HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-17, Page 22 BARON SIGJAL. f BIDft OCT. 17. 1184. PROVINCIAL weans. Tae `eessyw dews fly-:As.as 1. me 6hm�.m lamlUem- To res s. -.Prior to c.•nfedera- tio. tie British North Americaa 1'ru- viasseresswied on bueiasm sash o. its ow..•oo.>,t. A yartneeship wee pr., - posed. Mkt mesh sstbtion • mimeo - tom of reposeentativea from the differ. ant provisoes Met in 4/.ehec in 1864, when were adopted the famous reselu- ee -.Panel.. tor 1.. aT LUCT 11116111101141111 rsls.It••. There sow in test hummdaolds sot a iM from whom rid has seen tit to hits health and atremletk, rad Isere--n,mo- ttitt•es ilei the &bit of their dry., wiM 'folded head.' Yet thane in..lids tree not always laid epee beds d helpless - nem or psis ; their feat-deps may be feeble, but they are still spared to go * and u.t among ua Debarred the voca- tions purled to health, time ahem mores tions which were to form ' he beak of the heavily with these ailiug miss Node, partnership agreement. Deletpstes were the rise or fall of the pulse. the exact dwpstded to England 1'i p 'tw the hour when the headache or backache 'imam* of an Imperial Act, bossed •upon shell make itself known, scrutinising the the letter and spent of the Quebec ram- dust or pallor of the cheek. specunitinst lotions. The result was the constitution mon or lees hopefully ion the prob under which we now bee, known as'The I effect of this drug, or that article of diet British North America Act.' That a -all these are often the wontasd must shameful departure from the spirit of /he depremiogthings for •n tnvlid kt du ; resolutions took plans is now only tum yet these are what every chronic invalid evident. net the principle of Provin- gwe.mally does, for the simple reason then is little else for him to do. We hear now and then of marvellous Ceres of a,nsumptirse effected by the use of wind instruments of music, re- quiring the utmost exert of the lungs; of spinal affections dissipated by heavy housework, sod taking in washtwwt. Such statements may be as the bushel of chaff, yet they hold a grain of common -seams wheat. The musical instrument, the scrubbing brush, Of washboard, pat at may have been of little avail. but the patient's mind was diverted, the pleat - amble sense of doing or asking some- thing ,,•ave a healthful excitement to the it is the smaller Provinces who have the blood and languid appetite. 'arrest interest in this question, and tun- In the matter of employment, the fano in lighting her own nettles, is hat- remade invalid has a great advantage over the masculine sufferer. Then are so many light, deft tasks of needlework, and fancy handicraft for a woman's ting - em, albeit those fingers are but frail, trembling ones. The writer knows of • lady. who through the painful months of wasting consumption kept her feeble hands busy as long as they could move. Specimens of her work, useful or onto - tie! Rights In its fullest signtticauoo is the foundation stone .1 our Fdersl sys- tem, and the only one upon which it can endure, is admitted by ererybody who bas sufficient intelligence to form an opinion upon the subject, .ail real the signs of the times. The lxoople of this Province sill soot submit to any inter- ference with i h air rights ; and in the struggle that has taken place, and which, owing to the c,ntiaud encroachments of tits Central Government, must continue, they have. 1 feel aesured, the hearty sympathy of the lance majority of the people of the other Provinces. Indeed, Pena b Maim The d Mr. J. Ke.aedy, dealer is detl$s laDitila, was owed of a shrunk The bah *ru.t� lees healer It • Ohmage meesmsemelsee litsr'u1• Tutiste, Oat. 11. -The e reagie trate thfit mu ting l.ed Jaatisna eluthi.r, $30 wader the lottery act for giving • paws of a pay mid estvigs to whoever guessed the starter to a rusher d beano in a glass dish. The magi• strate said bottom were diff reef from besets owing to their irregular mune at•d .hopes, and therefore he doubted it the duri,u in Dodd.' been lottery case would apply. Jamieson will appeal. Cling for the rights and liberties of every province in the Confederation. Now that Provincial Rights as opposed to the centralizing tendency of the Con- servative party has beer. adopted as one of the leadinv planks of the Liberal plat- form there are a number of questions of this claw which i would Tike to see brought within the domain of practical politics, and with the vier of inviting mental, are still lovingly preserved in 4i.cussion I mention those 1 consider the the home she left years age. most vital and pressing ones : An invalid still able to ride or walk 1. Local Control aver Local Railways. may often amume some of the many 2. The Itegulation of the I.aquor' errands daily uecesary in a household ; Traffic. may make it his or her business to post 3. The Appointment o4 Judges. the letters ; small things truly, but often 4. The Regulation of the Fraochire. enough to gine color to an otherwise 5. The Regulation of the Electoral aimless ride or walk, taken simply be - Divisions. cause it is one's duty to take the exercise. 6. The Subsidy Question. The care 111 a far? pots o1C flowers, or 7. The abolition of the Veto Power better, a dower larder, tee watching no the part of the Feneral Govern- and feeding of a flock of chickens will went, and its relegation 'd the Courts of greatly relieve the intolerable ennui of Law. ' doing nothing and feeling one's self • 8. The Abolition or Reform of the cumberer'.1 the ground. Senate. The writer well -knows there are hours 1. Rail trays. It is an undoubted, usurpation of the rights .of the Provinces and a violation of the spirit if not the letter of the constitution fo:r the general Parliament to assume control of rail- ways constructed with the funds of the Provinces and the municipalities. 2. Liyunr Traffic. 'the fact th.tt for sixteen rani the Province, pssessed unchallenged cents" I of the license systema proof positive that such was when our physical ailments will mut be put aside, when the burden of weakness too heavily to be for a moment orgotten. But there can be no dumbt that gentle occupation will oftsu greatly help the sick head and heart ; and by turning the mind, which so warmly sympathizes with the body, into different channels, alleviate, if but for a brief sea- son, sharp physical pain. Those friends or pusses are wise whocan suggist to the t e intention of the 1ramenof the Con- invalid, still capable of such exertion, federation Act, and it any doubt has light and attractive employment. Taste arisen upon the subject the constitution awl natural bias mus, of course, in a must be amended by haring that doubt measure be studied, for Dr. Armstrong remo.red. The poo pie of Ontario will wrote truly : clever submit to have a question so close- -loam., the fancy 18 no rnptng nom. 17 allied with the tao.rals of thec,mmun• tt'nore health Is studied: for whatever it) dealt with by a Parliament composed Th.nr.7weiomeaidio . pr is I lbs of a majority from the other Provinces tea of the Dominion. And natural movements of th' harmoatt>r 3. Ati judges except those of the f Mme.' 1CAri.al.p tnteulsepoee, Supreme court should be appointed by Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeable the Governments of the respective Pro- t, take, and expel all kinds of worts vioces. The Provinces have the making from children or adults. lm. of laws relating to property and civil rights ; and is it not a strange anomaly They won't flamer. that the fudges to administer those laws should be appointed by the Federal He went home an hour earlier the Government 1 It is a bane upon OUT the other afternoon, and calling his id_ constitution that should be removed. years old daughter into the pmlor he be - 4 and 5. The Province. should also have complete control of the franchise, eau : - bdhfor Provincial and Dominion pur- 'Susie, I have bees thinking.' poses ; as well as the kindred matter of 'yes, papa.' the fixing o.1 the electoral divwota. '1 have been thinking that it would he This arrangement would render • gerry- mander on the part of the general Perlia- I a good plan for you to marry William, sent imposeible. our coachman.' fi. The slbsidy question is one that 'W -what cost be equitably and finally s:ttled at an early day. The Provinces ,nue/ be taught to lire within their means, and that they must not look to the Federal treasury for relief from their 'minuses - menta A free -and -easy method with the subsidy question is liable to be used ase whole engine of corruption to bolster up the cause of a falling Minis- try. 7. f'. to The right of the Federal Government to rete Provincial Acts should be ahalishsd. The flotation .a to whether the Acts of the Provincial Latie'atee are ',Wes res rials or not is a judicial or legal one, and can only be properly de:idd by a court of law. The Cabinet at Ottawa, the majority may or may not be lawyers, is not competent to decide • question of constitutional law. W. hare had retreat and abundant proof of this. All Provincial Acta should he submitted to the Privy Council at Ottawa befot'is receiving the Governor-General s ttlmssnt, and if in their opinion any such Aety Nitre ring, the Supreme Court shall decide the smatter with right oat ;,apt appeal to the Imperial Privy Coun- cii. 8. The Senate should either be abol- ished or be made elective, and its num- bers reamed. The id elected Senators of the United States represent 56 millions of people, while in Canada with a popu- lation of 4 millions we have HO Senators, who represent nobody but themselves. Po my part i can see n.. necessity for • Setnttd Chamber ; the popukr Hewes felly safely be trusted with thelegislation of the a.untr7 ; but if the Senate is to be continued it must be reformed. As at peanut constituted it is the veriest lMislative farce to be found in any sentry, • refuge for broken dawn party hooka, the rejected of the people ; • borne foe p.litioal ineursbles. The inmate i■ its present form must go. Tbeee questions an. worthy •1 the, ew.fd needy sad thoughtful consider - else el *eery patriotic Caiadi•a, sand a.lt is the seer future be hetoeght ;with- I 1. the areas of active political dim.► mise. D. t Campion. Lscknnw, ski. 3. 'He is old enough to be your feather, to be sure, but he would doubtless stake you a good husband. • 'Never ! never !' 'He ie plain -looking, uneducated, and .otnetimes gets drunk, but I believe 1 could respect him as a son-in-law.' 'Why father,have you lost your mind? i marry William' I wed that long -nosed, hemp-backed,bag-mouthed bour ! I'11 die first !' 'But Susie, you know-' 'I'11 not listen ! Say another word to me and I'll take poison.' Then the old gent a..d out to the barn, assumed his humblest look and said to the coachman : 'William I've been wondering why you don't get married.' 'Humph t' 'There's my daughter Susie. She's young but will make a woman of sense. 1 believe in early marriage.,and if you sad she can agree 1 shall offer no objec- tion.' 'Your Susie ! Me tarry her ! Ragging your pardon sir, and boring you won't throw me out of my place for my bold- ness, but if that impudent little chit was the only female left on earth I'd turn my back 10 her B W • at illism, I would try to be a good-- 'No ono sir ! Then is never as how that 1 dont west to box her encs 1 .11 you insist, i'll skip the country r And when the old gent pinks op the daily paper and sees the heading 'An. tether heiress goes off with the Co•eb. man.' he leans hack and chuckles sad slaps his legs and cackles ; Haw ! haw haw !- (Detroit Few Pres. Waimea ....... As old f•wnrite is the M Dr. Foo lle's Eztrset .f t National Pills are • mild purgative, Melfi Thirty rein mashie aotiag on the sto.sah, liver eat bowels, ajMM•. Vrrhula hold susus- Ms ht61.•.isg all ekdr..Iissa 1st. $IIYew _ __� __ ! .. Mrs. Maly Thusepree, of Toronto, was adiscted with tape wenn, 8 feet d which was removed by uoe bottle of Dr. Low's Warta Syrup. les. A west aesesTSES That is daily briagior loy to el thousands by saving many tjr dear as... kat ao early pm. Dr. King's new Diswvere fes tine, Odma Odd.. Asthma. Hey Fever,Coughs, Lear of Voice, Terklinstit the Throat. Pais in tlida..d or - soy diene 0 the Theme MA 1.0140, • positive cora 0..r.MNd. Trial Bot ties hes at J. Wilson's Devil fetuses. Lade sine $1.00. (0) Jar 1a 1.ee7 heel This may re truly said of Puilsom's Nervilino, the greenlet pain remedy of theme. It brings oumfort to the weary sufferer when failure has attended the les of every.kuown remedy. Neniline is an absolute cure fur all kinds of pain, internal, external, or Weal. Perehaes • 10 cent eawpk bottle aril try this great remedy, Nerviline, nerve pain euro. Don't forget the vents at J. N ilwo'a Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highlyrecommerded for all humors and akin iseases. 1 i Are you troubled with Salt Rheum. Perth Hand.. or Old Sores of any kind tont cannot be healed' Even tuo,a gh it be of years stand- ing Mc(ireeor ! Parkes Carbolic l'arate will euro 1t. Beyond the shadow of a doubt It b the beet healing compound ever known. Bulla F.sertags. least Bite.. Bums or say Skin Trouble. arc alike clued by 1t. Sold at m ct.. by Cleo. Heyns. druggist- Yes entrees II, "Malden. Mass.. Feb. 1. cane Gentlemen 1 suffered with attacks of sink headache,' Neuralgia, female trouble, for yuan in the most terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine ur doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me ;' The second made ate as well and strong fin WAat&IJetr w, D.C.. May 15th, 1880. llsertsmaa- Having been a sufferer for a keg time from mermen prtrtratuo and general debility, I was advised to try Hop Hitter.. I have takes one bot- tle, ate' I have been rapidly gettius( bet- ter ever since, and I think it the beet medicine 1 ever used. 1 am now gainiug strength and appetite, which was all tune, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it I was eeg$i•toly prostrated. Mat MARY 8111gitT. . TM.trab Mi so. T. W. Aitkim, Oinrd, Kan., writes: '1 Teter hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my costumers, they trite satire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels Nu familycan afford to be without them They wil save hundreds of dollars in ducteor's bills every year. bld at 50cta • bottle ray J. Wilson. 131 Well Rewarded. A literal reward will be paid to any party who will produce t ease of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cat yea nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents per bottle. Fur sale by J. Wilson. [5.1 as when a child.kr•m'. re.Id Lightning And I have been so to the day. My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Bustou's best physi- cians- 'Incurable Seven bottles of your bitters cured him. and I know of the 'Lives of eigi t person In my neighborhood that hare been saved by your bitters. And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They almost Do miracles ' lm Mrs. E. D. Slack. • Wade Awake Mw{eIM- J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares no puns to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency fur the celebratedDr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hey Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection --4 the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles tree. Regular size 11.00. (3 A BAxaaa'a TswrneoaY. - For a Cough, Cold or any Bronchacal affecion. "Pecturia," is my opinion, is just the thing. I have used it in my family for Coughs and Colds for the peat four years with the moat unveried success, and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to think still more of that which I bebsn thinking well of. Geo. Km, Manager Ontario Bank, Pickering. Pike 21 cent at al /fru t.Ia m NSA R Ile lledIesl rrosoosea. and all wham M ease trees. tine, or Nerve Iloou, a Phos- ement based upon Scientific Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Masa., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Madoeina, but a Nntnment, because it contain no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but gimp: ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sulliiciont to convince. All Druggists sell it. 11.10 par beetle. Lowman & Cc., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street MISS Toronto Oen tweues toured. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Geo. Rhynai Drug Store and get a package 4 McGregor & Parka's Carbolic Conte. Price 25 cents. It was never known to faiL b Chisel. ie -A name well known in 0 onaection with the Hair Renewer which aeons grey hair to is natural Dolor by a few weeks use. Sold at W mots per bottle by James Willies 3s Pao/. Low'* MAou• SrLrwca SOAP. - Healing, siothinjc, and cleaning for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet use. Iso !aillod to be K110TI1! ?SAT Tnl• CAS SET ./aavxaro WVtal ny•avasaasat CANNED FRUITS AND FISH, TOJMCCO, CIG.I RS, 4'c Deremitk and F+ene( w rrui s. ors of the 'bet lYsmtb renis a tweaked tvlt Water Flab la mason A fMI sweetmeat of all kinds of Neta .,segs memos na tyro, sok t)tse.erei 1('R ''RRA MS IA RR.4:fON. rtor.t I)retgaa Wreaths. o'reaess. 1I16emse., Me.. nude to order rl.wte s g tames A TormellMm r anomia -AT E. BINGICAJt'B, >!>STAV3tA oro obit thy. steam O.d«Isb w. Dos. x i1011. liio is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing • few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseas medicines Has the Finest Assortment of :,uuuner lioo•.s to Choome From. 31. for weeks, but one minute's application tr YOU WANT ,A removes all pun and will prove the great• w valueof Kram'. Fluid Lightning. ug A Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Prion t! Deentsats per bottle at (*urge Rhyme drag .tote. It lb"``• tile" P. JORDAN, Medical EA Go8erich, `were constantlyes hand a Sakrt Work of Drugs. Medi PCbsmralw ip• gsa )ye ea b Perfumery. kc.. tc. Toltrt articles In stoat verity. �,__`PPexrlytioas •.Penalt FARMERS I • 1 1 Pau mal iia .ho mel ver ter we Aft hag 1ue atm tet wh des via bel pR apl tw lis vel at by Ca Why use poor OIL on your Reapers and .3Iuwers, when you 3t, Ido ilal fir an ha hs So Cheap. It has no et;al. Try it and you will use no other. de McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. theh Per sale to ha R. VST_ 1\ACc=NZI=R, tiODER/CH can get McCO2..S.'S LARDINE OIL HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor, WEST STREET, •, 't+ n" iu Pt ho bt at u n nese eve eater• Tarts. The best blood purifier and system're- gulator ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. Inactivity .1 the Liver, Biliouanes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or ; mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They act surely .ank quickly, every bottle guaranteed M gine entire satisfaction or money refundea. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4) (-A1.1.• h HUGH DUNLOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. � IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN New Life kw Ireseilaina Weakened ay M- eme, arMMty , ■ 1 N..INtlea. The Great German Invigorator is the A�ull only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universe! lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- oewes of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lest functions and secure health and happiness. 11.00 per box, six boxes for 1.5.00. Sold by all druggist& Sent on receipt 14 price, age paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. *arms, sole agent for Coda rich 3m ; National Pills are unsurtwsed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgyaative, set- ing upon the biliary organa prtobtptly and effectually. lm DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER , 4sid Lead Undertaker Has on hand now theLtU ETT mTech oto' First - Class Furniture In theenmity. and as i nein pert'hase fat club. will not be undersold by any one. i offer Tapestry Carpet Lounging, frnm 63.30 upwards. Whatnots, good. from 11150 up. Bow B.ek Chairs. from Tlr. op. and every- thing else In the mete prop.rtlon, AT THE OLD STAND Between the Post odic, It Bonk et Monne* 01-01D31111ICS_ Oct 15th. 1791. 1913- D. K. STRACHAN, PRAOTICAL MACHINIST, Cetyl on hands .apply of mateelal for the repairing of Iouis and Reei's Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. All WORK THOROUGHLY DONE1 D. K. STRACHAN, GDERICH MACHO NE 8H P Oedetirh Marsh tib. 1991. 111361la for the working elem. Send 10 et. ter minase, and we will [wall yen • royal, v nimble Mas ef sane Slosh that will pet y:�m. 1e the art m�oeey is a few esys Mee tn..IN, u say ttrNeesa. No e wMl atsA yea lies �a1 see or i amato tiles tall. The vore.ily rotapiod to Moth the tamest M 6s olid. Tum. u oa!ll�ly}•ra mmw= 1.11... aw.vy mot 5 wN hnob is riotMsHms 1 line of all the Leatling Patent Medicines always kept on hen(' . (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) d. GEORGE RHYNAS, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE/ t s� w c• Art Pe!gn in Wall P aper. Now slthe tient. it you wish oar ST ton ale, moats at he>,e jto see Petkr's mass psear He has sTtT 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Ds r aaa.Uful rehire. and at price• lets than very marls Inferior goner. Call sad are utie hose value la town. and mot beetle at* �.m The Last Spng Bazaar Palenis and Fashions, • .l P BU .1