HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-9-19, Page 1k
r •
t Hall Liter DDY BROR. Pv.Ltti
btei...ls T1!• teeter. j NEWS .1130UT H0111E
Teas --Juba MacTagzart.
Medical Hall P. Jordan. ".\ ehlel's amen } e, takisi metas
Keys t'uund John ++tirliog gt An' faith he'll great it
Vann for ,iw:e W. T. Kilo*.
Boarders N'ante.l-l'.1'altpptrrll. TOTS TOPICS. ore mere sate l'sunrn.n Ilell d (' r
Sree•tai Ossa.---Tllk $kI I. will h e
tihlb, tewntstration, with refereuoe to the action ware in inimitable style, The Smack us
- I u/ the House of Lents on the frauchjae School.' Alma Livinestone has within 'seer remit all rails er Berea gN ima cite
seat .on mei anti lu January. 1
ter 25c. Dora delay, but take full al
'vantage td this offer Three mouths for
! A few weeps ago a Great Liberal de- I again loudly encored. In response she • COUNTY OURRBNCT.
r 25c.
1l l{ sm ron. I James Mullen he. been awarded the
eel; 'Una lair Th.• tt estcrn .\dtertferr cunfrert for carving the mails between
U,tttsrtt.actt. I t arr'sous on hand • Gm] h d L k M Mullen
• .te+ stuck .d tf well 1
- - enc as Lucknow
-esus 'very her sen n•
o s utpryt,M Charts.
Dentistry. I ) 7 o d ssumker, U, Gotlne:Y. will de the business in a thorough titan -
The paddle are Judge and Jury on our suits, nor.
and verdict is always oast In our favor
NICHOLSON, L. D. SURGEON i ilii hand. a las r supply sf tweeds for fall and !t
1 Uertl.l. (Mee mid residence, West infer sulfa. Y &A. PistoNU]i. Rea. James Welsh, nephew of Rohe')
Street three door. below (Sank of -Montreal, Oe.cr ever' year the tall *how season corset Welsh, of London, were jn town during
tioderlcb 1 '
752 around but at W tinier and all season. W. 1 i
ev. P. J. O'Shea, of wforth, and
liquor* of kinds. Watters.
ilortens will be found to be the best sou: to d to week, the guests of Rev. B. J.
procure wines and 11 tell
She People's Column. Rem Ate•is.- It. •Iel,nws 1. h • attain John MacT.
atter ins visit to the honierrent aesntea- titan• the Victoria street
flan at Teitvnte, and is r.-.4 for twsiuees ¢n,Cer, is making a Ilia drive tet teaa jam.
B[INCH t 1F KEYS FOUND AT Orae mare. Call at the caUe-)-. and be happy. now. He ale {rays close attention t" all
Ma,tlandvill•. Sept. lath. Owner can
slTIRL1\ei, t anus I . O. Lsd-It h govern..
.B Its
have them by pavinecharges. .sepl) to Jtilt% A r' lure of tair .trnenrun wait I'rewn - kinds of meats, etc. See his new adver-
mg 'ender and Lu uul will e tiseinent.
1 of Fruit. either wit:. er wahuut sugar fur
BOARDERS WA N 1ED - A FEW atarr'• No need to keep the fruit air tight. llorneu, ,rr that Tuesday and h"clnte-
J./ •+. fyttie Agent. day next are the dates of Goderich fell
boarders can br arrat St .:hied with It siwnpa pays to keep up to the times, and
board, on r.v. ut wvhle term., at St I:. c'. %trews - that ts the reason why Robson. the phut,- show. Merchants desiring printing .
J1tt:1.L wroer ut N'cat ane! A1'aterluu streets,
Inst street below the post office. 114141 R1W,er. is giving such elate attention to the Rh"uld not delay their orders to the
ee cot prove --,•s In phoIueraptt . tall next last hour.
week. and take your choice of 6yies.
Apply to MKS. J. a/'t, UK or
tit Ntar Salt Woaks, Uoderkh. 19164
t)! ►I: SALE - 15) TO 200 CORDS
mixed bard wood. piled oa saw mIU
read. at $i .23 per cord. meaaessed est reed.
Theta month* credit will b.- wirers, on well!
amused a with tate•r•et. H. a"..t r'rIU 1
Rollers and iron harrows. etdI Ir wild
•hcapat the limier. 1. t'oun•:ry. Ile 'Platy
iteaprr and all raps:re for toe same ran also
oe pea 4/ea/row from the tial./rich itemIr)y.urun
application by mail to H. SEE1.Mll.l.kk.1
uudertob- Ont. lfiwtf
matt• Serino )4.4e 111SLA.--The Germine A largely patronized excursion from
Whit' -ewii g Meehlnr-.tcknowl.•dge.t to t.e Tints between here and Stratford aerie- i
the Iigttco.t running. most easily managed, 1►'
and 141st dura.:,- ota.:hitie. For sale at very sad here on 'I'uesday. These who came I
low prie•.e,at Sheppard's boos store.
:Saunders and Sion. have received a tine int
of utoaes. r'r,kinet and ..eating. for wood and
coal, the) intend :ming the people batvains,
they 11a.e the heal base tarot -rain the market, Saturelwy last a novelty /n lead pencils,'
uu1 arr guine to s•II them right. .x11 and see Fein; this En,ljeh patent spring style,
sample.. The (':,rape.: Dour 1 oder the 1 :C T
Sun.' 1 which is e. ,.pular in the cities. He
Miss Lynn lteid is visiting friends at has a large lot on sale.
Luck new. Neil Fos who at one time was a coin-'
Miss Nellie Donagh has returned to
up were chiefly rut -abets, enjoying s hob-;
day after harvest.
\\-e were ahusn b)• .lames Imri
!molter in this office, but who fur a few
i is 1, teak place at Girviii, l5eetland, and the peat few years worked forward to a %ewe trtchwaae.
I•asreg the names el those .es the plat- !horst place amongst readers and els- --
form, as given In Ilia Ayrshire Peet, we' cutwntsts, All 1 today we ko..w of no one i Altss Ella Hunab, o1 G,ndsburo,
! n"tiou the names: "f A. Wallace. of God* who elver her in that line. `Should !started
on Saturday 1►a for Cuh,uryp,
rich, and John McGarvey, of Clinton. ; she see fit to ilsake an engagement to read where she intends to suited the Model
The UCuato w'hnn arming down the acid recite at G.deridh during the cumulK SNtaf[-Sefgratt A. \Wilsos, m( iwtforth,
treinaw Fiver on Saturday afternoon I
season, we feel assured that a eonrruus has the t ••ef future to he appointed Srsf eNt
collided with a barge, and was put in dry welcome will be extended to her. the N'imbliedoa tram for asst year's
Iduck at Bay City. She was thoroughly I The Brussel* l',wt, cumulentioc up..n outehea
Ior•erhauled, and all necessary repairs , the rendering of the pregramnlu at the The wit black of fury, \ours h $
made and loft Tuesday on her route. ' Caledonian concert held in that village, .. 4 pesl-
Nhe orale fast time fluor Bay City to , says : -"Mrs. Revell, of Toronto.. who rug. of Seeforth, which has been shut
Goderich, arriving here early on Wed- spent several weeks in Ooderich this `town 'Mice June, commenced running
uueday ming. ( season • sang two pretty songs "A Som again this week
H! kw : FALL Assl/.E•. -The fall sedges ; near shower.' and "Dream Facea. ' she! On Wednesday of last week, an un -
will open ort Holiday next before Chief has a full, rich voice, and filled her part successful attempt was made to set brie
Justice Wilson. W. Gaunt, Q. C., of I en the pn.gramiue with general Retia- to the stables "f the A'uu Hewer, Sea -
Barrie, mill take charge o1 the crown j faction to all. "Bennie Bessie, the Maid forth, owned by Mr. Brownley.
business. The Bates outrage wjil conte of Dundee," was auug by bliss Maude Mr. J. W. King has teen engaged to
up for trial at this assize., and the Matinee Wynn, of Goderich, in a :runner that teach Kinburn school for the ensuing
trage ly wilt ale. be judged. The week elicited great applause and a hearty year at a salary ..f $5Ur. This speaks
will be an imp..rtaot one iia thin history encore.' well for Mr. King, it being his fifth en-
ol criminal trials in Huron. BE ( IRVC1. "F A. nuR T+-Durj Yagrinrnt their
Btu os CottN.-A. M. Polley has nit- the bit few month an unusual number Measr,. J. H. Kernahatl anti W. J.
ed twelve acre. of corn on his farm this of accidents and fatalities hare been re- Clark, teachers in seCtt.nis N.. b and 3
season. Saute of the stalks are fully ton corded in the newspapers. A small respectively, .Morris, and formerly of
feet high, and notwithstanding tae amount invested in an accident ticket or Clinton. have been re enraged for next
dn.ught, it has done pretty well. Mr. pallet. has proved a great ho.•nt t.. many ! year st an increased salary.
Polley finds tt pn.ftabia to raise corn •uf vera, all pwrsoas enraged in Nazar- . lariu TH&LvHIN•:.-Mit Raker, of
for his livery horses, •i. they are fond "f !1„u employutent should eertainly attend t Klake dolt's• to hare threshed an aver-
A.eMiis thelks ,corn king for
Gederu:hf ,„ to this very important matter. A agree : she of 1Y00 buahrls every day for the
The Goderich High School Liters tritio each day serurs to all. from the , past two wre!u. At one place. he thrsh-
g ry laborer to the merchant a full compete + e i 32u bushels • of Data in two hours.
the pSocieresident t on
inFthe 7.30,chaireaTheing afellow- eati•nl for loss of time and expenses i A sad drowning accideut occurred at
1?rincident w this victim of accielent. Call I I' !d F d - •t A h
Howell, Mich., years has been mechtnical manager of ing a the pr•aramuln :-iustrumrntsl and see H. Anns:rulq, ticket anent,
Novell I3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT INelemville, Man., ...unto ,,••• r, is visit- I aol" by Mus M. Allan ; reading by Mr G,deri-h who nukes this Frxnch .1 •
(Ol Mr. and Aire Harry Rothwell were in
GB!)1! K Bl:.ANFUitU to\. u: for !
Town of tioderich, in the County of Huron.' town tins week.
and Prot ince of e►atario. Orioleman. will aP 1 Mrs. C. Alouutney, u: Kintai1, is 'trit-
ely to the Parliament of the Uosoinlonof cam in• relatives in town.
ads. at the nest session thereof, for a Mil of 4
Divorce from his wire, F.?ll1.Y COX, former- 1 Rev. Fr. Watters celebrated mass at
IT of the said Town of Godcnch. but now of 1 Huilrt' on Sunda last.
t,Wtoraia, la Ilse United crates 01 America. 1 y
os_tlte• gneurehi of adultery said dr»rn.on. ( SI las hat Dan 1 returned f
!Re! day of Anwar. A. IL. MM. ! her trip to Port Arthur. ceived from the Toronto News Ce. the
leolicltcn for the acid t'eUMene:, ...aerie
C• +invert returns to lila •vast at Exce alar" le lc "f rrcitatiuu N
Hata :omen Co*. Istla4u
in;; friends in this Couuty, L. Mlctirieu ; gong by Apse M. Miller ; business specialty Send for circular
According to promise we give below a ,
• summary of the vnncipal changes iia the
departmental regulations in regard to the
examination of teachers.
For third-class certiticttee the follow- 1
ins are the subjects and marks that must
be taken.
Ihlrrt Value Required
1 Reading, r,nl 50 25
I1:eadiog, principles of 50 20 ,
11'riting 20
3 English grammar 131) 45
4 English literature 150 45
5 Cotup.rtitr.n and prat-
tical English 100 351
6 Dictation 50 20
7 Arithmetic atol men-
suration 150 45 i
8 Mental arithmett: :5 20:
$ Algebra Ick) 25 i
10'!uclid 100 25
11 History. Euglsh and
Canadian 75 25
12 Gen:nphy 75 25I
1:1 Drawing 75 201
14 Book-keeping, 75 20
15 Physics '}i5 20 These who who choose to take music wltl
be all•.wed a bonus not exceeding fifty j
marki t.. h e added to their aggregate.
In addition to the minimum in each 1
subject as given above fifty per cent. of
the aggregate is required G, obtain a car-.
tificate. Third-class certificates will be
renewed only on re-examination.
Mn. James Hyslop, "f Forert, has I
been much improved in health during
her sojourn in Goderich. The air of
her old home appears to agree with her,
as indeed it does with most invalids. 1
at the said Town of truderi b. thta • r cry .as re nrne from Root or Rr.. ITlT10:k..-\We hare re-
('ANIKt t*I. HOLT 19 twat:RfiN. J H 1 I ' I
For Sate or to Let.
The desirable property krowr as lot 1,
!ri est.. %A', 1). Asbtteld. and consisting of 1*
acres. el cleared. A dw.:lo.g houseandgras.
ary on cue i.tentlePe. A never falling creek
Michigan un Saturday last. it crotalins some of the newest readings i
Mise M:tgeie Wilkine,n has returned and recitations, and has been well select-
-trent a pleasant trii, t.. Detroit. ed.
Alive Annie etr
rett» her Anon: the new features of St. George's
berme at Detroit on S McIntoshah ety last. church services will be the addition to
the choir of a large number of juvenile
i onductur Hewing appears to he much male voices. A class .,f boys are now
improved by his journey t.. Toronto. bring trained to lend their voices to the
runs through by the tares. $.Rioted about a Mrs. Gullinettu, ..f Bay City, n •.• Mims church services.
rale from Port .\Ibert. Terms re. seeable. McBride, is the guest of her mother. We will send Tea SIGNAL on trial to
Yoe termer lufo.-nsar,un apply on thepress.
taer or address. W. T. PELLOw. Port Dr. ilamilton, of Cornwall, was visit- any address for the next three months'
Albert. +. 1:61-lin__ leg odd friends in atelerich last week. , for 25c. New subscribers for 188.5, pay -
FARM TO LET -FOR A TERM OF Mr. and Mr. \Wilson, .1 Pennsylvania, ing now, can get the paper farm present
years, Lour (s. five. in the ?iairlaaid cos- are the guests of John Wilson, South St. date t.. 1st January, 1865, fur one year s
eessloo. of the Township of tiodertcb, apply j
by letter to J. ti. LIZAKti. Stratford. 19eamt Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Smaill hare subscription, $1 50
FARM TO LET-L'JTS 33 A N D 34, ! returned trent visiting friends in Tor.nta. Mr. arks, cf Bruce'leld, rho was
- tat Con_ fiodetrich Township. as atrea Mrs. Frank D.•rsey and infant eon, of
the 'seat f T. B \ at E • ry recamtly,
M n¢•• \\ C Ni h enjoyed himself by i.mtt and frequent
S oB. - 1 ve
Daae and bu!:di to gaud rryaitr. -\ never
failut,c creek runs through 11... tarin. .Apty drives on our beautiful streets. He
on sur b leder to LANIt: Jf
NA k i 'L. Goiter', '. 1'. U! 191114
inn peg. are visiting at apt . t aye.
theKneelse r t• 1.et. Dr. 1 re and Res. T M. Camp- thinks Coedench a mint delightful 'put.
hell excltar.ged pulpits ort Sunday even-
-POI. SALE-D>rSIRABI.E JAI tl.l. ing.
Uncle Tom's Cabin was played here on
4,,, ship otare fiolborn i..uurtyo Mau ear tisi AIn. Black, West-st., returned last Tuesday. Uncle Toni turned up here
teat, Dalt a mile trout salt tore P.0. flee Let week from a tr:p to Saginaw, and is now an, there durjnt; the play, but Mrs.
And so may we all.
contains tet acrd in good order. There is a in Toronto:.
Stuxe would not have rec.,gnizetr her
Morey and telt frame house. small barn and
stable. withounr: ur•hart on tae farm. Poe.. The big iwtato and the m -'nater pump• story. The affair was more .1 a burlesque
session will far given by the end or October. 1 kin will have the flair on Tuesday and than a drautatizetion.
For further particulars apply on the premisesa
to J. R. Ht t:HANAN, tulltwrtld
Kept. u.•h. 1:+1. Ii) -lm \\•edursi( )'• ,There will M a puler concert at the
A special vestry meeting '4 St. house of Rev. Dr. Cre, on the evening
M FOR S.ALR IN THE Tt►W N- j George s church will be held on Monday of Thursday, the 2Sth inst., commencing
elite Ot' litLLET-r-Tbe
intadhnr itnistra
evening twit. at 7:30 o'clockAduiasion 10 ante.
11nsofotrhe.BMato ofwct lHe$mon.9i .kr,of•
Show day will be a good day for Nur- \1 'rhe proceeds to be devoted in std of the
nwnshie of Ilulrett,....attaining :..4.1 ace . • trck w ul herr. "1'a e s Bos:new Letter Waster a -Id
-ey;ht, is the miteuaceesitm of the; ing up back sccounu with the publisher. 'muten•eloret;n Aassionary Society.
j shout tet acres of which l.le
cared, the balance ! • To
9Dacr.'.s. Wird wood timber. Frame dwelling( i The International Hotel has been re• Book .1 Commercial Forma," in the title
Louse. It Is about li miles tram the t Meerut rat a neat coin nliuof nam to bwj
U d ,ur t**art s miles Leto the tit- opened by H. Tichhurne, after a lung (e
of BI -t , froth on the London. Huron and
Bruce hallway. There will be 10 acro. of fall
late } •an.
of suspension. new men and clerks. The Toronto
wheat sown on the torsi. 1 but it can be ordered through any b,uk-
t'or further parrtculant spp1 to 111(+4. l'. I week at the residence of their brother,
W W1)administrator leis ti t'on It Hub + A. B Iliad 1 t seller
The Afisses Heelge ars sPendjnq the News cemp:uy are the Canattien agents,
president's &ddre.ts by Mr. Swanson
reading, F. Williams ; sena. Mass E.
Burritt ; reading, Mr. \lygle: sr ug, Mr.
HI:LLgtTII Ltnlr.' CnLL:.ea: -- We
have received the beautifully illustrated
cir:u'ar of He1inutl► Ladies College.
Iter.'E. N. English, M. A.. principal.
This institution has taken a high reek
among the sentinnes for young ladies,
and a large increase is hooked for in
membership during the year which be•;an
yesterday. Circulars will be sent ua
application to the principal.
A 5TRN1:R Cui iit'zNrc.-During the
singin:t of the hymn "Abide with ire,•'
in St. Gauge's church on Sunday even-
ing. the gas went out ab,•ut the time the
chotr mei c,n;,regati.0 had reached the
line beginning "ate iark'neas doopet:a.
A lamp was procured, and the service
was continued by its "dim, rekgruus
light. " There was no calumet* between
the choir -leader Rud the janitor tor dra--
rustic effect.
Inentrigettoon or Lune ,Ttve. FIR¢-
xrN.---Thu eleventh annual en:rentimn
of the arae organization will be held in
Toreetn this year, commencing on the
23rd inst. It is expected 233 lodges,
located in al! parts of the Stites and
t anaaa, will bo repreaentcvl• on rho eye
casi'n. Messrs. George N ursey, J.
Johnson, B. Tapp. J. Halpin, and .Jsta.
Harvey, jr., will represent Avon Ledge.
INo. 3.'i, Stratford.
- A interesting event talk place in et.
Paul, Min., last week. being the marriage
of Helen, fifth daughter of Hugh Hemil-
jton, of Goderich, 1...1. G. 13arwise, of
St. Paul. A number of handsmie pres-
ents were made tc the bride. The happy
couple visited Goderich on their wedding
• trip, arriving here on Friday, and lean•
ing on Monday. They were accocuptni-
I ed here by Alias Afinnie Hamilton, who
1 u still the guest of her parents.
1 Teachers" It anainatles,.
It will be seen by the above list that
there is no longer the eptwn of taking
Latin. French, ..r German ; that aliment !
u no longer optional for female candi-
dates and lint four new.ubjects are rr• •
gutted. The work prescribed it* the old 1
subjects retnajw',brut the same, except
that etym elogy, R .nos history, the
lsecond book of EurIid and weds and
L+: r..,u.a A[tre x. -Don't fail to see 1
quadratics in algebra, are left od, and
1 3 Salta rely, Which has conte GI COO-
y 19 , un ri aro di 1 ins . . c ild
of Air. t►sbidistine,*1.,:it 14 menthe' old,
fell jute a tub of eater which was etand-
ing under the eaves of the house, and
when n o w
1 e 1 f and as dead.
TE►e•HER RE•FN.:a..k". -The trustees
of section No. 0, Mullett, have re-en-
gaeetl Mr. Geo. Newton for another
yearjncreasing his salary t,. $3Q0 •year.
Mir. Newton is a geed teacher, and the
fact that his services are appreciated is
shown by his re-emgazemeut.
Mr. Prescott, a c.•mruercial traveller
for Frank Smith k Co., wheleeele liquor
and grocery merchants. Toronto, wsa
brought to Walkerton and charged with
disturbing a Scott Act meeting in Mild-
may, Mr. MI,Nainara presided at the jus-
tice mill. Fitted 81 and costs, amount-
ing in all to nearly 810.
On MIondat, the 8th inst.. Chief In -
specter H. Perkins brought Karr Brea,
of I.eimore•, before justices Tans and
Dorand, mid tined them $20 and eoeta,
for violating the Liquor License Act of
1883, by selling liquor en Sunday. We
believe this is the tint prosecution of the
new Act in the county.
The c•orresp.rnd"nt o1 the :3aafor'th
E••J,.afor writes :-'•The Henson flour-
ing nulls, which were cl.,sed some little
time act.. in "nler to put in. the roller
protea., are now ••Iron awl in first class
running order. Much credit is due to 1
Mr. P.uncinun and staff, ..f t:.dertcb, !
for the expeditions and excellent manner
id which they performed the work.'
A deputation representing the Baptist
church, 11'inghatn. wafted on Rev. John j
Gray, of Clinton, a few days since, and
asked his acceptance .4 a call from that
Once. He gave them nu ena•..ursgement,
and intimated that he wotth'remain herr. ,
We are sure that puny more than the {'
members of hi4,own c.neregstwns here
would deeply regret his removal from
amongst us. He u too useful a member I
of the community to be spared. -( New I
The Clinton Nrr,r Ern says :-The
the lacrosse match this afternoon, if you that Ayres \ erhalst is recommended
let. u-J.otr.le*batch u., not. R"'' "t"n °• possibly q for cwatatathon in tom iaitjan. The time the w..rk begun the "Lord's can wssibl et there. Eight of the p, by P S. -Tbe other hair ur said Lae* also ran be New snbscr toes for 1RR"o will et the "D.oc. Uirimer, the genial !tent senior Hurons have undertaken to play new subjects are set down as fu'lows Arnip,' c> merlceel services here on
Ooti¢!it '- tR same times for this
a yly to ' ` R
medicine neon, a Simon-pure Canadian, the full team of the juniors. The senium i dji)g The prjn....I. of mlocut2unday morning lett, under the martaRe-
FRUR RALE -FARM Uf NO. 102. Ain A. \lilson, of I.ondnn, and Aiiwjarnt.d . n \ rdngetsy p the Lune but the jnnton are cocky, and fere sow-station.r-t; the w.trkct squmre. TheiroeLieway bfromatripSt.tidet of winuin f the y ams. Tho ad- ervice in the town Ball in the evening
Maitland concresionetodrrich township A1. R. Skitnin, of Toronto, were theIG,uis. Hu left h the noun trio ["r Br,k-ketepenq-Single mad doublerew the lsrq'at cnewd that has et ut-
aontatntniG se se re* in.Iesli•ga•avasutgro•,i1 r ¢'scab f Mrs Lo.roe ►est week.y minion to the grounds will hoe •.n.y 13 try, commercial forms,enlbisiyhardwood timber, beech and maple. one mile cants. I:rand stand fere to ladies anti tnosac i"ws.empted to art Into flu buJJmq. N,.t-
trsas ei death. Their Is • 1; starer briskReeveogers,ofItrussels,waswtown.,W*)ling, an extensive lumber ,nembers. 1fer11 faced at 3.30 m ithstanding the heat, every jneh of
rose and brick kitchen. containing 0 rooms P Physics - Huxley s Iotnoducwi D pantry an.1 cellar. Tb're arr two wills. goatwork.Runeim+nBrr. ears rushing I dealer of New York, has been in town APE. ('LISR Ae.DLNT. --Un Tuesday Science Primer, and Balfosr Stewartsletroot l se's , ccupied, and •great crony
mine tip stable, with root cellar, hay bit along his mechee mat farI dair silt,;fol the prat week nr ten, put, basin;; n , lett 1ie!csuae they e.uld 4d Yet in. The
b.er `lttisn, rn ta73 twe "aeua»> (ters icesJaMpit i.e`uTt,oI Kincardine, tof 1 bee hich h sh 1 aftern.a.nC'harteabtsker.wiribesttki.•neel nwttr.
i•e.d m Cantelus s e scopespied Dra•ving Fr..
n---minder of this years true free by '
let..i nirior..1..,t.al,a+, •Ind a red-hot advocate of Canaria r int, - ent "f three young Englishwomen
Hnllctt, lith ta..pt., :ete1 19tF yin fcr the t3WNSL now, j aro q. ing to play for all they ',rs worths-1'on•ult .+yens' a►rthoepist mnpruu
Pa S \be)otavic
ehas " tttn w e shipped ,
borers.F I ) gay . • - ehend, prim geome-
laring apple tree.. This farm is In tlrst-times i returteed to her home after a pleasant b • bolt. He handles timber train the with varying wettosa
order end wood repair. Also pan lot 3, con. I principal pal Tints between L::k-e Superior a gat, and made s violent kick at (belfry fry end industrial desique.
B, containing as agree, woos email ho*.e and visit .t Joseph11 illiani s residence. p 1 P' 'rodent. He missed the rat, but swung t For Second Class certificates the sub -
FEnn1 errs Axa.to -The riahta of
orclutd. flood gestate. taquiseon the •- miss Belle Mitchell, of the :Ifni is I and Florida.eV,ut with each force that he wrenched I Mesta and narks are tea agonts to peddle their ¢eds appear
►srstotHwtl. NLAKt21,1WIt (taking some well-earned holidays. and is I The managers of the Western Fair atMinimum to her good. At St. Mary's on Tuesday
phis shoulder out of joint in his endeavor ry y
DINE HOUSE FOR SALE - THAT! visiting friends in Detroit and other I London have decided W prohibit the sale to keephimself from falling. It leek •'"'1Jef'' teal;, metered- an agent, for a London fine was 'rata- j
1: fine new frame house on Nclwa-st. near- t f iutaxicaunR Ij.luen "n ilio ¢rew►d. i four meto ,esus the limb back jntu its 1 ItendinR, nrnl, „0 m)onett for a,ntnveninr the town by-law
17 opposite St. l'atrlek's ward sebnW, b offer- I {'grim Lichee tisitin the show will be glad to 1 Reading, pnnes lat ..f Ci0 10 r.h,bjung hawking and p,etldltrq It
w.. 1114111141, h41Weref. that the recent de -
d for asks on reasonable terms. It has eight About thirty m.niel w howl pupils are (I'plata, end Fuss wlTere.l much Lain dor• I 2 1Writun¢, , n P
lsrg,• bre rooms. twsides parlorw. dining room.. ,girt a.! u , jn Ci.odrI, h. The j hear this. There is no need to make a in thea eration. The rat escaved.
library, kltchea, pantries. closets. cellars dc. peeing sax {j :t Ettgluh grammar, 200
hnno o'r's r»oM" out ..f n fair ground ,
AU thoroughly finished Inside. The Dm)r.'ny' school will c..ntintw for about three I 1 THa LItC STOCK S+Lk. -p relies in• I 4 English literature, '100
Is offered ata bargain. Apply to tl.e owner I refreshment ranch.
F. RMIATH Godericb Oat. ILMI bra m"r.ths I tending to enter stock tar the fall sale of I u C,.n e..tUon and pn:u-
R Air. Brehm, and Mrs.Bmle and' F'ed Crabb, whn has been rusticatinv B
serrixa are Leung continued njghtly 1
the Hurn Live Stock Association, to be ; cal
IC 111 15th
ec r e, y I.ro the farm thia'eason. bv.enght win a! held in (Tinter about the middle of rlc- •e: Dic•:tti"n. „0
son hwceretmrnaltothrjr panonare ■t
h t h h •can sett' It
Metier Hold, at present sale of
by ?Ir. tie• ort • era cry p was composed "f eight distinct ears Jain
Frr1 1 on, IR Oilmen few vale w to rent. G,deneh.
The hotel is situated on the gra Irl meds tea- ell at the bottom, seven of which sur-
twoe!n /ioA'rMh end !`tort wirers, end nod'- Mr. end Mrs. Handle -in and child left rounded a central ere, and all of which .
rich and Hlyth. and does a snug hu.lnrrr.. for their home at Detroit Inst week, after Pon*Nton .,n 1st of Rept. er sooner If monk- h m grain. It was an unc.mm"n
blr F I Uri a very pleasant emit at the residence of f cern.
ewluaMe property k•ow r* :Iia ]illbnrn • h
ft r pleasant visa at c' corn which was "
sed. Ter,nn rrnwona nrpartt•u, an y . I h man " , .
to A. w1,LRN. UunM. P.
u. law _ John Ansa N. R. Miller, insurance agent, for •'
FARMH FOR SALE LI)TS 8 AM A field ah"w, "r miniature circus. gave ; number of years pnncipwl of liuderich
M 9, ant eon sewd.w, town.bipotcoderich. an exhibition under caprate on A\'elns• j public nche..I, will shortly remove with'
twebeautiretrernsestintninK. containing in ,saw). hut not beim; properly alrertised I q AI r. Miller baa'
ail 97a ac ern : about 9k miles from Gden••h "n d lin family to Tor"nt.
London. tat. INS- tl The junior play eight of the seniors', sorry to ince him. We understand that
STORE TO RENT OR $ELL-ILE- Memos this afterneoo. Don't miss the he is meeting with much success in his
LakcHAMA ; wet w•tsred. A. Y. 14 MI. di n't draw many. been an excellent citizen, and we are'
Mies "wiser tri good gravel nerd. Howe C. Admisainn to emends 13 cents 1 mew proforma
pa n slant vee to a ifs. Throe. McBride, who left for Bev ('icy,
too* e. , w„ded andd, •!able end 1 arra land.
aM NU -J snail. Terms seamy. WAY to Jamieson Reid and family will rwmevn' for w change of scene after • truing
H A 1C rdten. 1
. smr rood i Cron Me•i with d 1 fladies.
R. T. *4. Rbsppa to Buffalo nett week. Mr Reid is an illness, returned on Wednesday by the
SHEPPARDTON FARM TO RENT irelnstri man, hut work in his Zine is Ueont. Tom gained shout twelve
free of a: naps : all well free ed ; two wells ;
.•tualnR brtek ,'412* .t.'n with .Alar snit of the W. C. T. 1 next Tuesday after- ()contra His many friends are glad to
ere of heave s rad fsarA emelt
OR RILL IDther a. aoaeon deared and better autres the line than in Canada. p..nnda in the short time he was away,
Wad Men sed shed and other Imlldlega, In W C T.U. - There will be a meeting and worked up a hearty appetite on the
splendid ore , targe
tans arrow the )m. Terms easy. App17 raw
preetd*... 1.ot le Irk. Mare Road. town.hlp
of Colborne. R. T. HAYNiCS, Itheppardton.
Smell 11Rts. Ilio, t
ell l r AA i.a Ort line Cas.. R.111. 11 seem elver
ed. balawe" coed hard ward. A sand nr:hard
ewdkiehence. a bb.Iwp. tee week running
eserw tI'epllet, and ars easilydrained- Terms
s A city tan.
T. RAY VIM. Nhepa dtte .
WO -
soon at three o'clock in the Temperance see him himself wain
hall. A large attendance is hoped foe After harvest a numher of farmers and
A match was played last Saturday ethers take tripe t.. the "Id e.nntry. Feer
afternoon between the cricketers frees the information et all such Harry .arse.
tilt. Patnek's ward and those •4 the tress strong, the a„ent of the Allan fine, has
et the town The game resulted is a and. arrangements whereby the fullest
win for the town by 00 runs. This was .dvantage rat tite rsdee.d fare• eon be
largely owing t.n the big sere tot J. Carry, obtained. Dent fail 40 see him 11 you
who ran up `26 in Inc form. tweditete taking an Mean trip.
totter, should "end in their names, to-
gether with the pedigree. •.f the animals
they intend to offer. t.. the Mecretery, M.
Y. MieLean, Seaf"rth, without delay, mei
all emtrier not meads by the '_Mkh Inst. at
the latest. can not he re -cornett in the
Sale t'atalog,ie. Parties haring M,.ok to
soil should attend t.. this et once.
A Hatton Lsnv Eu,. rnnN*+:. -in'
the report of the concert in connecti•.n
wilt the celebration of the Itreese's
Catnlouun games, wnich we published
last week, we inadvertently "nutted to
refer t.. the elocutionary ,serf"nuance of
Mks May Livingstone. .•f Mitchell.
Miss Livingstone muse' the earl tram
st Hamilt.n, and ten u..ntl i.l not
1e'1 r
arrive at liruwsels until 111 p.m. Neter-
theleaa sae proceeded to the concert hail.
and was warmly welcomed by her many
friends. Herrecitntien, "S'..tland het, •
filled the large audtenee with enthusiasms,
anti her rendition .4 "The Jitters. ' to
response to an'ether:wet'scar., et, w•
ed that she was nut only pmfieient in
power and pathos, hut was sae at hems
in tight entwedy and'lnaunt mirthfulness.
1n her sword asleetson the "Spinning
, Wheel, • she rave the best einem ion of
'the kind we hays ever heard, and was
7 Mental arithmetic, 75
8 .Arithemetrc at1.1 men-
suration, 200
n Algebra, 130
10 Euclid, ISI)
11 Htatory, English and
Catadiar,, 11K) 25
12 Geography, 100 25
13 Drawing. 75 '20
14 1 .uok•keepine, 75 Int
15 Chemistry, 75 20
lq. Physics, 7:, 20
in *Witten t.. the above may sandi.ltete
may take triune .75-. and Latin,orFre•,•:h
nr Gartlan, 'each 160;, and rite parks he
relieves will be added p)g.o lowing to his
it, altebn. Enelid and chemistry the
Work presented is the alma as bsderr.
In (physics it is e. he the 'wine as fer the
Thins Claes, and the addition .d statics
and '.ydr,statics. in c.nipreation Hedy.
lleen s Errors in English is recommended.
1 /..r meek the Normal meaty corr.
Part 11, 14 mentioned. in the other
subteen the week ea the same as that
prescribed ler third era in sdditieen
Ito the minimum menti•osed above, Nfty
I ler tacit of the total in rergainwl for rads
II, rand sttty per cent for gaffe A.
u careen of .1 oder Rene, of the 4aperior
74 Court, definitely, decides the right of
tea men to take orders for geoids and
tiO afterwards deliver them, without taking
20 out a Itemise. in fact, .ludve R..ee da-
tinctly states that nu municipality hits
the right to pee% n bedew prohibiting s
43 bwinss oof thin kin...
Fait satin%
Ww4ent Fair at h ardor, slept . 22, 16.
North Perth, Strstf"tel, stet. 2. 3.
['roe tecu►, 1 ►ttaw t, Sept. 22. 27.
Central. Hamilton, Rept. :10 -Qat, 3.
Elmo. Newry. Oct. I.
Listertel. Oct '2, 3,
North 1V,etera, Wrn¢hses, t)et. 7, R.
East Huron, Wroteter, Sept. 30,
Oct. 1.
Davy Cnticl., Itritmid•, Oct. 2, 3.
West H •iron. I ioderich, Sept. 43, 44.
*South Hnn,n, E.i.twr, Oct. 6, 7.
Dungatitem. ter?. N.
Three boys mitred respectively, Jen-
kins, McKay and Cameron. were are -
mitted to jail with hard labor, foe four
days, on Thundwy, for stealing grapes
free the premises ed Mr. Jas. Dickson,
Pinkney, of the Cleveland CIub, pais
the Aeseriosa i.e•gue hatters so Par, same
Heart, .4 Provident'', in Neldins. At,il
ening hare made nearly 100 brass rweltj