The Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page 70.
Fun anb Fancy.
The yogis, woman who bites her Mag-
er nada and kiss her pug drag; on the
ouse would fall in a stony land at .stag
e's w� • her father nip • eieee off the butter limp
with his own kakis.
Leaving home this morning for the
odic., we lowed our little 4 year-old
gaud -b •,saying to him : 'Be a good
buy loamy.' He sumewhat surprised eta
by saytwg I will. Be • good nom,
papa' Sere .notch, we thought, we
need the exhortation mere than he.
'Larry, my wife and I have both
noticed that the .uwupw.ple start at w
were hard. I !mops you baveu't been
teles anybody that w• are mealy mar-
ried.' '1de tell '.m, nor 1 Is it likely
I'd go &gin my express order l Why,
wkiaever anybody thryed to pump me,
sur, I tuuld 'res you watun't warned at
'Do you think it w..uld be wrong for
me to learn the noble art el self -defence 1'
a reltgwus'y indiued Mumerrille youth
Inquired of hie pastor. 'Certainly nut,'
answered the minister. 'I lamed it
myself, and I have found it of great
value .luring my life.' 'Indeed, sir. bid
you learn the old Euglieh opium., or Sul -
van's system r .Neither. I learned
Solomon's system.' 'bieluw'sn's system r
'Yea You will find it laid down in the
lot verse of the 15th chapter of ?reverie
-'A soft answer turneth tray wrath.'
It is the beat system of self defence of
which I have any knowledge.
A Bove KEM:8E-1n the neighbor -
loud of Boddan Castle, Dusufritsahire,
than Was once a tower called the
"Tower of Repentance. What vire
Vs tower its nau:e we are not told ; but
tt is said that au Ecglish baronet, walk-
ing � near the castle, saw a shepherd lad
Yong upon the ground reading attentive-
ly "What are you resding,latl t" "The
bible, air." "The alible, indeed !'
YSghed the gentleman ; "therryisu must
be wiser than the Larsen. Can you tell
se the way t.. heaven f' "Yee, sir, I
" replied t in noembar-
coo M
• P boy,
gassed by the mocking tone of the other ;
"you must gra straight Ly way of yonder
lower, and thea keep to the rigi t " The
geotlemn saw that the boy hod learned
✓ ight well the lesson of his book.
A Iarr-Hi'Hri Co)trtz)trrr.- Not
✓ ery long ego a man considerably under
the influence .f drink, entered one of
the city i,wuibus.e. in (ilael;ow. On toe-
ing seated, he soon became troublesome
and annoying to the other passengers,
and it was proposed to eject him. This
would have been dune instantly, but a
pial sad kind-hearted reverend Doctor,
who was also a passenger, interposed for
him, and smelled him into gond be-
haviour for the retaainder of the journey.
Before leering. however, ha scowled up-
on the other occupants .4 the bus, and
muttered eerie word. of contempt. but
shook hands cordially with the doctor,
and said, "Gard day. sty friend, I see
ja ken what it is to be drank."
Farm and barer.
Green clover turned under will til -
1 cruss the fertility ut lad five hags as
mach as the seams crup lett on tbw surface
to npsu wd dry .p, end thou plowed
If you are doubtful about the soonetwy
nl using the finest potatoes for seed try *
i bushel at least, sod see for yo.rwif
which will pruduae the most and largest
Where plaster use ha had for from $3
to $J per toil the nisei trim neglects to
sow ti neglects one s4 the bast lamina of
eurichiug his land, for piaster will help
the c'uver, sod clover the land. Plaster
is also very beneficial to peas. Sow trete
one to two bushels per sero.
Sheep breeding u an art at the present
day. Breeders have classified sheep into
breeds bat tempted for either mutton or
wed, ane the wutton sheep have home
!classified tutu heavy and Largo breeds,
while thine bred for wood aro divided iu-
to lono wools, tine souls and middle
When lithe or ashes ;is mixed with
guano., hen unaware or tither fertilizers
coontainint; auewouia, or readily yielding
Iit. there is a less of a valuable coustitu-
i cut. 11 the coil needs lime ..r ashes bow
the other fertiliser first, and *hes that
is welt incorporated with the roil the
lime ur ashes was be applied without
( Turpentine has so strong an t.dur that
lit will prevent depredations of meet in-
sects, and on a .mall scale is one .d the
beet applications that can be wade. A
; corncob dipied in turpentine will keep
cucetnber and squash bugs from the hill
to which it is applied. 1f hung in pinta
'trees it will prevent attacks of the cur-
Treat rear ar hens as well se you do
yourself. If you want eggs protect your
foe la and feed them. It's the feed that
!makes the eggs. No feed, no Gres.
Don't turret that a hen is an erg t•a-
chine. She takes food matter and con-
aero it into albumen, nil and dell. The
`assimilation of the greatest amount of
11 eLR production. Contraction of feed
means diminution of egg supply. Then
feed well, keep your fowls safe fano bad
I conJitiuus of weather, interruptions and
• accident. Put you mind and heart into
the bestrew and you wilt make money.
health Elio•.
Exercise to the extent of creat fatigue
dues wore harm than good.
A hearty meal taken while excessively
fatigued hes often destroyed lite.
Chtllines of body dampens the spirits,
sours the temper and renders the whole
man unlovely.
Life is warmth, growth, repair and
power to labor, and all these are derived
from the food we eat and the fluid we
drink, and these should be peel.
Never sit or stand with the wiud blow-
ier en you fur a single moment, for it
Tahiag twee of hese Eeesaea speedily products a chill, to be followed
with a fever and then a tad cold.
There is an old proverb that say* a The thinnest veil or silk handkerchief
lady is alw*ra to be known by her boots thrown over the face while riding or
and gloves. Quite a crucial a tett is the walking against a cold wind is a reusrk-
facolty of taking gnod care of her cos- . ably comfortable protection.
tutees, and one that quite as dutinct)y , Cleanliness in all the surroundings of a
marks the well -bad lady. Anyoce can •family uunnon pays richly in mauy ways
buy an elegant wardrobe if she has in good health. moral elevation, pers.n-
muney enough, but to take the requisite al cenfurt and Sellars and cents Resides.
care to keep it fresh and dainty requires Nature is eery much like a shiftless more than a check book. OfNature
who the more he u helped the
keepinc nice dresses, • lady ants
" Each dress abeutd lave Its own wrap mem he look• for rat. The mato medi-
or cover to keep it from chafing or fan- eine a man takes the more he will tare
life fine, erne oottua cbth, awe- take whether A be anodyne, tonic or
nale over s yard wide, cut it into vt•ratite•
squares, then hem and west the square&
They should be fine, take no room, and t'emeeralwg*reek IMO.
weigh little ; firm to keep away the -
dust ; hemmed, that you may keep the
game side next the silk, and washed, to
'do away with the bleaching chemicals,
which are liable to change the colts of
the silk. Fold the bottom of the train
back and forth in &boat eighteen ce
twenty-three inch folds, w as to tit the
box you have for it. The bottom now
being altogether, you will never it with •
small cloth or towel to keep the darty
train from rubhing against the cleaner
parts 4 the rube ; roll the whole dries
loosely to the size and shape of the box,
1•y it dpon the white cloth and fold the
ornery of the same over the top 40 the
package and place it in the box. Now
k.o.en the roll and adjust it to its space
so as to favor any delicate er easily
crushed portion of the drove -aa Medici
Dollars, flower garniture, emhreidery,
dc. -relieving crowded places and dis-
tributing the thick t•, the thin spots. ,
When yes ears* M (sea tie robe shake it
out and you will find it in gond condition
The fold of a dress or shawl will 'Man
work up between the trays of boles and i
lay motion of tars, wagotts, to.. get '
chafed intr. holes. To avoid this, pin tee
cloth over so it cannot jut over the box.
To p&ek laces, fold them in blue tissue
paper or sett linen, beeauee white paper
weataies bleaching acids and discolors
and decays the ribb.m or lace. The
ease is true of white shoes and gloves,
and especially] of salver ornaments. The
latter. though worn every evening, re-
tain their purity and brilliancy for
months if kept cl•'aely in Klee tissue pa-
per. Shoes and dippers should never he
folded together without a cloth or paper
between them, as the sole of one sols
the ripper of the other. Pet ens in
cloth, tern it over, and then add the
The average breakfast is slighted. In
the morning hurry, the importance of its
being goal and wholesome 1* overlooked.
Surely, when one Domes to think of it,
the first meal of the day ought to be
something better than the hashed -up re-
mains of yesterday's dinner. It is not
necessary that a breakfast should be
elaborate, but it should be particularly
well -cooked. appetising and nourishing.
If one is to fight business battles strooess-
fully, he must go forth in the morning
strengthened 'in the inner man.' 'Well-
fed men ordinarily kr.ow little of the
craving far stimulants that gnaws at the
stomach of the poorly nourished laborer.
Rives and mothers who would save their
husbands and sons from the drink hend
can neat too early learn this lemon.
Fresh fruit is always a most acceptable
and, healthful addition to any_ breakfast,
when the family exchequer will risibly
allow it. A little indulgence in this
luxury in the spring would often move
many a doctor's hill. Variety is sten an-
other point which should be aimed at
It is particolarl antagonistic to early
rising to know t� ono is getting up to
the same everlasting breakfast of mush,
fried p ntatoes and weak cedes. -(Farm-
en' Tribune.
%e.e. Tea gale Ice Med.
Socrates, at an ezireene old are, learn-
ed to play on medical instruments.
,51ta/i be dyed hasp..
First terser -'How's your corn crop
beiiag r
Second f.ier--'Be&utifril; neve bet-
First farmer -'Hay promising well r
Seerand farmer -' crop I have
had fee Tears.'
First farmer- 'Stack flonrishing i
Ru+r.nd fanner -'1 shne,d say 50. I've
got half • donee e yearlings that 11 lay over
anything in this part of the tenantry.'
First farrier -'Heti • your wife r
Seeped farmer- -*Wire T
Pird farmer --'Year wife.'
$..grid tricot -'O. mM's elicit awbeili.'
•i loam hes virhpd P nhlhHinw late hew
esustitisdios by popelas raw Pnrwserly
Ii was at the sway of the letinlefle hent
• tower 15 Y nmrt of Ore Arama law sod emit
eflesatweav ,
Ades/seed epicures my that soft -shelf
crabs olr.,ubt be fried iu olive bol iusamd
et lard or butter.
C.outhi4arilut naiads are the latest
Tully are de of a'little of everything,'
sad uutx,dy wants tis. be helped a second
Early acid very much cultivated celery
hos appeared, but dos not suouut to
much, and is 'wort suitable fur ornament-
ing dinner tabes.
bine physicians say that fruit is infia-
itely better thou meat iu warm weather,
and this is how they make weenies of
the butcher.
A perfect cook should have a rend
head, a sure taste stud delicate palate.
There are few perfect u.wrks.
First of all the cookery treks carne
from Spann as long ago se 1500, and •
oopy is to possession of Dubois, chef to
the Emperor William.
Dealers say that so many ugly stories
have been published about Lobsters that
people are prejudiced wad the isle of
thaw are decreasing.
Tea fritts* are something Hew in gas-
tr,nomy, and are traced to Fiuelli, of
Philadelphia. They aro in stale like
the waffle, and have a very Pleasant taste
of Oohing.
A cook's value and importance, says
an authority, depend not so much even
what ho knees as upon the manner in
which lie dishes up hu knowledge.
At ft.shionable dinner parties where
the fish is Spanish mackerel, lemon juice
iu a ttuy jar is placed at each phi u, and
*t aonaidered best to use iustead of 8117
In the old days it was plain calf's head
soup, but now it is mock turtle. Veal
serves as a disguise for a great deal of
gastronomic humbug and deception now-
Canned food dealers are miserable be-
cause ..1 the many published reports of
Muss crested by partaking of it, and
they declare they are the victims of foul
Young Man of Business Ito his :;anion
Partner : 'You'll excuse me, but don't
you think it's a bad habit to always hare
your hands in your pocket* f" S. P.:
"Certainly, 1 do ;but show me the Brit-
ish householder who can help it. You're
a single man, and therefore no judge,"
Mr. Moreton Frvwen oxoutuences srt
arttc'u in the /'all Moll (oust• with -
"Why ' meat dear f Because the w*rket
"out ..f joint," how can meat help being
Mr. Chamberlain may not know murk
about the contsruction of ships of the
nercantite navy of England, but he is,
undoubtedly, intimately acquainted ac-
quainted with the coutpositieu of its
(sYr•'.r .
Hemp Irving, at a banquet in London
recently, stated that Americans eat with
more iutelligence than the people of any
other a.untry-. Just what he intended
to convey by the remark is as misty as a
London fug.
Eels, frogs and snails are in grater d• -
mend this season than ever before, spe-
cially frogs, the supply of which is never
adequate. This is evidently an age for
"long neglected food," but bad tor eels,
frogs and snails•
In Berlin has been started a restaur,
ant bearing u its title, "Erste Berliner
Rusatleisch and Wurst-Ess-Stube." As
the sante indicates, h..rse flesh is the
chief refreshment offerel, and a "beef-
steak" .If horse, with potatoes, ie sup-
plied for the very moderate sum of two
It is curious, says as erchenge, how
few people kcow the benefit of fruit at
breakfast tins. A saucer of berries, an
orange of banana, pear or apple. at six
in the morninr, will snake the sky look
brighter sad fill the world with sunshine
even un cloudy days ; and yet many peo-
ple Hever think of eating fruit in the
mu ruing.
Cato, at ei thty year's of age, began to
acedy the Greek language.
Pltatareh, when between seventy and
eiirhty, to etude Latin.
Boceecio was thirty years of age when
As commenced his studies in light litera-
tw: yet he became one .of the greatest
masters of the Tuscan dialect, Dante and
Pletasrh being the other two.
Sir Henry Spellman neglected the
sciences in his youth, bet commenced
the stedy .of them when lie was between
fifty and sixty years of age. After this
time he bwesme a most lestwed antiquar-
ian and lawyer.
Dr. Johnston applied himself to the
Debits Iamgtmge bat a few jean before
hie death.
Lsdeevieo Moedeldsse , at the great
ego of 1115 years, wn.t• the I airs of
his own time.
Ogilby, the translator of Hoeiee and
Virgil, wee ensogeai.tad with LAS and
(creek tiU he was part fifty.
Franklin aid not cemeteries his smelts elts till he rosebud Wattle*
Dgrder; ie ►is i ty a�ts�As 4161111-
• e-�d.ais.el
rresbyeery .1 Memo.
A Liar Sae nag lwwL
Mr. M. K. All►wn, Hutchina.n, tan ,
sated hit life by a simple Trial Mottle of
Dr Kati;s New Ihacoovury, for Ce,w-
suwptt.,tt, winch cawed hies to pee urea
a largo bottle, that a•tnplatrlycured bus.
wheu Lectern, claogu of climate and
everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bre Chane, H.rrwni•m, Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung dimmers, it is
stunntrwt to cure. Trial Betties at J.
Wnlesn's drug store. large .iso li. (1)-
FROM THE SON. York,Cedar St, New
"Unmeant.. 31y Mawr reeidss ea plover,
Vt. lie W bs.a • great *offeror from Serol -
U3, and the inclosed 10.1ar Mill w:l you whoa
• tuarvclous .gut
Ayers Sarsaparilla 4
bee had 1a iW ane. 1 tbink bis blood inset
hate ono ta the below for at beast tea
Jea; bur f1 did nut .how, eaespt in the form
of s scrofulous sore ow the wrist. until about
try years ago. From a few epos which Sp-
peered at that tins., It gradually toned so as
be cover hie entire body. I aware you he was
terribly l cted. sad so object of pity, when
5* began using your msdtciue. Now, there are
few teen of Lis Oge who enjoy as good beatth
as he hie. I could easily eases any perwus
who would testify to the facts u hu ease.
• FROM 411
1 ours tr.:4, �W.. ]L
"It is
1 itis? l 1. f AT�L[l • possum and
a (lett' for me to State to you the Innate 1
have derived from tho use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
alx months ago I was completely eovered w i th
a terrible humor sad serofubu sores. Tho
humor causal an incessant awl tutoterahN
heWng. and the skin cracked SO as to each
the blood to flow in many places whenever
I moved. )1; sufferings were great, and my
life a bcrden. I et'tooraeed the use of the
saris►A$ILL4. is April last, and bare Asad
It re^ufarI♦ Nme thattime. llity coalition
b.ptuto r*vs at 'The sons have
all booed. an! 1 feel perfectly well la every
vt•.,..e:-heir; now abs to do a good day's
work. al:!.or xh :: years of age. Many Inquire
what has wrougt.t ru-h a care la my ease, sad
1 telt *:sent, as 1 tare Lore tried to tell you.
Amies Sanaarinrt.LA. Clover, Vis, Oce.
al, *111. Turas gr. dully,
ll)aax rutt.urt•"
ATLL's ta'•y±riatLLa sons Scrofula
and alt Lc:.:u?oas Oota:tlaltta, L^yip,
r:ss, Ler :rs. :.lnCworm. Blotches.
Sore.., l:ol:a, Tumors. and Eruption* of
the ek:e. l; clears t10 blood o(a 1 Impar
ri .es, aids digrrtion, stimulates the action of
�e bot-e's, and thus restores vitality and
rrc!ttons es whale natant.
estraaan sr i
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
sold by all Druists; 11, sta bottles for IL
adhc5' Tolley
Music a Specialty.
(W. Waugh Lauder. Gold Medallist. and pupil
of the celebrated .11rtie t-isrt, Director.
IJ It Stacey. Artist. Director)
Junior Department.
DL Law a t'tsaaAar;Woaat %aautf:�
Au asteesblt safe and eft **ual remedy
to ren.ure all 'clods ui worm.. m
Al.. s te•e.yptll ceatain.sealt•mrlaeo
other wirers 1 colnpoe&es. Or Caraua's
Stomach Bitten 4*runt:), reSe..1.1. sed
takes this '0 ♦ of all .other pi'rg:.tts.s.
i i lace. bowels at Ma, cent. w
A t. tars able re. . ape.
lirs Mery 1. Dsilty,of hanLork,
Pa. ,was atlit.ted foo six ?s.s with Asth-
ma end Bruuchitis, duras:, which tiwe
the beet phys.ciaans o uld give no rthef.
ller life was Is aired of until o'* ,ant
October the .r's urea a incl to se Dr.
11im g $ N. w D.acot•ery, wheo tthmadiate
relief was felt, and by cont'neiug its uso
for a short time .hr was t•, epletely cur -
est, • - nut is. drab 50 lie. iu a few
ttioFree Trial Betties thio certain cure
of all Throat a,.d Lung Di -rases et Jas.
%blase'* Drug Store. Large Bertha
e1.00 i,
MOM %b. Atte
"Nu ; she lingered ane guttered s'o.tit,
•'pining •..I tate tease f. 1 ye•.' the d.•c-
'tors doing her too ;;,tool : ao•l at 1.ut was
,'carve this Hee I:Ittain the i•.tl.ets
:fey at, ...nth a1w Ut. iHtla rN. ' Iti..ted'
how t!,An!-ful ore should :e jar :bat
"tncditi:'c .
Field ani tiI'tkt! Stt1,
The subscriber i'* not'. prej arc'
to furnieh all kiwis of I ie'el utt•i
Gordo. Seeds of the
at Iateti that cannot Le 1 .chyli in
Call and ei;aaine rumples a-
fore purchasing elselrh
o -re•. R
Full i/iploma Courses in Literature. Music
land Art. 40 ticholanthips competitively
awarded annually. 18 at September entrance
a xam i nations.
tdrTerwsw 01311 to 0153. For large. illus-
trated circular. address :
IItE:V. E. N. ENGLISH. M. k., Principal
/ 'Xczt term begins September 18th
Atilt 7.1884 198.1•1m
The Presbytery of Huron met in Will is
church, Clinton, on the 9th inst. In the
absence of the Moderator, the Rev. A.
D. McDonald, of Seattle:h, was chosen
to preside. 4 remit from the General
Assembly was discussed. and, with a
slight amendment, approved of. A con-
stitution adopted by the congregation of
Willie church, Chilton, was presented for
the approval of the Presbytery. It was
agreed es refer it to a committee, with
instruetidxs to report at the next regular
meeting. Arrangement.' were made for
holding • Sabbath School Convention in
connection with the January meeting, in
Blytb. It was agreed to raise the Mis-
sion Station at Hilhgreen to the rank of
a congregation. to be associated with the
(segregation of )(ippon, and Mr. Thom -
eon, of Rrucefield, was instructed to com-
plete the nrgsniration of HlUsgreen. A
call from Nippon and Hillsggreen, to the
Rer. Samuel Acheson, of the Presbytery
ref Lindsay, was sustained, and Mr.
Thar/son was appointed to prosecute the
call before that Presbytery. at its nett
meeting. The Rev. A. Stewart and Mr.
Robb, of Reaforth, elder, were appointed
to visit the oongr'eratinns of Bayfield
road and Berne, to make inquiry respect-
ing their faoure to raise their
salary to the required minimum. The
Rev. James Pritchard was appointed tit
visit the onegregatinn. of Bethany and
Bnytleld, before the meeting of the flame
Mission committee, and to apply to the
committee for • grant of 0160 in aid of
11��e work in these rnngrwgatinnt it was
&tided to hold the Next regular meeting
at Rime's, and induct Mr. Acheson into
the large of Kipper and Halsey/ea.
should be swept the cell.
• Teas .1 R.spe•e0W1Ny.
The Kingekes News appsreeily maks
the way s man votes the test of his res
portability. Hes are its remarks me-
Hdesineg the .terms. rel Lennox, before
sail after the nowt slsseion : -
e[ ewMe�
OI'!figxds a11d Giintis.
'1t ls quite time We
aloesarc of I coria
fkl faseet Murat were /aM alai the.,
bend ts mats sew- Tb.y w
gUgeu. la Ane bt.151t eiorwl.+ar4214607. "21'
East Street (;rain I)e•l.ot, Opposite
'Town Hfail, Gtuderich.
March !Mk 1611•
$ . wrrk •c hon . ¢.1.(x' oot5' free. l'ay
.oro-. `iu risk (*5i$*% not
rrelu+rod. ltrsder,if you w*ttt ow:naw
at w!, IA pper.• no of c:tb.'rmg. Young
or old. an make :creat Ivy e11 tb.. time they
work. won al.selute certainly. Write for full
pertieu.Asn to H. 1f ALLErI d•'CO.. l Mi
All are New and Well Selectee!. which he of-
fers at the Lowest Possible Prices.
I Nri1. ILA1,c&c
NRITi$H ASK COT. Tuau.,0- .Ltablia►td
PHO[ INt(. COT, of Los now Kir Ousel
Ketabileb d 17111.
1ARTYr11tli IXtl. ('O'V. of IIaayrtws* Cess.
LetaW1h.d qts
Risks taken is Me.botvfast clam Once at
the luwr.t rennin HOIIALe. ItuRTCK.
Td 1s also A ppm." 1 of the
CAN .11►.1PEE. LOAN 441) $A Ge (0.ef
Money to lull e4 11414-. lam security. rem
7 44 r par frac. Charge-. moderate
I:tltt.tCK HO[TON.
Roder'h Sept. 10. PM.
li ,.Trohloonuasxus•r.da!dso•fpgprto.evesss
•rrthauithvitsre bed
*nil h,- lth restored
') the us:. fibe;r'es
w hH .. {•eeur.t t I) 514.1 1. .•rO1101nrn1 y c cr • Ise -
potence a sue .1 by ..drat• of any kind..
desetpnl nseabwes., 41 tit .liars' • 11 -at fol-
low ase ,•..inti , e o. neIf .11•vw er 114.0 01 ea-
elev. Itaw .f rummy, n.iaersal Iwltsidr.
pato in the 1a.:, dhu:u ,. of .,stun. prema-
lar..o1.t alta. and nun) wi.rr diereses that
1•-8.4 to ineanity .er io5SI apo...: at.d a prema-
ture Kral.'.
$Loud for eireulae• with trsltwWwlwl^ free by
mail 11.. {e114.e51105 i. .old ct 11 per
boa. or six hoses f..r et b! n:1 o!ruguirls, or
will 1..• tent free n.) mai.. curet) staled, tat
rvvlpt of prier. 1•e. addr.raiog
F. J. .Rim v. iftverorist,
It. sts.i.uit tit., Toledo. Ohl*
Ow. ItM*. a.,
eeie Agent for Godcrl' It
is •
..0.• are a' *gayon I he look eon ti.r • havers to increase
• •,.•ir earc..n.e,.5nd it. time le .
come wraltl • •los• who do
�14o ti, i.rove their opport on
Stir• rt'rn5:u in ',overt!. 1': a offer a awe-
rb.'icc 10 1114),e u.ont;, \\'o hunt men• we
mea, b,.y, and girl• to murk for u. in them
woven 1..;Jtiwt.. Anyone, c,:w'lo the work pet
pat!) Iron, the fleet start. 11.. busiueQs boli
on) more to nn ten toner • rde *47 wags -a. Ilk:.
L -
y nett a onI ItT furnished fru. N., nnr w ho es.-
due:es 1511. to nuke Iotas; rr phi') . 1'. u tan
whole Itotr to the work. or only
)..ur spore mom. 111'.1u!$ iu(urw,atiou tiedi:l!hal1,.n•-t.+ran rent 1st•. Aealtes8igs-
ai4' .t' Co )'urtlai.d. Xa.t •,
$600.00 Reward.
willMJthe above rwant for any care
Liter t'wtplaiut. blain pair. `ick H. wood..
indigo ellen, l'..nrt:,wtiou or 41"a;%rnt Oa we
candor curt with Wait's V. netat.k Lit er P111..
abeuthe directi, amstriatlrcunipifi.4 with.
they Art. tour•ly Vegetable, and net er fall to
t it.• ,ati•fnetion. sugar' rated. large Boxes
tntaiwtntt 3s Pills, "--\ rrnl$. Fur sale by a1l
Drugs .ts. Beware of counterfeits sod imtln-
Uun•. The �1rrc-wuirr uannfaetur'd only bis
JOHN C. WEST 1 ('O.. "The1'114 )fakers. '
and4.4 st. East. Toronto. Opt. Pere
loin' nfrr.,rt ty sal pr:prftt en receipt
of s;1. .•n1 .ttC,p.
e'er Malt at WIi.OV'a BSI C a1511E.
Ona 1 I.
',- Health is Wealth°
The sepia's Livery
liana. Macon, hard. Cheese. Moiler Flour
made from Manitoba Wheal. also Harris'
Fine Family Flour, and Oats, Bran.
Shorts. and all other kinds of fc,-,I.
Warmer. read... Takao to tarbasae.
Goods delivered free in any port of the towa
and Saltford.
Corer victoria and Nelson streets. opposite
Fair ur,asds, Ooderf•h,
May Dib. 1881. 191I -
Saginaw and Bay City Router
'laving pored are.' the :;t t ery l,..tin.-" of •Ino.
E. i4wa11z, fo.'w,erty owned 1• itah•rt Kerr.
..illicit a *hare of public p„troan•r. They
guarantee Mt ion to all. and ot'ar
'rhe Finest Riga
AT REAsoN :IiL1: l'I:It Ems.
CA1,1, AND SEE US-Oppo.lte I'•sile::'4
Iiofei. (laden. b.
Gedericb, Feb. 11th, MIL ielearers
(7. 11' 17c4:(14:(1411?. M1aTUt,
Will Were 410144it14'H, weather pr-mittlnr.
on and after June .%th. IMI. making lrca&HI
Rat 544 Tatra Aurin* int, season. as follows :
At 1 o'clock p m.. few'Leginew. itay Pity. Sand
Raab. Tawas and all points on the Trost shore.
melodist, Alpena and ('beir31taae.
Returning will Irate (IOIWHI('H
11 1 p.m., for fterrnit and Cleveland. collie``
both ways at Port Heron and points o. 4f.
(:lair Rlrer.
A Seven Days' Trip
with the privilege of eprwding 21 heirs in
Cleveland. N hours Is baron. and It Amro In
ltaginaw or Ray City, at the anpteredentrdl)
low pru-e of
fltCL['DI!vn M K t IA .1 \ 44 RKRTHM,
A FbiA9sss (Ji' %DRtl.LS RAND slwige
tali homed hes Daerfng.
roe rase. of /relvst awl passagesad all Iwo
fermateme apply to
Wu. tat. Agent at Oederlch.
or r. A. A staS5Ptis i.
Manama. Detrett.
Oedsrl.k 3/.r Erb. lel 1911
1)11. E. C. WW1'S Neaten AND Baatw Tata?
1r7:.T, a guaranteed rpe'ciAc for Hysteria. Pia
sinless, t'ontulslona. Tit.. Nervous Neuralgia
Headache. Nevauus Prostration caused by th.l
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wake fulmar. Men-
tal I•eprr.sion, !4e(teniag of the Brain. result
ing in insanely and leading d. moory. decay'
and death. Premature Old Age. Icarus_ mesa.)
Loa Loof Power in either sex. hat onantary l e.aeel
and Oprrmaturrhas. caused by over-extrtlos
.f the brain- pelf -shore ur mer-indulgesce.
Orr box will cure recent caves. Mach bestow '
fain. one itunth'-treatment. (Me dollar* bog'
1, or'.i* boat, for five dollars : sent tv mall pre
paid on retelp• of prier. We guarantee sin
hose• to tore any case. With each order re-
,•.Ittel by us fur six boxes,. annum/mad with
five dollars. we will send the purchaser war
wr;tttn guarantee to refund the nosey 11 tbs
treatment does not etre..? a , um. GLarsatee
1OtT I. e'
O rase`I, ,urs
*yet t'�r i'Nt tde. Ya net v:`
*Ng•�.. ty tir_o, ' tlieu w an tea
�,.tglinatts _! 1 terve ��t.
e+r 1/�- `rot. _esu• -ID
100.1.105/ er. e
dm "•t ra(taMAaH
,1* W°tIR .ttntr.
tins a, me nnFol. etaei tN•
(laving the ninon cuttlaencr to 11* auger
kerlty over all otlerx. and a:t' r tl•onsaadt..d
Wets ed the Rust cumplitattd and setrn'i
Mee we moll 10t1. we feel Jwtlfird 1w o frt-
Ing to forfeit One Thousand Dolor* for an!
Gavot cough., colds, sure throat. infiltrate
hoarseness.. hrunchttl.. constant) tit'n .n it.
sail) ) ata.(••'• whooping trough, and all diseases
of tthroat and curs except •elhmJ. In
goblet. e e eel? Sate. ,*tier', .bat sur wit u use
with West's l ougi. Syrup. when oaken accord
ing te directions. .ample bottles. 23 and re
tents: large bottled owe Seller. b*enuias
wrappers only H. bine. ttul•t br *11 dr sts,
or sent by exttre5 on receipt of prlc.. JOHN
i•, W4$Tof. CO..4*and K1 king etreet Bast,
Toronto, Ont. coal at JAS. M 11J•41518 Lorna
Store Gudcrith 191/-
Isrtn-d only by JAMES 511*O1. role author
!reel uces*forGoderich,ttut. JOHN (' Whorl
t Co.. sole proprietors. Toronto Ont.
Having been eppotntcd agent of the alto
machine. begs to solicit else usual public p
rootage. and will supply naihlnes oa 145*
Try the Genuine Singer
iteeldeace : Victoria street. near, the Y.
Goderlch. Dec. 13. 1193. ISM.
.1 week ,n•.le at home y the
Auntrloue. Hest business now
fore the public. Capita sot s
ed. We will start you. me.,
men. bass and girl wanted v
wnere to .cork for tea. Now 1s the time.
ran work in .pare time. or rive your w
time to the hnstnew. 50 ether bu,iasss
Day you nearly w well. No one oars fa
stake enorm:)tu pay, by engaging at 4
eerily went and terms free. Moog ■
Asa. wail). and honorably. Address Tat
Co.. Augusta. Maine
l'urto IJ:. +mac:, Ltsscl Appetit(, ladtgestron, Bihownesi
Dyspepsia, ,laundi. e, Affections rf the Lirrr and liii.Liter
P.mples, Blofchea, Bala, Humors, Balt Rheum, Scrofwk
rrya.pclas, and all ditt(ases arising from Implfre Blom
Derunyrd Stomach, or irregular action of the Barris.
Are g151154% rte take. Costello Um
lagnnve. I5 a .a1s, awe, sad .4
/sanmsr et warm la Cliiree at,
vert. 3475 is $wepta
animaa Way
Itbm.ry 1
mg m tJ s
welwvs 1w
Mae. tM•woehlayr'
sew. ss maths free. 14. rt. Ari
y�~w� everjIieel*s
t Maio are mabdef
Lod lea make 11 meek 11 mss. wi 1
Cwake stmt pay. /UMW. If y
lsese at which yea raw mak. fr
tail tau.. arta. few particulars 1st
et C.. 1'MWd miumo x
aazar 44