The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 8•
THE HURON s•k1NAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1884.
Rube McDowell sad - his neither, Mr.. Jehn Forme of W. Westmeath, died
McDowell, 4 f Pituttoe, Pa., have been ' on August hlet. Him resume were in• Horouiten Looking for the Pre.
MP Jim" SYRil'Inatin• the well lin"w" ; the land lying betweeu deer tarns awl
Ceninehe Pioneer. The 'lid Pe"Ple bad : the river Maitland, (runt sialltele MCCOLI.
1101 Milan one Another before for ODA, 11141 at $35 per acre
em yew.
Mrs. Fourby and bernee, John Four- East WawaRtMa.
by of Buffalo, who beta tiste visiting at I
tile residence of Mr. Janina Young, left Jos. Arrastrosig, teacher in S. 8. No.
on Thuredey of leaf week for tense. 11, has secured Miss %Voir no complete
They were well pleased with their Nonni- hit term of eugagetneet, as his health for
tion in Culberne. , some time past ham mach unpaired.
• inst.. a daughter of Robt. Steen, ef East
SPDPIN MATH. On Sunday, the 7th
Wawanush, while engaged in milking,
EltenATION 41. -J It. Mailer, In- sedslesily took • pain ie the head, and in
specter, made an Alicia' visit to the Lee- spite of all that medical skill could do,
bunt school last Tueeday inerning. • Ins died in the afternoon. She was a
SlenNlian. - -Wm, McWhiney, et the • tine young woman, and was reapected by
Commercial rood, Coleorue, has been ; w he knew her.
aeriously indispueed, but we are happy
to state hs is now couvaleseent.
At the temperance ledge on Friday , COUNTY CURRENCY.
evening last, Gavin H. atitt.0:i gave an
interesting address with references te bleso• fiwb• room of lwa"` R•4 "
sews Earhanue.
dian coy, having visited Br:indeed last
week. An open I.elee still he held on Dime is Loewe. -Mr. L. McMillan,a
the seeth inst., when Messrs. Cason and , former resident of the 14th cencesaion of
Drumm are expect t.. tlelieer addresses. McK dies. but who has ler several years
been cent:mod in the Loudon asylunt,died
BeRmLlite. there a few days since. Its was between
40 and 60 years ef age, and had many
&AWOL nettle. -A unien pub. /friends in this county.
lic school picnic will be he1.1 at Baer's A fatal accident occurred at Clinton,
Point, on the Maitland river, hn Ion Fnday afterneon. at Ferrister's Flax
day, the 13th of Sept. Four schools will ' Mille. One of the belts becoming en -
unite as follows r -No. °, Jos. Morris. tangled. pull the thresher flyer, falling
teacber ; No 4, R. Hainlen, No. 7. upon • boy named McCrae, crushine his
Miss Ratcliffe, and 1.1; dine -wine ached, I neck between the thresher and a shaft,
Mr. Lawrence. Refreshments and games le -aiming instant death. A losing man
, will be previded fer all, anti young and natneci Rutledge was bruised .And cut,
old will join in the ?p,r-rt. .tddresses Ian(' "Idler b"31
win be delivered fepm a elatferm beein- 1 They need the Scott Act up in Wrox-
ning at one ....chock. The spe,akers ex- leiter. The Hetrick .rp..iv says :-
petted are Rev. Meters. Markham and I "One of the saddest sights ever witness -
Meyer, .h Celteotie ; end Rev. Mr. Con ed on totr streets. was that of a little
see, J. II. Miller, and Thos. Me- boy. aceroe eleven years old, who mat
Gctlerich. A big crow,' helplesely drunk on Monday evening.
and a right good time is expected on , The little lad hailz front Gerrie. Will
Saturday. I the matter be ineestigatee
• We reeret having to chronicle the
DEnnanenen. death ef Mr. Geo. Thompson sof the Lin•
: den Itteul. near Kippen, which took
Partridge sheeting has commenced. owe Monday evening. He assisted
One of eur Nimroda bagged three one : with the first dates threshine en his place
day recently. , and the same evening took'ill, and al -
The Ashfield and Wawanosh fall sh sw , though all that medical aid and friends
is to held here on toll (tee ceuld do, was done for him but all wids
J. Martin, of this hi, way to of no avail. He SOU a man htehly re -
the Seaforth racea, was so eager to. ceteli sPected by all who knew hitn. His be- John Knox, S. Polleck, F. W. Feete,
the train on Thiesdav morninsr. that his reeved wife and family here the eyin- j Horace Horton, A. McD. Allan, WIIIL
ponies went in to Cohere:1i 1 !leer, 10 pethy of this community. --(Exeter Re- I Potts. Magnus Swanson, John Elyslop,
and Henry Sememillet. This list will be
minutes. fleeter.
So ea ef oar boys indulre quite an ' A San BLOW. -The Wineham Adr-onee largely inezessed bY TneednY•
extent .1 late in coon hunting. says is with feelings ef sormw TUX PROGRAMME.
William Smith, of west whwahosh, , have this week to record the untimely i .Thefollowing is theprogramrne for the
!and we may say sudden death of the eld• , Liberal deuentetriation in faver et Bon.
fell deed on the road not far from his
son of our moat highly respected ' elowet on Tuesday next :-
home on Monday. He was eighty-six "fleet re, Mr. W -m. Elliott. -From what •T'he Ii.t.nouraide gentleman will arrive
years of age.
we Can learn. the boy named George in Torconte on Tuesday, Septeirber 16th,
Dent.101). I Arthur. aged s pitman.' six menths,was by a spemal train front Hamilton at hell-
-- i playing lacrosse on Tuesday of last week, Past eleven o'cleck
hhte land after heating himself, coolel off. hy Previeus to that hour the procession
Seaforth racea were taken in by
lying down on the grass, and it is believ- will hare been formed en the streets
01 our residents lest week.
ed Imicame chilled, which ultimately de- the vicinity ef the G.T.It. Statism, so
[And the editor weuld remark that
some ef your residents were taken' in by ?eh:Pad into alarming inflaminatery that a can be wade te„,he the
, symptoms, the stronghold ot the intiam- Queen's Park immediately on the arrival
the Seeforth races.]
fluxion being the bowels. To this the or the train.
Miss D. McDonald has reterned after youth succumbed on Sunday last. At the Queen's Park an opportunity
nearly a year's residence in Alpena,
Michiyan. Atli:ART.-A week ago last Friday, will be afferthel for the presentation ef
while assisting in some Work 'Al has addresses tu the Attorney -General, after
The first fall wheat sewn lierealsouts brother Andrew's farm. Mr. Thos. Mil- which &leeches will be delivered by that
yeas scattered on the end inst. on Lends- ler, of the Htevick Mutual Insurance honerable eentleman and several of the
downe farm. Company, was thrown eut of a wagon by leading members ot the Liberal party.
Tietzty Suowease-The 'Mower ef a runaway team. and picked up in an un- In the evening a Grand Banquet wilt
rain which fell in our burgh en the 4th conscious cendition. Ot, examination it be given in henor of Hon. Mr. hIrmat
checked bush fire., ant: saved W. teens: s «as found that one of ribs was broken, in the Granite Skatitsig Rink, which is
pea crop. naturday s shower partly sub- but the hill extent of his injuries was heine specially fitted up for thencression.
clued the McNeil bueli tire, which wes not macertained, as he complained of Tickets for the Banquet will he issued
threatening the residents thts place. seem* pains in the upper part of his at two dollars eaeh. Those desirous of
body. Altheugh still confined to bed. it attendIng should make application to
Colborms. is heped that be will soon be moving the (lettere' Secretary for tickets at an
early date.
about again.
An eld and respects:a nieneer, Andrew Badges, suitable for the occasion, have
DEATH. -Many people, says the Sea -
Green, ulna in tne township of Celberne forth E.epteliter, were surprised to hear been Issued by the Executive Committee,
last Thursday, aged considerably 'her of the death of hliss Marion Lendsber- nkhcb 'II ftunlahed at ten "Inn
four score years. The deceased gentle-
man was burie1 satin -day: the
preience 1.1 a laree number of friends
and relatives.
lb* Geodes 11191611 awredlesem
Lon DOM, 8ept. 4. - Advice, from Cairo 1eh• ail" al a nahli"14.11s.
are abet the rapid fall of the Nils is- •..._.
mamma the fear den Wuleeley's plan fue
reashiag Laramie' will prove a failure.
plated in the Liverpool and Clyde yank
ems/we ea Vereelas. before the end a the pressen utenth they WI Wm Pee cost. l'eleile fond&
stances reach Waddy Malta Were the lioderielt. April 17th. talika.
Seederleh Lalberais Goias se Ada do Pre.
would me made/ the beet of Meuse -
The coming Moven Reception is now end of November. -e- esetse__y to lead at lowest rates of Interest.
Hare° will seed WO or 400 to smell the expedition should gu the whole watt
maiitarf entice if thsh00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
the talk of the country. It is estimated by
the prommtion. And the filuderich eon- to Khartoum tkat place would not be ' ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE • hIsTEnte. A; 'unsays. nollettors. eite
union' will be on head, to step to the retches. until the aid el Fehr . Gem Ouderkk. .1. F. Gamow. W. Prvadfoot. 11$
nestle mese. and join in the loud hoots Wislaeley, in coevernation, seated it was "1°' 8 wau'eu. Uelluriuh' • ERON, HOLT & l'AMERON,
for the great champion of Provincial his intention to arrive et Wiwi,' 'me- thitagrriatera. solicitem in etaancery. ha.
fluids -ea freehold security. A Ply to
rights. smelly, if only with a small cootiagella MI ONLY TO LEND. -A LA R 13 1 wr P. Hole . ht. 0. t asseron. Rodertels. 1r6"1...11
At a meatiest of Liberals on Wednes- aad at any riek, by November 7. et tomcat raun on ind-clma Apply
ansucutt of Private t• tee tavenneent *lean" Wtastaalla
Moved by r. C. Seeger, seconded by --- TAKE NOTICL
day night, the fullowieg resoluta* was to_uhittt_uw* Pft011.11DVORT.
linantniiniiily Arnaud :- Ifseisties areas la 4 emelt
Mr. C. A. Humber, that recuenteing and 111a. Jebh, N • 11. , Sept k• -An exciting hie ee team lied Tura ProPerlY al lowee! lue of the Vette. fur the klaspilipta . aada
100.010 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LICND herr twee r,.„1„ee et tee iii„;ssairti-irgii.
The Dominion !Statutes. 17 Vie., tor Wel-
highly appreciatiug. aa we do. the wis- scene was wttnessed at Bathurst in the °throe& t osiveyuctezain ess renown. e. to reve,$,, the ono,
acterized the administration a pubhc Laitanme, the murderer of his cousin. lje 12 °attain:ewer- --b•t• "tan ai '14141 0111kwot Clerk°, the Paseesf 114- - ---
dein and stateautauship which have eller. circuit ceurt yesterday. After Phalle& N. H. -nerroweet tea .
admire by the Mowat Government during had been adjudgee insane and ordered N tharrIalara. etc.. Roderich. 1751 tiodertch. Mem I. ISN. sap
the past thirteen years, se d particularly to be sent b. an auleiti, the pruner who Th RADCLLFFE, FIRE, MARINE,
have fought the battle Provincial, tern- pitlein !standing on • !Able near hint and mesas, seagalet Lack SI.. et INsticaNt-lt Co.
lOi Life and Aeetdoot ',tours". Aires,. T116 HURON HOTEL.
at this time the ouurage and abitity with had been euticulatine wildly and al out -
which Mr. Mowat and his able colleagues ing vociferously semen a lame eater aball;ezelie_____ ,,, lien Sleinelseeihinfeenlen Almaden'
woe' and tehedattee rights, and the east exclainthig. "It I iss tont!: to he hutted tillyprollelpreuridyrinlifaaertygaire. either in Town 01 elt4 IU 4t. 8 l'roprtitrtoodoOstatz:.
importanee to the Province of Ontario, yee',11 t!ie first," he hurled the pitcher er• Ogli'm -4"4"gr") Ks" bP4uk tiudurich Laid ise:autintulle of ultquient sitasfaelt= in ever"
for all time to conic of the victories with. great ferce across the table. It p.1144.4111*, to the trareiffate public. The 'table
the farne-r& eonvesienee. •ad 1. In charge of
a tino-ciam hostler. natio for transient
tine hetet. Wen
Loam ans) insurance.
1.) Roderick.
sew Al
Teas -John I
Medical Hail
Keys Founti
Farm for SaI
Hoarder.. Wm
which, by their noble effete, have been struck An...num-general Blair first id iftetoical.
achieved, it ta hereby reaulved that it the shoulder and then glancing up came
is the duty of the Reform party in On- in contact with hi* face near the temple.
tares to signalize in a Inarhed and ade• The suddenness et the shock rather than
elute manner ita appreciatton of the the term sof the 'dew stunaed Mr Illair
distinguished servicea to this for a feer utoments, but in • short time
Province rendered by Mr. Mowat and it was found he watt uninjured. The
his Government, and to that end the prisoner was handcuffed and removed. .
Refurmers of the t torn of Goderioh here- ...._, i B. WHITELY, M D C M PUT -
by melee to attend and take part in the Still aflutter cannibal story. The lark 1 o.P.e....theario. settee -The Square. I doers
mritraintt about to be tendered to 'the Montezuma. which has just arrived at P:aut tu rrti*".4 Drug 1414"ru• uP luau* "Int covirec os. liEnoN , lly virtue et a Writeg
ble Oliver Mnarat upon the ecca- Fanneuth, Eng.. picked up three men DR. hh.LEAN, pireoreorAN. shit. er Heir" IlLtureiney.. iffilgil.'::;:r,:rridiatime
sion of his return home from the achieve. nelonging t.. the yacht AI ign enette, OlitIN. Coroner &c. Ottler and treeidence geseeas Lieu. h Divisive. aad to be directed
mein of the luest and greatest et his which toundered at sea. They had been Brum- diesereeenend door vrest iii Victoria and delis enst mminst the Lands and Tear-
viatorios, and that we join in preseitting on the moan for a nne days. and cenfess- ITSI• I tunes of W ILLIA MI ROBEHT:40N. at the
to oue honerad chief a mashie address ed thet they kept themselves alive hy 1414tterita. MACKID, M. D., PHYSi- ' wawa, il utifikje(i)tilietiVtit:tr-iiNtn all Ill.: riel htha.vt.ttleseill". ta• 1-`
from the Reformer. a West Hurou upon eating n atrial( boy who accompanied ex. hale eergeon end .Aeconeher. Graduate : term:. and equity of redemption a all am!
of Tornio.) University. OticeoPPoitite Center silltPlisr thou certain Petrel or tried of "god
that occasion. them. They say that the boy died, hut
Among these fmmiloderich, who have it is suspected that they may have killed Jiptee,,it al.eninenigniee :: tilamtfticiase• likAack. "w. 14101rtialliPrtnitptsi sit'elwahol'rn. i!.inginanthe betilig.nunilmlY 116"01
already signified their intention of join- him fer fond, and an invest totem is to
ing in tee celebration. are : E. Mar- be ordered 'IRS. SHANNON d; HAMILTON, 'ironed et • part or lot number one. in Mr erst
HUrOn. and Prot Mee of Ontario. being r0711•
tin, President of Gederich Iteform As- 1 „I payskdoos. sorption, Act...titre,. ke, , comm.:1,40n. ea•tern division. of the said Town-
ilociation, M. C. Centerton, M. P.. Geo. Ser. AtvIDENT.-Peter hlurphy,son of °Moe se Dr. Shannon's residence. Nene the ll:OP• The melee And bound* of lite weld eareel
Swanson, C. Scatter, IL W• McKenzie, was accidently killed in the luniiier rote
Joseph Williams, James Sett:mere, Z.L..7.,....17, ........, 'i coarse sloe west. from the pun planted br-
omide near Eureka, California. *beet TOE VIP= ANIMAL I tweet, lots one and Pam on south side of eve-
J•vseph MeCluskey• James McCluskey, three wehh iitt,,. It seems h.... hhh e tree , menu road. theme ettuth. four derided.
Ex H /BIT/0N , nine talks. Mame south. seventy•ese degrees_
i fifteen Minutes. west. one chain. ripely links.
I t hen.... north. fort, -three dagree.. forty -ere
. mittuten. weal. sixty-nine link& then,* north.
Street taroe
H. Iiincks. D. McGillicuddy, J. Wilkin-
son. J. M. Sheppard, F. McPhillips, D. early CUt down, and left it for a .tne
reason or other. when it fell. killing
C. MacKay, J. H. Colborne, C. A. and another man named McDonald in -
Humber, W. 8. Webster, S. Sloane, at„tiy. Murphy had only been in Cali-
fornia a few motels. He was • very
steady, industrious young man, and only
about twenty-three years uld.
protest ha: been entered in behalf of the
Licensed Victuallers' Assecustion against
threshing loee the farm of P Cerro'.
had occasion to shale rle.wn the straw
stack on which he was workine. In
1. tieing se his feet were in seme manner
ly backward, his head strikine either
aiming the barn or &Mlle hard substence.
Hugh. oon Tuesday last, as she had been in I "eh'
The Huron delegates are requested to
teleribly reel health a week befell!. The I
cause of her death was an abscess in her 1" 00 Memlay• a" all a" be 1" "nie a"
head, which had existed seine years be, ; form int., hale fer the procession. The
.cooy to attack wherever there is A WPIlik
I Liberals from this county will rally at point. We may eseape many • fatal shaft by
fore, but healed, learing her quite deaf.
said which broke out afresh recently, and the W alker House at 11 o'clock on Ileeminst ourselves well fortified %with pure
blood and a properly nourished frame." -eirif
could not be checked. She was a gine- Tuesday morning. Let every Huron Merrier Goz.ffe. Made Mundy with boiling
Liberel then in Teronto be en hand. waxer or milk. suld only in Pocket. mei
ral favorite with a,. who knew her. This Ions itlh. mid lb.', by Grocers. labelled -
is the second death in Mr. Lendsber- The railway companies will issue tick- loff:.4 Ere. St Heasmopathic Chetnista.
eta to excursionists on hlonday and Tees- London Each
ottithh family within • short time, and
day, 15th end 16th instants, as follow*.
lunch sympathy is manifested fur the
family in their bereavement. Monday, eel; Tuesday. sinvle fare. In
0. hot both instatoces the tickets will be good to ,
return until the Monday, '22nd Septetn-
It will not he necessery for depute- taltianytpalwrtC:futnatt "7""Ad= oatrldreartitit
none to be furnished with any spec.a! unclench P. 0. • tan
authority to receive the advantaese of the
reduced railway fares.
In order that this Reception ana Ban-
quet shall be an unqualified Mimes., the
hearty reoperation of every Liberal in
the Preeince is desired. Let it be un-
derittsd that every Reformer who can
reach Teronto on the Itith inst., whether
turned it high enough to re.ease his arm formally appeinted • deleirate or nonwill
:ace part in the proceasion. Let there
froM the treautudoes pressure. It was a (IOW:RICH AUCTION MART
Mr. Jae Mullin who has been tail- miracle that the knives of the planer did 001 be ani ilmit as to the °amber °1 de-
legates. By such unity and heartiness a (-011 M 1 6 IAONDN ROOMS
coring in Wingham is home f .r his leee not tal.e eff hits hand, which was (Ably
days. prevented by his hnger droppine over. amain, hiehry will he seethed
the end of the rollers.
A detachment .f the Levers Army from
Wingham tepee -Del to the Mackett's Judging by the Exeter roneetar's
statement, they have been makiiie things HALTON'S RECORD
tolett Church *hue'''.
lively down in Heitman : -"A society haa
Mrs. J. Mullin has returnene front a
been lately fermen in town, for the sole
visit to her brother Mr. 1). 1gMcKin-
purpose of defending '-aVernane
nate of Blyth.
avid the tirst meeting wu held on Tues -
On the evening of the 27th ult. while day of Lae week, when it was deahled to
34r. Geo. Agar. of Dungannon was de- carry it into manatee The first victim
scendine • hill on his way to Mr. Ed- operated ea, was • well-known shoe-
ward'a of the -con W Wrawanesh weli maker of Ilevisall. who it is Baia has d-
ans steam thresher. the nel ran/thine lused hae id?, for gismo tide Tao, Ho
the front wheels .1 the tretcs with tl, was taken frem his hemt door and thane
separator, broke, and the separator told gel to the town pnmp, where an ine
Ole VHF . e.,,rht degree& twenty minute*. west. two
SOUTNERN COUNTIES' CAIR ASSOCIATION . chains, 11.!rty links. thence north. fourteen die-
t% i:i h.• held in the t'..) of 1 ;MC* mut. 01111r chant. fifteen linln. thence
south. etghty-two degrees. ten minutes. raid.
I chain. forty linka to the place oriegianlag.
I and eoetatning by attire-mitre/nem. three
Se t 30th Oct 1st 2111i
A "137). ' rends aad two perches of land. n hice Lands
the petition (rem Perth for the sublets- , etch. on TriesitA‘. the TH Mil rife day of /*m-
elon of the Act, on the ground of info!, 188.5y,
=alines of various kinds, different names
Very Liberal Prize List' Ataerteiv offle•.Rno.0117rieRhT. 8. th:ert1Bgr:Itlin"'
appeanng in the same handwriting, per
ties unable to write not making their 3
pr ,perly. name, parties on who are
not veters, one party a name us twice,
he. A writ has been issued on D. D.
Hay, Registmr for North Perth. tc stay
the retition till an order can be got te
have it brought before • run ef cempe-
the time fer which it was to lie in the
I Reeistrar was up on Tuesday nieht. Rev.
1 Mr. Tully went to Stratford Wednes-
' day to procure it before an order suffi-
cient to stay it be 'granted and sereice
made. This twine accemplished, Mr.
Tally and Mr. Flaw preceeded to Otta-
wa on Thursday t.. lay the petition be-
fore the Secretary of state and ask for
an order for the submissien 4.1 the Act
as early as possible. -[Mttchell Record.-
ral laws which govern the operations of
threaten and nutrition. and carefut
selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our
breakfast tattles with • delicately Ina VOUIVA1
doctors' bilis. It is the judicious use of
beverage, which nustrisaave 11114 many heavy
be gradually built irp strong enotyth to
resist every tendency to diermee. HuMredit
of sebtle maladies are floating around no
Medical aid was immediately summoned, , week, while Mr. James Bennett le a
when it was found that he was entirely working in his planing rnill at Brussel*,
insensible, end sufferine frem concusaion , he met with an accident that will lay Ihm
of the brain. The deceased lingeree in up for some time. While workinst at the
this state till Saturday morning, when planer. Le attempted to remove an ob-
death ensued. had been hut a short struction from the nelers, which carried
lime in the country, anti was studying .hei atm in nhnont upikshoi.nibios.
Iferwing wtth Mr. Robertson, with a view ing the bents. and dideliderwerely. ad
to farming himself. He was hnnostl fnnn it not beta for his presence of mind the
the residence ef Men. A. M. Rhin Gude- accident would have been more eerieus,
rich last Sunday afternoon. but he managed to grasp the screw oper-
ating the table, with his left hand, and
e/ TIONEER and Land Palliator. °Merkel.
Ont. Hawke( east •ytessilledshir mervertetsee
the anetioneering trade he is la a ion to
discharge with thorough satisfaction ail com-
missions entrusted to hint. Order's left at
Martin's Hotel. or sent by mall to my arldrea•
Goderieh P. 0.. carefully attended to. JOHN
n:NOX Casuals. Auctioneer. 18117-tf
Oa the limit ass se•lateed by aa lateens.
rill Majority.
Great excitement prevailed all °ter
the ceuntry 00 Tuesday evening, the
day of the rote on the repeal of Die
Scott Act in Halton. The Act was MM.
Law! ParaftAt awl thee 4.11: ConAn11111011.
-resnor megrim
Memos Lent at Lowest Rate of Interest.
Real Estate and Irinaneial Ageat:
April NOL 11117 -Ir
tained by an increased nutjority. TIcE1NLOT. AN AT 6 PIER
forward on the homes, which bounibel , meow outfit, of %colt Act Drink' was I tee ere the mei • h
forward, and before they could IN. stop- ointnerrefolly yo•sred on him. Ite was tit; . ___ ip: $"0 000
the live towns and villages three west i) ,
ter repeal and two atealesinsty Tintnictfoll.
are empanel to lean money at II per mat.. pay
perl ran against the miring.. The tongue then placed oe a rail and caneed throne seer Aipowt i able Milt yearly. nn
struck the boiler with great force and the prineipal street*. step/ ine at all the
rwiti••• ! TERMS '1'0 SUIT BORROWERS,
g lutting upward broke, the homes tern- . main "pods of eetry - After remain- Nassagawaya IU ,
Trafalgar fon ,
ing to one aide Tne *team engine was I mg for juNKher course at the quarantine,
ant injured hist the sodden stop shivered , and erthE raked, he was asked by the
a number of this timbers parator captain if be wntild still persist in ahme
Mr C. Agar, who way ind was run- i his wife. Whoa mill refrain , the
rein' with all his form awl ma against e rest the atr, mach as , " the Ftehneaang
the rear of the water tank, which wad pay witb Jumbo : hoist the Nil, 0110 Miltnil
fastened behind the separator jest as the , .1t Hot after having been carried I Ammo "Orrin* IN
letter struck the engine, and the shook i teen for something over an hoar, and Gsorrvinwil 19
tbrew him backward ton the tripod. He !hwewatiag eshetwited, he said in a elms Majority few Ad, 121
was shinned f or the time, anel hie wrists ' and entilds rode . I will return hod" LAT/INT
1., were severely strained, AA he street the and try to lire . better life. The sap. The Nil cease" Mae a enejneiaT an
Seek with his hantes, with what force tain "ranted his liberty. when be left a foe:urea alail Ara '4 Ilh8g .The ker"
illay be imagined when the print* of ida *last, ki Not • better man. We mi. ryas shove 0111 he nallY Path, "Mel-
Itte-fitlw• were pleinly tn be. seen lent stand the Inc*, intends to operatesie The majneity lad tide was Al.
day. Georg* ham thines fixed up stain. 1 a fee mese elf eh* amild Am The tesperutee party is this tosaty is
4 hes the machine again in motion. ried men in Mendell, beware.- grind, SIMIO•regat by the rest&
hat e them by
11 Warden
board. on Ire.A•
Baia. corum
11rat street be!
v ANT.
da Oar Salt MI
'mint t
Three months
Waller! s
:heap in Chu
Reaper and al
or pre. lired h
Kurile -won en
Uoderiett. glut
Town of teode
and Prot Ince
ely to the Parl
Divorce from
ly of the Mild .1
Clattered. la
Ikd day of Ail
sotto:Men tor
A Number of Special Prlara. i ,aaa. lith. Dett. 4 altS-13t Tiu• des:
SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ; acres. Ill ckar,
ary on the p.e
Utile front Pe
For filmier in
ism. or add: -
Prix,. for Lady Drivers with Doutik Tearn. 1
Partners' Premilni Race and Trig: nf red i
for Pacers and Trotters. All ter good l
send for a Prise Lis: and Pro;:ram ate
Will be in attendance
President_ Secretary.
GOO **VIC TIME Oltrri.
Thotnad. mem. t.
years. Le
tassaion. of the
by letter to „1.
Muse and bu!
ea the premist
15.40I: SAL
farm. bei
Township of
contains 1./
stoeey and hal
meson will by
For furthm•
"WARM 1.11
- tem tor nee
Township ef
shout Pt acres
le acres, hard
house. It is a
tinge of Myth.
kir uce Radars
when: sown
For further
let. or te Lem
containing toe
hardwood tin.
from (1. Merl
house and he
emu slink •
norms. with i
buena; seese
order end orm
a coot/LIMN'
orehard. Ono
!sesta CHAS
ly opposite
od Fur said or
library. kite!
All tiwtroach
Is offered at
C4-.11. OLD
amyl a luxe stock of Fast -Clem
For Wood and Cosh which they will mill at
Lowest LivIng Prices.
work Mee..
The usual stock of Fancy Goods &MI Wall
Ne.xt door to the Pow Office.
The Cheapest House under Ow Sun.
Goderich. Sept. 1th. 1861.
1POR 511
1: evil untO
lizehenere it
Fred littrton
The hotel is
rich and Mt
Si tiro beautify
ad VII at rem
Lake Hume
Lofoten. the
10 NO ea r
I, oft RID
free of can
eluding Ori
atm of home
rune item,.
prefalefes. I.
kg Colborne
Marett Mt
ell, &ALI
ed. Wipe.
soples nen
realm the I
We have the Finest Varlet) of Laces' in Antique and Oriental. Git-
Amer to
on Aftit-elam farm sueurity. pine and Spanish in Black and Cream. To our now Famoux Stock
C A NI E.RON. HOLT It c A NI ;Mole. we are constantly adding. sis the demand increases in the llifferent
Harrlaters. aork44.h. branchem. All the Leading Novelties', such am Lace Curtains' anti
mows so, the Termite oweeral Trust. es'y. Dross Goods in all the Latest Fabrics and Design& Mantles. and tn-
M 1 A \itanii, -MOLT & CtMerN irr. sten in great variety. Hosiery -Plain. Striped and Black. °sant-
OA Arsitc Inas farm menrit anne - re), ite and Red. An excellent assortment of
Onderieh. Oct. OMR. 1911 -if White and Colored C,ouriterpanes. pirHair Work done on ;short
EDVra RD SHARMAN, notice. Fop -Hata done ever First clam Dresuituakens and 3Iiiliners.
rjrA large parcel of goods from Toroat4-) will be opened this week.
MAST sniumr.
hi mitt oval to ets sat week ea ins Nee III
Lime Rijeka
Come and See Our Kitchen Cabir-'