HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-17, Page 5• 4 ruk lU11.ON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT- 17, 1815M. berms taeatw es Two stl.latesr Syaa- mete appease 1. Move Weft Ye *Seco -&.r/Maeble Damnsls Seale. gushes, Oct. 11.—About 1 o cluck this afternoon an explosion occurred at the new parliaeseut buildings, destroying a awsideraole portion ref the mesenry and wieduwa u( the new building, which was just being roofed i•e. The et 1p us - i .0 at tint wag supi►.eed to have been the boiler of the Sipco ir.wb for hotatia( material, but thss proved rut to b, the awe. Neither clan it be attributed to gas. The geuerel tntpceeawu appears to be that the explosion was caused by dynamite, but es none •,t this ingredient was tad on the works, the mystery is how it clause them An investigation is now luring bold. The shock was tery severe all over the city. V. inducts and houses in the vicinity of the expleu•w were badly *uttered. All the employee but Deal named Mar- tel, a juicer were absent at dinner. Wban the first explosion shook the neytkboriu,t houses thousands ran to the source of the shock, while there in the Malty witnessed a MOS of stone flying into the air and spreading over hundreds of feet on all sides. Carpenters were an - gaged near the parliament house proper• tog limner for the roof, all ..f wheat mewed but but nee, alshusgh the debris fell around and close tel them. The explosion did considerable damage to windows in the vicinity of the parlia- ment house. Almon all the windows in the Meuse itself in the section where the explouiu_ wowed are shattered. Martel, workman, and Chartehuis, contractor, are the only persons injured, and these slightly. The damage t the tint ex- plosion was considtnbk. A hole about twelve feet long by five wide was blown out el the wall on the third story and directly over the right hand entrance to the assembly chamber and near the ()lace where the speaker's chair wee situated. The second explosion occurred in the northeast corner of thorium build- ing. The corner atone forming the sup- port of the building was badly bulged, or and it is doubtful if it can be repaired , ROYAL M A 1 L h3 T S A M $HIP c without let.titt.t down the whole. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY The damage by tete first explesion con- LIVERPOOL-LO\DO\DERRY-t:LAs+':t)t\ dints of an aperture is the wag n[ the tthisd flat about fifteen feet in height std THE BHOATit!tT SLj RotTg To ♦XU Flung • directly over the entrance to the anem- w� �n bly chamber. Several strove beams were SPEED, COMFORTSAFETY theaoneu$taa, takes re in announcing :bat she has just received some stgliah lines of goods, CNpI RPA»ND. and t serol fragment* w by pleasure and th..otid walls were a° cracked as to wholesale h The goods are EVERY SATURDAY FROM y Cabin Rate to talar ASSORTMENT OF . AGraniIC • 5 to Male AND WINTER OPENING' MOII�JJFALL I b Tess, now oak» 00., rent c u V mrciverd-6.b6u.biTeufier;IH. me trope .� H o u EW.8RH. QD$RANTFORW. • Groceries, Ready -Rade Clot, aid Boll and Shoes. Call and see for yourselves. Ho„ to and Shoes will be sold at half price. etnea will be WONDERFULLY REDUCED ! (aro- A leap shock of gaud Valeuifa taisue will be sold et lie a Ib., er $1.00 per boa of 28 lbs. Balance of stock of Reedy -made Cudbini( reduced from 10 to 90 per cent. THE CHEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS YOU EVER SAW• °empbts stook of Canadian gad Rootcb Tweets, Lvlieh Worsteds and Nubby Overcuatsngs. TAILORS on the premise,. Suits made to order at 10 and up- wards. ?It guaranteed. Boys and birds' Clothing est tree 4f charge, when the goods are purchased at the store of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. I'm !tush to the trent and secure bargains - EORGEACHESON. MISS GRAHAM has now on hand one of the finest stocks of FASHIONABLE Fall and soler �illiae�t� t. tx Tows. The Newest and Best Shapes and Shades and the Most Reason- able Prices. Goderich, Uct. kith. Iso, 1115` It is with pleasure we announce the arrival of our Imports for the Fall and Winter Trude, and har- ing Leto carefully selected in the Lint European Markets, ant' for ('ash, the '.encs. will he found at here- tofore, equal to any in the country for variety and unsurpassed in value. \\'e continue our Special Offer to parties at a distance. viz SA,PLES SY MAIL, with Price and Width Marked. Goods sent b mail or express, ani if not sat6.•faetory DAV be returut�ti ane( i•!eau•v- r,-tuu.ieil. ar- sinspection,porches* e amount of it:iutio, we will pay one fare. Par- ties desiring to make a personal andto t�► DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. New Combinations in Dress Goods. Handsome Plaids for Combination. Ottoman Cords, Foule Cloths, Cashmeres. A Beautiful Line of Surah Satins, Very Low :n Price. Plushes, Velveteens, Brocades. H. W. BR3THOUR & Co., Brantford. Westford. Oct. Shed, tall. GREAT REDUOTOIN IN COFFEES Having purchased the latent ta►preted Cuakc (toaster.I ant enab:ed to offer Fees-. Pass (:round Coffees u•- the fulktwiag prices : - _ Teva, 30c_ per lb. REx�ZTC=S� Rio, 18_ pox lb. Steerage and intermediate Steerage $21.40. GrOD3BRICH m Liverpool, Londonderry ,Glsago se London, Queenstown, Belfast, Also a Bristol, Cardiff. ALLAN LINE S e� Z Z ENGLAN AND D. which she purchased 111 person at the Shu ew eases. QUEBEC. render them insecure. Provincial Treas- iso urer Robertson. Minister of Railways Of Fine Quality Stylish and Cheap. b. from tletleo Flynn and Attorney-Ostia:1 Faillor, Liverpool, • midi several members ,d the legislature, CALL AND SEEM As."4, - From Quebec to Liverpool •ere on the grounds in after conference expl with contractor shortly after the explosion. 1 od th ud[e attorney- gement a e 1 sessions had • narrow escape from bei ne blown up when the second expksson occurred in the northeastern corner of the same budldinat, where they .were holding • conference in the second stony. The bane corner stones underneath the windows are 'down net and the wall above will have t. tie taken down. The second expiation wee teoat mys- terious, though its little ttt le , aw- sed ' the phase of stela striking hissy an the wk. Fragments are so deeply imbedded in his fah that the dootoesslid not safely a with n. A paid of police end tteer militia was savaged all the afternoon in searching the dabrts to ..eertaie the origin of the explo'sio'n. Aaguard of in artillery is senvendinggth� the grounds in front of the bsildiaR took plena There are any amount ed motors as to motives actuatisgg the parties who sg.o in the terrible work. but until - will be d.initel asoartein aw government has Malted its asassine- tion If the p•rpetra•ors are they wiU have little mercy shown A rude estimate plasm the less, at $15- (100. The local cabinet tonight issued a Proclassatioe awing $1000 red to. Information as to the perpetrators outrage. Precautionary measures Imre been taken by the military authorities of the citadel to protect the powder megenne and military Mese.. that the gov- ernment high methority assertsinformed the r- ernment was anonymouslyamts. attempt by letter lately that a dram buildings. ps. would be rude on the Dia beat it was Heated .s a heat. 44 Ribbc%h &Feathers and Return, $110. Sailinss from Quebec. and the newest things is $ APiM PARISIAN 410 Oct. CIRCASSIAN Ile h POLYNESIAN tPtn .. PERUVIAN 1st Nov. Yat SARMATIAN soh o SA RPM. IAN ......... .......... tuh .. PARISIAN. ............. ... .. . CIRCA'SsIAN Viet •• Passengers reosire to lease Goderirh on Thursdays. at 12 o'clock. making Street eun- ne-tion with steatnetsat Quebec. It you are sending for sour friends, you can obtain Prepaid Paace. avallsasbgle'rickete et lon•est rates at ttcot ltandd.. France. derma) Sweden an I Norway. For 'tickets and all information, apply to H. ARMSTRONG Ticket Agent. Goderich. Millinery Opening 1 �s -7\7"=-4=NSON • Begs to announce that she hasjust returned front the Americas eit:N, bringine withher The Very Latest Fall and Winter Fashions And that sbe will hold her Fall and Winter )tUUnoey Opening on SATURDAY, OCT. 4th, 1884. Ota whirb occasion she would respectfallt invite the ladles to call and nee the display at Ooderich. May tSth. 1151. The Chicago House,1884—STOVER-1885 Oederteb. net. Ind. 111111. Mr, and Mn. Dane returned lea. Fri- day friss a month's trip through Mani- toba Mr. Wen. Stinson has sold nu farm, lot 17, oe the 7th eon., Bostick, to Mr. McKee, of Motaington, for $6,050. Mrs. John Brothaser, while driving to Gorrie, tad bar rig badly smashed by tate besides that project from the roadbed am the hill jest west of Mr. Jas. Thump - son's farm. No one hurt. The work on the arteria E0[liA ehoreh now under enestrncltm, is be - y posited forward. Or. Dantean has bought the old shingle factory next to Watts' Furniture Worlut, in Wroxeter, and loured' to turn it into s steam mw •rill. Bare time acv Yr. Hill was ejected as tenant of the steammill by the ---- Mame.Gibson. Oce day ~ k 1dr hJ. Wing- T H E Hip them arraigned ham . P. •acrd foes, sod aMoses. (Moos Yes sea now rocas$ the til .e.see+•e+aws WEST STREET. OODERI('H. COLB()RNE BROS. are gang to have the largest and most carted stock w Gretna Dry Goods for the coming tall h theythehave rrc shown. They have asll DRESS (mow. . TWWEEEDS AND Mat aro worth enquiring for. Black and colored \•taxa -rearm are to be largely worn this fail and they hare spared no pains to make their stock complete in throe hire++. and et robes that caottoi be beaten. c f ten want the beet valet• the market a- feds. tens cash. and so second price. go to COI.HORNE BROTHERM. Oeierleh, Aug. H. Iglt. JCST ARRIVED. ABOUT THREE THOUSAND DOLE -ARP ,WORTH OF NEW FALL GOODS. AND AT 'PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE EVERY• FA▪ L• L AND 8EE THEM. COLBORNE BROS. LYs1'OCK NOW COMPLETE iN VERY DEPARTMENT. awn rig LARGEST THAT THEY HATE EVEit SHOWN. (,'OLBORNE BRO1 Wt. a tw. Myr-laced., 25c_ pew 1b_ SUGAR QUOTATIONS. STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 12 the for $1.00. ('(1FFEE SUGAR. 14 the for 1.00. BRIGHT YET.' (rW Li les, for 1.00. tame stock of Bacon and i..rd. and every other commodit) to be found in e frit -claw • grocery store. West Side Court House ropier*, Godericb. R. W. McKENZIE IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS but has been so Iona in it and tortned such good trade connections *5..1 he is able and will GIVE BETTER BARGAINS iN GENERAL HARDWARE cn z 0 rnsto cn 0Z PEOPLE'S STORE For Cash 1 will sell all kinds et flask at Lowest Prices. See Those 10, 12 ,17, & 20c. Dress Goods. �ae.iarcn. Oct. to tlrl. _ i NOTICE ,�..ME a lft7.,11 141 and :M. '�Ta'.�.::::::::: i tai • r fes}eri1� ....+» ri ; 1 B ,..k..N...•....« �..,._..„.••,,..... eco 0 NM.NMa.:=h.... .....• .. EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: Than others profesin&to sell eon. He As honotendd that Geis house in the future, as in CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales 1 R. W. McKENZIE'S :GREAT EXCITEMENT Have arriving a large Roek of Flrw-('1a.s Cookie &11WiligiSlows For Wood and Coolwhich they wUlveil at Lowest Living Prices. 5c., Sc., 9c., lOc.,12 itc. He freebie to show (Londa Demi ,...hiss 11 above are vet fi stn. TIework promptly executed by experienced wort:nee. The usual stock of fFyancy (loads sad Wall Next doer to iba Post caecal The Cheapest Hoar ender the Mrs. Goderieb. Beet. tib. 111.4. ISIS W., IltI3DIAM-1”- Tis Perigee SluaadisgMk APPLE BARRELS. 1 am pregored to sell MS 911111. d >tlsa rias Apple Sorrels at the LOWEST FiGURE At the Big Furniture Emporium of LBCO1LNELL HAMILTON STREET, WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE �ssortedStock of 1rost audBest u AND UNDERTAKER* FURNISHINGS iN GODERiCS. Don't ltest We forget his epriorsd Ile are the larger for rash.f111 5 S the on band to Celebrated eese hest Werra sus clod ta/wtom. A large varlets ilgullrte.and will deliver to say part ri.m/ensss sad quality gaareatet.d. Apply to PAT. FARR, letaraatteasl colt Werke Cowper Shot. Aug T. t I IMsla. Don't Forget the Cheapest House in 7own. Get your Printing at this office. Pioture Framing a Specialty. Funerals Furnished Neatly, Cheaply, & with a Good Hearse. ---ALA° THE OFFICE FOR ---- The Celebrated Singer Sewing Machine WUN* beats the world. All orders baba* will rearive prompt attention fTeost the eat. Oedingeb, Sipe Mb, MK 1119 Goderich Foundry. Ty �ttg �,, tae O.ieerleb Inarmdr7 arta Martine Shops. ate bestial ,.r `deal s�iral.�...se�•rc, w� �s ....a..a tw Flouring Mills, Steam Engines. Boilers, And ether Mtaehlnevy wafted 111 rinds of Outings HaEee to Order. Medic MU. pawl to tM trnau1 R.iotttioo ,r Roller Lytton. WUfame► Aertveltera L.. •. bssd. ud de all REP AIR,• on abort Route J R. Ri'PfCIMA:f. P. W. ItUNOiN Goilerieh. AMI.. M.. MM ty