HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-24, Page 2J BAIYLAN VS. BEACH. nip Xs Our Atrallnn Letter on the Rao*. lill="201114 ie e* Ilse tee a ti•esew- er tate new eat lbs rsraa•asb neer, Spent;. New Sean MA Stela *news Oerrespeede.,. aihesa Edward Hainan arrived in Syd- ney. hs fesmd an immense 000co.rse of iMple sensibles to receive him. Hie Uses an oarsman had preceded hit. Til. nehtnris given to him was so an- timissile that it part.uk of the character of a groat public ovation to the hero ut maw well so.tueted aquatic watches ; • papal•+ demonstration that in him, Jleatralle.. recognised tilehiuR of what hod hitherto been to-thsin is an tomcod 7mmm11er their own peculiar calm o1 t -+gratia• ; and:more particularly semi i. whish time after time the o•rs- nsaa of New South Wales had defeated aa area's, Harlan alone ezcepted - seeUi.R or boat pulling. Heiden had no easier net lad upon the shores of the far famed "beautiful harbor" of Port JMkson,than he found himself surround- ed by the representatives ..f Australian aquatics, the members of the uumerow New South Wales rowing clubs, athletes, arseteur and professional, m.,re or less famous in the ntauly sports of cricket, football, and the now rapidly becoming popular pastime of cycling ; and even tisssab"n of Parliament and prominent aiding*, all anxious to give hien • friend - 1y and hearty rooeptios, and to endeavor tar to convince him that hK ,v HW AC'NT5AL1AN cOnwIN+ th i 2 t� a t e p d G 2 J. lis 0 b• BF hie SP • wen as proud of him and his sculling ex- ploits, as those whom he had left in his Oanadian home, or visited in the parent ooentiy, Great Britain. His earliest a.ovemeints in Sydney were made pleas- ant to bias. Homes, carriages or bug- gies were placed at his disposal. His health was drunk with times three in Sowing bumpers of "Moet'• and "Gold top." He was lionised right regally, he eras the "observed of ell observers." His photographs were easterly purchased, his name was on every lip, and even the fair area crowded around the windows of the chapel shops, to study his face and re, and peered anxiously as if they would tarn dtac.ver the hidden screw paddies in his boat, or the mechanism whereby, as the cockneys of Londe.n had said, he propelled his boat. Shortly after arrival, Hanlan gave set tral ll'•Llr ISRI•ITIONe ef his skill in handling a bort, and at Manly Beach, a beautiful little village on the north shore of Port Jackson, after one such exhibition before many thous- ands of people, a young Australian lad who was palling about for his own amusement challenged the champion of the world for "a spin," Hanlon to pull stern first in • skit. The twelve year- old cornstalk of course wcn, and as his father put it, "fify word, but he did blow a bit about it." This was Harden's first defeat in Australia. The man was Neat- en by the boy, but the public believed that Harlan sold that race, that he pur- y let the lade Australian oarsman ; but they also believe, which is far more important to his countrymen, that it was not only the first race he has aver lost intentionally in his life, but that hs is incapable of ever doing so in the future. Australians hare the most implicit oonfdence in Hanlon, and he hasy admitted that they have • hint im ample proof, not only of this, but of their willingness to back "their opinion" of his to a large pecuniary ex- tent Hanlaa'a exhibitions were so well patronized, that they must have been peee.iarly renumerstiri to him. The rowing dub placed their boats and sheds at his disposal He woof into training, and 2 SAAE DEFEAT ur LAY.'OrL on the Nevem River on the 22d of May canis Riven to you in krief last letter. It was alter this that he made s match with Bosh to row on the Panamatta ricer. Nib alien went into training.Bosch r was soder the control of elly, his trainer, who muse him daily stick to Ms w ork,and prohibited or at least discourag- ed visitors from interviewing him. Not ao with Harlan, many sporting Austra- lians, who had bet 5 to 1 on Hanlon. shun asked as to his condition admitted that H! WAX PAR TOO RICAN whom be began to train, but said "he is App good q g.seral to throw away $ suis•... By steady work he will bring Missal down to his proper racing weight tb. 16th." Vt hen they were further "Do you not think that the M too short for him to reduce him- self to prttp.r rowing Gore 1 Will he not p himself in his attempt to du so." "No, you can enure youself he won't leave Hanlon stone ; he knows what he ten do." Thus it arose that Hanlon had many backers on the ground aloes. Th. sequel proved the revers., for ono oh the rimes. (for them were e.,.ral), of Haniane losing the race was dot bis was not in his usual tip-top cot - Miss. He had put on bosh daring the e'py• and taken it off too rapidly in Ms .ninety to be st kin weal rowing 11sle • In short, the time between the awls west into training and ,he day of els roes was too abort to admit of his Using himself justice in the matter of gredesies his weight. Moreover his mewly sorbed Meads, notably one M. p., tnt.rviewed him at eon training quer- Ism too 'often. Mr. O'Connor, M. P a Sow days before the raft leak up a steam - beat hull of O.wrta*AL $Pttfltt to ons Hanlon training, and it has been maid tat champagne (lowed freely upon that ".teniae. Australians will not ad- pliIthei Henan during his training en fllr tealst himself as to drink anything Ilk* se iaj.rs his health whilst nods sili.img vegan. ; nor is it probable he 1jt111 Ileverthsless, he would have been r*M"i" te new if Mr O'Connor and his MIs had left him alerto t.o pnrs.e his ansa mails without any aid frvnn *sir pa.-mnes. As is his nest mistook • few daps before the rasa Hanle' osassd to row so ohms, and said ke was faiths J $ little is wsioht It is sunned that fid up freely t.. eos.ter'dt skit lila utas! BACH. Haden, on the morning of theme, said lie telt as well as ever he did is his Nita 11y four e'slssh is aha aftornuun of So- meday. the 1111h Awed, 11114. to titin a homely.xprialioe impressive of a groat bethenug, ' all sloe world and kiswife," wore c . _�tested so the Ir►or water of tta Asante. At Wag 80,000 people must have assembled to witness the ran. On the sours,' the odds came down from 6 to 1 to to 1 on Manisa. The men came to iM starting point at 20 minutes past 4 o'clock. The wird was blowing w bard that it made it very difficult to get the boats together. DEATH son THS TOM for place and ch roes the southern hank. This gave hien .mouth eater. Just as they started the wind forged Banlan slightly ahead, of which he availed him- self. Both men struck the water with a dash, and made a great rush rowing 98 strokes to the te. 1'p to Uhr'e Point, the place was continued at 38, and Nankin was leading by half a moat. lame h, which he kept crossing the hay between l'hr's and Rocky Punt. For half a mile both men hewed with great determination, and about here •11'.11 mum UP LIt-tL. with Hanlan. As they went from Rocky Pont to Blazlaid's Point the water was very rough, being lashed into foot by the wino out of the bay cn the Concord side. The steamer Toumki. Beach's chartered host to convey his friends and to follow the race, came bow un to Han - tan, and threatened to swainp him. This immense steamer towered .a it were over him, and when he beard foul lips howl at him in such expressions as "Canadian dog" in language totally unfit fur your columns, be thought that his time was conte, and that as Beech could not "pull him down," his friends were determined to TIIa pensee or NW I$sset.ssd W lbw Nome interesting oo.aider.tiura aro s.igseted by the 'videos of Dr. Farr, the snowed stawtiaian. as r.epoob tie law of choose sa needs bonen Wisp. From • Ido insurance poise of view time fade he eddies aro pertimilarly entree - tiro. Starting with a a101wn babies, all scratched lair at the starting pest of lite of pours., sad following them thrombi' their juern y of existence, this is ablest what oet would se. : "Nearly 160,000 of those drop out of the ranks by the sod of the first year while 12 months late the number would be further thinned by the deduction of 53.000 more. Twenty-eight thousand would follow at the end of the tired sea- son, and lees than 4,000 st the end of the 19th year. They monk threw up the sponge by twos end threes until the end ut the 45th year, when in the interven- ing period something like 600,000 had left the track. Sixty years would seer 370,000 gnyheaded men still cheer- fully pegging away. At the at end of 80 years the competitors in this great 'go-..you-ploew' would number 37.000, but they would be getting more shaky and 'dotty' each lap. At the end of 93 seasons 223 only would be left in the final 'ties,' while the winner would be led into his retiring nom a solitary wreck at the age of 108." There is something grimly humorous in this quaint array of figures, but they are founded on statistics carefully own piled by the greatest tiring authority on the subject. One cannot help wonder ing what would be bet at the start about any single one of those million babies coining in alone at the 108th i•p of the great mysterious track upon which the race of Weis run. - "•CN alit DOWN," or that the steatner would run into bin. The circumstance, as he recognized that the o'enhadowiug Nemesis of his appar- ently impending fate was the Toomki, Beach's steamer, gave him a shock which quickly caused him to obey the maxim, "discretion is the better part of valor." Beach as. the steamer, saw Hanlan dash away from her, and he, tow, made • des- perate spurt and once again caught up to Haulan, his oar touched the stern of Hanlon s treat. Then the oars of the men interlaced. HANLAN xTOPPID PC'LLI!r .. (leach dashed ahead with all the energy lot a man determined to take advantage ' of the crisis, and was quickly lengths ahead ? f n' /lunl.ln, after J,ddie 1 up bra howl to a/nim a f.oJ, recommenced to row! Under such a combination of untoward circumstances, nine hundred and ninety- nine then out of • thousand would have been rendered unfit to pull another stroke, but Hanlan was the one excep- tion. He is of the kind of stuff that in a gold cause "dies game." He is a des- cendant of the "die herds," who fought fur the country when Nelson unfurled the flag of victory, and shouted, "Eng land expects this day that every man will do his duty." HANLAN 'MOWED HIS TtETH to his enemies on board the Toomki, and with unflagging pluck pulled on, this time, however, and every stroke he gave showed be knew it, after Beach. Every- body knows that "a stern chase is a hog chase," particularly when your adversary has practically gut a good 300yard/istart The Toomki crisis, the stop to claim a foul, had caused Hanlan to give Beach this lead, and he never was able to re- cover the lest ground. They soon got so tar as to be rowing the last quarter of the second mile, and upon passing Cabs - rite Point arA"H WAs t't•LLIN.; vl,nwER, and the distance between hint and his determined follower, Harlan, was reduced to 8t boat lengths. Thus gal- lantly had Hanlon pulled on. The people cried the race is not over yet, and it was true, for Hanlan was pulling with all the strength left in him at Gladesville jetty. Beach was -rely three lengths ahead. Here Bantam spurted mud increased his 'took. to 28. When the men reacted Otos Man Wharf THS RArlt will vtaTCALLT OVI R. Hanlan's sours. lay along a line in which were a swarm of Mists—Beath being tire lengths ahead—gathered near the Broth- ers' Point, and es he paned close to them he stopped to keep his err clear. It was ever with him, he knew. As the peeple looked at him, PALL WITH rgit$TAIEAILE signs of mental pain on his manly face, but with unabashed front and self-con- trolled dignity, they exhibited their deep empathy he ,hisig Iot.mn silence, in. with, ever inind,Ned; bet- ter (ask mixt tiers. Cheer up, old boy." Beach had won. Time, 20 minutes, 28 seconds. 1111 1111 IreT to the Australian people to state that the position of the Toomki as regards her approach towards Hanlan and Beach was unpreventable. The captain of the Meaner found that the vessel was forg- ing on to the shore driven by wind, and waves ; she was crowded, amongst (then, with A cOST1N' ENT Or (OAL 'iAvvltr, from Iliawarra,who abused Haden as he He was, and would be held re- sponsible for thesafety and lives of his passengers, he must either head the steamer into deep water or ro ashore. H. choose the former, and just at this moment Hanlin and Reach's bets happened to be paining, Hanlan's b rt 'tome away, [leech's still further us in PITTIYO API AV res. a rot srgiege, Harlan unknowingly pullet into Beach's wafer and the foul took place. A meet- ing took plans last Tuesday evening at the Royal Exchange h.etel George street to connection with the match, whish was to beo.mpplete 1 by payment of s depeit between Hanka and Reach to he rowed oo the Parrett* on the, first Saturday ia the mouth of May, 1885, a SAO saveareet investing twenty -tire cents for • 1o•4. ale of Hsgyard'e Pectoral Balsam, the best thrust and lung healer known. Cara .seghs, hennaing, asthma and all pehms wit eomnlnnts. 2 !]slMmw+ids, 1' L 1., was visited by a 011,000 Sr. oa Sendai Ind. Types et Croakers. A lady, while the dentist was busy with her teeth, uttered dismal groans. "lou seem to be in acute pain, madam," said the sympathising dentist ; "do I hurt you much ?" "Oh, not in the least ; but I do love to groan.' That woman is a type. She represents the croaketa, of whom the scientific ('alifure:d'a thus speaks :— There is a certain class of people who are never happy except when they are predicting that the country is doing to the dogs. They are always tilled with • A tinea. aaseevery That is daily brwbrag puy s• tM Mmes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from on early grave. Truly is Dr. Kim's maw Discovery fur Oe est .a..pp-- tioa, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Brosshitis, Hay Fever, las of Yoke, "Wall in the Thrust. tale in Side cad Chaot,ur- any disease o the Throat and Lang., a positive cora. O.arsatsed. Trial But ties i J. cancan's Drug Slott. Largs glrx,my roretxxltnst. •bunt tae tuture. If them ie a strike in a town in Con - ,i cticut. they feel certain than the coun- try is going to be turned into a com- mune, and the streets are to run with blood. They take:a positive delight in pre- dicting late frosts. and they regard the grasshopper and cotton -worm as'friends and brethren. It rattly ever happens that any of their predictions come to pass, but that does not discourage them in the least. They keep on, hoping for wmethieg wane (•.turn up in the future. CHAPTER It. "Madden. Mass., Feb. 1, me. Gentlemen - 1 *uttered with attacks of sick headache.' Neuralgia, female trouble, for yuan in the moat terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me The second made me as well and strong as when a child. 'And 1 have been so to this day.' My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Boston's bot physi- cians— 'Incurable Seven bottles of your bitten cured him• and I know of the 'Lives of eigt•t persons' In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitten, And many more are ming them with great benefit. 'They almost Do miracles lm Mn. E. D. Sheat, A wide awake oreghi- J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for thecelebratedDr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Threat and Longa (hold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular use 11.00. '3 T. tie Hedteai reedonosa, ;wad ail whom !1 May concern. Ph•'.phatine, or Nerve Poem, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mas., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wading diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine. but • Nutriment, because it cmtains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but amp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A siggle bottle fb is suciont to convince. All nDrttggista sell it. 11.00 per bottle. i owuser & Cr.., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street East Toronto hauled to he Bon! T1111 1'..1 .'a• Orr CHOICE COBFECTIOBBRI CANNED FRUITS AND FISH. TOBACCO, ('JGdRS, 4c Darwesh and /renirs .-r. he &sad* hook awl Irked este water tin Is asa.ea A tail aaesettwest of all triads et IM.sa. *,Hers served In every Style !.+Need U'R ('RBAMR IN PISAIION. Floral treeteso Wreath Crosses, R.eisets, etc., made es order. 27ewereas nor a lo.poatles a *.ss. --atr— E. BIN}$.8.X'S Ft XIIIPTAILITMA.24T'T float H••nes fi iorno. t➢N.rhe,pa Dor. Is. tlL las m.. WAsaznOToar, D.C.. May 16th, 18186. Gtxn.tmsn—Having been a sufferer for • long time from nervous prostration end gene's! debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have takes one bot- tle, and I have been rapidly tutting bet- ter erer since, and 1 think it the best medicine I ever used. 1 am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until 1 tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. Max Kiev Srt'AI1T. . NW AA- Thoosoads My so. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: 'I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my ctirta.ers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid .eller.' Electric Bitten are the purest and beet medieins known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. lad at 50 as. a bottle oy J. Wilson. 13] weal •.warded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce f ase of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cat you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness. Jaundice. Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money retunred Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. F6i Kram'. rhes Litbs.t.e Is the only instantaneous relief to Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. Ne taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhyne. drug store. b arse ase Mond rests. The best blood purifier and system're- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, trulyis Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity of the jver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organa, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold a< fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] New We roc iwaetN.. Weskeaed by IN - awe. N•ease. •eMiity j .1 gNr/psil.a. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides. no matter bow shattered the system may be from ex' ceases of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lost functione and secure health and happiness.. 11.00 per box, six boxes for 15.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gods - rich 3m : National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, act ing upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. I m DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER IA'o.l Leading Undertaker, }las on hand now the LA$CEST OTOS'$ oT First - Class Furniture in the ('onnty.and as 1nee purehasefor cash. will not be undersold by any one. l oabe Tapestry (krpet Lounges, from Omaa upwards. whatnots, good. from 82.0 sp. Bow Burk Chairs, from Vie op. and every- thing else 1n the tame proprrtion, AT THE OLD STAND Between the Post Office & Hank of Montrea G -c E Z1tICH. Oct. lath. 1Mf. 1111 D. K. STRACHAN, PiiJCTICAL MaCBINIS'rp Keeps as hand a supply of material for the repairing of Noe and Reapers Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DONE D. K. STRACHAN, GDERICH MACHI NE 8H P ooa«teh. Marsh rih. flu. ISIAbli fee the working elem. mead N eta firpestaee. and we will wail you • royal. vslasahe has of sans. geed" that will psiIa • the way of mak hta owe •s••s7 is etre, dean show few ertr posh at Ne �! all We we In 115.. - he work t. wdvwsalar adapted hash tM snows lwnc •cad esMY Tine �pw'air earn tram Ian M $& 0.. orf sytm/.I. t bat - wie maw aN not w 0 to 2 V r. JORDAN Medical Hall, Goderioh, PI 0 Keeps coe.liaUy on hand a Select Stock of l►rula C�aeisalooK ePlel*--. Dye Maas Porfnmery. !Lc.. eco Toilet aticise V gnat variety- r'wlaiss.. PeseertpINes s.Keiatie. FARMERS ! Why use poor OIL on your Reapers and Moser., when you can get S2cCO2.S+'S LARDINE OIL So Cheap. It has no equal. Try it and you will use no other. McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. For sale by R_ W_ McS N7er tee. GODBRICH BOILER WORKS Have Jost received • large stork of BRASS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS F EItIIES BIlchanan,La�aonBobinson BOIII lRS &'1 1 .( rAl?t .saw er New Salt Pana and Ballets Sri's, Doors & Blinds 0.0.1, 01 IC= PLANING MILL ESTABLISH 6D11t5S1. Da:ALEaa IN AL1. KIWIS or Built on Shortest Notice. )fail orders for new work and, repairs cal Lumber, Lath, Shingles receive prompt atentloa. bad builder's aaotertal of every deacrfpt es.I CHRYSTAL er BLAI'K, Works near 0. T. H. Motion. Ooderich. Feb. /2. 1254. 1787 SCHOOL noun- at A IPft2ALTT. a '.ui Orders promptly attended to. Ooderlch. A. L lug Roily CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT I\ TOWN A,full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on pant' (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE REYNAS 7 BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARER, Art Dcs!gn in Wall P aper. New ,the tome. it you wish rose err two We. .mere et iowee tto see • Fuller's term pus' He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Ssaetlf.l teen- sod at sires peas than very task harrier penes, Call sod neo alt m w lbs host whets taws, and most beoW TIS bald Spiog Bazaar Palms and Faslios, ATI; EU rir1LXCX1.114 Mrs. Batlerby sealer, Pieso to real wets, bosses 1 sad deep co.side am oo•vincod ti bees.0 to hall so "may" posher' swiftly 1st to en hoodlums of ever, Ler strsiasions or Well, Mrs. Be roly-poly of a .yes, nod a soft, perfsstly isfeota added "karat of vim two rows o wets hitherto Ilex bright boos on either nide oI head. and Mr. reputation of be in female beiut showy, brilliaa never was any bangs and f rinse and bewitching and happiness, ing in his wife' and the little white brow. I marked that wearinc her its in his instants/ et beer, there wi her br lar posity brow en write apron, ev and generally I baby in her married ten ye thice children. good cause to 1 ing s babe. 1 mfr cont not a gnat res bead was, and .tis and rep conversation, infused with had the leisure spent in readii ture little oro the house. Did Mrs. B things which •-• keen corned 1 beet dinner fa came out of n many disagre house, which, the master of and it isn't, that se neith ROM angels, and that the! times better —, but there to give spa Suffice is to Lowe, Johnr whose father arias, had re after ten placed their families, ha to heatl y crying a that be hal and a'1 of thought it r smother wh costumes at Or help a f and kites, e tall her an ing her in t kine, the wife never detestiog most invali dentist s el bor. Mr. intellect[* Dr. Matto wife was m at church fore away these het Bstterby in his wit feeling of good fort Such a to that 'es insidk,.el mintiest el all ranks country. It was herself d gimes m brothel niesel. geneses hair sod ixoised h ing, and . tanner, oho was was eery ties. d sowed to pow' gooses first inv writer I awl .lit wtnedw tram ke Ai