mouth. and remaining its that position, socks said the wick has auto -sly disap- peared ; then laying the bottle gently down, she patiently waste for her novuto t. be wiped and fur tbe bib 1. b. reutw- ed. after which she u.ually iudulwis iu • u.,p. Willie'. first Oath. A little boy carne in front school the other day looking very unhapoy. Was he Burt f No. Had lie been in nttschiol 1 Nu. What was the utatter still Willi,1 He had hardly spoken at supper, and ate very little. His 'setter asked him again, 'Willie, what ails you, dear r 'Mother, I swore. The minute I spoke it I was afraid of Gott, and ten home. 'Vil1 God ever forgive me fur taking His holy nine in vain 1 I'd rather be dumb all my life lone than be a swearer,' said 1V inie. Belie BreaknW Trampling. Breakfast should be the neat tempting of weals. In this climate, combined with American hahits a medium should tic supplied between the tubs and cuff.» that c owtituto the opening meal of the French and the solid fwd of the English I Physical Libor creates appetite. Mental labor often occasions exhaustion of the • system without a correspoudit:g demand from it for resturatiuu of its energies by food. Unless the viat.di of breakfast are l of a temptiu g kind the individual who' has gone sleep mentally wearied the eight before, turns front the:n and con• teats himself with a strong cup .d Codec, or some other exhilarating beverage, that serves to brace his nerves for the tote, bat aot to repair the ravages of daily worry. A singular case of poisoning from eat- ing • pudding made in part 4 mouldy breed is reported in the unitary Record. The main tecta in the case may be brief- ly stated se fellows : The principal ma- tcrials of I�peWdiu a Consisted of scraps of bread lust from making toast and sandwiches. and they had been about three weeks accumulating. To these scraps were added milk, eggs, currants and nutmeg. The whole las baked in a very slow oven, and was subsequently eaten ly the cool-, the proprietor of the eating -house in which it was prepared, toe children of the proprietor, and two other persons. All of these became violently ill, with sywptows rot irritant poixnniug. One of the children (sired three years) and one of the adults died The necropsy of the child caused the medical man W suspect poisoning. The analyst was led to look for ergot in the pudding, and was soon startled to find unquestionable evidesce if its presence as far as the chemical reactions went, although he was unable :with the aid of the microeeope, to detect any actual ergot. From these facts he infers that the reactions hitherto supp ,ed to be peculiar to ergot are common to other us fungi. - - [ Popular Science onthly. and sugar to a cream. add the well-beat- sa yolk of the egg. and lastly the whet* of the egg, which you have beaten to a stiff froth, and a cup of hailing water. Here is an steeliest reaps for marble cab, and the quantity tamed will nuke a lams cake, or two good -sired noes :— Por obs dark part nese one eat of hatter. two cups of tw.laasss, two oeps of brawn Nur.'s gray, that ia. a soft shade of gray with • mwgreetion of cream in is. is baideimely eulehioed with a rich shade Neapolitan red this season in pretty Freoeh tofkats ret Irish poplin, colored silk and cashmere gray, with kilt facings, panels, 'usi t emit, and pelerine of velvet L the red shade. Stylish traveling dream are made of sugar, one cup of soar ('ream. fire calm Ise Austri* t wood in g"ld and ohne shop - or A''ir, nes wnspnonfel eseh of soda, herd's cheek, trimmed with vest, pawls cloves, allspicenutmeg, tad cinema*. and flounce hands of Russian blue velvet. sial the yolk', of seven ego- For the The •,snare -crowned Henry iI. hat Wilk* puri use the whites ret the seven g rs,e. well over the eyes, shading the ens• oar cup of butter, two of white sugar, half s sup of sweet milk. fear cups of Mur. and two teaspeo nfuls of baking powder. This oaks cat he baked in Lyes and net together with jelly, Of yak may pot sotwe of the white is the tin and drop from a spoon some o1 the dark into It, and .o on until the ten is f ulL A M.MN 111. IHagyuvd't YAW* Gil Weaken the right meet espy Ruse whew applied for rhea - 116118011. ,i M, sees M lsuseweas. mod 1 tellies. sato throat. eM, it to wetly iotisilibl . Notimml Pill• are • �tle�p� a. wills[ of the McNish, Ii ab S4., vumeving all sbehmeMraL ler. fees, aid is made of gold satin braid Mend es the brim and bander, round the clews with blas velvet aright vitt tiny wok' pins. No feathers or Sowers pts Miro. Mme. Bonaparte, in her younger days, MOO attended a state dinner, and was taken to the table by Lord Dundas. He had already received Dome of her sarcas- tic speeches, and in a out very pleasant mood asked her whether she had road Mrs. Trollopc'a Irak on Americo. She had. 'Well, madame,' said the Enelish- man, 'what do you think of her pronoun- cing all Americans vulgarians r 'I am not surprised at that,' answered spri_htly 'Betsey Bonaparte.' 'Were the Ameri- cana the descendants of the Indiana or the Estuinaux, I should he astonished but being the direct doeundanta of the English it would be very strange 1 they were not vulgarians.' There was no more heard from Lord Dundas that evening. Step by step the leading food products of Europe are being reprodwoed in this country. Maccarroni is male by Italians in New York, Neufchatel cheese by Swiss in New Jersey, Schweitzer kale by Germans in Ohio. Albert biscuit by Englishmen in Altany and cattier by Russians in Harlem. Nearly all of these are imported to Europe, and there sold ss domestic manufactures. Da. Lowe PLaaaa rr Wuai. - neo. — An agreeable, cafe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. m flesabse lsevespa. A mistake is marriage. WO ell know, is irreparable, no matter bow tree the divorce laws may ho. Nor are the two people immediately concerned in a con- jugal union alone to be oonsidersd. The family tato which a new member is Intro domedby matrimony, have rights which should be rewarded ; and if they are treated with contempt the child also is likely to suffer. Besides, the children to be born of the uniou deserve the meat careful oonsideration. Are the pair fi hid to have ofbpring —are that pf"oper- lyy mated, physically and intelleetosUy f Finally, how are the wedded W support theme elves 1 The truth is .hat there is no duty im- posed upon parents which is (manor and more imperative than that of guiding their children into suitable marriage$. — [Wow York Sen. i. stats M Table. N. roast .ver pine a pests car ens rut nnything : the ..rvawt does all that. Sup Is taken (rem the side of the spina. nnheleeaiy. Soup and bah are not par- taken of the meeosd time; of there is • joint. and the hast aanw, It M proper to soak tor a iss.nd ed. Wend Y -posed try. the ..Want. .std most be broken, sower eat. It is eewmdewed peshe to b. endeidt 1 'Amber etas will tile dear grey or Wets soap ; deride . Is 'tYrnrt.ii.►,�iC Mtge sped Awe. A......mill. see... Mw Miry A. DaiArry,o1 Teak hammock, ft ,was •ftseted fix sis years with Asth- ma and HrtroohiW, durum( which time the hest physicians Kuhl give no ranter. Her lde was despaired of, until in lam October she Erueured • bottle of Dr. Kings New D'wuvury, et in immediate relief was felt, •ad by °unseeing its ale for • shirt tints she was completely cur- ed, gaiuing in drib 50 11..4 in a few mouths. Free Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all Threat and Lung D. •wase. at Jaa. 1ttb.u's Drug Story. l.ar)re lt..ttles $1.00 4) turd la, Baer "Nu ; she h.igered and suffered •'clog, "pitting all the time for yews. tlw doe "tore doing her no gu..d ; and et Leat waa 'oared by this Hop Bitten the papers "say so touch about. Indeed ! 'natant ' "how thankful we should be fur that "medii:ine.". R�Pid aid 1 INSOILANCZ CARD. 11J1{TISH ASM. Cif t . Turuatw- loesnkMMt• 1/N PUGINla 1Ns. COY;,of tyam ton Rushee— ,bil ' ed 1,c. ■ART ■MaMtMeu R1) Dies. CU's V. of H saleroom Cepa We. Risks takes in the above ares -4404 Otbee at ihs ieweet rat( s•bey HOiLA LrAHOICrOrM f 'Q AD APPAL °Loco tics0iV$)1O$CO.It 'sliceie Wieser ty Less ea tins-eyye�t eeeerttr. roe 1 tot par test- l'h•rp_i)OnrruLtlt,ORTo18. Oor!er'-6 Sept. H. l>M. iNUACCst HH 808 �s Th.waaidsoflt4v'M► 1 .re manna y roMM tit longheir 's* bar ..Mesa pr..bngM. ha and beast► I iri the seat twOeat GERMAN INVIGORATOR. whit positively and permanent y cuestas" =that (caused in racer.ei al toy t aesttnat Itsalines, and all disarm that - how as • sequence of Self -Abase. Mr imepf Ba- toof mentor). naivetes! hseelafs, pain In the back. dims... of violas. p a- t tarn old age. and istano other dlimedse =St I ISM to insanity or towumptton aid • items' 1 iarY ysYe. [tend Ane ar circular" wtlb teetimoal•M kir OM ! ta•il. The /iTNi*uA»B b amid M lee - hes, or dx boat. for 85, br an M will be seni tree sty uia I..eeveiy VIK . 1111111111 •8. rot.eript of price. by addnwifrr)rew8 F. J. V Su Irl'. �lowde.O$t. IBT sum.ult )it., (leo. Rltvxsa suhgAaent for Ooderich SI The subscriber is now prepared to furniteh all kinds of Field and Cancer. Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten in (ioslerich. ('all and examine maniples fore purchasing ei'. where. Henderson, a Cree Iudia.i, one of the Manitoba rrwn1run, en node for Egypt. died on board the Ocean King before the vessel arrived at Gibraltar. Freeman. Worm Powders are safe in all cases. They destroy and remove Worms in children or adults lm REES PRICE, WI%E people are always et theleek out for chances to their earnlitse.and In Mow come wealthy ; those who de no mpruve their opportuta Ines remain In poverty. \t a ofht a peg - chaser to matte rnuuet. We want men. We- be- awn. boy. aid brit to work for or Int riser can localities. Anyone eat, do the work Ipeaty from the Qat start. The busine'e will psi more then ten timesordlnary *ages. Eze fend', outfit fur•aiabed free. No one who en- ifrs fails to stake mosey rapidly. You cam get-ote your whole time to time work. or os your spare moments. Fall isfettnatlon all that is "accessary seat free. Addams IBM - ti..a d' Co Portland. )fairy_ East Street Grain I)epot, Opposite Town Hall, Gotlerich. March 2Kth, 1124. 151 - a week at home. e).00 outfit free. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not . i ntrvd. Reader. (1)ou want bwia.as At which person* of either sex. Young er old. can male great pay all the time the work. with absolute certainty. Write for toll ppawrticulars to ll. Haw rr 4- Co.. Portland. Maine. 1022 The People's Livery 1884. Saginaw and Bay City Route. THE iTKAIISR grAvtr OCObTTQ G. lt'. YcGRFOOR. Mssyca. Will leave GODERICH. weather persl,lin j on end atter Jane Soh,18Si.makingthW ane MXS inure dn:iug the season. as f we : J. P. FISHER & JOHN KNOI, Having ottrehaned the Livery business of Jen. It. Swartz. formerly owned by itobert Kerr. solicit a share of public patronage. They guarantee satisfaction to all, and offer The Finest igs AT RVA1ONARLF. PRI('F). CALI. AND REE C8—Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Goderleb. • Ooderich. Feb. lith, 1814. 111304m remise Postage to Great Benda le per 1 ounce by each route. Registration fee Sc. Money antlers greeted or all money order ot- iose in Canada.. Cnitel Statem. O.•rot Prince isdward bland. New'oundland and In- dia. Deposits received under the royolatloas of Chemist t office savings bask between the hears of 8 am. and 820 p.m. Registered letters must be poed 15 minutes before it.- close of each ma:'l Once boars 8 am. to 820 p.m.. Sundays ex - copied. rostatcum rosyaua. Canada baring been admitted into the Po. Sid Unica there Is a re-arrantereert of postal rales. as follow@ : Per Astarte. Hslrtlam. Danmark. Iceland, Egypt, /ra*oe, Alia. German-. Olb-attar Great Britain and Insistsd. Greets. ta'y. l.ux- emborg, Malta, Montenegro. Ne. Nor- way. Persia, Portugal. Ai r em. R .ens sta. RJteemayy(t, tm. Pierre, )cert. Spain. the Ottery lerada Swe len. aw'taertwd sed T. 'key. Aendd via United States. --- lis. mud Baimams. Cabe. Dube ('monies a' S.. Them .s. 84. John. St. Cries. Jamaica. Jsir' awd Po oNro. i N is sow is the' `owed Ca on. thhig 11851. Sib -meet tie tars S tests per ease. Postal as '.'• 2 cera each. Nevispegese us's1 cross for 4 ounces. ileg'.tra- t O OPOOL For ASaoa, Argentite Coseeder+l'on. Handl. British itea, CeyIea oreenisod. French Colmfs bi Acta Africa. Osmates ass Amer- ica'. except Rt. 11. a aad Mtowe'e•t. Penta via Perdss Gu':.A °oleate@ ' ■ Ada. Africa, Oeranbm Tho adSpaaiah Colonies In A• ice. Oeasscaid i.werfes e .eept Cuba ass Porto Eleo. Strolls Semites ata is Segos - Peering sad Mimeos netters 1a . per EBeIllhe.. st . lc. for 4 es. Other rel..ra- Rsewess .i via Ranh - same tm rote am isms a «gyp In al' omit. I yah lNw Math W efts. Tic to'tsl, seded Q.@ruslmnd : -Letters le.. tapers 4 sesta Aew1s'Is. New South Wates 'Maw's. Qreesia-d :-- Lettere Ise.. taper+ 4 Mew lsnhsd. via Pen Irane.aee: -letters 40. er . posse There is • newspaper in Massachusetts 115 years old. And yet it ay not be ouch an excellent paper, after al. Age does not improve evetithing. it de- pends largely on what the thing is. Age improves wine, hut it only tome eider into • vinegar. A fine nil painting is en- riched and improved with age. Not .o a pair of trrwMra We revere an old truth. hut the toothless old joke of the ••leading American humorist" pets us to An old friend is ever welcome, but an old egg is • wearinese to the Bteh. I hive seen a paper over a Misdeed years aid, and i have seen paper six weeks old that could dance all armed it. This alio is variety. How tanker than ser- pent's Mask it is to have a •harpist's Add. The fraenal d the fuer vhMw of the QwiesvWe Powder Min tltpimisses hwlr es Saturday. t m- jtllt it s, is Bot yet .tet M l�.,aasfmy'�. LOOK OUT FOR THE ADVERTISEMENT OF HET ,T .MUTH adits' 6.11q LONDON, ONT I FRENCH SPOKEN IN THE COLLEGE Musica Specialty_ (W Waugh Lauder, Abo40 tedaili's r ,;sl pupil W the ----11NTING A SPECIALTY. ,J R Stacey. Arline. Director Jan io7' Depffrinfent. reit isisal.a r'oaratr in Litt rater-. Music and An. 40 r_hulaevbtps ..aa.,.sttttvely •warded annually. 1h at dept. tubes entrance e pTeran BM• ea Sow For large. Illus- trated a t�w1rem, t M.A.. Principal hS Ne tt term begins SepteIC. N. ENGLISmber Ilith Ater 7.1861 Cy EVERY THURSDAY At 1 o'clock p.m.. for Saginaw. Ray City. Sand Reach. Tawas and all points on the west share. lachullnt Alpena and Chehoy�pyauna• Returning will have 001.4 ICH EVERY SUNDAY At 1 p.m.. sof Detroit end Cleveland, ea11114g both ways at Port Huron and points on St. Clair liver. even Lays' Trip with the privilege of *pending 24 heuM L Cleveland, 10 hours in Detroit, aedp la Saginaw or Bay City at the us ty� low pace of 112 FOR T ;r BOOM 3N, INCLUDING MEALS ANI) BARTB&. A Pint -Cies QUADRILLE BAND always on board for Dsicf For rates of tretgbt and passage. and all L- omat ion, apply to car's♦. LEE. Agent at Ood.teb. or C. A. Ell Al BRR W %. Manager. Detroit. Dedericbk, May Mb. 1884 iSO- C}.H.OLD N ERT WEEK. Omteriris. earl. MUM 166.1 m GENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Having been appointed agent ot the above machine. begs to *one it :he tonal public pat- ronage. and will supply machines on ItbM1 terms. Try the Genuine Singer, Residence: Victoria street. near. the M. R.` ('hunch. Ooderich. Oo derteh. Dec. 11. 1885. 11111•Irs'- 7 w week .Dade at home by the L dustrtone. Rest business now 1� fore the public. Capita not •ee[ ed. We w111 start you. Mea. we men, boys and girl wasted veep w re to work for m. Now 1s the time. Tsai can work In spare Uwe. or rive your w time to the business. No other bestows wffil pay mash* ou esooaywell. .r. aogn�e,.ar.thdl tit Cully octet aad terms free. maysrs • fast. easily, snd honotably• T Co.. Anemia. Males F3!i1dot .' BLOOD r, IMP blITTERS Cures Dir aaea, Las of Appetite, Indigesfton, BiliOWllft, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the L rer and It Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Sa.I Rheumy Slcro Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blot{ Dc'anged Stomach, or irregular action r.f the Bowels. DrFDWLERS SIHAWBEP� CH 01,E RA CHOLERA iNFANTUM ' l i - 11- HAG `W ARDcs YELLOW OIL JF -ES RI-4EUMA' - PREEXAN'S WORM POWDERS: Are plo•mese to take. Cantata their Seel ilia tewyerr .f warns to Clandr+.r Par sU'. Is a ads. Ire. ass Tnot, life I. sweepfag b end dare beton ymi s.metNnw mighty wad imeleavebsbnd to line. $IS a week i a rem tie.. lf* ryam it mit {r�pauhrd. Ws will 1s• tMl,�r �era tisk y fswes to saws.