The Huron Signal, 1884-10-3, Page 66
Cho Poets &.urnsr. A TOTJORIxa STORY.
NY w, v al .f..
H. $ Wagetret•.
ewa. Rai: - lag. 1 kite
Wiclary et m$ahwd ..,.os kis Ores.
I 7 And • NOD *Chive :ahseyes :
I larva so. whets ser when. we shall meet.
Hat Ws 1 ham. that hie fonts 1 will greet
With • Marla. sed glad surprise.
•e may owns 1a the moraine. aright •ad f
Wheel the aseallght k ismer ml alar been b
AI.4 crew• ra• fx b1* Qu,•* .
Or yet he era/ come at the twilight her.
That Measle hoar of love'■ sweet power.
The daylight sad starlight L.tweea.
It maker, tet whet. nod It ,w.en wt I
>ry Xing diad same to , halm sty vow
Of.raRiawe. roma an 1 t: Mee ;
Hat whcs he Demes h.. K u. of sties.
With W royal heart and a right divine.
Ids .hall sad am loyal to.
I will not plater• his forst or saes.
Nor &giggle klug.. lsnuea..,,.t arms
Nor lila aseeetr) .1111401e or brow .
Bat he must he fres from r. pooch W .,.0
WW1 .oble purpose and kitty ...aa
'hie ting of my life en left eft&
Hte words mom be pure W Mare t
Like the kln,tly hurt la onion thdy SOW,
The warden of no h. art
Aad e'en like the royal '.n. (•.r ...f yon,.
His deeds 4 boner t.r e •
New strong% a w his menu. a,11 Imp it.
And what shall 1 ;:tt r ions. w y hound. tn) Ki
A tea atrs'g:,t to the J.,u •.. 111) boat r
shall bride,
?bejewel ef.,hb love '
Yorwver 11. 1 creat hoar, l.•. p •K•
Be. should the •a -:cu Met i • ar were,' -K.
Or tit stars eh:rod talc .ri.o Jar •.
MY La •.-:
ry» o1ot r. n rt ,.. devotion.
With nth every ltwU i. An . , ..
Kept pure by to.: spirit ab
A trust neve:.;••. r %label truer
As the lttur.W, ser • An tan. drat•& 4.1 btaa.
A woman s ualying lova
Wise Will r'e:r .rr ea. Baby.
Bay. Joe :0 +stn o a.•rl : one
Upon the: woman quota .
'Too ve a•nsurrru wed al. tee pi(als,
Now here'. in, hast sae; .' eel : •
When w.. vats vara s 1-1. n : er rote
Home utiles awn; It In. ' -
Who thea 1 ask. will stay a' •.o.oe
T.. rock ai.J tart the lib
Quoth Sam : 'l own y-,r'v. mode m- ease
Appeara locale b^tway :
1 hoped fo C.t , .ns. this y.. •-t on by
And give memem :•thtn;t easy.
Hut mi the matter .rem•..1 taro
On this one At 1:s axe.
Just gut the our who ro. 1. ' It n ben
vibe ore• au;lay torrlair.
)flats abs Al 'la.laa teunmca Dresses.
The t-rdeney is senit'hter
drips i.a ter w:r.ter curt es -a nature
result ..f throne et thio! cloths and stif
The acts4ss taw- in •n. a. J. Esid.ese•s
Detroit Yr., 1' ems.
Many of the friends ..1 the late Mrs.
Robert J. Hamlett* will be interested in
the following attract trona • private
letter written. by Mr. Burdett* to •
friend :
fhe gray light .4 early roomiest was
steeping roomiestrough the open window, sod
ma Carrie's patient (ace glorified by mf -
feting, was shining another, fairer light
that i kauw was str.stntug from celestial
portals upenfng for her bits wiled
sweetly es I enu.wd the r the and 'twat
eel t'. kiss her, and es:d .
'Rob, dear, it is
Th- chill before lbs daw*las.
Between t be sight awl taer•rns.'
It was the hour at which she had ex-
pressed a wish that she Wight Mew away,
and I knew that she referred to a favorite
verde of a favorite puem that she loved.
I acid :
'1'.a, dear, I think the sun will come
ore arm 110w..
Her face grew radiant as she smiled
again and said :
'Veg. He wail come for rte this morn-
ing 1'
Dura, •ler darling sister, was quickly
a' her side and we well knew there were
were watcher. whom we could not see
standing in the n..m, S1i, who was
so nearly past .11 suffering was
on1) fur our •onsfort. and in quiet loving
tours, gave some little instructions.
'1-ou must keep well,' she said for Rob-
bir's sake you roust keep well and strong.
The nurse entered the num, but Carrie
c ould take neither nourishment or medi-
cine. •1 want no thing,' she said. Iter
breathing beemine more laborious. The
•lector arrived, but she could n..t .tallow
.he medicine. and he held her hand,
/tale her ewes bye, and went away pro-
mising te come its again during the more
Mg. About 6 o'clock Robbie came into
the moon, kissed his 'little .rte ma,' and
mond chose by her aide.
There was no fear, w. dread in all the
scene. She could speak only in sleet
broken sentences. As I repeated the
beutiful promises to her now her face
kindled• an she smiled upon us, turning
her dear face from one to the other.
Even as she entered the river. she said.
'the sun was shining en it.' She did not
shriuk. The waters were net s•, c - I.1
nor so bitter. She had ;r• fear. f..r *he
lulled on the strong right ann of the
Mored by a sudden impulse, about
half an hour before she teemed away,
Rehbie rushed to her side, threw his
1 erne sl..tit her. and bedding her close
_ kissed her. She libeled her boy and
tenderly said :
-God bless my lu►by.'
It was her last blessing on earth.
'Lord.' she said ma hn.ken accents check•
.d by her tr,uu'ei breathing. 'int,. The
hands I commend my spir:t.' Still she
looked at us. smiling, until a few mo-
ments hefore the end- She asked for a
drink ad orangeade, but could not swal-
low. 'Even ao,she whispered, 'come 1
a goicEly, Ltd Jesus.' Her head fell
hack in my arms. Like a dash of aun-
iight the 'bright white light' swept across
✓ her face, carrying away .veru line and
mark of pain, every stain and cloud of
t disease. her face turned upward and her
✓ eyes grew strangely radiant. 'Mother !'
ay she chilled joyously as a tired child 'twing-
e,ing into at 'm'n
other t ; arum, s Aber '
h mother !' and she was folded in the areas
of the angel mother who passed away
when she was ii child. Her Este was as
white as the starlight. her rsdiaut eyes
•ere mot dim when wee'Tused them, and
for the tint time in many yams she slept
without • pain.
Velvet :waste orove: the little mound
where she sleeps, and crateful ferns
fringe it around. She rests In the beau-
tiful churchyard . f quaint . ld-fashioned
Lower Memel church. It was her Dan
(IAA, made nearly er quite a year ago.
I think the angels must have leen
glad to see her come. So many of them
had ruin.,nterei untu her, and strengthen -
I ed het in her pi grimace a•f satfering.
and I know they repice1 when she canes
to be with them. There was never so
brace, a . patten: a life. among men :
there a.uld be no life brace: eve:1 amongwomen.
fer fabrics. WideJolene form the back
of many skirts, hanging unbroken their
entire length front belt to foot, and
footing ell the back there es to be to the
dress, or rather all that is visible, ter A
narrow toundati•,n skirt renalns neces-
sary fur supporting the l:.vary pleated
outside skirt. These back pleat, may
set on the edge of the baaqu.•, and give
princess effect. _Qr__*lae they are attach
of to a belt and passed under a share..
barque. Drrperies be the front may be
either short er very lona, hut are. 0..
stylish it of medium length, The pursepirt of the front and side- hreadtha m
he laid in very wide sidcpleats that ar
bordered with braid .n Astrakan, ,.r wit
balls or attires w.eeme in the cledh, .n
else they may be of hex p cats with vel'
vet ..r braid Imigthwiae etrepes laid in tito
hollow that .eparatss the plods i fir,
again, they lnay have one or two side
stripes or panel-, or there may be three
may he three stripes el applied nearly covering the front and
side gores.
Round waist. will be worn .•.gain with
or without 0 belt end there will also be
many c,rsa ;r. that are round its the
back -that is. c 1:.:i at the waist line -
while the fn,ur -.e.r: he pointed or be a
regular has pie, or .•!se lengthened into a
polonaise. 'r., ua.rke dosses sufficient
bouffant hutch, . will remain rather large,
and there will also he the old time bow
drapery whic:r has berm heed this sum-
mer, of a ween .,f material (1041 111 awe
broad loops and two ends fastened to the
back ..1 • round corsage. Shingle -breast-
ed fronts will be used with vests, but
them is also a tendency toward diag mal
lapped and doublehre:eted corm:tes. Flat
vests will be more watalee than full
pu d vista for thick falirics, and in
essay 011m the vest will 1.e made entire-
ly el trimming. When another material
is used for coashinatl•mra, ve,vet will he
chosen net only fur silks and satins bet
also far wan.i goods. Plain velvet waists
will be wore Altai* with silk, wool ,w
satin skirt*, and when figural stuffs are
teed with plain izoode ed the same kind,
the Agora will form the entire arrsare
clod the herder at the fo.-t, while the
skirt and its dreperiti* will Iva er the plain
fabric It is sail that dart. are l., be
trade higher in the stiff English tinhorn,
whicn pushes up the flesh and latell a
large billet, also flat the fnanesa at the
top of sleeves is to bo discarded. At
present there are no very decided chang-
es pemnised, and the economist will be
eel to know that dream of last winter
qts iM peed with very s'ight alterations.
-{Harpers itazar
Isom Itae M•ea. aid toet•
A cruet worthy btleidea$ happened at
use et Mr. Muudy's$ible Ireton. Mr.
Moody uo that eseamduu pre the lest of
• series 01 addraman um "Gram." The
buntsa of this address was lo show that
' alvstiuu is the free gift ut bled throw \
faith to the Iwd Jame Owlet, and it u
net to be attained' by •uy human merit
Mer Ruud deeds. Ia the averse of its de-
livery Mr. Moody seed :-"I remember
when I was im this country before, .
C►ereh Mel Euelaad minister pet hind o•f
N, suet he sad that I was teaching •
false doctrine because I said salvation
was al' through grace. He said that
works bad es much to do with ear salsa-
tion as grans. At that time 1 had moor
reed the Thirty -None Articles ; 1f 1 had
I should have been rowdy to meet him.
I gut the Prayer Beek, and looked all
through the Thirty -Nin. Articles, mud 1
found, to my au,asemuut, that they put
i s o guod deal stronger that I did. I
Owe the la mamma.
As nap stases lustimuniels will thaw
there is ata mer. rtllisble esim fee deaf -
sees tb.. Haggard'. Y.liew OIL It is
Aso the best remedy fur ser sae, sure
throat, .soup, rheumatism. sod fur pates
and Iaaseeme g.asnlly. Used bteraally
and externally. 2
blue rkpoleY.. Outdone.
Mrs. Melon Pharvn, No 331 Daytus
St. Chimer', 111. , is our ke her oat,-
eighth r•
th year, and states dist sbe her imi-
tated wish Consumption fur ab•wt ten
years, was trusted by nose physicians,all
of them pronouncing bar ease ►upness.
She had given up all bope of ever twouv-
ering. Seven bottles of Ur. King's New
Disa•v q fur Couasmpsinn completely
cured her. Doubtime uaea, On" tin.
her a postal and satisfy youlsslrea Call
at J. Wilson s drug store and get • free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing es believing. head the testi
want some one to take therm/re Book menials in the pamphlet on L)r. Vas
and reed these paasauss too y,u. AndIluren's Kidney Cue, them buy • bindle
that you may not thunk that It is woos ,and relieve yourself of all those
other buuk that I have gut hold of, and mgpstna. your Dnagtest can well y.oe
not • PrayerBook at ell, I newt to ask 'all about it held J Wilaenllu6er
• Church of Eng'and minister hen to
read the 1116, 12th and 13th Artictu.a. 1
won't read then myself, because I want
Eou to see that .t is • regular Church of
n.4nd Prayer Houk." Articles 11, 12
and 13 were accordingly teal by &Ninon
Scott, of Stratford. "'filen. !" said Mr.
M...,dy, "that's stronger than 1 ever pet
it. The Articles . f the Church .4 Eng-
land say of were. before jtrtitiemtion
that they have "the nature of sin." I
never caviled them sen. ho you sue this
is not any new doctrine that we are
preaching ; when the Church used the
world wake up to the fact that works le
fere aalvatiun go for uaugbt, then. I be-
lieve. 01011 will cons rocking itic. the
kingdom of t:ud by hundreds. We work
(nom the cross, not to it. We work be-
cause we are saved, net in uldor to be
sated. We work from salvation, not up
ren it. Salvation is the gift of Gal
Erangelical Churchman.
%otslag Errata amt 4 area
Like tight boots. Corns are very small
affairs, but apply t.. them a par of tight
•.nets an.l all ether cencerna of life sink
Int.. ittailpllllance. 'right boots and
Putnan's C.,rn Extrect•.r ,the great and
only sure cure for co may go together
aid comfort wi!I he their partner : but
deo t fail t.. use :'utnam's Corn Extrac-
tor. Frauds, cheap, poisonous and (ben-
zenes substitutes are in the market.
The use .4 Pills, Salte,Caster O11, ate.
and other nauseous, griping t'sthanl^s
is unnecessary, as • pleasant substitute
is found in The Carson's Bitten. which
act as a Cathartic without griping .'r
causing nausea All druggists sell it.
bU cents a bottle.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Swat= Street, QcdQlcb
A pginammeertiallat
r et t[adbisl, ser tpalrreheseatdftusVird.sefluter
)r+1Mrrenit ra
=sea tlofas, What -Nets, Looking (Mew G. ♦ sate
N. B. -A complete rums •maiit of Cot/tassel 1lbads always on bead alae Hearses fes•
•t rs•eesable rase .
Flamm FraMelas a epeclelty.-A call solistted. Ilea
NEW CI -001)23 -
PtTr 1118 ?MK uy..rkrrt•. Petrrty Have the Largest Stock,
with perfect health i.
rather to be chosen
than riches and dye pea. 'fry the
magic effect of a dollar bottle of Furry..
C/ r11tALTH
F••r rough eorditiens ..t the Skin,
Sltanp,,,ing the head, Pimples, Ersptoat
and skin chemises, use Prof. Low's Sul-
phur Soap. m
All Nervous Deisilitp cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Terre atol Eosin
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere P ease Ca? i =xa. e
Sold at % ila..n's drug s:. •re.. _`..
The Latest Stvlest
The Most Leliable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
la Answer Waned.
Can any one tiring us Al cast of Kidney I -
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten
will not speedily cute f We say they
Catinet, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and the are daily re-
commending Electric Sitters, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
..r any urinary complaint quickly cured
They purify the blood. regulate the Bow-
elsd t d- tl 1 d aired
Beware ..f thew. 1'utnam's Raialsrs ports. :tu
s. Every bottle yuarard. For
Corn Extractor. Pulann .t Co., props., sale at &01. a bottle by J. Wilsou. 111:
t Kingston
AU aC tree It '11 t 1e d lots'
- scan a tile.
When a grape vine gives bac'. no much
for so little, it seems atranee that any
one, with • yard of earth at contmind,
elan fail to plant one, loot how many
farms have not a vine ab out theta. This
humble friend asks omly a foothold ,.,
gond earth,and a sup wirt, however rude,
and it will threw out 1ta amps and thrive
luxuriantly, heti g r'Irlier than al-
most any other (reit to reward our labw
By a judicious clinic. .d rine,. • succes-
sion of this delicious fruit may he enjoy.
•1 from early summer until the hard
frosts crane. While it rtwsr.lo well the
hithest enitnr.e, it will shift fer "tuff
fairly well in out of the way n,...14, *ad
earners where nothin-j else can well he
tailed. One strong, old viae ..f "ores, of
the iso a v.-nety, threw its branches
noel Vet' ril. a') .over a gnat .ark, and
grew there year after year, producing
ease foot bushels of grapes. year,
*seethed jam. bandits delighting all the
altildrea visitors.
Ala lsnreeed at Ohs telamas dear out -
ere Earls snot sea l i• -e. - - --
Llen-IN , Sept. 21. -The Sussex regi-
ment of mounted infantry has reached
the Dongole •attract with lees difficulty
than expected.
it is repe.rted' That ITGinc -1.' moving
heaven and earth to get St. .John to
withdraw. on the ground that the former
is as *nod a friend to the prohibition
m ve:nert as the KAtasas ex-g..ternor.
Canned sa:mon seems to be ¢dNng
about as deadly as the pistol that isn't
loaded Mrs. aleck, (l New fork. and
her three children were made so i1l ley
eating it that they had to be removed to
Bellevue hepatal
Charles .1. Dana, of the See, does not
depend sltegether ..n politica 1. r his fun.
He has the finest c.11ectn.0 ..f fowls in
the c..antry. L':ce 11 .nner. he does not
keep his pea fur their ability to make
money, but sanely because he donee on
Anthony Carnegie, the Pittsbare
millionaire, is a native of Scotland, and
entertains some very psi:ire (pinions. 1
He sty. he believes that if a belled were
taken throurh..ut Great Britain and
Deland, and every respectable citizen .d
21 years were allowed to vote. • majority
w.o01d he fauna is fares of elerttng the
chief magistrate after the death of Queen
t-Ict •.ria.
S:refute. and all forms of .crefulaa
diseases. are rapedly purged oAt by the
use of A yet'a Sarsaparilla.
t'.ncerning treatment of the hair, as
pertaining to its health, Iuxnriaance. and
beauty, almost eveory one consulted has
a different theory, and offers differest
suggestions. l p,n a few and cardinal
suints, however all beetu agreed. It is
as detrimental to a tine suit of hair to
bestow upon it too much as too, little
doctoring. Too tre.lusut shampooing is
as injurious as the permitting of the ac-
cumulation of dust and dandruff. The
naturally oily secretion which gives the
hair its and glow is a.nductive to
its healthfulness and beauty, ; but, left
to accumulate in too great ahuudance,
in the course of time it becomes incor-
porated with extraneous natter, and
1114es to the hair a dull dead appearance.
As a rubs, except when very much ex-
posed to dust, r nce a month in wormer,
and once in two or three 'months in
winter, is often enough t.. shame.,.. or
thoroughly wash the scalp. Further
than this, it an be kept clean and free
from dust and dandruff by lerusiung twice
daily, from ten to fifteen Uiilutes at a
time ; while this brushing tends to coax
••-it the natural oil from the pores of the
skin and spreads it. the meet subtle and
delicate of pomades, ever the silken sur-
face of the ehevelur•e. For cleansieg the
hair and the scalp not'itlg is better than!
an etre. Seine say the white only ; bot
others use the yolk as well. because con-
tainiug, besides the cleansing property,
►oleaginous matter, that serves as a de-
lightful dressing. Besides the egg, white
Castile or common brown soap may be
used. The use o1 borax is deprecates,
as nuking the hair brittle and harsh ;
and spirits of ammonia. as tending tee
turn it gray, by depririr.g the rents of
the .oily and c luring principle which he-
1on;e too youth. Tonics should not be
resertel to. save with vreat care and by
recommendation .f _chess who are auth-
oritative oil the subject ; and even then
en excess is more iiIjuriens than !raring
Nature to work •out its own cure of
\1 i : rl:. ll' BLi. WATE : ER TO SHOW GOODli.
Crahb's Block. Cerner East street and Square.
Goderich, May Sth. 1884.
A aear*llad•sseevery.
Physician's are often startlers b: re-
markable discoveries.- The fact that Dir.
1►ing's New Discovery We. Consumptive
and all Throb and Lu:g diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
to die, is startling thent toe realize their
sense ..t duty, and rester:a int.. toe
merits of this wonderful discovery. se -'t
silting in hundreds of our best Phpsi-
cians wins it in their practice. Trial
bottles free at .1. %'ileo. s Drug Starve.
Regular size 21.0'. i4)
National Pa1la act promptly upon the
liver, regulate the hearts and as a pub
satin are mild and thorough. rt
There are Ionic f people geeing aruuad
grumbling, and half sick at the stomach
all the time ; who• might to well tad
, happy, if they early treed Dr. Carson's
$touuah Bitten occasionally. It a .
�apleudid'blood purifier. A11 drugRi is
50 tents
=oiw.r_irig 3z Wed cltu.p
Butt t, aDnotance to the Public that they hate ..pend business in the above St. r'
in the .torr lately .occupied by Horace Newt,.. .Hating F,urchascd a large ar..I
well assorted tt k of Spring and Summer Deeds at clear figures, we are determine
too silos the Plsblic the-beneec.
,>en-Pitase call ami examine our goods bef..repnrchasirg elsewhere. •
_'ar-Remember the place. next door to J. Wilson's Drug Stors
tr-Custom work will I,.rive .our special attenti'utl.
et►" None but the lest ..f mmater:al uses and tint -class workmen employed.
,,Vie'Repainng neatly doer en the sh.•rtest notice
Goitence. isge. DOWNING & WEDDUF
Carter's Little Liver fills are free front
all crude and irritating matter. Co•teeo-
trateel ire licine only ; very small : very
easy to take ; nn pain ; n.. griping ; au
purging. Ina
A l'are.
A young woman, who thought ►he sea
losing her husbands affections, went t.. a
seventh daughter of a seventh daughter
ter a lore powder. The mystery woman
told her : "Get a piece .1 raw beef, on
a.rklstra Armies water.
The greatest medical wonder u. the
world. Warranted to speedily care
Burns, Bru:ses,Cuts.l-lcers, Malt Rheum,
Fever Serres, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, Teter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed t.. cure In
every instance, er :Honey refunded 25e.
per bus. Vol. sale by J. Wil.,.. ly.
Sever give fp.
If yr.0 sore sntfering with i•ow and de.
premed ..joints, lees ci appetite. general
dehilaty, disordered bleed. weak c,asti-
tuteri. headache, er any disease of a bd-
iuus nature. by All means procure a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be Mt -
prised to see the repel improvement that
will follow .y w ill he inspired with new
life; strength and actirity will return ;
pain and misery will cease. and hence -
Orth you will rejoice in the Brise of
Electric Bitten: Sold at fifty cents •'
b,ttls by J, �tdMeo• (GI
A REwiph-Of one &.zeta "TeAacH-
RI''. to any one sending the best four line
rhyme on ' i 1 4RC1t41, ' the t'etrarkahle
cern roar the Teeth gad PIC-. Ask
your druggest er address.
.4 Blessing to dl Easatmd.
Is these times when ou-- neerap apes
are ?I ...tied with patent medicine adter-
tisententa, it is ¢ratify:ng to know «bat
to procure that will certainly cure you'
It you are hili nus, blood out of .noes,
liver ireartite, nr : eneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the van -!d that will
cure you see .fiiickly as Elee.eic hitters.
They are a bletsitig to all mankind, and
can tie had f..r only fifty cents a battle
of James Wilson. i2:1
1st, about half an inch took. Slice an �---
onion in two, and rub the meat on both
sides with it. Put on pepper and salt,
and toast it on each side over a red real
fire. Drop un it three lumps of putter .
and two sprigs ,.f parsley, and get him
to eat it. ' The young woman did so,
and her husband 'eyed het ever after.
40,000 ACRES
of WII Dand IIfPROVED LA Slut. for eats
along the line of the P.H.ON.W.R.R. in Ha. •
tae and H■ron ('panties. 11111CHIUA V. freers
from M per sere acts rewarda• teem water,
Itarkrt. soil dhows, ,frr F"nr tinkles avid
ac•usioe Rate.. to show the lands. Write
for fiats and fall p5 1lrnlar to It . W . JONES.
B 111ilttary tat., MKT HURON. Web.. Oen.
National Pills are a mild pontative, agent for Tesae.seeLunde. I•usa
acting .on the stomach, liver and bowels,
removing all obstruction. lm
.lances McGuire. butcher, Kingdon,
I•rmmle-n atseoag tM - gretMest 1"1"1 male time ago cut a wart off his hand.
*rnrertrs. h ss .•• re, He is now laid up with blrx,d
and will not recover
.11 I altonail/ a ee h 1
Ilc(he(ot. Apo.. Cos. *14.can Nub
`edea to the nelasa ct I enalrs's, t.
Mee Irma tom/ to abate .n
rfotss 1116 r worth
e! dally ptsMM.
Wary Ingredient persastM .Santa
b t few r widen It
hoe eimpoer= elleary bibelot
ngabllateed by I hourly
e lift tberefere t that we have a
ea whfeh we ens (fart to Use wine
w t immense, Mat 11 srld he found rot
este a relief Nit
an •1.seirte Cum tor Ilyspey-
sti•, tfv.“."et/t gal- Indlgeetlea ccaetlp•ties
.. .neo-- l.,t Free trial bootee s• ries.
yeas ixrtg rMseu. 11.t
Past sumer*,
North Western, IN Ingham, Oct. ;, 8.
South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 6, 7.
Dungannon, Oct- R.
Freeman's Worm Powders are acres -
able to take, and expel .11 kinds of
worms from children or adelta tat
i heti to advise my clubmen awl the one
sumer. ot (bel amen$"y. that 1 stn tow re.
paring my Pall sad Wloter supply of Kai,
MID INR tOaL, aha are per•patwd to take
snare to by dellr.ewd an town 51 the tmll.wlag
5he3tnut and Stove, $7.00
8� : - - .$`6.75
Thanking 1115.00 yew for pa faros• 1 heeewfth
re.prrtMny ashen a r,i.tisslam are year rat-
tle Meer..
Oederleb, Ass. 11 wL yIE
di Et
Welt A -a' -. sad reiieve all the tenders m•et-
e -:. t -o a b....Amman. of the .yitem, such a. I►u-
a.t.r s, lean. a, Droweilleas. Dts/r.wu aft. r a•:r
h n I. the 94.•. be hlte their meet ensu.
101_ *ottani 1.11 bees show■ u away
sholstsitcie ri.n yetC.w.i('sn.r.w,Lltt l.•Lirn Ptai:db ar•ge any
Hue engin isnt• eh ..• to also cla[
all die.pi rtor tint stomach..mtitsr
1111 liege
sari rtghlsts the hoods. B.. • d they .•ly Cara
*eh. Orr * healmost plttlses to thew oh*
.d. -r trona t resin( estapWnr: het fexte-
tlacy thief' sletend1.o,widt s*.
who este try thew IOU thesellttletillevale.
sloe laesassay w�wet w'
b do w: Lout slum. a t11 t ahtit•�
to baste of se many limy that h. see is a here we
make oar great testa. Oar ptha, an it wails
others do .ot.
caner s Little LI -.i P1). are s: *man aced
very tray tetake. One -r ten pI:.t s4 5dose.
Tin/ ar teortiy vegetable and do n• t or
p•trgr. bath their wet,* WHOA1.1n.e 1:14.110
..e them. lea rule it *5 crab: five for E. Sold Tim -.2.4
by drulyets everywhere, er seat y natl. Tack.,s. a t M
CARTER IKEDICL' E CO., e.trbts..J ern. ro
Nowa York tatty. ••'r •' • t ma,al
th.r s. ant
The Ontario Mutual c""a
Alas YI
plats la Iowa•
llebrask.In.o.rt. baa
ens. Now Ie.rrtleo, Artisan. Iles.
' Was sal Tess.
T. 'want we
En use to R Jowl*.
t.rhan., Topeka, Deal.
a.. D.I:a. ari-
. • hos Root.. has nosew Isor for Vixen
. •. Ye.arap,us earl Sr- rates.
1rlo.aly reputed r
Cat venal --
1. see best ebitswd
asnreed h t M newt for
s4 claw* of tram,
Aa con n••rtlon. mein
1n1 n1&,or
sea 71111she
see wa01xd s
newsy, h.leea
r . 41e-
l►Aa (/t',t .'.540,4
Wormer los
*nest hates w wry
\� re.weepiir.
weeping me.
B * I * 0I1f bn
ION 0Otti. all nPsist:►rra=•ore i ►. rLs s. ineJe awe . ioni;g
T1.'telt pans Mat.rl Isle ce. n r
.4 {uprise In fon .•, 1,. , . '11.r.
of RS:Y.71•�lHng •wooer to tare arnuu..:
Tonto, Ont
Canadian Pass. Ag 1,
TeTAL AMaT%. - ot'•'t.:.a.ea (leo B. Jot, warns,
TOTAL 11110111111111 L. 1116101.0114.11111 Tick.• Agent, (lode .
atarara, -
ih.e t'••tapeAr .s Reserves ars iyyd nn the ------ _
"A rt sari.. ?Oar, oe lsertall ani ffn,,r per 1
rat. Interest -the Ny4.uf 1r 5a.rd
by nay life roapsay ra(�soyra� and o .
per went. higher t►.a the st-idrapel weed by the
[l..rninlnn tneura.ce Depart M w
The lsrreseing popnlarlly and raced airs* . h ' sham earth
of the compeer may he ern hem the fart
&adds rook for postage.
awdr*eelvemat aerator bort
aorta. whir+ will help yea
:mer. menet right sway
t, •erg
wand. Alt of either
that in Ix'tt the Brat year d Its +wether.. thy. r /.,vtnar.peas • The breed road
total sweets ahroeoted se only Wag while lam le sew.. A t �e warken.•+eolst..
ear the ,remelted the +as .erne neral of geese. a�M'tC'o
r./.eL W I1. HENDRY. Manager.
e. HUDsttle. Oesews`Aseas s
rA• .rave and rehab$, iiyatri(ciie.
Atrent Sitys 1hyii ter Osdeieb ash Wets 0.r., Apply •,
t. �W �It (pteeisnes tiets.sal .&..vats Stratford.
eras Tlwd. htltt. u Lear Rue. of l vans t. and *mea
r rtw�f. IN:.trts
She knows her masa sad whoa yea seat •
Can draw you to bet with a eingIo hair."
Bat it mast he beautiful hair to have
To Riuovs Datraern-Choates the loath power ; and beautiful hair eta he
usatp with Ref. Low's nazis ffulplltrr wieared by the o.e of etweatan Rua
1. AA. �~ , is soap fat (tar saints. !Ie W ate UT J. W Sat see
'Wow yr
equal r
wordy obis
apsostad the
briag op as
'You tea
but you 0111
tad saw. Y
gam 11 yoi
11w /a
albs' the
'Is soot i
• aIle apo
d�t:rb•d b.
ogre eiggrel
411. amellM
that toe $if1
'How du yet
' B.Oaw the
door Met the
'Do Ib.1
if a manbq
sweet 1 and
want anolite
too 1 Truth,
'Just this
negro that s
oowld not tr
i saw a fella
that he alms
before he co
'Dsd you
school, toda,
why do you
the teer
broke a rule
my head -t1
'What do
milk here r
}toed in at
'Eight cents
got any for l
A n ,tr
vats to • r
o'clock it ser
the reply.
ter, •1 though
any more he
begins at er
'How did
askei • ma
'Well, you
vainly tried
wanted, I ti
one that wag
take long to
The devel
back of the
ologist. 'N
want on, it
cels hump it
eating that
parents t., t
not so, my 1
Yuu do nut
well ew•ugl
but I ain't
That bump
last night wi
Matting t
dining or sit
If a liter
polish it wil
the looks of
Oxalis act
.taints left b
moved with
Marble to
w never t
Mer drat
roe painted
' wood.
If a baby
smell piese
animal .°55
it next hitt
be pinned
(esti ii
Wed trio
ars bows e
At a littl
made out d
will have t
iwadle oat
ill wild
antro tis
alatlldl.. Ai
do not note
should be p
Conch .h
pretty recti
plant thrive
requires be
plant ferns
ly if the .h
mix the ani
and MINN'e
coma bean
matter th
from the (r
than down
more dices
D Dieser&
as coven/0
way, mirth'
sad ease e
Work a GM
pus down
Asir. On
A very ass
one choose
Shaker el
wooden r'
gray linen
Pmt. L
highly awn
sign distal
Tr. the h
ration has
` 1i Aims a. IM