HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-3, Page 3ie OD ). N 0 O 0 1 ever LS THE H Ul01f SIGNAL FRIDAY. OCT.- 31 1884. $ CHAPTER XU.. PAINT retinol .NT. These -rival of Reatsee and Randolph, sod the amities seem whisk had taken plates is his.hamber, pruduc.d a terrible sleet ea Mr. Ors►siue. It rowed hi is a etesage, startling way from the lethargy iota whittle he had sunk from the first mount of the shook A spasmodic power and energy seamed returning to his paralysed limbs, and the iateasity of mental agitation therrrsten.d to force through the potent amen which had in an blew, and deft whet Isis father wait ahem to Anode • despessawiensh w labors* ilia. But Ralph, whit was wMehisr hies, like a pautber, lassosed au hi,sad t easiest his hate arwanmad held him bask, het held hem by alums mintiest whisk vasa hu rage was jemm- ies., leo that he was ouepened to view the promediuss which followed, sad to look w and she the act which made hies a beggar. The terrible excitement of the mo- anent bad made Mr, Gralime's win obtain the outequ..t over the diem* wheel bad •ensiled kin, head without any assistance be reached the fin, tad drup- p sol the perehasest upui the glowing ear b ease waiting with gasping esteems' till it skuuld bunt into a limas. When instant beau bid upon hie Phrimeei ale- he let it fall upon the fire Randolph was tees. The contorted memo s, pr,- seta d wit h • de.perste itupulas to match deemed were burrilb 4. ezentemplste- it from destruction, and put teeth all the The staring eye -balls, reline tram face streierth which the crisis gave bum t% to Ease, indicating the sgun cine earnest- hart from Ralph•a grip. Rut in vain, nem to speak, the cumulate twitehiug of the features, and the jerking lit the limbs. made it very sal and painful in- deed to stand by his bedside and wituew without the ewer to aid- Eustace and Captain Densmore did what they could to Booth and common him, and if Ram delph had withdrawn he tuighe have grown calmer, but the latter insultingly refused to quit the chamber, declaring, with all cuare0eea of speech, that he had as good a right tube there as Eustaoe,ssd a deal more right than Du,isntore- His object seemed to be to irritate and me- tals the sufferer, in the hope that anode- hsndfe1 of Neck, tteeev maim, and, as er shuck might be produced, which would the tut flickering lame was extinguish - grove at once fatal. and he viewed with el Mr. Grahame gavea crest gaap,and a fiendish satisfacti..n, which lie took no terniuz t•, Eustace, uttered a sharp cry, pine W conceal, those distortions which end fell int() his outstretched arms - gave such poignant pain sod sorrow to the other .p.Jtatora It was as much i Eustace could dolts command himself so tar as to refrain from forcibly ejecting him -a proceeding which the ,nor., fiery Densmore several times suggested, only, however, to elicit from Randolph brutal it/premien. of defiance. Mrs. Grahame never once appeared os, the scene. On on. oecsaioD only had she ventured to her husband a bedside, pine. andsight of her had brought molt an While this was beins; lane, Randedph, angry expression from his eyes that she released now by Ralph, shrieked a hoarse returned immediately to her own chain- oath, and rushed from the room towards bey which she kept from morning till Rtlph ton., was *retested by the str,ng- wt fuelling that cau possess human na- ture, and at the moment • Irnt•s power twat in his arae. Them be tightened round Itandelph's be dy like- bars of iron, and kept him hopelessly imprisoned. For s moment the deal lay upon the red cats uncharged -.best it became tinged with hrown, ane dark spots ap- peared and spread, while thick sneaks beton to rim the instant the edges were burned up ; a slight crackling woes heard, and the deed was enveloped in datum. In a few secunda mere it lay upon the fire a Daae. 'Alas, my father,' murmured the youth, 'your pride caused you to do un- justly ; but this act ..f atonement indi- cates repentance, winch I accept as can- eelhDg all the past.' He tenderly lifted the inanimate body, bore it tack to the bed, and laying it there, reverently do..cd the glazing eyes, and covered the face with the counter - his mother's chamber, and then, with your teeth. I him mode yes bogeys 1'r Ism the ironed -hie •r. espied You'll both lasso la besets set o4 this, ur the funning pear, sad he .wird aid I hope you'll Mases--sterni--die of to quit Louis. Bi hewing seiner waist at tete back of a dyke, had in your was sow ended. Dicksoals betrayal had brought it effectually Weeks., and kis (needs aid not, ou the whole. regret it, for, wbatevw upiaim they Nikki boli as to the morality of ewssgliug, it was enquemai•.ti•hly iUwtal, and there"' daugerov a .id da.reputa►ts. fiche John had, however, made a deal of money by it,•n.l the made him all *emote willing t o give it up. He was etiill a bale, hear- ty, earty, active suss, and quiteesgerly jumped at • propueibuemiacis by ltotsetaee, that he should take one of th.Beigarry forms and initiate Willy into she promisee et agriculture- Ku.taco premising els erect a tine resident's for him to Webbed wi:h Willy and he bride -self WOW' time it was settled that the *kg' tad Ism taumeata thiak it was me who brought it all apes • you. Shame? You say I; might feel shame at what I have dews f No, I gluey in it. It will he the sweetest food fur sy thought. as lung se I live, and when Roall t., mind the day I was lashed to the gun and had my hook striped with t ho - at, this- day's wort will take sway the bitterness of the re- collection, These. --that, I guess, is s hit a my mmd that will stick W you. Hope you will esjuy the digestion of it. Ha, ha, ha„ And with a luud,mockiol laugh, Ralph quitted the chamber, leaving hu balked *ad mortified victims tr chew the ted of those Litter reflections winch his words produced, Marton (Gilbertson were to he j wsiei#oi► It would mem unwarrantable to ay ly mtrri.d- 13e by the aping folksiest that when the •suilrm Beeper; leach- the new home was really to be uocupied, ed Lowden the intelligence of the death sod the blushing Marion was l.rosght of Mr. Grahame produced s•rruw in the by the proud and hapte Nilly from the u tiudeither et Mr. Adamson or Lilies. village of Eyemouth to the beautiful In the first place, the tidings relieved hauls of the Tay, and auk possession .d thr.n of the -must intense anxiety. They their new house, where Uncle John Fad heard nothing of the fate of the joined theta in the autumn, adding by lugger, and the deer ones who mute have his preeenee to the gaaeral happiness. boarded hem There was danger that the cutter had esptured theist ; an.% in that case, beside* the penalty that would •t - tach to theta as smuggler”, their return would be indefinitely poatpunsd. Very welcome. therefore, was the iuf•.rmatien that they had boarded the tugger in tins. he was engaged. to have her head turned north -that Refill Blux.am took up his residence they had kept ahead of the cutter till all io the cottage by the river, and with him the cargo was thrown overboard -that Jessie and her child. lithe never sought they had safely reached L'engarry -sod t/. see or ceiumunicate with Randolph, that, by the death of Mr. Grahame, Eus- and over her the shad sw .!f grief atilt tame was now a wealthy landed pry hung. Wo may lure sag, however, that prietor. The sadness of the latter event at the end of 100 years, Randolph came, was quite lost in the itnp•rtance of the professing :treat s.rruw fur the past, and c•,nseouencea. It was utterly levees- the centinuanc* „1 his love fur her ; and sible, of averse, that Mr. Adamson could fir. Iter girl, hiving never ceased to grieve for the decease of • man lie never love btu, notwithstanding Ly treachery, saw, nor could Liliess mourn the death of was prevailed ou to forgive hint, and owe who had acted w. crnel!y to Eustace, 1o'a bun as les wife. Into their domestic and thanktueiess rather than orrow or ax;eerienee we shall net to.. curiously in - meet filled her bo.uu,fur now he whom pure. L)oubtieess the past must have she w fund'). loved and wit, had s" often cast its sombre shadow ever their We must net, le waver, forget to men- tion that, before quitting the locality, he fished up the kegs which had bees sunk in the Loch, held gut them safely and pnotitahly disposed uf, and thia formed tb. last amuggling iesnaactiun in which iob'y proved his luxe was rest: to home, but to all appearaace they lived his rightful social station. and remained , in harni"uj-• and, if RenJolph's nature no Longer an outcast. His long letter to did not sutler a relied change, he yet her overflowed with the fulness of Moat- suppressed those terrible manifestations night, appearing in the dining -room at !fearful int;,rotenone, delivered his tid- fecti•.n, and he promised, as soon as the e,f it which hal t. e . ,ully de meals, and that only necentenally. !Since! ing. of ruin- To the heartless and ambi- funeral was orer,to come and convey her duct, and embittered s•, many loving morning, therefore, the three young tiuua w.•m.n the intelligence nes over -to her future home- hearts. men were the only attendants at the 1 whelming- Dreading nothing, but deem- i At the end sofa week from the day he Captain D •aa-1ds.n could not be pre- conch- \ i ing all secure, she was waiting with *1- I died. Mr. Grahame was interred in the va:led un to quit the life of a sailor. It A little *ft midday Mr. Grahame, moat eager impatience to receive the tis:- !rural churchyarl of Balmennn, in the suited Lest, he said, his restless dispesi- diftr managed to utter the - f the event which made her son the seas helon••ing to the estate of Ilenzarry. tt,en- He, h,wrter, crated to voyage to afar word - 'Search.' 'Search for- le will, you mean ' Captain Densmore. atter deetrsction-that she was a wi1•,w, was a full attendance of the country ram - 'Yee,' was the answer. painfully surd• and that the estate would g•. to Eustace, ! dents. Rand- 1ph was also present sad cargoes of a legitimate character. Joe toga o owner ..f Kenirarry . but. instead of this. The funeral was very respectable, with- H,Aatiu fur the purpose of erbringing over \ c oetraband cargoes and entered the me- phitis down bun: upon herthe newsthat her long out bine pompous, and more out of re- , plstu had ended in sudden and ; sprat to Eustace than his father. then t of a Leith .merchant, who chartered iia ship too vari.ens tori gn peorts with whisk they aW is the `walla- apt is their pommeled% for it is weeiated with Ohs !birth d that loin whirls now sweet- ens their earthly lut,sa.l spreads throw* their hearts • pasta and joy wbieh they humbly hope will preys • feamatite of higher and basher blewdsem m the world to soma Surrounded by this *emery of soot, sa.l the .sjpysaetia et sash deep demesnes happinee.. we hid them ferewen. Meeting that their oort- duct under their new trial, rod the tell- tales of their reward, will stimulate our reader to follow their example amid the difficulties and «avows of this chagaer- ed life. The stag,. we have toe. teaehea many lessons, net. the chief is this --that adherence to duty will sooner or Iae.r prove to be the path of salrey sae of cu ed hehfl occupied the position of a y^euneer tan. remained with Lint, and was ere long 'But you know the dcctor and I have •p—n seize that fellow i Ralph, for app.:toted his chief ofticer ; and never p ,Tho fiat intenti..n of this pent"nes;e was wretched already in every runceivsble he has done it all,' roared Randolph, as to quit Bengarry on the very evening of I did they arrive at the port of Leith with - Owe. and the"' is littts doubt,• he ad- he stamped furiously to and fro, 1 his father's death. and from that moment ; out paring a visit to their friends at Ben- ded, looking towards Randolph. 'that he 'Exactly s.,' said Ralph, gliding in ' Cease all conespondence with !..is brother. ! g*r*7- This leads us to say a parting word peace. ata x.u. if your hair u tomb* gray, 'dot use the p,ss.w.w .lyes whw.h been out its lite and ur'duce many diseases of the scalp. Ayers Hkir Viler is positively harmless, and will restore the natural color of the bow, stimulate res growth, and brine back its youthful glom and beauty. Are you troubled with ball Kine. Itoegh Hands. or fled totes of say kind tact canoes be healed! Kum though It be of years stand- ing Waimea de Parke • Carbolic" Ceram well sun it. Heyosd the shadow of • doubt it is the beat bean hes mem pound ever known. Hal.. Veet.riaas. trust Hitee. Hurtsn or arty Shia Trouble, .re alike cured by it. Bold at SS ata, by Geo. Rhyesrdrommist- nu Thousands- boar wituu s to the posi- tive curative powers of the Oazu 0411 - NAM INvrl•Isu►TOR, the oily remedy that hes proved itself • speak for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc. , and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, iutanity and a imma- ture grave. bold by an druggists, or will bit,e et ttes-on receipt of $1.O0 per box, or ilx boxes for $3, Address F. J. CHgert, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send fee are.tlar and testimonials of genaine cures. Geo Rhyna•, Goderich. 3to The \\!esleian Adveiser FOR 1885 - who abstracted it has it must carefully through the dour. 'I ate just the man Judging of the latter by himself, he con- I ! i about the res! .1 the sm ;zler of St two in T.eronto1 - tunomld' that has done it all, and I'm particularly ducted that from Enstace he would re- i h Gaderlch..tour, t .863 t¢so ty Randolph made no reply, but hisAbbs. That retie y whit iuinedJesaop CHOIe'e OF SIX PRE MII.31•4 : p glad you understand it, though I rather' telae nothin_-that the latter would a- more thanI and stopped the career t Adamson. dealt onset the following popular Pn•miumt wdl , GODBgICH BOILBB AOBL meaning smile expressal think you don't know the full extra. sent to the uttermost of his power Ras- be forw.nted toos•b subucrib.•r for iia;. ata worda, (my sen ices, and your of liZauun to 1 dolph's past conduct, and lease him ea.! I a serious blow to the smuggling system pit ment or the small aMdttional amount re - i tirely to his own resources. It surprised I °f the!meldy. Jessup denerteL as we furor to twaase, etc. oder aaurding to I d ;letter •sin heard A. -Portrait Gal:orae lee. $1.100 3 PRIZES. Ilia SPECIAL FEATURES. 1. Balance of feet free to new subscriMers- t Averages tea pages each week -frequently - I Beautifully printed by new Web -feeding es7re.- 1. Splendid Agricultural Department, Health flints, lay • prominent Phy+.tcian- (}ODH'+RZOH k Legal Qucruycnawcrd by K-. H. eartraas, 7. Edu tooalDe,pattment,by .1- Dearness. PLANI:1'G MILL I Callas' Department. ESTABLISHED 1855, r. Youth's Ile rtuirnt- Letters ravel in Foreign Countrir-, IL and Minions. It Qu t Wo3bonnta. 13. Preachers and Churches. W 1t. Corusand Useful. 14. ('harming Serials, Mune. Pictures, etc. Met-me:anisofthe wtel.ny• ar•crc►utiw w 17. From Aces the Bea, and The Wide w. its, Personal and Political. Sash Doors (;.J Blind' la- Current Opinion --a1l sorts. Sash, Doors lieednble and pointed Editorials : Reliable ' _ News and commercial P. -psora: and 1 hi_A Leta IN •I-tI. Keith of world.larest Tnlegrnmf from al: over the Liil)LLeT, LCLtIL, Shingle ONLY $1.00 PER ANNUM it Dr. Low's was remwvm • an Wads of Waw res► lir militias. Ira atom 'IwG I - I new link Mlwtls rtuaeali.. mum ler 'resad t =mit take • ilay or ea boor torero bet in wee theAs eslsetr eY pato lawrlt ei* the ands love Ceded lis need. gear. Fluid Usbts1,.g Is els. s peettive eta be Klisma•tlre. The weer pe iklo este have hewn peed awed la ewe wash. Peke t' mea as U. 1t►ya.l Brag roar., Eos .KING'S EVIL • - Wattle awes tartasrty titres. lo ll mslde because et a sepentltlss Ihas It 'soil M curd by a Ideg'. teach. 1 world b s stew wow, and havers that SCROFIJL& '14 ran ooty toe entad by • themes! tion of the bbod. It this is the dimwit perpetuator. k. tars generation after generation- Aloe, earlier symptomatic developments are Leaman, Cutaaests. titan !- ' !54 mors, BM t.rbmaclw, .m7tram1 ' _ Purulent L Nervosa said Ph$- sleal Collapse, etc. 11 snowed to a ssi- ttaue, fthossatlspr. acr'ellaMms Qr- tarrh, Kldtaey7 std Liver DLaireas Tubercular Co.sumpdea, area vetrt- dsmoerous or tataLambidles, .r. wawa by Ayer's Sarsaparilla $t q owl po ser end always reffeii' feei-ptorifyisg medicine. It ken egad, ed an alterative that H eradiates* slsQ the mate= Hereditary tswtula, ams the kindred poison. of coitaeltes demes sad mercury. At the stem time k ets- ricbes and vttancee the Med- restorttsg healthful artk.n to the vital er am* oma mutest/tog the entire mem. 11!*g1 Regenerative Medicine I■ composed of the ggeennftse Jyioadttras erseprtrlilo, wlth Yeib.e Dome, ma- lingia, the Iodides o' l.Nassiww► and 1nee, and other Ingredients of testy catefuil and setratldca eve p ono ie , lis formuIs k gr,ienny testae W the medk al protesatoa. anti the best pphhyelaiaau momently pa..crne Armed dasulAtttu-a u an For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. 1t b mseentrated to the htgh- ett practicable degree, tar beyond say Cher preparation for which like abets are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the beet blood purifying lnedi- eine,fs the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Absolute Cure o! rag/tango HY Or. J. C. Ayer 1 Co., Lowell, leas. (Amalyticat Chemists -1 Sold by all Druggists: prim gat iii I bottlea-tor OS. Buchanan,Lawson Robinson a . and builder's materiel of every dsseelptiaa For the most largely circ -dated Family Weekly In Canada, excepting only SCASOL FUNNITUIR A SPECIALTY. two tossers Is alontresl and *s'AiI Orders promptly$attended W. 'I have a nation that the cabin of the Greyhound would be a likely place to search,' said Densmore itandolph's eye }Isabel malicieusly- 'A shrewd idea, Captain Dunmore,' 11e me.diwas n .t 'Llkttme. siroal itbouted P.eandelph, him, therefore, net a little to be invited lease iecztnw, an a. of, Hi* property was of enema .sized, 'Rid us instantly of mucking pre- 11 to a conference with his brother in the ; but his lame naar.*wf over against the pence. 117 heaven, 1- a, Pistol I• library, and to learn that the latter's_iu- Iharbor, haring been preciously eunveyed would shoot you dead at my I Muttons were of no such vengeful char - 1 to another, passel int , new hanks, and obserrd'I'on nayword,it might be worth I 'No you wouldn't,returodi Italph, tater. -- while fur. such s search to be instituted. with a malicious aria. `].m hate the He entered the library with a sullen, 'subsequently became the residence of one o.f the aristocratic families in the s's'''w'ofonl aittata, ry tree wn•pw tapers If you think of undertaking it, the Grey- y- heart and ferocity to do it, I know, I defiant sir, and met Eustace with , terms to iircnta, re. ., ardfrn. - I neighborhood. The underground vaults) ADYERTISUR MINTING CO.. hound is lying at anchor in the river,and you haven't the courage. The hangman 1. The latter was -elm and grate. but they still esu. under I will allow you to dispense with the fur- rope frightens you, and suppose you had neither stern nor vindictive. IL - Home and Health, tae. 1141 •• int received •targestack ot 1 -ebsse s lieclpea, eta ; BRASS & IRON STEAK FITTUIGI D -,-Gladstone Portrait. tor- t- Wellington and H:nrber. ler. --Volt— F- --Tbe .Sanctuary. tee. ' lir -i l nt. wanted In every section. Sinn I Bolos & ERIE Special Drisrs. ting in .aloe 511.tgw jjj„jJJ jJJJJ j wilt be awarded is arch nest- to the moot L.)NDON, ONT. were shut up,the building, and easy be seen by the I orality of a warrant, by pn.nding you the pistol a: this moment, I would feel I (Reeeelph,' he raid, 'we are brother,Ieuriow at the prevent day. e♦„♦ ♦TRF. 'ewel. and TRE WperrR`l ADtER- officer. Shall you got 'Begone, 1 say -d— you, begone have no desire to set towards you as I nssaa wW hs to,ulod te .ny s leas+from now Da s atewec to the taunting N,.t jut yet ' rejoined Ral h, with And now we must let the curtain fall ; ro Jaawrl Ise. test, M rr+•elpt lit on1T x2.:1. P leave the (Dower to do. \Vhat hsa oc- itelth,rot THK Amit uteura s peewee proe- with • letter of permision to my chief myselt quite safe.' ttbd, ar$ rithstandinll what has passed, 1 The Signal's Clubbing Ofer. usmonproposal we. a dignified sileooafad we're •hall it be ? 1Vhen Lot on MtnrM r mire'. aAditl°aal •mount for wR eetdessieeabsaae, wine fullReally Dow; Rmdulph aitfst 'tar Fn lbw scene on which it Eos -on tae little .imms lmreMistez ebewssted•arae yoare Me anxioous to get h11 i nalsed the ame it alieioos smile. 'I want to leta know how meek you owe usFirst foremost I wa one of them that •P 'd q Ter wife• 'MK Wm ye* set them adrift in the es Int •hoot how 1 Mo000 her withase •iso eurred makes it, of Mune. Impossible to pireetend friendship, or hold any fraternal intercourse; but I am not vindictive enough to tate .renege past injuries, Dor need the wo know our mily mat- , isue leid to understand that a vers knoll by the banks of the Tay --- .the will, yon should make .¢Int! •share fgstaca (Taibi>ttk fltet`itnat un that bk.uwtiom. Had I tha same reissss to k' boot, adridf•' t glorntng when 11e firs beheld End it u Iiotir ptmtllro I oho Id tabtlr'im meills, s d ived herr from atant steps -and 700 tsa7 depend Litton make the smash the ether day. Rut ( considerable sum of money has accoma- watery¢rave. it when the time comes, that it u of ad- msyle you want to Know how I came to : fated front the estate of late years, Thio It u not morniig now, but evenin¢- vantage b. me that the wills heuld be find the will ! Vel 1 was going through shall be given up to bt invested fur your •,;furious evening in wwmer-and thepr.odaced-' the perk when I saw mina drop from the m.1(h.r s beh.,,of, to tall to Ton at her Icnrge.uspanorama .1 that noels Scottish 'It will be forthcoming'' interrupted tree -i death, and till then I will pay gnulitericer lies in all its i,esn'y aid piagniti•Densmore, snappishly- F.andelph started as if a reptile had hundred a year from the rent roll. ThisIBence in the ¢olden Gzl.t. A newt aortic 'I rather think 10,' roturno.l flan- bitten him. Ralph . apes fl -.shed al,o,g .rich yu• of ieial income, will I ubnr las been erected on the knoll. and dolph, with arepeetitious bow- trinwph, and he went on- maintain you in the position of a gentle 1 in the arbor lits F.iuti.ca •n.l Liles, 'And no tiootier T said the Captain. -But I saw something more drop. I I man.' while on the geesey Carpet to front three 'Web my decided opinion is-no.'mw a letter that had tnmbkd from your Randolph d•reu in astonishment ar pretty chddrsn-eta•, !Nays had a oirl- 'Tbea that opinion is wrong, fur henpocket, at.d picked it up. it was the this generosity, and could nut help say-aretl„ rting in all the wantonness of w the will,' aleonted a vacs, and Ralph letter 700 get from Dunbar the cameo- hag yRBlnxam appeared .ern the threshold .e1 thepan and that a how we came to know oh•mber, holdmg aluk tee will in onethe .mut glen were betrayed. and what haat, and the oilskin in which it hadt•easnrr. to take to defeat von- It was been wrapped in the other- extrordinerily kind of you togiv me theR sndnlph glared f.or a wwtnent at him meant.fruining lou so completely- salami with his cutter to flit Forth I which they pa*eat. They se'. vwg► in stapi6ed amststaent, than with an -And well might vote feel shame to Mrs- Grahame etas goittod lishgarry.,very happy new as they tease with fon& oath apnnz forward to anatd the Parole'boatit miner nnnatunl cyvldnct,'•I- and, a choice..flocalitybeing•flowedI est bride aeon them hale darlings --the estmt from hu grasp. 'It her took up her residence in one of the I imago.dtherneovee-50dthreadopen that it was utterly unexpected. Heootbfnl foe therefore rentaine•l at tae mansion till I The few year .1 wadded I.ie that have after the funeral. and . cupied his nate•pa*ssi „ver tae Loads ..f Eunt.oe fled nl place hl that had corrmo•ny, dei.art- I Lilist have gnus effaced the traaoit in¢, however, om the following day. and tattieroftris)and.ufferingimago instantly there was • terrible tnboek, sad Randolph recoiled with • otapter see s the woos, for he had ben met with the hand that held the oilskin, pleatng a tn..ndtms blow in the awl 'You'd like to gist it, i Ears my,' veer- ed Ralph. 'Herm with it,' eried Dunmore. 'Hertame like p dog -lbs. elft fres to Ralph* 1 trio ma' sk• es athung nn a bit of rook in the `Otee R to se.',' 'xdaissed a stooge.seesetbt7 voles, sad to tee twivaesl esidetle of the sat D'ye think 1 was rn- amenemsst. Mr. firobamo spews fere ing is mfl_. all Chet at year haadanmvesife 1 Not likely- iMareto pay re oat ter it a kali I lase dose it Aye dams it till am claimed Mr. Grahame, passions y•fe.,ot lldinbar¢h.wee good work. wasn't it, to effect the f IOuable •qm 1 the splendors of the approtehinp sunset. r bei thus rid of thous who The seen, bet•re thaniscalmlybeaoti nen of your sister and her sea IieRR•+r7 •nE ssdisnt a u sow theta pesceful'And who». fault was that r returned had conspired to do them harm, EustsceRalph, blaring op with wrathful: reborn- and Lilies br.k up their abode then, sad 'litres. But the past is n, t lnrg-ttten. it entente no the enjoyment .4 that domes- I lives with them a an nndisturhing eem- ettl'e Wholes mina loth richly deter,- tie happinoaa sn corageiial to their soul•. Imystill,and oftim•s they revert u, it d i1 t Wboo was it that wooldn t trollM,--that •4d use into bondage -that The trials and sorrows to which they I with feelings few from madams. f•.r itled Mow .objected had proved an ordeal brought to them msny pleasures and' oat of which their hat.* had home puri• I joyous espenenoes, and introtocsd this awl and elsrsted,and having experienced meth deep suffering they 10014 all the more taxis the blies that had followed. 'web John was loth to low the enm- a Lilian. bat holm retwoo 1 1 to it he the the tight UNA is 'tin set be S ward. Ralph rwrisE towards him, sed wit ham' pmt the will little hie Iasi alk dist&- I.{ I ray at it wiMlr, esti neons be*, Ow Raw lar s wN/psd i 7 h M 60.Mb akapos i -i ren +a ..,...- --fin i•--, _,a_: - _ to happy reelistines which otherwise they would not have known. They of ten think of it, and speak ..1 it, mid have just hero thinking r f it now -the Kele beton them having rolled it se vlvidl into their .inch Tia spat an • Built on Storied Notice. Mall order. for new weak anderep.Irreceive prompt attention. CHRYSTAL & BLACK,% Works near G. T, it. Illatlon- Ooderich, Feb. 26. 1881. 1 alt Pans and B oirgICu Torollto Wecklg New HURON SIGN T''OR 2_O0 A YE THE. TORO\Tr) W f:E:KI.Y NF aft is ea Illwatresed lapel, passed In all the features of enterprislot Jowroa1ams. It aaMra spicaoss among the beet paternal. of Canada as $ avrtspMtf welch will be lntereatiing to every 'member of the fetal will like the p/ctere's, the young folks the weertew net .ketches. the more masers will he delighted with the edMgelelm news satter.which la ewsry Mese will be fbuad . IsloWve eatertelalug. In the ammeter of teaphe service v •rhe• tag..,feoanycttwn with THE TOiic 1 c) DAILY SI fir► command all the dispatches at the ; Associated see/10u se, t7hlthe Mal. from .i E W S c erre pond arlini which the daily payee W en Amon.► A.a ostaemia It has Meq It It Isdepeadent In pntttiess. preepetlw all php_.el(tical sow' firm party ileo or (-veering. and le abereatefl wwritten itutneerIn a m favo a partly. The poen and reports pre without glover, end havlap end deal with min and sseseaes* only In brevity,Jsaalee, and troth. it M 1s the tallest .Pus. a Newspaper. leach home aunts ne a verbatim r'e'port of Rem Pr. maggar'• latest memos Iso aroma. Ira Team stir. Clara belle's Wow faahlan Ma tee. The isan- 1hoot-Tow a, ah et Owe et people planes. a aerial .teen of •tworMng Istoreet. a political certeSS. Heat variety or tied noire ria i.+hloa.. Apt, lsdeimrl0. tare. etc., eta, etc- Its market quota$Misa are complete wad relied epos. It la Jews the paper Aar the yntaeg /Mho. said rhe old w111 like It Just M welt. Our .peola1 citable( terms bread 88 reach of of . Rprohinesi copies may be had at this sibm stead roar marerrhatIon to ells olive.