The Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page 2rr'
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4"',434•4•' retr. r ,r6P trltr
.444. 44,4
Fashion's Fancies. .
iFawn -colored camels hair ck,th will be
liSsach erred fur travelling and promenade
i gostuasea.
'1 • 'knee at the latest fashion plates
from Paris oontirms the ruure which
' reselted us souse time ago that crinoliee
. Wu Kilning enound, and that the Wat-
Wen style of dress, with its ample skirts
' Old bouffant draping., was more and
I KIM in favor abroad.
A pretty little bonnet worn st a wad-
dling kat week was made thus: The
Win IMO bound with golden -brown vel-
• vet, rich and dark in tone. The crewn
W.4 covered with softest folds of pale
=crape, and over the brown velvet
' fell sprays ef pink poppies with
dark brown hearts.
thraegh all the grades of lace, to the
rear and autarto creatures in pant SIMI
duchess, held at from 11.75 to IMO.
Laos designs ia some instances are made
acesioury to • panted design, the lase in
• delicate and special pattern, (ramie, in
• dainty Wausau .crus executed on
w hite or pale hoed kid.
"Mine diet," a new rich shade re
brown shot with gold, is noticeable
among the newly imported dress fabrics
of silk and wool, satin and corded silks,
and is much employed by Worth in the
construction of sotne of his most elakeir-
ate ani expensive dinner aud carriage
Ereme of the newest bridal dresses of
white satin have the trains garnished
with an embroidery oof white velvet rib-
bon work and white chenille ooppeque, *11
heavy raised desiens about six inches
wide, which border the entire train. In
front, the tablier literally disappears
wider a net -work rof chenille dowers,
waves of lace, and dainty wreathes and
clusters in ribbon werk, deftly and beau-
tifully intermingled. tine inagnificent
dress of milk -white Ture satin is decorat-
ed with a marvelous embreidery in chen-
ille of golden rosebuds and pale blush
roses. Another, of cream white satin.
has the train and petticoat garnished
with Marguerites in chenille and pale
blue forget-me-nots in raised silk em-
There will be • rage this season for the
small French capete bonnet made of
black velvet, black ratin covered with
..curial or beaded Spanish lace, and not,
a few of tine French felt in all the new
deep, rich shades to match the costume.
Wall Hewers, nasturtiums, or shades
geranium blowouts, each made of silk
velvet, are set in large clusters on one
side 4,1 the crown, and a leading up town
milliner displays some very pretty nun's
mot bonnets, with biege lace r of a heavy,
rich quality and design bordering the
brims, and otherwise triinmed with tiny
wraiths if scarlet verbene oor japonica.
1:poort seine very stylish -looking gypsy
hats of darkest green velvet are coronets
of orangroolored nasturtiums, mingled
with sprays (A pale-gretn and maiden-
hair fern.
or- The Thane el Lends.
— —
Mr. Chamberlain's review of the past
is briefer than Mr. Bright's and may be
quoted aa • good sample of his style.
The House of Lords courts invert lost -
ion int..) its past history. Investigation
it should have [cheers and • voice
''They won't intend much"] and speaking
(4t. so tar as regards the majority which
dictates it. pedicy, for I admit that there
is &minority of able, distInguished. and
patriotic mes in that assembly. [Hear,
hear.] But speaking of what the inaj,wi-
have made it, I say it is a stnaghold,
and always has been, of Tory prejudice
and Tory (obstruction. [Hear, here.]
During the last hundred years it has
never contributed one iota to popular
liberties or popular freedom. [Hear,
hear.] It has never done anything to
advance the common weal, and dunng
that time 11 has protected every abuse
and sheltered every privilege. 1Hear,
hear. 1 It haadenied justice and delayed
reform. [Hear, hear.] It is irresponsi-
ble without independence, obsttnate
without courage—[Iaughter and cheers]
szbitrary without judgment. and ar-
rogant without knowledge—reheersl—
and now it has deliberstely challenged
the verdict of the people. In contempt
of the House of Commons, and in defiance
of the popular opining which it repre-
sents, this mechanical majority of a
Tory caucus --(laughter and cheersl—
stands between two millions ef people
and the possession of their political
rights. [Shrune..1
The fact that Mr. Chamberlain is •
Cabinet Minister does not, as you see,
keep him from speaking his mind freely.
But he thinks it decorous to offer no
plan, of reforming the House, which be 1 cHATT1111. 11.
holds up to the contempt of the country. ' -Malden. Maw., Feb. 1,1880. Gentlemen -
For all that nobod will be in :mach 1 puffervd with attacks of sick headache.,"
The new eitresgengtiy.
Of ,has a the surface uf the earth
Of corner lots, mighty pour roads, ma-
raud tracks, baseball grounds, cricket
fields and skating rinks.
Whist portion el the globe is water 1
About three-fourthsnomminies they
add • little gm and nutmeg to 11.
What is • town!
A tongs is a considerable collection of
houses aod inhabitants, anti tour or five
sato who "run the party'' ;Lod loud money
at lb per cent. interest.
Whig is • city 1
A city is an i:icorporated town. with •
mayor, who believes the whole world
shakes when be happens to fall dat on •
What is commerce 1
Borruwiug 11.5 for a day or two, and
dodging the lender for • year or two.
Name the different racer
Hun° race, boat race, bicycle race and
racing around to find a MAU to endorse
yoar note.
Into how many clause, is mankind di-
vided I
Six— being enlightened, civilised, half-
sav&ge, too utter, not worth •
cent, and Indan agents.
What nations are called enlightened ?
Thine which have the 11101g wars and
the worst laws, and produce the worst
criminal& —[Ex.
The magpie fashion of wearing a mix-
ture 4 of black and white which ha. been
in such vogue for twe sesuions past seems
likely to remain a fashionable colar cern-
• iliseent Illesenvere
That is duly bemiring toy to the homes
of thiruirnds by saving many of their
dear ones from au early grave. Taily is
Dr. King's new Diearvery fur Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds, Aaiun*, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Lugs of Voice, Tiokling in
the Throat. Pain ia &de and Chest,or-
any disease o the Throat and Lunip, a
positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial But
tles free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large
sae $1.00.
'There are now two Canadian expedi-
tions of whtch the people of this couotry
will hear a great deal in the tuture ; the
one is the Canadian expedition to the
Nile, the other is the Canadian expedi-
tion to Hudson Bay. The one goes to a
foreign land, to assist a foreign nation iu
invading a country to which they have Well Rewarded.
no claim; the other will not Peeve Can-
ada, but will explore a part'f the coun-
try of which the majonty of Canadlans zirty who will produce e case of Liver,
•idney or Stomach complaint that Elec-
know nothing, and help te make known tric Bitters will net speedily cure. Bring
to the world the treasures of Northern ' them along, it will coat you nothing foe
Canada in waters and mines and lands. the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Constipation. and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
doubt what Mr. Charuberlam intends. Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in non guaranteed or money retunc ed
"The divine right of kings,' he tells us, the most terrible and excruciating man- Price only fifty cents par bottle. For
"was a dangerous delusion. The divine ner. sale by J. Wilson. (51
right of peers is a ridiculous figment. No medicine or doctor could give me — _ .._ _.
Wriainimeon , D.C.,
May 15th, IMO.
GaNTLIturiii— Having been a sufferer
for • hong time from nervous prostration
and general debility, I was advised to
try Hop Bitten.. I have taken one bot-
tle, and I have been rapidly IFettiug bet-
ter ever since, and I think 15 the best
medicine I ever used. I am now gaining
strength and appetite, which was rib
gone, and I was in despair until I tried
your Bitters. 1 ani now well, able to go
about and do my own work. Before
taking it I was completely prostrated.
Mite. Meier STUART. .
Thousands thy ea
T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes:
'I never hesitate to recommend your
Electric Bitters to sty coatomers, they
wive entire satisfaction and are rapid
sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest
and best medicine knewn and will posi-
tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints
! Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
! No family can afford to. be without them
!I They will save hundreds 41 dollars in
doctor's bills every year. lald at 50 eta
a bottle oy J. Wilson. 13]
Why use poor OIL on your Reopen and Mowers, whoa you can get
tie, loge — 0accor_ii.zs
Ko Cheap. It has ao equal. Try it and you will use no other.
Fur sale by
.W% avCcIC-MINT7.4=,
We will never be the only race in the I relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters.
civilized world subservient too the inso- 1 'The first bottle
lent pretensions of the hereditary class.' ! Nearly cured me ;•
It would :lot be riskine much to predict The second made me as well and strong
that the man who speaks hts mind in as when a child.
this fast -eon will some day be at the head 'And I have been so to this day.'
of the movenient which aims at nothiuw1 9Iy husband was an invalid for twenty
lees than the Veal abolition of the legis- years with a serious
halve authority cf the House of Lords. ‘Kidoey, liver an.1 urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by Boston's best physi-
- Literary egos. '''''''Aittgg*
The Octeber Ilterver's will contain as a
frontispiece a charming picture by Mr.
Innatten even long after the cenda Abbey 4 41 ''Judith Shakespeare, • the
of "court nem:ming" have been fulfilledheroine .of William Black's story, which
A lady writing from England to. a frienci nears its clew, and will have more ef the
in New Yerk states that at Greelwood delightful engravings frein the pencils of
recently the Princess 1.1 Wales and her Dielnian and Gibson, illustrating E. ee great benefit.
sister-in-law, the Crown Princees of Prue- Roe's •'Nature's Serial Story, part ..,'They. almost
1•11, wore mixtures of this kind. The eleven. Both Mr. Boughten and Mr. Er" lcirsclee
latter lady dressed entirely in deedAbbey illustrate the instalment of the 1113
'deck silk, with an ivory -white silk ben- former's clever "Artist -Strolls in Hol.
net with white plumes. The Princess of land," which will appear in that nwnber.
Wales wore a dress skirt of black and Horace E. Scudder will take theAsder
white stripped satin. with • black satinto Copenhager, "The Herne .e.'f Hens
brocaded 4,veraresa with white satin waist
cost, and • bonnet glittering with cut jet
The fashion (if cutting demi-toilette
dresses equare oor V-shape in the neck
seems to be mon. than ever the vogue,
and now conies the ruiner that the bon-
net strings are to be removed. This
fashion seenis to be an 4 utcome (,f the
other, but it must be adopted with dis-
cretion, and except in the nem of girls or
rung matrons will hardly prove bacons- torical papers, one on king $ Ceilege
ing. A woman • throat is to lose it. (now Columbia:, New York, by John be Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gods -
roundness by middle age. 0 shear off by Rev.
rich 3m :
the bonnet strings and leave the neck
MacMullen, and the second
exposed is often to betray an unpleasing Treadwell Walden, on Westminster
Evetoa bottles (4your bitters curel
hini. and I knixv of the
'Lives of eiglt persons'
In my neighborh(ood that hare been
saved by your bitters.
And many mere are using them with
Mrs. E. 13. Slack.
New Ltfe fee Functions Weakened ey Oh
raw, Debility and 11101e4Pnliellt
Chnstian Andersen, and Rufus F. Zoe- -The Grrat German Invigorator is the
only specitic for impotency, nerveus de -
lame to. "The Home of Tommy Atkins, ' biddy, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
who is quite &nether kind of person. pain in the back or sides, no matter how
Tenuity Atkins is the popular name for shattered the system may be from ex -
the British soldier, and the home de- cesses rof any kind, the Great German
scribed is the great camp at Aldershot. Remedy will restere the lost functions
Both these papers will be telly illustrat: and secure health and happiness. $1.00
ed, the latter by the enter himself. A per b,,,, iii b,,,e, for $S. 00. S„1,1 by
Mexicali metropolis, Monterey, will be all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
described and illustrated in an article postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
called the "The Gateway "1 the Slerrit Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir
Madre," by Frank R. linen. • Two hts- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
fast. To grow Id gracefully has always .
Hall ; and two beerreehieel_,,ne a re. A BA NIL LR14 Teernsosv. — For •
beim reckoned a difficult art indeed miniscence (of Mr. Darwin, with a por; Couah, Cold or any Bronchical affecion.
trait of him in middle age, the other the Pectoris," °I_ opinion, is jun e
ihat but, few timely learn. This is a thing. Thee* Cosa it in my family for
remarkable story of a shore horse -jockey,
pity, for the vain striving after a lost
youth is one if the saddest sights to Charles Stewart. told by himself and Cough,' and Colds for the past four years
By dressing a little older than her years
!edited by a Southern lady, will be fee- with the most unvaned success, and to -
woman in appearance looks often tures (4the number. On; a the mita I day -my opinion of it is that I continue
oNtuniripal Fi. to think still more of that which I beon
I cellaneous papers. nn
Ihniam's nuke stainimisa
Is the only Instantaneous relief fee Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minute's application
removes all pain and will preve the great
value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25
cents per bottle at 4isorge Rhynas' drug
Fashionable Tailor,
"vcrEsm sr-rFt.m.E
Haigh. Finest Assortment of Summer G'ootis tol amen WNW
A Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price
FITTG-Ja kr)" " l\TIJOI).•
X -
line of all the Loading Patent Medicines always kept on hant''
e,e7 -eq- (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.)
These ihe Sabi Puede.
The beat Metal purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach' (of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ters. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliousnes
Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary organs, or
whoever requires an appetizer, tunic or
mild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the best and only certain cure
koewn. They sot surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or uironey refunded. Sold at
fifty cents bottle by J. Wilson. [4]
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
rtm o /vs.
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The Company offer lands within the Railway Belt along the won line. and in /Gotha
Manitoba. at prices ranging frond
$2_50 1:0M71, .A.CFtM
upwards. with conditions regrowing ruins at init.
A rebate for cubit anion of from SIAS t• 0340 pee acre. according to price paid for hi
land. allowed on certain conditions. The Conspen) abet offer Lends noblest ceeditteas
settlement or cultivation.
Fouttll larseries.
along the Main Line. i.e.. the odd numbered Sections within one mile of the Railway, wear.
offered for sale oa a ivantageous terms, to parties pio pared to undertake their immediate are.
325 As CRES-
To begin work at once nn Fall /ales. Steady
employment at fixed pantries to all willing to
work. MEN and la WIEN can have
Pleasant Work the Year Round.
Purchasers may pay one-sixth in cub. and the balance in dee annual instalments. with In
tercet at SIX l'Elt CEN T. per annum. payable la advance.
Parties parchaaing without conditions of cultivation. wilt receiv e a Deed of Convenes.
time of purchase. if payment is made in full.
Payments may be made in LAND GRANT BONDS. which will be accepted at te* ter
cent. premium on their par value and accrued 'newest. Thew bonds ran be obtained OD ap
plication at the Bank of Montreal. Montreal: or at any of its ageneits.
FUR PRICEand CONDITIONS OF SALK awl all information with respect to the pur-
chase of Lands. apply to JOHN H. McTATISH. Lend ('ommissioner, Winnipeg. By order of
the Board. CHARLES DRINK WATER. Secretary.
Onad agents are earning from S1. pe
month and expellees.
111r Terms anti outfit free. Address:
•11,113ar Toronto. Ont.
When juvenility of syle, unsanctioned useice," by W. M. Ivins private secre- thialltinit well 41-
, ,
younger than the register warrants. 1 DANIEL GORDON
tary to Mayon. Grace, of New Jur., Witt
1! G •4:1. Kilai Manager Ontaein Bank,
produced. A word to the wise is suffici-- ' attract much attention, and there will be CABINETMAKER
by age, is adopted, the centraryeffect
ent, and one may preach a hundred seto the usual variety of stories, poems, and Price 25 ceuta at all druggists.
awns to tbe feolia;
, departments.
lt in vain,
A Wide awake orwatut.
There are Iwo ways of arranging the ,.. a ei,„,,, .4,,,,,,d. ;
J. Wilson is always alive to his bust -
coiffure for those who dress the hair high --- nese, and spares no tams to secure the
on the head. One fashion is : Divide Since June. ten dominion and provin- best of every article in his line. He has
the hair into three reoperate stands, then cial elections have been held in the secured the agency for the celebratedDr
answering them intr. three Frelleriv twhis older provinces and as record ils as foi- low, N„ Dim,„,ry. fig, C„hoosipties,
inatead of one in the o'd way. Each ! lows: the (only certain core known for Con -
twist is coiled very tightly, the one MI Cumberland, .Dettl-) Tory- No gumption. Coughs, Odds. Hoarseness
the centre coils from left to right, and i change. Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any
the other two roll away from the tent- ('umberland, :Prey.) Liberal gain. affecticn -if the Threat and Lungs. Sold
plea and throat. never coiling toward the I Cape Breton, (Dom.) Tory majority (IT) • positive guarantee. Trial bottles
kee. Below these on either side, and I duoed 1,421. free. Regular size $1.00. (3
Lost behind thewisps .1 ears, little stray wisof ! Mecantie, (Dom.) Liberal gain. — -
air are left. blinding the neck above the I Laval, (Pros.) Tory. No char:ge. CINGALENE. - A name well known in
dress collar in the airiest .4 zephyr curls. Muskoka, (Priv., Liberal gain. onnectiron with the Hair Renewer,which
The other mode is te - einl heavy! Queen's, P.E.I. (Dom.) Tory majority caroms grey hair to. es natural colo -r by
French twistaaking the long ends which i ridueed 900. e few weeks use. Sehr at 50 cents pit'
remain after this port iiin of the ceiffure I Halifax, :Prey. ) Liberal elected by in. bottle by James VVilann. 2m
is arranged, and forming them int.. four 1 creised majority.
"horse-shoe" loops, which is loose wavy ! West Ontario, (Dom.) Liberal by ac-
cede entirely surround ingt he crewn of the ! clamation.
L..1softening the severe xi:velar lines 1 Lennox, . Petty.) Liberal gain. ,.i.
- .1" •'•
___ _._ _ .______ _ ,.._.„
S all Therms (heed.
Are you troubled with Salt Rheum,
of the twist on each side foe half the way 1 - am. :IT Rough tikin, l'imples (or ('anker Sores ;
down. The back pertien of the twist 1 ,..:..t! if so. go at once to Geo. RhvnasDrug
above the nape 4,1 the !deck is left un-' Store and get a package ..t McGregor &
adorned Nothing in tb,, way of tow 1 There seems to be a discrepancy bg. Parke's Carbolic Ce te. Price 25 cents.
hair dressing hes as yet taken the placetween the testimony of Mr. Meiedith
It was never krown fool. b
of the Langtry coil in the way et 'teepee ! Anil Mr. Merrick. Mr. Meredith says
' ingneas or easy trace. Sheet cropped , the first news he neither' ..f the at tempt. • —
hair laid in lees* curls all over the head npil bribery of memhers was when the
P0 for eine time to come. House. Mr. Merrick says he disenesed Kiioii1
is still in fashion, and is likely to remb
ain (ow -soon as wmade
on the floor of the
¶alltod to
The 'attest outcropping of fancy in the matter with 51r. Meredith seine days •
costly fans is In Grecian Pompeii/in de- below**. A plausible explanation of this
signs in Primpeiiari 4.r Turkish colt rings. is that Mr. NI ered lib's memory has g4,ne '1 .• 1 1,- .CT
The kid fans so ornamented are exceed- to join the Week's stridavit.-11e.nrion
ingly handsome. They are mounted on Advertieer.
sleeks 4.1 plain or craved mother -of pearl,
anhellished with road er silver tracery 1 Thousands bear witness to the peso
TOBACYCO,t:IG.11?8, (5-c
gad command from $90 te $125 each. , tire curative rowers .1 the Gerrit Ora -
Por weddieg use and for evening toilet Wae1IvuoojuA1.ii, the nnly remedy that Irmriesti'sn't r'erirrir.'„,„reiaTio,i,e Rron,i,,
tbs.. la • 1.'"g 110° "1 IP&Ihrt tifil hrie Pr"tect dwelt 4 'Perak f"1' general raga and 4m•keel 4.1t it'ater roil, In seatme
San., the former excessively large, mid debility, sentinel weakness. impotency, A fail &annul meet of all kinds of Net&
formed of snowy, downy plumage a rote., and all iliseases that ame from self- Orseetri Ow Even 11111, ihotcomPed
dark brown. Inerain'tle. t�nt.I (*frisk Imbues er overteeed brain, finally ending ICH (REA AIN IS 811.4.4410S.
feathers, or the wings and hermit ,of birds in oeistimption, ineenity and prema-
fawn Trinidad, and brilliant fine featliases I tare grave 8141 by all drawees, or
arranged in the heart or An fan in paha 11 will be sent free on receipt of11.00 per
petternit, or in tlie form of Sims mnnaks bin Or SIT hoses foe $5. Adams F. J.
with num blriendirmage art round all a Centinn, Toledo, Ohio, wile agent for
rich enetreating tordering. The hies the United States. Seed for dITC/LIT
Lea are evieisitti be owl deeceiptins, and testiamniale of ',pains essree. On*
Floral inehma Wreath*. Comma. Bonenete.
Me., made le order.
essereeeng Mein beieriabiles in imams
-- sr
Paw 1312flOWC13,
Oral Rowe 1146010.
Leading Undertaker,
Has on hand now the LARGEAT eThrli of
First - Class Furniture
in the county. anti as 1 now purrhase fomeash„
will net be nridereold* any one.
I offer Tapestry Carpet Lounges'. from
upwards. Witatavota, good. from $2.50 up.
Bow Back ('hairs, from Eie up. and every-
thing else in the same proportion.
Between the Poet Office k rank of Montero
0-CrID IC Eta C13...
Oct. filth. 1813. 1113-
Keeps on land a supply of material for the
repairing of
Mowers and Reapers
Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and
Agricultural Implements •
and Machinery Generally.
Omierith, March VOL 1. IUIBo
I• IlflT
Ifor the work big rhea Pend 10 eta.
for pantage. aad wr will mall yen
11 ram • royal. valliahe twit of many.
ph 114044.141 that will pet yon In the
I way of making poor. ineiney le • few disv•thast
yon ever thought pnwitele al env Imminent No
capital required We trill nem you. Int. ran
wnrk all the time nr In spare time only. ribr
work Is universally adatned te hnth the weer
young and old. Von east easily tare from he.
to hi eyney pepsine. That all who neat wash
may tem the beetarea, we mato Ibis _lutOttnil-
leled offer ; to ail wheat.. sat well saherene we
will semi 1140 goy fee Ow creek*" id wills.
so FiallIpartkulara.dlreetinsa, ote.. wet
Fortunes trill be maile by times WNW,*
Whet, 1.600 **I "net.
Now • the ttme. 11 yen wish tree or two elec rooms at boute,le see Pat le es rot at paper
Fie has over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest De
Beeetlful colon. and st aprireeliesteiewbes:IpavenY
i„.eiryra toinew:hiefere
aadmInr., be soldeed. CsI mad see hem
The IA161 Sring Bazaar Palms and Fashiois