The Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page«
E HURON SIGNAL I jouroatiatie hhekg`a'a'm -h" h'd
OODERICH, ONTARIO � Mowat, the than of the hoar he whom
Is despatched to all parte of the surround the people of Ontario now delight to
.�e*sst�h by the earliest trails and trains. i honor.
{F esu& admission It has • larger circu-
Mian pay other urwspaper in ibis pari of I All praise t., these rues sbo lett their
'Pastry, 4 loose of the raciest, newsiest at honor to
mos reliable journals in Ontario 1 houses ou Tuesday last to 0
as It des, the foro-goiu,pessentials ' one of lMtar, '• noblret sena to bonur-
lstaa Is additloe totke sborr, a ar►t ,.las.
ally rid "reside paper it Is therefore • jug-
ug him,�thry honored hos tuuW pro•
st desirable advertising ~Maus.
tma,s.-3iJ 1a advance. postage pre -saki vin., and paid • high tribute to (Ints-
�Mishen ; 11.Ts, if paid before Pis months 1 rig, the Liberal citadel of the Dominion.
lf not so paid. This rul will be trktly
The work is done. The Liberals, aye,
and a large number of old -tame Conser-
vatives, have welcomed home the guar-
dian of Ontario's nohts.
The great gathering on the 16th of Sep-
tember, is after all a reminder to the
Hon. (Ilicer Mowat, that deep down in
the heart of the people of his native
province is a warm spot for the man who
has pr..t•ed himself to he one in whom
BE REFORM DEVoNSTRATIOI, they could trust in the hour of trial and
"Ontario, Ontario :' was the refrain in the day of aced. The "Welcome
•h, if not uttered toy the lips, rose Howe," of the lens of thuusa11ds w
the hearts of the thousands of Toronto was the greatest °raco..n ever
-}iberals who attended the great demon -
a public loan in Canada, but
tion iu Toronto tau Tuesday last. great as it was, it was only a foretaste of
m One cud of the province to the the glorious ‘,-1. na soak fo:Ih.i," which
r Reform delegates swelled the pro- u today his potion amongst the loyal-
iun, which was to do honor to the hearted (Interum who know of his
who hod during all these years devotion to his prorince, and his adher-
tled so perseveringly and se success- enc* to the principles of right, of equity
ally in the interest of Ontario. and of justice.
' With the foremost counties was grand Lunt may he live to guide the des:i-
Jd Huron, with a procession of 300 men, rain of l ioario, and to hold a first alae'
good and true, grid a full representation in the hearts f her areal*.
d 600 delegates wearing the Mowat — --
amige. South Huron was there at the Fi:-11 EE: ASP THE BALLOT.
each of Bishop ; East Huron was well One of the phases of the Scott Act
,*presented, and was led by the old contest in Halton was that the religious
iud tried Thnnns Gibson : and West element 0 the people, lay and clerical,
Huron swelled the numbers of the was largely in favor of retaining the
:prong, and proved that lees riding was Act, and worked hard against repeal.
he home of Liberalism. All sectarian peculiarities were set aside,
And as with Huron, s., with the other all minor differences sunk, in 'order to
Des. The representations were defeat the machinations of the liquor
large, the delegates were enthusiastic, party. The call for aid was sounded
Fthe spirit of Liberalisin was even- outside 0 the county. and in -ney and
ere apparent. men were sent into the devoted district.
The men who gathered at Toronto on to help alone the good work.
uesday last, represented, in the large A striking feature of the election was
ajority of cases, the best classes of the calling of a day of prayer all over
s sons. The farmer and artisan the Province on behalf .1 the temper-
ely predominated, and then came the ance cause in Halton The hour select -
en of the learned pr,feasions, t. ogeth- ed was the middle 0 the afternoon of the
with the capitalists and uunufacturen. day before the poll. Men and women,
All kinds and conditions .,f respectable from Hurn ti the Ottawa, n,et, and
en were represented, and the various with singleness of heart poured out :e-
s, colon and vocations blended to- quest for divine aid. The meetings were
ther in one grand harm"ray of thought solemn seasons to alt who were present.
d unity of action. And strength and courage was lent to
A noticeable feature in the demonstra- those in Halton who depended upon aid
tion was the large number of young men from the source invoked by their co -
who took part, and who by so doing workers in the Province. The Chris -
showed their disappr..val of thec••wardly tuns who met for prayer were laughed
nd slanderous attack that had been i at or pitied by some for their simplicity,
e upon them by the would-be lead- I but their prayers will ever be regarded
ing organ of Consen-atire opinion. At I ny the victors as among the most potent
the great gathering in the Temperance , factors in the winning .,f the day. There
1 on Tuesday, no unmistakeable is a power in earnest, waited, unselfish
vidence of their disapproval was given, prayer which worldly wisdom cannot
and the speeches of Hon. G. W. 1{ a. I comprehend nor human philosophy fsth-
Dewart, and Jury, of Toronto, Taylor, , om. The skeptic's shrug has been beau -
Nanning and McGillicuddy, 0 Huron, ! tifuily answered by Tennymin •-
and D. E. Cameron, of Bruce, went•far i -'More things are wroturht by anter than this
world dreams of
show that there were in the Liberal , For what are man b.•tler than 'beep nr`tgoats
nks youngmen who could stand u Tbat aeurish, a blind life within the brain.
p If• knowing God- char ►in cot hand* rat pray •r
for the rights of their party, and hurl Both for tbemseRu and these who esA • bem
I friends 1
ck with scorn the foul aspersions that I For so the whole round world is a cry hour
been cast upon the young Reformers °rad by ¢old chains arnnsd the f.•ct ot(ioxl."
of Ontario by the literary hireling 0 the Hoe. Homo alEarttR, the leader 0
17 org$n' 1 the Liberal Opposition in the Province
.And the old men ..f the party -they of Quebec, is forty-three years of age,
who had fought the battles of the past and tint entered public life, as a partie-
d had gained for us, even by the shed -
g of blood, the political privileges
hich we now enjoy -were out in strong
force, and their honest hearts pulsated
-th joy, and their lusty throats pealed
forth cheers for Mowat, the hero of
t'rio's Provincial rights,as ardently u present time the Ross Government is tot -
had done rime forty years ago for
tering to its fall. He iso medium height.
illiam Lyon MacKenzie, when he was
dark hair and moustache, closely
ttling so vigorously and so penever-
gly for the cause of the people agaiust
• oligarchists.
JtbtWed every Friday Morning by )1,,. systematically, dunu;t the last twelve
bons ha"- a lb."' uta«, Nur" 5I years bees directed against Hon Oliver d
of tie tiquarel
{fors M Avon: three c luia<ht cents line pot
R�It�for "rat insertion :three cents per line for
Subsequent insertion. Vessel). half-yeatly
uarterly contract* at reduced rates.
rltrt1Tl11ei--» N• hare alae eroticism
. thea* department In conneetlon. and poeueus
1 tie most complete out -"t and best facilities
terwin. out work in Gotten, Mare prepared
s business In that line et prices that cannot
beaten. and of • snottily that cannot be
rale and - Terms CM*
LI VG DOD[y'i 4711OWL.
As was to be supposed, King Dodds
vas nut feel happy over his defeat in
Halton. His edit..rul iu his owe paper
en the result of the cote is short and
savage. Hear him :
i eUTr Ate its 11.u.n,a, Clerical bulldoatng
was eweerestul is Westing Me trpeal of the
Mint AM Is Halton. Over set sal) preachers
sere un the war psib, sad with the most of
them no story was too streog. la essay mc,
titan where the Anti -Scutt Ac. voters were
largely Mahe majority they made piteous au -
peels to them le **ay awlq from tlu polls.
Vote fur Christ or the Devil war their ever
grinding cry. and we re ret to say that • mall -
tient number of week -knead ad weak -bead-
ed electors an:owedtheinselve• to be bulldozed
by such disreputable tactic*.
This attack upon the clergymen is
characteristic. Thty can survive it. It
is n'' the tint time that seventy preach-
ers went out in the Lords name to oast
out et d spirits, and returned rejoicing.
mentarian, in 1872. In appearance be
is quite youthful, and to„ks as it he were
on the sunny side of thirty. During
the past two sessions he has broken two
Conservative administrations, and et the
trimmed. He speak. Enelish oluite flu-
esily, although with a decidedly French
MNnt. He appears t., be full ..f enthu-
i'►e esiddl. aged men we1►�R�si,fAntte Rinlainm and vigor. His address at the
' on Tuesday
• great demonstration -trig men who 1fi,-`fotUnto,
bad stood by the cradle of CenfederatG evening fast' had the trite Liberal ring
had seen the D.nuiniun grow during about it, and was well listened to by the
last seventeen yearsAnd their great audience present, and loudly ap-
terost in the good work of Reform had Plauded during iia deliverance.
ceased, and their willingness to act alt+rag ::Rltr►tr, of the -Ifnil has
the success of geonl government had found out that when he attacked the
abated. respectability of the young Refo•rmera of
Yes, the men of '3; were there to d” C'nada• he made a sad mistake. Mr.
or to the suowgs a of William Lyon Griffin's rest actability is not of a high
ekenzi- -Oliver Mowat the champion order, and his antecedents will not hear
the peoples rights :the man ..f 17 investigate. n. The young men of the
there to strengthen the bends of Reform party are now in • position to
man who, insure +l that ()titan" expose the hollowness of the pretensious
ould,Wain every n¢ht that had leen tof Mister Griffin. and to show that he is
teed at Confederation ;and the f ,of that (dais that Major Andre used to
ing men --they who would be the refer to as the "dune -hill breed. We
of '87- were ape, to the lore, to deon't expect to hear the geeing Reform -
that when the day of reckoning
they would be ready, and willing
battle with Sir Jolt* alaodonmld, who guard who abuse.' them. 'and they will
thus far endeavored to despoil their not spare the gad if he offend again A
iv* province and trail her rights and bully is always a coward, and *hater
Ukases in the dust. Griffin will now betake hint too that dis-
Differing in age, in political training cret,un which is the better part of vapor.
in provincial Location, the thoueauds i
t gathered at the great dem. sirat ion Ft-rr advanced year, will not ramie
, nevertheless, actuated by a old Joe Rymai to cease his little joke.
object, and that wa• to do honor to. %Then he asked the Reformers on Tues -
man whn had, for the awl twelve day not to he ton, pard upon Meredith,
, proved himself t, he thechampi.on ! fair that parson "was only a poor weak
Ontario s rights. The hal believed wow. who haoi heeri led astray by Kir
his Monty r4 impose, sod now re- .k," be eridently hit the nail nn the
in the atsoessa of his underfelt rug. IhMd and the multitudeenj.oyerl the hit.
they*wont into line to show in Th. Tory journals an now taking exc•p-
stray and by contemn protest that tiara to it, sad say the matter is no joke,
j,p ria ayia achy l" ih. np.rit d In lir SS Modish is ooaeara.d,
en again abused in the Toronto, aro,.
They have the whiphand of the black -
OCR Conservative friends tell us that
Hon. Mr, Mowat is not deserving 0 any
credit for the successful issue of the
boundary sward. Well, if Mr. Monet
is not the deserving cue, who is! Some-
body deserves the thanks of the Province
of Ontario for the confirmation of the
original award, and we want to know if
it is the man who claimed that the origi-
nal award should be ratified, ..r the roan
who attempted to burk the original
award ! If Sir John is Ontario's cham-
li -tn why don't oor Tory friends hurrah
for Sir John and get up • demoustration l
Now is the time. Don't ail speak at
A cert d:RAM received on Saturday,
contains the pleasing information that Mr.
Millar, the well-known Ingersoll dairy
nun, had been awarded the 1st prize fur
cheese at the Holland exhibition. Cana-
dian cheese has long been considered the
best on this side of the Atlantic, and
now it takes the tirst prize in Holland.
That beats the Dutch '
Mist ib • $li.sule■ Is Tbe really
ane •r rresIMlsen and r ewpen.atlen
UMW the rreseas Systems.
Ontario's flights .Must
Be .Maintained.
Great Gathering of the Reform-
ers of Ontario.
Tar greed tseemiotoasMe Tae Pewee'
nen ■are. "ell 1s tae Feer -Tae
garwe.. reaffirel reseresles Ever Meld
1s Canada.
From the Toronto World.
The Scott Act business is getting to be
a serious matter, said a gentleman to
Tl,. 11 orifi yeaterlay ; serious fur the
liquor trade and for mime others as well.
The rote in Halton and the agitation in
the other counties, he continued, has just
about raised the question 10 an issue be-
tween prohibition anti anti -prohibition.
To talk of fighting 0 out on smaller lines
is to ignore two mighty fosses that are
now antagonizing the one the other. This
straight tight between prohibition and
anti -prohibition is modified by two
things : first, the tight between the pro-
vincial legislatures and the federal legis-
lature as to which controls the liquor
traffic ; second, by the relation of the two
political parties to temperance legislation
like the Scott Act.
As to this last first : the Seat Act was
passed by the Reform Ooeernment 4
Mr. Mackenzie, and more or leas Re-
formers are bound to defund it. The
Conseryatiee arty have never committed
themselves to It : in fact 0 is to them
that the opponents of the law now look
for relief front what they call its harsh
effect. Now take a step further and
consider the cause I first mentioned as
modifying the prohibition fight, namely,
the tight between the Dominion and the
Pruvinces asto which controls the liquor
trade. And still tm a step further and
suppose the Dominion gains this tight in
the long run. The liquor business will
be declared a part of trade and commerce,
and the Government (Sir John's. will
take 0 under their protection. Would
you then be surpnsed to see his Gdrern-
ment take a position someth[nt like this:
we never passed the Scott Act ; we take
taxes from liquor wherewith tc help sup-
port the Government ; in consideration
of the money this business yields us we
are bound to protect it -protect it at
least until a straight issue has been voted
on by the people of Canada as a whole
whether prohibition shall obtain or not ;
antllstill further this : that as the Gov-
ernment has legalized the business an far,
has taken large sums from it, it is only
just and equitable that compensation
should be made to the trade for wiping
out a business in which they have sunk
all their means and to carry on which
they hare paid heavy license fees.
Minei.,l don't say this is what isiotame
place ; 0 u however the direction in
which thintts are tending, and they are
at least my own views. in a word, i am
in faros of this : first settle where the
jurisdiction is ; next go to the country
on an issue of prohibition with compen-
sation. This will be the straight tight
and a short and economical one. To fight
0 out as an issue between prohibition
withcut compensttion as against the con-
tinuance of the traffic will be a long,
bitter and costly struggle. Time enters
ince, my ides 0 compensation as much as
money i may ss well tell you I ani in
favor of 1erohihition with compensation,
the compensation to take the form of a
moderate allowance in money to ell in the
thole, and a certain number of years to
ref out of the business and to turn the
capital they have suck in it into striae
other channel.
[The above being the se tend article of
a similar wort which has appeared in the
0 . ,'•!, it Inks as if the liquor men are
about to make a new departure. De-
spairing "f awcceesfully opposing the
'Octet Act in the constituenceen, They will
concentrate alt their force toward in-
fluencing Parliament to use its powers to
put off the roil Illy. But t rehibt'ion, to
be effective, should not be delayed from
conning into elect more than one year
after the roti The warning to the liquor
tarty, ss a party, was given when the I
Scott Act horante a part of the Domin-
ion laws. However. the li err men nosy
find 0 cheaper and more sucreesfel to
Barry the fitht into the lobby of Parha-
wsent, imitated of having it out at the
pinata -Emu"
The great Liberal gatheriug held in
Toronto in Tuesday last was the largest
political demonstration ever held in
Canada Every county in Ontario was
represented, and amongst the foremost
was glorious old Huron, which for tae
past 13 years has sent *solid Reform
representation to the legislative halls of
Outerio. Fully 500 staunch Iteformers
?mai our county attended to welcome
home Hon. Oliver Mowat, of whom 300
'marched in the procession.
From early morning in the city the
streets were thrunged with people, every
second person wearing a badge. The
early trains brought in delegations from
all parts of the country, who mingled
with the throng and added to the jam,
until it was scarce p ssibl*,Jto move along
the streets. Then could not have been
less than 60,000 strangers in the city.
Mr. Mowat's trtlin arrived shortly af-
ter eleven, and as the arrangements for
the procession were not quite completed
he was spirited away upstairs in the sta-
tion, while Manager Wragge, ti Maya(r
McMurrich and other prominent politi-
cians guarded the approach and kept the
crowd In order. At length everythirg
was put in shape, and
of Ontario's rights appeared. As he
stepped from the station he was greeted
with a ringing cheer -that cheer never
died away uutil the procession reached
the Queen's park. It was a cheer two
miles long. a cheer one hundred tht:u-
sand throat power strew.
The proolgress of Mr. Mowat from the
Falls right up to the Queen's park was a
continued ovation. At St. Catharines
and at Hamilton he was feted. At the
latter city a magnificent reception was
given him. But 0 was in the procession
op Yonee street in Toronto that he was
most honored. One end of the line was
ie the Queens park at the platform be-
fore the tail end had got in motion. That
is a distance of two miles. Most of the
men were four deep and inclose column.
Several thousands were delayed by the
trains and did not arrive inn time to take
part in the march. The procession was
sequently interspersed with banner.,
and well marked by bands of music.
Members of parliament and leading men
from all the municipalities walked be-
hind their respective flags. There were
men front Bruce and Glengarry, from
Laiubtou and Renfrew, front Lincoln
and Muskoka, from Huron and Fron-
tenac. Mr. Mowat as he rode
up Yonge street escorted by a yeomen
guard of young men from East York was
cheered continually by the double line of
people who occupied the sidewalks, and
by the proceesioniste who formed in open
eider to let him and the prominent
members of his party pas through.
THE 1111• Gown\,
led by the chief marshal, Capt. F. F.
Manley, began to move in the following
order at half -past eleven :
Five hundred young men of Ontario,
with hand and banners, "Honor to the
Franchise Champion," "Coed Mille
North Ozford- one hundred and fifty
men, with banners, "The Banner Riding
Honors 1 hntario's Champion,' and
"Mowat Right Again."
(South Oxford, one hundred avid thirty
men, with banners.
Toronto, three hundred men and ban-
ner, "The Queen City Rejoices in ler
Citizen and Statesman.'
Addingtton,00ne hundred and fifty
Algoma, sixteen men with banner.
Brant, one hundred men, with band
and banners.
Bruce, forty men with banners, "The
Men of Bruce Honor Mowat,- and
"Mowat'■ Ability, Integrity, Winders
gad Honor."
Cardwell, two hundred men,with band
and hanger.
I)ufferin, fifty strong. Banner, Du(
Perin Will Come Into Line."
Dundas thirty men. Banner, "Mows
is Honest, True and L oyal."
Durham, three hundred and fifty
strong, and banner.
Kass and West Elgin, 130 men, with
three banners.
South Kssex, fifty men with banners.
Glengarry, twenty men. Banner,
"Glengarry Forever..'
Grenville, ten men.
Routh Grey. fifty anon. with banners
"Ontario's Rights Must Not he Surrend-
ered," and "Ontario's Rights Sustain-
ed. .Haltom, 700 men, with (tanners.
Hamilton, 500 strong.t
Hastings, sixty men, with Fannon,
''Mowat's Caution, Wisdom, and Hon-
or," "Civil and Religious Equality," sun
"Who is the Constitutional Dwyer 1"
Hereon, three hundred stalwart men.
with hand, piper and banners, "No Ceti-
traliza tn,n at Ottawa," "Heron Wet.
Pitmen Ontario s Victorious Champion,'.
"Hunan So:id for Mowat and llntario's
Legidative and Tt'rnronal Rights. -
hts."West Kent, 100 men, with banners.
Kine sten. 40 citiawas, led by C. F
Gi Idersawer.
L iisbt..nvone
hondrwl and fifty men,
with fund and because "Mowat and
Territorial Nights."
jssdita hre .lt! MI
Lomax, 70 men. Banner, "Limos
Weluoute's Ontario's Champion.
nark, one hundred and twenty Toronto News.
men, with baonor "Doubly Redtemtd, lit the main 0 was a decided success,
Hurrah '" the best of the lad ever held in Teron-
Luwulu, fifty teen, with Land and baa- to. There was u'o leek of out
lack of numbers. and in • general way
the arrangements were god rid wete
well carried out.
There were about 8,000 Reformers in
line, and the streets were lined with a
multitude of ucarly 100,000 people from
all Farts of the Province, Resembled to
do homer to the 4.110 Mall who has saved
his Province front the rapacity u( the
Dom uiioii gie.urnmeitt. 'Phe demon-
stration was by tar the greatest success of
all who seek to arse* their country at
true awl faithful wow.
Loudon, fifty men with band and ban-
Middlesex, two hundred and forty
men, with -leaner, "The Three Ridings
United for Mowat."
Ifoock, (MO hundred strong.
Muskoka and Parry boiled, 900
men, with land, and banner "*sat
Middlesex, Muskoka and Lennca Re-
deemed_ "
Niagara 150 men, and banner.
Norfolk. 75 itis,, and plenty of ban' any p.ulitiaal pgathenuu neer held iu
ren, full of soar. _ l ads, and reflects credit on the cone
West Noithuwherland, three hundred t puttee.
men, with bauoer "Mowat Did Teros o World.
South Ontario, sixty men, with
1341: ' ban- i The great features of the demunstn-
lion were es *Mr, and 0 was greater than
any ever held before ; its thoroughly pr'o-
viucial character and there etre wore
counties and corners of the province re-
presented than in any demonstration
before; and the character and standing
tat the men who took part in it, and there
never were w wavy what, well -to do,
respectable men assembled In any pro-
cee:ea before. It was greater by far
tier "South ()titan(' First Elected
North Ontario, otte hundred ton, with
band, and banner "North Ontario unites
in welcome to the Premier."
Ontario Liberal club, one hundred and
silty men, with band and banner "Oliver
Mowat triumphant at general electives
of 1875, 1879 and 1883."
Peel, seven hundred and fifty men, in its sirs, in its representative ehatsie-
Pwrovinna andtit,banner. "Ontario's Sustained.
Sed. ' ter, in its rcapectabiii:y, than anything
Pmeineial Right, Must be > v emityuui c 14 the lied even held before.
Perth, one hundred and seventy ,nen,
with band and banner.
Peterbor; , 100 strong.
Prescott. 200 strong.
Prince Edward, 300'trode. went on Saturday, setting aside the elec-
Renfrew, 'lu man ;Thus Murray M. tion 4 Dr. D ou ting asmember fur South
PP. Banners, "Who is the Petri, t
Newt Mowat tar Meredith f" "Protein- Renfrew iu tlluteri•• Lejialature. It
cin sial Rights,'' "Down With the Whis- will Ire reweheiuhereel that 1)n Dt.wlittg
rev Brigade.'' was unseated at a former trial before the
Russell, 85 men. Banners, "Ha Chancellor and Judge Cameron, but
Fought for the Right," •'Ontario's that thew Juges did net agree as to his
Champion.' disqualification. Dr, poultry;was again
West gime**, two hundred and fifty felected on 18th .lanuary last, and the
men, with band and banner, "Down (preae tit petiti..ti is Rcainst that eiectnun.
with the Frozen Whisky Brigade." f 771* jud�ea bold that Dr. D.•
wlitig wan
East Simone, city men, with banners. die ualttied as a candidate by reason of
South Simcoe, two hundred and seven- the fonneralaeuiun, and they set acid'
t men, with banner. , Ito electi.,n with costa They also hold
y"Our i Cleat his dis1aaliticetion was not saved
Stormont, thirty mea. Hutto,
Rights Defended..I by the Act passed last session, his se -
Victoria, one hundred and fifty strong. raid e'. Ctiuu having been held feel•.►.
South and North Waterloo, four hue- I the passing •of the Act referred to. The
sired snot thirty ort o, with band am.1 ban•' judges further hold the election of Jan -
nen, "Hurrah for Mowat, Defender "(I wry last was a pure one --that no a cor-
fhitario's Rights," and "The Little rupt act was preyed against the candi-
Tynne. Triumphant.- i date or his agents. The question decid-
Welliugten, nine hundred men, with ' ed is one of technical law of much diffi-
culty. It is pn.baLle that the caw will
"Hail to the Chief," and "The Three be carned to the Court of Appeal.
Wellingtons for Mowat." ; The juj� t•r u, the Algoma election cane
North Wentworth, four handred and I announcPren Saturday that they would
eighty men, with band 13th batt Allem 1 deliver judg ent en Saturday. the Ibth
and banners. of November.
South Wentworth, 300 men, with
banner, "Reform for the Past Half ('en- I FAREWELL. MANITOBA?
t ury.
West Turk, four hundred men. with I bl•Mted rrrrlterlaa(4sgr+MlaMead-
band and banners, "Welcome to the l're-
Eines and Mu rretlnre.
mien" "West York Will be.htedeeined, •
"Country Men' Party. ' - Under the healing "Go+al morning,
East York, eight hundred men, with ' (intanu ' Farewell, Manit.,ba the
band and banners, "Mowat, Patience, 'door of the Wit Portage I'rogrras rhos
Courage, and Perseverance :" "No
More Manitoba Artillery in Ontario,"
"East York Welcomes Ontario.s Cham-
pion," "Hurrah for Mowat," "Pure
Elections --No frozen whiskey," "Mowat
Sound on Timber Policy," "The Roys of
East York Stand 1�211owat and Prori'-
eial Rights," "]tii� in Victorious,"
u'• Cham-
piStatesma and Patric
Welland. on undred in ,with hanji
some satin banner. situated years n, there seems to
Mounted escort, rnnatat ng of thirty were hare arisen ubefore us a huge, fluster -
Carriages containing Hon. Oliver
Mowat, Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, Capt. •intimacy which has existed in the past.
McMaster, and Mr. Douglas, President But no matter what has taken place, our
of Oxford Reform Asaociahun interests are still identical with your own
Mounted escort, thirty-five young men and the same generous feeling will ever
of East leak• be manifested toward you. Farewell,
Carriage. containing Hon. Ed. Blake, Manitoba
Hon. T. B. Pardee, Sir Richard Cart-
wright and Hon. L. S. Huntington.
Cariages containing prominent mem-
bers of the Reform party. •
Contested tterttw.
Judges Murton and Galt gaze jud'-
disc,urset8 : With reluctance we are
this week compelled to change the bead -
line et this paper. by altering the word
"Manitoba' to "1►ntare...* The judicial
committee of the British privy council
has said so, and we are forced te. °empty.
But in taking leave of our foster -parent
who has f.•m ht litany battles in tour be-
half, and has clung to us that ugh all
sons ..f wind and weather, we beg leave
to return our many thanks. Though
not removal one foot from where we
,4.:47,,!_ nit
Mattes (sips.
This basket of Halton chips is picked
up in .prder to set at rest street rumors
As the precesmen moved up lounge whichbaye been afloat in Goderich anent
street the sight was one never re be for- the vote in the banter county.
gotten. As far as the eye tv.uld reach (Halton in 1884 gives a majority of
the street was one dense, black. swelter- 18,8 fee the Act and against repeal. It
ing. perspiring, shouting, cheerinv. hat- , was 81 in 1881-
completely blocked, railway drays were
waving wane .1 humanity. Traffic was , The Hallen Vi ra calls it a Waterloo
victory. Jest knock off the "loo,"
wedged fast as easily as baby carriages, brother.
while continuous cheering and waving of
bats and handkerchiefs marked the pro- The genuineness of the number of
grecs of Mr. Mowat's carriage. names ..n the Antis petition was never
The followin is the more doubted thou at prevent.
There was rery little drunkenness in
♦nr• ►R6.I:%Tttt BY wrest xt:ROtt : Halton on the night of the election. The
Toth.. H,.Narnfd. Oliver Vomit, joy was in the homes mod the churches
Pruni. r .j Na rruriwr. of (brains:° : Rer. T. M. Campbell, on behalf of
The Reformers of West Huron de- tie temperance people of thio section.
•� through ih*sr iahreases hors ',rew st, sent A congratulatory telegram to Hatton
offer to you as they now do, a most on the night of the victory.
sty and affectionate welcome home : Halton has about one-third the pope -
and to express their sincere and un- lati.m of Huron. A proportionate ma -
swerving cnfidenin you their hon- jority to that given last week in Halton
Dred chief, nd
in ce the able as Goisrnmeot would mean 550 in Huron. It is thought
of which you are the distinguished head. that the majority for the Act in this
The statesmanlike and honorable course county will be about 700
you have pursed, and the great ability Then are fire towns and villages in
and wisdom which hare characterized Halton. Three went for, and two
your administration of the affairs of this ap inet, repeal. The majorities were aa
- Procusncme*frorited the and pdatthirfreceieen years,har. follows : For repeal-- Milton Ge, Oak-
ville 52 Georgette) 19. Against repea-
t confidence, respect and veneration of the Acton 40, Burlington 40. The liquor
people of Ontario. They desire upon mare gained 44 in Milton, but lost 34 in
this occasion especially to convey to you Acton They loot 19 in ilurlirngtan, and
their warmest congratulation' and to at tied 19 in t►akt•ille.
press their high appreciation of the die- Two coffins had leen provided at Mil-
tinguiahed service which you have rend- ton by the Anti -Scott men, in which to
Bred it, your country in bringing 6, sue- bury in effigy the Presbyterian and
cessful 'nue the great contests courageous Methodist ministers of that town. The
lv and ably waged by you for the defence funeral was indefinitely postroned when
and maintenance of Provincial rights the returns ftom the townships came in.
and liberties. The heartiest sympathy
and support of the Reformers 4 West The Btuevale correspondent of the
Huron have been erer with you through- Howiek Enferpria sends the follow -
out thew contests. 'They rejoice in the ing :--"Again the fragrance of oras
victories by which their Provincial, Leg- blossoms is in nur sir. This time the
tslatire and Territorial Rights are user- crmtr cling parties were Mies J. Keith
ed, and by which there have been open- and Rev. It W Scanlon, of Simone, tot-
ed up such magnificent possibilities of nearly of this place. The ceremony wee
greatness and influence in the future of solemnized at the residence of the bride's
this Province ; and they nnw join with :ether, Mr. W. F. Smith. A very large
e nahated pride and pleasure in this namher of the elite of our town were
great demonstration in your honor, and present. Rev. Mr. Oberon, of Belgrave
in oplehraling theeonsummatirm,1!smooth was the officiating atom rnan, Ree. Mr.
your et ort., .4 such glorious results. it Loomis seting w "beat nee with 111w
to the earnest hops rat the Reformers of Bina Farrow as bridesmaid. The wed -
West Huron that the destinies ..f this ding gitta wee* beautiful, easily aid a/ -
grist l'n.vmce may long continue to be most endless in their 'artafusios- After a
anmptonw bree.kfaat the bridal paie
drove through a hailstorm of nes gad
(l d-*p*ett yo e's to the moria train w►iat�
es them to Stratford, wber.
will spend 'a short honeymoon
takltg up the burden of life at New
unclad by the hands Af yourself and your
present able consomme.
Wadi Obi Pros bars rr
Tarwato Rahe.
It to • demnnstratinn that will lite in
history, sad that as lowg as it ern lives
tiff b as am idim kWh egism(le