HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-10-3, Page 11
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Ed 0T E !11.. °U NT T NEWS
Realist. Mot amid redde sae. Watt
=tree tree Mot doers below (tank of uaUf
She people's 1.olumn.
3 uctionsertn9 NEWS ABOUT HOML I
Simon Fraser, druggist, Detroit, so Coefirmation claws will he held in
well and favorably known here, is study- SL George's church school house every
[f BALL, AL L, A -UCTIOr EE FO '•A ebla' R $ s smog ya takla'.mte . ing wedicine iu the Michigan College of Friday afternoon of October and Novelis-
l . the Comity sir mania. Bale. attendee
£a falai es7t /set it.Medicine, Drtn,it. her, beginning tacky,at her o'clock.
is any part of the Count). Addeo.. orders Pm 1 Min Jeonie Wats+n has returned isms B 'p Baldwin will (. V.) coutirm tike
l:.bderl..h P. O. 1+k►i. so rx TOPICS. her . tett to Moa E. W. Hyde, of Hawil- class on the last $usa•y of N•.vewber.
un., and u now the ioest u[ her bs,ther, We understand that a "reception" will
JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACC. )• the I .vituraeeeemdl-Asad Beal Move g be tendered the Bishop on that hu tint
4 belt. Mee and LM Tato• ex. rience in burn the Mote .lac semi. apply to this mince. H . Watson, taker.
Ifaring had mu.,dr • experience is Shop and dwelli.g for sole or to let. or shop ( leo. Jefferson, of Sassath'e is
I I IRL W NTI L itR• the uctta uimg trade. he le inn position to to bt. Aypll 10 ll. ('. ttubetuwu un the mill, took a week's hulldti reosall K
mthetwatik satisfaction all earls. misers. is e,
rANT Apdr is MRS. J. til UtlIR. or mtsdoss rat lro,t ►Ica. order's len at
a dor Bali Works. del. 'ante Martis a Hael or and anion other points took in London
rent k7 oil t add Tho doutt let questba is cow uppermost. K
h u m) Jan
NOTICE --ALL PERSON: t I,atTan Goderich 1'. u:• earafw - attended lo. JIIU a •'t is the question of `tallows photographs. and the \1 -camera Feu.
to the estate of the late Henry Cooke. e: X071 Comte Ameleaser. Ino -tf All site" and M) les. Rich sad pour satlssed
Ly note or book count. ahush nutlB& 1 with Sallow*.
to rail and pa) the sans at once. All persons - The popular verdict is that Reboots. the
who Aare claims ..rai.st .•M essaae aro to I• Cl• 10\ $ALE O1/ YAL[• ABLE pho4.grapher. knows fila hosiers.. and 1s
que►ted to forward thew to lbs urdarst5twd , urnlgt oat splendid work in his line. ('all
Jur pay Ment• d sow for yoururU.
itstit1 HENRY D*AOON.
Cadre aid b1 vteta. ors power of sale con-
tained is•v.MM.sucbwit e (w aIf
"(Jam. J sae. A. MM. w:, 1 be
the time of the nate. and made 10,10110 Robert 1
Hereby to the \vendor. there will tar .old by 1
Public .tuction. on Mount. the A dal of
t "ctuber. A.D. MM. at 12 u'c.o :k poiseat 11ae-
t u,'. Hotel. in the Town of Gtr.at •rich• in the
('uant7 of Hume. h7 John line. Auctioneer.
the lotion las valuable property. namely : .ill
Kral singular that certain panel or tract of
land and premiaw sit °ate. 1) ing and being in
the Township of Culbsenc, in the county of 1
Hume and Province of Damn& and betas .
commo d of the westerly M(7 servos of 0.. 1
easterly one hundred and eighty acresof Block 1
Loa ter 'I•'.- in the v14 Towastdpp of 4'olboree. '
There testiest* mid* upon the id laude • ,mall m
frame house and a .mall frame barn.
The ahuve property is a desirably farm. ardl
b well situated. being on the Northern Ore vel 1
Rood. and only t) ruts frnm Oudericb. the
County Town of Horon,.ad ill miles from the ,
Village of Carlon.
Tndn..: Ten per cent. ca.', at the time of
sale. and the b.lane. in w.e n.o,,th thereafter.
For further part,cutars apply?- to Cameron. I
Balt k Cameron. Barristers. Goderich. or to
the .tuctlun.rr.
Dated 17th September. 1981 I
t eador • Solicitors.
JOMN KNOX. Auctioneer. 11K1 -:N. 1
1. E. CASE, M.D., C.M., KC. Poi, I
. Oat. Ph7e ci.o. Snrgeo.. Aetoucheur,
She. (St•c---Tlrt formerly o'rop••d by Dr.
Hutchinson) Dungannon. Night °Moe - alar ,
tin's bwel. 1101-
JB. WHITELY. M.D., C.M., Pill•- i
xtl'IAN. sermon. Accoaehew. ere.. M.
C.P.S.. Ontario. 0.4.. S,{a.re, 1 loon
East of Witsoa's Thug Store. up stairs.11154 t
dorw f Victoria
St reel. 1751.
. clan.'fergeon and Accoueher, Graduate
M Toronto t: ai v Boit). OOr a opponite (•aroer
-on t ('ameron'• hank. I.ucknow. If not in
Aloe. enquire at the flank. 17112.y.
Paysici•ns.1Ji. oargeotra, Accouebers.LTOka
ogee at 1)r. Shann on'a rceidenee, seer the
gaol (hdencb. 0. C. dna?xox. J. C. HAttli.
Toa c 17SL
►-7 (ioderieb.
C. Snooze. Ja J. A. MoaTosr.
F.. N. Lewin 1907-
0.111>a earner of tae square and West
meet. t) . I +rion. orer Butlers bookstore.
massy to bad at Ioweet rater of interest.
N-IR!STZRS. Attornerw. Solicitors. etc
Dederick. J. T.Oarrrow. W. Proudfoot. 175
NJ Barristers, Sollciton in Chancery. kc.
•'Jderieb and Winitbass. M. C. Cameron. Q
or P. Hoe. 1f. O. l,alperun, Gko.erich. \'.. E
Manses. \+-Ingham. 17s1.
Loans anb insurance.
d salol per sLSEAGE k ai EWIS.
Oodericb. April 17th. Intl. lee
• ieh. 1771.
1i (cads -on frtxbold security. Apply to
. Swanson. Goderleh. Mediu.
AjONEYamount fir TOPricate LEND.-Adsfor LAInveatmeRG Et
Vlowe stt rates on Ant -class Mortgagee. Appy)
to0ARROW k PROUDLI'011)T. __ __
on Tann sod Teem prtlpe Oy at
terra. Mortgagee ellgo4 '1 not
charged. Osevrire yeaa oilmen eari Yee. este
tittle t s Wiettot+sey. li)h L• JO
'TON Barristers. kn. CoMerkh Mt
NOTiSE 18 HEREBY G E ' Tatar
• Mute wlU le held pwwst to the
amen' Sete act. by His Honor. the Deputy '
J ude. et the County t ems of the t ',suety of
Mures. at the Court House. oa the 17th day of
Oct. at 1e o'clock e. in. to hear .cad determine
we several eomplaute of crows and omissions
is the voters Ilse of tar muuw•ipality of Goose
rich for 18•d. All persons latu,g bnst*,.o.4at
the roast are requested to at teed at 11.1 saw
t ime and pbca.
Dated at eodarich. Oct. tad. 188{.
we. ('Ablrngt..
Clerk of the said m.mi,ipality
E.t 7T.J<TBSEt.
la still ready to do any wort to his line at
moderate prices.
.LIa.. Bridge, Ft and other Building
•i t M for dale.
OMidfci )tasM tech. tfidat_
4.L MUSIC. Organist and t,'bolrnwtrr. Kl.
Georges Cour-h. sad vacancies for pupils in
the study of music. The following brw.chss
are thoroughly taught. especial care Ming
Mem to bestrewn. Piano. Orgu, •church
and parlor). engem at sight. voice cumin
and haresony. Terms very moderate. Circu-
lar on application. loft _
.J boarders con be .ceommodated with
board. on remonablc tenon at MR. (•.t'A11P-
HEI I. corner of West and Waterloo streets.
Rost street below the post office. lest -It -
R DOW11 BRANFOitD t't)1. •f 1►e
Toon ortiodrile*. in the County of R.rea.
fees :nee of Ontario. Gentleman. will ap-
!r the ss hereof. torhe •Dominion SIII of
rorty from his wife. EMILY COX. former -
sold Town of Godench. but now of
in the United States' of America.
os "rounds sf adultery and desertion.
Dared at the said Town of uuderieb. this
lard day of August A. 11.. len.
Solicitors for the stud Petitioner. Gummi
BRaNFORD Cox. 1456451
For Sale or to Let.
A. Wine part of td me on the east side of the
Lake Store Rood. Township of Cdborne.
of Hume. live miller (nun the Town of (:ode-
rleb sedge Rodeo north of Dunlop. The farm
hos a god read sad close to a .drool bees&
U acres cleared and L1 acres more can he Bea
Ill cleared. The behave is weal Itmbeied with
prilicip•lly hereinon.d. The soil is good. Good
title. for Darttcul:tn apply on the premises
to TKO KELL1. or address TED KELLY.
tibapmardtes 1C1... l'o. H*, on. i11.0-11
A: borne and two Inte attested en the ewaer
of Britannia road and (Gibbons street. ticde-
rteb. The house Y in arstat/ain repair. cos-
galaa eight rooms, closets. pantrryy amid cellar,
while toe Dudes M well stocked with the
choicest trait. including apples. pears. peach-
es. pions% grapes. currants and gooseberries.
on the premeee or address. % . It.
Elt. (3uderleh, 1'. 0.
Thatdeftesble property knowr as lot 1.
m W. D. A•hneld. and consisting u( 111)
.. `sere,. w cleared. .\ d welling house and graa-
Cerrnlnon brruei h by th s farm e Situatteednaboui creek
mile trues Port Albert. Terms reeseeable.
For farther information wool; on the pram -
ism or address*. W. T. 1 ELLOW. Port
Albert 1911.1m
1. pont Lot tSt die. in the Maitland toe-
cMt{oe.ottheTown•bip of No/1eie4-amiYV
by letser to J. B. LIZ ARe. r41.i.*4 d. ISM
Arm. b.teg pert et Loot 1. conedmbs 2.
Township of Colborne. Count of Haw C
rant, halt a note from Saltford P.U. TM
contains lei acres in good order. These 111 s
storey and half frame house. small bars sat
stable, wi{tt young orchard on tae
sssdo. will b. given by the sad d
Pee s pp.•ryU{i.c'ulare empty oe the pronate
t.J.IL CUNAN. Calm...
beet 111.
t Aft F((R SALE IN J 8H [Y OF H t' 1,l,aTl'-The atatttlllstrs-
tor, ort the .,( rl BiMssill NOW"
tan fag •Ale. t. N a dt iK R[ fid
1fawsehfj lith
of Hellen, warjaMlrMas 11.
atm* Macres Of which ft
le sena bard wood timber.
Itsass, k teatime t l 'ease Mem the vias dt
iota sad about 1 maw on tbe tram tY . Sores •?UU.
1 way. hTheo, .411 be 11 acme d Ia1
ris.I!teas 1
N!Is.5i ea .only to GOO. C
WOOL/, LW tf• los. 11. Net
t stn fir. Olice yap-aaitu list Ain Ji d d Moch
official visit to Guderioh.
Sno. 1Nu Darn'. On Tuesday even-
ing Archihald McOurvie, well kuoan u
• •.•unstable, was killed by the cars at
Lucknew. It is supposed that °wing to
Mr. and Mn, Brownley and children financial troubles he grow despondent
dn,s a up from Tucay h, and were and fuug himself before an approaching
the einem' during theirir stay
tstay of Mrs.Itobt. train, as a release from this world's ills.
Wils,n, Maple street. His death created a painful surprise
here, where'. he was well known.
We have received the betel -centennial
number of the Chilli% news, which cele-
brates the fifty years of life of that lively
Omit. It is printed in Nae Ink, and
full ..1 interesting historical and bio-
graphical matter. The editor ed the
T,:n•t uw.t hap, worked hard to stet to -
:tether so :ouch original nutter. He has
metas Chrutain Temperance Psion next done his stare of "celebrating.' in good
Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. A style.
large attendance is hoped fur. The annual election of officers of St.
Bettie, the three year old child of George • church Ladies Aid Soci*ty was
John Martin, hotelkeeper, was very in held recently with the following result :
this week of inflammation of the lungs -President, Mn. Percy Owen -Jones;
and bowels recently, but is improving. Vie* Presidents, Mrs. Elw,rd and Mrs.
The mid weather 1. upon us. .ad the price The Oddfellows •d tine time have
net is 'wing debased. The pubic also art draped their lodger oom with mourning.
hlakl.g of good oven•uata, and Y. k A. Friel- uneme,r of the late Major Cooke, who
man. are Just the turn to supply all at popular Y 1
race. was a member of that under.
Go to
W. RortonY.
Mr. Drumm, who assisted Dr. Cre in
Albion Block. Knox church during the suwwar, has re -
to choice turned to hie studies at Knox college.
Wines and Liquors.
Houndrrs R son have marked down 5.000
His carter here was creditable.
olds of wall paper. and are now offering emir There will be a meeting of the Wo -
retire stock from 3 cents per roil. up. Jon
ots at halt price. They are selling the hand -
mem nil .loth window shads. plain and
roonu-d. ever show*, in town. The Cheap -
Hume Under the Sun.
Rud. Fraser has returned from his lake
George B. Johnston has returned to
Charlie 31uuntioy, the London vocal- Wilder : Sec. -Tresis., Mia Davis. Coin.
mitten •-Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Geo. Par-
sons, Mrs. J..seph W iltiann, Mrs. Cattle,
Mrs. F. F. Lawrence, Alva Lee, Mrs.
Ben Armstrong, Mn. \\eatherald and
Mrs. R. R. Smith.
Andrew Reid took's trip to Hamilton ( let, waa in town during the week. There
his week. is said t.e tee an attraction for Charlie in
(;eat. Thompson has returned from his Goderich of the tenderest character iw-
rip to Dakota. a;tinaule. -
Scarlett Haldane, of Toronto, was in miss c
merry Hale, who has been visit -
own last week. ing friends in Lucknow, returned last Sandy 31. *3*,. b , Pulley's well known
M L • White' t t learn k W t rad that she will boa dnvrr. has been laid cp with an
Mrs. W. Dickson as recover from- dressmaker
w nc) i ,fine re„ re a ea wee a unuers a • i
been ill again. shortly Login business to Luckuow ass a :emu m the side. Three doctors were
present at the lancing a few weeks alt•
M N D k h ed f m fir. and the senior physician knowing the
ler attack of illness. Alex. Wallace, jeweler. returned from good powers ..t the famous sick commit -
Gen. Acheson's new advertisement hie trip to Auld Scotia this week, eccom tee of Dunlop, sent the patient to rusti-
rillappear next week. i
Peeled by hu ..,n -in-law, Mr. McGrarra• cats in that retreat, where he was the
Miss A:lie Smeeth has quite recovered i of Clinton. He was highly delighted guest of the htrpttable Mrs. Allen.
with his trip. After ten days, nursing,Sandyleft G.
rem her attack of illoesa J +
Miss Ella Platt has returned after a e'en. Archdeacoq Elwood. who has visit friend.; in Bruce. and will *burly
ux a oaks claim rat Ltndua town absent from home for several resume work with Mr. Polley.
` weeks, returned last week, and conduct- Coe'. -ii MEartoo.-At the meeting
Janes McIntosh, of Port Arthur, mer- ed the services over the body of the late o the town council held on Friday last,
ant, is in town this week. Major Cooke.
Mrs. R. Lang. of Stratford, spent a health
Malcolm Nicholson i was appointed ..the
w days in town this week. hitalth committee in reran of Hy. Cooke,
deceased. The lot in which James
Mrs. Ben. Johnsen, of tit. Thomas, is North
Brown was recently buried, was on mo-
tion, donated for that pu se, and a full
her health in town.
Miss Maggie MacKay, we are sorry to
learn, was quite ill last week.
Mrs. Shinier, of Galt, is the guest of
Mrs. M Crssuo.an Colborne at.
Mrs. F. S. Hick, a favorite contralto
singer of \Yinnipeo{, and formerly of
Goderich, will slug a solo in the Non
street Methodist church Sunday evening,
during the menaces.
J. W. Wood, Ludington cite, (eon of
the late Res-. James Wood, New York',
arrived in town. 31onday, accompanied
months savary was allowed to the friends
of deceased. The collector presented his
bond for appro7a1 to the council. and it
was duly approved. The remainder of
and Mrs. Wellington Seoul haus by his wife, and are the guests of his the business was merely routine.
returned to thou health at \Yiunip, father-in-law, the Rev. A. McGillivray. CHILD DESERToION. -Annie Wright was
Jin John McKey has returned from Mr. and Mrs. Herry Cowan, of Exeter, brou,tht up ..n remandbefore Judge
her visit to her friends in St. Th°tnaa arrived in town nn Satundav last Mr. Doyle last Monday, charged with deter -
Cowan lett for Toronto on Wednesday to tion of her child. His Honor talking
Sam. Burke was seriously hurt by his
horserunnin awe one recentl pa nue his mettiral studies, and 31ra into consideration the long time. she had
g Y 1; 7 Cowan will spend sone time with her been in jail, released her. on her own
The offer of THE SitiN•L for the re-
mainder of 186.1 for only 25c. is popular.
The International hotel has been re-
opened under the management of George
mother, .lin. Gavin Struthers. bail in the sum of $200 t.. curve up for
Mrs. R White, of.St. Marcs, sister .,E oentecce when called upon. In dim.
Mrs. George Swanson. and Mrs. Matho- char3ing the pr:soner His Honor advised
ere, of Harrington. who were the guests Iter at some length on her aurae ..f lite,
Smith. of Mos. Swanson during the pant weed and admonished her to keep away from
L.u. quantities of barrels are being sir two, returned to their homes on Wed- ' the reputed father of her deserted child.
turned out at Aitkln's factory for the nesday, deliuhted with their visit to ' I.stor(sa - Rev. Dr. Aylesworth, of
bier mill. Guderich. Mount Forest, delivered a lecture in
Deputy retnrning..f iicen have been sip- lion. A. M. Ross was on the train Victoria street church on Sunday after -
pointed in town for the polling un the that was derailed at Pickering last week ' coon on tho Siott Act, and made seem
Scott Act. and went user sir embankment. Al- very good points. On Monday evening
A pear tree in the garden of W. Skim- though some of the cars were smashed to he lectured ou "Luck and Pluck." The
mi.Stanley street, is covered with ieees, no person was seriously injure]. lecture consisted chiefly of anecdotes
Mr. Plunkett is erecting a Ven pretty
frame cottage un his property, McDuc-
gall's surrey.
Miss Janie Nay.mith. of Toronto, wee
the guest of her aunt Mrs. Crabb the
last ten days.
Rollie I'apst sends elowinr descriptions
of hes oew home, Washington Territory,
a friend in town. The steamer Oc,rt o mate her last trip
ldiai Wtlkiunn hu returned from her (if the seesyn last week -was The pwenger It may be possible t.. witness a portion
r.e congratulate the Pros metal Trvasur-
er on his escape.
Among the heaviest prize taken in the
horse class at the Michigan titan. Fair,
just concluded at Kalamazoo, were John
Avery. of Clinton, Ont., David Fisher,
Goderich. and John A. Mason, of
Norwich. The two gentlemen last men-
tioned, distanced all competitors.
and interesting facts, and showed wide
and careful reading. Unfortunately the
lecturer kept be, close to his manuscript.
and in that way did not do himself
justice. Rev. T. M. Campbell occupied
the chair. The lecturer also preached
from (i.ddorich pulpits on Sunday.
THs Lou PS& -- Look out for the eclipse
of the noon on Saturday eteuing be-
tween the hoursof five and seven o'clock.
of this Near eclipse in Guderich. Tho
edeepeesttees.N.eMsa Bewvsd (lysis
may - /ural Nrrtags ods ins
Ywferte e1rlea
On Saturday Capt. Jordan, of SIM
Oro, received by express a beautiful
dural offering. oompoeed of a cross d
scarlet. surrounded by a circle of purest
white. The memorial was accompanied
by the fuliewing note :-
Brantford, Sept. 26, 188E
d'oj (. Jordon. ':nf mbar . Uewfrr(rt.
1)1Aa 81., -(M behalf of the Ambu-
lance corp. of the 38th Duffene Reams, I
have forwarded to your address a wreath
,f flowers, which, I respectfully request
you will hand whirs. l',oke,with the wish
that the same may be placed .n Major
Cooke's grave miss token of ourreepect,atd
at the same time cenveyt.Mrs. Cookeries
deep sympathy with her in the suddes
death of her husband. The late hour at
which the news of his demise reached
Brantford, presented our sendine the
memento in time for the funeral. In
common with the battalion, the Ambu-
lance corp. regret tho death of one who
was at all times a gentleman and a
I am, dear sir,
W. G. (k,toot,
Staff Sergeant.
on behalf of the Ambulance comet
Rev. J. .1. Kli hardt,of West District,
will preach English in the Kvaeagelical
Association church, Colborne, on Sab-
bath, Oct. 12th, at 7 p.m. All are in-
vited t., a.me.
Fall plowing sat begun last week.
Mies Clarke, .d Bay city, has been
viaitinv her cousin, Miss Mct;uarne, of
Lorneside Farni.
The rams of the pat few weeks have
"put the kyhosh" on the hush tires.
Mrs. F. Horton has peen ill since the
death eif her infant son.
The young nun Cummings, who wee
temporarily deransred this summer, re-
turned from the Longus asylum last week
in g.w,d health.
The Exchange hotel has been vented
to • Mr. Zing, ..f Zurich. who will take
possession on the 1st of November.
The mayor, the postmaster. the aeeii-
tact and the Irishman took in the and wonders of the Forest City iMt
John McAllister, assisted by two
maidens, dug and picked 37 bwahls t1f
potatoes. and hauled them leaded a par -
ter of a mile, in four hours. Joh*
thinks there is not any man and two girls
in I.eeburn who can equal the teat. Al
begat he is willing to wager with Webster
Brown the price of a marriage liomet3 l
that he can't find them.
hews. Mss all Part. of Mares get w the
news Laehaare. 111
John W Morris,n. eight year old ace'
of M. Morrison, Esq., of Walton, was
jumping over a pole and lit nn • scythe
giving himself a very bad cut in the foot
between the sec.nd and third tuna .tad
splitting the foot almost to the instep.
Dr. Hutcheson,of Brume!), was immiii-
atoly in attendance and put in ten stitch-
es, six at the bottom of the foot, and ,
four at top
Brockville, Sept. 2t -At the Assizes
here just concluded, the (irand Jury on -
animously passed a maideti in in favor of
the Scott Act. It is u Nimes : "Muni
in the opinitn of the Grand Jury the
liquor traffic u a great evil, end that in
order to repress this evil we trust that
the Temperance Act ..f 1878 may M;
adopted in the united counties of UM&
and Grenville... This unanimous dei.-'
ration of so indueowd • body of eaten i
tint) to Minneap>-alai and wi:i hold her stress ,s anion o y age,
the accommodation of the b. at being moon will ries eclipsed, and observers
talopening on Sstunlay. severely taxed on several tuna. The will have to look early 6,r it. for before
New subscribers for Tex 9tosa2. are lento will de a big excorsun business the litht of day begins to fade very per- !
rolling in upon us this season. Advernext year if she tuns on this line. ceptibly the copper -nod planet win he
teen, remember theapartially inflated from - the real """•• is regarded as of considerable ia-1
The auto of James Reid, carpenter of I Pert of the moon will be w the shadow rtanee in t new of the coming oostmt
A heavy gale prevailed on Friday this town, James and William, are en. -
night, and sonde trees and a rotten lamp to ed in the ti. T. R. works in London I for about • hour longer, and it will be to this county.
post were blown down.
P '\ still another hour before the moon re- A short time ago Mr. Christopher
and Hamilton, respectirety, and b.I sumps a natutai appearance. in the Dale, Jr. of Hunan. weld some 40 hestfavorableThe recent rains and favorable weather were employed at the time of the latete ! maritime provinces the eclipse will be of fat cattle of his own feeding for which
generally, has given a push to root (rope, !tires in beth cities. .Borns lost all his i wen to better advantage.
he received neer (9,0011 in tech. A few!
RRADCLIFFIC, FiRE, MARINE, .filch are now thriving. tocols in Ldadon,hut R'illirm sated his at days. a second brother, Mr. John'
. Idle and Accident inwranee Agent. t THAT Menai..-It will be remember- •tr
Ropasasatlar ent-enies(bmpawlee. Ayosseet I Robt. Rey nold's, Deputy Sheriff, h I the risk of hie life. ed that on the 45th and July, Keith Mc- Dale, add fourteen heal of cattle to thin
.r BM CAwADA Lie* itinot i lean s es re. I potting op a comfortable residence near' John Warm, m, carpenter, who recently n of that town won the brat prix. n Mwr• (base, .'f I ►fe,rth, that averagwd!
jeeey to lesA on Mortgage. either le Tow. a the bicycle race, held under the ainpiae• R pounds
1 a+ett + Properly, In my way to wit the borrow M Andrew.' ward eei►oal. }became deranged through a painful ill- something over 1.1(10 oeach. mei
s block Oeterleh John tte.,bis mina Mrs. Gen. 'nems. was taken to gaol on Monday. He ,of the Dufferin Rides of Rrnntford Mr. William Dale, a third brother,
m s.
said Lot. elect be
ogratime. for this te
><T{ift. load/above . t .
O. 1014,
esneMesa Ooderieb township,
I Park returned home from a plsasset was very week and impute ent.
• m th a felt for Mn. Wilson B out pf ; daughter. t was nun 'mash; to ears
B 'tCL:1 t1eL
ISM Ct11iT. )its. Givvia, miliiesr, i. ODing
THE T ON•ro (tltltRAL 1RCBTe COR I botrioen. and .dtenis s a big clearing Milos alone, and he was paced under
are ptep•sed to In.n molly •atter veal.. pal I sale. See the ads ertisement. I surveillance in the gaol
as 1hs ZD jiff AT 6 PIM visit to Loudon and Petra uta 1 y pe J and the
AB $wo 000 ( I found
Ieelesilag to memo( good
=and maple. one one
'f'hsew Is • 1 stere
able b f )earl). on
hooseta krb kilo/ow. cement's( ent'sg 9 ron*M on first -.Ica farm security.
with pastry read oell•a Thera an two wells. Appy J to
efewe eau*, stable. with root reline. hay too CAMF.RO C. 1101.T t CAMRRON,
over. Frame horn 0x13. horse stable for 3 H.rr ssers. Oodarieh,
berets. with Ned. Tide ore la 1 acre of large
repair. Alas dart 5, -sea
&artag apple t
m terse. with • omen DoSUS a
B MA Imitj tlre• the 11144
mild sew Mum Patri bennd x t wear"
>!a Patrick's ward so Is offer
es remosa)Se terata 1 . eight
ba.tri. pa s to. iN positron
akrdse~aside. *Imperil
mob Omit 1(45Jm
n. A w tt.e meow
pl(IeewtM. Innen r tee like}*
et oneep( err.
tee rd by rvlip.
e s lei oto •
A a
Agents for the Toronto General Triols Cay.
MAW.. C aalleinel. iet•T t Cowman have
also •brye YMsat d arlvate fusels to los s
ea A,elaes (arra aMarlty
oodsHeb. elet t. iN, 1041
' The Hi h Sett.wo1 Iwtt.rary fiociet
The emblem was a medal. to the r ,eetstly peeled of 30 head of Battle to the 31
struck for rte wiener. Tlie mewl has I Cans which Iterated 1,431 pounds
not yet turned up. There have been and realised the haodwwee sum of
emend letters pealed between Goderich I Per heed all Hound. These cattle
and F.rantford, the mist ons written $ high grades and were fed nn hay sed.
II . We don't meal donne the spring and were after
Gabriel Elliott, of the BayHeld line, g . moors eco
r. Balder -
held its meetinat 7 :an last Friday even- h fleet uppxrm the Accor of the I warts Put ..n draw
ing. The fotlnwtnq wee the programme:- Dufferins, her in (Letench we do %hatefu t
• I..tf. more promptly. The boys in
rile green should send a Gla of men to'
the maker of the medal, and hurry him
up at the bayonet point.
F,:5 -James Taylor. the well-known
som,le, i• again Canada, and will !
sip r in Victoria Hall temdorrow (let
g wisto rr
Ogden& Tp,Ica bought Mflit
1nn'• SO ore farm .r Leading, Alis. Elwood • selections, Mr.
S. B. Payne, ..f the Toctontn meteom- Mogul... reading, Mr. McKihbna ;
loftiest nitervatory. wasin teen oa .*siding, Mr. Saran¢ : reeaati• n, Mr.
Weduc.day. on a tour of inspection. I Wygb : M.ng, Mia Tighe. Sephis WM
Miss Bella Reid has bee* visiting llamas. seeretat of Committal,.
friends in Wawan•nlo and is rweovefing TWO Sorer, Acv tit Brame -The eom-
fr,un her r•peent attack 04 indi.Iw+ait'°• mittee of the Montt Act Aasn..iah.m met
STORE TO RENTOR BELL -di- (i N. i\ • ha. leturned from • top' at Clinton last 14(4":67 taorsteg. Most ur evening tin advertisement t.x
INoosOmer •ledOevdveld. New to the United States. &nu meteaxaaider-; of the municipalities were represented,ant particulars. TheTosroto Ib says: -
James swim lahalt - Wt. erns' ably improved by tie sheers of air and and :Le pecan{{ of the meeting wan cheer- •James Tayl••r. c edian. and tvomlrtttj
mol and hopeful. The principal busmen „ ed ••entrainment T. RAY. B Taylor, .o( Reynold, Id will pep• r all large audience at the Peoples theatre
(DV.) preach in , ism sight in Simon, a a,osedy drama
acre M eeese
''(til ° ..•7. Aryl, to ltee
week '. en Bement iett..re a
0. a or, v e was r rattan ..r oreamration in
hSt. Rtep*ei. s church. teemunicipalities which waa fully ar-
OR • we ft M111 ra1M.15M
shed and other Iwilllttaa
suttee* Pa" wit► cellar toll
the t
alas sels • t a Brie graham : largo retro t
ream estis Vamp
Apply M
ft. T. 11 & t -
tame nod, oe flashy, 17tH its . at ram*.
The play is written with an esprit+. view
10:30 am. We regret to leers of the death of Rev. to the esoreiss of Mr. Taylor's phea,m
Dr. R•debergh, realist, will to. in G. W. Crews, R.A., cf Lmann. *hose *nal pp .were es • mimic. He appears is
Gndmrich on Octnher lith and 1'2th. and funeral took place from Pall Mall street ore distiva characters, and controls and
will receive paginate at the residence of
J. R Miller.
p, W. Dreamer R Qxn , the pnehisg
Metndist Atwell. Rec. Thos Cosford changes his voice and fame' expreasirn
'spewed the feeeval •-mesa The pall- • an a wooderfol maenor. Hs is ably lep-
bemire were
R. Meters. Hendeveora, vied Mia Ada Almendro ea Fran -
dry wads men of Ilrast&rsel, fftld teat it Catdli a B#$, Middleton, Treleaven and leis fs Dsttdmad dime
{ girl", d between em
per to advertise IibtuaRy M Tea Adv a rsv, wee a son the al/dimes ere kept le net's of bright -
BSI. Them %AMA its *Ito orf 1`s . Thess ' 1lMnk.s fir throapkvut the wheys seeming.•'
Bien to siker*. but yowl seer thou tar station, who leas welt knows to see I A ameis,ohmenstesit keel wow sin
should fie elSet ads, *Wee before metering the ministry. sniviiist l onareed oft
f .8 NM, •
Mr. John Blair. of the 18th con.,
the township of Grey, was born in
county Antrim, Ireland, in the
1810, and emigrated to this country wit
Lit parents in the year 1$'JO, and is
yerr 18.12 he settled on kit 4 and 6
lith con , grey. where he hewed out
himself and family a o.onf..rta(tls
throngh many pr..atlona. About
years ago he took • Cancer in his
and it took sat,h deep met that no
cal sad was siIlewent tc remove h 554E
.n.1ed Inc life •oti the 9011 last He
• strict member of the Presh
ch oven.
The Dominion It.-enso rare
mullah was e.wtelmlwl on b8.4* •
noon in the )Supremo C.,utt as
occupied I ,nger attention thaw way
that ever came h,'l.aes that tribeteL
Meiem -Caldwell ease
dame. while the present
is mods lel by the legal
welly that the Deemtnine
rpm tjie sese,althneg► as
be made to the Privy