The Huron Signal, 1884-10-24, Page 1W• HO! K NU))IB*R 1N. i
few AReeetlssnir rs Tots Week.
warted- A. 8..d&
Drew Goods -J. C. Oster k Ca
toa.►er Waisted -Tbas. M.wkIa .
:11. Dentist Otfoe W mokboace. West
=rid doors brow Bert at moen.
She People's Column.
( -W ati-P i-(I&.Y RAL SERI
X.7 \'ANT. Apply to Mann. J. 8COBIE. ur
at Skit Works. tioderfrk. RN6tt
1' ea tigholarroad. on the 1, h Cur,. of the
!trysails/ tarok. ea Wed �s.ep Oat
lithember ma have it by provl•R per
pertµtartan fradtnntsus. TSA ei. 111K1 of
female teacher. for tl. S. No. 1. Ash•
geld. for toe year ISM. Persori appllcatlw
preferred. Kr ceder of the treater.. THOM.
MAW KINKttcrrtarr. hire -A
TRIM of Scher Section -:a ri, Coibur.e,
SP son nosh a &ppl..who sap W Friday, Nov.
Motor the position her fur their
ol d U,s
The apa
yytIk� t DOM he a Protestant.
ani pusof a wooed -.:tans ver-
idical,. Address or spots p.•rsooally t0 A.
SANDS. Secretary. tWt1i,ii. 11111M12t
xrcrrICL--:ALL PERSONS mistErcn
lel to the estate of the We Henry Cuoke
by note or took account. are betobr °none 1
no ae1 and pay the same at ogles. All persons
who have claims artier said crate are rr-
ucotteerto forward them to the uuders.guad
els era vast!; M too work In his line at
iss. asbks. •ks.anti other Bailding
6.is1M. llglrglh on hand fur Sale.
. I261. 1/ssant
e[ is the county of Hun,a.
Gentleman. w ill aP
ply to the tartlaseet of the Dom inks of Can.
* the sett rengsa thereof. tier a Hill of
frost We whet. EMILY COL farmer
the mid Town of Uudeneh. kat sow d
iforahL la the IM..d altars at Anemic&
'oa tie En/awes ef.dwlsery aid desartiss.
&t the .rid Town or GodMeh. tbM
>i1Rr.Jof august.A. h.. ter.
n at
$ollettefor tmeld Iertbtftflnnee doomsar
bwrvonm Oox. Itlls•sss
. tie County el Huron. Sales &treaded
(q lacy Parte Otte Comity. Address o to
TIONEER cad Lind Valuator. Goderich.
I lab o ostd
t siderahir experience is
the trade. he Is in a position to
d tt • it thane/tenon all cow
lrlisslosy c•tr.Med a hint. Orders lett at
IIartla'RR Hotel, oR tent by ma8 to esy address,
Oodericb P. 0.. carefully atteaded to JOHN
ANON county Atxxka.•er. tat" -U
CR.110 I S4 UL77d i'roprielers.
'The Huron Hotel," late the -Woodbine.-
has recently been refitted is every branch.
and is capable of giving satisfaction in etery
pprrrticnlar to the travelling; public. The stable
In connection has been sr. -erne Sued up for
the lancers a'0avenienec. and is in charge of
a first-class bos(kr. !fates for transient
leveller. *1 per day ; alexia! teres fur wrehly
hoarders. 1267
T. E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S.,
Ont. Physician. Surgeon. Aceoocbeur,
lee, (lm.s-tTbat
fornotriy uccupkd by Ur.
Hatchings.) Dusgaasoa, NIgkt o8lue - Mar-
ti*.. hotel 1 t•
,/ IICLAN, Aees.cbeir. etc.. M.
C.P.S.. Ontario. tl ea -.48s emit" Y doers
East of Wilson's Dreg Marc en slabs. HRR
1, EWS ABOUT HOME. Ti is rid the Minister of Ed.oatioe I It provides that the notate may be sera -
"A chiefs anew ye. tete' netts
Am' faith boll greet (t"
Don't fall to can m Rises. the shoemaker.
for your fall and winterbuots. All kinds made
to order. Rubber goods of all kinds repaired
at his shop un Kinguoa street.
The rainfall on Tneeday WAS pretty heavy.
bat the photos takes by 0. B. Rebson are the
beanie(hitt& ut the .ears by loo` odds. He
duos good work or sone at all.
I'hotogrsphy b a comparatively recent In-
e-entios, and yet it has nude Brest strides. In
this .«rains R. airflows has developed it Into a
ecienue. and can .latus. take a picture by
geometric rules.
The north wind doth blow.
And we shall have snow.
and if you want comfort you had better go to
F. and A. Pridbam's. and buy one of their
prime overcoats.
On election day you can't ger liquor in any
of the hotels or liquor Mores. for It's agaisa'
the law. hut on all the other dais of the week
except Sunday. W. L Horton tan supply you
with the hest in the land.
Prepare far winter by caplet u treaders
a aim's and buying one of their ant -class
heating stoves. for wood or coal. All the)
leading Moves for sale cheaper than any orb-
er dealer in town. Si*•their ad. rrtiacment.
The cheapest Louse under the sun.
Indian summer.
Herbie Hilliard is very ill.
George Porter has returned from Port
First snow of the season, Thursday
Conductor Hig_ins and family. have
gone to Toronto.
OEON. Cormier RRr. aloe and residence lits. F. F. flaw retire, to.'. a trip to
Bruce Street. sea.uud door west of Victoria Bu$alo this wee3..
Street. 1731.
C. ,!ACRID; M D. PH"I"
Eliza Logan has returned from
* a ' her trip to 1.10,... clan. 8n
rarsa sed Accotleber, Gndtarc
.4Terontu l;ui.eralty. Ut11ceopprlte(-amcr Mies Clara Dark who has been ill for
testi a Cameron's .cknow. If iipptt 1. sumo day, is getting roarer.
sliest *mune at the 1.t7et y.
Capt. Robertson sold his residence on
St. Daciu's-st., to Mr. Kuialie.
1J Parratans. rlutgeow. A000uchers. kc.
otRee at Dr. Snannoh'a, sear the
gad Oodench. O. C. 9naxxoe. J. C. Hawn.
Tux 1:51.
C. t(gawsn. J•. J. A. *Immix.
E. N. Lewis. 11.4r-
F.or Sale or to Lit. stmt, U S corner of tree muerte and Westvoltruce. over Butler'srbookstore.
sewer to teed a: lowest rates of Interest.
A�Mp1L.A� FARM kaows w lou 8 •ad 10.pan
A. C/iroraa. aid oesepi.1.g in acres M r-
.d ter Fest. The tars h Mutated os the gravel
read. M wales from. Manchester. s miles front
It -7 MISTERS. AttorM% $olloltors, etc
aederloa. J. T. °arrow. W Proj3teot. 13
Goderich H. S. L. S. will meet this
(Friday, evening, Ai 7:15 o'clock.
There is mere lumber now in harbor
than there has been forinany yearn.
The Big Mil!. after a two weeks' stop-
page for wheat, started grinding again on
Captain Finlay McPherson. of the
.crooner Vidian: Rorer, was in town
last week.
A ealealt;e horse owned by Abraham
Smith died while he has been sojourning
in the U. S.
Rev. P. Owen -Jones and P.eT. G. B.
Taylor. of Baytielu, exchanged pulpits
uedori& sed t mile. from CCarllow 1'. M Tar CAMERON, A )LT k CAMERON, y'
lata F particulars roiddross HARL ;1E .. "n`t tt,°%ham' Y. C, "arneron, QQ session yestertlay.cnd will continuo their T. McGillicuddy to disease the subject.
E i'. tM. t:. tlLnter.te, tlotirt.k, W. Y
U!lfl. Cetbw 1•. U. It1Bi1m >I(aa era. Wing -ham rias. 1TN.
convention tis• lay. "0 ain't he got the nerve '
Remember the "Harvest Home" on
I will embody i• his School Bill at the ed on the company's agent whore "'hoe
coming session of Legislature, provisions t 1. nearest to the court in which the judg-
witb respect to school vacations which, 035111 was obtained. This applies to the
will make them more suitable titan at
Jor, *mate. -The Wingham Timsa
is now under the sole control of L
Edwards. The Titres has been passing
pleased to lean) that there is now a pros- compels the garnishee to allow I an
ampluyees of ell companies similarly situ-
ated. Another clause of the amended
act provides that where the dela is fur
wages or board, the judge say deter-
mine whether or nut rho defendant shall
through deep waters lately, and we are receive the benefit ut the clause which
pent of (m lid standing before it. exemption .1 $25.
Geo. McMullen. ab., is now at home, Osuax Reim'. exit Coeriy. -- An
met with an accident at the B. tield
pier which might have proved fatal. A
fellow workman, in using his Lite in
proximity to George, struck him en the
bead, and made a severe wound.
Mr. Fagan, Colb..rne, father of Mrs.
Henry Robinson, had his tee broken one
day !eat week by an animal in his pre
session becoming infuriated and chasing
him. Mr. Fagan managed to get over
the fence, but his leg in doing so.
A football match between players
from St. Patrick's ward and • team from
the rest .•f the town will be played to-
morr..w afternoon at the cricket grounds.
The ball will be kicked off at 3.30.
Loren of the sport are invited to attend.
The editor of our contemporary, the
Star, bas now an additional argument
in favor of the passage of the Scott Act
-it's a boy. Friend Mitchell is en-
dearonng to look stoical, and is doing so
well as could be expected under the
We are glad to hear that Miss Bates,
who was so foully assaulted in Clinton
thio spring, and hal to be sent to Lan.
don Asylum in c.•nsequence, is gradually
recovering frnm the effects o1 the assault
and will soon be in a euuditiuu to return
to heririenda.
A gathering of friends of the Scott Act
will be held in the largest building avail-
able in Goderich on Thursday night, to
receive the returns of the vote on the
Scutt Act. The temperance hall will
hardly h,.ld the crowds, as hundred. will
be in from the townships to get the news.
P. .1. Sullivan, of Goderich, and for-
merly of Ashfield, left ..n Thursday by
the United Empire, accompanied by his
wife and family, for Fault Ste. Marie,
where he brit establish a new hums.
f'. J. is a decent young Irishman, and
we will be pleased to Sear of his success.
Mr. D. Martyr, formerly of East
Wawanosh, now an anti -Scott oratnr, is
billed to address the electors at Ben -
moire on Saturday evening next. He
is evidently "spoiling f. r a fight," and
polio° u cleared. aal remainder M narraters. 'solicitors 1. Ckattorry, to Tne pubic school teachers were in
has invited Rev. T. M. Campbell ..r Mr.
b Ill
brag part of tot iA ea the east wide of the Loans anb insurance.
Lake She. Read. Tewws►ip of Colborne. t U.
d yy,��� Are aides front the Town of thole -
rich sad M wee .arta of Dunlop. The rarer
L ea aimed read awl ewe to a serest bosom
Magergalsomed and 13 sera* more eau be
lIy eNY.L The b3Lnoe te wen trolleyed seta
p�aa� hardwood. The soil issued. Good
particroars apply on the premises
to TED KELLY. or address TED KELLY.
A3epeardtow P.O.. Co. Huron. 11111 1.4t
Mese cad t wo lots situated of the comer
taaals rood cad Gibbous street. (lode -
Th. 3) e M is first-eless repair. cow
e .10.0.. pantry eat orllu,
i *01 b well Mocked wllh the
MIS. tadsdl.R Wpk•. pears. peach -
currants and gooseberries.
���•w -Tikes >treeutsrs or address. W. 8.
JUL Amasreeh, P. O.
years, tet drive, In tbe Marled ear
-motion. d tae Townaiip of Oader ek, X�117
br letter to J. N. LIZARS. Steelier!. i1
SHIP OF fit'LLETN-itsd Iatems.
tor. et the Estate of the late Mose Nethrrtof-
fere tor sale. the [eat Half M Let If
tblrty-eht. I. the 11th °egression at
Township et Renee, oowulalag 28
about Macre* or whicis desired. the
d0 am«s, bard wood Umber. Pum it s
Loodesboson born, and w is abootbboet antes flee !tri tf-
miles trom the
.. 1 Blyth. both on the Londe,. HeING14
Drove Hallway. There wiU b.111114111100[
wgmt score on the tarn..
glttker particulars Lamy It
oaltr. teal j( COAs
`t d\ar
WI d iY aYtl Oga n
hit P. Pi t he
i es isammo. Maillind e D�sr"°'
.a„r. beech aar$as
heel eke T ale t• s 1 M tlelek
=ores. t f reales
with srra
. ablhai for 1
def- Time A 1 sere of large
31W. This cora bits its
icru -isa
Alan b. egg.
Berm k a mean lss
s+•v fMaee. lagdeaea tis mem
basals et. [E Unit
kJ Diem eareer .t Rood grsrel mod. HOW*
.11 stories, fa goad repair. Store OW with
blare w stet rare and i acre last
1 0. aria. Term. easy. Apply to
R. T. MATER S1eppardton. Iritt
R SILL se acres. ea acres cleared end
tree pl ramp+; all well tested ; two wale
ere bene sad and .User rrrytatpb h -
Adak eyt� ld
the t, �►
R. HA TEI!( itis e1*M
'AA At O1.�0? E A8tFrith.FOR
=ea. tlaia•ew Irem kards(s.i�ail�� A g1..a •0A T HAS ER tasty%�
R &l.t4--IDTl1 1 IIID
11 d emit per oast_ are tends.
K t LEwis.
Ooblerh. April t1R3. i 33. ItsO
(made -es treebold security. Apply to
010. Swamies. (ioderieh. 12:114so.
lvi amount of Private Punds for investment
u lowest rate. oa 8n.ta,l1asIpsu Murtgates. Apply
te6lARltOW 4 PRO(TUf0O'f.
IV m tars and Town Property at lowelt 1.-
tstest. Mortgages purchased. ss Columbines
e leg d Ce.vysnctat Fees remomble.
h1�1i $-8orvewtra can ubtaie moaej la i
a; M sat1fact ry.--DAlel*Oat a JO to,
INTO% Barrister. at.. (loderlcib. 1761
two Maros wows. iteetl4kt
be •
la Abe
a1 flka Flhendlibs, wole TIMM -Mltftis•
taint to hid �y Hs/ were am (►rte
iellek *ii lbs grtiMate 11gf�se* t!
. IILife and Aed4. at Irutosnce Aae•nt.
Repeweattag arM<tsss(bspwnIss. Ale or.cent
for Ow eAsana LIAR Kroger Co.
Mersey to lend on Mortgage. raiser la Tows of
Forte Property. in any way to suit the borrow
er. Oce-moasalrel Kar% Welt Ooderieh
000 TO serW.AX AT 0 PER
to Iowa money at 6 per cost.. pay
;early. en .
SO timeless fans sociality.
Apply to
Detriment, *30411403.
Arests for the Toronto General Trusts Col.
71...r.. ('anmenw. Fluty t Cawaan ( bare
aloe alargo asowst of priettc reads to los
m itettfoss firm security.
Oeder3cb. Oct. 4. 3031. • 1311.31
BRITISH ASS. CO'S. Toeowro-EnxaMigked
PH IX iGO. COY .40frsweow Erlslent)-
Established 17111.
■ARTFORi� +(Calf. of Ha&Troan Cass
-blisheRieke take Is Wm Move Ant -clam cake at
the lowest naso by HORACE HORTON.
The eiseemarnett M also Appratter o1 the
Thanksgiytoq dry in the \arch StreetLARGE Iccaaas&.-Owing to the con-
llethotdist Church. tinued low rases offered by the Allan
Line travel to and from the old country
The people of Elora have opened np has been heavy the past two months
correspondence with the Goderich Citi I Just think of it $20.35 bums a ticket
sena railway committee. 1 from Goderich to Liverpool, Loudon and
Mn. John McIntoatl, Coderich town- Glasgow, &c, be. Now's the time, Re-
ship, and femilp have taken up their re- tura tickets at greatly reduced rates.
SL Patrick's street. For tickets and all inf•erinstion apply to
Wm Ci
Charlie McIntosh left by the United 1T• Armstrmi, Railway and Steamboat
Empire in charge of a lot of horses,whicb ticket agent, Goderich.
ho is taking west on speculation. His Honor Judge Doyle held a enters'
Rev. Mr. Br.ley, of Seaforth, preach- lot reco
vision urt last Friday and Satur-
.d in North street Methodist church, 'Uy. The Refcrmen applied to have 10
morning and evening, last Sunday. Dante* struck off and added and soc-
a e. o teemed ha truck ff and
had beth of Ria wrists dislocated this to have 4 names struck off and 26 added.
week by barn( thrown out of hu bnbuggy,rind succeeded in having 2 struck off, and
Mrs. Capt. A. E. McGregor. and in- 23 inserted. F. W. Johnston appeared
in behalf of the Conservatives, and M.
G. Cameron for the Reformers.
An order has been issued by the Mili-
tia Department, forbidding military.
bands item taking part in political
stdence on
rk f Goderich township..n vtng o names s ,
91nserted The Conservatives applied
(ant son. (Tifton. were passenger by
the United Empire, on Thursday morn-
The rainfall on Tuee day night :neuter-
ed 25 cubic inches. Even G. A. Mac-
donald, the ol,adrter, considered it or laity demonatratiuus in uniform.
damp. This order is perfectly right se it wnnM
Dr. McLellan, ins•tectnr of teachers be a pity to have party strife mixed up
institutes was in toon during the week. to any way with our militia All bands
and itelossted the model alb of u• Red-
`obootsll have w uniform independent of
nilitary clothing, to be use on all
ossaMgother than these connected
wi111 their duty in connection with the
battalions to which they are attached.
Bonita?., THt S.-orT Art. -A boy of
about twelveears of age, drunk and
d's•nler y uu years
est-st., was one of the
sights during the rain storm on Tuesday
lleada .
Bt Ms enfppllllh
residence. eii-Reid iip y, d t'U
lake. for 81.100. It looks as if the C.F.
R. were coming mere.
The ladies' tali association of Kaoz
church will hold a bazaar shortly before
Christmas ler the sale of a variety of
organ recital and c.uoert will be .riven in
K.ux Church on the evening of Thurs-
day, Nov. 27th. Prof. Chas. Kelly,
"the m•st promising basso in Canada."
will be the chief attraction. Miss Camp-
bell of S.aforth,and the best Local talent
hate also been secured. As it is long
since so talented and deservedly popu-
lar a vocalist as Mr. Kelly has ap-
peared in Goderich, we trust the citizens
will show their appreciation of musical
Went by turning out a, 110140. to hear
him. We insert below some of Mr.
Kelly's press notices, -Alone in the
Desert," is one of the ►ones Mr. Kelly is
expected to sing in Goderich.
"Mr. Kelly, with an exceedingly fine
bass voice, combining sorority and flexi-
bility to a great degree, sane his .'.lo ex-
ceedingly well." -[Toronto Globe.
"Mr. Kelly went far towards dividing
the honors with Mee. Caldwell. He is
the possessor of a vole« of wonderful
depth and compass, while every note, n..
matter bow low on the scale, was clear
and musical, a tare thing its • basso -"'-
[Barrie Advance.
"Mr. Kelly. from Brampton, rang
'Committed t.. the Deep' in good style.
This is a has. solo, and the manner in
welch Mr. Kelly acquitted himself, drew
forth loud app'ause. s s s s
'Alone in the Desert' by Mr. Kelly, was
sung with splendid effect, and was loud-
ly and deservedly applauded. The ac-
companiment of this song is simply
grand. The sewer is supposed to Iso
lost in a vast desert, and after long suf-
teriug, and when on the verge of the
grave. shout to gir« himself up to die of
hunger and thirst,he hewn the very faint
and hardly preceptible jingle ..f the
camel's be is in the distance, which as it
gradually draws nearer and nearer, grows
louder, inspires him with fresh hope fur
his life, and when at last friends draw
nigh, and rescue hint from the beak and
talons of the vulture, that all the while
is hovering over his head,he gives thanks
in • joyous and soddeu outburst of
music, thrills his hearer,. and makes the
piece as interesting as it is grand."-
1'eterboruah Rev iew.
fancy and useful articles. ermine. The law does not allow the
The infant .on ..t Mr. and Mn Web. (\stag of 1epuors to minors. Vihere did
lingt on Sumill, of Winnipeg. has been that boy get intoxicated ► Still another.
Very ill ..1 gastri.•, fever emu" their re- -A drunken young man wan picked out
tern to their•rthweet home. of the gutter, ,n East mt.. daring the
Rev. Alex. iris, of Hnlmesville, will rain sterni, by Capt Dewey. The rain
ppnnaa�ch in Victoria Street Chursh next was falling heavily at the time, and had
8abbatk. The sub_ jest of the e:oning
discourse will are " \block."
pp Harry (Incas has returned from •
ors of
Hs bfeugtht horse • brapartridge as
teiph;n of his hunting expedition.
Rev. Fr. McMenne will nf!teiate at all
it not been for the timely arrival of the
captain, the unfortunate fellow would
hem been drowned. The men who sold
meant trip to the Suinee d rpt. these boys whiskey, are booming the
Scott Act.
Theses Cowherd, an old G. T R.
empk.y.e at this point. died at Asnrcari
..n Friday last, quite suddenly. Last
year be had ono of his Hogs amputated,
t mw0� T.M1
Money to torn en first -clam secnrtty, haat alto tlsrvicas 1n lit. Peter's eknreh ow
I est per Cent- Chan; OAerate. Sunday n.zt. He will preach his maiden
ACE 11011014.
A.deelt fent, ire 1 sermon after mass in the forenoon.
As 44 empires/front aR propelled
-f�� ---t TntruuxrI Saanox.-A temperature
('1.(refand wall 1 from ssesnon wilt he ed in the Hort
tat.i.uo0 are "awl"' 30 th..pi011 11 Street Methodist Church on Sunday
tins on dry mornin; he was swsslt-
.d in front of the Medical Colter. Vag
Rernal Boone, of Elmira Bennesteselt
at the Cinematic with lie right hand and
the blow being warded off lie repealed
M. operation s.eers1 ties *ith mkthit-
tilg the (lovetmer's face, Ili. then
ed towards a pUs of !obbligati ts, bet
serby Dr. Hoggish* before
he •=1"111 of the sir..,,& iaoene
them roamed to attack the °oversee,
whom HeewghtoS seised held 4 Navas*
Ileo Onyarese slsillowisy resappell his
ea &. boom ins Wand vast
04417 to 1101 to
was aftelted Mleetle
area refused s pantos Gtr s 'Attire had
seaming by the pastor, Ret-. T. M.
A. M Petley, our energetic Centimes,
purchased • new 'bee at Belle-
ville on his Montreal trip. H. intends
piottieg oma Lee septum wsHgcu for the
Alaimo bolsi.
We are to okra that Mips
Asses s111.0 datghtet of ter o1
f a. ria J. C. °enri..hes boon appoint-
ed M Sheel Naga* i• the
Aese petals nea.R1 hist lhiday ermine
in ibm Earth street M tad
orae ert!otic varlets
«sMimonettre N r
sest-ellkatedi e0p1MM
awl resoverwd from the operation. which
wen seeonaf.11y performed. A short
lire dkles he was moved from this point
Amlipart, and it was behoved by his
friends that many years of life were yet
When his. Oa IrM.y, however. we
learn he sowa soddenly stricken down,
and .spired shortly slier. His lioner.l
took plant from the station to the Med-
iated e.maf ry ow Mnrdsy of ernn.w.
Ole \shoves bare the sy by .f an
who taw them is this
As i.... ..Hn Bryn Law. -it need
to be tbee elle that besim-sa firms who
gave weak to employees of the Orand
Track railway were ambit M .thin
their m...y by olealmlisa, resets the
hood .lees of the ime, where the
Isobel had is be efFw*ere at Wm.
teal. Aselw.atdweatt•*/ the Division
Doort ad, psm 4 !t/ tare Oporin
lateroiselsembm,rlMwerfatd .
Items or Interest to the tees w M rlow the
The force of the wind en Wedr.eday
night was from 50 to 52 miles an hour.
The schooner Limit ur,ugbt a load of
coal here on Sunday for the North Am-
erican Chemical Co.
The schooner G. J. Ketlfatte, from
Wallaeeburg, arrived on Monday night
with stares for P. McEwen.
The schooner Elgin arrived in Port on
Tuesday evening from Serpent River
with a cargo .of lumber for H. Secord.
The United Empire arrived in port on
Thursday morning in • howling storm,
and was weather button a ge.d portion of
the day.
Tbe areal Are Role.
Ml should bear in mind that voting
cn the Scat Act in this empty takes
place on Thursday, Oct. 30th. Those fa-
vorable to the Act should mark their bal-
lot thus :-
F.,r th. Pr1ition.
.fgi«at the Petition.
rhs.eery RMsate. Ur of Brae set Hawn
flee TvsaL
The following u the list .of cause set
down for hearing for 23rd (lowborn, 181114,
before Mr. Justice Pn.udtout.
Ramsay ie. Mellwain--Meyer & Dick-
son for pOB. ; Holutstead for deft.
Hamm es. Comyybell-Wade for OIL;
Carrow & Proudfoot for deft
Ryan es. Ryan- Oampiva for plf;
Denary for deft.
Morley re. M..rl.y-Garrnw & Promd-
fo of f..r pa.; Cameron, Hult & Ca eceu.
fur deft.
Cure re. Ontario Loan f1oeisty-C.s-
eron. Holt It Cameros► fur pllt ; Hoists,
Meyer & Wilson for Co. ra Santee!' -- Elliott foe
pill. ; Hall for deft.
Canada Salt Co. et. Hensel! Salt Ca-
Garrow et Prouafuut for plat; Cameron,
Bolt A Csnneron f•,r deft.
().ekes r.+. ( lakes -(\arrow & Proudfud
for p{ltf ; Ansley for deft.
Morrison r.. Merman--Dancey for
pllf. ; Smith d- White f.,. deft.
Naftal r.. Murphy --Davison & John-
ston for pltf.; Garr.w S: Preudh•nt and
Catuer.u, Holt A Camernn f. r dells.
Farewell awpprr - to sir. 'Mkt.
On the evening of Tuesday last a num-
ber of young gentlemen met et Mr.
Bingham's restaurant. for the purples of
giving a supper to Mr. .1. H. Vidal, of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in
honor of his departure shortly for To -
rent., Nothwithstendtng the wretched
weather the gathering was large, show-
ing a iicltlaively that the gentleman wttu
may lilt Mr. Vidal is place, financially,
may find Rome difficulty an doing .a
soTially. On ace t of .other attrac-
tions in the town and the bad night,
some who were anxious to be there were
unavoidlably atsent, but the deficiency
in this respect tray I•er,ely counterbal-
anced by the enthusiasm of those pres-
eat. Mr. Bingham's preparations were
moat carefully and satisfactorily made,
and it is needless to say that aiuple jos-
tice was done to what he had provided_
The party was composed almost entirely,
of members of the l,detich cricket olid,
the guest of the evening being one et
the most popular and effictent men in
that organization. The chair was man -
pied by Mr. Stark, cai -.sin of the dish.
and the rice do. by Mr.Prottdfosot. Both
gentlemen discharged their duties ad-
mirably. The first health drunk was be
Her Majesty, and this opened a long
list. The toast to the guest rf the eras -
in„ was meet enthusiastically responded
to while the r.rang with the strias
of "He'sa jolly good fellow." Mr. Vidol
acknowledged the compliment in a sheet
but highly appropriate speech, exprts•-
ing his regret at lea:•ing town, and the
certainty of hie carrying away with kis
many most pleasant remembrances. The
health of the ladies was loudly greeted
and excellently ruaponded to by Menem
Ridder and McPhillips in two [twat
happy eff,rts,the former especially shoe-
ing extensive and intimate knowfedE.
&. well as high appreciation, Tf the web-
ubject. The fun was kept up tall an early
boar the next morning, a greet maw
toasts being drunk. and every gentleman
in the party having a chance to air his
eloquence. Itrmediately before break -
tug up, in token of respect and sinsets
regret, the memory of the late Major
Cunke was drnt,k in silence. Then after
God gave the Queen and Auld bog
Syne, the party dispersed haviug spent a
crust enjoyable evening.
LIla.e17 news.
The November Har'per's will
Wm. Blank's story of 'Judith kes-
pear.," with an illustration by Abbey.
and bring E. P. Roe's "Natures Serial
Story," with Dielman's and (liheon s il-
lustrations, within one instalment of the
c.oelusi..n. Mr. Treadwell Walden's
pietores.ttte studies of "The Great H.11
of William Rufus" will also be complet-
ed in this number, and the illustrations
will be especially rich, including three
fell•pp.aIte relates. One not them -Vu
Dyck's "Charles the First and Henrietta
Marfa," .agrared by Chinon from the
o,isisal pointing -will be the frontis-
piece to the Number. Some fine art
work is promised in Reinharts illttetra- of "Norman Fisher f..Ik" and in
Alfred Parson's studies of plant life in
"4 Day with Sir Joseph Rocket at
• Kew " the English botanical grrd.r,
land Gibs on'..1 "Chrysanthemum*. A
1 paper on Columbia College, richly Mos -
grated, will centimes its history fn.m tat
reorganization ..f King's College to As
present remarkable development Aw
drew Lens, who ie the editor el the
English edition of the ntasatdw.. i 141
have a paper on Mydn.y Smith, i1lestr5t-
ed. Abbey will .1so wwetribwte a fs11-
t1aee illustration of 43.rtt'a poem, "To •
loggia" Mr. 1'. A Millet writes no
the recent art ern petiiiees. i0 which he
tree nee ret the jwkKw sed the historian
'real Putman on "The Amita.
Tragedy." in whitil was involved the
episode of Eesllgalins Amine the
stories of the Number will he ewe by
Mn Market Plasma Sp.En 'I."new
(Isle. IMltas of los aa.w. et Lyon
fie ailtan deirrissai .re eat rieg fres
IM epetalbse IR a tines-p•M•acr.
The Railway Quea*lea.
'Prows the Lis -towel Standar.
The atxtoment is made, but upon what
authority we are not aware, that the
Canadian Pacific Railway authorities
have promised te extend their lira. Us
Amieweh, !tail that &lose is spoken ai•als..
the point frwn which rho extension vii ---
•s talkie. Should there be any folaadl•
tion for this report, it inherit -es see
council and citizens to take .tops to kilos
the line come thr.ugh Listowel. (Trois
its geocrwphtcal positios this tows lila
in an almost direct line between Elan
and (i..derich. Connection with the
Colada Pacific system would be of wet
benefit to this place. and t.. allow Ilin
toad to be (-obstructed and not to this
Gown would nit outride!. Our coastal
and Board of Trade shoul.i therefore 1.
on the qui sir..
Frew the Goatee Mercury.
The statement tilt the Cansdiaa As-
citic Railway authorities bare promise*
to extend than. line to Goderich, sed
that Elora i. spoken of as the point Iran
which the intesse's will bo made, r
pat the promoters of the Guelph Jtfee-
bhM tut. on tit. ./0. ren. Witt: • lies
from Gelerich to 3.•on connection'
the northern hewer, and one
I (iwlph to i.esi,. eunectititr riitIt Ike
main line. the people whom the exteasiese
is seeing to affect would surely nut suer
the intervening distance of thirteen alba
between E'..ra mid this city to eland he
the way of the advantage which .usese-
tion with the main tine would give them.
ft es now M order to ormaider hoer do
rotten/Soo d the (Wwelpk Janetios /sir
way through to Oodereh would &Mn
tot it toe taken .s in a bsaniebYe
manner and diastts..d with the ase es-
erey as that which the temple of Mld.e-
rich are deploring : and .s this anew*
Ames ,.e :he face ..f it the erwatesk ei-
vestagsa all round, .n en agitation .ea
be !made to return the wean
tied saeseeshl molts.
The Reheat Greece.\ a
erwNvitle has endorsed the IMO