HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-17, Page 7rale HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, cera 11, 1sb4. Tun arkb Fancy. A Beads neves salla so keine' 'an ielehesg.' Oh, no ! tis always speaks Of it M 'a dusting .ggreg hers of tangible frigidity-' The Mashie with that portion of the Irish pees•atry which is ionising and well a'.w iwg is that tum may nuke spoil the WOO of a boy. As Liberty girl hast wit daitiuct palates, and it is awful t.. think of the cones .tueen, to one ..t thea, preferred ►w- awtta std the ether oysters. The romantic resides is wetting ready for $11. &die u leaf, the aterpillur, the 'striped aaake and a sweet old {7oulnsnue wild mature. It the girls will play I.tsebaU they must 'onset to pet hart. We read that a young lady in Michigan has Leen sev- erely injured by the bite of a bat. It is reported thpt half a dozen Zeeland girls are taking • tromp til the A$irgadacka L is w be hoped that they will leave Wm then. hemmer sow will master eft To •setter Itot and alallaa region. Then we'll of or eolith. Air= I1l& whew same M legion. A man who can give away a thousand dollars 'without feeling it,' gives the mosey in the form •1 r. check, 4 course. By that means he not only doesn't feel it, but he doesn't even see it. }touseholb Tont'. Cemour. --The srrauteneet .o/ our WWII end the taaaag emus of our bum- pif.lilitie., tm be truly agreeable and tavttintt, meat out have east as endue es panful did. The elersedgeetetTdtth- ed drawtug-ruuni dress ail its dons sod sttractiveuen when we disxoter that It has leen adorned et the expense of the tastily comfort. or health or educative. An exchange has en article beaded 'Starved to Death.' On the same page u another article entitled 'Died front (Iver- eatiawgg It seems a pity that au average oonMs't have been atrucd. I mess kedged a very peony young lady dust was always dreamed in white, in Summer. She looked so cool and to white, and so sweet, that of de was w cat her Gager, you'd think she mita Weds ioe-kream we didn't know sash ether, and the bum An Sallee' Trireme. Theron P. Keaa(oa.ad had to intrudes* os.'-[tlt Louts ("rids. The tress rsMtMs. .Thed. mita who ore s y tearod If hasdeulae due/More is in a quandary he engages as a ssbman the usual dash- es/ young peau the shames are that tin dashing y. m. will dash ni with one 01 the handsome daughters. If he eugages ream ..Id fellow the chances are that the The splendor eat an eutertainumist tads- spirited horse will dna i eat with lust. tints u.. hewer when ii r found to be the Un the one heed the hel)piasae of the result of • mom permiw..ay and persist- (ashy is in danger of bees" wrecked. stat pt.riug iu other directions. Ou the other hand the family itself te iu young 'walltier of being wrecked by a runaway Tee Yot'xu -To accustom they teaaul. It aoeuet to be the*ltctnattve be- te b*antlt..d'iseven more twpartaetthan !ween •runaway horse and a runaway No u.dw•e skew to kern and W k1wr. daughter. The only remedy appears to ',Nisei they think out with their ewe th..uliht. mad work out with their owe bands u worib tar .were W them than tray amount ul passive reception •.f ether awe'. ti .ul hu.tr dotugt,even through the very best books or the ery brat teachers. Tet the c'tild feel, Let merely that be is preparing for something in the future, bet that he is also brie a true end real lite in the present, taking kis own share of work and regtw • lenity, strengthening hie puwete by c•.uttnwal action, and building up his character by continual we{bd•,iiyl. t'xrJat'xSTK 1.4v in. -An unfortunate lite is our of the leading causes .4 both physical cud moral disease. One mi jht write sit entire volume upon the subject. Nulaerula e•aluples of the effects of au uulisppy hfe may be observed every day. Every child knows of them. An unhap- py life u like dual iu the machinery of a cluck. It makes it opo badly -even pre for the reappearance of the "star t. venin it from Booing at all Mutt when Bethlehem The theory eoomening I l fore purchasing elsewhere. be that p memuthas en abaftpet evaokutan s eligible yodel box. This opens • sew field fur our young society mea who at preseut acted all the .lay idle. '1 would like a pualtion as coachman,' the young mast will say to :he old mein. 'VI hat te your genealogy f' asks 1..e ancient. '1 crud from the eldest Mauhnttan fatuities, the Schneiders and the &cheer - ierhendze&but�l.' 'What an your prospects it, life f' 'I have $10,000 a year at present and j expectations.' That's all right. By the way, can you drive r ilur of Ft. W Ind., Oswalt, write : 'Fur the past 1s yeses I hate always used Dr. Kith's New Di.ouvsfy for morglia et usost ends cement, as well as to these uta welder type. 1t awe, tails to effect a speedy cure, My triads to whom I have re- commended it speak of it In same high terms. Haring been cured by it of every Dough I have had for five years, I wo- nder it the mill reliable and sure cure for--ou.hs, cele, etc.' Call at Wilsey' Drug Swore _rod get a Free Trial Bettie. forge sine $1.00. t=) 'Oh yes ' I keep • f•,ur-in-hand. 'Then cunatder yourself engaged.' The star elf eeablebea. Astronomers are looking expectant) DON'T RUN AWAY A Hans.AaM• Ildit@set. Mrs Mary A. Dsiley,ot Tv.khaseriek, Pa., was witted fee s4z gears with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, dunes( which time the best physicians owld give no relief. Her life was deepatnu uf, until iu hat October she preened a bottle of Dr. King's New Disourery, whets itemedia!t relief was telt, and by ountinuing its sae for • short time she was completely cur- ed, ttainini; In lt.sb 50 lbs. in a few months. Free Trial Bottle of this oertain cure of all Threat and Lang Dianne et Jaa. Nile en's Drug Store. Largo Bottles $1.00 :4) Iw Wm law "Nu : she lingered ad suffered : oug, "pining all the time fur years. the doe - "tors doing her no gond ; and at List was 'cued by this Hop Bitten the paper's "ay so much about. Indeed : indeed ' "hew thankful we should be fur that "'medicine Field and Ciao Seeik The subscriber is now prepared INSURANCE CARD. NR1TI*H A. CO', TononTo--katotl. id tax Pitatlei X Ills. C:YT. of Lemnos Ragtsall- lesiataMked 111. ■ARTIoK»» CILYY. se Wain MAP Cartes Itesabitsbec tam Ruin takes M the above ars! class (Mks at the lea est rata W HOttA( The aederelaMd WTWidowAp h a.r of the CAN 11 .% PER. WAN •so SAYINGS CO. et TVan)• TO. Monty to Iseita • first. Is •relrit . rola 7 to a per l sell-�HOlt.lC Ete. H(JRTON. Goder',h Sept. 1e. Iles. 10110 -Thooaandsorgr5VA are annually nakedet their ...tlout. live* prolon,pe.. happ.ltws end I. -aith restored 1,) rho vow .4 thearest GERMAN INVIGORATOR whirl) positively and peree•nrst y cures Itm- peaene 'caused by slowest, of sol 10.0.1 nemseat� y/tsasesa. and all dowser. that fol- low as • sequence of teelf-Abua•, as ewe of en- . ere. lass of memory. nr.i.erasl la..taalte. pain in the hack. 41rn.es.. of . oxen. urrn •- tom old age, and utans other dieemes that Ira.. to humanity or,es.umptton and • poi me - tore brace. Send for (greeters with tem imoninle tyre by nail. Thr Iat1N*AT•R 1. sold at e1 per bus, or six boxes for ea, by all dru4Eists, or will be scat fret my mail. securely sealed. a receipt of price. LI} addrtesteg. F. J. CHIN it . Druggist. IS7 Summit tit.. Toledo. Olio GEn.'DIV: AA Sold.laent for Goderich to furnish all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the I BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten in Goderich. Call and examine samples be - the dust has bee& removed, it goes once the star u based see a poetics' fttmaptlation, more Y well m Byer. Vs hs. we are fur- which has tittle to supportpit. Ear'', in curate end happy, we are am round f a 1572 Tycho Brake discovered a tatnute fid. in the water. An unhappy, enter` to the constellation Calliopes. It WITH THF meta THAT REES PRICE, I people are al wsys On the look out fur chances to Increase their earuinge.an a ii. time be. come wealthy : those w t.o do no morose thr.r opportsn Hies remain In prve..t). 1' r !tit r n sirea- amis.r to make n toner. We w:•.nt men. wo- men, buys and girls to work fur us in sheer own twenties. Anyone ran du the work pro: 1 prrly Irons the ors' start. TLr broine•e will pay more than ten totes ordirar) wares. Ex- nsi.e outfit furn.ahed free. Nu oar wku ea - I ryes fails to make money rapldlt. You esti Renown 7uur whole time t.. the wink, or only your spare moments. Full iwfurwatk.n and all that is u.r:rssar. seer free . Adders.• STIe- WA L• tau Portland. Si•i.. - East Street (rain 1)i -pot, nppo.ite is Lunate life pre�enta those changes Erum mcre•ed in bnllie&cy until it betaine eel Town Hall, (oder h. gulag on in the system whish health to bright u 1'et►w, end po Id easily be cess . Mauch $3th ISwt. len - •tturss wrtruta food digwtitys, good l at laidday. It totem to grew dim in a Fredric Dell 's hook. op Henry circulation, and a comfortable action of month and in 16 months had duapptor- 'i. F"dI Advertisements I bring presents ed front view. A search of aetw&•wpleal 1 is • Stratford anecdote the nervous system. 11 we weak G) ler which proves anew the truth of the my- healthy, we should endeavor to snake our i !records .bowed test similar astronomical ing about the proobet and his own wenn• I live* successful and nappy• recur s showed had taken place in the yeses try Just o b day I tat • mem ry i th f it with a brilliant d t I 1890 66a week at home. $S.00 outfit free. Pay' iheolutely sur.. a risk. ('spits! not I required. 1teader,tt you want burins. at which prr*..tu of either sea. young old. can make great pay all the time they ork. with absolute certainty. Virile for full use a riculars to 11. IIAu.srr L' Cu.. Portland. woo mired thorn you make them opposite Shakapeare s house HArrtytma.-Mankind aro alwayehap 945 and 1264, the star m question a K natives and asked him pier for hermit Leen happy ; so that if pearing in the mine regions of the sky. P!► 'Donau,' rss the reply. iii errs h tl..w, you teaks Brake figured that the star was a variab e ' �. t •Dpy eine. �_ DM- i Cotta, seas, you must know who lives then! happy twenty years hence, by the one with peried of 308 years. during which 'Bolt cannot you tell whether hes f mamma' indulgence,beret out at n end u know whether he was Union whether the whole ,f life • feeling of ennui - The star has boon due new since b in THZ 1AL t1M ant seat. their. Is his telae Slu►specter• !' 'Una- o of it. A childhood paned. with h' h time it remained quiescent, only to no. alive now '' 'Dunne ' 'But surely you • due mixture u i under tend and win parents, diffuses ; light caused by eruptions in its hotly. Per w e r . age in it will have seer did anything f 'YB ea. he -Mr leasers ;and, in extreme old u the ;and if It ecru appears arta w Ter). t remem � Hence the aatruno• erase frim the mind of man. . u enjoy- � m annety. � � ie1 o sen ewe 'rite r 'Isle writ a i • 1884. Saginaw and Bay City Router The People's tnitte OCONTO 111v,'-1r..,tlr.i e ' •Vtitetl bet did he dot He ,asbosses which time eau , too du au next ywr. Hen i writ summate' 'That'► it -we were ere ` mica nil ' 1 you knew all abort bitty what did he ` t h ver tnc.omdenble u aonhn R as a arnsetter awl boa row. 'I ram remember,' said Henry Ward Beecher, 'when I received an old cow iu of a bed debt. It was a very dibt, and I came to consider it a bad } t. She wee • thin vow, but the • t owner and she was better than ie looked, being a cries between a Jer- sey and the Durham. She looked as if she might have been a etuos between en old hair croak and an abaadueed ho. p - skirt I kept the brute three days, and no one except perhaps Lieutenant At- well, could ever appreciate the suffering I endured in that time. The first night she broke through the fence and reduced to a pulp all the underclothing belonging t3 my next door neighbor. She put her Borns tbrogh my loath tub and ate up all my geraniums. She was to give throe gallons of milk a slay, bet she seemed short just then. and never had that to • pare while we kept ben. The second day axe walked into the kitchen, upset s pan of hoyden and a tub of lard. Then she fell down s well, and when I got bar out, at a east of $6, site took the oolie,whuop- i.g-eough or waethieg and kept us awake all night Net a green thing was left in my garden ; my sagbhor's peach tress and the rope on which his under- wear grew were as bare of fruit as a single-tres, sod he did Dot hare a foot of Arabian telt. My neighbor owe ever to see me, and said : "Now I do oot desire • roamed, but I want you to keep year cow Det of my bbsry.' "And I went yo... my friend.' and 1 ate keep your shrubbery out of my rd te the present tnotnent. A wan a limith-'I Justice the mi men, the happier for life, from having .lade I rule wed very heavy shoes.' Brown --- once an agreeable tea, or lived for any length of time with pleasant people, or enjoyed any awsder•ele interval of in - sextet pleasure ; and it is, most probab- ly,the recullecti•nt of their peat pleasures which contributes to render old Newt so inattentive to the acme before them, and curies them back to a world that is passed, end t., scenes never to be re- newed. Tun Sacs= or BEAT -Tr. -The secret of beauty is health. Th.ae who desire tee be beautiful ab•wld do all they can to restore their health if they have host it, or to keep it if they have it yet No one an lay down specific rules for people in these matters. The work which one 'ay do, the rest he must take, hie baths, his diet. his exercise, ere matters fur individual consideration, but they mast be awfully thought of and never neglected. As a rule, when a person feels well he looks well ; and when he locks in he feels 10, as a general thing. There are time when are could guess, without looking In the glees, that use's eyes are dull and Dees skin is mottled. This is not a case for something is a pretty bottle from the perfumer's, or for the lotion that the circulars praise so highly. To have a f rash complexion an. bright eyes, even to have white hand and a graceful fiver e, you must be well Health and the happiness that usually scions with it are the true secrets of beset y. yes. Th eeyy do it ..n purpose, I guess - Smith --W y uess.Smith--Why !' Brown- Became you know it would be rather suggestive if they wore pumps. DI. LOW.%leLtA*AXT WORM BTRCP. - Aft agreeable, safe and eAbetual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. in Freeman's Worm Powders remove safe i all cams. They destroy I.wefd eseesse. Some people atte.devery femoral they ass hear el, simply became they have a mania for doing so,aed limey ge to enjoy the drive to and from thereon. knew eche 1 konsw oma old lady of the lateen iaa gets every fees& in her neighborhood sod so pro - red wAmami ould thweep over ths ed esseed • vielnes so eloquently that the essi taker woeld iefallibly feel it his bossdee d.ty to ask bee saws clad have ipet dove hi one d the beet places Om carriage list You know Sydney Smith says 'For the heartiest mirth and jollity in the world seamed me to the last ear - risme at a funeral' 8pg,ikieet et heater is ooemetioo with hmoda. I remember b ryilg the wits of a ]Ieeineet iron aanelactwrer who sever lest any enmity to advertise his beisiness. Eli purchased a lot in • essasary which I need not name. and senereeded it with a vary crew metal bow of w irewitkin t had laid kit good lady to red be emoted to her memory • handsome t, 5beleme, Dill whish were tarred theme wadi : "Hew lies ]tis. Aetna B-, wife of ltehert H-, proprietor -hen Works, where theeler•nt fence aroma this lot wee aanufsetured. Similar ems glade to order." The User Teems eeittele. 'Ass 1•r, The DkT1Nle►. The O%boos Keeper. And helps the *ober mar. to become a et non.a The llisrudaotarar, '!'be lgaeh.•t The Omar, TIN levee* Car mrsver. Wenn in children or adults. lm AYER'S Hair Vigor rutores. with the grew and fresh:ler of youth, faded or gray hair to a sutural, rfeb brown color, or deep black, as may be testred. 1►y its ass light or rad hair may be darkened, thin bait thickened, and baldness of•e•A, thongts not always. cured. It checks falling of Om trey, and stimo- fates s weak and sickly growth to rigor. 11 prevent@ and ewes scurf and .tandria. and heals near', every &wale preul;ar to the scalp. As • Ladles' Hair Dresstwt, the Vann is unequalled ; it contains acme c.1 eon dye, realer the hair @oft, glory, and silken Is apir•aranee. and Imparts a delicate. WM/0* and lasing tea A D�ticinte writ. rn Jrrey, O. Jere 3. C. Int TIM toy .. itr a nuustired felling out. stet In a Ann tow 1 lees... ae- r:T bald. 1 seed part d a bottle of A. t:n's HAI% VJo.on. which stopped the fah - OT tM hair, a.' l starlet s ..res pA0 the 1 l lure now a tali h.-. teat t.iorar•eu•ngvlgor- 'It makes no differsees with us, said oast, and am cN..r'ticvd 1ha1 •ort for the v..ei your prpsratiou 1 sbutiA Wq hese the car striver, 'whether time is bull or eanc.fp seas." slow When a feller Meta up at 4 o'elock I .T. w. pa,lw:r, pwrrprt.tew d tee )/rAvfaro 1& the tnornid an dost get to bed again ((Oa.o.1 B.gs•nr, sal►: "Area•. II A.ml'looa till half -past one o'clock next rennin% M a se,u r.crt;.•nt prrparatioe for the heir. k h nasals ort d a tin bucket 1 apnea of a 1.?...,,'. ay owe. esppriuea. lis .we. rot stn Dale end an' takes u o 1e„ 1.r.ww ser ,1 tit the ear. it's pretty hard to make his ,1.e it s:..v an•I seat. The 1'loos ti also work any harder. "That only leaves you two hFurs and a half for mental repose,' report- er. 'For what I' asked the driver checking hie otos' sk."-- - 'Y.e Aft Irra _- Its tint. it takes togel settled is bad, •o the these it takes to dike the waiskeets's, an' the time it takes to get waked up, an' adds 'w& all together, an' suhatfarta 'o from re the two hours an' a half, you that we have about an hoer and a quar- ter left. Then, if the baby has got the eons -and blew its little soul, it's always get it -why, the boar as' • quarter is wetee in givin' it bakin' soda an' pnttin' bot rags on its little stomtaea.' 'In that ease, then, re don't get any sleep at all r In that cites,' said the driver, 'I dent get mayp' 'How many babies hate you r 'Fact is, I'ee kieder forgot. I h•v.n't sen 'set all together nom I took a job row this line. i think may be there's Ave bit there sheat be six.' And aro you able to take encs el them all r 'Well, I try to take care of the old woman, ma' ale take ewe of the kids, I fuses. i'll tell you • tansy story if yoe'll promise ant to Rios it •wry.' 'Go ahead -I never give aaythieg swig,' said the reports!. 'Well, Mr, i wee waitin' her my trip down at the barn the other day, when a little boy he. in an' ..ked the hoe if i was aro.ad--gisin' my oastsou know. "fee,' sea the boos. 'he's in there- Where � ' White is he,' bee the beg. 'Inside them,' gee the book �ra'Will yogi ohne hie. ta la. r Ile the iWhat !' see the boas, 'digital yes say was I' he'Yo., epee w toy, 'het I deal kttow Mei by sight.' With that I heat up. mit **boa esti Wilese, bag's yore beg ie.kia iar� {Aar. bs eN male iretilyk bat fI'►e The ilktnnn, The I/eekbimess, Th. tVieb The Meng, TMOw1. y, TThe .Ell a A Sure cur. 1.w d.uelr,dT.rot hone lrlg.• 1, t. tlne prel.afeaMS ewer W give arta.: a.tbtaelluu." )ta. A'n••S FAI*PAta+, leedrr of tbs eekb sing "1'atrbslrs rawily" M Seottteb w•a-.d r:., '. r.t ^s from Anew.., .Van., Fra. e, fle ,e . •' ► c - r . ,, e my !i ntr began to give sti- rrer @tiik•mr. i1 itIs c:Wi& which &wart an..* pr•.ea.e.:., save m 11 --ort nom 1'n.os, sod sea b.tve been alis to maintain anap[m.[,_y�_rft�ace d youthfulness- emitter atter of e•g aeera..lec.a.-plena, to mint ver., Ora- tom. asters, sad iu fact every one oho Lyse in the eye of tka p5Mla• ' )las. O. A. Paascorr, writlss from IS Rim ler (trfeerere..ver.. Arrat tan says: "Two Tars ago ago shoat two-tblyd& of my hair warwe..w. tt tlesta.d V.Or rapidly, and i was fast groin Jag held. On ring Area's HAIR tMr y,p: i and a sew ecenausree.y. n.1 n .bet •moat► say I baud ...is somal. .r eovere•1 with seer' lair. 1s was r. ti . 11.l in row. rly snd ee b551 roe loalstow ea poll ni lest..,. it fell. 1 regularly d the C1e.'a, Ds sow w it oeamsiosai1 y w a dressing." W. law ioan& of vintner ttrtlaesiala t0 the .ase, of Allis lista Yuma It mods but a trial to 0oaylace eke most snap* cal of Iia velna. PIMP AILED WY - ' • Or.J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Maw. fou M aft Drs LOOK OUT FOR THE ADVKRTISEMZNT OF IIIBERS 'J. P. FISHER 1 JOHN KNOI HAVE ALEN POURING IN who read our own edvertiaement offering The Signal Iron NOW until lat JAN., 1886 FOR Haying purchased the Livery business of Jno. E. Swarx, formerly owned by Robert Kerr. *elicit a share of public patronage. They guarantee satisfaction to all. and otlhr The Finest J:iigs AT REASONABLE PRICER. CALL ANI) SEE L'S --Opposite Bailey'* Rotel. Goderich. _ Ooderich. Feb. 11th. 101 1111111 -Ent ALWAYS PAID IN ADVANCE. G.H.OLD NEXT WEEK. oeawlsh. Sera ntbaM'- 25 cents will pay for the " triol trip „ O. W. McORF.00tt. MirnIt. will leave (1ODBRI('H. weather permittine. ..n and after June Stl, 1.51 making W111111.111 Sol \l Taira during, the season.** follows : EVERY THURSDAY At 1 o'clock p.m.. for Saginaw. Ray (City, Saud Reach. Tawas and all points on the west shore. Including Alpena and Cheboygan. Returning will leave tiODRIt'H EVERY SUNDAY At 1 p.m.. for Detroit and Cleveland. callreg heath ways at Pori Huron and poilt* os 88LL .'lair I i er. A. Seven Days' Trip with the privilege of spendinaf 2l boon is t'tet'eland. 10 hours in lIrInot, and 12 hours la Saginaw or Hay City at the unprecedentedly low prier of 112 FOR THE ROUND TRIP, INCLUDING S1EALS AND lirlITH8. A First -('lass QUADRILLE BAND always 011 hoard for Dancing. For notes of freight and ensue. sod an la- otonation. apply to win. Lit:. Agent at Oodeticb. or C. A. CSAHR[5LIT, Manager, Detroit, Goderich. )(ay'15th. 1981 ta4s- GENUINE !SINGER SEWING MACHINE. HTLIaMUTH %' • :aai' (oX1e of ( CHAS PRETTY: eoNelt I� slaws. pec pet supply emehtse@ on Ifbeesl LONDON, ONT FRENCH SPOKEN IN THE COLLEGE! the &niune Singer. UNTIL lit JA 1VIus1C a Specialty. Itesideaee: Victoria street, near the 31. II; std 11 d pupil Church. Goderkh. 1K . Waugh Lauder Gobi 3 a: teat. pea i 00derirh, Dec. l3. 10a3 1gilJee Of the cekbntt4 Abur Lisa. L.rr.ror. PAINTING A SPECIALTY. IJ R Macey. Arise, lorictorl Junior Dept Full Diploma Oversee 1. Literature. Wade set *5*' ` ..gy�pp tlehookseb1.s aerepeaMsea, awarded aaaseily. n at nart.wiber entrance J)r'gereas dills. to SSW. For lame, alas traded circular. address • ffE V. R. N. ENOLiPH. M. A . Principal Sr Next term begins September lath Ant 7.1161 11165 -lm week .ode a1 home ry the U7 duwrioo.. Hest bootee's sow 5 fore the public. CaMta sotd. We will start you. Mea. w2.-I Ines. boys and girl wasted ver, wt,ere to work fen es.w laths ti whet can wort In spare � slate to the baslsw. No other beai•eee wt pay 700 nearly no well. leo our est fall f make enormous pay. by vegan*, at tele Costly outfit and terms tree. Meaty mai tam. deity, and honorably. Address Taca e Co.. Aureate. Marne NO NUD POR BORROWING. ti LOOD IMO BliTcPC Gains Dizziness, Loots of Appetite, Indigestion, Biltowwe s*, Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and KiMsryf, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, rlanwrs, Balt Rheum, Scrofula Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of file Bore's. Or FOWLERS ti ---7-757> SIRAMEM '7,HOLEPA INrANTW11 HACIYARDS YELLOW al RHEUMAIIS TREEXAWS WORN POWDERI Ar pp.seant Ur take fritts.' sheer el PaQtiwwe, is a sea*, sem sod see ant sem► of worms fa aMsn sr IPIT net. fife M sec. awl dare West aewesttlag 0.111 ' Ise Iseye ►sh1a. tees. gra a wart -..tfis tree. Nes set renair^d. f Mimes tee Nal i mem I '.5. a meat . • r gar erns est • who" A