The Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page 3Eustco,to Oot
etc. ••' CHAPTER XX VII_ --Continued.
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'It is prsaible that he should,' answer-
ed Eustace.
'Well spy course is taken We shall
keep before the outer till such time as
the hold is empty, then be shall be quite
wets:mem to board es, whet, he erect you
will meet- Do you shrink from the
meeting 1'
'Ne,' said Kustace,dmwing himself up.
'In any case we rust meat in a day or
two at Beagarry, and if either of us has
mese to shrink from meeting, it is he,
set sae,'
'Illy idea to a hair,' returned Dunald-
sun. 'Now then, to carry out my pur-
As he spoke a gleaming Yash from the
bow of the cutter lighted the darkness
L,r • moment, and was followed by a re-
verberating sound, starting the ,ea birls
from their roosts in the racks, and bring-
ing them screaming forth to wheel in
The Greyhound did the same aad pre-
sently a bust was pat over the side, tato
which they weld plainly dissect Ran-
dolph descend with • pretty large fore,
'Rea the bust was put off and the tar -
blades made to fiaah in the water, Elan•
tape, Willy aad Ralph according to pre-
vious arrarlvementa went below and shut
themselves into the cabin. R►lph also
took up an unseen pusition in the furs -
untie, while (.Aptatn Donaldson paced t0
and fro on the afterdeck with q,tiet un-
The boat from the cutter ran along-
side the lugger with the usual formalities,
and Randolph ascended on deck, follow-
ed closely by his men, his face :taming
with mingled urger and triumph.
He at ovum advanced to where Donald-
son stood.
'So, sir,' he began, 'you have obstin-
ately and insolently led me a wildguoae
chase. Du you kuuw that instead of
hailing and boat -diet you just now, 1
would have been justified iii sinking
you '!'
'Indeed l' returned Dunaldwn with a
sneer. 'You talk very bit, and I am
sorry to see that you have nut improved
great excitement roucd the brows of the w wauuere since the mut occasion on
which you forced yourself on board my
vessel. Now, sir, try t, be as civil as is
said IJonaldsun, contemptuously. •1f pr'usihle for you to be and acquaint me
you think that will cause me to lie t, with your errand.'
you'll threw away every ounce of powder
in your magazine.'
As the lugger was now laid upon a
course where she ce,uld have a free run, a
wan was etati.•ned at the helm, and the
rest of the hands, including Eustace,
Ralph, Willy and the Captain himself,
proceeded to a summary] discharge of
cargo, by removing the kegs from the itsulence and defiance, but in what way
'Pop away, my young jackanapes,'
'Ha : indent as ever,' said Randolph.
'Bat I have you safe this time, and I possess, and we meet on equal terms.
rather think I will make you pay deer This being so, 1 can quite afford to treat
for this night's defiance.' with contempt any words which your vile
•Pray, sir,' returned the Captain, home may prompt you to utter.
'dern't a:ntlnue to utter these vague her- '31y power is gone, is it !' retorted
ties, bet say in intelligible language Randolph. 'Perhaps you may find your -
what you mean. 'feu change me with self mistaken in that. If i choose, I can
steed in dumb ttIllessl- rooted as it were strode to the side to de.cNfa1M
d e t
to the spot, useable eves to take his eyes bust. As he was about to go over t
from the calm but stere fees of gelhry bulwarks, • chuckle met hue ear. and
who with erect form aad folded err looking meal he emmunterel Ralph,
stood in the middle .d the cabin, with whom expression of countenance was
the morning light streaming through the singularly signtttoane
small window on his oous►tawsuce. 'My revenge is coming,' whispered the
'Well, sir r observed Eustace, after gamekeeper. 'The wearing of the se-
der silence had Listed for some momenta. leotard u just about kr begin. Ouod bye,
'Our pressrun here seems t.. surprtse nephew, till we tweet at Benavey'.'
yea, and I presume it is nut less undo- A furious scowl was all the notice
arable unexpected'
Itandulph made • desperate effort to
collect his scattered sena.
'You are right,' he said with • scowl.
'I neither expected nor wished to tied gaggles
I -
awe lever
yoe here.' --
'And doubtless you have good name,' if you should visit Ceuiral Park some
rejoined Eustace lieu well knee that tine morning you might are young Shop,
yowr conduct entitles you to no ounaider- the collie that to being trained to take
the tow ramie tNgss�
be i would not my hard words against I
pt nifty rty ; wherever it anewit s batter
to all ' but you will mark, as you notice
e-Meecarefully, dist while • few are poor be-
e -Mee of eaavuIds
sble csrestetanoes, •
very lane memo( the poverty of London
is the sheer and clear result of protuse-
( nem, want of forethought, Wiener,. and
wont of all, drunkenness ' that is the
'neater evil If drink could be gut rid
of we might be sure ..t c.mqueriug the
• hunted. htd. The drunkenness created
by the infernal Lquor dens which plague
•put the whole of this huge city is appall-
ing. No. I did not speak in heats .,r
let slip a hasty word ; many of the drink -
houses are nothing. lass than infernal ;
in seem respects they are worm, for helles
has its usas a divine protest against
aim but, Si fur the gin -palace, there is
nothing to be said in its favor. The
vices of the age caul three-fuerths of
the poverty. if ycu could hook at the
houses to -night, the wretched home
where women will tremble at the sound
of their husband's foot as he a mne home,
where little children will crouch down
with fear. upon their little bed of straw,
because the human brute who calls line -
self "a Mali" will come reeling home
(runt the place where he has been indulg-
ing his appetite -- If you could look at
such • sight and remember it will be seen
ten thousand tines over to night I think
you would say, "(sod help us by all
means to save some." Hence the great
axe to lay at the net of this deadly upas
tree is the Gospel of Christ, may God
help us to hold that axe there, and to
work constantly with it till the huge
trunk' of the p,ts.'n tree begins to rock
to and fro, and we get it down, and Lon-
don is saved ftWn the wretchedness and
misery which now drips from every
bough. ----1C. H. Spurgeon.
Randolph deigned in take of this, and
the next memeut he was in the boat,and
being weed to the cutter,
(To as eonnevat. )
scion Econ me.' the place of o Shep, the IS year old
veteran, at his Imams. He a never
'Your consideration I neither ask err j whipped, nut even when he does wrong
care for,' answered Randolph. 'On the er makes mista[ss, because that breaks
contrary you may have occasion to uesire thhe sukinint ..1 a c,hie, as, indeed of any
d ..f dug, e
mine, sines I uu ,.nicer in the revenue moter ust of sli tbinxs beand braveashephWhrdendohtse
service, find you exorcising the very re- 1 doesp't carry mut au order correctly, or
spectable profession of a smuggler --a tit au such a way that the sheep can under -
enough career, I dare say, for one of I smnd him, old Shep is sent with the
same order, and Shep Junior is made to
your bad tastes and connections, but one keep still and watch hue ilutil it is •:-
which i ani bound to cut short.' I ocuted. His brst lesson is simply to
'Your Insolence cannot now provoke' guard a hat or a coat or a stick thn.wn
was' upon the grass by the shepherd, and he
me,' returned the other. 'The time
when I was galled by your malice, be - is left out with it roteetutues until late
It, the evening, t• sh h
cause of physeal power by which it was f mace of fidelity,
sir tum inc smpr.r-
the very first essential
supported ; but that power you no l..nger in a shepherd d..g. Nest he is taught to
gather the sheep, to ti>ilie them 1•1 the
right, then to the left. After this he is
tent on the trail of a lust sheep, with in-
structions to bring it back slowly. The
most important lesson, and ,des young
Shop has net learned, is teat of going
among the deck and finding out of any of
theta are miming. This, as may be im-
agined, is by no means an easy task with
lay this vessel under arrest, and make a dock of eighty -t wo ewes and sixty-nine
prisoners of all on board.' lambs. Bat old Shep can do it, for he
The deuce you can :' broke in Dan- knows every member of the tlock,t hough
to the ordinary ,observer they all look al-
aldson, in a rage. 'You had better try most exactly alike. Indeed, old Shep
that, my tine fellow, and I'll know how can, if his master, the shepherd, is n,t
to make you smart for it. I'm net in. mistaken, perform a feat mute wonderful
Clinod to stand any more ..f your nisei,titan this. The shepherd soya that Shep
once. I( ou are not satisfied that the when uncertain whether souse of the dock
y have not strayed up the bridle path on
ship contains no sutugcled stuff, search their way h••me, while he was busy in
every corner of it. That's the only busi- keeping trmub:estene bays away, will take
neas you hare got to do here, and till you Int' stand at the •gate of the fold and
hare come on something to justify the touch each sheep with his f erepaw as it
J y e passes in. At such times he Inas the air
suspicions which brought you aboard,you of a farmer counting his csttlts as they
hold and throwing them into the sea.
This work was oundvcted with vigor, but
nus unseemly haste. it was in nus senile
the effect of a panic, but the °eel, de-
liberate carrying out of a calmly matured
The larger portion of the cargo was
now gut red uf, and as the remainder
could easily be teased out by the sten,
the Captain and Eustace returned to the
deck to take and conduct the necessary
measures there.
Meanwhile the chase and flight con-
tinued unabated, and the hours of that ,
night passed slowly away.
Captain Donaldson kept his pat on
the deck near the, and occa-
Serially rave him directions as to the
course of the vessel, keeping at the mine ;
time a continued surrey astern upon the
dark .peck which was known to be the I 'There,' rejoined the Captain, 'my 'Stop your insolent jaw tackle, you in -
,Greyhound, which speck was often lust I opinion differs frt.m yours, and I am the fernal blackguard,' roared Donaldson,
for acme minutes, lout invariably re best judge ; and now, air, as I have no now thoroughly furious. 'Whatever I
y time to wsiste, will you say or d.. what am, I am a million times better than yen
pears f, and always directly in the wake' Manycases of extra. *'rengt!t
you have come to say sir dc, im I wish te' rem black. rotten -hearted scoundrel. y
of the lugger. Rand•lph was following y ' are reported smut,: the ancients. The
P Ra man Tribun D
have I manifested either f'
'By giving no heed to ray summons to
lie to, answered the Lieutenant.
'I did, sir—the moment it was made.
Your presence on deck u a prof of it.'
'I mean guy summons last night off St.
'How was Ito know by whom that
summons was tuade ! It was as you well
know, ,lark as a wells mouth.'
'N., subterfuge, sir' You knew well
that it was the Greyhound.'
'I was not bound to do so,' said Don- haven't the smallest right to tack is that curiae home at night, and lie wears an ex-
pressionaldson, haughtily, 'and as it did not suit big way. Go and search,then,and when as if its mind were e.ccupled
with an intricate sum in addition.
me to do art, I pursued my course.' you have done be off with you.' Whether he is really counting the sheep
'No,' sneered Randolph. 1 dare. say 'Oh, my buld Dutch tracer,' cried or net can not be said positively ; but he
it did not suit you to lie to. But you Randolph, seraeely. 'By the loudness las been knuwn, after n' ting each sheep
were only giving yourself and ter un- of your cackle. I see you have zoo rid of as it passed. to run off up the bridle
neccessary trouble. You have had this your cargo. Pitched it overheard in the path and return with a straggler. fhis
dares much to that the shed herd a
long run fur no perpose. night " assertion that old Sleep can count the
sheep is possibly net far frum the truth.
—[$t. Nicholas.
Stress Nen.
tuned to my destination up the river !' But glad ant I t„ think that you have r eaahts who went b •
the chase with determined pertinacity, y
and seemed resolved on making a cap. 'Al; to deliver poor cargo of curse,' about got t.. the end of your tether now. the name of the .e:erect .►chi Les, is said
tare, though he should have to sail fifty said Randolph, with ani.ther sneer. Your dastardly cillanies have come out to have killed at different times three
ed b d I flee o hundred of the enemy, and whelk treech-
Try Ayer's Pills, and be cured. Misery
is a mild word w descnbe the mischief
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Cathartic Pills. in mild doses,will restore
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taker � w'enlwrw yyessk.
As Bavaria joins Switzerland, I give
the essence of a little talk which 1 had
with a Bavarian fanner and his wife, le-
t tween Genova and Muni:h. They were
bed' in the field, reaping wheat with a
sickle. A bare footed woman was pick-
ing up straw in the next field.
'What do you get a month ler such
work I askett►
.We get, both of us t. nether,\ thirty-
two marks' dS , said the utas.
'And your board, tact T'
'Yee, our food, too.'
'What do yon eat every day I asked.
'We hare flour soup for breakfast,
potatoes, bread, and needles In -dinner,
and Gentian(' needles for supper. Twice
a week we have salt pork.' (Noodles
are made of black flour, scalded and
'Dee you have c•'tt and e:lgar 1'
'Nonegg'• they both said, shaking their
The bre!rd they eat is made of rye. it,
the villages the same breed is fed to
homes. It is a c :n,on thine. to see a �g jg �g n Lawson
man and hcrse eating from the same loaf. Buchanan Lawson , Robirso.
Girls. working as aervauts in cities, get
about 1!:i a month ; and so it is with all su.tvt mail:tuto. or
the lab..ring people gn farina in Switzer
laud, France, Germany Zed Russia. Sasl1, Doors 5" Blind
How I should like to have these per
overworked women see ail American
"Blued -food" is the suggestive a
often given to Ayer's ti•rsspanlla,
alum of ita btuud-.suricbutg qualities.
easy lir >• emeseed.
Ili the Proximal of tlatsrieerery use
ands are hest Mewty murdered h
unsuitable. maned sump rums• for *auk
plaint* M ('. Ivraess. In►dtgee.ttoo, _v1
i plaint. Kidner Troubles. etc.. who a1�ep
east> ra.ga1s lost strength sad energy
using Hc0 Speedy Cure To waves
them that seek is the saw we wUl .giIre ty►e��
• tree trial battle et Oen Rhymsu' alert]
Pries lar. and $l tt.e testtareaiats trees ger
n one In year ewe tows. Ile
Hair Vigor;
restores, with the gloss and lrws►a� of
youth, t..Jed or gray hair 10 $ natural, rash
bro.e color, or dee back, rt, may hed.slm.L
by Its um light or rad sea. may be darkened,
Eon ►air lbaekeuel, and bai4as•a ut1•n,
teeesh wit Always, cared.
1l Mamba falling of the hair, aa.t 1441111I-
tat.•s • weak aol sk'.!) growth to v'p.r. It
prevents and cures wort and,lau.!rulf, and
heats M.arly evesy 410, ..l pv:unar to Us•
scalp- As a WIM•.' Slate termites. the
Viuoa Is unequalled, it contains u..tbseon
nor dye, renter* lite guar wit, g'. s.y, sad
&liken is appearance, and ku1euta • dallea:q
agr rabic, a., 1 laet.a j pea Issue.
AR C. P. Ban Ilex writes foss suety, 0.
J .. t, Io.O : '• 1...t tall a.v bs.r e. .,.wsi
fa .fes out, and it, J .so.t time 1 Irises...
u.:.:. bol.{, 1 a..-.1 psit 1.1 a b.t"e of
A i ra'. 11 tis fit,.,,:, *loch stopped i1.. fall
6.. y th • hair, and started n ..ow a:..a th, I
k.e, • w,s a full bead .d k•..r gee, ng s-taor-
u. . *0.1 541 OM. tbet but ear tb•
5..e.... ....i- 1• -epar.s:a.. t alsesb& have bees
ewl.,.1) t.s:J."
.(. W. 11.owrv, preatirtrir K the .VM Irrhty
((t.e„ /..nay siF .', ..a..: ••Ar1.ii s 11 ilk t- mom
1. a rums etsel:e at preparation 1••r the burr.
I .i' 'i .'1 .1 from .Jy .4441 •apert••I.e... ala
u.: g.rae, •tum. 5*44 !' .s.111 ,.1 .cr hair, sad
•eels.• it St...% '. l Tot. yn.t•.x b alae
a s are ear• a .r J..u.Ir..R. Not wadi. at
to., 1..'1y • kin the . 1..eriratWa over failed
It, �. re ithaio astlsf:w t win."
)la. Arn••t It1RItAlav, leader of lbs
sole....t«d •• rairbalre F':mxily" ,.i Scottish
1's.'el.e;ti.rites R•.a.:,,.q..:e..At e,
I +.... t.Ht ..set my halt l.egAM to King ail.
e:-, e.'LJ;ut�0.e of tine change ski.•:. g.••ting
i•e.e pr.earitb, 1 bre use.! .% r.x'. Ilam
•.J ISS kart been nb!e to maintain
an aip..aense* of 1'•.•tlhfulue ss —a matter or
e.o.., ruled. h.•,,'1ene. 1e. .n �utate's, ora -
Pers, ♦.•tut., as .n (Kat ever) tote umbo Urea
la w) eyes of the peblia."
Ilea. mfrs A. Pesecorr, wrung from Is ata
R'.. taster. oh,r., ides.., .Apra 11, t•s'_, says:
1's a .tan sg, 4 about tau-tkln:e of it hair
came ow. ten rueuWd nc:•v rapt 11•-, and 1 was
last ;tr..w ..q told. tea wee AvEle. 11a1s
t'l.e..s the I ot..11.*,1 a:Mi a :leu growth
e,,,,,,otea.c•"1, cul m 44 uI x M..1.11114(4 bat•
W.%•% «M..l':• i •ly nw•.•a.4 'Pith Pilot bate. It
I. ..t•ti•. .'l to drew. MO (4 n.•s :w gp.,d as
before it fe' 1. 1 reenl a.. visaed 4 In.' our bun 1•
at oke \ e..4. bat tem 504 it ..:.ask.uaYy as.
• J.•esslstg."
We hare hundreds of dtnil.r to etlmo•laaa
t., the •these, of Arra'., H .ta \-Mums. It
needs n444 a t:.-tl to conriocc tow most *kagtd$.
cal of it,
rarranrn ny - r1
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
1 s
miles for it. Tu band my paasengon answered one y rine an pe seen t see you a measly set upon by twenty-tiv-e of Isis
t neA1.r to Is ALL verse or
Donaldson. with a quiet smile. chained felon at the hull's.' countrymen, although he was then past farmer's wife in her sweet home, beauti-
he oecasi.,ne when the crit• fully carpeted, surrounded with books �`/
view, Eustace suggested :Your passengers,' repeated Randolph Randolph turned pale and red by turns his sixtieth year, he killed foetrteett of Lumber, Lath rJ%LL1Lgld
ter was lost t•. ie ,
t.. the captain the possibility of giving it with a necking laugh.i as Donaldson thundered out these words them bef. re he was slain. Plit:y tells
'Yee my passengers, air. who require of scorn and contempt. They pointed tis of ora Athanaius, who w:►lked acres*
Coe slip.
to be the end of their journey without only hew plainly to the one deed which toe stage at Rome leaded with a ureast-
'If we were to lie t, under bare pules plate weivhinz five hundred pounds, and
and papers, and eating meat and cake '
and pies three time. a day. The market and bulider's mater;al of every- devrritUsl
gardener near Munich and Dresden uses SCNOflI FURNITURE A SPECIALTY.
bugtfnoted women to draw hie vegetables u \ll Oniersrem oft
to market is wagut over the stones p t 1)1t1 trailed co.
he might peas withuat teeing us,' he unnecessary obstruction at least from I brought hire within the meshes of crimp- with buskins ed the same wei,ht Anoth- faolerie h. Aug. L, totes. tic±-ty
you nal law ; but counting strongly on Jessie's sr man named Milo, when he steel u th.teen n' tbecgee Leaatr ..f burden :still
y S g up -
they r nus t zrun simply
; they d•• net smile GODBRICH BOILER V�OBX
either—they siulplp exit. The only
liberty they here is liberty to work ; the
only rest they have is sleep. The ex- tette just receive.! a large Mock of
istence of a cow or sheep is a perpetual
heaven, while their fs a perpetual hell.
Peer Eurepea:l women '
P•�ssioly,' returned 1Jc naldwn, 'but 'You carry yourself boldly,' rejoined • refusal to bear witness against him, he night, could not be Caved out mf his place
by any of the athletes. Iiut , all the
that is nit my game. Fact is, within the P,andolpL.
'Methinks you will change thought he might consider himself safe
„f siren;et ..f wh nn we hat;
half hour I could have luuolcri with you time when I make an inspection of � against the fate which Dnaidann see sil-
l -est any account m R•,lusu history,lSlaximui,
.. emperor, -- - -' - ed the fore -
id of hist u
cargo I dent care two pence whether 'If such be your perpose, you will be , ed to rc-ceive the Captain.• indignant inist. Whatever we are FFr was too
Lnnwn : and
aioh he was
Lim no leas a
the world.
he comes up with us or not, only I hare pleased to carry it out at .once, oheeryed outburst witn a mocking laugh, whicm exalted no: to be th'mealy
Donaldson.1 exasperated the latter still further. that very- strength for
taken •fancy to lead him on.' n
'Is not that land on the lee,' asked the 'Follow me lads,' exclaimed the Lien- `het out of my vessel, ho roared. 'I celebrated at last procured 1
youth, printing to the dark mass lying tenant, and with a colnfideot smile on have no time to delay. Be off, or by reward than the elupile m
his taco he dived below. heaven I'll bundle you over the aide, ar-d Maximin was abvte nine feet in height,
low on the larbard.aced was the best proportioned man In
proceed on my course.' the empire. He was by birth a Thracian,
'Du it• and 1'11 sink yen.' roared 11 in- and, from being a simple herdsman. neer
dolph '1 shall take my ern time to through the vrasations of •,ttice, until be
'Of mune it is,' rej�.ined Donaldson, To his intense surprise and disappoint -
'we have been coasting for some time.' went the hold was empty. He stood ail -
'Then that must be the Fife shire 1' ent for some moments and gnashed his
'St. Andrew's,' was the answer, 'By teeth with rage.
daybreak we shall enter the Tay, and i 'They bare cast the cargo overboard
hope you will be at lengarry in time for
'My dear fellow,' returned Eustace,
warmly, 1 fear you are putting yourself
to inconvenience to do nee this ser-
'Fee a bit of it,' said Dc:naldson, with
a laugh. 'As the cane stands it doesn't
matter a bit what port I make, and I
take it that your immediate presence at
Bengarry is highly necessary. If we
have not been able to foil Randolph in
one way we may do it in another.'
'The last keg is at the bottom.' said
Joe, Doming at and making his report
of the entire sacrifice of the c•rygo rather
The dawn of the bright sprinr day had
brake upon the earth, and land and sea
lay in silent peace and sharp distinct-
ness under the opening eye of the new
horn day. Right in the wake of the
lugger. and scarcely half a mile away,
was the cutter—its command ,no doubt,
rejoicing now in the certainty of making
the capture which had Dost him that long
night of effort. Fenno. end the others
inhaled the fresh morning sir with in-
tense delight, and he and Willy went
away forward to gess neer the bows at
the dear familiar peens.
Suddenly the pleasant rwtrie was in-
terrupted by the loud report of a heavy
gun, and the plowthin g up of the water
in front by the passage of the round shot.
(hs looking aft they saw the Butter, now
nearly within hail, with the sleek. firm
the pine just fired, rolling .lowly op her
ringing. The gun had been fired as a
search the `easel and shall els.. take it becawe Eperor ..f Rome. The tint
h had f rt'
•e '. ere m la
upon me to detain every one e•f you till strength was in the presence of a11 Nue
during the night,' he said with an oath. further enquiry is made.' citizens in the theatre, where he over -
and returning to the deck, where he en• 'or, rather y, u should say, observed threw fume:ca of the str,ngest en in
countered the captain's mocking smile Enema., 'till you need uo Icngerfear the wrestling. reed outran two of the �ee►eat
horses. He could draw a leaded chariot
and cutting taunt -- result ot my presence at Benearry, for which two of the strongest hones could
Perhaps Lieutenant Grahame will that u the secret purpose you have in not stove. His appetite was prodigious.
now better understand who hp had the I view. know. however that I shall net In war he was aiways furemtest and in -
run for tulip in-
vincible. Maximin was killed a: last by
lepg ng. Y �_.,��� submit to any attempt of your to detain w whilst, teat AutlthCr
I'll M banged if yens n>Ze� shtiil Avid me. My father, al you know, desires distzibuting tke treighii aho,ft
you,' thundered Randolph. 'Your run : my pence, and his state, as you also, h se that every -pSSI bore its
know, admita of no delay. As yet you share, was thus able to saw a weight of
of your empty hold, and that you will i ere safe from any criminal ezpesurefrom two thousand pounds—Copps Natural[rem St. Anb'a to hero genes in the face
have to explain to the Custom -home me : but I tell you plainly that without
authorities. Itut I shall not content the girl a evidence. I can bon; forward
myself without a thorough search of every the fullest proof to convict you of the
rt of the vessel. If one keg is secret- I crime you committed, and if you cause
ed that will condemn you.' ; me any further annoyance, i swear to
'You will search the whole vessel ! pry the charge against you le in wont
Very well, where will you begin r I consequences. Now take ycur choice.
'With the cabin rained Randolph.
Donaldson a siolles deepened, as he
followed the Lieuterant down the cabin
!Rain, and found him furiously trying to
force open the closed do,.r.
'Ah : locked :' lie shouted. 'Open it
instantly or i shall bunt it in
'Knock, in the way a gentleman
should, and doubtless these within will
open to you,' sugzested Donaldson.
'And wen is inside r demanded Ran-
dolph, inerotlulously.
'The paaaenvevl i spoke of.'
'Bush' Don't attempt to gammon me.
Open the door or i shall smash it to
atoms. As be spoke the door was open-
ed frim within, and Randolph, steeping
forwent, found himself fans to face with
Etienne and Willy.
simoss. to i.e 10, and the
Relieve us of your presence instantly. or
expect to appear at the bar of the High
Court of Judutiary.
Randolph was cowed by this threat,
and instinctively slunk back. The con-
sciousness of lois guilt made him arpre-
I.ensive, and forted him to refrain from
braving Eustace further. His men were
also wi:hon hearing. in short, his stay
for the present was exhausted, and he
saw there was nothing for it but to de-
part -
So. he ground hit teeth tocether,turned
round, and ordered his men en deck.
Before quitting the cabin, however he
',;eked beck and hissed with furious in-
ternees and malignancy :—
'Go to Beri garry you'll make little by
the visit. You think i hate kat my
game, bet i'll triumph yet. Ay --do
what you will, Bengarry shall be mine -
ie -mine
`•w!"_'..a.:a a .mums*►t. ugtYtPO AT $1!M'Aaa
wbrstruek, a:td He rushed up the asam/asisa way, and
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