HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-17, Page 3• THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. OCT. 17'.1884. Q iIOLL aasVark• Mr. and Mrs. Geoega Russell ware a pair of natri.wnlel d.hetsars who were making their first essay at ho elekr.pns g in • pleasant tittle cottage attar the sea- shore whtol they had taken fur the sum- mer. awl *harem they hod bestuwd the redeem taeldd and iogenives articles of furakere sod brie rebrsss of whack their wedding pedants had chiefly consisted. Afters geed deal of *meteor carpenter- ing aid marmot and painting the eulab- liehmeot had hero pnoaosnssd eompl.tr, and • vett' happy month of undisturbed tete-a-tete had followed, at tum end of whish time each had remembered certain dear friesds entire they bad asked k. At hmakfail.-gsf�t J gt when the defames; owestry teem eat better and fruit had roomiest their fall shere of lMti•ea. sad every use was in hie or her beet hammer, the little hn•tees tt elemsly prepu.ed that they e►o.ld, that mem- Me, begin thaw ss►etaes of MU-inpsetre- maeat, by eul.riog into a resolute agree- ment tv telt eco► other of mistakes, is grammar and i,rnsuuoi•tion, whomever any m.u:ber of the party should detest mise ..D the part of any other member. Her prvi es kWD was warmly IDdureed by .li ireasot, with use examinee. Mies Gn ey was silent. 'Why deft you speak, Eugenia r said Mrs. Russell, observing this. 'Surely you wt.uld.'t mind being told if yea should make • miMal.- which isn't visit them. No tooter had these tries& seely '1 hope tet, oertaitnly,' replied Mies ben nerved with reminders of their Qr.y . •but, d•. you know, Minnie, 1 Prees:es tb.. they prumpth mad• their �y think that • happy thvugbt of appesteaow Then was but ane delin- yours ! 1've aeon it tried before,aod the twat, Mrs. lams* s bussu friend, result was nut pleasant. It has been my s•gaa+s Gray, and she was to follow expvreeuro that people will sooner for - very sous Thule already to rnstudvnoe 1 give you for balm/them guilty of a.eri- at L+tss bodge (tramaieatly w antetened cue morel transgression than for proving by the racaaatic little bride) were Mies thew at fault iu grammar or prunuttcia- Carrie Temple. another boom friend of tion. 1 have sosreely known any one Mn jtuasell'a ; Kr. Freak Turner and who ce.uld take that sort of thing well, Megane Martin, the two gentk inen le- and it is hardly to oe expected that six in; greet friends of the host's. These shining exceptions to the general rule Bre young people were all wall educated cru have been brought together uuder and eolighti m.i memtwrs of s.ciety.each on. roof.' bating a rSDUt tiuu for culture in his or 'Let us prove it,' said Minnie, koking teases el the wird 1s very Aided ask re�i+ll, is easel, bet wfsItenately. towel amen. aessedi st to the dirtionarie.' e •ftbank yue very meek lor Who( me; said Mr. Martin, in hie Raved toes.. Tars was somethiee pueteoloes is t►iseatresse civility, as Savoie shrewd- ly enpadsd, and die b.itied shat, in kis heart, he disbelieved her. So she peas- ptased as .d juernm.at to the sitting room and an appall to the di denary. Whoa the party entered Ws pretty hide room, which was Mea Remaelt's most smosestul e&el in the way of f.euiabi.g and dtterrntiow, probably more than ogee ul theca felt that this thing had gutta ter eto.gb. It wield not du to say so, however, so Rey all waited respectfully while the dictiota.ry was ous..lted and Mica Gray viedieted. This don., Mn. Raesslt, perhaps with the idea of heading the c oneeretetiuu into oiler chained*, said .tdd my . 'lugeni•, did I tell you that we pot the dodo armed this room ourselves r •V wry creditable to you, I'm sure, my dear,' add Slur Gray, mauling. 'We'll call that word da -d", however, if it's all the frame to yo. -a as iu far.' Mrs. Russell, in spite .d benalf, was perceptible discomfited. Her husband, who had been watching her closely, per- ceived this, and realising, perhaps, that hie little wife was not • tower of strength with regard to language, he said : 'What dues it all matter Thee her little eirote, which was quite u well eagerly around the table- • Why, it minute technicalities of speech arenot deserved as such reputau•,ns usually are, would he a contemitible weakuees to be very important. It should be wtlicient though nate of them could have laid offended by such • thing as that. Dunt if one tells the truth ! For my part 1 claim to absolute .r ditien, except, per - you all .;tree with ms is thinking we have very little sympathy with this Mr. Martin, who was professor in haps, could stand the teat'' • great college, and looked upon as a ris- Pa' ing mac. In their accord ways they vera all bred by the desire for self im- provement, and had cone off for their holidays accompanied by vast numbeesof •Certainly,' replied Mr. Martin. 'And besides, it r not to be repented that our delinquencies will be very great.' 'Speak for yourself, Mr. Martin,' said Miss Gray. 'It is rather a dangeroug books and manuscripts and scientific in- I thing to put that sort of accuracy to the strumenta•nd artists' materials. $u far, efreof. But what do the others say ?' however, although !tion Russell's guests 'tarty concurrence in Mrs. Russell's had been with her • week, name ret these oleo being expressed by all, the tesolu- twn was aecordinstI passed. artistes bad leen called into requisition,. sad the days had passel in a .fee far *irate. 'Eugenia will be here tomorrow.' amid Mrs Rtasull to her husband, one pleas- ant eroding, looking up from • letter she was reeding ; and then, and nut till retch airs Mart nodding.q corrected Carne. then our party will ►rcomplete.' •01 course, no one is going t, catch in dry discussions. Some one come out yoe, Eugetaie,' said her friend. 'Y•,u on the lawn with me while I eme,ke my were a swell at this kind of thine at cigar. Will you, Mus Carrie ? You school, and you've been developing it must need change of scene after your ever since. Neither eon wo hope to harassing experiences.' ` Martin op,tkeosis of vulture.' ' 'Apothrusie ,' corrected Mies Gny, laughingly. 'Of course,' mid Mr. Martin. 'Why, Russell, where's you Greek gone to r Minnie flashed up•n hint a venomous little glance. Mr. Turner, meantime, bad 'trilled off to the window. He now returned, cigar -case in hand, saying : 'It's far too lovely • day to Fie spent idea of kin aside' George white .hal be. seem of hie Omsk Irked swum "giddy .1 Hu ex iia• 'H•rraesinq, rte pronunciation has been the delight 1 know better than that.' 'You think au 1 said Mr. Russell, and despair of my life, wear since I're It was trident to the clove o•beerreta hgatatinply, taking hu pipe fn.m his known him. Whets the moat of us say present that Mr. Turner was not pleased. mouth and looking fixedly into the fowl 1 dun'tehm, for example -or where we say He had, in truth, a somewhat masterful to acrid martins; his wife's eyes.s,niethin t neer akin to didee you, with nature, and he had finally decided to ask 'Why, 1 thought you were cert' fund hint it is a distinct did and a dlitinct Mise Temple to marry him because he of $ucenia i' the latter said. I you. And alien he has occasion to men- considered her plant and dependent • I •m, my dear. 1 admire her un- I tion his uvea name, it u m clear -rut else- That she should know better than he y ; but mold we possibly be get.i tin, and not alart'a, as our slovenly did. in any ewe whatsoever, was nut on more e•mfortahly and pnaver- ti.N habit is. S•• also with Latin, satin, etc. agreeable to him. So now he merely we are Here are Frank ouely then We can expect no triumph in that bowel, without speaking, and went off Tarter and Carrie Temple. who're been ' ,twrter.' to smoke his cigar alone. shilly-shallying all these months, coming . ,Purists aro not Impeettnable, said 'How dangerous theme black-eyed men W forms art beautifully under the spell Eugenia, su :sing. 'I have known them always look, whets they are cross,' said of this judieiow juxtaposition, aide) by ! to slip.' ( Miss Temple, making an effort to seem st whining exempts of marital felicity. !! 'Undoubtedly. ; but 1 don't consider 1 unconcerned, Mt. Turner might have Aad as for Martin, why. you see• he's an I myself m purist,' said Mr. Mattie, with passed for • stage bri>;nxd, just then - odd s at of fellow, and somewhat hard to I direct mendacity. 'You will have your 'lire/and, dear, it you dun t mind,' Boit, and yet how eeident it it that he-, , chance at me, Miss Gray, I don't doutt,'said Mies Gray, 'that word is accented suited down to the ground with thine' i Yeeu will see how meekly liwill bear my upun the first syllable. But really it as they are now : I almost dread a seems tui bad to be to captious. Let rehruiL' change, and fear Eugenia may be • els- Yes,' sa:d Eu.,encs, siri:ine demurely; w try W think of something else. What take.' we shall see f has become of the expedition to the Eugenie a mistake : George. I rrcnder For my part, I ain delighted.' said tishing•village i I re always imagined a at you' And besides, you know how 1 Mrs. ftusaall. place of that sort would be so pictu- aaxiom rce always been to bring trio. 'You have given w just the impetus reegoe.' Rrlttin and Eugenia together ! 1 we needed, Eugenia. I meant to have 'If you saw one you would be diaap- True, said her husband, smilies, begun this thing Meg ate. pointed.' 'there's a rest d.ecretxncy be - 'True t. lung seen that 'martin ought tui 'Meant to begin, ley deer,' said her hinny. He thinks ter, mush of himself, ; I husband. Thera is number one etre the and matrimony is good for that sort of i list of corroaiene 5wro you don't thing.' I mind r 'You dont ocean to say that I ever I 'Of course not,' said Miss Russell with panda you think lees of yourself ' Why. • gal flexed hum"r that was perhaps ;trifle how could I when you are so much bet -1 dterdoae, of It is perfectly certain that ter and cleverer than I am ? Indeed, ( you aro right e George, I'm afraid you dont do your , A short disettssian of the point ensued. duty to me. 1 urn always asking you to which remitted of eourae,in airs Russell's correct my faults, and you won't. conviction. 'Why should I 1' asked her husband. 'Pune little Mtn " said 'mr. Rtmsll ; shrewdly. 'We do capitally u we are, 1 'I'm afraid she's likely to have a hard and there are not sissy natures that can time of it, not beteg up in these kind of stand Leede told of their faults, even if,, things. Lana, Me Martin r lay possibility, they should chance to 'Three kind, Xi.-' Rtiasell t wed Ea- misbecame, of year + penia- •Number twc !• This was too mach for Minnie's Any one who had been looking would equanimity. She bunt into a little have observed a little gleam of triumph I laugh and made a motion to clap her in Mrs. Russell's eyes at this. hands together. but remembered her 'These kind of things 1 Certainly,' said Mr. Russel 'Why not i' 'Because kind u singular,' said Mies ray. 'Yee can no more use these kr It happened that during this meal,Mr. than Mies Greg Mies Temp/a, and put her diger on her lip, • wanes, whisk eke was not parfost- ly mire the other eadssutood. 'As for Mr. 'l(tiwer,' said Miss Tenn* 'I thank he hoe behaved absurdly. If tem r hie Rowdies Iam glad to know it He .sad.'t empress he ems hires - hest me like that. I wish I 'veld oatdt him in another mistake. Wouldn't 1 pomace r When tee agentlesaea ply ere in, tees wise Kill vfeible Retain evi- dences of nmeoesfurttsbleness. bets dis- position t. let y -Ruses be by-geoea was mani(eded sad Mr. Tamar swooshed quite affably. '1 have been making enquire'. be began. 'Emporium,' put protrlptty. Mr. Tomer said nothing. He did not even leek at Mies Temple, het thuss at whom he did look found that rase the reverse of plw'.nt. 'Poor Cartes ! She's done for herself now, eemm.Stid Mrs Rummell, inward- ly in great distress et mind. t Mies Temple, however, if she felt her- self under Mr. Turner's ban, earned it off with spirit. •We are both in disgrace,' she whi*- p.rsd to &sgetq•, with a little laugh. 'Mr. Martin u really quite se angry as Mr. Turner, but it is a more controlled kind of anger-' 'It u redly most preposterous,' said Eugenia, 'I wish he'd (make anuther mis- take.' 'We have all fwd our lesson in the evil habit of careless speech,' Mr. Mar- tin said presently, 'with the exception of Miss Gray. She, it seems, is impreg- nable.' 'I don't venture to hope that,' said Eugenia, c,00ealiuu her sudden elation; 'but whsle I think of it, let me say that the word you have just used is Pro- nounced by authority as well ea custom e'vl with the 1 elided. I don't know why it should be. E ril has a correcter sound -hut so it is. So also with devil -sav- ing the company's presence -I've heard you treat that word in the same punctil- ious manner, but the dictionaries :rive devil ' 'Really, Miss Gray,' put in Mr. Rus- sell, 'I don't know as ever 1 knower a gal as knows as much as you knows,' Any mistakes in that sentence ? If so, don't put them down to me. It's a quo- tation. We must present you to our friends as the 'Great North America Cor- rector.' Yon should have • pl•ecard to that effect, hung around your neck.' 'Flamini, Mr. Russell, please. No ob- jectie.n to the scheme, but in my lust meotioued character I must except t., the pronunciation.' 'Why don't you hire a hal and give a lecture, Miss Gray 1' said Mr Russell. 'You [night call it 'iirammaticai Here- sies and Schisms-' ' '11 I did I should not pronounce schism, as if it were • word of two sylla- bles -nor prisms either, nor baptism as ii it had three, as most people do.' 'May I ask,' said Mr. Russell 'wheth- er, ley any chance. you ever made a mis- take 'Astturedly,' said Eugenia, 'escape to- day is pure good luck, or else because of the leniency of my companions,' she ad - is Kies Temple glad- ?ea alit look worry for tae bee', .. The newer reamed te this, bevies no oowweeliou with the pressor earrstwn, Deed sot be riven here. It is probable that the other caembers of the little tarty Audited Ma gem ale's experiment W have been se unpleasant in its remelts se the host and hostess dad. Uertai&ly Mies (hay, though she bad bees DD.ostbd,expereenoed Do agreeable eoeeteous in oua.equetsoe. The whole episode had been disturbing and diseom- osrtiae She feared she bad taken rath- et tou much upon herself s tithe's thought i*► With regard to one d theca .t least her surmise was correct. 'And to think,' said Mr. Martin to digerati between the puffs of his bedtime cigar, 'that I was wearer [siting in love with her than I've been with soy woruan for years. Well, I'm in no particular (Mager now. Fairly out of ii,by George, and • gaud thing it is : I wonder rho the man was that called her 'A Gram- matical Prude't I'd like to sheiks hien by the hand. It was • felicitous epithet. The poor fellow bad reason to speak feel- ingly, 1 expect.' 1Ib. that XuRenia could hate heard him :-{The Cununsut. 'According to Webster Asti Worcester Slime melod- ist' itormaaaib have aiband• was right. but later oned tbesbe sound e• the throe sy11ab1e- nd that the If you would have appetite, Rosh, color, strength, and rig. r, take Ayers Sarsaparilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid sUcc.ssioi'. 2 Why go Sheet mil& that t head 1 Try Ay.r's pills. They will ve the awmae►, remora the dig. Live organs w healthy action, remove -Rite ebst* dioas that depress nerves and Wain, sad Nes curs your head -eche peramaenlb. Mw M� Thompson. .4 Turuato, sea adhered with tape eerie, ttiteet..f wheel) was removed by tem bottle of Dr. Low's Woes' Syrup. las 4 The \Vsiii Advethser FOR 1886_ 11,700 11 PRI�B8. 11,700 SPECIAL FIAT. 1. Belmar of tali free to new eabsertb.s. I. Arena me ten pages each week frea:male primed by maw Web -feedlot! 3. ft.nattfally ctrl 1. Splendid Atrienitaral Department.. 5. Health Hin ►, by • pr.aatnent Pbkrelaa. 1. Leval Queries answered b, V.H.' 7. k:d.ntatioo•1 Departtea•hkr J. lteeernem, • Ladies it.partateet- 9. Youth's Department.• 19. Letters of vel in rearms Counters. H. Lights aged $bad..wa. 11. timet name.'. 13 Preachers Marches. 11. Curious t'enful. 13. l'hareskn4 Serials. Rases. Pictures. ere. ts. witticism of the week. 17. Prom World. the Sea sad TM Wide t9. Paracent mad Political. I9. Current °plebs all sorts. M. Readable and pointed Lditorisls : Reliable News and C'omsaercta; Reports; sad latest Telegrams from all over the world. ONLY $1.00 PER ANNUM ! Fur the moot largely circulated Family Weekly f. Banda, eaasptlew Dull two papers in Montreal and two in Toronto. wbeeMle These Pbesebase.- Rd. CHOICE OF r'IX PItI! Mit'MS : INV ALIDES IN ESTIMATING THE relative value of W eeler's Pttoepha' ee and C,atttaya. sad Hypopboepbttea. In treatises de- edity.,must avoid strychnine preparations. *Moe this agent like opium as/ alcohol. 1a - daces • transient reeling of buoyancy, which is not the result of permanent restorative work. but over -stimulation of the nerve 'mues- lis, which must be kept up or relapse follows. toadfor tconstructing tissue braiand Hy serve food be substituted to do tbe:r work. WARREN LELAND, whom everybody knows a. the suocessfal manager of the Lariat Hotel Ente�aes of Areolae$,, says that while • peasemer from New York on board a ship going aroesd traps IIorn, In the early days of emigration' to Ohl" Morals, be learned that one of the Messrs ac the vessel bad eared bimetal, darlag the ver- s,; •, of an obstinate disease by the me at teem the real and the ideal.' dad, looking at Mr. Martin rather wick - 'I dare say you aro right,' said miss edly. 'Indeed, wmetlmes I err deliber- Gray, 'bet I and the lexic..graphers call •rely. For instance, nothing wooed in - that word dts'rrpancy. I can not resist I duce me to say clerk for clerk, in this ttte temptation, you ,nee'. However, as country, or to speak et a sitting hen, to the fishermen, I men not help think- though I acknowledge the correctness of ing I should be interested in seeing them both these points. I don't want to go at work, and in their own homes.' so far, in my aim at parity of tsnnusge, 'Humes !' sail Mr. Matin. 'Don't to merit the epithet applied to me by desecrate that word by applying it to "• clever nen I once knew, who called their wretched hovels. I •sauce you the me 'a grammatical erode-' ' rryalor in which they live is indisceib' Nee Gine laughed as she recalled the Ayers Sarsaparilla . Mass than' Mr. LELAND has recommeeded Arm's g,AS•,rASILLa in macer similar .asss, sad be bas sever yet baud of its fail- ure to elms. s radioed cure. SOON years ago ow of 31r. i.rr.ait+'a faro laborers bruised his 1. g. u tine to the bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous medial" or tamp appeared on the tt:;arrnd limb. Hor- rible itching of the skin. with burning and darting pains through the lump. made lits almost intolerable. The leg became .eor- iseesty enlarged. and running ulcers formed. diseharging great quantities of eeireeesty ogeastve mutter. No treatment was et any avail until the nun, by Mr. LririD's Moos - ties, was supplied with Arta's SAasAPA- i1U.a, which allayed the pain and Irrltatioa, healed the .ores, removed the swelling. Sad completely restored the limb 10 am. Mr. Laura bas petesga� tit able. expreesiot, and Mr. Martin might have That wool is d Miss cel rf•eaylox. been seen to smile significantly. 1 to date.' need 31imm (i ray ; 'west nit might, when Mr. and Mie. Rus- sell ?coed themselves atone, the former opened the eoncersation by saying : 'What do you think sof your experi- ment now, Madame Min r 'Oh. George,' said Minnie, helplessly. Mr. Martin. for his part, said 'Thank I 'How unpleasant it bail been ?' you,' ss politely ea before, "%ea acro s, 'Tolerably unpleasant. I mast admit. hare one or two." 'Oh, but George, 1 would never mind -especially frost you. Do try me and see how well ru take it.' At this p••int the conversation was in- terrupted by the entrance of M neat little peeler maid who came to announce tea G you can say these apple.' Martin stated that be must go to the ,of coarse,• said Minnie, eagerly sins- eity the neat day and would be returning ing the idea : 'or these able, or the on the swats; train --the very one that emir .r the spoon.. mess to beteg tiles Oral- S.. it was t r- • Why,*finnie,►ave you turned against T•trtted that he should introduce himself me ten r said her husband. and act as bar.mcart' • Pi•D which mese 'Certainly. Didn't you turn against steoordiagiy wseeeMd. and with mice hoc I me. I d like to know r mesa that, by the time they veaeMd 'iear me !' maid Carrie Temple, 'i be - their destination, after a pleasant (Ines I gin in shake in my elippsra I wish 1 together in the summer gloaming. they hal gleed gaily et *ret and kept ocs of had mime almost to feel that they were it aid &heats. 'Pleaded. if you please. Carrie, said 'It wanks baaetifelly,' said Mn- Res- xis Grsy. 'Plead is • menhir verb.' eel to ear heshaad,ae they est that even- 'Onedn.s. " said Mies Temple. 'i'll self in time Ayers Sarsaparilla One of the following popular Pretntutae will he forwarded to each subscriber for leis. as tima}'meet of the *IMO etawla it Orderrl inatg es- timated b postage. letter : A.-- Portrait °allert. ter• H.- Hous mud Health. RecC. ipes. Ire D.-tihdstane Poured. Nr. 1✓, -Wellington slucher. ler. ad The Sanctuary. See. O .Y[e'ntn wanted in every suction. litafy tpecW Yrtees..isislpuing in cane *1,15. wilt be •wa,-'Ied to March next. to the mast successful &geotm. ver free saatpk taper*. tern to agents, rte., address - ADVERTISER PRINT= q-. LO7p1 ON. ONT. The Signal's Clubbing Offer, Tor. '+roast. and THF. R'p_wrrax ADctt*- Tl.Oa will be mailed to any address from now to January let. 1eei, on rerefpt of only fid 1f either of Tite .1 'iat11aaa a popular pre- miums is required the additMail amount ter particular* mu t be whl u wanted.s .' with fsttl for Rbeumatlam, with est re swore; sad. man careful observation, declares that, in his belief, there le no taelic:w 1st tlw world etn.l to It for the cure of Liver Dlee rdrra, Bout, the 'abets of hl;b Briar. lett Rheum. gores, Eruptions, stud all the various terms et Mood diseases. Ws have 31r. LxtrXD'a pern•.es:ou 10 mule all wbu any desks f a: tber er. cmee 1• regard M tape extraordinary earaere posses et Actaee eaesA►rlwa to sea trim penes - nay eit:Kr at bis taran:cth C::.n Hotel. Long ilrancli, or at tLe r alar :sweated note'. .roadway, :nth and nth everts, \aw fart. llr. LLLAtD's extensive knowledge of the ped done by fhb unequalled eradicator et blood pollens. enables bite to give tomb= arch Ta;saato Information. raxra&ED ST Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. geld by all Druggists; •l, ata bottles for til• perhaps, bet it wee nt'.re than ever ap- There's Turner wont look at Carrie, parent that he did not enjoy being found when he's been quite unable to see any in the wrong. He went of to smoke one else heretofore, end Cern., for her lag an the trees-1ikhtd poreh,.bsert-iog the pair who were non the spatial object their Raghtt. Kiss Gray, all in white, wee etsdubad at ease is a he>ah- en.b sod i1Ir. lfeeth eat neer by W • garde+ e►air end gad-masipelabid the illinesoe► striae. At a little disNsles the forms of flair. Terser sad Kim la - OP seek! be sees strobe/ sheet the wm,den /die, sea We. hawse einem les . this, &A within bar • vipoma 'West lav step talking altogether. 'I doesn't know bet what 111 follow your ..ample--' Mr. Turner fres begioaim*. when he was promptly pollee/it es by the others 'Bet what, My akar fellow t ietpeni- bte r heli Mr. Mane. 1 sit rather singed old to am that oar Welshes sae .ss ea ggalealer il)n1 hoestint.' thS-IneetiII titins. i you plea` kr. iisetik,' Ilia rile Oaf l Vest 'fie GODBRICH B0ILBR 11ORI$ Have just receics.t • targe stock of BRASS & IRAN STEIN FITTINGS BOII1ERS leve Salt Pans and Boiler' Built on Shortest Noll, e. Ma.1 orders for new work apart page we recetee pet met attention. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near 0. T. R. station Ood5 ice. Feb. M. 11111. ran f,}OL SRICH PLANING MIL EFT ABLIAIIEDI1036. 1 Bnchanan,Lammen i Robins oat%t: rACTCABM Or I Sash, Doors &e Blot DEALERS la ALL anima Or LIumn.ber, Lath, Shin and builder's material of every desert SONO* ruUNITUIIE A SPEyi&T1. ItV All Orders pramptiletteD•Jed to. ooderich. Am[- 2. 1953. 1.504, 144q.. CO° NJ: jaN • presently. accompanied by his best, and part, is obstinate and defiant to the Wt when the three ladies were thus left alone I dam- 1 et afrstd neither will ever Eugenia Gray turned to Mrs. Russell sake tee anie.saion mosses" to a re- sn.i said : conciliation. 8., what lissome of your 'Now, hotter Might, Minnie, don't pian 1 Then there's Martin, who was Tee think were had enough of it 1 I jest ready to fall into your trap concern imrea't been eaatbt so far, but I feel the j in% the other little eshem.-more unit- dise rdatseS of the situation as winch as any of yie- Mr. Rased) does not like it at all, and ell venter. to say there has been more hard feelings between you land him is the pest hour than in the fifty that preceded tt. Mr. Martin, of whom 1 had almost read. • real friend. is now ready to seeder me, and Mr. Terser. Use been healing thunderbolts at Cams, and Carne boreal( feels rather resentful and own Dos 1 you ase it was alt • mistake r • 'Ilio,' said Minis inertly, 'i am not wilting be believe we are seek a pre y asst. 1 don't mind a bit, esti 1 deet get ly 1 did think. it 1 went wrt eg a gado pre+wkea with gr. M • The 11. Io.bmaetheir tithe s. U tte o ern ch w se ghd yes peed bile tats than ever 1 saw him in my lite 1•e - fore, indeed- completely turned ss. end. I'll venture to say he has set Mies Gray down now as • female prig. His self love has metered • ss.rtal blow. And I there is Eugenie herself, who seed to think Martin delightful, bet who'd tell yne now he wee • &mooned onseoseb. ToroqtoWesLI N5ws And this isn't all. Minnie. look n. in the eye. Tell the troth, dear. When hese you weer f.11 toward me as yew did this masoning r .A.N13 TH!! HURON SIGN PSR 200 A YFdR TBE TORONTO Rp;B<LY lige* is an Ill IPaper. parsed 1a all the features of ant eleing Jemem meads eplomor.ae a.towg the beet jou •ea4e of Canada as a tosapisim ►r. which w111 M intervene, to every member oftbe Dumb y. The ehwill like the pictures, thea' be the �� and the sketches. the amore mature sena ted with the edit.•iabe wbleb 1. every Mese l be fbowd sspbey. la mew. a matter. 1e serene,havewtlathe sage of oto m t Iva she eft T alt II DAILY NEWS. has r-, cs.. of sed all t e with ha r the Associated the wharf from►d all the dispatches or the la every i.eettenn oe Outset* I warm aII7 p oorvewpowde+wt• la every wbicb the daily pater le sic famous Asa mewepappe•r It baa no me It le iwMpsadews la politM», preuewtlwg all pe►lltloal news tree parIdea or coloring. sad ie ab.mlrwttely without *.a' or rawer partt� the partlatweet.iry ropor*e are written In a b.wnorereao and doss with revue sad 'honouree without gloves' and bevies rawly to brevialr. 1M•MR. sad trNk. It la la the !oiliest *rows a we, /w telae ppwnwwt•ias a verbal lee report of Rev. Dr. �ggger latest mon Wee Tabrraeclo. Clara tiene's New faeleeew litter, ' The MereAherne-Terww." etetchew of people lad s•o 1 tet s pet Io:41 rartosau, oma i geaAtows. Art. 1 ewreeos, ry wfabsorMng rete 't knew, filemvge, arta I'm awfully mor- rMjew icy or eressZeand nose w.ashei;n .re . ooh s • motes rig. 1t leaner beeseee of the mistake- teem Me., etc-• arc. is rape? q l� Am the tolesoma. , . anal t be old e 111 11 upset. et M PIM pea epeeist' clmMelMO e.eeas WO/ k 1M re Il is It }u.• an wenn Owe dear he had at fhb elites at reach d al . "sertpt of tits Dace. seed rm. awF.rrlt'r