The Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page 8THE HURON .r:JNAL, FRIDAY, 13EP1'. 19, Me Da3lgraama. Iduleed an, the picsioon adjuuruedsforI, TEN WORLD OVIR the Wasana. It wan a pleasant gatLeriag, Hamm S&•rout_ ---Sour• of the leading ' am! will likely be wnually repeated. 1101111arewed is No s'aslsltae d w• Auk of this %allege here (mined a syodi- - SILeaseas tmatetl e,arles. - sad got two lair hosing glee's. I - - Naas BALL. - The Auburu team tame , on Moods to la the 1►un noon --"When• rive. V wirtcr, are said to have cut liner balm 1 play � The Hawick Enterprise • 'iT.t1001• • return watch, which ended is the news .t the Heiner viet•.ry waa re l Ti on of UuoKsunou, lY to b. `ams aenvt•J iu Guru*, the Scott Act party The Roman Catholics of York Geld a ug fairly paralysed them. --l.n.kwled to express their )•,r by her- successful Cott Act picnic at Highland an �-- t ing the ehuich bell rang and the variuw C rgbt last week. :1m11Dm�1 - factory whistles blown. The Braes Rand Twenty thousand persons participated Mims D. Msedo.I$IJ, of Dunlop, re l was Bells ..I Heaven,led tout tnd n- "Hold hetF.Irt,t' ianted I Ki warn *tk, .aturday. 1dwruruKtatsua at ' manly returned from 4ltchiKau, u the other stirring tunes. The large crowd I The thren Kiug cleared from \len- • allitiest of MK Chas. Hawkins. had by this ties collected at the Mc- treat ..n seturday night with tie Calla. Goon Reg. -On %Vcdooad.o, the 10th : Laughlin curter, whore the baud was, dian voyageurs for Alexandria. fat, W. Il. li ,,fie gave a s...•ir! hon at and improvising s dry woods box t - Wexford Vertu is honor of W Rome, form, Mr. Janie' bluebell was invited to Rev Dr. King, who has returned to !rho to the return of the latter to Mus- give an address, which he dui to a few 11VinnipIIr�gt after Ids visit to England, re - 1 i oke. There was a merry time, for s rueetnq tewarks whnch were warmly re- Done $.,GOO rat ae.f lows the at.dow- i ' farewell, at th liospitable Ipd exited, after which the gathering qw, ay went f.uid "f )1 taitot,a o.•Ikie. Jisprrstrd. ..f the damage by the out• flood at Chipper* Fails :end Eau Claire Later estimates ii _ show that it will ann.rnt to a milieu and a half. Five lives 'merriest. fraNrnt Arthur's nine state dinners, j The foot ball club played their first l ms on Tuesday last, after a vacation 01 two months. The b..ys made the ball rk 9 Dr. W. Young. of Wiu,hatn, paid tp, his friends a short visit last week. - The fe.11owisi is an extract 'from a John Young. M.A., lu.,res on Friday, private letter sent to a friend of ..urs by the 26t1, for Sc .tland. Ili inte•t.ls to a churn in Dakota.. It is readable, and mail on the P.,risi•n.we can feel the wind whistles* we perils* 'We are clad to learn that Miss Mini*..Ili:- Hirau:han, wh-. has beau very tri, is tar { Hrat'i, Da., August 30. laelth Covering. I I must tell %vet about Lour wliirlwied. Alex. Glen left last week, with a cnr!from south. At 3 p.m whoa emdemly A DAKOTA CYCLONE. 4 Proem fweelommor ata rls&ie* stow a 4.1.4106 The other day it was very salt-, wind 3 iebical. I 1 E. CARR, KA. C.M., M.C•P.1k, Oat. Pbrstotaa, 1l�rrfyjrw. Auooucbeer. spud by IWohbaeal Uaagaaaes. Nisei omsalve-liar Lava hem/titar 113. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY- • tll('1A1. *srgooa. Aol•uuehcur• etc.. M. (•.P.$.. Uetarto. 011e• -The +4gsare. i deals Last of Wilma • Drug Moire. sp stain. 11391 DR- M••LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- lst:O%, t'otwer Ac, 011kwsad $rine street. *retard doer meat Bleat. 1731. H G. MACK.ID, M. D., PHYSI- • clan. Margeoa rad Aecoucber, Oraduale of 'Ibro•te University. Ulr.roppoalle ('weer ren & Camera's Hank. Luuknow. 1f rot or oast... eassaire at the Bask. 17437-y. UR•'!. SHANNON A HAMILTON, Payeiclans, Surge/Iona Acmewhers. ar. olio* at 1),. tlttrnrai• residence, mor the gaol Ooderi.h. O. C. Shea Yo , J. C. HA]I it - roe 1751. Loans arra 3n'surancs. at Peche, Que., a few days sada . _. daughter of M1. Jos. Hammond, narrow• •IF. ARE LENDINO MONEY AT lay ramped (teeth fens the rnecta of ar►. `y 8 Lias per tent. Private funds. overd.aeo1 Hip hitters I ria o is a Lk\Pitt. About three weeks ago the C. 1'. R. it Gude:Irk. April 117111. IgM. 1!139 dismissed 73 mr0:from their workshops! Q500,000 TO IA)A., APPLY TOat M,,ntresl, and on Saturday they dos- I VI CAMERON HOLT &CAMERON. node charged 115 more.• la- - 1739. A recent psrliantetnary return shows that an appeal which cwt a geed deal of Money iu the Irish Land Courts resulted in the rent of the tenants being raised load of horses and sheep tut , *'tend the I front six pounds two shillings and Michigan $tato fair. we hops to hear�Ghangrd t"northan•ic�ld. Fiinminute* eleven pence yearly to six pounds three 1 afterwards a it aft •.s$ seen about ahitlin._s. tli him carrying utf Many piires• two hales north of town moving slowly 'i in a S. E. direction -a grand sight. Us: Wa Allose, j (t"seed the Dakota neer just vast 1 ---- Itown, bucked up a large elauttty .4 Miss Fenno! Lovett, has returned to I water. her hotnu iu G"derich '1....•rship, after I IN ricer, TV)ox A 1carr¢, a three week's twit in Es.t 1\'.iwa• 'then morel majestically en its way. nosh. ' Had a little ar :umenr with a Lain : then Mr. Wiliam Tyner, !amber merchant wrecl.•.1 a Lease in which were a woman l,:nrunnouia iu hu Jrrsay boa P.dww. of Kineseon, Neal sou ..f fir lieer'e land child, i,ruuteething ,th ha.i;v : wolf a ,and caused the animal to be killed.3PThe left lung was found to weigh 27 pounds, mud the right li pt.unds. Tae bull cwt ' VOW. manfully mashing; for some time in S- r. Next interviewed a house l+,.c�4 feet,. t No. 9., and who was un 1�ttr3 for the took it up, ripped off the r. -•f 111 0110 auline Lucca hal all the pleasures conning, year, lately tendered his res ,;ua- sheet, thou trek "Ia site, then a >;.ible, L'e.w:ed out of her "twenty-fifth soul twisted each section round a wiale,- then' ef stage life" celehrati•-s at Cam. and intend* "bui.dfng up" physi• ' j Vi oa be fronsl..•.iy a report that she Ally letore semi s tomo ing 1‘. ltteogtetl ' spla the while up now 1: reap ofd, thrrrb citeat:ng, labors. Miss Weir has taken charse of jjt ISTD EtiDL!`; ; tern, • ) is 1►rr out of teu hood scars, loan says, the schcwl,- ; aril sent it 41 awn, ends first, into the 4 ; " ' t °co ra �a:vati�•n Army, John McNeil row Lmebnln. i &ext cleared a cornfield: c,ntlrt}te.l down \\ to Ore has experience, and, suddenly nue *slay oa the east side. ganger t thruwin • off 1:is const and slapping •in•• lite The Brethren Lc:J a (;,,ai.-•: meetir; raking; stay aim the atomic acing, testi*3 , t _ 1 t • e in the Temperance Hall lir. t Sunday- into the !l"use, then out again, when a are.,,;,. said. There's what tea:. *ranee latern.•.M. has done t - .r toe.' His scarlet Jetsey brick fru has chimney struck hist un I was literally enured with bank notes. he Mr. Linfield anal dattatiter starter! for the shoulder. He looked rotund to sae t the Toronto exhibition and als., to visit who struck him. just in time to behold i having stitched theta cu with a needle friends in the Queen city, last Spit srday, his stable lifted and a hone struggling + and thread. A rider from fair::saline passes- from under, with a piece of its manger Some funny stories are t alai of the through baro Lou a b: ycle en rain for Int las arms -n I mesa hitched to its' flnitish scienti:ic visitors at Montreal. Toronto. ` -ha',:•_r strap. The wind was trying to (►ne of the scientists approached the The open 1„dge 0f the 1. (I, G. T. has get it away from the horse, bat the . 4\•inds•,r 11 •tel desk and I'1114.115- asked been postponed until the first Thursday hone objected, and finally carried his tr' catch tr. inform hitln�the f a os takixt ng in October. chunk ..f manger "a. in triumph. But a am,tlntt•r hoar which was in the stable horse and buggy at a liverv•stah.e, :.s James Foley had a shower hath Let ares rinsed _'t► feet ami turned round and 1 the avenin4 was chilly, was asked by the week after this wanner. He was haat- mound till ire was dozy, and then 1 Lr''snl if he would tale acouplc,,f buer'aloes ing a tack full of water rap the hill from i rubes). ''No," relayed the scientist. the lake, when a belt noureU fire A P,yxn, i gave and the I "no, we would much prefer horses.' tank and Jim rolled ot•;'r ou•• anuther 'considerably bewildered and annewhat Cleveland, • •. 1;. -Ctrl night Lenon down the hill, Jinn vain; tl:oroughty i bruised, anti uesghin2 viaeroudy, The Foy prot-ela.ard ntarn _e to Mrs. htLeh Penrose, eoaketl. The horses cl: j,yr1 the rest, i wind t -.k up all the water there was in a (german widest living near Hunter i and Mr. Foley tnalle the best of *the the pond, and weer en its way refreeneu. C.•nter. Heinz rejected, Fey shot the I occasion. 1 So did the horse The gran '.•r says that t h 1 td y The apt,otut:hent of lion. John O'Con- ns r, (,C., as ',inane jud.e of the Court of Queen's Bench, Outarte. is gazetted , today, vice Hou. M. C. Cataerun, ap- p..inte! to the Chief Jwticeship' of the Cumwcn Pleas division. J. O. Bailey. of Perris, 111., discover• ed unmistakeable symptoms of pleuro - Tyner, sr.. re,:e it:y lit! a viait t•. his Isire: of whoa. ',Leaf Ly sheat, up into parental home. • !the air. untied them there. ami strewed A1r. Jesoph arm•tron •. who was sae ! wheat and straw for halt a ani!' around. oouatd. d fit: e1 the prairie with pickets. ! t x err. ii'rancc Atecdu; "f the Ktng• f Dnau7. Mn. Young has been the ;;nest of Mrs. 1 butcher knife la her head .when a neigh- BI:lt'KZ_f IT]: AND l� f �T EI mltzzle to his mouth and blew his Lead • C. Robertson, ..f Dungannon. tear alarmed her. Sire ran and cot a ten ; o d. ' his mealier waa as clean as if it had been 'r" '.w tote ,r. nntlnctun3 n ... are I but not necessarily fatal wound. Sup - swept with a-a-a-cycione. In the posing' he had killed her he went to a eastern part of this town a w.anatl hada neighbors. procured a ehot•t un. put the' ‘(ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE slam funds -on freehold security. Apply to Om Swanson. (;u.lerich. 1 -48 -dm. MONEY TI) LEND. A*L.4Rt:E amount of Private Funds for ',i eminent %t tuwest races on Hind rhes Murtgugrs. Apply to C. ARROW' A PROCiswou'r. The \siei drer�iscr 2O.0a10 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND e»r on F trnt and Town Property at lowest tit- tered. Mortgosea purchased. no Comtnlaslon har>.+-a. Cunvey.neint; Ecce nvw.wbte. \. H.-dorrowrr.. an Matson ntonrj' in oneular if t:'!e is satisfactory. DAVISON d JOHN 'TUN Barristers. Sc.. Uoderi.•b. 1731 It.RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. k••;'r.scntintt first -clam 'ompanles. Also agent for the (•atcans t.rvic rinn•ic INseltaNCe Co. Slonry to Irnd un >lorigar.. wither in'rownof Farm i'ropert)• in :any way to suit the borrow. er. OdIce--tun-stairs) Kar's block liwlerikh ODERICH AUCTION MART Ann coMulAales:: Rooms i>T.-lc.•and door South of Tite Slux.tL Odic' Lr,et Dwortst an f •1uI I tot I uc,anientel. t ' AGI.4T roller it -WILTON LOAN SOCIETY. H Memo L. at a' lowest If tt, of Interest. IMONE% AI.v.\\rEUIuN GIII,US SENT TO THE 31_\I:r 1..lt S. I't►LLtK.'K, focal .state and Fmaa•wl .1gt rat: Guderich. April ,i h. 1S I. 19:17.1y tJik IkK) 1.!),, 1.OJX AT 6 PER lXT. TtIE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CO"r are prepared to loan roomy at G per cent.. pay able ti•,.i } early. on TERMS TO SUIT 1;teRROWERS, on t:retr:4.5* farm security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT A C.kMEI:(►S. Barristers. troderieb. A.rents for the. Toronto Genets Trusts l'u'y. . 'Irsan. 1't21[RnN. HOLT t ('.mitis her, ! a7a...t large asoma of priIate funds to !Loa t un drst.efass farm scctulty. G./deride.Oct. ;, I593. t91!-tf FOR, 1885 _ 11,700 11 PEES. 111700 SPECIAL FEATURES. 1. R•lasee of 1394 boo to new .ubeeribers. 2. Averages tea pages each rook frequently 3. Iteautifully printed by new Web-teedl•g 1. Splendid .1grieultural Department. Health 114,1*, by • pronunrwt I'hTdetan, 6. Legal tlurrlasanswered by at .11 Hosanna. rail. 7. Edmei maid Irepartruent. by J. Ikarseaa, kat. R Ladies Iapartment. Y. Youth's Ile`anssent, 10. Letters of Tose el Is Foreign countries. 11. Light. sad Shadows. 121 tJul.•t Slotuents It. Preachers end l'hun•bea. 14. sudor and I'.efal. It ('harming yertab, 3lueie. 1'i: sur. a. rte. 44 N ilIj .i., of the weak. 17. From, _kerma the Sea. and The Wide World - Personal and Political. In. Current Opinion all some f Readable and pointed F.IIIterl.b : Reliable %re- ntld •'i'lnnlerrt.i Reports: ail latest Telegrams f •oris ell over the world. Legal. Q RAGIIIR i LSMn, BARs1eTsae, C. $$ 3. A.1Aotaroi. IG 14. Lewin 1391 1 0. HA YES, $OLICITUR •e., 1.,0 lids., Garner of the smeary and West atria. J,lsrtob. over Mutter* buokrure. maw Unload at {awes/ rates of interest. `t A�Ri�R{OW &rifirPp.1aR�OU�DFOOT, B ASR ..4.rtoh. Gamow. W. Pco dfwi lie (`1AMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, A,J! ttnrristen- Solicitors to Chancery, As. :' )dukes and twiner. M. C. Cameros. ,21: P. Bolt. M. O. Convenor.. liuder:als. W. ataaarw, Winitbaw,. 1731, TAKE NOTICE The dominion Statutes. 47 Vic.. for 1411. have been received et the other of the" Cleft of the Pace fur the Ce anty of Nitron. std will be distributed to a!! parents ditty Gentled to ntcq r the name. MA LEWIS. (MM3 of l.'lert of the Prase. { aludcricb. Sept. 1. ler'4. • 1469 THE HURON HOTEL. ('11-•11* d' 8.4(rLrS. Proprietors. ONLY $1.00 PER ANNUM! "The Huron Hotel," late the "Woodbine.- Weekly frost largely circulated Family has :rerun, been n tilled in every Areae". Weekly in Canada• excreting e.aly are) U cepable of givtt,r,gw stoats ties, iu every in ]tuntreal rid 1•m'tlettlu10t4. travel 11ngpublic. ThIIeveru, u Tuttritu. to roniketan luta been .p -t-ally' fitted up fur the tanners' arwres,rtsee, and is it chance of roc the y m y CHOICE Op' SIX PREMIUMS: a Ant class hoatter. !tares fur transtent tratrlter. fl per da} : Sheds! terrain fur ueskty One Gf the following popular l'n•ndunt' will blasters t9 f tar f:lrwarded 141024411 suhacribcr for Sioti Lou pavulent of the nu el additional amount re- quired to pu.tage, etc. Order a cording to Ian er : A. !'urtra(.L'erv,. H.lt Maunn• •tlerest 1lealtl., 13e. l'. ('hast•'. It"ipes. 1k. D.- (ttadernue l'ortralt, see. E. Welliulftuu and Ittnrher. lame. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. F. -The Sanctuary. Me. ►7 &1 .t rate wanted in every section. Sixty ::4°I1:1:1‘.:(' 'ur,Te o►' HCeo,i • Hy s Irene 7:14.41111•155"1"1. f a 55.14 of tIpel-lal l`rir.w, nttYt•.'+tnttttg In valor r1.7M, To wort , Fieri areas, issued Gott will 4r awanlerl in flan h neat. U. tM• nsw.t 1 of ilex MaJ..tvi ►lilts (burr of luau**, suc.•eseful sora rat,. cnr fro,. .nips* payer,, tierces Itrnch 1/1,0(1.Y14. dud t., les directed terms to agent , et,-., a.ldrrr, i anal drUtend a,ra lust the Lao•tr end Tres nw•at' Ilt tt ILi.IA\t IIOBa,1t1SON, at tot• AD11E"'.lSzR PRINTING CO.. nit of JOII\ t;Itf:FX k cu, I 1.., e . •lied 111.0111 I\, ONT. ' and taken in execution all the right, title. la- - - -- - - terrst. and equity of redemption of ail sad The Signers Clubbing Offer, ngttxr that rrrt.ia car• . ! 0r tract of 4,rad 1 prrmt.a••, situate. icing and M -Ing ,n the 'township of Colborne. on the Pointy of Ilnr. ' 1u> 11. and Tin \% (.-11.:(% A u, :.n• i Huron. and Province ut Ontario. toeing com- 1,-4.11 will he Ism:I,.d to an. aldr.•.., from now,posof a part of lot number one. to the drat to January tat. I.(4, un receipt of only tb=.�. ed soueeaeton. eastern division. of the wild Town - If either of Tux A1.%, RI boot'. popular pre- 1 ship Th.• metes and housed, of rhe *aid parcel mianu is es -Non -ell the addittut.:,l amount for of Itad. being as fuauw.. Comtaen.aal; at the same meet be en. bused.' as •hour, wish fun distance of one chain *:sty -set en link.. on a particulars as to which u:waut.•d. citta* Mur west. tram the post planted t„ - Wee!) !uta one and two, on south side of con- cession road. thence south. feta degn•ee. twenty minntrs. ••:oe:kt two . •bates TSC r1113'111 AIM IL east ,nts nine little, t nente south, .errnty•ev a desnwa. EXHIBITION .. rye`," minutes.n r). ors-- hreone cd.*1l eighty links, Ilttte ,• nova", tort}•toner deitrert forty -Are . minutra. wed, slstynlaelinks. thence north. or Tnr lesght a twenty atomics, weal. two etatis. thirty links, throeor nth. foraneende- SOUTIiERA COUNTIES' FAIR ASSOCIATION tures. east. one chain. fifteen hakes. thence X% i:I he held in il..• t' t. e•f south. .l1gghty-two degree.. ten min•ites, east. S one ebain. thirty•feour link., thence south. Thirty-two dogrecs, forty menutes, east. sae chain. forty links. to the piece of begt..niag. -„N-- y and euasinittg by ttdnw•asun•tu••ns, three Tsesiry. tl'riar.da 7tsr..la. d I rids>, rood' and two perches of land. which lands y and Tenements 10.41 other for Sale. at my ot- 3eptt 30th, Oct, last, 2nd 3rd, rich in 1'ourt Htti, to the Town of f Sep: tiro.. "n Tt-rsusv, thc'llttitttk-Tu dr} rf Sep - 5 left. at the hour of twelve oft e ST. THOMA 1884, clock. noon. OPEN TO THE WORLD. Rt ►WWERT GIRD INS. r., an du.. 1"cry Liberal Pri:c List s"rriJanee Bolt. 1161.ffs Ono-. node reh. �Sc:ii MO -1M .5 \t.ntt.-r of Sp.rria! Praia:. _ SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Running Race. Prime for lady leavers with I5..uhk T.•ar•t. Mermen' Premium hate and fri. l of •••.. est for Gentlemen tt ad Hones : stn f:a.•r for Pavers and Trutttra- .\41 fur good ' prizes. Send for a Prize 5..t and PrO;-ranme. The ODDFELLOWS' SPLENDID BAND EDWARD SH.1F.4lAN, Will he• in attendaucr. .,� HENRY BROWN. JOHN A. K.tlxS, Secretary. Glib a VI E THE bests. EAST STIiErT, Si. Thomas. Sept. 1. 1*4. 14.19 -It is still ready to .to any work in his line at md0bri price. 1884 STOVE il.S__)8A!1 Llmc. Bricks. t'irrhri.-ke. and other Building Material kept on hand fur Sale. Goderich. March 36th. Pal. . Borers Miss Nellie Macdonald is now s..j-.urn• :'1":Lar t; 'Id pierce and made the best time log with her friend, Mists Mahatlj•, of , she knew how f.,r a neighbor's cellar. - ee.r•.,+ t a uA-GnaTttrcn. wan coxrotn- Port Albert. . A few minutes later when 1t was known t'... ••Ity a thorough knowledge of the natu- the, the cyclone was not corning their ligationtlaws gand nutrition. and bya(ambit f A C Mich.. �!tirtt Willie B"f Alpena, is way. they were joking her about the' apple -aeon of the torr proper:.-.. of well - the guest of A. C. 'tlacdonnll, and will reside here for some time t" yen*. butcher knife, when she awned the i breaktfaast table. with a delicatas e ly y listoard !ether tilt with the print ..f the sails in 1 beeerage whteh may save us many heavy Threshing record. are gethns; as fee- 1 the loalun, and ehowe•i her ten J.. lar ;old !doctors bill.. 1: is to the judicious he, of uent that we cannot hand rem far all iece, and l . ! it was a uuw nickel : ' I such anivies of dirt that a constitution may that have been Gent us. pp t br uuUy r:iu spnntil strums rraougb to Much fun at the lady s expense. Twenty- ode, eq traleracy to .iis.vus . Ilan" eds 563 bushels of oats were threelted by five notes S. E. of here a roan and two at sub•le maladies are tontine around us the Morrow stores inschi-1e in Live hours mules were killed. Repeats of great ready Tel.:11411' wherev-,r there i. t weals *P' pon rat. N'! may escape trnn ♦lata! ahaK by one day last week. Bob McLean, the ! damage cotslo in, but i think they are keepinsc ourseltea w••i. tortl9kd with pure Goderich butcher, pr► • e I. ,ye a lift in 'somewhat exaggerated. Here the trick bl'''', :,rad a proprNy n"urlst.edframe-- -r bast 1t' J W.-rricr (Joint*.'rSlade simp.:y with b,l:liag good style in feeding the hus•ry tea• of the storm was only u0 fuel rid* and water or mak. 41.4.1 only in 1'a. het. ,awl chine. moving at about seven miles an our, Tins alb. find Ib.l. ti� Grocer,. hlhdted- (tush fires were so threatening on' but it evidently new liver, and went .1.4411C.. 3pPs& Co., Hoa,.ropathie Cl:cusists, 7 g London Eng." Monday night that that eenstaule enrolled !faster as it •ot on iia way. 4 1 course I a number of watelen to keep an eye len Ione hears all kinds of stenos about iu.f the Hames, and pr"tett the residences ,d capers. One of these for k which 1 thin' BOWL our engineer and A. C..\fa,i elimid, mid - there is stn foundation is at felhave :- I ('an,PortF rtlhaj'e n Augustrist. a r rite of also the sawmill . !Two women saw the stirs coining! and mor. Lot r son. At the t /median Rank of Commerce• on the fast, oust.. one wife of two. Mire:,. of a daugih ter. Rrc ora. foe*T1%. 'lief• walking record' went into the cellar. \Mild came al•.ng utade by a Toronto damsel and Goderich , took house, and lausio, mentioned In Tni. Sins at tt couple I swoOrFD DOWN INTO TH3 .'LLLAk of menthe ago, hies been beaten by two an jn;;tged off with 600 II* of butter in young ladies residing on the ;t1: cuncea• !crock', and left the women in one corner! &ion. They walked P. Dunlop, posted' Search was made for the butter after - their letters, did some sh.ppine. and wank, but none Inas been found. Naar *sli=d.)•. At thn residence of Mrs. 11. \1'elering. tots Paul. .lien., ray the Itev. lir. Mrl.arrn. dith ,laughter. or H. !Detainee. Geier., h, to J. 4;. Rtrwir, of the 1:1:, Lor C. l:u1. *an & co.. st. !vans. DIEM. turned home, IS distance of ;14 wiles, in what en earth a well ragelated whirlwind Ia Godertch. en tt•e•trlr':lar. Sept- 171:,. rainutes. The other rets.rd was :' i ; couldwant with 600 Ibs of putter in *foil, Jame. Rrot: n. 00.1 /r years. in three -wearier. of an hour. ( sur . cr.r•k• passe' my c ,mprelt"nsion. It The lunares will eke place from hi. laste residence. train Street, Huron Road. Clod, olborno girls can't be beaten es• was kind certainly m to leave the woen, Y P!� by town ..resty-Mdiew. ttevertitelese, jou' bew " it was tit n 'i ou 11"14141,11"14141,,L 4Q t.lilai•Ac iii $414s k R,14. T`r.endsei a• .i'naiutaace• will pleas, accept bad taste indeed, especially if they were this iatiuu:ion. INtioggse. matured. Si much for a cyclone that - __ eommrneed ab•u' two moles north of aederlehMarkett FAMILY GROCER • here. The ri rs say it went t:,r"u_h Minter St'Ha.1. I'i, NI .-The 1 ,:cnie f Indiana nn•'.. own on the Ohio doing of the united schools, herd �,n Saturday damage. and even as far south as Ten- Ouuekic.. Sept. l4, tui PAOSIS10fl DEALER ANO last, was s sucees... Th., place selected wheat. Weill 1 bush W 7r w IU ill civ at the ('olblorne side of the A(nitiand try. Truly Dakota is a great own. whoFlour., leering;...w blah, ,-sass o oto re 0 m FI"ua reb bush. t'i t' S83 river. at the new bridge, on the property try. (Deva. Y bats" .................. u aA v to -0104 of Ildr Fester, "f "Caton: Farm. The tot • Large Ebb.. Peas. V bush 0 me 0'r iHarley,ybush ............,...,• 013 ... 016 apse is a charmtn2 plena- gr land. The - - i .'..xs P btlab .......... o a '• 0 SO V iotoria Street, refreshments provided were .,f n excel- He was telling about Lit success in j Boiie� Irl......••....,,:,:..... o Ii ' o 144 lent character, anti young and old par- catehinv brook trout. ` ... OPPOSITE $IIOu' GHOCSD. Lgga• w dee.Iaapa•wwr..., . .. a IS pa 0 IK ; took heartily. All the teachers of the 'Yes, he said. 'in less than four hours Cher,c.......................... 0 It 0 11 echoul were rreaent, and Mr. Fred 1 captured two hundred, and some of rihorts, P cwt....... o sal ' 1 aLl 'flair turned up smilin, l a enjoy the ++then► weighed over two Bran e� 0 70 o 744 I s t J y 1 Why, ti�at U$ P cwt................ eat •• I ;n tole ,tun. Swings and croquet were i•• 'Two p,unds I 1V swL.......................:3 to •' t as du ned in freely, and the best of feelingsmall trout. a�I�de�a�., "•••• ^ so% ppr•.atled ail day. \ me:.rlt'ra was 'I think it a very :lig trout.' kindly lent by Mr. Foo roar, red menial.* `Ordinarily, yea. But it seems like * of • choir leaf by Mr. Kertighan gave • tory small trout f•,r you to catch.' 3luctioneerifg number of ansa4 and chcruses daring the - - --_ _ - - -_= afternoon. Mr. Kernighan :ds.. presid- ed at • plaUotrn meeting. Seats hal chtnery for his new mill at Blues -ale. l 1. the County of Huron. Yale. attended been provided, and young and old stat h- In •any part of the County. Address onlrn to (ureal around to ".ten to the addressra .4 Ie•ntt Branch wo.nn claims to he tsierirti 1'. u. 1965 thirty-five when she is but twenty-eight. Hey. Mr. !411rkham h 1 in s •..Loud •d- Some women will make any sacrifice to I OHF IuNOX, (3E\ERAi. .41 C• dteea on "Karl% ('or•reisions,' and left rte a sensation, sa s so envious tical. r • good itapresron. fh.'s..4iilhcuddy, cay TIONE1111 andand (nt.Ha g hail considerable .-ipericne. n of (ioeierich, followed in a s,nrch ou the The Vienna Press, referring to the th.• sectione,•ring trade- hr t• in a p kt1.10n to Geott Act, which was wsrns y received. possibility ,.f a partial reducti.m of the 4tarhsrwe with taetv,ngh wtialar/lon elf eemi I miu,in. ot.I, r. to him 1Mder's I4r . Rev. Mr. ear* .n apace bast y and point- great standnne armies as a result of the Marlin a Hotel• or sent by mail to my •ddre o, 6dly an "Education." .i. It Miller, 1'. conference of the three Emperors, de- ttodrrkh P. lay.. carefully at.rnd(d to J4 FIN E. 1., gave an intcreaiing rchoo) retain- ', dares that nothing would be more will -"SOX Cotmty Atltrtamaaer. nM7-t1 1 President. A l CUION SALE OF V:1L1'ALLE FARM PROPF.RTI'. ['trier and hr virtue of a power of sale con- Z rained in a certain n,orteat,-e dated the nth day of June. A.U. Pell. which will be produced at the time of the sale. and Slade by one Itobert Hamby to the Vendor, there will be .01.1 9- Pnblk Auction. on Satnntay, the lath day of del October. A.U. 1•*4. at 12 uc•uck noon. at Mar- tin '.Itbtrt. In the Town of Golcrieh, in the County of Huron, by John Knox. Auctioneer, 05 the following a x;inehle prep.• 17. namely :-- 311 and singular that certain tarcel or tract of (r land and premises situate. ly ing and being in W the Township or t'olborne. in the County of i Huron and Province of Ontario. and bring o comw„ed of the westerly fifty aces of the rasters} one hundred and eighty *cresol Block Letter 'F.' In the said Township of ('olt.orne. There Is situate upon the said lands a ,mull frame house and a small Lame barn. The above property N a desirable farm. and Q 11 will situated being on the Northern Gravel Cl) Roa& sad only le mile. from (c.denich. the (county Town of Huron, and 1; talks from the �'illsge of (brluw. Tante* Ten per rest. cash at the time of t,LJI said tool the balance in Due month thereafter. For further particulars at•ply to Cameron. Ilolt 1: Cameron. !tweeters. Goderich, or to the Auctioneer,. 1 Bated 17th fiep umbar, 4414 •('4ME1tO\, HOLT k CAMERON, Vendor's (solicitors. JOHN KNox. Auctioneer. 1011St. JUAN MacTAGGARTI .lo.soph Lee -h has rnceicetl the ma- j -j W. BALL. AUCTIONEER FOR �- z ialmrtee entitled "Twenty Years .4go."Icoma to Austria (KS PAR !iA WILL 1tEl'Ei\'E Iter. Mr. Meyer, (1,•revat: r.iimtter, Rae. EPw.uU Rt.t5e at the mewling til e brieflym E . I,sh oil v 1 rlortu• I poets, on the 11th Ants.. IoM. 4erec- , r N in the Queen's Park, Toronto., on Tues• tiara riven in English. rudinserbofmus/•.awl Mr. Carom, by rea{urot. !,arca afar last made a capital hit when:he said 4... 999.1 dra«1ing. Terms me. per Werk. Mft cu the month .,rg.o and mal. 1•utlo Forte. 14 lrasnno. ea N0401/0 work and i This t4 a gnat day for Reform. Thous Fre n.•A.onrrrwrtttnn with 115Aamr T1mPeodry 1, nd was: lou•Ily •p,.:rsdetl. A mode of It•fottnen, rnarehod in the par►- aro,: 4 p. m. S onng� 1541!., watt end Iht. as I tag Irmo of 1•sdhall waa ent ioN1 in, retNhm, taus of thousands lined the wf . serllrat oppertanity of improving their pas *hsr a bratty moppet had hero in- 1 y• onncbllon sod retaining their know 914 of i and fhe•li y was hanging we the street 1 French. Terms Me. per «eek. 1HF11 .4,(' ..Y Come and sample my ni.itore of HMrk T. There is not such • blend known to the tette. swan aeweaerm. •rasp r -k... Fee 4 awe roe. 39.011391[,. Omega. * 51... Pet Isar. w eave •eneamag. Sly pairon for Sugar.. t anne. Gado. Spices. n • In.r•n 1 r `tart p . Hire. and general stork of GROCERIES Will compare favorably with any In the trade. Reef. lamp Mattes. Pork, S,nok.d Haw Chickens and Sleeks of the Mat quality Orders left will bare prompt attantlea. JOHN MA. TAOOART. iliOseericb, Sept. 1g1h. ICI. 1IH-11na 7 V sa3aNnds S3WVP 0 z M4Niagalargw large of First-Cla ing .,i of )10111Fol Wood and Coal, which thy will roll at Lowest Lzving Prates. Tinwork promptly execn- ted by experienced workmen. The usual stork of Fancy (foods and Wall Paper. Next door to the Poet ('flee. The Cheeped Honer finder the Sun. (loderlcb. Sept. Ith, 1314. 11.59 Lf:lOK OUT FOR THE r ADVERTISEMENT OF G.H.OLD NEXT WEEK. Goderteh, Seep. 11th. 1463, so Cob H F. JORDAN, Medicals Haul, Cho Keeps eomtaatJy on Itagd a tSsl.ct stork of 1.441.. M.dktnrs,1e. Port awy. toe.. Ra mosses Is wrest variety. PlyetcYa.. PrM,.ry a AMU.MrosaaapeelakT, •