The Huron Signal, 1884-10-3, Page 2.1 P SCOT ACT. T What Ow Ptah Thinks cC a Praleastien Amenciatioll.' OaObe sameee. eke 111104ehe ser see t t#eves sae Trete este a lelwse-- ertrw.Me. C. a mmasli*R of the Dominion brewers', • mats and spirit is.rchsats protective w ase:siatio. on Wednesday night in this t city it w derided to abandon the Scutt o *et smite* ee far as they were coatoern- d ed. Tits putative association was made e map el the best sties in the business, brew- }s ere distills,., wholesele dealers in wines e as! Beams end dealers in the supplies of • the tirade, who all soared to assess thert- t selves libleally to sssirt in fighting the k Lot, Mr. l, was the agent of the aseommtioet, a•semmittee of three of .hs 3 a• a seretbbers brine an executive t over hair with wide powers. t• Bat besides the protective aatwctation L the owaa of taverns and licensed mot- e cerise in each county were formed into It comity associations, and whenever the c teaspsraaoe party agitated the Scdt Act In may county the local association got so .• mash tram the Dominion protective as - 1 1 soeistios on sundition of raising* certain II Mm rammer its own members. This was ' the OMNI in Halton. t The Dominion association, that is the 1 wholesale man,have withdrawn from this fl position and hare abandoned the tight. e The local men will now have to bear the a burden. In gluteus, for instance, they • have oollected among themselves SG000 • or over. How they will fare on this line of action remains to be seen. The to - Tote in Halton has settled the case as far as the wholesale men are concerned. The above appeared in the Toronto World of Friday. (M the following day the following appeared : The announcement referred to above. of a decision of the Dominion brewers' i and wine and spirit merchants' proteo- tivN association to abandon the Scott act contest, is denied by the association, though the World has the best authority for saying that such • decision was corse to at the meeting on Wednesday. The item in the World caused such a commo- tion in the trade that Mr. Dodds gut up out of bed, took a cab, and with his lame leg and several mem hers of the commit- tee called on the iFttrld and said they bad not abandoned the curtest, and had no intention of doing so. He said furth- er that a speaker named Lee was now •tamping Simcoe, and that fir. Dodds would himself take the stump before many days. But from all the Wort f reporters could learn it was evident that there was trouble in the camp ; that the protective association was not satisfied with the re- sult in Halton nor with the methods non which it had been conducted, and that it would take a lot of '•harmonizin, to bring the trade into line. It was also apparent that dissatisfaction existed among some of the ageuta a the associa- tion. As for the temperance parte they were more than jubilant and predicted that they were going to sweep the cuuutry. From the Toronto News. Ever since the defeat of the anti•Scott act party in Halton there has been a weak feeling among the Licensed Victuallers. They feel somehow that the sane is up, that there is no use in ,fighting further, that spending more money is just throw- ing good money after bad. Consequent- ly they feel weary. The whole blame of the disaster is laid upon King Dodds. They claim. what is evident enough, that Halton should have been left alone, should have been quietly ignored, except as a source from whence to draw arguments against, the act. They say that but for Dodds that woul d ha been done. He, however, persuaded them against their better judgment, and now they are furious at the overwhelm- ing defeat. They say that the note in Halton killed all tot Dodds' influence, as well as their business. Meanwhile Kinv Dodds is laid up in bed, a sprained knee betng the ostensible Mede. On Wednesday night the Domin- ion Brewers and Wine and Spirit Mer- chants" association. of which Dodds is agent, decided to abandon their share of the struggle against the Scott act, and sire no more money towards the contest. 1 They are the wealthiest men and heavi- est contributors of all the liquor party, ±vand their support being withdrawn ¢; Othello's occupation would seetn to be grow, as the local opponents of the act will now hare to provide the sinews themselvee. The success in Halton was a victory in more ways than one. •duke to Venlig dearer.. We gladly give the following advice to loons mothers, that they may act intel- ligently in the interval whioh elapses before the doctor comes. We would lint, however, have you misled, and think that, with the directions we here give, you can be your own physicist*. We distinctly wary. you against falling into this error. Nos "Cnsrt t.ttov." t!t a PAST.—The �IRs.ies shoul•f he at once lu served and entirely or partially renewed, and the child pat in • bath of warm water for fire minutes or more, seeing that the water is kept at sh..ut 98'. A little cold water may be applied to the head. After the bath, wrap the child in a warm blai- ket for a short time. Keep the room eery gnlet Ile "Cieocr."—To a child two years pfd you may give 20 or 30 dins of Syrup c1 Ipecac, and repeat it in ten minute., Y the child is not relic^eel. The warm is also useful ; and the foot -hath, tl Omstarl. The room should be 111111111, and the ateMrphere may he made MOW by keeping a kettle of water boil- • less onthe fire. wheennes flame lksaekMr. !dwit. HAVE IN WHEELERS PHOS. IPS ATiaAND ('Ai.InAVAworkmate ��ee� es•rt7-in.d. t Wen. el.wea..atent� er e11: frswth. the enures In the brats setn! ee�ap1 and of phe ern.. the meter power ei t►. n.rvone q.isin, perp.t.d Is their WI m and alatalnlng that ass ts.t Im- te ei uM1tian so rernt(af • the seanew► west d Amite gremillas dleeseen t...f.1n and all Meer mast. aware la awrittaa. 110 �M. a meek tomela tprnreesr ether t• .ase. t�N,�~ oONTIMPOIL IT °Moil THS HURON nits. 'OC't 3, 16184. The setrMMa .f eke Oasrran—glias awl •iarsys s► an IlneasL •noggin ne.0 ruler, The pries d seal ie Saginaw' le bS .• scatter of interest again. now that tie geld weather is approsching. It is pa dieted that the prior will shortly Me ad. vsnced. The ooal a.sauad w Ontario oamse from( the Crated Stabs. The ditty impueed un it by the Dominion (luverawent was rwp.eed with the view of keeping it out, mad thus foreirtg the awtsumptiou el Nova $cutis oust, lint this object has nut been *.cured, as Nova :Scotia is too tar away to permit of coal being bent thus distance. The duty uo coal is pad by the Canadian consumer. The Government should re- move it, and thus leave a few dollars • fear iu the pocket ..f every family that uses a coal stove. —[Ingersoll Chronicle. WS lit AN was? IT YAM. Mr. Mowat's party politics are a mat- ter of no concern to the Presbyterian; but Mr. Mows& as e than, as a statesman, as a distinguished jurist, as Premier of Oo- tenu, may well be put before the yowl :nen of Canada as an example of what industry, perseverance. itsteenty, pluck and a cleats character all round can nes a awn to. He u not by any awaits the only example in this country, for we have many each in both parties, but he is one of the twat. Mr. Mowat is not what the world usually calls a brilliant ran. He is scarcely a'first-o'ass spoil- er. There are two or three better speak- ers in his own Cabinet. And yet we think Mr. Mowat is perhaps the strong- est matt in Ontario today. At all events be 1. among the first two or three. He game from Aingston to Toronto, many years ago, a very young lawyer without influential friends, without wealth—in fact, without anything at the start but industry, integrity, • naturally kind dis- position and a fair knowledge of his pro- fession. What he is ho made himself, and Stade ;himself by those very quali- ties that are not auwwdered of as much value now as they once were. This is the lesson we wish to enforce 00 the young men of Canada --integrity, indus- try, perseverance, ploddiug, honor, combined with a good manner and • kind heart are the qualities that tell in the end. Mr. Mowat, we have said, is not an exceptionally good speaker, but yet if he nose in any part of the D .min- ion today before any kind of audience, ho would be well received and get • re- spectful hearing. Why 1 Because the people believe he is an honest man. ttis auditors might differ from his opinions, as they would have a perfect right to do, but they would respect the man fur those qualities of character that have made him what he is. [Canada Presby- terian. any Mr. McCutcheon has sold his saw mill machinery to Jar. Leech, of Bluevale, who is erecting a new mill in that village. Charles McArthur, of Toronto. has been visiting his (fiends in this place. Mr. Allan, of Stratford, is here at present, acting as agent fur the London Mutual Life Iosuraante Co. BARIEK SHOP.—James Black has sum - atoned enough courage to start a barber shop. It is a want long felt. Clinton. (Left over from last week. ) The Literary and Scientific society met at the house of A. Artustong last Tues- day evening, to give an ovation and supper to W. L Newton, one of the esteemed members of the society, pre - viols to his departure from their midst to ester upon a higher sphere of duty. The best harmony and good humor pre- vailed, and the guest receivedigh eulagiums upon his character and ability. After ample justice was done the viands, chair was taken by H. Foster, and J. C. Stevenson acting as 1st vice, J. Scott 2d rice. the following toasts were drank : The loyal toast— "Our Queen," by the members of the society. Our Governor General, the members. (tut Dominion, W. H. Manning. Our British Empire. E. Holme.. Progress, D. C. Corr. Mesic, J. M. Campbell. Education, Geo. Sharman. Trade and Commerce, W. D. Fair. Reminescences of Travel, J. Taylor. The ...earned Profession, J. Seat Our Society, H. Foster. . The ladies, H. McLsns. Our Guest, J. C. StitMgann and A. A rmatong. Clinton, R. Woods Municipal Inst., A McKenzie. Scientific Progress, D. R..hb. Al the clone a hearty vote of thanks were tenderei "Mine Host and Hostess" e nd the ladies who &settled in making the affair such • success. slyta. A. Janitason, who for a long time clerk in Lucas & Tanner's bank, left tor pas- tures new. H. was • fine young gentler man, and worked himself up well. We wish hint success in his new sphere. A panorama? owned by profs einr Cam- eron, is going its rounds here among the schools. He has some fine views, and his lecturee on aarrm..my, couplied with the views, leaves life long impressions in the minds of those who go to hear him. A dramatic society performed in the Temernnct hall to a gond audience on Tuesday evening. it is a load troupe, hailing from Clinton, and crowned them- selves in their maiden effort. A number of our temperance pnv. I attended District i..dge on tt'edneedav at Seeforth. They put in a very gond time, desp•te the unfavorablens.s of the I weather. mutter now. Joint t .r.rsfala anA toothache go to Gm Ahrldni. no of fluid IAg►t atA Serb things ss Tept he. lembsge, Essar - root, etc. n given ia.t••t ra- tio 1,1011•0101 Wort Powders are ref* is vl sae is Thy skakss Relates4 and rearm its p1 A1Na'e LId3L BAIT. seam tenet aataema. eneeilons Answered * keV Asesestaa. --- 111.1111411011a. Sept. SI —On Sept. • the .11iwtMitd of this city died twenty-two haterelgat ems addressed to James G. Blaine. This eras the first step token by obs ddewee is the aetian fur libel ktrotisht against the paper by Mr. 31aine. grNrad for the auk was that the 8'mtiad psblished a story lathe suet that Blaine had seduced his wife before marrying her. Hie Brewer is. in effect, that be marries tone Harriet Stanwood, • ache& teacher of Keotook]. They were mar- ried secretly in Millersburg, Ky., nn June 30, 1850. Having subsequent doubts of the ceremony's validity under the laws of Kentucky, he was massed again on March 22,1851. His first chdd was born on June 18, 1861. 411.1 died 3.17 31, 1854. An inscription t.. that effect was placed over the chtld's tomb- stone. Blaine says he has lesson to believe that the tombstone has since been defaced, and that • photograph of the tomb was sent to the .'lrritinr/ and other papers. The figure 1 in the date of the child's birth, 1851, has been entirely obliterated. Blaine further denies that he specially authorised the author ..f his life testate that he was married in March 1851, although the author may have gathered that faformatn on from him iu general conversation. rH Amit 11. "Malden. ]lass-, Feb. 1, IWO. Gentlemen 1 sashed with attacks of sack headache... Neuralgia, fernale trouble, for years in the moat terrible aid excruciating rats• ner. No medicine or doctor could etre inc relief or cure until I used Hoop Bitten. 'The first bottle Nearly cured toe The second made one as well and strong as when a child. 'And I have been so to this day. My husband was an invalid for twenty yeah with a seriuus 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Po stub's best physi- cians— 'Incurable '' Seven bottles of your bitters cured him. and I knew of the 'Lives of eig}•t persons' In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitten, And many more :ire using them with great benefit. 'They almost Doo miracles lm Mrs. E. D. Slack. A Wide awake M.ggbt- J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his hue. He has secured the agen-y fur thecelebratedDr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles tree. Regular size 81.00. 3 A BANLia. Ts1TttoNY. — For a Cough, Cold or any Brooch:cal affecion. ••Pectoria,•' in my opinion, is just the thing. I have used it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the past four years with the most unraried success, and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to think still more of that which 1 bei,an thinking well of. Gsa Kars, Manager Ontario Bank. Pickering. Price 25 cents at all druggists. m Ti eke 1ledieal Mteso.s.a, aad all wheat it may centra. -- Phnsphatine. or Nerve I'ooa, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, 11. D. of Boston, Mass., aures Pulne.n- ary Consumption, hick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutnment, because at contains no Vegetable Of Mineral Poisons, Opiates Ntrxotics, and no Stimulants, but simpd' ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutliciont to convince. All Druggists sell it. 81.00 per bottle. Lowbts & C :., sole agents for the Dominion, 155 Front Street East Toronto rale 'Mem Carred. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Sough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores if so, go at once to Geo. Rhynai Drug Store and get a package of Mct:regnr & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. b Cruelly trussed. in the Province of Ontario every year thous- ands are being slowly murdered by taking ua.uitable, untried nostrums for such nom. plaints as Costiveness. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles. rte.. who might easily regain Iota strength and energy by using McGregor's Speedy Cure To con visor them that each is the case we will fire them • free trial battle at (3en. Rhyne.' Drug More. Prier Sec. and II tlet teatimon ab frym per. cons In your own term. trims CIWAittte. —A name well known in connection with*be'Hair Henewer,which restores grey hair to its natural calor by a few weeks use. Sold at $U cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m Peor. Low'.. skate• SruratcR Flo tr. — Healing, &Nothing, and cleansing for all e ruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet use. Ira • *sees Illesernellf — That (*.daily briseiag pm to the homes of &Kowands by roving many of their dear noes Erma an early grave. Tardyis J. King's a.w Dilwsery for meWeighs,Asthma, dPColds.d eee, Tioklrllg in Ibe Thrust. Pain is Bids and Chnat,or any dines o the Thrust and Lew, a positive cure. Owr>auteed. Trial But clan free at J. WIlwn'ad)treg eters. Lege sial 41.20. 410 WAa wwrow, D.O.. May Ibtb, 1N0. Grwrt.tnne–Having been a caterer for a long time from nervous prostration and general debility, 1 was advised to try fop Bitters. I tabes tow bot- tle, and 1 have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever a.'nos, and Il think it the best medicine I ever need. I sin now gaining strength and appetite, which was all cone, and i was in despair until I tried your Bitters. 1 arc now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it I was completely prostrated. luta Mtar Slyer*. . Tbe.sasds gas g.. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Rau., writes : I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, the [rive entire satisfaction and are rapt sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and beet medicine known and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels Nu familycan afford to be without them They wisane hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. laid at 50cts. • bottle oy J. Wilson. f3) Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will producer rase of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. [t:j krnss's need L/gke.laa Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of gram's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynaa' drug store. 1) flew am( fl.SM *Iris The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, trulv is Electric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliousnes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure koo•wn. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refnndee. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilton. [4] New Life Mir I.ne$lees Weakened by tot. ease. Deblity aad NWesalea. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or aides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lest functions and secure health and happiness. 81.00 per box, six holes for 58.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Haynes, sole agent for Code - rich 3m : National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, act ing upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. lin DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER loon k?g1pg. the LA WSW STOCK of 1 First - Class Furniture #aiited to 6a Don!' res,1' rsr -*5 CleT CHOICE COBFBCTIOHBRI, CANNED FRUITS AND FINN. TOB.RCCO, CIG.IRS, 4c nwwestle and Per.efri irrufta, (irately, of the fleet Beau& P rerb and Soaked rat Water Flea la mann A fen sssesement of all MMIAa of Nuts. yaseea ruse d h Every novae letw/red ICS CREAM.; IN ns,lrfflN. Hard DeetgR.. Wreath.. eroolle.. Iese9n5a rat.. wisde to envier r.mo. v..a *rens. • to peald . 4 eee.ee 1r -- �. �G�B, Ilius' ALVikdkag r p lietart Pees. fie. d,gto OMs. II. MI 1__ in the (*minty. and as 1 now paw -base for cash. will not be undersold by any one. I offer Tapestry (Carpet Lounces. from K.SR upwards. Whatnots, gond, from 1330 rep. Bow Back (-hairs, from 371e. up. and every- tl. ng e1e In the same proportion, AT THE OLD STAND Between the Post (lake t Bank of If entreat dODICR.ICIA - Oct. lath. less. 1113- D. K. STRACHAN, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Keeps on band a supply of wateeld for the repairing of Ioers and Rpers Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Im lements andMachinery (generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DONE. D. K. STRACHAN, GDERICH MACHINE SH P Ooderleh. March 27th. 1St. 11311b n for the wielding elan*. wend M eta for pestawe, and w. will mail you YOU. a royal. ealeabte bo: of saw ped goods that will ted yea 1a tfr way of making more story la • few day.' you ever thog•t ossihNp et ss7 Wellman Net rapttal r000trot we will wart yen. roe sea iter* all the time or In spare sit.. mite. 1k wowk 1. nsirersslry adapted to heat the onnilln ming anA nM. \'ow can sadly earn ?rnm tars to fed every evening. That all who want week may test the (*restos., we make this w neer ; to alt wire are net well i si we wmi rend p_ ti par for t11e trsawwe of verities Pal divert lean we.. twat Ere., ante will tee sass. by !bass who glve thole w flew M the we. great .seeress hen lately Peel delay. Wart Mew. - ntarnrsov • 'e., Poithind, Yalu*. . 01 e'! Pt/ Z3 ON V O td .J 7%2 AP id gen C W F. JORDAN, Medical $all, Gederich, Keeps constantly owl hard a steln t Stork of forage. Modklses. ('beml a PYur n 8 l'rrtuu.ery. kc.. kc. Toilet anteits Is great %arseoy. I'hysielaim Pr • specialty. FARMERS ! Why use pour OIL on your Reapers and Mowers, when you can get LAFaicall.sOIL So Cheap. It has no equal. Try it and you will use no other. For sale by McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. W. 2ar.QIC=INTZIE, UODIRICM HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor, WEST STREET, Haat the Finest Assortment of Sunnier CootIM tot Choose Froin. IF 1-(1U WANT 8 Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price oN HT3-G-H DT.TNIOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED .AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A:full line of all the Lea/ling Patent Metlicint•s always kept on hang (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RETNBS BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE! 311SOddO---: AH010V3 -131OH 3Nii0910O til› -INQ0 O n H 0 H Q :101 iW O co xN �y a a °00. 0 4 M 03,41 �+ Ari Designs Ill Wall P aper. Now Slier Slam,. is yon wish our or two sire rooms at home.hto see•Pstlees recta noir He i:as imam 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs eis•utlfel colors. tad at prfeeslrtse tea* veryion the the teat v etae5 tewa. sad ainroe set Call sail rose this The iksi Spring Bazaar Paleros and Fashions, A71 B 13 TL1Z1BILeMII