HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-24, Page 56 . 1 t. 1 • 1 ) f m "T000*$ AT WORT. Muff:FALL AArt{•wrMT.yM A mg cm mac WINTERItsThe Pil t Lager Ity;d gives ti. toliowiac teatuat of the trouble at Mbh- i Matassa !0 Ill worse .tea The sitteertdel".6 er, who is beabout to make seine ►m • W. p su gulag from ked b . at a redtlrtMu fug t :�tcN kr stook .0 portant .Jtaafrsa la Js kodfsas. new . l•. E T H thrMtetu anew to �+ ani it oLJ Images a rival to Pen- insula R inenfa Harb•r is lawlessness. 0., ehtm*nt bytakets�►eWised, f 5 we.eesiou o the town and thrw/eaing letters have beets sent to a aaajurity of the respectable readouts 'adoring them to leave tl+e town ..r they will be promptly dealt Ari. The puha* snaiiat•ste, Mr. Burden, was hrxl at its toed a few eights ago, the hall passing within a few inches of his head. Another oedemas nonmed Allieeta.Is. was asleep in the same house at the tour, was also fired at. but luckily recape,l being shot. The dimes wee »ached us* Friday nicht Let, however, when Joke McKeuzie,ebo had been detailed cur special work at Ifichipicoten, by Mr. Rues, of the C. P. R., was in Mr. Macdotsalu s Ake, the teenager for the c teepauy at Miohipictea. A furious fusilade was opened uu the building. On the gentlemen going out ro ascertain the cause of the *booting, they, in company with a Mr. Wilson. were made the target for the pistols of a cumber of sleeked men who tiptoed a heavy tire un them. All escaped injury but Mr. McKenzie, who was shot i, the haud, the ball indicting so ugly though not necessarily dangerous wound. Mr. McKenstw arrived in town last night by the steamer City of Montreal, and was seen by a Maisel reporter. He rays that he has had his hand probed fur t ball, but, w far, it has not been gee out. He dui:hued that the °dice of the C. P.R. , is (root of which they were atanding,was riddled with bullets, and he considered the escape of all three from the bullets .of the would•be atwssius simply wonder- ful. No arrests were made, in it would be impossible to convict any of the roughs. He further says the place is full of boarding horses, alt of which sell whiskey, its market talus being tib a beta*. Amour those who have received notice (rum the roughs to leave are Mr. M*edueald, the C. P. R. agent, Mr. French, .4 the first of Geddes d Co.. anal others. Mr. McKenzie the gee' of Mr. Worthington, of the Customs de- pertment ou Nugent -street. Brigadier Burden has left Michipicuten fur the Sault, to bring op an armed force and endeavor to rid the tow.' of the roughs and restore order. T. Farrow. ear. es the toot est. The Gerrie Erie/prise says :—For the /Meal of those persons who are trying to make their treighb.ore believe that tit Scott Act movement is a "Grit dodge to drank up the Tories," we publish the following extract from a prit.te letter written by Thos. Farrow, Fay., 111. P. for Neat Huron, to a friend in this village : "Bloevale, Oct. 9th, 1884. "Drs* Sta :-1 am sorry that you or some tnaada of temperance is Howick are not tetter a.quaiuted with what was dose in the Howe of Commons when the Soots Aet was paned. I even went far be- yond it and spoke on the question, and ear speech was published in the Mooned Witwew. Impounded a motion then to the effect that the wools country was ready for abs Scott Act. or in other woed., to have total Prohibition is the whole country. As to its being a party question I point you to Prof. Fuster,who is a C:neerv.tive, than whom there is not a more earnest man in the eases ; to Sir L. 1111.y, a lifelong supporter. Man for man the Conservatives are sot a whit behind the Reformers in this mat- ter. When the petition same rou.d 1 aigned it. As for my vote, it will be cast in the right direction—that is oath* side of temperance and sobriety. Yours truly, T. Kaiser►. DRY GOODS 6rKgnes, Ready -We Cktk aid Boo aid Sion. Call and see fur yourselves. biota suJ Shoes will be sold at half prise. Gro- ceries r dl be WONDERFULLY REDUCED I A large stock of good 'Valencia raisins will ate odd at 5c a Ih., or 81.00 per box of 28 lbs. Belanee of stock of Beaux -meds C...thio;t reduced from 10 to 10 per mai. THE CHEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRA11'ER.S YOU EVER SAW Complete stock ,•f Canadian and Scotch Tweeds, Euvliah Worsteds and Nubby Overcastings. TAILORS on the premiss. Suits made to order at 10 and up- wards. Fit guaranteed. Boys and Girls' Clothing cut tree ut charge, when the goods aro purchased at the store of THE RED, WHiTE AND BLUE - Rosh to the trout and secure bargains "bit EORGE ACHESON. MISS GRAHAM has now on band one or the Anent stocks of - FASHIONABLE F II and Winter lldlio���r IN Tow?. 1. The Newest and Beat Shapes and Shades and the Most Reason- able Prices. Gudericb, out. IGth, 18El. 19G-, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY I eZVZ S S.A I. =Te takes pleasure in announcing that she has just received some stylish lines ut goods, which she purchased it, peewit at the wholesale houses. The goods are Of Fine Quality, Stylish and Cheap. CALL AND SEE MY ASSORTMENT OF A Rem eetabia Tutu. A lady in Newport who honors me tab her friendship, owns a remarkable dots. He is i King Charles 'model, I believe. The doe is oettainly a beauty, with his silky coat, his long ears and his ympstherie eye'. I dont know his made; it is 'Too -tuts,' 'Tuto,' or 'Toto,' they all sound dike, sed I never have seen the dear dug's mune noshed oft. When this famines dog is on exhibition in the beautiful horde of mytrend, he does wonderful things. ie mistress, giving bins a bit of cracker, say' : 'Tutu, there is sugar in this. and sager coats a Rood deal of uor.y.' The dot takes a Iitt* bite, sed in his mouth hands—if a dug can "hand" a thine in his mouth -- the net of the cracker hack. It be b told that the cracker is cheap, that IS did sot toll( arythsog, be eta k greed(ix. Sometimes be is told : 'Tote, there a in that cracker ; don't eat it.' b* peon it to pieties and pats it away from kin. In everything be shows int.).ct sod intelligence. Darwin, it you remember, exhibits a very pretty Ewe between intellect and iatelligsoee. James Barclay is visiting (Timid, in this vicinity. A Scott Act mew meeting was held in Haekett's church on Thursday evening bot, Then wee a large member of *lec- terns present, and the speakers were listened to with grad attention. Rnbt. Harrison was ealbd to the chair. The speakers were D. t Osmeroa, of Leek - mow, Mr. Richards, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Bay6eld, and Rev. J. Smith, of Toron- to. No pigeon ,poke spigot the am. A vote was taken at the close of the seating when more than two-thirds of Moss pros..! ,Wood up in favor of the Ant. We are sorry to say that a'peei- ma of the work that the tavern -keepers me feint' was present is the traps of a "mg (mal who was drank. Sodeeteh Iltmtlte,a trot est ...........:.. .e .. .. »1.M« 111...444,10• • • •..... Ribbons & Feathers and the newest things in SHAPES. nery Opening! a22SS 777-2ia NSON Bess to announce that she has just returned from the Americas eltie., bringing with her Tik Very Latest Fall and hinter Fashions And that she will bold bier Fall and N' inter 311111Iaery Opening on SATURDAY, OCT. 4th, 1884. Oa which occasion she would respectfully write the Ladles to call and see the display at The Chicago House, WEST STREET. OODERICH. Ood.rteb. Oc. Sad. IRS. COLBORNE BROS. are going to bare the unseat est meet varied ; , stook of General Dry Oasisgee e�m� ha that the, have er shows. Ww smeared .acre bargalas la DREW/ GOti M. TWEEDS AND sHIRTINGA, d, that are worth enquiring for. Bleed gee Colored M Via.ritrrgaeresrmaroto eettoe to: wir '$mk.kl.atatlriandsthkey have spent! a ..e shot Wales. you �b *woo aw agate tate. its sslf► , erred Ms t tea fibw 00L410=2 111101112112 Osisaieh. A. 14. tial. JUST ARRIVED. ABOUT THREE THOt'9AND DOLLA OF NEW FALL 000D*. AND A CES THAT WILL SURPRISE EVERY- 1tE. CALL AND !MK THEM. �I COLBORNE BROS. EreTOeK NOW COMPLETE Ili EVERY DEPARTMENT, ..am Toa LA ROW THAT THEY HAVE EVER SHOWN. COLBORNE BROS. Oat. M. Meed. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Toe C.ah 1 will mill all kind, of Goads at Lowest Prides. Else Those 10, 12 ,1'7, & 20c. Dress Goods. NOTICE THOSE OINOHAMS--11, 114 .nd 16c. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 6c., 8c., 9c., 10c., 12- -c. ...NM, to Omer O.att•. Desi monies* if above ere net Erma W. Et_ RID: r 'Tem holies st...,4).6.4.e. PR13 TFORD It is with pleasure we announce the arrival of our Imports for the Fall and Winter Tirade, and :,,.r- ing been carefully selected in the belt European Markets, and for Catch, the stuck will be found a, .leve_ tofore, equal to any in the country for variety and unsurpassed in value. We continue our Special Offer to parties at a distance, vis :-- • SAMPLES BY MAIL, with Price and width Marked.. Goods sent by Mail or expresso, and if not satisfactory Htav lie returned and money refunled Par- ties desiring to mho a personal inspection, and purchaa to tine amount of &10.00, we will pad- one fare. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. New Combinations in Dress Goods. Handsome Plaids for Combination. Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, Cashmeres. A Beautiful Line of Surah Satins, Very Low in Price Flushes, Velveteens, Brocades. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford_ Brantford. Oct. fid, 11St. GREAT REDUCTOIN IN COFFEES Harlow pur, hat.. -d the latest Improved Coffee Roaster. 1 am tumble.( to offer Fresh. fare (:round t'olrcw at the follow lag Ince.: Teva, 30c_ per ll�. iz=z7c=1 Rio �.8c pez 11c) RAT'=S_ Mixeca., 25c_ aper ib Steerage $21.40. QUOTATZONI� St Steerage and Intermediate • G-ODERICH Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPF LIVERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-JLAS :r)R THE SHORTER? SEA Roc 'w To Alta Fame ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FRO/ QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, $60. From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. Saltine's from Quebec. PARISIAN ttb Oct. Ilth " (IRCASSIAN POLYNESIAN PERI; VIANC SARDINIAN /Rb Nov. CIRCAAS IAN .so, Sind .. Passengera moire to ]sous Yedericb on Thursdays. at 12 o'clock, maklag direct con - se .tion with steamer's* Quebec. If yea are seedbed far oar Meads. Toa can oheala Prepaid flasss.s at tweet rates at this (Mee. sv.Osiis tie• �.d, Ireland 8seettsad. France. 6eemasy, Swedes an 1 F iekets and act lwtbrnati.s, apply to 21.♦RYfTRONG Ticket Agent. Ooderich. Goderteh. xar ISth. Inc 1884—STOVES-1885 z 0 U,) 0, CC 1.1.1 z co Have srrivta(pa large sleek of Flr.t-Claw Ckig&Heatio Stoves g For Weed Iliad Coal. wile► they will sen at Lowest Living Prices. ?Iawwrk prwmpttr a eo ited y o=peaineved SUC+AR STANDARD GRANULATED SI "GAR, 12 Ho, for 81.00. COFFEE SUGAR, 1 i obs for 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW, 1:r tAv for 1.00. Also a large stock of Bassa mid Lard. and every other uontmodity to be (cued to a erM•elaw West Bide Conan Hates square, Godericb Gm°_ GRAN?'_ W. McKENZIE IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS but has been so long 1a 1t and formed such good trade coonectiena that be is able sad will GIVE BETTER BARGAINS IN GENERAL HARDWARE! Than others professing to sell sr cat- He 1.hI� his beam in the future, se r (tae past, ,ball be NOW oaths CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales R. W. McKENZIE'S GREAT EXCITEMENT At GOBig Forel/are Earporlum oe A IL CORNELL HAMILTON STREET, WHERR YOU WILL FiND THF largest and Bet Azsorted Slack of Furitilre AND UNDERTAYERM rt; RN/BRINGS iN 0ODERiCH. Dnvlel.r t h Woes o sot a 11. lowest for carat He *leo ko; the Celaaated a..wteee, M yr lams rarkty of atalaNlf saT5 os. baM s..1... ire's Don't Forget the Cheapest House in Town. Pioture Framing a Speoialtp. Funerals Furnished Neatly, Cheaply, & with a Good Hearse. The wool stock of placer Deeds and Wall 1 —A Loo THE OFFIeg FOIL—_ Paper. Next dees TPost Ogee.The Oelebrated Singer Sewing Machine M Cbegwt Besse candor W sear. Oede deb, inset *h IIIL it Wblet heats the world. All orders left here will receive pawns attend.e tree the sir Dederick. Set. lith. Ilk. , T. AKert7s ..APPDE aBARRELS.t� lailti j sdatingle A.tftp se sins LOWEST FIGURE p eoRie. sad wed deliver te say pert Frwplsns ane olasetygerwoulleolf. Apply to PAT. FARR, taearastlrl halt Wert Owe, Moo Acle t• faY aMLtea Get your Printing at this office. Goderich Foundry The setter used, baring •eirehe.ed the Oede•rlel. Irewsdry and Machine Shot.. s, .t i pet the mm* ar aced repair. will lake cestraees ear Flouring Mills, Steam Engines, Rode, And ether Meehls.ey wamred. All Siad. of Castings ]Made to Ord( newts /Ms 1 M t• the Waal Rely or Roller tribe. Wr beee AssMslltmwl a-rw.ate ea head. wed de all REPAIR,' en short ss11o, J. 1. U1KC11. A t OsamtkAMpt, Rile 10104 R W. 1111101/* .