HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-3, Page 7MB
Fan one Foci.
• Weae Fos .leer tm■I0It in a fodder,
mean r' .eked an old pichta..n of a
wuutlgSeines. 'Well I glees s..,' re-
spo ded the goo I assn '1 bat• helped
being op eight babies '.
'You era lead • horse to the water.
bet yue awl maks bias drink,' saps the
aid ease. You awldu't mike Meta drink
Mbar it you took them tie a hydrant. -
[tam Hawklga
I$ ,pi an Pithiest luremaa of se ea -
k .sed leeks*** who phw•d made+. the
heeding 'lhailwey Notes' the fashion
'kala, The court twin will the s.asw
ogiloso the primness and mound traitw.'
7pgassi a bad for the health f asks a
eeneapo.cemit. That depends largely
Upon the sue and temper of the parties
disturbed by it. There ere cases ..n re-
ourd where it h•a produced serious con-
A smell boy testified in a josh..'. avert
that tie array t.r.k Vise est a s..day.
'How du you know it was es a Ila day r
•B•caoss abet day I had to go to the nide
door of the saloon to get beer for din -
'Du I believe in second love 1' Humph:
1f a man buys* pseud of sugar, tan't it
sweet 1 *r d when u's don. damn t be
want another ponied, and isn't that sweet
too! 1 Troth, Murpty, I believe in mooed
'Jost think I I once came across a
negro that was actually so Week that he
could uut be emu without • Itg.atr' 'H'm'
1 saw a fellow one time who was so dm
that he always had to enter a room twice
before he could be noticed.'
'Did you break any of the ruler •t
school, today, Philip f 'No tar.' 'Then
why do you hoe w crestfallen ?"Because
the ter broke • rule.' 'Th. •eacher
broke • rule, you say • how sat 'toes
pow my heed -that's why I feel so bad.'
'What do you charge • quart for your
milk here r asked a inib; 111 he pit his
head in at the dunr id • milk shop.'
'Eight cents,' was the randy. 'Mat you !
got any for seven cental •Jae• mid the '
proprietor, 'but we can soon make yuu
p mid
A minister, in one of his Iwo •chiel
visits to • o,w boy, asled hie. what
o'clock it was. 'About twrite, sit',' was
the reply. 'Well,' remarked the minis-
ter, '1 thought it was more.' •1t's never
any more here.' void the boy ; tit just
begins at else again.'
'How drat you come to get married 1-
.pktol a man of a vm/ bowel, friend.
'Well, you see,' be replied, after Td
vainly tried to win several girls that 1
wanted, 1 final' turned my attention to
one that wanted me, sod thee it dion t
take loam to arrange matters.'
The development at the bac; of the
bee al roe head. my friends. indicates
,' explained tloe phreu-
. 'Now, you well observe,' he
VOA on, feeling the boy'•a head 'that
lblp bamp is •b°°"1/al 1n atze, Shu lndi- Mrs. Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was
u to an unusual degnee Is flus afflicted with tape worm, 8 feet of which
parents was rem,.red by one bottle . Dr. Lou.,
Tuition's Fancies,
Pretty serail ~nee, eosplieed by
bat end parasol, eaa be made at • very
email oust.
Boone. or hats of beige or biwceit
euior are orsoneuted with red, el&got I.
Or beesa ts1 hazelnut is earn witbguld•
Sailor blue ..rge Ars again taken the
old place as the must useful color end
staff for walking, boating and traveler
met MOM
Beware and Mill • ery small and em-
end wlh D..uill..ttnc s oaf tulle or b .ek
tr colored lace, in which are pretty
f rstuuns ,t tiny b!useoms.
Larva Japan pins are put acnes' the
velvet bows which adorn many hate, and
masses et flowers, with i,rillnsut insects
swaying above, are the favorite garni-
Liee sod talo ed all its hoe.-rse-
ptak, poppy, amber, violet, ate. -ate
drape 1 is vie skirt, an/ fiatsod with a
w es:th of b °swats anti basis of flower
d isarm
The latest novelty ia print., show lance
punch .n from four to etl;!it inches long,
or • whole tear of music, ear cards in their
natural size are printed in red, blue or
Altaeet any fancy article an he made
of plush ; it is the favorite material still.
l:urnllcoPI aa corned Witt it and with
spray of embroidery on the front, near
where the edges join, are very hand.
Tho adrniratie•n shown for yellow has
"owed yellow striae' to Le worn, and
gold colored bows of velvet or corded
ri!.Irin are alto arranged between folds
of beautiful black lace wilt charming ef-
A handsome teikt set ter a summer
room a made of the new "manilla- col-
ored satin sheeting, combined with
tobin's blue, with frills of dotted muslin.
A design •.f butterflies is worked in etch-
ing silk.
The appurtenances of the toilet are of
the utmost importance. At leant one
brow of the parAt.el mast he in union with
the dress, and tine open -worked colored
stockings are :core fashionable than
plain ones.
A te,nnet high in front, and a sort of
butterfly crown reappear* after the Ispse
of years. It is made in black lace over
red tulle, with red arerette, geld b• .ria
upon the edge, and a blaca and rep gold
butterfly in the depression between the
high putted sides.
A lovely Iree.,f licht blue silk is coo
end with white lace flounces and draper-
ies, looped here and there with cardinal
satin ribbon bows ; upon the 'a •e
sleeves were coifs id the blue 'ilk and
cardinal satin bows. A poke shape b n•
n et of blue silk was covered with lace
and trimmed with light blue and cardi-
nal feathers.
eating that he loves and reseres his
not so, my lad r 'Naw.' •What'stb•t! won. amp. 1m
You do out love your parents 1' '1 think
well enough of me,' the bio replied,
but I ain't very fond of de •ld mea.
That bump you re teeth'. of be civ. use
last night sada baseball .outs.'-[\. Y.
Household }tints.
Matting makes • handsome dada for a
dining or sitting room.
If a litt'e kerosene is raised with stove
polish it will asci$ greatly as Improving
the looks of a rusty stove.
Oxalic acid will almost sinew remove
Mains left by mud which can nut be re-
moved with sap and water. corpulency a almost always accompanied
Marble top tables or mantle pines are h1' s.i many ldodily discomforts that sag-
o seen. They are either corer- I gentians as to hew to become thin are
or draped with silk, velvet, plush, always setzi1 upon with avidity by our
painted and grained to be like ! fleshy bbrethren and sisters. Of course.
the secret hes in the strict observation of
a baby is hoarse at might., take a I dietary rules and exercise. Of the Yarn
steak press of oil silk, rub a little lard or 1 ous kinds iso food to be avoided are. first
amistal til of any kind ,ver it sad (eaten and foremost, fatty food. This includes
18hip akin .teen the chest. it may fatty meats, butter aad cream. Nero:
b. ed with sitall safety phis to his Cornell the clap of starchy rood. ehieh
lconsists of potatoes, farina. collo-starch,
and the like ; and finally sweets, sugar
IB on frightened, my error
a.b Item sa, ea tae.slalt.
This month is a peed ties. to pay the
littered uta Year w'sretpite end resew Ib.
aetee you clave a year £40. It is a a , a
petty mood tante to take up the mote.
you owe • year ag,t. 11 is ale, a pretty
*odd die to take Syr the notes yoe un-
sittitgly mgrs to the cI ih pedlar IaM
QbristmM wilder the impeesiva that) use
were onlysltfnn,f a contract.
O.ta tve beet in an elevates. A
fanner who has thirty thousand bushels
of oats in au elevator neat not w,.rty
about the weather. Always raise your
oats in a good .levator end keep out of a
deal with the Chicago man.
Look after the ban Iuole. you had left
over from last year. You will h.•.k a
long time before you hod any 'they
have gone, partially into the insatiate
maw of the all-devounue fire Ova', sad
the aright ora have stolen the rest.
Rine chickens 1f you have a nice
little garden,bv all /means raise chickens,
Your neighbor's hens are the best ones
to raise. You will find thein from 5.30
IL m. until 8.20 p. ta., on yuur lettuce,
nine, radish, sod
,raise the 11 hikherr with a flower-boas.
hot out' othan
anything else. N.B. Always eat the
hen you raise. P.K. i o••k the hen Ie -
fore eating. P.SS. Before eating the
ben, that ia.
Crush egg shells anal feed them t•. your
own chickens, if yuur are foolish enough
to keep any. If the whites and yolks
aro removed free the shells first, they
will crush more ...ady
11a good horn shows symptoms of go -
in{ blind, and is developing a few first-
etass spavin+, it is time to se:I tun. Sell
him out of the county, if possible. Tls-
ware of the deacon who has a tittle
blaze -faced "pacin' mare ' he wants to
trade for "just such a hoes.
Eternal vigilance is the price of the
potato crop. About ten hours • day, de-
voted to crushing potato btq(s with hard
sticks, will probably save ttibuppe`part
ed the patch for you. By the tame you
dig the potatoes, you will be so dis$ast, }
ed with everything pertaintur to potato 1
ealture that you couldn't look a potato
is the eye withou: a feeltng of nausea,
and as for eating one --but this enables
you to sell the whole bushel without a
Pane -
Young Young hens lay more e•g;s than old
ones. This is because the giddy young
things have Dui yet learned their value.
In a few years they kn-,w just how to
stand around on a strike when eggs aro
$1.75 a dozen, and then rush out and
work double time when eggs are so a,on-
iou the tramps won't eat them.
Al m•ieteesryptll .',stains ealemelat.41
otter aim! uompoaatb. lir. (knee's
tltuwsh Misers is purely rettwbbs sod
takes the place of .1 dh.r poop bee.
lu lore. bottles at Lon oge . at
Te tie ladies.
)r,dl avtoe t l'arge'r Carbolic Cerate win
cure any case of t+'uaple. ea the hos or Rough
llkeu se r y w foes awl More them
mitt as ase. It w11) also tion' Yr w*e whoa
all tuber flume tan. Thous bars
'cared it. Ask your drwntW for McGregor 4e•
Pari.. Car4lk ('eewl,•. aad dao ant bo Der
aaadr.l to take any: hbx else cant,me w b. s'
e_^,,,'t' 11 1a bat 13 c ata for bus el ti. Hh) nae
,hell( iii tae . :n
puara.s mesa+.
Postage le Urest Mutts -•So• per 1 ounce by
each route. ItegMlra*Ma he Sc.
Money orders granted ea all rectory order ef-
ficr• iu l'aurla, Visite.* mate.. tires* Britain.
I'riev, IWwainl Island. \ewfowsdlend and In-
Deposits ree.•ited under the r•eaulallonr of
t he Duet ugly, sat t nip' broil bet tweets the hours
of r a.m. toed Ilia p.m.
Itegtgrr•d letters u.. ': be peeled is mimeo.
beton• the cios• .11 rash' nail.
Moeda, a el•
ltfllec keen aa.w. to Il:au p.m.. tf )
roaaiu P.rT AAL
Canada baro been admitted into the Pre -
lel Cuomo there I. s rearrautfuurenl ut &zonal
rotes. as follow.:
Yor Austria, Belwtum. Denmark. 1. -eland.
K.a> pt. Frame. t Mea. Germany. 13ibrsltar.
Great Restate and Ir, laud. (twee. Italy. Lua-
eubr'g. Malta. Montenegro. !tetherlaad, Nor -
way. 1',is.a• I'ortuoal. Azores, Roumania.
IDS, -u. w. Pierre, Penile, even.. the l'anary
Iolanda. tiweelen. Switzerland end Turkey.
Aad t i. United Mateo : firrmuta. Btobaraaa,
folio. Itanish t',dusty. of 11. Thomas. Mt. Jelin.
Re. .'roil. Jamaica. Jape.. and 1•0•1. Rica-
INewfu,mtdbtwd is sow In for f14,s1a1 l' ultra.
but the po.1a! rates teeter a. I,cborri. letters
S cant. p. -r i .. - . Postal tank _ cents tech.
\ewspapws 1 seals sur / ounces. Iteristrw-
tion ter 3 cents.
Fur .ld.n, Argentlee Confederation. Itraril,
British Guinea, Ceylon. Grcvnland. 1'r. n •h
Colonies 10 Asia, Africa. (Remora and .t oer-
ica..a.cpt 11. 11. rrr 4••1 pull geion. Panto.
via Persian Gell. Peetuptesw t. iia In Asia.
Africa. (hvanlw. Tri.,da.i. epaalsh ('oltmtrs
1u A•rica.Ocean Se•s•,.d America.. stela tubs
and Porto Ricu.'traits Settlements io Siena -
pore. 11•uapg and Malec -es : -- Lettere 11k•. per
! 0*. Bouhe, Rte., Ie. for 1 u:. tither registra-
tion fear t1IFj
West t T rhe Halifax• same rate as
torn meat by stamp in all cu.ra.
Anil fl New smith. wales. Ci,-.
turbo aad iuWad : - Levert :c., tapers
`'otiatr, ii i. Aeon South Wales. xit.Jf46
igve l.rtte•rs 13u.. •apets k
New - d. via Yea Ftanctsco:-Letter:
lc. ie.. {u;ocr.
'Why don't you aro to work 1' said a
chat [table lady the other day to a tramp,
before whom she had {lacer a nicely
cooked meal. 'I would,' replied the
vagrant, 'if 1 had the tools•' ' What sort --- '1 t•
• aes'asan$5.Ose.pe.
kis Mary A. Daile7,ut Tuakhe•atek,
Nowa* anile k l fur ata years with Asth-
ma and Bnraolkitis, dorm/ which time
the bet physicians could give tie relief.
Her life was despaired of, until in las.
Oetaeber she procured • bottle of Dr.
King s New Monetary, when immediate
relief wes felt, aril by suattauing its ase
fur • short tiros she was completely cur
ed, gaining u, deah :00 lbs. in a feet
Free Trial Bottles of this erre 'n cure
of all Throat and Long Dine* .t Jas.
W ils.oa'a Dreg St..rr. Large f4.•t'Irs
$1.00 ;4)
Slid tits IN, T
"No ; she lingered and suffered a',+.$,
:*pining alt the Dior for years. the dmc
'hon doing her no good ; and at Lu was
'eared by this Hop Hatton the papers
ray s.• touch *1. ut. 1.41,•1.1 ' indr.•.1 '
"how thankful we should I,o for that
'txedaetae.' .
1Nt1UR.• . CARD.
HltI.IIIN A. C 1. Tt.iu STo Liabaab,d
Pi USN IMM. GO'Y,.f Loa pm Ragksa/.►-
I IaMtabod IIW.
▪ A 1Ni+. t O tat itaterroaa Coe..
Kaaabilsbcd uta
Kiska taken la the above tied -class Ofite et
the tow... nate by IIORAI's. HIrhT( N.
The ween prd to aha. Appraises 4 Me
Nosey to Loan on L.A. law .seurlty, ear.
tog per trout - Charges moderate.
Goder':b M ot. 1e 1115.
E., Thuuwndsulgrav
an aa.wlIFj
J of their,iclfae,IIeS
' ,.ndaotard. h*Dplraes
d health esyeeid
by the use ofthen's&
a le i, h D... S., ..t and permanent y cures
peteaey u•ao ed h) mere..• of any k
nruu.al tierhaeaw ami 611 distasrs 1bet tol-
Im•t ..a a sego. nee of Self -.thus.•• us hese/ ea-
r1Kt. her of ,sem,rt•, to itcr.al lawilude.
ria In 11 • t•.t.. k Alborew of a oat
ion old aye. dad na'p other dbrawi lbbai
- hod to lrwasit , tar consumption and a pesas-
1, wImre.
hull aad Gard r s(11
• The subscriber is
to furnish all kinds
Garde+.. Si(.,,*a:of the
and for eon -•*Ira al:h trstlnto.fete Ant by
'4. Th • Molt (TON is sold at ill Der
bot.orrIt beau. for Vt. by all drugelate, •r
t F w .11 1a• .0-n1 (res et) mail, securely seakd.
n,eip.. , price• I.. addressing
J 11 ENE Druggist.
Pi .• Toledo. Ohio
now .trip^ rt •l GUM. IltltxAa
•' t+uk$Attett for G,.dero h
of Ficial tut.'
at rate that cannot 1., l • ;;t' It in
l'ntl and examine samples lit-
'. .
1 r r
' wool. are mlwayronthe look
ton -fur elan.,'• to Increase
11d•i1 earu.trs,and it. time be.
cone wrathy: those who do
4! m, m r.,, their m,.ortun
Itkw remain in Luvrrq. We olri•r a irea-
1 .beats to nuke Mout.. 11. nal.1 men. ono
el. W work for us In tyro'
.sewn hr-slltes. An)urc can do the work
,t business will
rh ( t .• h tart. The v i t
Pr (hnu h n
p t) aria a• thou en , Mea, r a+nlit:t:ry way.'. Ex.
ppt .r.tveufAutu►uiehed(it. onuewt.oen-
dseo fat:. tea reeks pioncy t•ap:dip. You ran
ix.%We yietr.tIole:tete i° the sew L. or Daly
yet:. stere u,.,n.hole. 6"till in. ut abut, arid
all Ituar 1. two.+•Mer' seat tree. Adds es STt •
teat .t• CO 14.rt.ard. purchasing elsewhere.
1:st t ::tact (;rain Depot, Opposite
'Toren Hall, Galerich.
):arc:, . h.1l7.-
$ a week at borne. $,S.(n out,.st free. i'a)
ahselete•ly sear. Xu risk. t'apital not
nVulyd• Iteader,it)'tauwant.,urns.
at wttk•h permute of eith.•r s %. ) mint;
or old. can make great pay all the tint•• they
work. with absolute certainty. %V rite for full
p{e.lkuL.s to II. iIALLLrr d• (•o.. Portland,
Maine. 1R"t-
1 t' 34 _
mf tools do you want T asked hie hostess. I 1t421llaW ',toil Bay City Router
'A knife and fork.'
Di.. I.ew's PLL%.ANT W0i)1 glut-P.-4-
An agreeable. safe and cffectral remedy L`
to remove all lands of worms. w
A. E411 wee Tr16aie.
The People's Livery
IL krt,tlaatty $eatraiaard by Alcohol. Then -n I'. Keatur,e dit..r of Ft. al .* ne
- Ind., G,rdfe, writes : 'For the past Etre
From Canon Farrar'e'Talk about Tem-
perance,' we select the following el.. tuent
passage :
'Will you listen to the noble mission-
aries who tell us what drink eats to the
glory of England in the esaeration of her 1
name over whole continents f Could I '
summon the Melons. of New Alibied,
once so healthy that 1 might smite a roan
with a brad -axe and iu a few day• he
would be well, now, in the language of a
government official, polluted and conga -
vers I have always need Dr. King's New
Diacerery for ceuuhs of most were
character, as well as for those of a milkier
type. It never facile to effect a sptedy
Burr. My friends to whom I have re-
commended it steak ..1 it in same high
terms. Having been cured by tt of every
ooagh I hare had for five years, I con-
sider it the only reliable and sure rule
ter coughs, olds, etc.' Call at Wilson's
Drug ,tore and get a Free Trial Bottle.
Ladle sires $1.00. '4)
mutated by their arink-what would -_
e •ser TOSS( Ladles. they say 1 If I could summons the Io -
There are two kinds of stout people :
those who are w by hereditary diepusi•
Dun and those whose mode of life has in-
duced then to become re. The dictinc-
td,n between these two becomes quite
important in the oonaideration of the
question so often asked : •'Huw an I be-
come thinner 1"
Au erroni..us him prevails thst stout
people are almost always in bad health.
Ern.neoua as Is this idea on the subject.
IT toted
a. Drat-
as WM-
r _insert
,. Port.
Trr L:
r+ w■1
Wins •
r dos-
+. box
P yea
e late
Peat •
■ be
A convalescent may be de- and the like.
'laded to taking more nourishment than ut do not
be knows of. or is willing to take Ity _bay- friend, and think tbat nothing is left for
ing the yolk of an egg stirred into his you t.• eat. Lama steers, milk, rt-geta-
morning cup of coffee. Beat the egg
very light.
At a little expense • hammock may be
made out of seine or macrame cord. You
will hare to make your own netting -
Wee, tea. and mite iaclede a bet of
articles id diet abundantly able to @im-
part l'o our Tones lady friend, to
she hew a reel emelt lei
encumbered by weight. disobey. hints
as to diet will he of value. -Bet do not,
my fair reeler, follow in the footsteps ef
* rime foolish young ladies. who resort to
pickles and. yes, oh ! boron, to drink.
tag vinegar. Thece conies to my memo-
ry the reoulleethn td one bramble' girl,
who in late desperate efforts by this lat-
ter inethod to nemme thin found an ear•
ly ItTaya. And if within the circle of
your friends there be I me who follows
such course. warn her of the dire con-
stattioncla mite ao act If van aro
Meat by hereditary predispointios, yoe
inav potatoes some comfort by a
strict observance of diet and toe/rise ;
bat yea must not be disappointed if you
emote reduce your weight to what re
woula aestre If, however, your mode
,.1 life has brought about pout obesitai
then you may *sped mesh frmn dietary
ezehmeinn sad alert**. Armeg the
methods of monies Rose le more eniver-
sally beneficial than horeeOack mercies,
Dieearded broadcloth suits elm be inlet boating, sad mats,. The latter, •
an °overman for chairs in a mot useful everybody.. aalainunt famiihio mono
way, particularly on these sniall bamboo
cee Omemetie exercises. now
sod OMNI chairs whit& primibly are worn. ao readily ....Noe in tho shapi. „it the.
Work a strip of poppies mimic clout. to „parlor -0.,„,-"LaT;n1,. ‘.0„koo
pre down center of lack and mat of upward forn';ikinit hmithini „moo,.
ebair. Oa either aide anon. with elotb.
A very asefel end pretty decoratien, if
one chooses to make it. Berne way with
Shaker chairs. Utilise bits of silks,
woolen gond*, Ida , in applsque, on a
gray linen beet:ground.
Maus of North Atnerica, now degraded,
now maddened, by our lire -water, what
would they say They have mid that
because of it they spit on the name
Chrtatuto If we ask the Mohammedans,
what do they say 1 le there • Christian
with cheek eo bra -en as not to blush
when he hears that if they see one 4
their number drunk, they have been
heard to say, 'He has left Mohammed
for Jesus' 1 It we ask the Hindoos,wbat
do they say 1 They have said by the hpa
of their eloquent representative, Coheir)
Chunder Sen, that all the splendid bene-
fits of our English rule have been nullifi-
ed by teachisig them the use ef beer and
kande, that the wailing of widows rends
the air with curses against the British
Government for haring inteMuced this
tking. And agate, front the Southern
• Sea, the e.Ace 44 yet &nether missionary
arise 'II you love tensions, help / de-
throne tins demon of intemperance, the
blight of our infant church.
Prof. Low's Magi flelpher Reap is
highly reemairmeded for'all Amnon and
akin daisies. . Im
Ir. the hammy ot medieinee 110 pave
retina hem meeved auk usimweal sew
mid doe poramettWatiewiblises
way allesease. ee Dr. en
tersretanisimha elm*
Om Do moos hi these
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.,
saved bis life by • simple Trial Bottle et
Dr. King's New Discovery, foe Con-
sumption, winch caused him to procure
a large bottle. t hat completely cured him,
when Doctors, change of climate and
everything else had failed. Asthma,
eatd ell Throat and Lung diseases, it at
Mineeteed to etym. Trial Bottles at J.
Wiletin's don store Leree size $1. (1).
Tliamed hoes.
Why do larliaa objeet to having their
hem tanned ? The deep, rich crimson
color is certainly very beerwelng. and
preferakile to the pale Ideltly leek so
ernamon. The remorse is not difIleult
Ind. A tanned fete is thought to belong
le peewee low In the social male ; in
ether wants, to the 'slier. Ro Wefts.
tererito the frond they mirtitt reeeive from
MOW by orposie aleeey.
trotetwebiteatitel. The poetise et
serest/ins the body, mot 4111rowleang the
tom tram doe ems est all tonseicave ego
It II gado the Persian poet of the thir-
teenth century A. D., who says, 'To give
worth mom than • thousand head -bow-
ing. in prayer.' As an illustration of tbe
manner in which the Arab in need re-
ceives a gift with nn feeling of degrad-
ation seeompanyiav it, Mr. Poole related
in a lector* recently that his uncle, Mr.
lame spent once titres weeks in one of
those great tinisbe in the desert which
form delighdul retreat*. There he
hospitably entertained • young Arab who
had run away front the army, and who
was starving. He waa a pleasant eons-
panion, who would recite the peeing sad
romances of his rue. When the thee
eame for Mr. Lane to premed on his way
he hade hie guest farewell. 'What will
you tict when I am goner he asked.
'Woo sene yes r was the simple reply.
After they had parted, Mr. Lane ex-
pressed his astonishment to hie servant
that this tine yOnlig Arab had not thank-
ed him. 'He Woiliel pet hare insulted
you by thanking yoe.' answered the man.
It is tbis which makes Prins may to the
Arab, and robe receiving el its bitterness. !
Ttie rich map ie the steward of God's
gifts towards those, in need
Wm. Johason, el Heron, Delo writes
that hie wife had bees troubled with
mete Bronchitis for many years, and that
all gentedies tried sem t
until he preeured • of DT.
Rises Now Disettoory tor Oommusetioe
Three. Law or Illemildal
Trial latithe free at S. 11110801 dreg
lalye its 111.00.
Cherry Pectoral.
No other erasplaleta are so insidious la theta
attaek asthma aff ening the throat and lungs.
moue so trifled with by the msayority of sailer-
s's. Tim ordinary omit or eold, resulting
perhaps frotn a trifling or aeronoeions ex-
posure, is often but the beginning ol fatal
sickest*. AVER*. Casimir Pic -rout. bail
well proves its *Meaty In a forty years' lett
with thrust and lung diseases, sad should bri
tikes la all eases without delay.
A Terrible Carnes Cam&
liaa I tank a severe eold, which tented
say limp. I hat a terrible cough, end=
algid after mght without sleep. The
toaat., whieh relieved my lungs, Induced
sleep, and afforded nte the rein asemeary
for the recovery my atrength. Hy the
seat cure was egeeted. 1 ani now trY years
obi, ham and beady, and an, Dataldial your
tbe eountry last winter my anis
boy. three years old, trim taken 111 with croup;
It rormid as it he womid from stresiga-
Immo. ot thy family suggested the uso
of AVM', Cntaar leacrouta bottle
which was always kept lu the . Tide
ems tried ia *mall mol froseent deem, sad
delight in less than half aa hear the
mutton was breathing seedy. The doe -
sold that tLe Catlike Plinre011AIL bad
Saved ley darling's life. Can yea weeder at
tee west INah et., New York, May tit, let
a bpi moil Alma's cegataymerta
t urizs:anolly far several years.
Lake Crystal, Klan., Mardi 13, ISM.
I oweered fru eight years from arsorbitia.
Nod attar trying mail remedies with en rime
eirse I was eared by tbe me of Aviles Cain -
Jotters Wairram."
es rorroe.L.
Ilyttallit, Wm., April II, UN.
"1 ameba my semegt ie prates re Arrant
Cesium ascroaeo believing as I do that
but To Its wee 1 sboald lona slam bare disd
Tame, Apir1112,
No saga as eliemarte of the direst Or
lamp =We WI** enamel be greatly weltered
by tile me at *Tates Comas Pare011al,
sod it will strosys wbau dm Meow
mrsear beyond the metre) of mmithrdail.
Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mon.
Said by all Druggists.
Ila% ing purehased the Livery busier*. of J no.
IP.. swarth, formerly owned by Robert Kerr.
...licit a share of public patronage. They
guarantee oatistection to all, and offer
The Finest. R.igs
Hotel, tioderieh.
Goderich. Feb. lith. 104. 111111Mhe
O 00mob. stoo. tisk ow
W." weather pennittine.
on e'er June frth. mwking INTIM LW
▪ ‘11 rear, during the teruton. no follows :
and all points on the west shore„
Alio.. and I *beboyvan.
I: no lest, Gel/ERICH
At 1 ii to.. for Detroit and Cleveland. calling
i• ssa)s a, Pull HitrOn sud points eat Ste
A Seven Days' Trip
with the Mit liege speeding 24 hours in
Clan. land. le hours in Detroit. and 12 busy' is
Reginew or Hay City, at the usprecedestedly
low pr see .11
112 FOR 71 E BO 01) TRIP,
First -Claes QUADRILLE HAND always
on hoard for Dancing.
For rates of freight and paaaarre. and au 111.
urinal ion. apply to
WM. LET.. Agent at Dederick.
or r. trillelallaltUb.
Manager, Detroit
ooicrich. May 2111th. DOM let&
Tadiefs 0:011crit
Ciria4 S. PRETTY, a
hit.e . begs to solicit the usual public pat-
ronage. and will supply maihines on liberal
Music a. Specialty.
(W . W augh Lauder. Gold Medallist. and pupil
tue celebrated Abbe Lisat. Director.
IJ marry. Artist. Director,
Departm en t.
Illgieseta rooftop la Llter.0•:re. Mode
and Art. etenstatebee vompriltiveir
examinations. time to the inuduras. No oth.r beshatee
/Wrenn* AIM I/1 Sale. ror largo inns- pay you nearly en well. No one eall1 tit.
trauma Mr( ular. addreva : teethe enormous Des. by engaging at =11
lerNest term begliss Stptember leth fast, easily. and honorably. Address Timm • $
Aux 1. ISM 111C4.1m Co.. A termite. fital.ie
Try the Gentling Singer. ,
Residence • Victoria street. Sear the M. 0. 4
19T1 3m
Goderieh. Dec. I& ten.
7 A week tied, at home ey the la I
delirium.. Reid businesezelmil
melt. berg aad girl wasted very 0
ettere to smirk for us. Now Se the Unite. ea t
can work la More time. or errs gliat
Bin (Ito IN
Cup:A Dizziness, Loss of Apywtite, Indigestion, Raimondo",
Dyspepsia, .1aundirc, Affections if tLe Lirrr and Kaiser,
Pimples, Blotrlies, B(4141, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula,
Erysiplas, and all diiirases arising front Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of tlic Bowels.
Ars rimiest to take. Costal, their own
Targatim le a mak sum and •
sot. lite Is ow
ad dare before
soatetbiag mighty
Imoloare bottled to
tam. pus week is
tows. 96 °Mat tree. No viek. iv
moo Capital eel tustalred. We will
yea everytteee. Limy are meta
Lsalir=e as wash