HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-17, Page 88 M--- se 1 cleat..* ass show. SEM Netwitbste sdiajj As heavy rain Dist prtatreil•d of Wodes@lay, the Fath Inst„ a Wye anaphor of &protean§ and eahibi- r tors attended at the Ashfield and Waw. - owes fall show which was held .t Dati- 1 w meson on that day. As many of over T readers will doubtless, be iuterented in J a the a mpetitiuu, e• give the molt, whisk nYfollows h• • THF PR/LY LIST. 1 WAVYDYACiMT aoano, Brood awe haring raised foal in 1884, Thus Aader.nu., W Kaiser. M Two year old fil)y, J u Stewart - One year old 511y, W C Pater. One year odd Bottling, tie, May. Foal el 1884, !ether Grew 2 Win 1l Yaiese. Heavy draught team, J 0 Stewart. £ORJI't'LTt'kAL MUk,da,e Brood mar•, having railed fuel in 1884, Ili John Mollwaio, 2 Win Dunkeld. Two year old filly, Paul Reid, 2 J 0 1 Stewart. Twoear oil ge:din,;, Thus Anderson, 2 Wm Mallougn. Ou• year old filly, 1'4111 Reid, 2 Jame, I Rtae Foal ut 1884. 1 and 2 John Mcllwain. Span general purpose horses, John McIlwein, 2 Saw..el McDonald. ROOD A!U csitalstat nORrit.- Broad mare, having raised foal is 1884, Hugh Cervirt, _ ! Young Two year old gelding, John Mcllwain, 2 John Pentland Una veer old Dilly, Wm Cunningham Foal of 1884, A Yount, 2 High (iir- Yia Span carriage horses, %V C Potter. Span punts, A Nur.: X Sproul, 2 John Manin. Buggy Lone, Joseph Feagan, 2 A Young. Special, by A Allen, John McHsdy. THna(,l't,IItitED .. ATTLF., lib Mild! cow, having raised calf in 1884, to Thus Andenou, 2 WU' Kilpatrick. 'I'wu Year uld heifer, Win Kilpatrick. lb One ; ear uld heifer, Wiu *halloo jh, 2 Paul tteld. Heifer calf of 1884, 1 and 2 Thos An - demon. ..t Buil calf pf 1834, «-m Kilpatrick. at Aged bull 2 years cId and over, John n 3lallough, 2 Wm Kilpatrick. t•FA,•Trites. Herd, th-ee causal and one male,' 10 yds all w•, ., ufuth-J 0 Stewart, 2 Thee ThAnderson. 1\ to McKnight, THE HURON SIGNAL, F1DAY, OCT. 17, 1884. V wteTAXLIIa Four awed veritable potatoes, peek each 1 and 2 A lta.be,letln, Fire beads csbbeate-U.. Harris. 2 Fred lt,•biunta. Nine Wuud beau -lino Ilerrie, 2 H Cinema Nine IYaa4oltes-A Roberto's, 2 Sand Alton. Num Swede turnip.- cies Haran, 3 Nb liaaie- Nina long uraw carrots H Curses. 2 A Sproul. Nies white Belgian carrots -Henry Careen, 2 A Kirkpatrick. Niue early horn carrots --Geo Harris, 2 A Sprawl. Peek onions Geo Harris, 2 Henry Curwen 12 ears corn -u., Harris, 2 Henry Curweu. 12 pumpkins -Geo Harris, 2 N P Ori•raw, 12 Squash 0 Harris. 4 Water weluns--Juba Gloats, ugly 3 exhibited. 4 Heade cauliflower --Tan Hamilton. t: Heads celery -Geo Harris. 4 Citrons Geo Harris, _ Tho Hum Ilton, only 3 exhibited. Collegian garden treletahlos-Andrew Sproul, 2 Fred 1G,binem. 1•AIRY. :, lbs table butter --Hugh (hrvut, 2 Tho Anderson. 20 Rn packed butter in crock-- Hugh Garvin, 2 Chas Girvin Jar honey -Get. Harris, 2 John Mal- 0ug 6 Ib* h..ney in comb -Ge, Harris Loaf keine-made bread -John Mal - lough, 2 Geo Harris Loaf bakers' bread-PHamlen. AWOL Mm beard wul and dussamaker. MVO to **apace t t• eke has r u..t&y iwa ad 1. r< at sad ether soda YS to �.". a Swat* the Wise of ti* seater wit the latest wales end ewes iD aIRlsery eel MOW Deessiasiowr Nee. t'erefd0 s1- te.drd to by ezp.iyteauod work amen. Chaises isogonal,. 11it-li Deltar• 0. M. Kilt'''. birdmen ••f thilo pucka school was closed on Wednesday L4tst. Mr. Kitty was attending the w.ddieg ti his sister near C,ttan. Part of the Lord's Army. of the Wiag. ham detachoseut, have arrived et last. Capt. Auborne and .other members of *MI Army have held very sueveseul meetings at nitwit of the app,antwetim un the Ash. field circuit,Methudist church. March Greeu, V.$., and wife were is tar midst this week, leading goodbye to his father-in-law, D. Cumming, and other friends. nefore leaving to eettlejM Iowa, where he intends to practice his prtdessiou. Den as Asnoaa.-.On Sunday after- noon one of our residents came scow a tishenusn whose craft lied been driven int., the beach by the storms ..f Saturcay night. He was u.vitml to &Stn', the hill and partake of the hospitality of our architect, te whom he gave an axount of A 1 his adventures, te14nZ hie host he tn. A 1 h tended to ask the Minister .1 81 ' to DON'T RUN AWAY arms have a harbor here. He resumed his sail e„ rust( fur the lishiog grounds Tuesday morning. YRe lT. Loals6122. 4 toed varieties winter a 4 of - ut Pales, t,ch-Chu Durniu, 2 Thos Anderson. 4 named varieties fall apples,4 of each -Chas Du , 2 Win Mullcugh. 2 named varieties of Gro Har- ris, 2 John Gleno. Collection s repos -Gnu Harris, 2 Chas Durnin. Plats peaches -Thos Harris, 2 John Glenn. Plate crab apples -Thos Harris,2 Tho Plate quince-Juhn Gleun, 2 Geo, Harris. ° ottani' d•.trr.e. Milch col( having raised calf in 1884. John McClean, 2 Thus Anders -.u, :1John y McClean. '1 Two year 01.1 heifer, Hugh Girvin, 2 John Jiallough. 3 Hugh Garvin. Ono year old heifer, John McClean. { Steer calf of 1834, Hugh Girvie. 2 W- 4 1' Grierson, i Heifer calf of 1884, 1 and 2 Thus An- derson. Fatted ox or .,tear, I and 2 thigh Girvin. Fatted cow or he,fer, Thos Anderson, 2 Hugh Girvin. Yoke working c :en. J 0 Stewart, 2 John Liddy. 1'oke two year old steers, 1 and 2 Htt;h Girvin. Yoke 000 year „:d steers, Hugh Girvin. Special for best steer calf of 1884, got by Double D.. John McClean. S for beet heifer calf in 1884, got by Double D., Thor Anderson. Pair game- Ed Hogan, 2 A Kirkpat- . rick. Pair white Leghorn- Ed Hogan, 2 A SprouL Pair brown Leghorn --Geo Harris, 2 Ed Hogan. Pair Plymoth Rack -H Morris, 2 A ) Sproul. t Pair Bramah-Ed Hogan, 2 Ed Ho- On - Pair black Spanish --H Morris. ' Pair Dorking's --A Kirkpatrick, 2 A Kirkpatrick. Petr Hamburgs 1 and 2 A Kirkp.t- rick, i Paio bantams --1 and 2 Kirkpatrick. 1 Pair barnyard -Ed H..gau. 2 A Kirk- patrick. Pair ducks -John Saunders, 2 Wm Kilpatrick. aIILRP-..mc�� .DNI, T!fel5 aRAf•F.+, Ag^d ram- J t t Stewart, _ Jas Lane. Shearlusg rant -J d ► Stewart, 2 James Lane. M Pur aged Coves raisin; lambs in 1864 - . John Glenn. 2 .1 0 Stewart, 10 yds union cloth -Chas Durnin, 2 Thea moods 10 yds w.e.1 flannel-- Win McKnight. 10 yds motel flannel -1 and 2 Chis Durniu. Pair wool blanket. -J u Stewart, 2 John Glenn. LAU(L DYPLRTIt2TT. Crochet work -Me J T Embroidery in muslin - Mrs J T Graham, 2 Samuel Alton. Braiding --1 and 2 Mn J T Graham Toilet cover -Thos Woods. lntintacassar-Mrs J T Graham. (Bead work -Mrs J T Graham, 2 Mu Woods. Fancy knitting ---Tho. Hamilton, 2 W C Putter. Rey. J. McMillan, of Mount Forest, preached in the Ashtidld Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Quite a number from this district at- tended the Lucknuw fall show on for IOtn inst. All seem to speak of it as a success and much ahead of any former show held in that phaco, Miss Fiore A. Finlayson, of Glencoe, who has been visiting among her many friends iu this locality during the past month, returned home on the 10th inst., aceoutp.nnied by her a,usin, -Miss Christy Ross, of Huron. John Cameron, of this place, who joined the noble army of benedtcts ..n the 2nd inst.., ta:.iu_ for his spouse Miss Isabella McCharles, daughter of the Tate Donald Mcenar.es, 1st con. of Huron, purposes moving shortly to Ftagler, Iowa, where he and his fair partner intend to wake their home We wish them secoeu and happiness wITM Tea IDaa TaaT vertisements in THE SIGNAL are not read. NEW SUBSCRIBERS 'POURING IN who read oar owe 116111611111ent offering The Signal The appointment •.f the day for voting I on the Scott Act in this county has struck activity end energy• into the friends of the Act in this district. The committees are at work. ineetin,s are being organiz- ed, and on the evening of the 30th we. expect to be able to send to headquarters; the report that o'd "N,,. 3.' Ashfield, has given a good majority for the Act. I 1 IFancy patch work -Mrs J T Graham. Patched quilt in wool -Chas Detrain, 2 Mrs J T Graham. As 11r1•.red Ia tie 1mamas of •.r Ont. Patched quill in cotton -Chas Durnin, side f•■rww•oraries, a Tho Hamilton. - - Fe.ther flowers ---1 and 2 Tho Woods. Joseph J. Monkley. of Bownsant-ille. Hair flowers -Chu Durniu, 2 Samuel dropped dead from heart disease whsle Alton. digging potatoes in his garden. Paper flowage -Join Mallough. Somebody has discovered the astonish Berlin wool flat -1 and 2 Thos Woods. ging tact that among the 1,000 convicts in Embroidery in worsted or silk -Thus I the Virginia penitentiary there is not 1Yo,ods• single lawyer. Berlin want flumen -Chas Durnin. Linen shirt, handmade, unwashed- I Manitoba e.../*noHenderson, a Cree Indian, one of the Linen s, , n r,.,rI. for Egypt, Thor Hamilton. died on board the Ocean King before the i Linen shirt, machinemade, unwashed- I vessel arrived at Gibraltar. Thus Hamilton, 2 Thos Anderson. Pair knit mitts, homemade -Hugh The funeral of the four victims of the ) Cumminsvllle Powder Mill esplusioe Rutherford, 2 Thus Hantilsn. , took place on Saturday. Culp, the to Pair keit ateckinrs-Hugh Rather- 1 man, s nut ured iyet out of danger. ford, 2 Thom Hamilton. ; Pair knit socks --Thos Hamilton, 2 in an inr.oview pn Mlonday Mr. Good Hook Rutherford. . erham, of l:oult:tha n tC Worts, added Sofa cushion -Thus Woods that the tirm was perfe:t:►- indifferent as to the final result of the Scott Act tight Pillow shams -Hu,h Rutherford. Point leer Thus Anderson, 2 Mrs .1 she would cease the manufacture of T Graham. whiskey ar soon as the people ceased J[scrswe work -W C Potter, 2 Thnm drinks,,*. t�'ooda Burglars broke into the Bowmanville Crazy patch work-- Thos Anderson, 2 I'ost Ottice on Saturday night. They Mrs J T Graham. , cut a hole through the back dor, drilled a hole in the safe with a view to destroy White counterpane --W l' Potter. Wog l cuunterpmoe-Juhn I:Ailir. the combination, but failed; A large lot ut tools was left. J t' Dons. 1t is reported at Ottawa that John THE WORLD OVER. H t•. x e:' -CN frust NOW until 1st JAN. 1886 tte..Knaltha tl.v 1 ! A mel:-ipin tea stork of . a Dorl'r OVsa&WOK THIS 1 11 I1LL P81 NU TI *Ilf BILL PM iii To SIMI III A *MOONY Yawn 12 Horse Power McPherson t Co's Make. kli stlurd, For Only $15.00. SHINGLES. t Leo( .t 1 l'edar 8kugh•w. beet cut. la num- bers 1 and I. at rodu:;ed prtoss. 'ai1 n., C. A. HUMBER At the Fuuwlry. Ooderich. Oct. 16th, Wit. 11111)-t w Wilton's Prrscriptitt DR Store. less arks '.tag:, e.°.r oath. a .. ti suss" taoat q J011hI IacTAllJART FAMILY GROCER, ►MRSIM S LLII NMI BUTCHER Victoria Street, OPPOelTZ SHOW GROUND. AU tie most Papula uud Ituuabla i Pa!en1MecesT EA Ss of the day kept tD stock. Sole Agent for Seigel's Pills, co aeThera is o ssasuple my mist ot meth • Lclemi r ow f '1 beows Ttrade. Ointment and Syrup. Awes ae.re•.g. ibrwuar Penne. 1'« / roe r«. • slogs. r'eaaeo. kal.ew. Pel Inas, Pelee sem-betas. JAS. WILSON God.v.ch- Oct 11th, 1#t. 1961 COAL. All kinds of Hard Oast on Mai yp.m sall q uan t.l y .1 t :,e s elrbrat.0 Straitsville Lump Soft 1i1. Fiend in your or.:. -r. w'dle the wrutbrr fs fair for els:eery. T. N. DANCEY. l:oderic b, Oct. lath. lilt I9r:.t f C. CRABB -11 As The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: C3ROCERIES_ Oran:::ate.t',: sr, 11 Ib.. t..r flits: by the lb. lOr. teller sugar. in proportion. emgars cash oa deli t ery. TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Black Tea at egeal to any :Ar. Tea in On- tario: Fitter Blanks at .1e.:. sad :Sr. Gere Teas --Young Hysoa, from 3Se. to war, Gun- powder Te.. 3a•.: the hoes: Imported, :Sv. Ib. .t t cry line Japan dotting u Yt.c. Ib. DR? G OOD8. Prints to close at prices to astonish. Factory Cdwtoa, yard wide. by piece at G-.; narrow% r at Se. A Ane lot of Gros Grain Dress Silk,. at Tic.. worth I1.Z. $aRDrcvr.A.MIC. Pair *holding ewes-- John Glenn. G Pair ewc lambs -John Glenn, 2 J O Stewart. Ram Iamb-- James Lor►, 2 J 0 Ste. - art. Lige d'EMT El:. AN*. ;tlrIR'Mann. Aged rano-Alex 1-.. u n g, 2 J 0 Btwart. Shearling ram -.i l ► swear', S J t► wart. Pair aged a+ea mieltra Wake in 1884 --Jae 11 .ee, 2 J O Stowe& Pair shearltng ewes -H Csrwen, 2 J O Stewart. lePair ewe lambs -J 0 8twart, 2 James Idose. Ram Iamb -H Cnrw.a.2 J 0 Stewart. PIUr-RRRRaII IRR. • Boar -S Alton, 2 .yea Leine. Row that has raised pigs in 1884 -.Ino McClean. II Iron beam plough -Joe Row, 2 (• sI p. Brawn. Oen horse cultivator -Chaney Brown, 2 Jae Rose. Straw outtet-las Rosa Tare'', cutter .las knee. Irvin pbegh r.eom saeed*d fur prize, Maar, Brown. j ..sats, da ht ✓F.,.,t, Boar -Wm Jackman, 2 11 Morro. Sow having rated pigs in 1884 -- H Moms Boar any other bel- T:tornas An- derson. Sow any cam timed -Thur. ,tndenion. 2 A Young. iorsoosMs. rangeres.l mon Portortch, jr., \Yilllam Page, Government Engineer of Canal., Cattlee-Jolttn Coulte., Belgrat•e, tom. thlas e he'wht ,f the banks ring an e.f the for increasing Dunkeld. Thos. Anderson. Canal two feet, eo that the C. P. R. steam - Fowl -Same as horses, en on the upper lakes can pate through Sheep, swine and implem ruts -John I without lightening at Pott Colborne. (Ionic, Joseph engem, A. Bell. The conquests of photography are still 1 I:rain and vegetables -P. Mahon. ; advancing.It was not man ears ago Puslinch:F inlay Anderson E-11'awanoeh' ! could Thos Motriah, Colborne. when the phutnttrapher who could catch Dairy, fruit and manufactpr-$ j open its sensitive plate the face of a baby dest*array. (:eon Stewart, B. J. rawflrrd Zine its brief periods of tnr,d-natured Luray. work Ids ,8. J. . ron, 1 111.em' ling was regarded as a very chart'. Graham, Hattie L. McDonald. Ing person, as well as a skilful manipu• Igator. But we have lately earn walloping 1 hones, putting steamboats, and rushing Lomas. express trains pictured in the camera as by a stroke of lightning. Ph•.tngrapby Mrs. Redwin end Non, of Weston,dgites also extended its triumphs to the visited Mr. Carnegie lea weal. skies, and given us ppictures not only of Sickness of various kinds hat been the sun and man, but of comets, stars, prevalent hereabouts daring the past few and even those glimmering ghosts of weeks space. the nrbu!rr. That latest teat of PAI\Ft 1. .t...itteey,-One day taut the photographer is said to have been week, James, son of Wm. Strachan, the taking of the likeness of a tiger to while playing about the house, fell and the a It of striking down w buffalo. If broke one of his legs just above the knee.this sort of thing goes on we may expect The child is now doing well. future trarellen to ittestrale their range The lliaaas Jane and Bessie Foth thrilling adventures by the aid of instae- ham, of Teekersmtth, were L taneous ph.•tnlfr.phy. friends here last week, and during their Errss t oco i. -O rs-tt•i, Awn t'osrrrwrF- ay were the (pasta of Jamas Linklater. tor+. - By a th tnwwt«yte of the tut. rel 1*w. who- to ern rhe nit • ear of Joe Stalker, et Ashore. who is sow 1 1ia•etlon and nutrttMn, and by a carr attending (b eetieh Hight School, spent a I ;:Ips's iM1 4 000ott. t Mr. Epp, reit.. prof iotrol •O�e� oomph, of days here with his chums, Pate f bnwkfaet table. with a 11.11eetrly flat mnred Stewart and Tommy Wright. I be%craze whin -h shay sere us risen) hear, do•toni Mlls. It Is AJJ tote jndiriou. nae of I. 0. C. T., No. 413, have.egcared the st.rh article. of Met tsar a ceastitution miff ser,iese of 18. Res. John (4fey, of CRs. 4 'tally bout rip nate ain,ng on. ), a nn, to dimities the 8o,tt Act, pa There- of 'cry tenArooy to dLrur. HanrTnb Two bushels fall wheat -Thos Ham - Stop, 2 Henri Careen. Two bushels spring wheat --Thomas Ramiltun, 2 W C Putter. Two ba.heI barley ---Thos Hamilton. $ John Ialk•Id. Two bushel. peas large John Salk otld. Tao beshel& pest wall -Jima Lane, Seat Ahern foe boo. oats ---John fialkeld, 2 weeatatwid, btlrrr...wllee ere domino around •• y, 23rd lest. Other @pothers Dye sx- reedy to attack wherever there le a weak nt. 'P . may ~ape loan) % fatal abaft b posted. Mosta will he gtren. How sway rain clerks hop with the orb that esast from machine at Geo. Graham's wlwtanfd as lih.ppardto,n items last week. 4 bushels rt( oats to the mimte wet threshed here, and cor- ned by one grain clerk. Maw Garratt, of Ilaltim ,r., is the rich- est wtwarvied lady�Is the United Skits.MhoMle tweetr-eS11 yews old. Elbe is a mot aestimpla.bad woman, sad se afspert repine ourselves well fortified with Iteraass a properly nourished fr,- - te" , (Mole, - Made saute .ly warm ow milk. Bela e. r In i r.MPr. Thr.. lelb. an.1 Ik i, by 3 I FOR $1.50_ ALWAYS PAID IN ADVANCE 25 cents! pry for the " trial trip " UNTIL let JAN. No N EEU FOR BORROWING. 00 TO KNIGHT'S TOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.0 11111111to 11LACISIITH SHOP. mimicTO THE JC RICHARD NA\ has re -opened Lewis Mott s its shop the old stead, one done trove Wh y'u Hotel. Mr. Rewlaw been e. *nate Ergsa: l n.. lloltwwopwahlM CMmI@b1. sn'nlny.d In Thermn(. hop. Clinton. for seven Ttpllag's g eterlrt London Ene ' I lie ears at II Aalgtta. Hy the lie,. Mr. Caswell, Oet. fah. hart, i Ow family r uMAenox West N'awano.h, Cook Cooof BHeeholm. to Mn Si Ka. West Wswaaa 5�I�@►,e►t w Re..•Mt Ilse` lesM►' Oct.('"s yL" q» bit of Kee ('trial tea Ya oast hosimilmfour yauae; Pao - =;s glee( • e rwMeferlag- @led eo asi. provost lien dela" so. �ett/ae-t(p% �cfewtr Moa pt+Mr a Ont work w tt. A e ewe - WINO ow n* oft* NIL e `•pedes and Shovels. all Drew the best maker. PLINTS IND 011.8. We keep none het the best. and sell them at same price as Commonest. ti'ietegar a specialty, and warranted fire :rom mineral acids. A good sepal of Glass and Builders' Hard. ware on hand. C. CRABS Goderieb. lone 9atb. 19x1. uteew My Pier fur Kagan., t'aantd Goads emacs, !taro, Tuition). nice. and general stuck GROCERIES IA di cwuport• favorably with any la the tae. Ikrf. Iamb. Mattes. Pork. steeled lion. Cblelnena and t►u:k. of fbr Seat yasitty. Orden left will hate prompt attention. JOHN )1A. TAGGART. Gederieb. Sept. lath. 1154. HMI -ern FACTS!! FACTS!! FACTS!! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Sugars, Teas, Coes .0 8eaea1 Groceries, Crockery 3 Glassware at Rock Bottom Prices, l50 Doz. FRUIT JARS JUST ARRIVED_ Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN, ottn Hones Selmate.Oederieh Jinn.' 19th. 1)t6L SELLING OFF I 43IVI2V O UP MIT 8INE88_ .t. I am *',out to remove front Goderich. 1 will sell off my ENTIRR STOCK of 1Cillinery, Dress Goods, Falacy Goods, & c At Largely Reduced Rates. tit lag If pee rear. of for 1'aaa. My present stork is larger than that of any previous *repo, as i haveust added. before decidingto remove, of er swiss s• is seta •ir flew t.•ed.. The whole to be cleared Dent WYflOyI(ks DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, Also ready made Orontes or Muir to order. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR KITCHEN CABINETS The most convenient and useful article of Household Farnham. ever Invented, and they are offend at Molt reasonable rates. we int its you to rail and Inspect them, /WEUodertck, nee dooD kAtititit rtle 0.L W� MclKenzf 1 , Hardws a Millinery and Fury lloado Hlousr e. Godericb, Oct. 16th, 1864, ,_ 0. H. Cita 14-74414. HMG -13 DTTNI.,OP FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ FALL AND WINTER STOCK FULLY ASSORTED. Satisfaction Assured in Style and Pits; LTRemember the Place West street, next door to Bank o[i%treal. Ira DUNLOP. NEW SURAH SILKS, NEW VELVETS, NEW PLUSHE.s NEW SATINS, NEW DRESS 00oDS, NEW JERSEY CLOTH. AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. New milk Tweeds and Coatings at J. O. DETLOR b Oo's iIke theft FRr Trimmings J. C. DETLOR at Co